path: root/src/sem
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/sem')
1 files changed, 14979 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sem b/src/sem
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e0b654e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sem
@@ -0,0 +1,14979 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Ole Tange, and Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <>
+# or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
+# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Ole Tange, and Free Software and Foundation, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+# open3 used in Job::start
+use IPC::Open3;
+use POSIX;
+# gensym used in Job::start
+use Symbol qw(gensym);
+# tempfile used in Job::start
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
+# mkpath used in openresultsfile
+use File::Path;
+# GetOptions used in get_options_from_array
+use Getopt::Long;
+# Used to ensure code quality
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+sub set_input_source_header($$) {
+ my ($command_ref,$input_source_fh_ref) = @_;
+ if(defined $opt::header and not $opt::pipe) {
+ # split with colsep or \t
+ # $header force $colsep = \t if undef?
+ my $delimiter = defined $opt::colsep ? $opt::colsep : "\t";
+ # regexp for {=
+ my $left = "\Q$Global::parensleft\E";
+ my $l = $Global::parensleft;
+ # regexp for =}
+ my $right = "\Q$Global::parensright\E";
+ my $r = $Global::parensright;
+ if($opt::header ne "0") {
+ my $id = 1;
+ for my $fh (@$input_source_fh_ref) {
+ my $line = <$fh>;
+ chomp($line);
+ $line =~ s/\r$//;
+ ::debug("init", "Delimiter: '$delimiter'");
+ for my $s (split /$delimiter/o, $line) {
+ ::debug("init", "Colname: '$s'");
+ # Replace {colname} with {2}
+ for(@$command_ref, @Global::ret_files,
+ @Global::transfer_files, $opt::tagstring,
+ $opt::workdir, $opt::results, $opt::retries,
+ @Global::template_contents, @Global::template_names,
+ @opt::filter) {
+ # Skip if undefined
+ $_ or next;
+ s:\{$s(|/|//|\.|/\.)\}:\{$id$1\}:g;
+ # {=header1 ... =} => {=1 ... =}
+ s:$left $s (.*?) $right:$l$id$1$r:gx;
+ }
+ $Global::input_source_header{$id} = $s;
+ $id++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Make it possible to do:
+ # parallel --header 0 echo {file2} {file1} :::: file1 file2
+ my $id = 1;
+ for my $s (@opt::a) {
+ # ::: are put into files and given a filehandle
+ # ignore these and only keep the filenames.
+ fileno $s and next;
+ for(@$command_ref, @Global::ret_files,
+ @Global::transfer_files, $opt::tagstring,
+ $opt::workdir, $opt::results, $opt::retries,
+ @Global::template_contents, @Global::template_names,
+ @opt::filter) {
+ # Skip if undefined
+ $_ or next;
+ s:\{$s(|/|//|\.|/\.)\}:\{$id$1\}:g;
+ # {=header1 ... =} => {=1 ... =}
+ s:$left $s (.*?) $right:$l$id$1$r:gx;
+ }
+ $Global::input_source_header{$id} = $s;
+ $id++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $id = 1;
+ for my $fh (@$input_source_fh_ref) {
+ $Global::input_source_header{$id} = $id;
+ $id++;
+ }
+ }
+sub max_jobs_running() {
+ # Compute $Global::max_jobs_running as the max number of jobs
+ # running on each sshlogin.
+ # Returns:
+ # $Global::max_jobs_running
+ if(not $Global::max_jobs_running) {
+ for my $sshlogin (values %Global::host) {
+ $sshlogin->max_jobs_running();
+ }
+ }
+ if(not $Global::max_jobs_running) {
+ ::error("Cannot run any jobs.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ return $Global::max_jobs_running;
+sub halt() {
+ # Compute exit value,
+ # wait for children to complete
+ # and exit
+ if($opt::halt and $Global::halt_when ne "never") {
+ if(not defined $Global::halt_exitstatus) {
+ if($Global::halt_pct) {
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus =
+ ::ceil($Global::total_failed /
+ ($Global::total_started || 1) * 100);
+ } elsif($Global::halt_count) {
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus =
+ ::min(undef_as_zero($Global::total_failed),101);
+ }
+ }
+ wait_and_exit($Global::halt_exitstatus);
+ } else {
+ if($Global::semaphore) {
+ # --semaphore runs a single job:
+ # Use exit value of that
+ wait_and_exit($Global::halt_exitstatus);
+ } else {
+ # 0 = all jobs succeeded
+ # 1-100 = n jobs failed
+ # 101 = >100 jobs failed
+ wait_and_exit(min(undef_as_zero($Global::exitstatus),101));
+ }
+ }
+sub __PIPE_MODE__() {}
+sub pipepart_setup() {
+ # Compute the blocksize
+ # Generate the commands to extract the blocks
+ # Push the commands on queue
+ # Changes:
+ # @Global::cat_prepends
+ # $Global::JobQueue
+ if($opt::tee) {
+ # Prepend each command with
+ # < file
+ my $cat_string = "< ".Q($opt::a[0]);
+ for(1..$Global::JobQueue->total_jobs()) {
+ push @Global::cat_appends, $cat_string;
+ push @Global::cat_prepends, "";
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(not $opt::blocksize) {
+ # --blocksize with 10 jobs per jobslot
+ $opt::blocksize = -10;
+ }
+ if($opt::roundrobin) {
+ # --blocksize with 1 job per jobslot
+ $opt::blocksize = -1;
+ }
+ if($opt::blocksize < 0) {
+ my $size = 0;
+ # Compute size of -a
+ for(@opt::a) {
+ if(-f $_) {
+ $size += -s $_;
+ } elsif(-b $_) {
+ $size += size_of_block_dev($_);
+ } elsif(-e $_) {
+ ::error("$_ is neither a file nor a block device");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ } else {
+ ::error("File not found: $_");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ # Run in total $job_slots*(- $blocksize) jobs
+ # Set --blocksize = size / no of proc / (- $blocksize)
+ $Global::dummy_jobs = 1;
+ $Global::blocksize = 1 +
+ int($size / max_jobs_running() /
+ -multiply_binary_prefix($opt::blocksize));
+ }
+ @Global::cat_prepends = (map { pipe_part_files($_) }
+ # ::: are put into files and given a filehandle
+ # ignore these and only keep the filenames.
+ grep { ! fileno $_ } @opt::a);
+ # Unget the empty arg as many times as there are parts
+ $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}{'arg_queue'}->unget(
+ map { [Arg->new("\0noarg")] } @Global::cat_prepends
+ );
+ }
+sub pipe_tee_setup() {
+ # Create temporary fifos
+ # Run 'tee fifo1 fifo2 fifo3 ... fifoN' in the background
+ # This will spread the input to fifos
+ # Generate commands that reads from fifo1..N:
+ # cat fifo | user_command
+ # Changes:
+ # @Global::cat_prepends
+ my @fifos;
+ for(1..$Global::JobQueue->total_jobs()) {
+ push @fifos, tmpfifo();
+ }
+ # cat foo | tee fifo1 fifo2 fifo3 fifo4 fifo5 > /dev/null
+ if(not fork()){
+ # Test if tee supports --output-error=warn-nopipe
+ `echo | tee --output-error=warn-nopipe /dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`;
+ my $opt = $? ? "" : "--output-error=warn-nopipe";
+ ::debug("init","tee $opt");
+ if($opt::dryrun) {
+ # This is not exactly what is run, but it gives the basic idea
+ print "mkfifo @fifos\n";
+ print "tee $opt @fifos >/dev/null &\n";
+ } else {
+ # Let tee inherit our stdin
+ # and redirect stdout to null
+ open STDOUT, ">","/dev/null";
+ if($opt) {
+ exec "tee", $opt, @fifos;
+ } else {
+ exec "tee", @fifos;
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ # For each fifo
+ # (rm fifo1; grep 1) < fifo1
+ # (rm fifo2; grep 2) < fifo2
+ # (rm fifo3; grep 3) < fifo3
+ # Remove the tmpfifo as soon as it is open
+ @Global::cat_prepends = map { "(rm $_;" } @fifos;
+ @Global::cat_appends = map { ") < $_" } @fifos;
+sub parcat_script() {
+ # TODO if script fails: Use parallel -j0 --plain --lb cat ::: fifos
+ my $script = q'{
+ use POSIX qw(:errno_h);
+ use IO::Select;
+ use strict;
+ use threads;
+ use Thread::Queue;
+ use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+ my $opened :shared;
+ my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
+ my $okq = Thread::Queue->new();
+ my @producers;
+ if(not @ARGV) {
+ if(-t *STDIN) {
+ print "Usage:\n";
+ print " parcat file(s)\n";
+ print " cat argfile | parcat\n";
+ } else {
+ # Read arguments from stdin
+ chomp(@ARGV = <STDIN>);
+ }
+ }
+ my $files_to_open = 0;
+ # Default: fd = stdout
+ my $fd = 1;
+ for (@ARGV) {
+ # --rm = remove file when opened
+ /^--rm$/ and do { $opt::rm = 1; next; };
+ # -1 = output to fd 1, -2 = output to fd 2
+ /^-(\d+)$/ and do { $fd = $1; next; };
+ push @producers, threads->create("producer", $_, $fd);
+ $files_to_open++;
+ }
+ sub producer {
+ # Open a file/fifo, set non blocking, enqueue fileno of the file handle
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $output_fd = shift;
+ open(my $fh, "<", $file) || do {
+ print STDERR "parcat: Cannot open $file\n";
+ exit(1);
+ };
+ # Remove file when it has been opened
+ if($opt::rm) {
+ unlink $file;
+ }
+ set_fh_non_blocking($fh);
+ $opened++;
+ # Pass the fileno to parent
+ $q->enqueue(fileno($fh),$output_fd);
+ # Get an OK that the $fh is opened and we can release the $fh
+ while(1) {
+ my $ok = $okq->dequeue();
+ if($ok == fileno($fh)) { last; }
+ # Not ours - very unlikely to happen
+ $okq->enqueue($ok);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ my $s = IO::Select->new();
+ my %buffer;
+ sub add_file {
+ my $infd = shift;
+ my $outfd = shift;
+ open(my $infh, "<&=", $infd) || die;
+ open(my $outfh, ">&=", $outfd) || die;
+ $s->add($infh);
+ # Tell the producer now opened here and can be released
+ $okq->enqueue($infd);
+ # Initialize the buffer
+ @{$buffer{$infh}{$outfd}} = ();
+ $Global::fh{$outfd} = $outfh;
+ }
+ sub add_files {
+ # Non-blocking dequeue
+ my ($infd,$outfd);
+ do {
+ ($infd,$outfd) = $q->dequeue_nb(2);
+ if(defined($outfd)) {
+ add_file($infd,$outfd);
+ }
+ } while(defined($outfd));
+ }
+ sub add_files_block {
+ # Blocking dequeue
+ my ($infd,$outfd) = $q->dequeue(2);
+ add_file($infd,$outfd);
+ }
+ my $fd;
+ my (@ready,$infh,$rv,$buf);
+ do {
+ # Wait until at least one file is opened
+ add_files_block();
+ while($q->pending or keys %buffer) {
+ add_files();
+ while(keys %buffer) {
+ @ready = $s->can_read(0.01);
+ if(not @ready) {
+ add_files();
+ }
+ for $infh (@ready) {
+ # There is only one key, namely the output file descriptor
+ for my $outfd (keys %{$buffer{$infh}}) {
+ # TODO test if 60800 is optimal (2^17 is used elsewhere)
+ $rv = sysread($infh, $buf, 60800);
+ if (!$rv) {
+ if($! == EAGAIN) {
+ # Would block: Nothing read
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # Nothing read, but would not block:
+ # This file is done
+ $s->remove($infh);
+ for(@{$buffer{$infh}{$outfd}}) {
+ syswrite($Global::fh{$outfd},$_);
+ }
+ delete $buffer{$infh};
+ # Closing the $infh causes it to block
+ # close $infh;
+ add_files();
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ # Something read.
+ # Find \n or \r for full line
+ my $i = (rindex($buf,"\n")+1);
+ if($i) {
+ # Print full line
+ for(@{$buffer{$infh}{$outfd}}, substr($buf,0,$i)) {
+ syswrite($Global::fh{$outfd},$_);
+ }
+ # @buffer = remaining half line
+ $buffer{$infh}{$outfd} = [substr($buf,$i,$rv-$i)];
+ } else {
+ # Something read, but not a full line
+ push @{$buffer{$infh}{$outfd}}, $buf;
+ }
+ redo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while($opened < $files_to_open);
+ for (@producers) {
+ $_->join();
+ }
+ sub set_fh_non_blocking {
+ # Set filehandle as non-blocking
+ # Inputs:
+ # $fh = filehandle to be blocking
+ # Returns:
+ # N/A
+ my $fh = shift;
+ my $flags;
+ fcntl($fh, &F_GETFL, $flags) || die $!; # Get the current flags on the filehandle
+ $flags |= &O_NONBLOCK; # Add non-blocking to the flags
+ fcntl($fh, &F_SETFL, $flags) || die $!; # Set the flags on the filehandle
+ }
+ }';
+ return ::spacefree(3, $script);
+sub sharder_script() {
+ my $script = q{
+ use B;
+ # Column separator
+ my $sep = shift;
+ # Which columns to shard on (count from 1)
+ my $col = shift;
+ # Which columns to shard on (count from 0)
+ my $col0 = $col - 1;
+ # Perl expression
+ my $perlexpr = shift;
+ my $bins = @ARGV;
+ # Open fifos for writing, fh{0..$bins}
+ my $t = 0;
+ my %fh;
+ for(@ARGV) {
+ open $fh{$t++}, ">", $_;
+ # open blocks until it is opened by reader
+ # so unlink only happens when it is ready
+ unlink $_;
+ }
+ if($perlexpr) {
+ my $subref = eval("sub { no strict; no warnings; $perlexpr }");
+ while(<STDIN>) {
+ # Split into $col columns (no need to split into more)
+ @F = split $sep, $_, $col+1;
+ {
+ local $_ = $F[$col0];
+ &$subref();
+ $fh = $fh{ hex(B::hash($_))%$bins };
+ }
+ print $fh $_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while(<STDIN>) {
+ # Split into $col columns (no need to split into more)
+ @F = split $sep, $_, $col+1;
+ $fh = $fh{ hex(B::hash($F[$col0]))%$bins };
+ print $fh $_;
+ }
+ }
+ # Close all open fifos
+ close values %fh;
+ };
+ return ::spacefree(1, $script);
+sub binner_script() {
+ my $script = q{
+ use B;
+ # Column separator
+ my $sep = shift;
+ # Which columns to shard on (count from 1)
+ my $col = shift;
+ # Which columns to shard on (count from 0)
+ my $col0 = $col - 1;
+ # Perl expression
+ my $perlexpr = shift;
+ my $bins = @ARGV;
+ # Open fifos for writing, fh{0..$bins}
+ my $t = 0;
+ my %fh;
+ # Let the last output fifo be the 0'th
+ open $fh{$t++}, ">", pop @ARGV;
+ for(@ARGV) {
+ open $fh{$t++}, ">", $_;
+ # open blocks until it is opened by reader
+ # so unlink only happens when it is ready
+ unlink $_;
+ }
+ if($perlexpr) {
+ my $subref = eval("sub { no strict; no warnings; $perlexpr }");
+ while(<STDIN>) {
+ # Split into $col columns (no need to split into more)
+ @F = split $sep, $_, $col+1;
+ {
+ local $_ = $F[$col0];
+ &$subref();
+ $fh = $fh{ $_%$bins };
+ }
+ print $fh $_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while(<STDIN>) {
+ # Split into $col columns (no need to split into more)
+ @F = split $sep, $_, $col+1;
+ $fh = $fh{ $F[$col0]%$bins };
+ print $fh $_;
+ }
+ }
+ # Close all open fifos
+ close values %fh;
+ };
+ return ::spacefree(1, $script);
+sub pipe_shard_setup() {
+ # Create temporary fifos
+ # Run ' sep col fifo1 fifo2 fifo3 ... fifoN' in the background
+ # This will spread the input to fifos
+ # Generate commands that reads from fifo1..N:
+ # cat fifo | user_command
+ # Changes:
+ # @Global::cat_prepends
+ my @shardfifos;
+ my @parcatfifos;
+ # TODO $opt::jobs should be evaluated (100%)
+ # TODO $opt::jobs should be number of total_jobs if there are arguments
+ max_jobs_running();
+ my $njobs = $Global::max_jobs_running;
+ for my $m (0..$njobs-1) {
+ for my $n (0..$njobs-1) {
+ # sharding to A B C D
+ # parcatting all As together
+ $parcatfifos[$n][$m] = $shardfifos[$m][$n] = tmpfifo();
+ }
+ }
+ my $shardbin = ($opt::shard || $opt::bin);
+ my $script;
+ if($opt::bin) {
+ $script = binner_script();
+ } else {
+ $script = sharder_script();
+ }
+ # cat foo | sharder sep col fifo1 fifo2 fifo3 ... fifoN
+ if($shardbin =~ /^[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*(\s|$)/i) {
+ # Group by column name
+ # (Yes, this will also wrongly match a perlexpr like: chop)
+ my($read,$char,@line);
+ # A full line, but nothing more (the rest must be read by the child)
+ # $Global::header used to prepend block to each job
+ do {
+ $read = sysread(STDIN,$char,1);
+ push @line, $char;
+ } while($read and $char ne "\n");
+ $Global::header = join "", @line;
+ }
+ my ($col, $perlexpr, $subref) =
+ column_perlexpr($shardbin, $Global::header, $opt::colsep);
+ if(not fork()) {
+ # Let the sharder inherit our stdin
+ # and redirect stdout to null
+ open STDOUT, ">","/dev/null";
+ # The PERL_HASH_SEED must be the same for all sharders
+ # so B::hash will return the same value for any given input
+ $ENV{'PERL_HASH_SEED'} = $$;
+ exec qw(parallel --block 100k -q --pipe -j), $njobs,
+ qw(--roundrobin -u perl -e), $script, ($opt::colsep || ","),
+ $col, $perlexpr, '{}', (map { (':::+', @{$_}) } @parcatfifos);
+ }
+ # For each fifo
+ # (rm fifo1; grep 1) < fifo1
+ # (rm fifo2; grep 2) < fifo2
+ # (rm fifo3; grep 3) < fifo3
+ my $parcat = Q(parcat_script());
+ if(not $parcat) {
+ ::error("'parcat' must be in path.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ @Global::cat_prepends = map { "perl -e $parcat @$_ | " } @parcatfifos;
+sub pipe_part_files(@) {
+ # Given the bigfile
+ # find header and split positions
+ # make commands that 'cat's the partial file
+ # Input:
+ # $file = the file to read
+ # Returns:
+ # @commands that will cat_partial each part
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $buf = "";
+ if(not -f $file and not -b $file) {
+ ::error("--pipepart only works on seekable files, not streams/pipes.",
+ "$file is not a seekable file.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ my $fh = open_or_exit($file);
+ my $firstlinelen = 0;
+ if($opt::skip_first_line) {
+ my $newline;
+ # Read a full line one byte at a time
+ while($firstlinelen += sysread($fh,$newline,1,0)) {
+ $newline eq "\n" and last;
+ }
+ }
+ my $header = find_header(\$buf,$fh);
+ # find positions
+ my @pos = find_split_positions($file,int($Global::blocksize),
+ $header,$firstlinelen);
+ # Make @cat_prepends
+ my @cat_prepends = ();
+ for(my $i=0; $i<$#pos; $i++) {
+ push(@cat_prepends,
+ cat_partial($file, $firstlinelen, $firstlinelen+length($header),
+ $pos[$i], $pos[$i+1]));
+ }
+ return @cat_prepends;
+sub find_header($$) {
+ # Compute the header based on $opt::header
+ # Input:
+ # $buf_ref = reference to read-in buffer
+ # $fh = filehandle to read from
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::header
+ # $Global::blocksize
+ # $Global::header
+ # Returns:
+ # $header string
+ my ($buf_ref, $fh) = @_;
+ my $header = "";
+ # $Global::header may be set in group_by_loop()
+ if($Global::header) { return $Global::header }
+ if($opt::header) {
+ if($opt::header eq ":") { $opt::header = "(.*\n)"; }
+ # Number = number of lines
+ $opt::header =~ s/^(\d+)$/"(.*\n)"x$1/e;
+ while(sysread($fh,$$buf_ref,int($Global::blocksize),length $$buf_ref)) {
+ if($$buf_ref =~ s/^($opt::header)//) {
+ $header = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $header;
+sub find_split_positions($$$) {
+ # Find positions in bigfile where recend is followed by recstart
+ # Input:
+ # $file = the file to read
+ # $block = (minimal) --block-size of each chunk
+ # $header = header to be skipped
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::recstart
+ # $opt::recend
+ # Returns:
+ # @positions of block start/end
+ my($file, $block, $header, $firstlinelen) = @_;
+ my $skiplen = $firstlinelen + length $header;
+ my $size = -s $file;
+ if(-b $file) {
+ # $file is a blockdevice
+ $size = size_of_block_dev($file);
+ }
+ $block = int $block;
+ if($opt::groupby) {
+ return split_positions_for_group_by($file,$size,$block,
+ $header,$firstlinelen);
+ }
+ # The optimal dd blocksize for mint, redhat, solaris, openbsd = 2^17..2^20
+ # The optimal dd blocksize for freebsd = 2^15..2^17
+ # The optimal dd blocksize for ubuntu (AMD6376) = 2^16
+ my $dd_block_size = 131072; # 2^17
+ my @pos;
+ my ($recstart,$recend) = recstartrecend();
+ my $recendrecstart = $recend.$recstart;
+ my $fh = ::open_or_exit($file);
+ push(@pos,$skiplen);
+ for(my $pos = $block+$skiplen; $pos < $size; $pos += $block) {
+ my $buf;
+ if($recendrecstart eq "") {
+ # records ends anywhere
+ push(@pos,$pos);
+ } else {
+ # Seek the the block start
+ if(not sysseek($fh, $pos, 0)) {
+ ::error("Cannot seek to $pos in $file");
+ edit(255);
+ }
+ while(sysread($fh,$buf,$dd_block_size,length $buf)) {
+ if($opt::regexp) {
+ # If match /$recend$recstart/ => Record position
+ if($buf =~ m:^(.*$recend)$recstart:os) {
+ # Start looking for next record _after_ this match
+ $pos += length($1);
+ push(@pos,$pos);
+ last;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # If match $recend$recstart => Record position
+ # TODO optimize to only look at the appended
+ # $dd_block_size + len $recendrecstart
+ # TODO increase $dd_block_size to optimize for longer records
+ my $i = index64(\$buf,$recendrecstart);
+ if($i != -1) {
+ # Start looking for next record _after_ this match
+ $pos += $i + length($recend);
+ push(@pos,$pos);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($pos[$#pos] != $size) {
+ # Last splitpoint was not at end of the file: add $size as the last
+ push @pos, $size;
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ return @pos;
+sub split_positions_for_group_by($$$$) {
+ my($fh);
+ sub value_at($) {
+ my $pos = shift;
+ if($pos != 0) {
+ seek($fh, $pos-1, 0) || die;
+ # Read half line
+ <$fh>;
+ }
+ # Read full line
+ my $linepos = tell($fh);
+ $_ = <$fh>;
+ if(defined $_) {
+ # Not end of file
+ my @F;
+ if(defined $group_by::col) {
+ $opt::colsep ||= "\t";
+ @F = split /$opt::colsep/, $_;
+ $_ = $F[$group_by::col];
+ }
+ eval $group_by::perlexpr;
+ }
+ return ($_,$linepos);
+ }
+ sub binary_search_end($$$) {
+ my ($s,$spos,$epos) = @_;
+ # value_at($spos) == $s
+ # value_at($epos) != $s
+ my $posdif = $epos - $spos;
+ my ($v,$vpos);
+ while($posdif) {
+ ($v,$vpos) = value_at($spos+$posdif);
+ if($v eq $s) {
+ $spos = $vpos;
+ $posdif = $epos - $spos;
+ } else {
+ $epos = $vpos;
+ }
+ $posdif = int($posdif/2);
+ }
+ return($v,$vpos);
+ }
+ sub binary_search_start($$$) {
+ my ($s,$spos,$epos) = @_;
+ # value_at($spos) != $s
+ # value_at($epos) == $s
+ my $posdif = $epos - $spos;
+ my ($v,$vpos);
+ while($posdif) {
+ ($v,$vpos) = value_at($spos+$posdif);
+ if($v eq $s) {
+ $epos = $vpos;
+ } else {
+ $spos = $vpos;
+ $posdif = $epos - $spos;
+ }
+ $posdif = int($posdif/2);
+ }
+ return($v,$vpos);
+ }
+ my ($file,$size,$block,$header,$firstlinelen) = @_;
+ my ($a,$b,$c,$apos,$bpos,$cpos);
+ my @pos;
+ $fh = open_or_exit($file);
+ # Set $Global::group_by_column $Global::group_by_perlexpr
+ group_by_loop($fh,$opt::recsep);
+ # $xpos = linestart, $x = value at $xpos, $apos < $bpos < $cpos
+ $apos = $firstlinelen + length $header;
+ for(($a,$apos) = value_at($apos); $apos < $size;) {
+ push @pos, $apos;
+ $bpos = $apos + $block;
+ ($b,$bpos) = value_at($bpos);
+ if(eof($fh)) {
+ push @pos, $size; last;
+ }
+ $cpos = $bpos + $block;
+ ($c,$cpos) = value_at($cpos);
+ if($a eq $b) {
+ while($b eq $c) {
+ # Move bpos, cpos a block forward until $a == $b != $c
+ $bpos = $cpos;
+ $cpos += $block;
+ ($c,$cpos) = value_at($cpos);
+ if($cpos >= $size) {
+ $cpos = $size;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # $a == $b != $c
+ # Binary search for $b ending between ($bpos,$cpos)
+ ($b,$bpos) = binary_search_end($b,$bpos,$cpos);
+ } else {
+ if($b eq $c) {
+ # $a != $b == $c
+ # Binary search for $b starting between ($apos,$bpos)
+ ($b,$bpos) = binary_search_start($b,$apos,$bpos);
+ } else {
+ # $a != $b != $c
+ # Binary search for $b ending between ($bpos,$cpos)
+ ($b,$bpos) = binary_search_end($b,$bpos,$cpos);
+ }
+ }
+ ($a,$apos) = ($b,$bpos);
+ }
+ if($pos[$#pos] != $size) {
+ # Last splitpoint was not at end of the file: add it
+ push @pos, $size;
+ }
+ return @pos;
+sub cat_partial($@) {
+ # Efficient command to copy from byte X to byte Y
+ # Input:
+ # $file = the file to read
+ # ($start, $end, [$start2, $end2, ...]) = start byte, end byte
+ # Returns:
+ # Efficient command to copy $start..$end, $start2..$end2, ... to stdout
+ my($file, @start_end) = @_;
+ my($start, $i);
+ # Convert (start,end) to (start,len)
+ my @start_len = map {
+ if(++$i % 2) { $start = $_; } else { $_-$start }
+ } @start_end;
+ # The optimal block size differs
+ # It has been measured on:
+ # AMD 6376: n*4k-1; small n
+ # AMD Neo N36L: 44k-200k
+ # Intel i7-3632QM: 55k-
+ # ARM Cortex A53: 4k-28k
+ # Intel i5-2410M: 36k-46k
+ #
+ # I choose 2^15-1 = 32767
+ # q{
+ # expseq() {
+ # perl -E '
+ # $last = pop @ARGV;
+ # $first = shift || 1;
+ # $inc = shift || 1.03;
+ # for($i=$first; $i<=$last;$i*=$inc) { say int $i }
+ # ' "$@"
+ # }
+ #
+ # seq 111111111 > big;
+ # f() { ppar --test $1 -a big --pipepart --block -1 'md5sum > /dev/null'; }
+ # export -f f;
+ # expseq 1000 1.001 300000 | shuf | parallel -j1 --jl jl-md5sum f;
+ # };
+ my $script = spacefree
+ (0,
+ q{
+ while(@ARGV) {
+ sysseek(STDIN,shift,0) || die;
+ $left = shift;
+ while($read =
+ sysread(STDIN,$buf, $left > 32767 ? 32767 : $left)){
+ $left -= $read;
+ syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return "<". Q($file) .
+ " perl -e '$script' @start_len |";
+sub column_perlexpr($$$) {
+ # Compute the column number (if any), perlexpression from combined
+ # string (such as --shard key, --groupby key, {=n perlexpr=}
+ # Input:
+ # $column_perlexpr = string with column and perl expression
+ # $header = header from input file (if column is column name)
+ # $colsep = column separator regexp
+ # Returns:
+ # $col = column number
+ # $perlexpr = perl expression
+ # $subref = compiled perl expression as sub reference
+ my ($column_perlexpr, $header, $colsep) = @_;
+ my ($col, $perlexpr, $subref);
+ if($column_perlexpr =~ /^[-a-z0-9_]+(\s|$)/i) {
+ # Column name/number (possibly prefix)
+ if($column_perlexpr =~ s/^(-?\d+)(\s|$)//) {
+ # Column number (possibly prefix)
+ $col = $1;
+ } elsif($column_perlexpr =~ s/^([a-z0-9_]+)(\s+|$)//i) {
+ # Column name (possibly prefix)
+ my $colname = $1;
+ # Split on --copsep pattern
+ my @headers = split /$colsep/, $header;
+ my %headers;
+ @headers{@headers} = (1..($#headers+1));
+ $col = $headers{$colname};
+ if(not defined $col) {
+ ::error("Column '$colname' $colsep not found in header",keys %headers);
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # What is left of $column_perlexpr is $perlexpr (possibly empty)
+ $perlexpr = $column_perlexpr;
+ $subref = eval("sub { no strict; no warnings; $perlexpr }");
+ return($col, $perlexpr, $subref);
+sub group_by_loop($$) {
+ # Generate perl code for group-by loop
+ # Insert a $recsep when the column value changes
+ # The column value can be computed with $perlexpr
+ my($fh,$recsep) = @_;
+ my $groupby = $opt::groupby;
+ if($groupby =~ /^[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*(\s|$)/i) {
+ # Group by column name
+ # (Yes, this will also wrongly match a perlexpr like: chop)
+ my($read,$char,@line);
+ # Read a full line, but nothing more
+ # (the rest must be read by the child)
+ # $Global::header used to prepend block to each job
+ do {
+ $read = sysread($fh,$char,1);
+ push @line, $char;
+ } while($read and $char ne "\n");
+ $Global::header = join "", @line;
+ }
+ $opt::colsep ||= "\t";
+ ($group_by::col, $group_by::perlexpr, $group_by::subref) =
+ column_perlexpr($groupby, $Global::header, $opt::colsep);
+ # Numbered 0..n-1 due to being used by $F[n]
+ if($group_by::col) { $group_by::col--; }
+ my $loop = ::spacefree(0,q{
+ BEGIN{ $last = "RECSEP"; }
+ {
+ local $_=COLVALUE;
+ if(($last) ne $_) {
+ print "RECSEP";
+ $last = $_;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if(defined $group_by::col) {
+ $loop =~ s/COLVALUE/\$F[$group_by::col]/g;
+ } else {
+ $loop =~ s/COLVALUE/\$_/g;
+ }
+ $loop =~ s/PERLEXPR/$group_by::perlexpr/g;
+ $loop =~ s/RECSEP/$recsep/g;
+ return $loop;
+sub pipe_group_by_setup() {
+ # Record separator with 119 bit random value
+ $opt::recend = '';
+ $opt::recstart =
+ join "", map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..20);
+ $opt::remove_rec_sep = 1;
+ my @filter;
+ push @filter, "perl";
+ if($opt::groupby =~ /^[a-z0-9_]+(\s|$)/i) {
+ # This is column number/name
+ # Use -a (auto-split)
+ push @filter, "-a";
+ $opt::colsep ||= "\t";
+ my $sep = $opt::colsep;
+ $sep =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $sep =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
+ # man perlrun: -Fpattern [...] You can't use literal whitespace
+ $sep =~ s/ /\\040{1}/g;
+ push @filter, "-F$sep";
+ }
+ push @filter, "-pe";
+ push @filter, group_by_loop(*STDIN,$opt::recstart);
+ ::debug("init", "@filter\n");
+ open(STDIN, '-|', @filter) || die ("Cannot start @filter");
+ if(which("mbuffer")) {
+ # You get a speed up of 30% by going through mbuffer
+ open(STDIN, '-|', "mbuffer", "-q","-m6M","-b5") ||
+ die ("Cannot start mbuffer");
+ }
+sub spreadstdin() {
+ # read a record
+ # Spawn a job and print the record to it.
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::blocksize
+ # $opt::r
+ # $Global::max_lines
+ # $Global::max_number_of_args
+ # $opt::regexp
+ # $Global::start_no_new_jobs
+ # $opt::roundrobin
+ # %Global::running
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $buf = "";
+ my ($recstart,$recend) = recstartrecend();
+ my $recendrecstart = $recend.$recstart;
+ my $chunk_number = 1;
+ my $one_time_through;
+ my $two_gb = 2**31-1;
+ my $blocksize = int($Global::blocksize);
+ my $in = *STDIN;
+ my $timeout = $Global::blocktimeout;
+ if($opt::skip_first_line) {
+ my $newline;
+ # Read a full line one byte at a time
+ while(sysread($in,$newline,1,0)) {
+ $newline eq "\n" and last;
+ }
+ }
+ my $header = find_header(\$buf,$in);
+ my $anything_written;
+ my $eof;
+ my $garbage_read;
+ sub read_block() {
+ # Read a --blocksize from STDIN
+ # possibly interrupted by --blocktimeout
+ # Add up to the next full block
+ my $readsize = $blocksize - (length $buf) % $blocksize;
+ my ($nread,$alarm);
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required
+ # --blocktimeout (or 0 if not set)
+ alarm $timeout;
+ if($] >= 5.026) {
+ do {
+ $nread = sysread $in, $buf, $readsize, length $buf;
+ $readsize -= $nread;
+ } while($readsize and $nread);
+ } else {
+ # Less efficient reading, but 32-bit sysread compatible
+ do {
+ $nread = sysread($in,substr($buf,length $buf,0),$readsize,0);
+ $readsize -= $nread;
+ } while($readsize and $nread);
+ }
+ alarm 0;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
+ $alarm = 1;
+ } else {
+ $alarm = 0;
+ }
+ $eof = not ($nread or $alarm);
+ }
+ sub pass_n_line_records() {
+ # Pass records of N lines
+ my $n_lines = $buf =~ tr/\n/\n/;
+ my $last_newline_pos = rindex64(\$buf,"\n");
+ # Go backwards until there are full n-line records
+ while($n_lines % $Global::max_lines) {
+ $n_lines--;
+ $last_newline_pos = rindex64(\$buf,"\n",$last_newline_pos-1);
+ }
+ # Chop at $last_newline_pos as that is where n-line record ends
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,$last_newline_pos+1);
+ shorten(\$buf,$last_newline_pos+1);
+ }
+ sub pass_n_regexps() {
+ # Pass records of N regexps
+ # -N => (start..*?end){n}
+ # -L -N => (start..*?end){n*l}
+ if(not $garbage_read) {
+ $garbage_read = 1;
+ if($buf !~ /^$recstart/o) {
+ # Buf does not start with $recstart => There is garbage.
+ # Make a single record of the garbage
+ if($buf =~
+ /(?s:^)(
+ (?:(?:(?!$recend$recstart)(?s:.))*?$recend)
+ )
+ # Followed by recstart
+ (?=$recstart)/mox and length $1 > 0) {
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,length $1);
+ shorten(\$buf,length $1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $n_records =
+ $Global::max_number_of_args * ($Global::max_lines || 1);
+ # (?!negative lookahead) is needed to avoid backtracking
+ # See:
+ # (?s:.) = (.|[\n]) but faster
+ while($buf =~
+ /(?s:^)(
+ # n more times recstart.*recend
+ (?:$recstart(?:(?!$recend$recstart)(?s:.))*?$recend){$n_records}
+ )
+ # Followed by recstart
+ (?=$recstart)/mox and length $1 > 0) {
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,length $1);
+ shorten(\$buf,length $1);
+ }
+ }
+ sub pass_regexp() {
+ # Find the last recend-recstart in $buf
+ $eof and return;
+ # (?s:.) = (.|[\n]) but faster
+ if($buf =~ /^((?s:.)*$recend)$recstart(?s:.)*?$/mox) {
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,length $1);
+ shorten(\$buf,length $1);
+ }
+ }
+ sub pass_csv_record() {
+ # Pass CVS record
+ # We define a CSV record as an even number of " + end of line
+ # This works if you use " as quoting character
+ my $last_newline_pos = length $buf;
+ # Go backwards from the last \n and search for a position
+ # where there is an even number of "
+ do {
+ # find last EOL
+ $last_newline_pos = rindex64(\$buf,"\n",$last_newline_pos-1);
+ # While uneven "
+ } while((substr($buf,0,$last_newline_pos) =~ y/"/"/)%2
+ and $last_newline_pos >= 0);
+ # Chop at $last_newline_pos as that is where CSV record ends
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,$last_newline_pos+1);
+ shorten(\$buf,$last_newline_pos+1);
+ }
+ sub pass_n() {
+ # Pass n records of --recend/--recstart
+ # -N => (start..*?end){n}
+ my $i = 0;
+ my $read_n_lines =
+ $Global::max_number_of_args * ($Global::max_lines || 1);
+ while(($i = nindex(\$buf,$recendrecstart,$read_n_lines)) != -1
+ and
+ length $buf) {
+ $i += length $recend; # find the actual splitting location
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,$i);
+ shorten(\$buf,$i);
+ }
+ }
+ sub pass() {
+ # Pass records of --recend/--recstart
+ # Split record at fixed string
+ # Find the last recend+recstart in $buf
+ $eof and return;
+ my $i = rindex64(\$buf,$recendrecstart);
+ if($i != -1) {
+ $i += length $recend; # find the actual splitting location
+ $anything_written +=
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++,\$header,\$buf,
+ $recstart,$recend,$i);
+ shorten(\$buf,$i);
+ }
+ }
+ sub increase_blocksize_maybe() {
+ if(not $anything_written
+ and not $opt::blocktimeout
+ and not $Global::no_autoexpand_block) {
+ # Nothing was written - maybe the block size < record size?
+ # Increase blocksize exponentially up to 2GB-1 (2GB causes problems)
+ if($blocksize < $two_gb) {
+ my $old_blocksize = $blocksize;
+ $blocksize = ::min(ceil($blocksize * 1.3 + 1), $two_gb);
+ ::warning("A record was longer than $old_blocksize. " .
+ "Increasing to --blocksize $blocksize.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ $anything_written = 0;
+ read_block();
+ if($opt::r) {
+ # Remove empty lines
+ $buf =~ s/^\s*\n//gm;
+ if(length $buf == 0) {
+ if($eof) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($Global::max_lines and not $Global::max_number_of_args) {
+ # Pass n-line records
+ pass_n_line_records();
+ } elsif($opt::csv) {
+ # Pass a full CSV record
+ pass_csv_record();
+ } elsif($opt::regexp) {
+ # Split record at regexp
+ if($Global::max_number_of_args) {
+ pass_n_regexps();
+ } else {
+ pass_regexp();
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Pass normal --recend/--recstart record
+ if($Global::max_number_of_args) {
+ pass_n();
+ } else {
+ pass();
+ }
+ }
+ $eof and last;
+ increase_blocksize_maybe();
+ ::debug("init", "Round\n");
+ }
+ ::debug("init", "Done reading input\n");
+ # If there is anything left in the buffer write it
+ write_record_to_pipe($chunk_number++, \$header, \$buf, $recstart,
+ $recend, length $buf);
+ if($opt::retries) {
+ $Global::no_more_input = 1;
+ # We need to start no more jobs: At most we need to retry some
+ # of the already running.
+ my @running = values %Global::running;
+ # Stop any virgins.
+ for my $job (@running) {
+ if(defined $job and $job->virgin()) {
+ close $job->fh(0,"w");
+ }
+ }
+ # Wait for running jobs to be done
+ my $sleep = 1;
+ while($Global::total_running > 0) {
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ start_more_jobs();
+ }
+ }
+ $Global::start_no_new_jobs ||= 1;
+ if($opt::roundrobin) {
+ # Flush blocks to roundrobin procs
+ my $sleep = 1;
+ while(%Global::running) {
+ my $something_written = 0;
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ if($job->block_length()) {
+ $something_written += $job->non_blocking_write();
+ } else {
+ close $job->fh(0,"w");
+ }
+ }
+ if($something_written) {
+ $sleep = $sleep/2+0.001;
+ }
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ }
+ }
+sub recstartrecend() {
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::recstart
+ # $opt::recend
+ # Returns:
+ # $recstart,$recend with default values and regexp conversion
+ my($recstart,$recend);
+ if(defined($opt::recstart) and defined($opt::recend)) {
+ # If both --recstart and --recend is given then both must match
+ $recstart = $opt::recstart;
+ $recend = $opt::recend;
+ } elsif(defined($opt::recstart)) {
+ # If --recstart is given it must match start of record
+ $recstart = $opt::recstart;
+ $recend = "";
+ } elsif(defined($opt::recend)) {
+ # If --recend is given then it must match end of record
+ $recstart = "";
+ $recend = $opt::recend;
+ if($opt::regexp and $recend eq '') {
+ # --regexp --recend ''
+ $recend = '(?s:.)';
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::regexp) {
+ # Do not allow /x comments - to avoid having to quote space
+ $recstart = "(?-x:".$recstart.")";
+ $recend = "(?-x:".$recend.")";
+ # If $recstart/$recend contains '|'
+ # the | should only apply to the regexp
+ $recstart = "(?:".$recstart.")";
+ $recend = "(?:".$recend.")";
+ } else {
+ # $recstart/$recend = printf strings (\n)
+ $recstart =~ s/\\([0rnt\'\"\\])/"qq|\\$1|"/gee;
+ $recend =~ s/\\([0rnt\'\"\\])/"qq|\\$1|"/gee;
+ }
+ return ($recstart,$recend);
+sub nindex($$) {
+ # See if string is in buffer N times
+ # Returns:
+ # the position where the Nth copy is found
+ my ($buf_ref, $str, $n) = @_;
+ my $i = 0;
+ for(1..$n) {
+ $i = index64($buf_ref,$str,$i+1);
+ if($i == -1) { last }
+ }
+ return $i;
+ my @robin_queue;
+ my $sleep = 1;
+ sub round_robin_write($$$$$) {
+ # Input:
+ # $header_ref = ref to $header string
+ # $block_ref = ref to $block to be written
+ # $recstart = record start string
+ # $recend = record end string
+ # $endpos = end position of $block
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::running
+ # Returns:
+ # $something_written = amount of bytes written
+ my ($header_ref,$buffer_ref,$recstart,$recend,$endpos) = @_;
+ my $written = 0;
+ my $block_passed = 0;
+ while(not $block_passed) {
+ # Continue flushing existing buffers
+ # until one is empty and a new block is passed
+ if(@robin_queue) {
+ # Rotate queue once so new blocks get a fair chance
+ # to be given to another slot
+ push @robin_queue, shift @robin_queue;
+ } else {
+ # Make a queue to spread the blocks evenly
+ push @robin_queue, (sort { $a->seq() <=> $b->seq() }
+ values %Global::running);
+ }
+ do {
+ $written = 0;
+ for my $job (@robin_queue) {
+ if($job->block_length() > 0) {
+ $written += $job->non_blocking_write();
+ } else {
+ $job->set_block($header_ref, $buffer_ref,
+ $endpos, $recstart, $recend);
+ $block_passed = 1;
+ $written += $job->non_blocking_write();
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if($written) {
+ $sleep = $sleep/1.5+0.001;
+ }
+ # Don't sleep if something is written
+ } while($written and not $block_passed);
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ }
+ return $written;
+ }
+sub index64($$$) {
+ # Do index on strings > 2GB.
+ # index in Perl < v5.22 does not work for > 2GB
+ # Input:
+ # as index except STR which must be passed as a reference
+ # Output:
+ # as index
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $match = shift;
+ my $pos = shift || 0;
+ my $block_size = 2**31-1;
+ my $strlen = length($$ref);
+ # No point in doing extra work if we don't need to.
+ if($strlen < $block_size or $] > 5.022) {
+ return index($$ref, $match, $pos);
+ }
+ my $matchlen = length($match);
+ my $ret;
+ my $offset = $pos;
+ while($offset < $strlen) {
+ $ret = index(
+ substr($$ref, $offset, $block_size),
+ $match, $pos-$offset);
+ if($ret != -1) {
+ return $ret + $offset;
+ }
+ $offset += ($block_size - $matchlen - 1);
+ }
+ return -1;
+sub rindex64($@) {
+ # Do rindex on strings > 2GB.
+ # rindex in Perl < v5.22 does not work for > 2GB
+ # Input:
+ # as rindex except STR which must be passed as a reference
+ # Output:
+ # as rindex
+ my $ref = shift;
+ my $match = shift;
+ my $pos = shift;
+ my $block_size = 2**31-1;
+ my $strlen = length($$ref);
+ # Default: search from end
+ $pos = defined $pos ? $pos : $strlen;
+ # No point in doing extra work if we don't need to.
+ if($strlen < $block_size or $] > 5.022) {
+ return rindex($$ref, $match, $pos);
+ }
+ my $matchlen = length($match);
+ my $ret;
+ my $offset = $pos - $block_size + $matchlen;
+ if($offset < 0) {
+ # The offset is less than a $block_size
+ # Set the $offset to 0 and
+ # Adjust block_size accordingly
+ $block_size = $block_size + $offset;
+ $offset = 0;
+ }
+ while($offset >= 0) {
+ $ret = rindex(
+ substr($$ref, $offset, $block_size),
+ $match);
+ if($ret != -1) {
+ return $ret + $offset;
+ }
+ $offset -= ($block_size - $matchlen - 1);
+ }
+ return -1;
+sub shorten($$) {
+ # Do: substr($buf,0,$i) = "";
+ # Some Perl versions do not support $i > 2GB, so do this in 2GB chunks
+ # Input:
+ # $buf_ref = \$buf
+ # $i = position to shorten to
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my ($buf_ref, $i) = @_;
+ my $two_gb = 2**31-1;
+ while($i > $two_gb) {
+ substr($$buf_ref,0,$two_gb) = "";
+ $i -= $two_gb;
+ }
+ substr($$buf_ref,0,$i) = "";
+sub write_record_to_pipe($$$$$$) {
+ # Fork then
+ # Write record from pos 0 .. $endpos to pipe
+ # Input:
+ # $chunk_number = sequence number - to see if already run
+ # $header_ref = reference to header string to prepend
+ # $buffer_ref = reference to record to write
+ # $recstart = start string of record
+ # $recend = end string of record
+ # $endpos = position in $buffer_ref where record ends
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::job_already_run
+ # $opt::roundrobin
+ # @Global::virgin_jobs
+ # Returns:
+ # Number of chunks written (0 or 1)
+ my ($chunk_number, $header_ref, $buffer_ref,
+ $recstart, $recend, $endpos) = @_;
+ if($endpos == 0) { return 0; }
+ if(vec($Global::job_already_run,$chunk_number,1)) { return 1; }
+ if($opt::roundrobin) {
+ # Write the block to one of the already running jobs
+ return round_robin_write($header_ref, $buffer_ref,
+ $recstart, $recend, $endpos);
+ }
+ # If no virgin found, backoff
+ my $sleep = 0.0001; # 0.01 ms - better performance on highend
+ while(not @Global::virgin_jobs) {
+ ::debug("pipe", "No virgin jobs");
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ # Jobs may not be started because of loadavg
+ # or too little time between each ssh login
+ # or retrying failed jobs.
+ start_more_jobs();
+ }
+ my $job = shift @Global::virgin_jobs;
+ $job->set_block($header_ref, $buffer_ref, $endpos, $recstart, $recend);
+ $job->write_block();
+ return 1;
+sub __SEM_MODE__() {}
+sub acquire_semaphore() {
+ # Acquires semaphore. If needed: spawns to the background
+ # Uses:
+ # @Global::host
+ # Returns:
+ # The semaphore to be released when jobs is complete
+ $Global::host{':'} = SSHLogin->new(":");
+ my $sem = Semaphore->new($Semaphore::name,
+ $Global::host{':'}->max_jobs_running());
+ $sem->acquire();
+ if($Semaphore::fg) {
+ # skip
+ } else {
+ if(fork()) {
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ # If run in the background, the PID will change
+ $sem->pid_change();
+ }
+ }
+ return $sem;
+sub __PARSE_OPTIONS__() {}
+sub shell_completion() {
+ if($opt::shellcompletion eq "zsh") {
+ # if shell == zsh
+ zsh_competion();
+ } elsif($opt::shellcompletion eq "bash") {
+ # if shell == bash
+ bash_competion();
+ } elsif($opt::shellcompletion eq "auto") {
+ if($Global::shell =~ m:/zsh$|^zsh$:) {
+ # if shell == zsh
+ zsh_competion();
+ } elsif($Global::shell =~ m:/bash$|^bash$:) {
+ # if shell == bash
+ bash_competion();
+ } else {
+ ::error("--shellcompletion is not implemented for ".
+ "'$Global::shell'.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::error("--shellcompletion is not implemented for ".
+ "'$opt::shellcompletion'.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+sub bash_competion() {
+ # Print:
+ # complete -F _comp_parallel parallel;
+ # _comp_parallel() {
+ # COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "--options" --
+ # };
+ my @bash_completion =
+ ("complete -F _comp_parallel parallel;",
+ '_comp_parallel() { COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "');
+ my @och = options_completion_hash();
+ while(@och) {
+ $_ = shift @och;
+ # Split input like:
+ # "joblog|jl=s[Logfile for executed jobs]:logfile:_files"
+ if(/^(.*?)(\[.*?])?(:[^:]*)?(:.*)?$/) {
+ my $opt = $1;
+ my $desc = $2;
+ my $argdesc = $3;
+ my $func = $4;
+ # opt=s => opt
+ $opt =~ s/[:=].$//;
+ if($opt =~ /^_/) {
+ # internal options start with --_
+ # skip
+ } else {
+ push @bash_completion,
+ (map { (length $_ == 1) ? "-$_ " : "--$_ " }
+ split /\|/, $opt);
+ }
+ }
+ shift @och;
+ }
+ push @bash_completion,'" -- "${COMP_WORDS[$COMP_CWORD]}")); };'."\n";
+ print @bash_completion;
+sub zsh_competion() {
+ my @zsh_completion =
+ ("compdef _comp_parallel parallel; ",
+ "setopt localoptions extended_glob; ",
+ "local -a _comp_priv_prefix; ",
+ "_comp_parallel() { ",
+ "_arguments ");
+ my @och = options_completion_hash();
+ while(@och) {
+ $_ = shift @och;
+ # Split input like:
+ # "joblog|jl=s[Logfile for executed jobs]:logfile:_files"
+ if(/^(.*?)(\[.*?])?(:[^:]*)?(:.*)?$/) {
+ my $opt = $1;
+ my $desc = $2;
+ my $argdesc = $3;
+ my $func = $4;
+ # opt=s => opt
+ $opt =~ s/[:=].$//;
+ if($opt =~ /^_/) {
+ # internal options start with --_
+ # skip
+ } else {
+ # {-o,--option}
+ my $zsh_opt = join(",",
+ (map { (length $_ == 1) ? "-$_" : "--$_" }
+ split /\|/, $opt));
+ if($zsh_opt =~ /,/) { $zsh_opt = "{$zsh_opt}"; }
+ $desc =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
+ $argdesc =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
+ $func =~ s/'/'"'"'/g;
+ push @zsh_completion, $zsh_opt."'".$desc.$argdesc.$func."' ";
+ }
+ }
+ shift @och;
+ }
+ push @zsh_completion,
+ q{'(-)1:command: _command_names -e' },
+ q{'*::arguments:{ _comp_priv_prefix=( '$words[1]' -n ${(kv)opt_args[(I)(-[ugHEP]|--(user|group|set-home|preserve-env|preserve-groups))]} ) ; _normal }'},
+ "};\n";
+ print @zsh_completion;
+sub options_hash() {
+ # Returns:
+ # %hash = for GetOptions
+ my %och = options_completion_hash();
+ my %oh;
+ my ($k,$v);
+ while(($k,$v) = each %och) {
+ $k =~ s/\[.*//;
+ $oh{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ return %oh;
+sub options_completion_hash() {
+ # Returns:
+ # %hash = for GetOptions and shell completion
+ return
+ ("debug|D=s" => \$opt::D,
+ "xargs[Insert as many arguments as the command line length permits]"
+ => \$opt::xargs,
+ "m[Multiple arguments]" => \$opt::m,
+ ("X[Insert as many arguments with context as the command line ".
+ "length permits]"
+ => \$opt::X),
+ "v[Verbose]" => \@opt::v,
+ "sql=s[Use --sql-master instead (obsolete)]:DBURL" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("sql-master|sqlmaster=s".
+ "[Submit jobs via SQL server. DBURL must point to a table, which ".
+ "will contain --joblog, the values, and output]:DBURL"
+ => \$opt::sqlmaster),
+ ("sql-worker|sqlworker=s".
+ "[Execute jobs via SQL server. Read the input sources variables ".
+ "from the table pointed to by DBURL.]:DBURL"
+ => \$opt::sqlworker),
+ ("sql-and-worker|sqlandworker=s".
+ "[--sql-master DBURL --sql-worker DBURL]:DBURL"
+ => \$opt::sqlandworker),
+ ("joblog|jl=s[Logfile for executed jobs]:logfile:_files"
+ => \$opt::joblog),
+ ("results|result|res=s[Save the output into files]:name:_files"
+ => \$opt::results),
+ "resume[Resumes from the last unfinished job]" => \$opt::resume,
+ ("resume-failed|resumefailed".
+ "[Retry all failed and resume from the last unfinished job]"
+ => \$opt::resume_failed),
+ ("retry-failed|retryfailed[Retry all failed jobs in joblog]"
+ => \$opt::retry_failed),
+ "silent[Silent]" => \$opt::silent,
+ ("keep-order|keeporder|k".
+ "[Keep sequence of output same as the order of input]"
+ => \$opt::keeporder),
+ ("no-keep-order|nokeeporder|nok|no-k".
+ "[Overrides an earlier --keep-order (e.g. if set in ".
+ "~/.parallel/config)]"
+ => \$opt::nokeeporder),
+ "group[Group output]" => \$opt::group,
+ "g" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("ungroup|u".
+ "[Output is printed as soon as possible and bypasses GNU parallel ".
+ "internal processing]"
+ => \$opt::ungroup),
+ ("latest-line|latestline|ll".
+ "[Print latest line of each job]"
+ => \$opt::latestline),
+ ("line-buffer|line-buffered|linebuffer|linebuffered|lb".
+ "[Buffer output on line basis]"
+ => \$opt::linebuffer),
+ ("tmux".
+ "[Use tmux for output. Start a tmux session and run each job in a ".
+ "window in that session. No other output will be produced]"
+ => \$opt::tmux),
+ ("tmux-pane|tmuxpane".
+ "[Use tmux for output but put output into panes in the first ".
+ "window. Useful if you want to monitor the progress of less than ".
+ "100 concurrent jobs]"
+ => \$opt::tmuxpane),
+ "null|0[Use NUL as delimiter]" => \$opt::null,
+ "quote|q[Quote command]" => \$opt::quote,
+ # Replacement strings
+ ("parens=s[Use parensstring instead of {==}]:parensstring"
+ => \$opt::parens),
+ ('rpl=s[Define replacement string]:"tag perl expression"'
+ => \@opt::rpl),
+ "plus[Add more replacement strings]" => \$opt::plus,
+ ("I=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {}]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::I),
+ ("extensionreplace|er=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {.} for input ".
+ "line without extension]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::U),
+ "U=s" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("basenamereplace|bnr=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {/} for ".
+ "basename of input line]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::basenamereplace),
+ ("dirnamereplace|dnr=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {//} for ".
+ "dirname of input line]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::dirnamereplace),
+ ("basenameextensionreplace|bner=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {/.} for ".
+ "basename of input line without extension]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::basenameextensionreplace),
+ ("seqreplace=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {#} for job ".
+ "sequence number]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::seqreplace),
+ ("slotreplace=s".
+ "[Use the replacement string replace-str instead of {%} for job ".
+ "slot number]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::slotreplace),
+ ("jobs|j=s".
+ "[(Add +N to/Subtract -N from/Multiply N%) the number of CPU ".
+ "threads or read parameter from file]:_files"
+ => \$opt::jobs),
+ ("delay=s".
+ "[Delay starting next job by duration]:duration" => \$opt::delay),
+ ("ssh-delay|sshdelay=f".
+ "[Delay starting next ssh by duration]:duration"
+ => \$opt::sshdelay),
+ ("load=s".
+ "[Only start jobs if load is less than max-load]:max-load"
+ => \$opt::load),
+ "noswap[Do not start job is computer is swapping]" => \$opt::noswap,
+ ("max-line-length-allowed|maxlinelengthallowed".
+ "[Print maximal command line length]"
+ => \$opt::max_line_length_allowed),
+ ("number-of-cpus|numberofcpus".
+ "[Print the number of physical CPU cores and exit (obsolete)]"
+ => \$opt::number_of_cpus),
+ ("number-of-sockets|numberofsockets".
+ "[Print the number of CPU sockets and exit]"
+ => \$opt::number_of_sockets),
+ ("number-of-cores|numberofcores".
+ "[Print the number of physical CPU cores and exit]"
+ => \$opt::number_of_cores),
+ ("number-of-threads|numberofthreads".
+ "[Print the number of hyperthreaded CPU cores and exit]"
+ => \$opt::number_of_threads),
+ ("use-sockets-instead-of-threads|usesocketsinsteadofthreads".
+ "[Determine how GNU Parallel counts the number of CPUs]"
+ => \$opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads),
+ ("use-cores-instead-of-threads|usecoresinsteadofthreads".
+ "[Determine how GNU Parallel counts the number of CPUs]"
+ => \$opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads),
+ ("use-cpus-instead-of-cores|usecpusinsteadofcores".
+ "[Determine how GNU Parallel counts the number of CPUs]"
+ => \$opt::use_cpus_instead_of_cores),
+ ("shell-quote|shellquote|shell_quote".
+ "[Does not run the command but quotes it. Useful for making ".
+ "quoted composed commands for GNU parallel]"
+ => \@opt::shellquote),
+ ('nice=i[Run the command at this niceness]:niceness:($(seq -20 19))'
+ => \$opt::nice),
+ "tag[Tag lines with arguments]" => \$opt::tag,
+ ("tag-string|tagstring=s".
+ "[Tag lines with a string]:str" => \$opt::tagstring),
+ "ctag[Color tag]:str" => \$opt::ctag,
+ "ctag-string|ctagstring=s[Colour tagstring]:str" => \$opt::ctagstring,
+ "color|colour[Colourize output]" => \$opt::color,
+ ("color-failed|colour-failed|colorfailed|colourfailed|".
+ "color-fail|colour-fail|colorfail|colourfail|cf".
+ "[Colour failed jobs red]"
+ => \$opt::colorfailed),
+ ("onall[Run all the jobs on all computers given with --sshlogin]"
+ => \$opt::onall),
+ "nonall[--onall with no arguments]" => \$opt::nonall,
+ ("filter-hosts|filterhosts|filter-host[Remove down hosts]"
+ => \$opt::filter_hosts),
+ ('sshlogin|S=s'.
+ '[Distribute jobs to remote computers]'.
+ ':[@hostgroups/][ncpus/]sshlogin'.
+ '[,[@hostgroups/][ncpus/]sshlogin[,...]] or @hostgroup'.
+ ':_users') => \@opt::sshlogin,
+ ("sshloginfile|slf=s".
+ "[File with sshlogins on separate lines. Lines starting with '#' ".
+ "are ignored.]:filename:_files"
+ => \@opt::sshloginfile),
+ ("controlmaster|M".
+ "[Use ssh's ControlMaster to make ssh connections faster]"
+ => \$opt::controlmaster),
+ ("ssh=s".
+ "[Use this command instead of ssh for remote access]:sshcommand"
+ => \$opt::ssh),
+ ("transfer-file|transferfile|transfer-files|transferfiles|tf=s".
+ "[Transfer filename to remote computers]:filename:_files"
+ => \@opt::transfer_files),
+ ("return=s[Transfer files from remote computers]:filename:_files"
+ => \@opt::return),
+ ("trc=s[--transfer --return filename --cleanup]:filename:_files"
+ => \@opt::trc),
+ "transfer[Transfer files to remote computers]" => \$opt::transfer,
+ "cleanup[Remove transferred files]" => \$opt::cleanup,
+ ("basefile|bf=s".
+ "[Transfer file to each sshlogin before first job is started]".
+ ":file:_files"
+ => \@opt::basefile),
+ ("template|tmpl=s".
+ "[Replace replacement strings in file and save it in repl]".
+ ":file=repl:_files"
+ => \%opt::template),
+ "B=s" => \$opt::retired,
+ "ctrl-c|ctrlc" => \$opt::retired,
+ "no-ctrl-c|no-ctrlc|noctrlc" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("work-dir|workdir|wd=s".
+ "[Jobs will be run in the dir mydir. (default: the current dir ".
+ "for the local machine, the login dir for remote computers)]".
+ ":mydir:_cd"
+ => \$opt::workdir),
+ "W=s" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("rsync-opts|rsyncopts=s[Options to pass on to rsync]:options"
+ => \$opt::rsync_opts),
+ ("tmpdir|tempdir=s[Directory for temporary files]:dirname:_cd"
+ => \$opt::tmpdir),
+ ("use-compress-program|compress-program|".
+ "usecompressprogram|compressprogram=s".
+ "[Use prg for compressing temporary files]:prg:_commands"
+ => \$opt::compress_program),
+ ("use-decompress-program|decompress-program|".
+ "usedecompressprogram|decompressprogram=s".
+ "[Use prg for decompressing temporary files]:prg:_commands"
+ => \$opt::decompress_program),
+ "compress[Compress temporary files]" => \$opt::compress,
+ "open-tty|o[Open terminal tty]" => \$opt::open_tty,
+ "tty[Open terminal tty]" => \$opt::tty,
+ "T" => \$opt::retired,
+ "H=i" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("dry-run|dryrun|dr".
+ "[Print the job to run on stdout (standard output), but do not ".
+ "run the job]"
+ => \$opt::dryrun),
+ "progress[Show progress of computations]" => \$opt::progress,
+ ("eta[Show the estimated number of seconds before finishing]"
+ => \$opt::eta),
+ "bar[Show progress as a progress bar]" => \$opt::bar,
+ ("total-jobs|totaljobs|total=s".
+ "[Set total number of jobs]" => \$opt::totaljobs),
+ "shuf[Shuffle jobs]" => \$opt::shuf,
+ ("arg-sep|argsep=s".
+ "[Use sep-str instead of ::: as separator string]:sep-str"
+ => \$opt::arg_sep),
+ ("arg-file-sep|argfilesep=s".
+ "[Use sep-str instead of :::: as separator string ".
+ "between command and argument files]:sep-str"
+ => \$opt::arg_file_sep),
+ ('trim=s[Trim white space in input]:trim_method:'.
+ '((n\:"No trim" l\:"Left\ trim" r\:"Right trim" '.
+ 'lr\:"Both trim" rl\:"Both trim"))'
+ => \$opt::trim),
+ "env=s[Copy environment variable var]:var:_vars" => \@opt::env,
+ "recordenv|record-env[Record environment]" => \$opt::record_env,
+ ('session'.
+ '[Record names in current environment in $PARALLEL_IGNORED_NAMES '.
+ 'and exit. Only used with env_parallel. '.
+ 'Aliases, functions, and variables with names i]'
+ => \$opt::session),
+ ('plain[Ignore --profile, $PARALLEL, and ~/.parallel/config]'
+ => \$opt::plain),
+ ("profile|J=s".
+ "[Use profile profilename for options]:profilename:_files"
+ => \@opt::profile),
+ "tollef" => \$opt::tollef,
+ "gnu[Behave like GNU parallel]" => \$opt::gnu,
+ "link|xapply[Link input sources]" => \$opt::link,
+ "linkinputsource|xapplyinputsource=i" => \@opt::linkinputsource,
+ # Before changing these lines, please read
+ #
+ #
+ # You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by removing
+ # these lines.
+ ("bibtex|citation".
+ "[Print the citation notice and BibTeX entry for GNU parallel, ".
+ "silence citation notice for all future runs, and exit. ".
+ "It will not run any commands]"
+ => \$opt::citation),
+ "will-cite|willcite|nn|nonotice|no-notice" => \$opt::willcite,
+ # Termination and retries
+ ('halt-on-error|haltonerror|halt=s'.
+ '[When should GNU parallel terminate]'.
+ ':when:((now\:"kill all running jobs and halt immediately" '.
+ 'soon\:"wait for all running jobs to complete, start no new jobs"))'
+ => \$opt::halt),
+ 'limit=s[Dynamic job limit]:"command args"' => \$opt::limit,
+ ("memfree=s".
+ "[Minimum memory free when starting another job]:size"
+ => \$opt::memfree),
+ ("memsuspend=s".
+ "[Suspend jobs when there is less memory available]:size"
+ => \$opt::memsuspend),
+ "retries=s[Try failing jobs n times]:n" => \$opt::retries,
+ ("timeout=s".
+ "[Time out for command. If the command runs for longer than ".
+ "duration seconds it will get killed as per --term-seq]:duration"
+ => \$opt::timeout),
+ ("term-seq|termseq=s".
+ "[Termination sequence]:sequence" => \$opt::termseq),
+ # xargs-compatibility - implemented, man, testsuite
+ ("max-procs|maxprocs|P=s".
+ "[Add N to/Subtract N from/Multiply N% with/ the number of CPU ".
+ "threads or read parameter from file]:+N/-N/N%/N/procfile:_files"
+ => \$opt::jobs),
+ ("delimiter|d=s[Input items are terminated by delim]:delim"
+ => \$opt::d),
+ ("max-chars|maxchars|s=s[Limit length of command]:max-chars"
+ => \$opt::max_chars),
+ ("arg-file|argfile|a=s".
+ "[Use input-file as input source]:input-file:_files" => \@opt::a),
+ "no-run-if-empty|norunifempty|r[Do not run empty input]" => \$opt::r,
+ ("replace|i:s".
+ "[This option is deprecated; use -I instead]:replace-str"
+ => \$opt::i),
+ "E=s" => \$opt::eof,
+ ("eof|e:s[Set the end of file string to eof-str]:eof-str"
+ => \$opt::eof),
+ ("process-slot-var|processslotvar=s".
+ "[Set this variable to job slot number]:varname"
+ => \$opt::process_slot_var),
+ ("max-args|maxargs|n=s".
+ "[Use at most max-args arguments per command line]:max-args"
+ => \$opt::max_args),
+ ("max-replace-args|maxreplaceargs|N=s".
+ "[Use at most max-args arguments per command line]:max-args"
+ => \$opt::max_replace_args),
+ "col-sep|colsep|C=s[Column separator]:regexp" => \$opt::colsep,
+ "csv[Treat input as CSV-format]"=> \$opt::csv,
+ ("help|h[Print a summary of the options to GNU parallel and exit]"
+ => \$opt::help),
+ ("L=s[When used with --pipe: Read records of recsize]:recsize"
+ => \$opt::L),
+ ("max-lines|maxlines|l:f".
+ "[When used with --pipe: Read records of recsize lines]:recsize"
+ => \$opt::max_lines),
+ "interactive|p[Ask user before running a job]" => \$opt::interactive,
+ ("verbose|t[Print the job to be run on stderr (standard error)]"
+ => \$opt::verbose),
+ ("version|V[Print the version GNU parallel and exit]"
+ => \$opt::version),
+ ('min-version|minversion=i'.
+ '[Print the version GNU parallel and exit]'.
+ ':version:($(parallel --minversion 0))'
+ => \$opt::minversion),
+ ("show-limits|showlimits".
+ "[Display limits given by the operating system]"
+ => \$opt::show_limits),
+ ("exit|x[Exit if the size (see the -s option) is exceeded]"
+ => \$opt::x),
+ # Semaphore
+ "semaphore[Work as a counting semaphore]" => \$opt::semaphore,
+ ("semaphore-timeout|semaphoretimeout|st=s".
+ "[If secs > 0: If the semaphore is not released within secs ".
+ "seconds, take it anyway]:secs"
+ => \$opt::semaphoretimeout),
+ ("semaphore-name|semaphorename|id=s".
+ "[Use name as the name of the semaphore]:name"
+ => \$opt::semaphorename),
+ "fg[Run command in foreground]" => \$opt::fg,
+ "bg[Run command in background]" => \$opt::bg,
+ "wait[Wait for all commands to complete]" => \$opt::wait,
+ # Shebang #!/usr/bin/parallel --shebang
+ ("shebang|hashbang".
+ "[GNU parallel can be called as a shebang (#!) command as the ".
+ "first line of a script. The content of the file will be treated ".
+ "as inputsource]"
+ => \$opt::shebang),
+ ("_pipe-means-argfiles[internal]"
+ => \$opt::_pipe_means_argfiles),
+ "Y" => \$opt::retired,
+ ("skip-first-line|skipfirstline".
+ "[Do not use the first line of input]"
+ => \$opt::skip_first_line),
+ "bug" => \$opt::bug,
+ # --pipe
+ ("pipe|spreadstdin".
+ "[Spread input to jobs on stdin (standard input)]" => \$opt::pipe),
+ ("round-robin|roundrobin|round".
+ "[Distribute chunks of standard input in a round robin fashion]"
+ => \$opt::roundrobin),
+ "recstart=s" => \$opt::recstart,
+ ("recend=s".
+ "[Split record between endstring and startstring]:endstring"
+ => \$opt::recend),
+ ("regexp|regex".
+ "[Interpret --recstart and --recend as regular expressions]"
+ => \$opt::regexp),
+ ("remove-rec-sep|removerecsep|rrs".
+ "[Remove record separator]" => \$opt::remove_rec_sep),
+ ("output-as-files|outputasfiles|files[Save output to files]"
+ => \$opt::files),
+ ("block-size|blocksize|block=s".
+ "[Size of block in bytes to read at a time]:size"
+ => \$opt::blocksize),
+ ("block-timeout|blocktimeout|bt=s".
+ "[Timeout for reading block when using --pipe]:duration"
+ => \$opt::blocktimeout),
+ "header=s[Use regexp as header]:regexp" => \$opt::header,
+ "cat[Create a temporary file with content]" => \$opt::cat,
+ "fifo[Create a temporary fifo with content]" => \$opt::fifo,
+ ("pipe-part|pipepart[Pipe parts of a physical file]"
+ => \$opt::pipepart),
+ "tee[Pipe all data to all jobs]" => \$opt::tee,
+ ("shard=s".
+ "[Use shardexpr as shard key and shard input to the jobs]:shardexpr"
+ => \$opt::shard),
+ ("bin=s".
+ "[Use binexpr as binning key and bin input to the jobs]:binexpr"
+ => \$opt::bin),
+ "group-by|groupby=s[Group input by value]:val" => \$opt::groupby,
+ #
+ ("hgrp|hostgrp|hostgroup|hostgroups[Enable hostgroups on arguments]"
+ => \$opt::hostgroups),
+ "embed[Embed GNU parallel in a shell script]" => \$opt::embed,
+ ("filter=s[Only run jobs where filter is true]:filter"
+ => \@opt::filter),
+ "_parset=s[Generate shell code for parset]" => \$opt::_parset,
+ ("shell-completion|shellcompletion=s".
+ "[Generate shell code for shell completion]"
+ => \$opt::shellcompletion),
+ # Parameter for testing optimal values
+ "_test=s" => \$opt::_test,
+ );
+sub get_options_from_array($@) {
+ # Run GetOptions on @array
+ # Input:
+ # $array_ref = ref to @ARGV to parse
+ # @keep_only = Keep only these options
+ # Uses:
+ # @ARGV
+ # Returns:
+ # true if parsing worked
+ # false if parsing failed
+ # @$array_ref is changed
+ my ($array_ref, @keep_only) = @_;
+ if(not @$array_ref) {
+ # Empty array: No need to look more at that
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # A bit of shuffling of @ARGV needed as GetOptionsFromArray is not
+ # supported everywhere
+ my @save_argv;
+ my $this_is_ARGV = (\@::ARGV == $array_ref);
+ if(not $this_is_ARGV) {
+ @save_argv = @::ARGV;
+ @::ARGV = @{$array_ref};
+ }
+ # If @keep_only set: Ignore all values except @keep_only
+ my %options = options_hash();
+ if(@keep_only) {
+ my (%keep,@dummy);
+ @keep{@keep_only} = @keep_only;
+ for my $k (grep { not $keep{$_} } keys %options) {
+ # Store the value of the option in @dummy
+ $options{$k} = \@dummy;
+ }
+ }
+ my $retval = GetOptions(%options);
+ if(not $this_is_ARGV) {
+ @{$array_ref} = @::ARGV;
+ @::ARGV = @save_argv;
+ }
+ return $retval;
+sub parse_parset() {
+ $Global::progname = "parset";
+ @Global::parset_vars = split /[ ,]/, $opt::_parset;
+ my $var_or_assoc = shift @Global::parset_vars;
+ # Legal names: var _v2ar arrayentry[2]
+ my @illegal = (grep { not /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(\[\d+\])?$/ }
+ @Global::parset_vars);
+ if(@illegal) {
+ ::error
+ ("@illegal is an invalid variable name.",
+ "Variable names must be letter followed by letters or digits.",
+ "Usage:",
+ " parset varname GNU Parallel options and command");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($var_or_assoc eq "assoc") {
+ my $var = shift @Global::parset_vars;
+ print "$var=(";
+ $Global::parset = "assoc";
+ $Global::parset_endstring=")\n";
+ } elsif($var_or_assoc eq "var") {
+ if($#Global::parset_vars > 0) {
+ $Global::parset = "var";
+ } else {
+ my $var = shift @Global::parset_vars;
+ print "$var=(";
+ $Global::parset = "array";
+ $Global::parset_endstring=")\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("parset: unknown '$opt::_parset'");
+ }
+sub parse_options(@) {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ init_globals();
+ my @argv_before = @ARGV;
+ @ARGV = read_options();
+ # Before changing these line, please read
+ #
+ #
+ # You accept to be added to a public hall of shame by
+ # removing the lines.
+ if(defined $opt::citation) {
+ citation(\@argv_before,\@ARGV);
+ wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ # no-* overrides *
+ if($opt::nokeeporder) { $opt::keeporder = undef; }
+ if(@opt::v) { $Global::verbose = $#opt::v+1; } # Convert -v -v to v=2
+ if($opt::bug) { ::die_bug("test-bug"); }
+ $Global::debug = $opt::D;
+ $Global::shell = $ENV{'PARALLEL_SHELL'} || parent_shell($$)
+ || $ENV{'SHELL'} || "/bin/sh";
+ if(not -x $Global::shell and not which($Global::shell)) {
+ ::error("Shell '$Global::shell' not found.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ ::debug("init","Global::shell $Global::shell\n");
+ $Global::cshell = $Global::shell =~ m:(/[-a-z]*)?csh:;
+ if(defined $opt::_parset) { parse_parset(); }
+ if(defined $opt::X) { $Global::ContextReplace = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::silent) { $Global::verbose = 0; }
+ if(defined $opt::null) { $/ = "\0"; }
+ if(defined $opt::d) { $/ = unquote_printf($opt::d) }
+ parse_replacement_string_options();
+ $opt::tag ||= $opt::ctag;
+ $opt::tagstring ||= $opt::ctagstring;
+ if(defined $opt::ctag or defined $opt::ctagstring
+ or defined $opt::color) {
+ $Global::color = 1;
+ }
+ if($opt::linebuffer or $opt::latestline) {
+ $Global::linebuffer = 1;
+ Job::latestline_init();
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tag and not defined $opt::tagstring) {
+ # Default = {}
+ $opt::tagstring = $Global::parensleft.$Global::parensright;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tagstring) {
+ $opt::tagstring = unquote_printf($opt::tagstring);
+ if($opt::tagstring =~
+ /\Q$Global::parensleft\E.*\S+.*\Q$Global::parensright\E/
+ and
+ $Global::linebuffer) {
+ # --tagstring contains {= ... =} and --linebuffer =>
+ # recompute replacement string for each use (do not cache)
+ $Global::cache_replacement_eval = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::interactive) { $Global::interactive = $opt::interactive; }
+ if(defined $opt::quote) { $Global::quoting = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::r) { $Global::ignore_empty = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::verbose) { $Global::stderr_verbose = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::eof) { $Global::end_of_file_string = $opt::eof; }
+ if(defined $opt::max_args) {
+ $opt::max_args = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::max_args);
+ $Global::max_number_of_args = $opt::max_args;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::blocktimeout) {
+ $Global::blocktimeout = int(multiply_time_units($opt::blocktimeout));
+ if($Global::blocktimeout < 1) {
+ ::error("--block-timeout must be at least 1");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::timeout) {
+ $Global::timeoutq = TimeoutQueue->new($opt::timeout);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tmpdir) { $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $opt::tmpdir; }
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS'} = $opt::rsync_opts ||
+ # Default: Same nice level as GNU Parallel is started at
+ $opt::nice ||= eval { getpriority(0,0) } || 0;
+ if(defined $opt::help) { usage(); exit(0); }
+ if(defined $opt::shellcompletion) { shell_completion(); exit(0); }
+ if(defined $opt::embed) { embed(); exit(0); }
+ if(defined $opt::sqlandworker) {
+ $opt::sqlmaster = $opt::sqlworker = $opt::sqlandworker;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tmuxpane) { $opt::tmux = $opt::tmuxpane; }
+ if(defined $opt::colsep) { $Global::trim = 'lr'; }
+ if(defined $opt::csv) {
+ if(not $Global::use{"Text::CSV"} ||= eval "use Text::CSV; 1;") {
+ ::error("The perl module Text::CSV is not installed.");
+ ::error("Try installing libtext-csv-perl or perl-Text-CSV.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ $opt::colsep = defined $opt::colsep ? $opt::colsep : ",";
+ my $csv_setting = { binary => 1, sep_char => $opt::colsep };
+ my $sep = $csv_setting->{sep_char};
+ $Global::csv = Text::CSV->new($csv_setting)
+ or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::header) {
+ $opt::colsep = defined $opt::colsep ? $opt::colsep : "\t";
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::trim) { $Global::trim = $opt::trim; }
+ if(defined $opt::arg_sep) { $Global::arg_sep = $opt::arg_sep; }
+ if(defined $opt::arg_file_sep) {
+ $Global::arg_file_sep = $opt::arg_file_sep;
+ }
+ if(not defined $opt::process_slot_var) {
+ $opt::process_slot_var = 'PARALLEL_JOBSLOT0';
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::number_of_sockets) {
+ print SSHLogin::no_of_sockets(),"\n"; wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::number_of_cpus) {
+ print SSHLogin::no_of_cores(),"\n"; wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::number_of_cores) {
+ print SSHLogin::no_of_cores(),"\n"; wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::number_of_threads) {
+ print SSHLogin::no_of_threads(),"\n"; wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::max_line_length_allowed) {
+ print Limits::Command::real_max_length(),"\n"; wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::max_chars) {
+ $opt::max_chars = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::max_chars);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::version) { version(); wait_and_exit(0); }
+ if(defined $opt::record_env) { record_env(); wait_and_exit(0); }
+ if(@opt::sshlogin) { @Global::sshlogin = @opt::sshlogin; }
+ if(@opt::sshloginfile) { read_sshloginfiles(@opt::sshloginfile); }
+ if(@opt::return) { push @Global::ret_files, @opt::return; }
+ if($opt::transfer) {
+ push @Global::transfer_files, $opt::i || $opt::I || "{}";
+ }
+ push @Global::transfer_files, @opt::transfer_files;
+ if(%opt::template) {
+ while (my ($source, $template_name) = each %opt::template) {
+ if(open(my $tmpl, "<", $source)) {
+ local $/; # $/ = undef => slurp whole file
+ my $content = <$tmpl>;
+ push @Global::template_names, $template_name;
+ push @Global::template_contents, $content;
+ ::debug("tmpl","Name: $template_name\n$content\n");
+ } else {
+ ::error("Cannot open '$source'.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(not defined $opt::recstart and
+ not defined $opt::recend) { $opt::recend = "\n"; }
+ $Global::blocksize = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::blocksize || "1M");
+ if($Global::blocksize > 2**31-1 and not $opt::pipepart) {
+ warning("--blocksize >= 2G causes problems. Using 2G-1.");
+ $Global::blocksize = 2**31-1;
+ }
+ if($^O eq "cygwin" and
+ ($opt::pipe or $opt::pipepart or $opt::roundrobin)
+ and $Global::blocksize > 65535) {
+ warning("--blocksize >= 64K causes problems on Cygwin.");
+ }
+ $opt::memfree = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::memfree);
+ $opt::memsuspend = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::memsuspend);
+ $Global::memlimit = $opt::memsuspend + $opt::memfree;
+ check_invalid_option_combinations();
+ if((defined $opt::fifo or defined $opt::cat) and not $opt::pipepart) {
+ $opt::pipe = 1;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::minversion) {
+ print $Global::version,"\n";
+ if($Global::version < $opt::minversion) {
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ } else {
+ wait_and_exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if(not defined $opt::delay) {
+ # Set --delay to --sshdelay if not set
+ $opt::delay = $opt::sshdelay;
+ }
+ $Global::sshdelayauto = $opt::sshdelay =~ s/auto$//;
+ $opt::sshdelay = multiply_time_units($opt::sshdelay);
+ $Global::delayauto = $opt::delay =~ s/auto$//;
+ $opt::delay = multiply_time_units($opt::delay);
+ if($opt::compress_program) {
+ $opt::compress = 1;
+ $opt::decompress_program ||= $opt::compress_program." -dc";
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::results) {
+ # Is the output a dir or CSV-file?
+ if($opt::results =~ /\.csv$/i) {
+ # CSV with , as separator
+ $Global::csvsep = ",";
+ $Global::membuffer ||= 1;
+ } elsif($opt::results =~ /\.tsv$/i) {
+ # CSV with TAB as separator
+ $Global::csvsep = "\t";
+ $Global::membuffer ||= 1;
+ } elsif($opt::results =~ /\.json$/i) {
+ # JSON output
+ $Global::jsonout ||= 1;
+ $Global::membuffer ||= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::compress) {
+ my ($compress, $decompress) = find_compression_program();
+ $opt::compress_program ||= $compress;
+ $opt::decompress_program ||= $decompress;
+ if(($opt::results and not $Global::csvsep) or $opt::files) {
+ # No need for decompressing
+ $opt::decompress_program = "cat >/dev/null";
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::dryrun) {
+ # Force grouping due to bug #51039: --dry-run --timeout 3600 -u breaks
+ $opt::ungroup = 0;
+ $opt::group = 1;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::nonall) {
+ # Append a dummy empty argument if there are no arguments
+ # on the command line to avoid reading from STDIN.
+ # arg_sep = random 50 char
+ # \0noarg => nothing (not the empty string)
+ $Global::arg_sep = join "",
+ map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..50);
+ push @ARGV, $Global::arg_sep, "\0noarg";
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tee) {
+ if(not defined $opt::jobs) {
+ $opt::jobs = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tty) {
+ # Defaults for --tty: -j1 -u
+ # Can be overridden with -jXXX -g
+ if(not defined $opt::jobs) {
+ $opt::jobs = 1;
+ }
+ if(not defined $opt::group) {
+ $opt::ungroup = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(@opt::trc) {
+ push @Global::ret_files, @opt::trc;
+ if(not @Global::transfer_files) {
+ # Defaults to --transferfile {}
+ push @Global::transfer_files, $opt::i || $opt::I || "{}";
+ }
+ $opt::cleanup = 1;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::max_lines) {
+ if($opt::max_lines eq "-0") {
+ # -l -0 (swallowed -0)
+ $opt::max_lines = 1;
+ $opt::null = 1;
+ $/ = "\0";
+ } else {
+ $opt::max_lines = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::max_lines);
+ if ($opt::max_lines == 0) {
+ # If not given (or if 0 is given) => 1
+ $opt::max_lines = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $Global::max_lines = $opt::max_lines;
+ if(not $opt::pipe) {
+ # --pipe -L means length of record - not max_number_of_args
+ $Global::max_number_of_args ||= $Global::max_lines;
+ }
+ }
+ # Read more than one arg at a time (-L, -N)
+ if(defined $opt::L) {
+ $opt::L = multiply_binary_prefix($opt::L);
+ $Global::max_lines = $opt::L;
+ if(not $opt::pipe) {
+ # --pipe -L means length of record - not max_number_of_args
+ $Global::max_number_of_args ||= $Global::max_lines;
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::max_replace_args) {
+ $opt::max_replace_args =
+ multiply_binary_prefix($opt::max_replace_args);
+ $Global::max_number_of_args = $opt::max_replace_args;
+ $Global::ContextReplace = 1;
+ }
+ if((defined $opt::L or defined $opt::max_replace_args)
+ and
+ not ($opt::xargs or $opt::m)) {
+ $Global::ContextReplace = 1;
+ }
+ if(grep /^$Global::arg_sep\+?$|^$Global::arg_file_sep\+?$/o, @ARGV) {
+ # Deal with ::: :::+ :::: and ::::+
+ @ARGV = read_args_from_command_line();
+ }
+ parse_semaphore();
+ if(defined $opt::eta) { $opt::progress = $opt::eta; }
+ if(defined $opt::bar) { $opt::progress = $opt::bar; }
+ if(defined $opt::bar or defined $opt::latestline) {
+ my $fh = $Global::status_fd || *STDERR;
+ eval q{
+ # Enable utf8 if possible
+ use utf8;
+ binmode $fh, "encoding(utf8)";
+ *decode_utf8 = \&Encode::decode_utf8;
+ };
+ if(eval { decode_utf8("x") }) {
+ # Great: decode works
+ } else {
+ # UTF8-decode not supported: Dummy decode
+ eval q{sub decode_utf8($;$) { $_[0]; }};
+ }
+ }
+ # Funding a free software project is hard. GNU Parallel is no
+ # exception. On top of that it seems the less visible a project
+ # is, the harder it is to get funding. And the nature of GNU
+ # Parallel is that it will never be seen by "the guy with the
+ # checkbook", but only by the people doing the actual work.
+ #
+ # This problem has been covered by others - though no solution has
+ # been found:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # The FAQ tells you why the citation notice exists:
+ #
+ #
+ # If you want GNU Parallel to be maintained in the future, and not
+ # just wither away like so many other free software tools, you
+ # need to help finance the development.
+ #
+ # The citation notice is a simple way of doing so, as citations
+ # makes it possible to me to get a job where I can maintain GNU
+ # Parallel as part of the job.
+ #
+ # This means you can help financing development
+ #
+ #
+ # Before implementing the citation notice it was discussed with
+ # the users:
+ #
+ #
+ # Having to spend 10 seconds on running 'parallel --citation' once
+ # is no doubt not an ideal solution, but no one has so far come up
+ # with an ideal solution - neither for funding GNU Parallel nor
+ # other free software.
+ #
+ # If you believe you have the perfect solution, you should try it
+ # out, and if it works, you should post it on the email
+ # list. Ideas that will cost work and which have not been tested
+ # are, however, unlikely to be prioritized.
+ #
+ # Please note that GPL version 3 gives you the right to fork GNU
+ # Parallel under a new name, but it does not give you the right to
+ # distribute modified copies with the citation notice disabled in
+ # a way where the software can be confused with GNU Parallel. To
+ # do that you need to be the owner of the GNU Parallel
+ # trademark. The xt:Commerce case shows this.
+ #
+ # Description of the xt:Commerce case in OLG Duesseldorf
+ #
+ #
+ # The verdict in German
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Other free software limiting derivates by the same name:
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Running 'parallel --citation' one single time takes less than 10
+ # seconds, and will silence the citation notice for future
+ # runs. If that is too much trouble for you, why not use one of
+ # the alternatives instead?
+ # See a list in: 'man parallel_alternatives'
+ #
+ # If you want GNU Parallel to be maintained in the future you
+ # should keep this line.
+ citation_notice();
+ # *YOU* will be harming free software by removing the notice. You
+ # accept to be added to a public hall of shame by removing the
+ # line. This is because _YOU_ actively make it harder to justify
+ # spending time developing GNU Parallel.
+ parse_halt();
+ if($ENV{'PARALLEL_ENV'}) {
+ # Read environment and set $Global::parallel_env
+ # Must be done before is_acceptable_command_line_length()
+ my $penv = $ENV{'PARALLEL_ENV'};
+ # unset $PARALLEL_ENV: It should not be given to children
+ # because it takes up a lot of env space
+ delete $ENV{'PARALLEL_ENV'};
+ if(-e $penv) {
+ # This is a file/fifo: Replace envvar with content of file
+ open(my $parallel_env, "<", $penv) ||
+ ::die_bug("Cannot read parallel_env from $penv");
+ local $/; # Put <> in slurp mode
+ $penv = <$parallel_env>;
+ close $parallel_env;
+ }
+ # Map \001 to \n to make it easer to quote \n in $PARALLEL_ENV
+ $penv =~ s/\001/\n/g;
+ if($penv =~ /\0/) {
+ ::warning('\0 (NUL) in environment is not supported');
+ }
+ $Global::parallel_env = $penv;
+ }
+ parse_sshlogin();
+ if(defined $opt::show_limits) { show_limits(); }
+ if(remote_hosts() and ($opt::X or $opt::m or $opt::xargs)) {
+ # As we do not know the max line length on the remote machine
+ # long commands generated by xargs may fail
+ # If $opt::max_replace_args is set, it is probably safe
+ ::warning("Using -X or -m with --sshlogin may fail.");
+ }
+ if(not defined $opt::jobs) { $opt::jobs = "100%"; }
+ open_joblog();
+ open_json_csv();
+ if($opt::sqlmaster or $opt::sqlworker) {
+ $Global::sql = SQL->new($opt::sqlmaster || $opt::sqlworker);
+ }
+ if($opt::sqlworker) { $Global::membuffer ||= 1; }
+ # The sqlmaster groups the arguments, so the should just read one
+ if($opt::sqlworker and not $opt::sqlmaster) {
+ $Global::max_number_of_args = 1;
+ }
+ if($Global::color or $opt::colorfailed) { Job::init_color(); }
+sub check_invalid_option_combinations() {
+ if(defined $opt::timeout and
+ $opt::timeout !~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?%?$|^(\d+(\.\d+)?[dhms])+$/i) {
+ ::error("--timeout must be seconds or percentage.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::fifo and defined $opt::cat) {
+ ::error("--fifo cannot be combined with --cat.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::retries and defined $opt::roundrobin) {
+ ::error("--retries cannot be combined with --roundrobin.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::pipepart and
+ (defined $opt::L or defined $opt::max_lines
+ or defined $opt::max_replace_args)) {
+ ::error("--pipepart is incompatible with --max-replace-args, ".
+ "--max-lines, and -L.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::group and $opt::ungroup) {
+ ::error("--group cannot be combined with --ungroup.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::group and $opt::linebuffer) {
+ ::error("--group cannot be combined with --line-buffer.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::ungroup and $opt::linebuffer) {
+ ::error("--ungroup cannot be combined with --line-buffer.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::tollef and not $opt::gnu) {
+ ::error("--tollef has been retired.",
+ "Remove --tollef or use --gnu to override --tollef.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::retired) {
+ ::error("-g has been retired. Use --group.",
+ "-B has been retired. Use --bf.",
+ "-T has been retired. Use --tty.",
+ "-U has been retired. Use --er.",
+ "-W has been retired. Use --wd.",
+ "-Y has been retired. Use --shebang.",
+ "-H has been retired. Use --halt.",
+ "--sql has been retired. Use --sqlmaster.",
+ "--ctrlc has been retired.",
+ "--noctrlc has been retired.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($opt::groupby) {
+ if(not $opt::pipe and not $opt::pipepart) {
+ $opt::pipe = 1;
+ }
+ if($opt::remove_rec_sep) {
+ ::error("--remove-rec-sep is not compatible with --groupby");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($opt::recstart) {
+ ::error("--recstart is not compatible with --groupby");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($opt::recend ne "\n") {
+ ::error("--recend is not compatible with --groupby");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+sub init_globals() {
+ # Defaults:
+ $Global::version = 20221122;
+ $Global::progname = 'parallel';
+ $::name = "GNU Parallel";
+ $Global::infinity = 2**31;
+ $Global::debug = 0;
+ $Global::verbose = 0;
+ # Don't quote every part of the command line
+ $Global::quoting = 0;
+ # Quote replacement strings
+ $Global::quote_replace = 1;
+ $Global::total_completed = 0;
+ $Global::cache_replacement_eval = 1;
+ # Read only table with default --rpl values
+ %Global::replace =
+ (
+ '{}' => '',
+ '{#}' => '1 $_=$job->seq()',
+ '{%}' => '1 $_=$job->slot()',
+ '{/}' => 's:.*/::',
+ '{//}' =>
+ ('$Global::use{"File::Basename"} ||= eval "use File::Basename; 1;"; '.
+ '$_ = dirname($_);'),
+ '{/.}' => 's:.*/::; s:\.[^/.]*$::;',
+ '{.}' => 's:\.[^/.]*$::',
+ );
+ %Global::plus =
+ (
+ # {} = {+/}/{/}
+ # = {.}.{+.} = {+/}/{/.}.{+.}
+ # = {..}.{+..} = {+/}/{/..}.{+..}
+ # = {...}.{+...} = {+/}/{/...}.{+...}
+ '{+/}' => 's:/[^/]*$:: || s:.*$::',
+ # a.b => b; a => ''
+ '{+.}' => 's:.*\.:: || s:.*$::',
+ # a.b.c => b.c; a.b => ''; a => ''
+ '{+..}' => 's:.*\.([^/.]*\.[^/.]*)$:$1: || s:.*$::',
+ '{+...}' => 's:.*\.([^/.]*\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*)$:$1: || s:.*$::',
+ '{..}' => 's:\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*$::',
+ '{...}' => 's:\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*$::',
+ '{/..}' => 's:.*/::; s:\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*$::',
+ '{/...}' => 's:.*/::; s:\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*\.[^/.]*$::',
+ # n choose k = Binomial coefficient
+ '{choose_k}' => ('for $t (2..$#arg)'.
+ '{ if($arg[$t-1] ge $arg[$t]) { skip() } }'),
+ # unique values: Skip job if any args are the same
+ '{uniq}' => 'if(::uniq(@arg) != @arg) { skip(); }',
+ # {##} = number of jobs
+ '{##}' => '1 $_=total_jobs()',
+ # {0%} = 0-padded jobslot
+ '{0%}' => ('1 $f=1+int((log($Global::max_jobs_running||1)/log(10)));'.
+ '$_=sprintf("%0${f}d",slot())'),
+ # {0%} = 0-padded seq
+ '{0#}' => ('1 $f=1+int((log(total_jobs())/log(10)));'.
+ '$_=sprintf("%0${f}d",seq())'),
+ ## Bash inspired replacement strings
+ # Bash ${a:-myval}
+ '{:-([^}]+?)}' => '$_ ||= $$1',
+ # Bash ${a:2}
+ '{:(\d+?)}' => 'substr($_,0,$$1) = ""',
+ # Bash ${a:2:3}
+ '{:(\d+?):(\d+?)}' => '$_ = substr($_,$$1,$$2);',
+ # echo {#z.*z.} ::: =>
+ # echo {##z.*z.} ::: => foo
+ # Bash ${a#bc}
+ '{#([^#}][^}]*?)}' =>
+ '$nongreedy=::make_regexp_ungreedy($$1);s/^$nongreedy(.*)/$1/;',
+ # Bash ${a##bc}
+ '{##([^#}][^}]*?)}' => 's/^$$1//;',
+ # echo {%.z.*z} ::: foo.z.z.z => foo.z
+ # echo {%%.z.*z} ::: foo.z.z.z => foo
+ # Bash ${a%def}
+ '{%([^}]+?)}' =>
+ '$nongreedy=::make_regexp_ungreedy($$1);s/(.*)$nongreedy$/$1/;',
+ # Bash ${a%%def}
+ '{%%([^}]+?)}' => 's/$$1$//;',
+ # Bash ${a/def/ghi} ${a/def/}
+ '{/([^#%}/]+?)/([^}]*?)}' => 's/$$1/$$2/;',
+ # Bash ${a/#def/ghi} ${a/#def/}
+ '{/#([^}]+?)/([^}]*?)}' => 's/^$$1/$$2/g;',
+ # Bash ${a/%def/ghi} ${a/%def/}
+ '{/%([^}]+?)/([^}]*?)}' => 's/$$1$/$$2/g;',
+ # Bash ${a//def/ghi} ${a//def/}
+ '{//([^}]+?)/([^}]*?)}' => 's/$$1/$$2/g;',
+ # Bash ${a^a}
+ '{^([^}]+?)}' => 's/^($$1)/uc($1)/e;',
+ # Bash ${a^^a}
+ '{^^([^}]+?)}' => 's/($$1)/uc($1)/eg;',
+ # Bash ${a,A}
+ '{,([^}]+?)}' => 's/^($$1)/lc($1)/e;',
+ # Bash ${a,,A}
+ '{,,([^}]+?)}' => 's/($$1)/lc($1)/eg;',
+ # {slot} = $PARALLEL_JOBSLOT
+ '{slot}' => '1 $_="\${PARALLEL_JOBSLOT}";uq()',
+ # {host} = ssh host
+ '{host}' => '1 $_="\${PARALLEL_SSHHOST}";uq()',
+ # {sshlogin} = sshlogin
+ '{sshlogin}' => '1 $_="\${PARALLEL_SSHLOGIN}";uq()',
+ # {hgrp} = hostgroups of the host
+ '{hgrp}' => '1 $_="\${PARALLEL_HOSTGROUPS}";uq()',
+ # {agrp} = hostgroups of the argument
+ '{agrp}' => '1 $_="\${PARALLEL_ARGHOSTGROUPS}";uq()',
+ );
+ # Modifiable copy of %Global::replace
+ %Global::rpl = %Global::replace;
+ $/ = "\n";
+ $Global::ignore_empty = 0;
+ $Global::interactive = 0;
+ $Global::stderr_verbose = 0;
+ $Global::default_simultaneous_sshlogins = 9;
+ $Global::exitstatus = 0;
+ $Global::arg_sep = ":::";
+ $Global::arg_file_sep = "::::";
+ $Global::trim = 'n';
+ $Global::max_jobs_running = 0;
+ $Global::job_already_run = '';
+ $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ||= "/tmp";
+ $ENV{'OLDPWD'} = $ENV{'PWD'};
+ if(not $ENV{HOME}) {
+ # $ENV{HOME} is sometimes not set if called from PHP
+ ::warning("\$HOME not set. Using /tmp.");
+ $ENV{HOME} = "/tmp";
+ }
+ # no warnings to allow for undefined $XDG_*
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ # If $PARALLEL_HOME is set, but does not exist, try making it.
+ if(defined $ENV{'PARALLEL_HOME'}) {
+ eval { File::Path::mkpath($ENV{'PARALLEL_HOME'}); };
+ }
+ # $xdg_config_home is needed to make stop complaining
+ my $xdg_config_home = $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'};
+ # config_dirs = $PARALLEL_HOME, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/parallel,
+ # $(each XDG_CONFIG_DIRS)/parallel, $HOME/.parallel
+ # Keep only dirs that exist
+ @Global::config_dirs =
+ (grep { -d $_ }
+ (map { "$_/parallel" }
+ $xdg_config_home,
+ split /:/, $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'}),
+ $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.parallel");
+ # Use first dir as config dir
+ $Global::config_dir = $Global::config_dirs[0] ||
+ $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.parallel";
+ if($ENV{'PARALLEL_HOME'} =~ /./ and not -d $ENV{'PARALLEL_HOME'}) {
+ ::warning("\$PARALLEL_HOME ($ENV{'PARALLEL_HOME'}) does not exist.");
+ ::warning("Using $Global::config_dir");
+ }
+ # cache_dirs = $PARALLEL_HOME, $XDG_CACHE_HOME/parallel,
+ # Keep only dirs that exist
+ @Global::cache_dirs =
+ (grep { -d $_ }
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_HOME'}, $ENV{'XDG_CACHE_HOME'}."/parallel");
+ $Global::cache_dir = $Global::cache_dirs[0] ||
+ $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.parallel";
+ Job::init_color();
+sub parse_halt() {
+ # $opt::halt flavours
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::halt
+ # $Global::halt_when
+ # $Global::halt_fail
+ # $Global::halt_success
+ # $Global::halt_pct
+ # $Global::halt_count
+ if(defined $opt::halt) {
+ my %halt_expansion = (
+ "0" => "never",
+ "1" => "soon,fail=1",
+ "2" => "now,fail=1",
+ "-1" => "soon,success=1",
+ "-2" => "now,success=1",
+ );
+ # Expand -2,-1,0,1,2 into long form
+ $opt::halt = $halt_expansion{$opt::halt} || $opt::halt;
+ # --halt 5% == --halt soon,fail=5%
+ $opt::halt =~ s/^(\d+)%$/soon,fail=$1%/;
+ # Split: soon,fail=5%
+ my ($when,$fail_success,$pct_count) = split /[,=]/, $opt::halt;
+ if(not grep { $when eq $_ } qw(never soon now)) {
+ ::error("--halt must have 'never', 'soon', or 'now'.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ $Global::halt_when = $when;
+ if($when ne "never") {
+ if($fail_success eq "fail") {
+ $Global::halt_fail = 1;
+ } elsif($fail_success eq "success") {
+ $Global::halt_success = 1;
+ } elsif($fail_success eq "done") {
+ $Global::halt_done = 1;
+ } else {
+ ::error("--halt $when must be followed by ,success or ,fail.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($pct_count =~ /^(\d+)%$/) {
+ $Global::halt_pct = $1/100;
+ } elsif($pct_count =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
+ $Global::halt_count = $1;
+ } else {
+ ::error("--halt $when,$fail_success ".
+ "must be followed by ,number or ,percent%.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_replacement_string_options() {
+ # Deal with --rpl
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::rpl
+ # $Global::parensleft
+ # $Global::parensright
+ # $opt::parens
+ # $Global::parensleft
+ # $Global::parensright
+ # $opt::plus
+ # %Global::plus
+ # $opt::I
+ # $opt::U
+ # $opt::i
+ # $opt::basenamereplace
+ # $opt::dirnamereplace
+ # $opt::seqreplace
+ # $opt::slotreplace
+ # $opt::basenameextensionreplace
+ sub rpl($$) {
+ # Modify %Global::rpl
+ # Replace $old with $new
+ my ($old,$new) = @_;
+ if($old ne $new) {
+ $Global::rpl{$new} = $Global::rpl{$old};
+ delete $Global::rpl{$old};
+ }
+ }
+ my $parens = "{==}";
+ if(defined $opt::parens) { $parens = $opt::parens; }
+ my $parenslen = 0.5*length $parens;
+ $Global::parensleft = substr($parens,0,$parenslen);
+ $Global::parensright = substr($parens,$parenslen);
+ if(defined $opt::plus) { %Global::rpl = (%Global::plus,%Global::rpl); }
+ if(defined $opt::I) { rpl('{}',$opt::I); }
+ if(defined $opt::i and $opt::i) { rpl('{}',$opt::i); }
+ if(defined $opt::U) { rpl('{.}',$opt::U); }
+ if(defined $opt::basenamereplace) { rpl('{/}',$opt::basenamereplace); }
+ if(defined $opt::dirnamereplace) { rpl('{//}',$opt::dirnamereplace); }
+ if(defined $opt::seqreplace) { rpl('{#}',$opt::seqreplace); }
+ if(defined $opt::slotreplace) { rpl('{%}',$opt::slotreplace); }
+ if(defined $opt::basenameextensionreplace) {
+ rpl('{/.}',$opt::basenameextensionreplace);
+ }
+ for(@opt::rpl) {
+ # Create $Global::rpl entries for --rpl options
+ # E.g: "{..} s:\.[^.]+$:;s:\.[^.]+$:;"
+ my ($shorthand,$long) = split/\s/,$_,2;
+ $Global::rpl{$shorthand} = $long;
+ }
+sub parse_semaphore() {
+ # Semaphore defaults
+ # Must be done before computing number of processes and max_line_length
+ # because when running as a semaphore GNU Parallel does not read args
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::semaphore
+ # $Global::semaphore
+ # $opt::semaphoretimeout
+ # $Semaphore::timeout
+ # $opt::semaphorename
+ # $Semaphore::name
+ # $opt::fg
+ # $Semaphore::fg
+ # $opt::wait
+ # $Semaphore::wait
+ # $opt::bg
+ # @opt::a
+ # @Global::unget_argv
+ # $Global::default_simultaneous_sshlogins
+ # $opt::jobs
+ # $Global::interactive
+ $Global::semaphore ||= ($0 =~ m:(^|/)sem$:); # called as 'sem'
+ if(defined $opt::semaphore) { $Global::semaphore = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::semaphoretimeout) { $Global::semaphore = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::semaphorename) { $Global::semaphore = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::fg and not $opt::tmux and not $opt::tmuxpane) {
+ $Global::semaphore = 1;
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::bg) { $Global::semaphore = 1; }
+ if(defined $opt::wait and not $opt::sqlmaster) {
+ $Global::semaphore = 1; @ARGV = "true";
+ }
+ if($Global::semaphore) {
+ if(@opt::a) {
+ # Assign the first -a to STDIN
+ open(STDIN,"<",shift @opt::a);
+ if(@opt::a) {
+ # We currently have no way of dealing with more -a
+ ::error("A semaphore cannot take input from more files\n");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ @opt::a = ("/dev/null");
+ # Append a dummy empty argument
+ # \0 => nothing (not the empty string)
+ push(@Global::unget_argv, [Arg->new("\0noarg")]);
+ $Semaphore::timeout = int(multiply_time_units($opt::semaphoretimeout))
+ || 0;
+ if(defined $opt::semaphorename) {
+ $Semaphore::name = $opt::semaphorename;
+ } else {
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ $Semaphore::name = `tty`;
+ chomp $Semaphore::name;
+ }
+ $Semaphore::fg = $opt::fg;
+ $Semaphore::wait = $opt::wait;
+ $Global::default_simultaneous_sshlogins = 1;
+ if(not defined $opt::jobs) {
+ $opt::jobs = 1;
+ }
+ if($Global::interactive and $opt::bg) {
+ ::error("Jobs running in the ".
+ "background cannot be interactive.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+sub record_env() {
+ # Record current %ENV-keys in $PARALLEL_HOME/ignored_vars
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $ignore_filename = $Global::config_dir . "/ignored_vars";
+ if(open(my $vars_fh, ">", $ignore_filename)) {
+ print $vars_fh map { $_,"\n" } keys %ENV;
+ } else {
+ ::error("Cannot write to $ignore_filename.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+sub open_joblog() {
+ # Open joblog as specified by --joblog
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::resume
+ # $opt::resume_failed
+ # $opt::joblog
+ # $opt::results
+ # $Global::job_already_run
+ # %Global::fh
+ my $append = 0;
+ if(($opt::resume or $opt::resume_failed)
+ and
+ not ($opt::joblog or $opt::results)) {
+ ::error("--resume and --resume-failed require --joblog or --results.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::joblog and $opt::joblog =~ s/^\+//) {
+ # --joblog +filename = append to filename
+ $append = 1;
+ }
+ if($opt::joblog
+ and
+ ($opt::sqlmaster
+ or
+ not $opt::sqlworker)) {
+ # Do not log if --sqlworker
+ if($opt::resume || $opt::resume_failed || $opt::retry_failed) {
+ if(open(my $joblog_fh, "<", $opt::joblog)) {
+ # Read the joblog
+ # Override $/ with \n because -d might be set
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ # If there is a header: Open as append later
+ $append = <$joblog_fh>;
+ my $joblog_regexp;
+ if($opt::retry_failed) {
+ # Make a regexp that matches commands with exit+signal=0
+ # 4 host 1360490623.067 3.445 1023 1222 0 0 command
+ $joblog_regexp='^(\d+)(?:\t[^\t]+){5}\t0\t0\t';
+ my @group;
+ while(<$joblog_fh>) {
+ if(/$joblog_regexp/o) {
+ # This is 30% faster than set_job_already_run($1);
+ vec($Global::job_already_run,($1||0),1) = 1;
+ $Global::total_completed++;
+ $group[$1-1] = "true";
+ } elsif(/(\d+)\s+\S+(\s+[-0-9.]+){6}\s+(.*)$/) {
+ # Grab out the command
+ $group[$1-1] = $3;
+ } else {
+ chomp;
+ ::error("Format of '$opt::joblog' is wrong: $_");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ if(@group) {
+ my ($outfh,$name) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".arg");
+ unlink($name);
+ # Put args into argfile
+ if(grep /\0/, @group) {
+ # force --null to deal with \n in commandlines
+ ::warning("Command lines contain newline. ".
+ "Forcing --null.");
+ $opt::null = 1;
+ $/ = "\0";
+ }
+ # Replace \0 with '\n' as used in print_joblog()
+ print $outfh (map { s/\0/\n/g; $_,$/ }
+ map { $_ } @group);
+ seek $outfh, 0, 0;
+ exit_if_disk_full();
+ # Set filehandle to -a
+ @opt::a = ($outfh);
+ }
+ # Remove $command (so -a is run)
+ @ARGV = ();
+ }
+ if($opt::resume || $opt::resume_failed) {
+ if($opt::resume_failed) {
+ # Make a regexp that matches commands with exit+signal=0
+ # 4 host 1360490623.067 3.445 1023 1222 0 0 command
+ $joblog_regexp='^(\d+)(?:\t[^\t]+){5}\t0\t0\t';
+ } else {
+ # Just match the job number
+ $joblog_regexp='^(\d+)';
+ }
+ while(<$joblog_fh>) {
+ if(/$joblog_regexp/o) {
+ # This is 30% faster than set_job_already_run($1);
+ vec($Global::job_already_run,($1||0),1) = 1;
+ $Global::total_completed++;
+ } elsif(not /\d+\s+[^\s]+\s+([-0-9.]+\s+){6}/) {
+ ::error("Format of '$opt::joblog' is wrong: $_");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close $joblog_fh;
+ }
+ # $opt::null may be set if the commands contain \n
+ if($opt::null) { $/ = "\0"; }
+ }
+ if($opt::dryrun) {
+ # Do not write to joblog in a dry-run
+ if(not open($Global::joblog, ">", "/dev/null")) {
+ ::error("Cannot write to --joblog $opt::joblog.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } elsif($append) {
+ # Append to joblog
+ if(not open($Global::joblog, ">>", $opt::joblog)) {
+ ::error("Cannot append to --joblog $opt::joblog.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($opt::joblog eq "-") {
+ # Use STDOUT as joblog
+ $Global::joblog = $Global::fh{1};
+ } elsif(not open($Global::joblog, ">", $opt::joblog)) {
+ # Overwrite the joblog
+ ::error("Cannot write to --joblog $opt::joblog.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ print $Global::joblog
+ join("\t", "Seq", "Host", "Starttime", "JobRuntime",
+ "Send", "Receive", "Exitval", "Signal", "Command"
+ ). "\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub open_json_csv() {
+ if($opt::results) {
+ # Output as JSON/CSV/TSV
+ if($opt::results eq "-.csv"
+ or
+ $opt::results eq "-.tsv"
+ or
+ $opt::results eq "-.json") {
+ # Output as JSON/CSV/TSV on stdout
+ open $Global::csv_fh, ">&", "STDOUT" or
+ ::die_bug("Can't dup STDOUT in csv: $!");
+ # Do not print any other output to STDOUT
+ # by forcing all other output to /dev/null
+ open my $fd, ">", "/dev/null" or
+ ::die_bug("Can't >/dev/null in csv: $!");
+ $Global::fh{1} = $fd;
+ $Global::fh{2} = $fd;
+ } elsif($Global::csvsep or $Global::jsonout) {
+ if(not open($Global::csv_fh,">",$opt::results)) {
+ ::error("Cannot open results file `$opt::results': ".
+ "$!.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub find_compression_program() {
+ # Find a fast compression program
+ # Returns:
+ # $compress_program = compress program with options
+ # $decompress_program = decompress program with options
+ # Search for these. Sorted by speed on 128 core
+ # seq 120000000|shuf > 1gb &
+ # apt-get update
+ # apt install make g++ htop
+ # wget -O - | bash
+ # apt install zstd clzip liblz4-tool lzop pigz pxz gzip plzip pbzip2 lzma xz-utils lzip bzip2 lbzip2 lrzip pixz
+ # git clone
+ # (cd zstd/contrib/pzstd; make -j; cp pzstd /usr/local/bin)
+ # echo 'lrzip -L $((-$1))' >/usr/local/bin/lrz
+ # chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lrz
+ # wait
+ # onethread="zstd clzip lz4 lzop gzip lzma xz bzip2"
+ # multithread="pzstd pigz pxz plzip pbzip2 lzip lbzip2 lrz pixz"
+ # parallel --shuf -j1 --joblog jl-m --arg-sep , parallel --compress-program \'{3}" "-{2}\' cat ::: 1gb '>'/dev/null , 1 2 3 , {1..3} , $multithread
+ # parallel --shuf -j50% --delay 1 --joblog jl-s --arg-sep , parallel --compress-program \'{3}" "-{2}\' cat ::: 1gb '>'/dev/null , 1 2 3 , {1..3} , $onethread
+ # sort -nk4 jl-?
+ # 1-core:
+ # 2-cores: pzstd zstd lz4 lzop pigz gzip lbzip2 pbzip2 lrz bzip2 lzma pxz plzip xz lzip clzip
+ # 4-cores:
+ # 8-cores: pzstd lz4 zstd pigz lzop lbzip2 pbzip2 gzip lzip lrz plzip pxz bzip2 lzma xz clzip
+ # 16-cores: pzstd lz4 pigz lzop lbzip2 pbzip2 plzip lzip lrz pxz gzip lzma xz bzip2
+ # 32-cores: pzstd lbzip2 pbzip2 zstd pigz lz4 lzop plzip lzip lrz gzip pxz lzma bzip2 xz clzip
+ # 64-cores: pzstd lbzip2 pbzip2 pigz zstd pixz lz4 plzip lzop lzip lrz gzip pxz lzma bzip2 xz clzip
+ # 128-core: pzstd lbzip2 pbzip2 zstd pixz lz4 pigz lzop plzip lzip gzip lrz pxz bzip2 lzma xz clzip
+ my @prg = qw(pzstd lbzip2 pbzip2 zstd pixz lz4 pigz lzop plzip lzip gzip
+ lrz pxz bzip2 lzma xz clzip);
+ for my $p (@prg) {
+ if(which($p)) {
+ return ("$p -c -1","$p -dc");
+ }
+ }
+ # Fall back to cat
+ return ("cat","cat");
+sub read_options() {
+ # Read options from command line, profile and $PARALLEL
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::shebang_wrap
+ # $opt::shebang
+ # @ARGV
+ # $opt::plain
+ # @opt::profile
+ # $ENV{'HOME'}
+ # Returns:
+ # @ARGV_no_opt = @ARGV without --options
+ # This must be done first as this may exec myself
+ if(defined $ARGV[0] and ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--shebang/ or
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^--shebang-?wrap/ or
+ $ARGV[0] =~ /^--hashbang/)) {
+ # Program is called from #! line in script
+ # remove --shebang-wrap if it is set
+ $opt::shebang_wrap = ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--shebang-?wrap *//);
+ # remove --shebang if it is set
+ $opt::shebang = ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--shebang *//);
+ # remove --hashbang if it is set
+ $opt::shebang .= ($ARGV[0] =~ s/^--hashbang *//);
+ if($opt::shebang) {
+ my $argfile = Q(pop @ARGV);
+ # exec myself to split $ARGV[0] into separate fields
+ exec "$0 --skip-first-line -a $argfile @ARGV";
+ }
+ if($opt::shebang_wrap) {
+ my @options;
+ my @parser;
+ if ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
+ # FreeBSD's #! puts different values in @ARGV than Linux' does
+ my @nooptions = @ARGV;
+ get_options_from_array(\@nooptions);
+ while($#ARGV > $#nooptions) {
+ push @options, shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ while(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] ne ":::") {
+ push @parser, shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ if(@ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq ":::") {
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ } else {
+ @options = shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ my $script = Q(shift @ARGV);
+ # exec myself to split $ARGV[0] into separate fields
+ exec "$0 --_pipe-means-argfiles @options @parser $script ".
+ "::: @ARGV";
+ }
+ }
+ if($ARGV[0] =~ / --shebang(-?wrap)? /) {
+ ::warning("--shebang and --shebang-wrap must be the first ".
+ "argument.\n");
+ }
+ Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling","require_order");
+ my @ARGV_copy = @ARGV;
+ my @ARGV_orig = @ARGV;
+ # Check if there is a --profile to set @opt::profile
+ get_options_from_array(\@ARGV_copy,"profile|J=s","plain") || die_usage();
+ my @ARGV_profile = ();
+ my @ARGV_env = ();
+ if(not $opt::plain) {
+ # Add options from $PARALLEL_HOME/config and other profiles
+ my @config_profiles = (
+ "/etc/parallel/config",
+ (map { "$_/config" } @Global::config_dirs),
+ $ENV{'HOME'}."/.parallelrc");
+ my @profiles = @config_profiles;
+ if(@opt::profile) {
+ # --profile overrides default profiles
+ @profiles = ();
+ for my $profile (@opt::profile) {
+ if($profile =~ m:^\./|^/:) {
+ # Look for ./profile in .
+ # Look for /profile in /
+ push @profiles, grep { -r $_ } $profile;
+ } else {
+ # Look for the $profile in @Global::config_dirs
+ push @profiles, grep { -r $_ }
+ map { "$_/$profile" } @Global::config_dirs;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $profile (@profiles) {
+ if(-r $profile) {
+ ::debug("init","Read $profile\n");
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ open (my $in_fh, "<", $profile) ||
+ ::die_bug("read-profile: $profile");
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ /^\s*\#/ and next;
+ chomp;
+ push @ARGV_profile, shell_words($_);
+ }
+ close $in_fh;
+ } else {
+ if(grep /^\Q$profile\E$/, @config_profiles) {
+ # config file is not required to exist
+ } else {
+ ::error("$profile not readable.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Add options from shell variable $PARALLEL
+ if($ENV{'PARALLEL'}) {
+ push @ARGV_env, shell_words($ENV{'PARALLEL'});
+ }
+ # Add options from env_parallel.csh via $PARALLEL_CSH
+ if($ENV{'PARALLEL_CSH'}) {
+ push @ARGV_env, shell_words($ENV{'PARALLEL_CSH'});
+ }
+ }
+ Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling","require_order");
+ get_options_from_array(\@ARGV_profile) || die_usage();
+ get_options_from_array(\@ARGV_env) || die_usage();
+ get_options_from_array(\@ARGV) || die_usage();
+ # What were the options given on the command line?
+ # Used to start --sqlworker
+ my $ai = arrayindex(\@ARGV_orig, \@ARGV);
+ @Global::options_in_argv = @ARGV_orig[0..$ai-1];
+ # Prepend non-options to @ARGV (such as commands like 'nice')
+ unshift @ARGV, @ARGV_profile, @ARGV_env;
+ return @ARGV;
+sub arrayindex() {
+ # Similar to Perl's index function, but for arrays
+ # Input:
+ # $arr_ref1 = ref to @array1 to search in
+ # $arr_ref2 = ref to @array2 to search for
+ # Returns:
+ # $pos = position of @array1 in @array2, -1 if not found
+ my ($arr_ref1,$arr_ref2) = @_;
+ my $array1_as_string = join "", map { "\0".$_ } @$arr_ref1;
+ my $array2_as_string = join "", map { "\0".$_ } @$arr_ref2;
+ my $i = index($array1_as_string,$array2_as_string,0);
+ if($i == -1) { return -1 }
+ my @before = split /\0/, substr($array1_as_string,0,$i);
+ return $#before;
+sub read_args_from_command_line() {
+ # Arguments given on the command line after:
+ # ::: ($Global::arg_sep)
+ # :::: ($Global::arg_file_sep)
+ # :::+ ($Global::arg_sep with --link)
+ # ::::+ ($Global::arg_file_sep with --link)
+ # Removes the arguments from @ARGV and:
+ # - puts filenames into -a
+ # - puts arguments into files and add the files to -a
+ # - adds --linkinputsource with 0/1 for each -a depending on :::+/::::+
+ # Input:
+ # @::ARGV = command option ::: arg arg arg :::: argfiles
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::arg_sep
+ # $Global::arg_file_sep
+ # $opt::_pipe_means_argfiles
+ # $opt::pipe
+ # @opt::a
+ # Returns:
+ # @argv_no_argsep = @::ARGV without ::: and :::: and following args
+ my @new_argv = ();
+ for(my $arg = shift @ARGV; @ARGV; $arg = shift @ARGV) {
+ if($arg eq $Global::arg_sep
+ or
+ $arg eq $Global::arg_sep."+"
+ or
+ $arg eq $Global::arg_file_sep
+ or
+ $arg eq $Global::arg_file_sep."+") {
+ my $group_sep = $arg; # This group of args is args or argfiles
+ my @group;
+ while(defined ($arg = shift @ARGV)) {
+ if($arg eq $Global::arg_sep
+ or
+ $arg eq $Global::arg_sep."+"
+ or
+ $arg eq $Global::arg_file_sep
+ or
+ $arg eq $Global::arg_file_sep."+") {
+ # exit while loop if finding new separator
+ last;
+ } else {
+ # If not hitting ::: :::+ :::: or ::::+
+ # Append it to the group
+ push @group, $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ my $is_linked = ($group_sep =~ /\+$/) ? 1 : 0;
+ my $is_file = ($group_sep eq $Global::arg_file_sep
+ or
+ $group_sep eq $Global::arg_file_sep."+");
+ if($is_file) {
+ # :::: / ::::+
+ push @opt::linkinputsource, map { $is_linked } @group;
+ } else {
+ # ::: / :::+
+ push @opt::linkinputsource, $is_linked;
+ }
+ if($is_file
+ or ($opt::_pipe_means_argfiles and $opt::pipe)
+ ) {
+ # Group of file names on the command line.
+ # Append args into -a
+ push @opt::a, @group;
+ } else {
+ # Group of arguments on the command line.
+ # Put them into a file.
+ # Create argfile
+ my ($outfh,$name) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".arg");
+ unlink($name);
+ # Put args into argfile
+ print $outfh map { $_,$/ } @group;
+ seek $outfh, 0, 0;
+ exit_if_disk_full();
+ # Append filehandle to -a
+ push @opt::a, $outfh;
+ }
+ if(defined($arg)) {
+ # $arg is ::: :::+ :::: or ::::+
+ # so there is another group
+ redo;
+ } else {
+ # $arg is undef -> @ARGV empty
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ push @new_argv, $arg;
+ }
+ # Output: @ARGV = command to run with options
+ return @new_argv;
+sub cleanup() {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ unlink keys %Global::unlink;
+ map { rmdir $_ } keys %Global::unlink;
+ if(@opt::basefile and $opt::cleanup) { cleanup_basefile(); }
+ for(keys %Global::sshmaster) {
+ # If 'ssh -M's are running: kill them
+ kill "TERM", $_;
+ }
+sub shell_quote(@) {
+ # Input:
+ # @strings = strings to be quoted
+ # Returns:
+ # @shell_quoted_strings = string quoted as needed by the shell
+ return wantarray ? (map { Q($_) } @_) : (join" ",map { Q($_) } @_);
+sub shell_quote_scalar_rc($) {
+ # Quote for the rc-shell
+ my $a = $_[0];
+ if(defined $a) {
+ if(($a =~ s/'/''/g)
+ +
+ ($a =~ s/[\n\002-\011\013-\032\\\#\?\`\(\)\{\}\[\]\^\*\<\=\>\~\|\; \"\!\$\&\'\202-\377]+/'$&'/go)) {
+ # A string was replaced
+ # No need to test for "" or \0
+ } elsif($a eq "") {
+ $a = "''";
+ } elsif($a eq "\0") {
+ $a = "";
+ }
+ }
+ return $a;
+sub shell_quote_scalar_csh($) {
+ # Quote for (t)csh
+ my $a = $_[0];
+ if(defined $a) {
+ # $a =~ s/([\002-\011\013-\032\\\#\?\`\(\)\{\}\[\]\^\*\>\<\~\|\; \"\!\$\&\'\202-\377])/\\$1/g;
+ # This is 1% faster than the above
+ if(($a =~ s/[\002-\011\013-\032\\\#\?\`\(\)\{\}\[\]\^\*\<\=\>\~\|\; \"\!\$\&\'\202-\377]/\\$&/go)
+ +
+ # quote newline in csh as \\\n
+ ($a =~ s/[\n]/"\\\n"/go)) {
+ # A string was replaced
+ # No need to test for "" or \0
+ } elsif($a eq "") {
+ $a = "''";
+ } elsif($a eq "\0") {
+ $a = "";
+ }
+ }
+ return $a;
+sub shell_quote_scalar_default($) {
+ # Quote for other shells (Bourne compatibles)
+ # Inputs:
+ # $string = string to be quoted
+ # Returns:
+ # $shell_quoted = string quoted as needed by the shell
+ local $_ = $_[0];
+ if(/[^-_.+a-z0-9\/]/i) {
+ s/'/'"'"'/g; # "-quote '-quotes
+ $_ = "'$_'"; # '-quote entire string
+ s/^''//; # Remove unneeded '' at ends
+ s/''$//; # (faster than s/^''|''$//g)
+ return $_;
+ } elsif ($_ eq "") {
+ return "''";
+ } else {
+ # No quoting needed
+ return $_;
+ }
+sub shell_quote_scalar($) {
+ # Quote the string so the shell will not expand any special chars
+ # Inputs:
+ # $string = string to be quoted
+ # Returns:
+ # $shell_quoted = string quoted as needed by the shell
+ # Speed optimization: Choose the correct shell_quote_scalar_*
+ # and call that directly from now on
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ if($Global::cshell) {
+ # (t)csh
+ *shell_quote_scalar = \&shell_quote_scalar_csh;
+ } elsif($Global::shell =~ m:(^|/)rc$:) {
+ # rc-shell
+ *shell_quote_scalar = \&shell_quote_scalar_rc;
+ } else {
+ # other shells
+ *shell_quote_scalar = \&shell_quote_scalar_default;
+ }
+ # The sub is now redefined. Call it
+ return shell_quote_scalar($_[0]);
+sub Q($) {
+ # Q alias for ::shell_quote_scalar
+ my $ret = shell_quote_scalar($_[0]);
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *Q = \&::shell_quote_scalar;
+ return $ret;
+sub shell_quote_file($) {
+ # Quote the string so shell will not expand any special chars
+ # and prepend ./ if needed
+ # Input:
+ # $filename = filename to be shell quoted
+ # Returns:
+ # $quoted_filename = filename quoted with \ and ./ if needed
+ my $a = shift;
+ if(defined $a) {
+ if($a =~ m:^/: or $a =~ m:^\./:) {
+ # /abs/path or ./rel/path => skip
+ } else {
+ # rel/path => ./rel/path
+ $a = "./".$a;
+ }
+ }
+ return Q($a);
+sub shell_words(@) {
+ # Input:
+ # $string = shell line
+ # Returns:
+ # @shell_words = $string split into words as shell would do
+ $Global::use{"Text::ParseWords"} ||= eval "use Text::ParseWords; 1;";
+ return Text::ParseWords::shellwords(@_);
+sub perl_quote_scalar($) {
+ # Quote the string so perl's eval will not expand any special chars
+ # Inputs:
+ # $string = string to be quoted
+ # Returns:
+ # $perl_quoted = string quoted with \ as needed by perl's eval
+ my $a = $_[0];
+ if(defined $a) {
+ $a =~ s/[\\\"\$\@]/\\$&/go;
+ }
+ return $a;
+# -w complains about prototype
+sub pQ($) {
+ # pQ alias for ::perl_quote_scalar
+ my $ret = perl_quote_scalar($_[0]);
+ *pQ = \&::perl_quote_scalar;
+ return $ret;
+sub unquote_printf() {
+ # Convert \t \n \r \000 \0
+ # Inputs:
+ # $string = string with \t \n \r \num \0
+ # Returns:
+ # $replaced = string with TAB NEWLINE CR <ascii-num> NUL
+ $_ = shift;
+ s/\\t/\t/g;
+ s/\\n/\n/g;
+ s/\\r/\r/g;
+ s/\\(\d\d\d)/eval 'sprintf "\\'.$1.'"'/ge;
+ s/\\(\d)/eval 'sprintf "\\'.$1.'"'/ge;
+ return $_;
+sub __FILEHANDLES__() {}
+sub save_stdin_stdout_stderr() {
+ # Remember the original STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR
+ # and file descriptors opened by the shell (e.g. 3>/tmp/foo)
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::fh
+ # $Global::original_stderr
+ # $Global::original_stdin
+ # Returns: N/A
+ # TODO Disabled until we have an open3 that will take n filehandles
+ # for my $fdno (1..61) {
+ # # /dev/fd/62 and above are used by bash for <(cmd)
+ # # Find file descriptors that are already opened (by the shell)
+ # Only focus on stdout+stderr for now
+ for my $fdno (1..2) {
+ my $fh;
+ # 2-argument-open is used to be compatible with old perl 5.8.0
+ # bug #43570: Perl 5.8.0 creates 61 files
+ if(open($fh,">&=$fdno")) {
+ $Global::fh{$fdno}=$fh;
+ }
+ }
+ open $Global::original_stderr, ">&", "STDERR" or
+ ::die_bug("Can't dup STDERR: $!");
+ open $Global::status_fd, ">&", "STDERR" or
+ ::die_bug("Can't dup STDERR: $!");
+ open $Global::original_stdin, "<&", "STDIN" or
+ ::die_bug("Can't dup STDIN: $!");
+sub enough_file_handles() {
+ # Check that we have enough filehandles available for starting
+ # another job
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::ungroup
+ # %Global::fh
+ # Returns:
+ # 1 if ungrouped (thus not needing extra filehandles)
+ # 0 if too few filehandles
+ # 1 if enough filehandles
+ if(not $opt::ungroup) {
+ my %fh;
+ my $enough_filehandles = 1;
+ # perl uses 7 filehandles for something?
+ # open3 uses 2 extra filehandles temporarily
+ # We need a filehandle for each redirected file descriptor
+ # (normally just STDOUT and STDERR)
+ for my $i (1..(7+2+keys %Global::fh)) {
+ $enough_filehandles &&= open($fh{$i}, "<", "/dev/null");
+ }
+ for (values %fh) { close $_; }
+ return $enough_filehandles;
+ } else {
+ # Ungrouped does not need extra file handles
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub open_or_exit($) {
+ # Open a file name or exit if the file cannot be opened
+ # Inputs:
+ # $file = filehandle or filename to open
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::original_stdin
+ # Returns:
+ # $fh = file handle to read-opened file
+ my $file = shift;
+ if($file eq "-") {
+ return ($Global::original_stdin || *STDIN);
+ }
+ if(ref $file eq "GLOB") {
+ # This is an open filehandle
+ return $file;
+ }
+ my $fh = gensym;
+ if(not open($fh, "<", $file)) {
+ ::error("Cannot open input file `$file': No such file or directory.");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ return $fh;
+sub set_fh_blocking($) {
+ # Set filehandle as blocking
+ # Inputs:
+ # $fh = filehandle to be blocking
+ # Returns:
+ # N/A
+ my $fh = shift;
+ $Global::use{"Fcntl"} ||= eval "use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); 1;";
+ my $flags;
+ # Get the current flags on the filehandle
+ fcntl($fh, &F_GETFL, $flags) || die $!;
+ # Remove non-blocking from the flags
+ $flags &= ~&O_NONBLOCK;
+ # Set the flags on the filehandle
+ fcntl($fh, &F_SETFL, $flags) || die $!;
+sub set_fh_non_blocking($) {
+ # Set filehandle as non-blocking
+ # Inputs:
+ # $fh = filehandle to be blocking
+ # Returns:
+ # N/A
+ my $fh = shift;
+ $Global::use{"Fcntl"} ||= eval "use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); 1;";
+ my $flags;
+ # Get the current flags on the filehandle
+ fcntl($fh, &F_GETFL, $flags) || die $!;
+ # Add non-blocking to the flags
+ $flags |= &O_NONBLOCK;
+ # Set the flags on the filehandle
+ fcntl($fh, &F_SETFL, $flags) || die $!;
+# Variable structure:
+# $Global::running{$pid} = Pointer to Job-object
+# @Global::virgin_jobs = Pointer to Job-object that have received no input
+# $Global::host{$sshlogin} = Pointer to SSHLogin-object
+# $Global::total_running = total number of running jobs
+# $Global::total_started = total jobs started
+# $Global::max_procs_file = filename if --jobs is given a filename
+# $Global::JobQueue = JobQueue object for the queue of jobs
+# $Global::timeoutq = queue of times where jobs timeout
+# $Global::newest_job = Job object of the most recent job started
+# $Global::newest_starttime = timestamp of $Global::newest_job
+# @Global::sshlogin
+# $Global::minimal_command_line_length = min len supported by all sshlogins
+# $Global::start_no_new_jobs = should more jobs be started?
+# $Global::original_stderr = file handle for STDERR when the program started
+# $Global::total_started = total number of jobs started
+# $Global::joblog = filehandle of joblog
+# $Global::debug = Is debugging on?
+# $Global::exitstatus = status code of GNU Parallel
+# $Global::quoting = quote the command to run
+sub init_run_jobs() {
+ # Set Global variables and progress signal handlers
+ # Do the copying of basefiles
+ # Returns: N/A
+ $Global::total_running = 0;
+ $Global::total_started = 0;
+ $SIG{USR1} = \&list_running_jobs;
+ $SIG{USR2} = \&toggle_progress;
+ if(@opt::basefile) { setup_basefile(); }
+ my $last_time;
+ my %last_mtime;
+ my $max_procs_file_last_mod;
+ sub changed_procs_file {
+ # If --jobs is a file and it is modfied:
+ # Force recomputing of max_jobs_running for each $sshlogin
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::max_procs_file
+ # %Global::host
+ # Returns: N/A
+ if($Global::max_procs_file) {
+ # --jobs filename
+ my $mtime = (stat($Global::max_procs_file))[9];
+ $max_procs_file_last_mod ||= 0;
+ if($mtime > $max_procs_file_last_mod) {
+ # file changed: Force re-computing max_jobs_running
+ $max_procs_file_last_mod = $mtime;
+ for my $sshlogin (values %Global::host) {
+ $sshlogin->set_max_jobs_running(undef);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub changed_sshloginfile {
+ # If --slf is changed:
+ # reload --slf
+ # filter_hosts
+ # setup_basefile
+ # Uses:
+ # @opt::sshloginfile
+ # @Global::sshlogin
+ # %Global::host
+ # $opt::filter_hosts
+ # Returns: N/A
+ if(@opt::sshloginfile) {
+ # Is --sshloginfile changed?
+ for my $slf (@opt::sshloginfile) {
+ my $actual_file = expand_slf_shorthand($slf);
+ my $mtime = (stat($actual_file))[9];
+ $last_mtime{$actual_file} ||= $mtime;
+ if($mtime - $last_mtime{$actual_file} > 1) {
+ ::debug("run",
+ "--sshloginfile $actual_file changed. reload\n");
+ $last_mtime{$actual_file} = $mtime;
+ # Reload $slf
+ # Empty sshlogins
+ @Global::sshlogin = ();
+ for (values %Global::host) {
+ # Don't start new jobs on any host
+ # except the ones added back later
+ $_->set_max_jobs_running(0);
+ }
+ # This will set max_jobs_running on the SSHlogins
+ read_sshloginfile($actual_file);
+ parse_sshlogin();
+ $opt::filter_hosts and filter_hosts();
+ setup_basefile();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub start_more_jobs {
+ # Run start_another_job() but only if:
+ # * not $Global::start_no_new_jobs set
+ # * not JobQueue is empty
+ # * not load on server is too high
+ # * not server swapping
+ # * not too short time since last remote login
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::host
+ # $Global::start_no_new_jobs
+ # $Global::JobQueue
+ # $opt::pipe
+ # $opt::load
+ # $opt::noswap
+ # $opt::delay
+ # $Global::newest_starttime
+ # Returns:
+ # $jobs_started = number of jobs started
+ my $jobs_started = 0;
+ if($Global::start_no_new_jobs) {
+ return $jobs_started;
+ }
+ if(time - ($last_time||0) > 1) {
+ # At most do this every second
+ $last_time = time;
+ changed_procs_file();
+ changed_sshloginfile();
+ }
+ # This will start 1 job on each --sshlogin (if possible)
+ # thus distribute the jobs on the --sshlogins round robin
+ for my $sshlogin (values %Global::host) {
+ if($Global::JobQueue->empty() and not $opt::pipe) {
+ # No more jobs in the queue
+ last;
+ }
+ debug("run", "Running jobs before on ", $sshlogin->string(), ": ",
+ $sshlogin->jobs_running(), "\n");
+ if ($sshlogin->jobs_running() < $sshlogin->max_jobs_running()) {
+ if($opt::delay
+ and
+ $opt::delay-0.008 > ::now()-$Global::newest_starttime) {
+ # It has been too short since last start
+ next;
+ }
+ if($opt::load and $sshlogin->loadavg_too_high()) {
+ # The load is too high or unknown
+ next;
+ }
+ if($opt::noswap and $sshlogin->swapping()) {
+ # The server is swapping
+ next;
+ }
+ if($opt::limit and $sshlogin->limit()) {
+ # Over limit
+ next;
+ }
+ if(($opt::memfree or $opt::memsuspend)
+ and
+ $sshlogin->memfree() < $Global::memlimit) {
+ # The server has not enough mem free
+ ::debug("mem", "Not starting job: not enough mem\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ if($sshlogin->too_fast_remote_login()) {
+ # It has been too short since last login
+ next;
+ }
+ debug("run", $sshlogin->string(),
+ " has ", $sshlogin->jobs_running(),
+ " out of ", $sshlogin->max_jobs_running(),
+ " jobs running. Start another.\n");
+ if(start_another_job($sshlogin) == 0) {
+ # No more jobs to start on this $sshlogin
+ debug("run","No jobs started on ",
+ $sshlogin->string(), "\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ $sshlogin->inc_jobs_running();
+ $sshlogin->set_last_login_at(::now());
+ $jobs_started++;
+ }
+ debug("run","Running jobs after on ", $sshlogin->string(), ": ",
+ $sshlogin->jobs_running(), " of ",
+ $sshlogin->max_jobs_running(), "\n");
+ }
+ return $jobs_started;
+ }
+ my $no_more_file_handles_warned;
+ sub start_another_job() {
+ # If there are enough filehandles
+ # and JobQueue not empty
+ # and not $job is in joblog
+ # Then grab a job from Global::JobQueue,
+ # start it at sshlogin
+ # mark it as virgin_job
+ # Inputs:
+ # $sshlogin = the SSHLogin to start the job on
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::JobQueue
+ # $opt::pipe
+ # $opt::results
+ # $opt::resume
+ # @Global::virgin_jobs
+ # Returns:
+ # 1 if another jobs was started
+ # 0 otherwise
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ # Do we have enough file handles to start another job?
+ if(enough_file_handles()) {
+ if($Global::JobQueue->empty() and not $opt::pipe) {
+ # No more commands to run
+ debug("start", "Not starting: JobQueue empty\n");
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ my $job;
+ # Skip jobs already in job log
+ # Skip jobs already in results
+ do {
+ $job = get_job_with_sshlogin($sshlogin);
+ if(not defined $job) {
+ # No command available for that sshlogin
+ debug("start", "Not starting: no jobs available for ",
+ $sshlogin->string(), "\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if($job->is_already_in_joblog()) {
+ $job->free_slot();
+ }
+ } while ($job->is_already_in_joblog()
+ or
+ ($opt::results and $opt::resume
+ and $job->is_already_in_results()));
+ debug("start", "Command to run on '",
+ $job->sshlogin()->string(), "': '",
+ $job->replaced(),"'\n");
+ if($job->start()) {
+ if($opt::pipe) {
+ if($job->virgin()) {
+ push(@Global::virgin_jobs,$job);
+ } else {
+ # Block already set: This is a retry
+ $job->write_block();
+ }
+ }
+ debug("start", "Started as seq ", $job->seq(),
+ " pid:", $job->pid(), "\n");
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ # Not enough processes to run the job.
+ # Put it back on the queue.
+ $Global::JobQueue->unget($job);
+ # Count down the number of jobs to run for this SSHLogin.
+ my $max = $sshlogin->max_jobs_running();
+ if($max > 1) { $max--; } else {
+ my @arg;
+ for my $record (@{$job->{'commandline'}{'arg_list'}}) {
+ push @arg, map { $_->orig() } @$record;
+ }
+ ::error("No more processes: cannot run a single job. ".
+ "Something is wrong at @arg.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ $sshlogin->set_max_jobs_running($max);
+ # Sleep up to 300 ms to give other processes time to die
+ ::usleep(rand()*300);
+ ::warning("No more processes: ".
+ "Decreasing number of running jobs to $max.",
+ "Try increasing 'ulimit -u' (try: ulimit -u `ulimit -Hu`)",
+ "or increasing 'nproc' in /etc/security/limits.conf",
+ "or increasing /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # No more file handles
+ $no_more_file_handles_warned++ or
+ ::warning("No more file handles. ",
+ "Try running 'parallel -j0 -N 100 --pipe parallel -j0'",
+ "or increasing 'ulimit -n' (try: ulimit -n `ulimit -Hn`)",
+ "or increasing 'nofile' in /etc/security/limits.conf",
+ "or increasing /proc/sys/fs/file-max");
+ debug("start", "No more file handles. ");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub init_progress() {
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::bar
+ # Returns:
+ # list of computers for progress output
+ $|=1;
+ if($opt::bar) {
+ return("","");
+ }
+ my %progress = progress();
+ return ("\nComputers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run\n",
+ $progress{'workerlist'});
+sub drain_job_queue(@) {
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::progress
+ # $Global::total_running
+ # $Global::max_jobs_running
+ # %Global::running
+ # $Global::JobQueue
+ # %Global::host
+ # $Global::start_no_new_jobs
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my @command = @_;
+ if($opt::progress) {
+ ::status_no_nl(init_progress());
+ }
+ my $last_header = "";
+ my $sleep = 0.2;
+ my $sleepsum = 0;
+ do {
+ while($Global::total_running > 0) {
+ debug("init",$Global::total_running, "==", scalar
+ keys %Global::running," slots: ", $Global::max_jobs_running);
+ if($opt::pipe) {
+ # When using --pipe sometimes file handles are not
+ # closed properly
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ close $job->fh(0,"w");
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::progress) {
+ my %progress = progress();
+ if($last_header ne $progress{'header'}) {
+ ::status("", $progress{'header'});
+ $last_header = $progress{'header'};
+ }
+ ::status_no_nl("\r",$progress{'status'});
+ }
+ if($Global::total_running < $Global::max_jobs_running
+ and not $Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ # These jobs may not be started because of loadavg
+ # or too little time between each ssh login.
+ if(start_more_jobs() > 0) {
+ # Exponential back-on if jobs were started
+ $sleep = $sleep/2+0.001;
+ }
+ }
+ # Exponential back-off sleeping
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ $sleepsum += $sleep;
+ if($sleepsum >= 1000) {
+ # At most do this every second
+ $sleepsum = 0;
+ changed_procs_file();
+ changed_sshloginfile();
+ start_more_jobs();
+ }
+ }
+ if(not $Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ # These jobs may not be started:
+ # * because there the --filter-hosts has removed all
+ if(not %Global::host) {
+ ::error("There are no hosts left to run on.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ # * because of loadavg
+ # * because of too little time between each ssh login.
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ start_more_jobs();
+ if($Global::max_jobs_running == 0) {
+ ::warning("There are no job slots available. Increase --jobs.");
+ }
+ }
+ while($opt::sqlmaster and not $Global::sql->finished()) {
+ # SQL master
+ $sleep = ::reap_usleep($sleep);
+ start_more_jobs();
+ if($Global::start_sqlworker) {
+ # Start an SQL worker as we are now sure there is work to do
+ $Global::start_sqlworker = 0;
+ if(my $pid = fork()) {
+ $Global::unkilled_sqlworker = $pid;
+ } else {
+ # Replace --sql/--sqlandworker with --sqlworker
+ my @ARGV = (map { s/^--sql(andworker)?$/--sqlworker/; $_ }
+ @Global::options_in_argv);
+ # exec the --sqlworker
+ exec($0,@ARGV,@command);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while ($Global::total_running > 0
+ or
+ not $Global::start_no_new_jobs and not $Global::JobQueue->empty()
+ or
+ $opt::sqlmaster and not $Global::sql->finished());
+ if($opt::progress) {
+ my %progress = progress();
+ ::status("\r".$progress{'status'});
+ }
+sub toggle_progress() {
+ # Turn on/off progress view
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::progress
+ # Returns: N/A
+ $opt::progress = not $opt::progress;
+ if($opt::progress) {
+ ::status_no_nl(init_progress());
+ }
+sub progress() {
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::bar
+ # $opt::eta
+ # %Global::host
+ # $Global::total_started
+ # Returns:
+ # $workerlist = list of workers
+ # $header = that will fit on the screen
+ # $status = message that will fit on the screen
+ if($opt::bar) {
+ return ("workerlist" => "", "header" => "", "status" => bar());
+ }
+ my $eta = "";
+ my ($status,$header)=("","");
+ if($opt::eta) {
+ my($total, $completed, $left, $pctcomplete, $avgtime, $this_eta) =
+ compute_eta();
+ $eta = sprintf("ETA: %ds Left: %d AVG: %.2fs ",
+ $this_eta, $left, $avgtime);
+ }
+ my $termcols = terminal_columns();
+ my @workers = sort keys %Global::host;
+ my %sshlogin = map { $_ eq ":" ? ($_ => "local") : ($_ => $_) } @workers;
+ my $workerno = 1;
+ my %workerno = map { ($_=>$workerno++) } @workers;
+ my $workerlist = "";
+ for my $w (@workers) {
+ $workerlist .=
+ $workerno{$w}.":".$sshlogin{$w} ." / ".
+ ($Global::host{$w}->ncpus() || "-")." / ".
+ $Global::host{$w}->max_jobs_running()."\n";
+ }
+ $status = "c"x($termcols+1);
+ # Select an output format that will fit on a single line
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # sshlogin1:XX/XX/XX%/XX.Xs s2:XX/XX/XX%/XX.Xs s3:XX/XX/XX%/XX.Xs
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/".
+ "%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",map
+ {
+ if($Global::total_started) {
+ my $completed =
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0);
+ my $running = $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running();
+ my $time = $completed ? (time-$^T)/($completed) : "0";
+ sprintf("%s:%d/%d/%d%%/%.1fs ",
+ $sshlogin{$_}, $running, $completed,
+ ($running+$completed)*100
+ / $Global::total_started, $time);
+ }
+ } @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # 1:XX/XX/XX%/X.Xs 2:XX/XX/XX%/X.Xs 3:XX/XX/XX%/X.Xs 4:XX/XX/XX%/X.Xs
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",map
+ {
+ if($Global::total_started) {
+ my $completed =
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0);
+ my $running = $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running();
+ my $time = $completed ? (time-$^T)/($completed) : "0";
+ sprintf("%s:%d/%d/%d%%/%.1fs ",
+ $workerno{$_}, $running, $completed,
+ ($running+$completed)*100
+ / $Global::total_started, $time);
+ }
+ } @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # sshlogin1:XX/XX/XX% sshlogin2:XX/XX/XX% sshlogin3:XX/XX/XX%
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",map
+ {
+ if($Global::total_started) {
+ sprintf("%s:%d/%d/%d%%",
+ $sshlogin{$_},
+ $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running(),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_running()+
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0))*100
+ / $Global::total_started)
+ }
+ }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # 1:XX/XX/XX% 2:XX/XX/XX% 3:XX/XX/XX% 4:XX/XX/XX% 5:XX/XX/XX%
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",map
+ {
+ if($Global::total_started) {
+ sprintf("%s:%d/%d/%d%%",
+ $workerno{$_},
+ $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running(),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_running()+
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0))*100
+ / $Global::total_started)
+ }
+ }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # sshlogin1:XX/XX/XX% sshlogin2:XX/XX/XX% sshlogin3:XX/XX
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",
+ map { sprintf("%s:%d/%d",
+ $sshlogin{$_}, $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running(),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0)) }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # sshlogin1:XX/XX sshlogin2:XX/XX sshlogin3:XX/XX sshlogin4:XX/XX
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",
+ map { sprintf("%s:%d/%d",
+ $sshlogin{$_}, $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running(),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0)) }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # 1:XX/XX 2:XX/XX 3:XX/XX 4:XX/XX 5:XX/XX 6:XX/XX
+ $header = "Computer:jobs running/jobs completed";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",
+ map { sprintf("%s:%d/%d", $workerno{$_},
+ $Global::host{$_}->jobs_running(),
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0)) }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # sshlogin1:XX sshlogin2:XX sshlogin3:XX sshlogin4:XX sshlogin5:XX
+ $header = "Computer:jobs completed";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",
+ map { sprintf("%s:%d", $sshlogin{$_},
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0)) }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ if(length $status > $termcols) {
+ # 1:XX 2:XX 3:XX 4:XX 5:XX 6:XX
+ $header = "Computer:jobs completed";
+ $status = $eta .
+ join(" ",
+ map { sprintf("%s:%d",
+ $workerno{$_},
+ ($Global::host{$_}->jobs_completed()||0)) }
+ @workers);
+ }
+ return ("workerlist" => $workerlist, "header" => $header,
+ "status" => $status);
+ my ($first_completed, $smoothed_avg_time, $last_eta);
+ sub compute_eta {
+ # Calculate important numbers for ETA
+ # Returns:
+ # $total = number of jobs in total
+ # $completed = number of jobs completed
+ # $left = number of jobs left
+ # $pctcomplete = percent of jobs completed
+ # $avgtime = averaged time
+ # $eta = smoothed eta
+ my $completed = $Global::total_completed;
+ # In rare cases with -X will $completed > total_jobs()
+ my $total = ::max($Global::JobQueue->total_jobs(),$completed);
+ my $left = $total - $completed;
+ if(not $completed) {
+ return($total, $completed, $left, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ my $pctcomplete = ::min($completed / $total,100);
+ $first_completed ||= time;
+ my $timepassed = (time - $first_completed);
+ my $avgtime = $timepassed / $completed;
+ $smoothed_avg_time ||= $avgtime;
+ # Smooth the eta so it does not jump wildly
+ $smoothed_avg_time = (1 - $pctcomplete) * $smoothed_avg_time +
+ $pctcomplete * $avgtime;
+ my $eta = int($left * $smoothed_avg_time);
+ if($eta*0.90 < $last_eta and $last_eta < $eta) {
+ # Eta jumped less that 10% up: Keep the last eta instead
+ $eta = $last_eta;
+ } else {
+ $last_eta = $eta;
+ }
+ return($total, $completed, $left, $pctcomplete, $avgtime, $eta);
+ }
+ my ($rev,$reset);
+ sub bar() {
+ # Return:
+ # $status = bar with eta, completed jobs, arg and pct
+ $rev ||= "\033[7m";
+ $reset ||= "\033[0m";
+ my($total, $completed, $left, $pctcomplete, $avgtime, $eta) =
+ compute_eta();
+ my $arg = $Global::newest_job ?
+ $Global::newest_job->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders(["\257<\257>"],0,0) : "";
+ $arg = decode_utf8($arg);
+ my $eta_dhms = ::seconds_to_time_units($eta);
+ my $bar_text =
+ sprintf("%d%% %d:%d=%s %s",
+ $pctcomplete*100, $completed, $left, $eta_dhms, $arg);
+ my $terminal_width = terminal_columns();
+ my $s = sprintf("%-${terminal_width}s",
+ substr($bar_text." "x$terminal_width,
+ 0,$terminal_width));
+ my $width = int($terminal_width * $pctcomplete);
+ substr($s,$width,0) = $reset;
+ my $zenity = sprintf("%-${terminal_width}s",
+ substr("# $eta sec $arg",
+ 0,$terminal_width));
+ # Prefix with zenity header
+ $s = "\r" . $zenity . "\r" . $pctcomplete*100 .
+ "\r" . $rev . $s . $reset;
+ return $s;
+ }
+ my ($rows,$columns,$last_update_time);
+ sub compute_terminal_size() {
+ # && true is to force spawning a shell and not just exec'ing
+ my @tput = qx{ tput lines cols </dev/tty 2>/dev/null && true };
+ $rows = 0 + $tput[0];
+ $columns = 0 + $tput[1];
+ if(not ($rows && $columns)) {
+ # && true is to force spawning a shell and not just exec'ing
+ my $stty = qx{ stty -a </dev/tty 2>/dev/null && true };
+ # FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD/Dragonfly/MirOS
+ # MacOSX/IRIX/AIX/Tru64
+ $stty =~ /(\d+) columns/ and do { $columns = $1; };
+ $stty =~ /(\d+) rows/ and do { $rows = $1; };
+ # GNU/Linux/Solaris
+ $stty =~ /columns (\d+)/ and do { $columns = $1; };
+ $stty =~ /rows (\d+)/ and do { $rows = $1; };
+ # Solaris-x86/HPUX/SCOsysV/UnixWare/OpenIndiana
+ $stty =~ /columns = (\d+)/ and do { $columns = $1; };
+ $stty =~ /rows = (\d+)/ and do { $rows = $1; };
+ # QNX
+ $stty =~ /rows=(\d+),(\d+)/ and do { ($rows,$columns) = ($1,$2); };
+ }
+ if(not ($rows && $columns)) {
+ # && true is to force spawning a shell and not just exec'ing
+ my $resize = qx{ resize 2>/dev/null && true };
+ $resize =~ /COLUMNS=(\d+);/ and do { $columns ||= $1; };
+ $resize =~ /LINES=(\d+);/ and do { $rows ||= $1; };
+ }
+ $rows ||= 24;
+ $columns ||= 80;
+ }
+ sub update_terminal_size() {
+ # Only update once per second.
+ if($last_update_time < time) {
+ $last_update_time = time;
+ compute_terminal_size();
+ # Set signal WINdow CHange to force recompute
+ $SIG{WINCH} = \&compute_terminal_size;
+ }
+ }
+ sub terminal_rows() {
+ # Get the number of rows of the terminal.
+ # Returns:
+ # number of rows of the screen
+ update_terminal_size();
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ sub terminal_columns() {
+ # Get the number of columns of the terminal.
+ # Returns:
+ # number of columns of the screen
+ update_terminal_size();
+ return $columns;
+ }
+# Prototype forwarding
+sub get_job_with_sshlogin($);
+sub get_job_with_sshlogin($) {
+ # Input:
+ # $sshlogin = which host should the job be run on?
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::hostgroups
+ # $Global::JobQueue
+ # Returns:
+ # $job = next job object for $sshlogin if any available
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ my $job;
+ if ($opt::hostgroups) {
+ my @other_hostgroup_jobs = ();
+ while($job = $Global::JobQueue->get()) {
+ if($sshlogin->in_hostgroups($job->hostgroups())) {
+ # Found a job to be run on a hostgroup of this
+ # $sshlogin
+ last;
+ } else {
+ # This job was not in the hostgroups of $sshlogin
+ push @other_hostgroup_jobs, $job;
+ }
+ }
+ $Global::JobQueue->unget(@other_hostgroup_jobs);
+ if(not defined $job) {
+ # No more jobs
+ return undef;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $job = $Global::JobQueue->get();
+ if(not defined $job) {
+ # No more jobs
+ ::debug("start", "No more jobs: JobQueue empty\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if(not $job->suspended()) {
+ $job->set_sshlogin($sshlogin);
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::retries and $job->failed_here()) {
+ # This command with these args failed for this sshlogin
+ my ($no_of_failed_sshlogins,$min_failures) = $job->min_failed();
+ # Only look at the Global::host that have > 0 jobslots
+ if($no_of_failed_sshlogins ==
+ grep { $_->max_jobs_running() > 0 } values %Global::host
+ and $job->failed_here() == $min_failures) {
+ # It failed the same or more times on another host:
+ # run it on this host
+ } else {
+ # If it failed fewer times on another host:
+ # Find another job to run
+ my $nextjob;
+ if(not $Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ # This can potentially recurse for all args
+ no warnings 'recursion';
+ $nextjob = get_job_with_sshlogin($sshlogin);
+ }
+ # Push the command back on the queue
+ $Global::JobQueue->unget($job);
+ return $nextjob;
+ }
+ }
+ return $job;
+sub __REMOTE_SSH__() {}
+sub read_sshloginfiles(@) {
+ # Read a list of --slf's
+ # Input:
+ # @files = files or symbolic file names to read
+ # Returns: N/A
+ for my $s (@_) {
+ read_sshloginfile(expand_slf_shorthand($s));
+ }
+sub expand_slf_shorthand($) {
+ # Expand --slf shorthand into a read file name
+ # Input:
+ # $file = file or symbolic file name to read
+ # Returns:
+ # $file = actual file name to read
+ my $file = shift;
+ if($file eq "-") {
+ # skip: It is stdin
+ } elsif($file eq "..") {
+ $file = $Global::config_dir."/sshloginfile";
+ } elsif($file eq ".") {
+ $file = "/etc/parallel/sshloginfile";
+ } elsif(not -r $file) {
+ for(@Global::config_dirs) {
+ if(not -r $_."/".$file) {
+ # Try prepending $PARALLEL_HOME
+ ::error("Cannot open $file.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ } else {
+ $file = $_."/".$file;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $file;
+sub read_sshloginfile($) {
+ # Read sshloginfile into @Global::sshlogin
+ # Input:
+ # $file = file to read
+ # Uses:
+ # @Global::sshlogin
+ # Returns: N/A
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $close = 1;
+ my $in_fh;
+ ::debug("init","--slf ",$file);
+ if($file eq "-") {
+ $in_fh = *STDIN;
+ $close = 0;
+ } else {
+ if(not open($in_fh, "<", $file)) {
+ # Try the filename
+ ::error("Cannot open $file.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ chomp;
+ /^\s*#/ and next;
+ /^\s*$/ and next;
+ push @Global::sshlogin, $_;
+ }
+ if($close) {
+ close $in_fh;
+ }
+sub parse_sshlogin() {
+ # Parse @Global::sshlogin into %Global::host.
+ # Keep only hosts that are in one of the given ssh hostgroups.
+ # Uses:
+ # @Global::sshlogin
+ # $Global::minimal_command_line_length
+ # %Global::host
+ # $opt::transfer
+ # @opt::return
+ # $opt::cleanup
+ # @opt::basefile
+ # @opt::trc
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my @login;
+ if(not @Global::sshlogin) { @Global::sshlogin = (":"); }
+ for my $sshlogin (@Global::sshlogin) {
+ # Split up -S sshlogin,sshlogin
+ # Parse ,, and \, as , but do not split on that
+ # -S "ssh -J jump1,,jump2 host1,host2" =>
+ # ssh -J jump1,jump2 host1
+ # host2
+ # Protect \, and ,, as \0
+ $sshlogin =~ s/\\,|,,/\0/g;
+ for my $s (split /,|\n/, $sshlogin) {
+ # Replace \0 => ,
+ $s =~ s/\0/,/g;
+ if ($s eq ".." or $s eq "-") {
+ # This may add to @Global::sshlogin - possibly bug
+ read_sshloginfile(expand_slf_shorthand($s));
+ } else {
+ $s =~ s/\s*$//;
+ push (@login, $s);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $Global::minimal_command_line_length = 100_000_000;
+ my @allowed_hostgroups;
+ for my $ncpu_sshlogin_string (::uniq(@login)) {
+ my $sshlogin = SSHLogin->new($ncpu_sshlogin_string);
+ my $sshlogin_string = $sshlogin->string();
+ if($sshlogin_string eq "") {
+ # This is an ssh group: -S @webservers
+ push @allowed_hostgroups, $sshlogin->hostgroups();
+ next;
+ }
+ if($Global::host{$sshlogin_string}) {
+ # This sshlogin has already been added:
+ # It is probably a host that has come back
+ # Set the max_jobs_running back to the original
+ debug("run","Already seen $sshlogin_string\n");
+ if($sshlogin->{'ncpus'}) {
+ # If ncpus set by '#/' of the sshlogin, overwrite it:
+ $Global::host{$sshlogin_string}->set_ncpus($sshlogin->ncpus());
+ }
+ $Global::host{$sshlogin_string}->set_max_jobs_running(undef);
+ next;
+ }
+ $sshlogin->set_maxlength(Limits::Command::max_length());
+ $Global::minimal_command_line_length =
+ ::min($Global::minimal_command_line_length, $sshlogin->maxlength());
+ $Global::host{$sshlogin_string} = $sshlogin;
+ }
+ $Global::usable_command_line_length =
+ # Usable len = maxlen - 3000 for wrapping, div 2 for hexing
+ int(($Global::minimal_command_line_length - 3000)/2);
+ if($opt::max_chars) {
+ if($opt::max_chars <= $Global::usable_command_line_length) {
+ $Global::usable_command_line_length = $opt::max_chars;
+ } else {
+ ::warning("Value for option -s should be < ".
+ $Global::usable_command_line_length.".");
+ }
+ }
+ if(@allowed_hostgroups) {
+ # Remove hosts that are not in these groups
+ while (my ($string, $sshlogin) = each %Global::host) {
+ if(not $sshlogin->in_hostgroups(@allowed_hostgroups)) {
+ delete $Global::host{$string};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # debug("start", "sshlogin: ", my_dump(%Global::host),"\n");
+ if(@Global::transfer_files or @opt::return
+ or $opt::cleanup or @opt::basefile) {
+ if(not remote_hosts()) {
+ # There are no remote hosts
+ if(@opt::trc) {
+ ::warning("--trc ignored as there are no remote --sshlogin.");
+ } elsif (defined $opt::transfer) {
+ ::warning("--transfer ignored as there are ".
+ "no remote --sshlogin.");
+ } elsif (@opt::transfer_files) {
+ ::warning("--transferfile ignored as there ".
+ "are no remote --sshlogin.");
+ } elsif (@opt::return) {
+ ::warning("--return ignored as there are no remote --sshlogin.");
+ } elsif (defined $opt::cleanup and not %opt::template) {
+ ::warning("--cleanup ignored as there ".
+ "are no remote --sshlogin.");
+ } elsif (@opt::basefile) {
+ ::warning("--basefile ignored as there ".
+ "are no remote --sshlogin.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub remote_hosts() {
+ # Return sshlogins that are not ':'
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::host
+ # Returns:
+ # list of sshlogins with ':' removed
+ return grep !/^:$/, keys %Global::host;
+sub setup_basefile() {
+ # Transfer basefiles to each $sshlogin
+ # This needs to be done before first jobs on $sshlogin is run
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::host
+ # @opt::basefile
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my @cmd;
+ my $rsync_destdir;
+ my $workdir;
+ for my $sshlogin (values %Global::host) {
+ if($sshlogin->local()) { next }
+ for my $file (@opt::basefile) {
+ if($file !~ m:^/: and $opt::workdir eq "...") {
+ ::error("Work dir '...' will not work with relative basefiles.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(not $workdir) {
+ my $dummycmdline =
+ CommandLine->new(1,["true"],{},0,0,[],[],[],[],{},{});
+ my $dummyjob = Job->new($dummycmdline);
+ $workdir = $dummyjob->workdir();
+ }
+ push @cmd, $sshlogin->rsync_transfer_cmd($file,$workdir);
+ }
+ }
+ debug("init", "basesetup: @cmd\n");
+ my ($exitstatus,$stdout_ref,$stderr_ref) =
+ run_gnu_parallel((join "\n",@cmd),"-j0","--retries",5);
+ if($exitstatus) {
+ my @stdout = @$stdout_ref;
+ my @stderr = @$stderr_ref;
+ ::error("Copying of --basefile failed: @stdout@stderr");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+sub cleanup_basefile() {
+ # Remove the basefiles transferred
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::host
+ # @opt::basefile
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my @cmd;
+ my $workdir;
+ if(not $workdir) {
+ my $dummycmdline = CommandLine->new(1,["true"],{},0,0,[],[],[],[],{},{});
+ my $dummyjob = Job->new($dummycmdline);
+ $workdir = $dummyjob->workdir();
+ }
+ for my $sshlogin (values %Global::host) {
+ if($sshlogin->local()) { next }
+ for my $file (@opt::basefile) {
+ push @cmd, $sshlogin->cleanup_cmd($file,$workdir);
+ }
+ }
+ debug("init", "basecleanup: @cmd\n");
+ my ($exitstatus,$stdout_ref,$stderr_ref) =
+ run_gnu_parallel(join("\n",@cmd),"-j0","--retries",5);
+ if($exitstatus) {
+ my @stdout = @$stdout_ref;
+ my @stderr = @$stderr_ref;
+ ::error("Cleanup of --basefile failed: @stdout@stderr");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+sub run_gnu_parallel() {
+ my ($stdin,@args) = @_;
+ my $cmd = join "",map { " $_ & " } split /\n/, $stdin;
+ print $Global::original_stderr ` $cmd wait` ;
+ return 0
+sub _run_gnu_parallel() {
+ # Run GNU Parallel
+ # This should ideally just fork an internal copy
+ # and not start it through a shell
+ # Input:
+ # $stdin = data to provide on stdin for GNU Parallel
+ # @args = command line arguments
+ # Returns:
+ # $exitstatus = exitcode of GNU Parallel run
+ # \@stdout = standard output
+ # \@stderr = standard error
+ my ($stdin,@args) = @_;
+ my ($exitstatus,@stdout,@stderr);
+ my ($stdin_fh,$stdout_fh)=(gensym(),gensym());
+ my ($stderr_fh, $stderrname) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".par");
+ unlink $stderrname;
+ my $pid = ::open3($stdin_fh,$stdout_fh,$stderr_fh,
+ $0,qw(--plain --shell /bin/sh --will-cite), @args);
+ if(my $writerpid = fork()) {
+ close $stdin_fh;
+ @stdout = <$stdout_fh>;
+ # Now stdout is closed:
+ # These pids should be dead or die very soon
+ while(kill 0, $writerpid) { ::usleep(1); }
+ die;
+# reap $writerpid;
+# while(kill 0, $pid) { ::usleep(1); }
+# reap $writerpid;
+ $exitstatus = $?;
+ seek $stderr_fh, 0, 0;
+ @stderr = <$stderr_fh>;
+ close $stdout_fh;
+ close $stderr_fh;
+ } else {
+ close $stdout_fh;
+ close $stderr_fh;
+ print $stdin_fh $stdin;
+ close $stdin_fh;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return ($exitstatus,\@stdout,\@stderr);
+sub filter_hosts() {
+ # Remove down --sshlogins from active duty.
+ # Find ncpus, ncores, maxlen, time-to-login for each host.
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::host
+ # $Global::minimal_command_line_length
+ # $opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads
+ # $opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads
+ # $opt::use_cpus_instead_of_cores
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my ($nsockets_ref,$ncores_ref, $nthreads_ref, $time_to_login_ref,
+ $maxlen_ref, $echo_ref, $down_hosts_ref) =
+ parse_host_filtering(parallelized_host_filtering());
+ delete @Global::host{@$down_hosts_ref};
+ @$down_hosts_ref and ::warning("Removed @$down_hosts_ref.");
+ $Global::minimal_command_line_length = 100_000_000;
+ while (my ($string, $sshlogin) = each %Global::host) {
+ if($sshlogin->local()) { next }
+ my ($nsockets,$ncores,$nthreads,$time_to_login,$maxlen) =
+ ($nsockets_ref->{$string},$ncores_ref->{$string},
+ $nthreads_ref->{$string},$time_to_login_ref->{$string},
+ $maxlen_ref->{$string});
+ defined $nsockets or ::die_bug("nsockets missing: $string");
+ defined $ncores or ::die_bug("ncores missing: $string");
+ defined $nthreads or ::die_bug("nthreads missing: $string");
+ defined $time_to_login or ::die_bug("time_to_login missing: $string");
+ defined $maxlen or ::die_bug("maxlen missing: $string");
+ # ncpus may be set by 4/hostname or may be undefined yet
+ my $ncpus = $sshlogin->{'ncpus'};
+ # $nthreads may be 0 if GNU Parallel is not installed remotely
+ $ncpus = $nthreads || $ncpus || $sshlogin->ncpus();
+ if($opt::use_cpus_instead_of_cores) {
+ $ncpus = $ncores || $ncpus;
+ } elsif($opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads) {
+ $ncpus = $nsockets || $ncpus;
+ } elsif($opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads) {
+ $ncpus = $ncores || $ncpus;
+ }
+ $sshlogin->set_ncpus($ncpus);
+ $sshlogin->set_time_to_login($time_to_login);
+ $maxlen = $maxlen || Limits::Command::max_length();
+ $sshlogin->set_maxlength($maxlen);
+ ::debug("init", "Timing from -S:$string ",
+ " ncpus:", $ncpus,
+ " nsockets:",$nsockets,
+ " ncores:", $ncores,
+ " nthreads:",$nthreads,
+ " time_to_login:", $time_to_login,
+ " maxlen:", $maxlen,
+ " min_max_len:", $Global::minimal_command_line_length,"\n");
+ }
+sub parse_host_filtering() {
+ # Input:
+ # @lines = output from parallelized_host_filtering()
+ # Returns:
+ # \%nsockets = number of sockets of {host}
+ # \%ncores = number of cores of {host}
+ # \%nthreads = number of hyperthreaded cores of {host}
+ # \%time_to_login = time_to_login on {host}
+ # \%maxlen = max command len on {host}
+ # \%echo = echo received from {host}
+ # \@down_hosts = list of hosts with no answer
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my (%nsockets, %ncores, %nthreads, %time_to_login, %maxlen, %echo,
+ @down_hosts);
+ for (@_) {
+ ::debug("init","Read: ",$_);
+ chomp;
+ my @col = split /\t/, $_;
+ if($col[0] =~ /^parallel: Warning:/) {
+ # Timed out job: Ignore it
+ next;
+ } elsif(defined $col[6]) {
+ # This is a line from --joblog
+ # seq host time spent sent received exit signal command
+ # 2 : 1372607672.654 0.675 0 0 0 0 eval true\ m\;ssh\ m\ parallel\ --number-of-cores
+ if($col[0] eq "Seq" and $col[1] eq "Host" and
+ $col[2] eq "Starttime") {
+ # Header => skip
+ next;
+ }
+ # Get server from: eval true server\;
+ $col[8] =~ /eval .?true.?\s([^\;]+);/ or
+ ::die_bug("col8 does not contain host: $col[8] in $_");
+ my $host = $1;
+ $host =~ tr/\\//d;
+ $Global::host{$host} or next;
+ if($col[6] eq "255" or $col[6] eq "-1" or $col[6] eq "1") {
+ # exit == 255 or exit == timeout (-1): ssh failed/timedout
+ # exit == 1: lsh failed
+ # Remove sshlogin
+ ::debug("init", "--filtered $host\n");
+ push(@down_hosts, $host);
+ } elsif($col[6] eq "127") {
+ # signal == 127: parallel not installed remote
+ # Set nsockets, ncores, nthreads = 1
+ ::warning("Could not figure out ".
+ "number of cpus on $host. Using 1.");
+ $nsockets{$host} = 1;
+ $ncores{$host} = 1;
+ $nthreads{$host} = 1;
+ $maxlen{$host} = Limits::Command::max_length();
+ } elsif($col[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $Global::host{$host}) {
+ # Remember how log it took to log in
+ # 2 : 1372607672.654 0.675 0 0 0 0 eval true\ m\;ssh\ m\ echo
+ $time_to_login{$host} = ::min($time_to_login{$host},$col[3]);
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("host check unmatched long jobline: $_");
+ }
+ } elsif($Global::host{$col[0]}) {
+ # This output from --number-of-cores, --number-of-cpus,
+ # --max-line-length-allowed
+ # ncores: server 8
+ # ncpus: server 2
+ # maxlen: server 131071
+ if(/parallel: Warning: Cannot figure out number of/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if(/\t(perl: warning:|LANGUAGE =|LC_ALL =|LANG =|are supported and installed|Disconnected from|Received disconnect from)/
+ or
+ /\tWarning: /
+ ) {
+ # Skip these (from perl):
+ # perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
+ # perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
+ # LANGUAGE = (unset),
+ # LC_ALL = (unset),
+ # LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
+ # are supported and installed on your system.
+ # perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
+ # Disconnected from port 22
+ #
+ # Skip these (from ssh):
+ # Warning: Permanently added * to the list of known hosts.
+ # Warning: Identity file * not accessible: *
+ } elsif(not defined $nsockets{$col[0]}) {
+ $nsockets{$col[0]} = $col[1];
+ } elsif(not defined $ncores{$col[0]}) {
+ $ncores{$col[0]} = $col[1];
+ } elsif(not defined $nthreads{$col[0]}) {
+ $nthreads{$col[0]} = $col[1];
+ } elsif(not defined $maxlen{$col[0]}) {
+ $maxlen{$col[0]} = $col[1];
+ } elsif(not defined $echo{$col[0]}) {
+ $echo{$col[0]} = $col[1];
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("host check too many col0: $_");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("host check unmatched short jobline ($col[0]): $_");
+ }
+ }
+ @down_hosts = uniq(@down_hosts);
+ return(\%nsockets, \%ncores, \%nthreads, \%time_to_login,
+ \%maxlen, \%echo, \@down_hosts);
+sub parallelized_host_filtering() {
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::host
+ # Returns:
+ # text entries with:
+ # * joblog line
+ # * hostname \t number of cores
+ # * hostname \t number of cpus
+ # * hostname \t max-line-length-allowed
+ # * hostname \t empty
+ sub sshwrapped {
+ # Wrap with ssh and --env
+ # Return $default_value if command fails
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ my $command = shift;
+ # wrapper that returns output "0\n" if the command fails
+ # E.g. parallel not installed => "0\n"
+ my $wcmd = q(perl -e '$a=`).$command.q(`; print $? ? "0".v010 : $a');
+ my $commandline = CommandLine->new(1,[$wcmd],{},0,0,[],[],[],[],{},{});
+ my $job = Job->new($commandline);
+ $job->set_sshlogin($sshlogin);
+ $job->wrapped();
+ return($job->{'wrapped'});
+ }
+ my(@sockets, @cores, @threads, @maxline, @echo);
+ while (my ($host, $sshlogin) = each %Global::host) {
+ if($host eq ":") { next }
+ # The 'true' is used to get the $host out later
+ push(@sockets, $host."\t"."true $host; ".
+ sshwrapped($sshlogin,"parallel --number-of-sockets")."\n\0");
+ push(@cores, $host."\t"."true $host; ".
+ sshwrapped($sshlogin,"parallel --number-of-cores")."\n\0");
+ push(@threads, $host."\t"."true $host; ".
+ sshwrapped($sshlogin,"parallel --number-of-threads")."\n\0");
+ push(@maxline, $host."\t"."true $host; ".
+ sshwrapped($sshlogin,
+ "parallel --max-line-length-allowed")."\n\0");
+ # 'echo' is used to get the fastest possible ssh login time
+ push(@echo, $host."\t"."true $host; ".
+ $sshlogin->wrap("echo $host")."\n\0");
+ }
+ # --timeout 10: Setting up an SSH connection and running a simple
+ # command should never take > 10 sec.
+ # --delay 0.1: If multiple sshlogins use the same proxy the delay
+ # will make it less likely to overload the ssh daemon.
+ # --retries 3: If the ssh daemon is overloaded, try 3 times
+ my $cmd =
+ "$0 -j0 --timeout 10 --joblog - --plain --delay 0.1 --retries 3 ".
+ "--tag --tagstring '{1}' -0 --colsep '\t' -k eval '{2}' && true ";
+ $cmd = $Global::shell." -c ".Q($cmd);
+ ::debug("init", $cmd, "\n");
+ my @out;
+ my $prepend = "";
+ my ($host_fh,$in,$err);
+ open3($in, $host_fh, $err, $cmd) || ::die_bug("parallel host check: $cmd");
+ ::debug("init", map { $_,"\n" } @sockets, @cores, @threads, @maxline, @echo);
+ if(not fork()) {
+ # Give the commands to run to the $cmd
+ close $host_fh;
+ print $in @sockets, @cores, @threads, @maxline, @echo;
+ close $in;
+ exit();
+ }
+ close $in;
+ # If -0: $/ must be \n
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ for(<$host_fh>) {
+ # TODO incompatible with '-quoting. Needs to be fixed differently
+ #if(/\'$/) {
+ # # if last char = ' then append next line
+ # # This may be due to quoting of \n in environment var
+ # $prepend .= $_;
+ # next;
+ #}
+ $_ = $prepend . $_;
+ $prepend = "";
+ push @out, $_;
+ }
+ close $host_fh;
+ return @out;
+sub onall($@) {
+ # Runs @command on all hosts.
+ # Uses parallel to run @command on each host.
+ # --jobs = number of hosts to run on simultaneously.
+ # For each host a parallel command with the args will be running.
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::debug
+ # $Global::exitstatus
+ # $Global::joblog
+ # $Global::quoting
+ # $opt::D
+ # $opt::arg_file_sep
+ # $opt::arg_sep
+ # $opt::colsep
+ # $opt::files
+ # $opt::group
+ # $opt::joblog
+ # $opt::jobs
+ # $opt::keeporder
+ # $opt::linebuffer
+ # $opt::max_chars
+ # $opt::plain
+ # $opt::retries
+ # $opt::tag
+ # $opt::tee
+ # $opt::timeout
+ # $opt::ungroup
+ # %Global::host
+ # @opt::basefile
+ # @opt::env
+ # @opt::v
+ # Input:
+ # @command = command to run on all hosts
+ # Returns: N/A
+ sub tmp_joblog {
+ # Input:
+ # $joblog = filename of joblog - undef if none
+ # Returns:
+ # $tmpfile = temp file for joblog - undef if none
+ my $joblog = shift;
+ if(not defined $joblog) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".log");
+ close $fh;
+ return $tmpfile;
+ }
+ my ($input_source_fh_ref,@command) = @_;
+ if($Global::quoting) {
+ @command = shell_quote(@command);
+ }
+ # Copy all @input_source_fh (-a and :::) into tempfiles
+ my @argfiles = ();
+ for my $fh (@$input_source_fh_ref) {
+ my ($outfh, $name) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".all", UNLINK => not $opt::D);
+ print $outfh (<$fh>);
+ close $outfh;
+ push @argfiles, $name;
+ }
+ if(@opt::basefile) { setup_basefile(); }
+ # for each sshlogin do:
+ # parallel -S $sshlogin $command :::: @argfiles
+ #
+ # Pass some of the options to the sub-parallels, not all of them as
+ # -P should only go to the first, and -S should not be copied at all.
+ my $options =
+ join(" ",
+ ((defined $opt::sshdelay) ? "--delay ".$opt::sshdelay : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::memfree) ? "--memfree ".$opt::memfree : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::memsuspend) ? "--memfree ".$opt::memsuspend : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::D) ? "-D $opt::D" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::group) ? "--group" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::jobs) ? "-P $opt::jobs" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::keeporder) ? "--keeporder" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::linebuffer) ? "--linebuffer" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::max_chars) ? "--max-chars ".$opt::max_chars : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::plain) ? "--plain" : ""),
+ (($opt::ungroup == 1) ? "-u" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::tee) ? "--tee" : ""),
+ );
+ my $suboptions =
+ join(" ",
+ ((defined $opt::sshdelay) ? "--delay ".$opt::sshdelay : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::D) ? "-D $opt::D" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::arg_file_sep) ? "--arg-file-sep ".$opt::arg_file_sep : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::arg_sep) ? "--arg-sep ".$opt::arg_sep : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::colsep) ? "--colsep ".shell_quote($opt::colsep) : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::files) ? "--files" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::group) ? "--group" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::cleanup) ? "--cleanup" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::keeporder) ? "--keeporder" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::linebuffer) ? "--linebuffer" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::max_chars) ? "--max-chars ".$opt::max_chars : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::plain) ? "--plain" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::plus) ? "--plus" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::retries) ? "--retries ".$opt::retries : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::timeout) ? "--timeout ".$opt::timeout : ""),
+ (($opt::ungroup == 1) ? "-u" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::ssh) ? "--ssh '".$opt::ssh."'" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::tee) ? "--tee" : ""),
+ ((defined $opt::workdir) ? "--wd ".Q($opt::workdir) : ""),
+ (@Global::transfer_files ? map { "--tf ".Q($_) }
+ @Global::transfer_files : ""),
+ (@Global::ret_files ? map { "--return ".Q($_) }
+ @Global::ret_files : ""),
+ (@opt::env ? map { "--env ".Q($_) } @opt::env : ""),
+ (map { "-v" } @opt::v),
+ );
+ ::debug("init", "| $0 $options\n");
+ open(my $parallel_fh, "|-", "$0 -0 --will-cite -j0 $options") ||
+ ::die_bug("This does not run GNU Parallel: $0 $options");
+ my @joblogs;
+ for my $host (sort keys %Global::host) {
+ my $sshlogin = $Global::host{$host};
+ my $joblog = tmp_joblog($opt::joblog);
+ if($joblog) {
+ push @joblogs, $joblog;
+ $joblog = "--joblog $joblog";
+ }
+ my $quad = $opt::arg_file_sep || "::::";
+ # If PARALLEL_ENV is set: Pass it on
+ my $penv=$Global::parallel_env ?
+ "PARALLEL_ENV=".Q($Global::parallel_env) :
+ '';
+ ::debug("init", "$penv $0 $suboptions -j1 $joblog ",
+ ((defined $opt::tag) ?
+ "--tagstring ".Q($sshlogin->string()) : ""),
+ " -S ", Q($sshlogin->string())," ",
+ join(" ",shell_quote(@command))," $quad @argfiles\n");
+ print $parallel_fh "$penv $0 $suboptions -j1 $joblog ",
+ ((defined $opt::tag) ?
+ "--tagstring ".Q($sshlogin->string()) : ""),
+ " -S ", Q($sshlogin->string())," ",
+ join(" ",shell_quote(@command))," $quad @argfiles\0";
+ }
+ close $parallel_fh;
+ $Global::exitstatus = $? >> 8;
+ debug("init", "--onall exitvalue ", $?);
+ if(@opt::basefile and $opt::cleanup) { cleanup_basefile(); }
+ $Global::debug or unlink(@argfiles);
+ my %seen;
+ for my $joblog (@joblogs) {
+ # Append to $joblog
+ open(my $fh, "<", $joblog) ||
+ ::die_bug("Cannot open tmp joblog $joblog");
+ # Skip first line (header);
+ <$fh>;
+ print $Global::joblog (<$fh>);
+ close $fh;
+ unlink($joblog);
+ }
+sub __SIGNAL_HANDLING__() {}
+sub sigtstp() {
+ # Send TSTP signal (Ctrl-Z) to all children process groups
+ # Uses:
+ # %SIG
+ # Returns: N/A
+ signal_children("TSTP");
+sub sigpipe() {
+ # Send SIGPIPE signal to all children process groups
+ # Uses:
+ # %SIG
+ # Returns: N/A
+ signal_children("PIPE");
+sub signal_children() {
+ # Send signal to all children process groups
+ # and GNU Parallel itself
+ # Uses:
+ # %SIG
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $signal = shift;
+ debug("run", "Sending $signal ");
+ kill $signal, map { -$_ } keys %Global::running;
+ # Use default signal handler for GNU Parallel itself
+ $SIG{$signal} = undef;
+ kill $signal, $$;
+sub save_original_signal_handler() {
+ # Remember the original signal handler
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::original_sig
+ # Returns: N/A
+ $SIG{INT} = sub {
+ if($opt::tmux) { ::qqx("tmux kill-session -t p$$"); }
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ };
+ $SIG{TERM} = sub {
+ if($opt::tmux) { ::qqx("tmux kill-session -t p$$"); }
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ };
+ %Global::original_sig = %SIG;
+ $SIG{TERM} = sub {}; # Dummy until jobs really start
+ # Allow Ctrl-Z to suspend and `fg` to continue
+ $SIG{TSTP} = \&sigtstp;
+ $SIG{PIPE} = \&sigpipe;
+ $SIG{CONT} = sub {
+ # Set $SIG{TSTP} again (it is undef'ed in sigtstp() )
+ $SIG{TSTP} = \&sigtstp;
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ if($job->suspended()) {
+ # Force jobs to suspend, if they are marked as suspended.
+ # --memsupspend can suspend a job that will be resumed
+ # if the user presses CTRL-Z followed by `fg`.
+ $job->suspend();
+ } else {
+ # Resume the rest of the jobs
+ $job->resume();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+sub list_running_jobs() {
+ # Print running jobs on tty
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::running
+ # Returns: N/A
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ ::status("$Global::progname: ".$job->replaced());
+ }
+sub start_no_new_jobs() {
+ # Start no more jobs
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::original_sig
+ # %Global::unlink
+ # $Global::start_no_new_jobs
+ # Returns: N/A
+ unlink keys %Global::unlink;
+ ::status
+ ("$Global::progname: SIGHUP received. No new jobs will be started.",
+ "$Global::progname: Waiting for these ".(keys %Global::running).
+ " jobs to finish. Send SIGTERM to stop now.");
+ list_running_jobs();
+ $Global::start_no_new_jobs ||= 1;
+sub reapers() {
+ # Run reaper until there are no more left
+ # Returns:
+ # @pids_reaped = pids of reaped processes
+ my @pids_reaped;
+ my $pid;
+ while($pid = reaper()) {
+ push @pids_reaped, $pid;
+ }
+ return @pids_reaped;
+sub reaper() {
+ # A job finished:
+ # * Set exitstatus, exitsignal, endtime.
+ # * Free ressources for new job
+ # * Update median runtime
+ # * Print output
+ # * If --halt = now: Kill children
+ # * Print progress
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::running
+ # $opt::timeout
+ # $Global::timeoutq
+ # $opt::keeporder
+ # $Global::total_running
+ # Returns:
+ # $stiff = PID of child finished
+ my $stiff;
+ debug("run", "Reaper ");
+ if(($stiff = waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG)) <= 0) {
+ # No jobs waiting to be reaped
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # $stiff = pid of dead process
+ my $job = $Global::running{$stiff};
+ # '-a <(seq 10)' will give us a pid not in %Global::running
+ # The same will one of the ssh -M: ignore
+ $job or return 0;
+ delete $Global::running{$stiff};
+ $Global::total_running--;
+ if($job->{'commandline'}{'skip'}) {
+ # $job->skip() was called
+ $job->set_exitstatus(-2);
+ $job->set_exitsignal(0);
+ } else {
+ $job->set_exitstatus($? >> 8);
+ $job->set_exitsignal($? & 127);
+ }
+ debug("run", "\nseq ",$job->seq()," died (", $job->exitstatus(), ")");
+ if($Global::delayauto or $Global::sshdelayauto) {
+ if($job->exitstatus()) {
+ # Job failed: Increase delay (if $opt::(ssh)delay set)
+ $opt::delay &&= $opt::delay * 1.3;
+ $opt::sshdelay &&= $opt::sshdelay * 1.3;
+ } else {
+ # Job succeeded: Decrease delay (if $opt::(ssh)delay set)
+ $opt::delay &&= $opt::delay * 0.9;
+ $opt::sshdelay &&= $opt::sshdelay * 0.9;
+ }
+ debug("run", "delay:$opt::delay ssh:$opt::sshdelay ");
+ }
+ $job->set_endtime(::now());
+ my $sshlogin = $job->sshlogin();
+ $sshlogin->dec_jobs_running();
+ if($job->should_be_retried()) {
+ # Free up file handles
+ $job->free_ressources();
+ } else {
+ # The job is done
+ $sshlogin->inc_jobs_completed();
+ # Free the jobslot
+ $job->free_slot();
+ if($opt::timeout and not $job->exitstatus()) {
+ # Update average runtime for timeout only for successful jobs
+ $Global::timeoutq->update_median_runtime($job->runtime());
+ }
+ if($opt::keeporder and not $opt::latestline) {
+ # --latestline fixes --keeporder in Job::row()
+ $job->print_earlier_jobs();
+ } else {
+ $job->print();
+ }
+ if($job->should_we_halt() eq "now") {
+ # Kill children
+ ::kill_sleep_seq($job->pid());
+ ::killall();
+ ::wait_and_exit($Global::halt_exitstatus);
+ }
+ }
+ $job->cleanup();
+ if($opt::progress) {
+ my %progress = progress();
+ ::status_no_nl("\r",$progress{'status'});
+ }
+ debug("run", "jobdone \n");
+ return $stiff;
+sub __USAGE__() {}
+sub killall() {
+ # Kill all jobs by killing their process groups
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::start_no_new_jobs = we are stopping
+ # $Global::killall = Flag to not run reaper
+ $Global::start_no_new_jobs ||= 1;
+ # Do not reap killed children: Ignore them instead
+ $Global::killall ||= 1;
+ kill_sleep_seq(keys %Global::running);
+sub kill_sleep_seq(@) {
+ # Send jobs TERM,TERM,KILL to processgroups
+ # Input:
+ # @pids = list of pids that are also processgroups
+ # Convert pids to process groups ($processgroup = -$pid)
+ my @pgrps = map { -$_ } @_;
+ my @term_seq = split/,/,$opt::termseq;
+ if(not @term_seq) {
+ @term_seq = ("TERM",200,"TERM",100,"TERM",50,"KILL",25);
+ }
+ # for each signal+waittime: kill process groups still not dead
+ while(@term_seq) {
+ @pgrps = kill_sleep(shift @term_seq, shift @term_seq, @pgrps);
+ }
+sub kill_sleep() {
+ # Kill pids with a signal and wait a while for them to die
+ # Input:
+ # $signal = signal to send to @pids
+ # $sleep_max = number of ms to sleep at most before returning
+ # @pids = pids to kill (actually process groups)
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::killall = set by killall() to avoid calling reaper
+ # Returns:
+ # @pids = pids still alive
+ my ($signal, $sleep_max, @pids) = @_;
+ ::debug("kill","kill_sleep $signal ",(join " ",sort @pids),"\n");
+ kill $signal, @pids;
+ my $sleepsum = 0;
+ my $sleep = 0.001;
+ while(@pids and $sleepsum < $sleep_max) {
+ if($Global::killall) {
+ # Killall => don't run reaper
+ while(waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG) > 0) {
+ $sleep = $sleep/2+0.001;
+ }
+ } elsif(reapers()) {
+ $sleep = $sleep/2+0.001;
+ }
+ $sleep *= 1.1;
+ ::usleep($sleep);
+ $sleepsum += $sleep;
+ # Keep only living children
+ @pids = grep { kill(0, $_) } @pids;
+ }
+ return @pids;
+sub wait_and_exit($) {
+ # If we do not wait, we sometimes get segfault
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $error = shift;
+ unlink keys %Global::unlink;
+ if($error) {
+ # Kill all jobs without printing
+ killall();
+ }
+ for (keys %Global::unkilled_children) {
+ # Kill any (non-jobs) children (e.g. reserved processes)
+ kill 9, $_;
+ waitpid($_,0);
+ delete $Global::unkilled_children{$_};
+ }
+ if($Global::unkilled_sqlworker) {
+ waitpid($Global::unkilled_sqlworker,0);
+ }
+ # Avoid: Warning: unable to close filehandle properly: No space
+ # left on device during global destruction.
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+ if($opt::_parset) {
+ # Make the shell script return $error
+ print "$Global::parset_endstring\nreturn $error";
+ }
+ exit($error);
+sub die_usage() {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ usage();
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+sub usage() {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ print join
+ ("\n",
+ "Usage:",
+ "",
+ "$Global::progname [options] [command [arguments]] < list_of_arguments",
+ "$Global::progname [options] [command [arguments]] (::: arguments|:::: argfile(s))...",
+ "cat ... | $Global::progname --pipe [options] [command [arguments]]",
+ "",
+ "-j n Run n jobs in parallel",
+ "-k Keep same order",
+ "-X Multiple arguments with context replace",
+ "--colsep regexp Split input on regexp for positional replacements",
+ "{} {.} {/} {/.} {#} {%} {= perl code =} Replacement strings",
+ "{3} {3.} {3/} {3/.} {=3 perl code =} Positional replacement strings",
+ "With --plus: {} = {+/}/{/} = {.}.{+.} = {+/}/{/.}.{+.} = {..}.{+..} =",
+ " {+/}/{/..}.{+..} = {...}.{+...} = {+/}/{/...}.{+...}",
+ "",
+ "-S sshlogin Example: foo\",
+ "--slf .. Use ~/.parallel/sshloginfile as the list of sshlogins",
+ "--trc {}.bar Shorthand for --transfer --return {}.bar --cleanup",
+ "--onall Run the given command with argument on all sshlogins",
+ "--nonall Run the given command with no arguments on all sshlogins",
+ "",
+ "--pipe Split stdin (standard input) to multiple jobs.",
+ "--recend str Record end separator for --pipe.",
+ "--recstart str Record start separator for --pipe.",
+ "",
+ "GNU Parallel can do much more. See 'man $Global::progname' for details",
+ "",
+ "Academic tradition requires you to cite works you base your article on.",
+ "If you use programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for an article in a",
+ "scientific publication, please cite:",
+ "",
+ " Tange, O. (2022, November 22). GNU Parallel 20221122 ('Херсо́н').",
+ " Zenodo.",
+ "",
+ # Before changing these lines, please read
+ #
+ #
+ # You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by removing
+ # these lines.
+ "This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.",
+ "If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing.",
+ "",
+ "",);
+sub citation_notice() {
+ # if --will-cite or --plain: do nothing
+ # if stderr redirected: do nothing
+ # if $PARALLEL_HOME/will-cite: do nothing
+ # else: print citation notice to stderr
+ if($opt::willcite
+ or
+ $opt::plain
+ or
+ not -t $Global::original_stderr
+ or
+ grep { -e "$_/will-cite" } @Global::config_dirs) {
+ # skip
+ } else {
+ ::status
+ ("Academic tradition requires you to cite works you base your article on.",
+ "If you use programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for an article in a",
+ "scientific publication, please cite:",
+ "",
+ " Tange, O. (2022, November 22). GNU Parallel 20221122 ('Херсо́н').",
+ " Zenodo.",
+ "",
+ # Before changing these line, please read
+ # and
+ #
+ # You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by
+ # removing these lines.
+ "This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.",
+ "If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing.",
+ "",
+ "More about funding GNU Parallel and the citation notice:",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "To silence this citation notice: run 'parallel --citation' once.",
+ ""
+ );
+ mkdir $Global::config_dir;
+ # Number of times the user has run GNU Parallel without showing
+ # willingness to cite
+ my $runs = 0;
+ if(open (my $fh, "<", $Global::config_dir.
+ "/runs-without-willing-to-cite")) {
+ $runs = <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ $runs++;
+ if(open (my $fh, ">", $Global::config_dir.
+ "/runs-without-willing-to-cite")) {
+ print $fh $runs;
+ close $fh;
+ if($runs >= 10) {
+ ::status("Come on: You have run parallel $runs times. ".
+ "Isn't it about time ",
+ "you run 'parallel --citation' once to silence ".
+ "the citation notice?",
+ "");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub status(@) {
+ my @w = @_;
+ my $fh = $Global::status_fd || *STDERR;
+ print $fh map { ($_, "\n") } @w;
+ flush $fh;
+sub status_no_nl(@) {
+ my @w = @_;
+ my $fh = $Global::status_fd || *STDERR;
+ print $fh @w;
+ flush $fh;
+sub warning(@) {
+ my @w = @_;
+ my $prog = $Global::progname || "parallel";
+ status_no_nl(map { ($prog, ": Warning: ", $_, "\n"); } @w);
+ my %warnings;
+ sub warning_once(@) {
+ my @w = @_;
+ my $prog = $Global::progname || "parallel";
+ $warnings{@w}++ or
+ status_no_nl(map { ($prog, ": Warning: ", $_, "\n"); } @w);
+ }
+sub error(@) {
+ my @w = @_;
+ my $prog = $Global::progname || "parallel";
+ status(map { ($prog.": Error: ". $_); } @w);
+sub die_bug($) {
+ my $bugid = shift;
+ print STDERR
+ ("$Global::progname: This should not happen. You have found a bug. ",
+ "Please follow\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Include this in the report:\n",
+ "* The version number: $Global::version\n",
+ "* The bugid: $bugid\n",
+ "* The command line being run\n",
+ "* The files being read (put the files on a webserver if they are big)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "If you get the error on smaller/fewer files, please include those instead.\n");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+sub version() {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ print join
+ ("\n",
+ "GNU $Global::progname $Global::version",
+ "Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Ole Tange, and Free Software",
+ "Foundation, Inc.",
+ "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>",
+ "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.",
+ "GNU $Global::progname comes with no warranty.",
+ "",
+ "Web site:${Global::progname}\n",
+ "When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication",
+ "please cite as described in 'parallel --citation'.\n",
+ );
+sub citation() {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my ($all_argv_ref,$argv_options_removed_ref) = @_;
+ my $all_argv = "@$all_argv_ref";
+ my $no_opts = "@$argv_options_removed_ref";
+ $all_argv=~s/--citation//;
+ if($all_argv ne $no_opts) {
+ ::warning("--citation ignores all other options and arguments.");
+ ::status("");
+ }
+ ::status(
+ "Academic tradition requires you to cite works you base your article on.",
+ "If you use programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for an article in a",
+ "scientific publication, please cite:",
+ "",
+ "\@software{tange_2022_7347980,",
+ " author = {Tange, Ole},",
+ " title = {GNU Parallel 20221122 ('Херсо́н')},",
+ " month = Nov,",
+ " year = 2022,",
+ " note = {{GNU Parallel is a general parallelizer to run",
+ " multiple serial command line programs in parallel",
+ " without changing them.}},",
+ " publisher = {Zenodo},",
+ " doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7347980},",
+ " url = {}",
+ "}",
+ "",
+ "(Feel free to use \\nocite{tange_2022_7347980})",
+ "",
+ # Before changing these lines, please read
+ # and
+ #
+ # You accept to be put in a public hall of shame by removing
+ # these lines.
+ "This helps funding further development; AND IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT.",
+ "If you pay 10000 EUR you should feel free to use GNU Parallel without citing.",
+ "",
+ "More about funding GNU Parallel and the citation notice:",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "If you send a copy of your published article to tange\, it will be",
+ "mentioned in the release notes of next version of GNU Parallel.",
+ ""
+ );
+ while(not grep { -e "$_/will-cite" } @Global::config_dirs) {
+ print "\nType: 'will cite' and press enter.\n> ";
+ my $input = <STDIN>;
+ if(not defined $input) {
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ if($input =~ /will cite/i) {
+ mkdir $Global::config_dir;
+ if(open (my $fh, ">", $Global::config_dir."/will-cite")) {
+ close $fh;
+ ::status(
+ "",
+ "Thank you for your support: You are the reason why there is funding to",
+ "continue maintaining GNU Parallel. On behalf of future versions of",
+ "GNU Parallel, which would not exist without your support:",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "It is really appreciated. The citation notice is now silenced.",
+ "");
+ } else {
+ ::status(
+ "",
+ "Thank you for your support. It is much appreciated. The citation",
+ "cannot permanently be silenced. Use '--will-cite' instead.",
+ "",
+ "If you use '--will-cite' in scripts to be run by others you are making",
+ "it harder for others to see the citation notice. The development of",
+ "GNU Parallel is indirectly financed through citations, so if users",
+ "do not know they should cite then you are making it harder to finance",
+ "development. However, if you pay 10000 EUR, you should feel free to",
+ "use '--will-cite' in scripts.",
+ "");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub show_limits() {
+ # Returns: N/A
+ print("Maximal size of command: ",Limits::Command::real_max_length(),"\n",
+ "Maximal usable size of command: ",
+ $Global::usable_command_line_length,"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Execution will continue now, ",
+ "and it will try to read its input\n",
+ "and run commands; if this is not ",
+ "what you wanted to happen, please\n",
+ "press CTRL-D or CTRL-C\n");
+sub embed() {
+ # Give an embeddable version of GNU Parallel
+ # Tested with: bash, zsh, ksh, ash, dash, sh
+ my $randomstring = "cut-here-".join"",
+ map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..20);
+ if(not -f $0 or not -r $0) {
+ ::error("--embed only works if parallel is a readable file");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ if(open(my $fh, "<", $0)) {
+ # Read the source from $0
+ my @source = <$fh>;
+ my $user = $ENV{LOGNAME} || $ENV{USERNAME} || $ENV{USER};
+ my @env_parallel_source = ();
+ my $shell = $Global::shell;
+ $shell =~ s:.*/::;
+ for(which("env_parallel.$shell")) {
+ -r $_ or next;
+ # Read the source of env_parallel.shellname
+ open(my $env_parallel_source_fh, $_) || die;
+ @env_parallel_source = <$env_parallel_source_fh>;
+ close $env_parallel_source_fh;
+ last;
+ }
+ print "#!$Global::shell
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2022 $user, Ole Tange,
+# and Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <>
+# or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
+# Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ print q!
+# Embedded GNU Parallel created with --embed
+parallel() {
+ # Start GNU Parallel without leaving temporary files
+ #
+ # Not all shells support 'perl <(cat ...)'
+ # This is a complex way of doing:
+ # perl <(cat <<'cut-here'
+ # [...]
+ # ) "$@"
+ # and also avoiding:
+ # [1]+ Done cat
+ # Make a temporary fifo that perl can read from
+ _fifo_with_GNU_Parallel_source=`perl -e 'use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
+ do {
+ $f = "/tmp/parallel-".join"",
+ map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..5);
+ } while(-e $f);
+ mkfifo($f,0600);
+ print $f;'`
+ # Put source code into temporary file
+ # so it is easy to copy to the fifo
+ _file_with_GNU_Parallel_source=`mktemp`;
+ "cat <<'$randomstring' > \$_file_with_GNU_Parallel_source\n",
+ @source,
+ $randomstring,"\n",
+ q!
+ # Copy the source code from the file to the fifo
+ # and remove the file and fifo ASAP
+ # 'sh -c' is needed to avoid
+ # [1]+ Done cat
+ sh -c "(rm $_file_with_GNU_Parallel_source; cat >$_fifo_with_GNU_Parallel_source; rm $_fifo_with_GNU_Parallel_source) < $_file_with_GNU_Parallel_source &"
+ # Read the source from the fifo
+ perl $_fifo_with_GNU_Parallel_source "$@"
+ @env_parallel_source,
+ q!
+# This will call the functions above
+parallel -k echo ::: Put your code here
+env_parallel --session
+env_parallel -k echo ::: Put your code here
+parset p,y,c,h -k echo ::: Put your code here
+echo $p $y $c $h
+echo You can also activate GNU Parallel for interactive use by:
+echo . "$0"
+ } else {
+ ::error("Cannot open $0");
+ exit(255);
+ }
+ ::status("Redirect the output to a file and add your changes at the end:",
+ " $0 --embed > new_script");
+sub mkdir_or_die($) {
+ # If dir is not executable: die
+ my $dir = shift;
+ # The eval is needed to catch exception from mkdir
+ eval { File::Path::mkpath($dir); };
+ if(not -x $dir) {
+ ::error("Cannot change into non-executable dir $dir: $!");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+sub tmpfile(@) {
+ # Create tempfile as $TMPDIR/parXXXXX
+ # Returns:
+ # $filehandle = opened file handle
+ # $filename = file name created
+ my($filehandle,$filename) =
+ ::tempfile(DIR=>$ENV{'TMPDIR'}, TEMPLATE => 'parXXXXX', @_);
+ if(wantarray) {
+ return($filehandle,$filename);
+ } else {
+ # Separate unlink due to NFS dealing badly with File::Temp
+ unlink $filename;
+ return $filehandle;
+ }
+sub tmpname($) {
+ # Select a name that does not exist
+ # Do not create the file as it may be used for creating a socket (by tmux)
+ # Remember the name in $Global::unlink to avoid hitting the same name twice
+ my $name = shift;
+ my($tmpname);
+ if(not -w $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) {
+ if(not -e $ENV{'TMPDIR'}) {
+ ::error("Tmpdir '$ENV{'TMPDIR'}' does not exist.","Try 'mkdir $ENV{'TMPDIR'}'");
+ } else {
+ ::error("Tmpdir '$ENV{'TMPDIR'}' is not writable.","Try 'chmod +w $ENV{'TMPDIR'}'");
+ }
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ do {
+ $tmpname = $ENV{'TMPDIR'}."/".$name.
+ join"", map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..5);
+ } while(-e $tmpname or $Global::unlink{$tmpname}++);
+ return $tmpname;
+sub tmpfifo() {
+ # Find an unused name and mkfifo on it
+ my $tmpfifo = tmpname("fif");
+ mkfifo($tmpfifo,0600);
+ return $tmpfifo;
+sub rm(@) {
+ # Remove file and remove it from %Global::unlink
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::unlink
+ delete @Global::unlink{@_};
+ unlink @_;
+sub size_of_block_dev() {
+ # Like -s but for block devices
+ # Input:
+ # $blockdev = file name of block device
+ # Returns:
+ # $size = in bytes, undef if error
+ my $blockdev = shift;
+ if(open(my $fh, "<", $blockdev)) {
+ seek($fh,0,2) || ::die_bug("cannot seek $blockdev");
+ my $size = tell($fh);
+ close $fh;
+ return $size;
+ } else {
+ ::error("cannot open $blockdev");
+ wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+sub qqx(@) {
+ # Like qx but with clean environment (except for @keep)
+ # and STDERR ignored
+ # This is needed if the environment contains functions
+ # that /bin/sh does not understand
+ my %env;
+ # ssh with ssh-agent needs PATH SSH_AUTH_SOCK SSH_AGENT_PID
+ # ssh with Kerberos needs KRB5CCNAME
+ # sshpass needs SSHPASS
+ # tmux needs LC_CTYPE
+ # lsh needs HOME LOGNAME
+ @env{@keep} = @ENV{@keep};
+ local %ENV;
+ %ENV = %env;
+ if($Global::debug) {
+ # && true is to force spawning a shell and not just exec'ing
+ return qx{ @_ && true };
+ } else {
+ # CygWin does not respect 2>/dev/null
+ # so we do that by hand
+ # This trick does not work:
+ #
+ # local *STDERR;
+ # open(STDERR, ">", "/dev/null");
+ open(local *CHILD_STDIN, '<', '/dev/null') or die $!;
+ open(local *CHILD_STDERR, '>', '/dev/null') or die $!;
+ my $out;
+ # eval is needed if open3 fails (e.g. command line too long)
+ eval {
+ my $pid = open3(
+ $out,
+ # && true is to force spawning a shell and not just exec'ing
+ "@_ && true");
+ my @arr = <$out>;
+ close $out;
+ # Make sure $? is set
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ return wantarray ? @arr : join "",@arr;
+ } or do {
+ # If eval fails, force $?=false
+ `false`;
+ };
+ }
+sub uniq(@) {
+ # Remove duplicates and return unique values
+ return keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @_ }};
+sub min(@) {
+ # Returns:
+ # Minimum value of array
+ my $min;
+ for (@_) {
+ # Skip undefs
+ defined $_ or next;
+ defined $min or do { $min = $_; next; }; # Set $_ to the first non-undef
+ $min = ($min < $_) ? $min : $_;
+ }
+ return $min;
+sub max(@) {
+ # Returns:
+ # Maximum value of array
+ my $max;
+ for (@_) {
+ # Skip undefs
+ defined $_ or next;
+ defined $max or do { $max = $_; next; }; # Set $_ to the first non-undef
+ $max = ($max > $_) ? $max : $_;
+ }
+ return $max;
+sub sum(@) {
+ # Returns:
+ # Sum of values of array
+ my @args = @_;
+ my $sum = 0;
+ for (@args) {
+ # Skip undefs
+ $_ and do { $sum += $_; }
+ }
+ return $sum;
+sub undef_as_zero($) {
+ my $a = shift;
+ return $a ? $a : 0;
+sub undef_as_empty($) {
+ my $a = shift;
+ return $a ? $a : "";
+sub undef_if_empty($) {
+ if(defined($_[0]) and $_[0] eq "") {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $_[0];
+sub multiply_binary_prefix(@) {
+ # Evalualte numbers with binary prefix
+ # Ki=2^10, Mi=2^20, Gi=2^30, Ti=2^40, Pi=2^50, Ei=2^70, Zi=2^80, Yi=2^80
+ # ki=2^10, mi=2^20, gi=2^30, ti=2^40, pi=2^50, ei=2^70, zi=2^80, yi=2^80
+ # K =2^10, M =2^20, G =2^30, T =2^40, P =2^50, E =2^70, Z =2^80, Y =2^80
+ # k =10^3, m =10^6, g =10^9, t=10^12, p=10^15, e=10^18, z=10^21, y=10^24
+ # 13G = 13*1024*1024*1024 = 13958643712
+ # Input:
+ # $s = string with prefixes
+ # Returns:
+ # $value = int with prefixes multiplied
+ my @v = @_;
+ for(@v) {
+ defined $_ or next;
+ s/ki/*1024/gi;
+ s/mi/*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/gi/*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/ti/*1024*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/pi/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/ei/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/zi/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/yi/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/xi/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/gi;
+ s/K/*1024/g;
+ s/M/*1024*1024/g;
+ s/G/*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/T/*1024*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/P/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/E/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/Z/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/Y/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/X/*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024*1024/g;
+ s/k/*1000/g;
+ s/m/*1000*1000/g;
+ s/g/*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ s/t/*1000*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ s/p/*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ s/e/*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ s/z/*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ s/y/*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ s/x/*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000*1000/g;
+ $_ = eval $_;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @v : $v[0];
+sub multiply_time_units($) {
+ # Evalualte numbers with time units
+ # s=1, m=60, h=3600, d=86400
+ # Input:
+ # $s = string time units
+ # Returns:
+ # $value = int in seconds
+ my @v = @_;
+ for(@v) {
+ defined $_ or next;
+ if(/[dhms]/i) {
+ s/s/*1+/gi;
+ s/m/*60+/gi;
+ s/h/*3600+/gi;
+ s/d/*86400+/gi;
+ # 1m/3 => 1*60+/3 => 1*60/3
+ s/\+(\D)/$1/gi;
+ }
+ $_ = eval $_."-0";
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @v : $v[0];
+sub seconds_to_time_units() {
+ # Convert seconds into ??d??h??m??s
+ # s=1, m=60, h=3600, d=86400
+ # Input:
+ # $s = int in seconds
+ # Returns:
+ # $str = string time units
+ my $s = shift;
+ my $str;
+ my $d = int($s/86400);
+ $s -= $d * 86400;
+ my $h = int($s/3600);
+ $s -= $h * 3600;
+ my $m = int($s/60);
+ $s -= $m * 60;
+ if($d) {
+ $str = sprintf("%dd%02dh%02dm%02ds",$d,$h,$m,$s);
+ } elsif($h) {
+ $str = sprintf("%dh%02dm%02ds",$h,$m,$s);
+ } elsif($m) {
+ $str = sprintf("%dm%02ds",$m,$s);
+ } else {
+ $str = sprintf("%ds",$s);
+ }
+ return $str;
+ my ($disk_full_fh, $b8193, $error_printed);
+ sub exit_if_disk_full() {
+ # Checks if $TMPDIR is full by writing 8kb to a tmpfile
+ # If the disk is full: Exit immediately.
+ # Returns:
+ # N/A
+ if(not $disk_full_fh) {
+ $disk_full_fh = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".df");
+ $b8193 = "b"x8193;
+ }
+ # Linux does not discover if a disk is full if writing <= 8192
+ # Tested on:
+ # bfs btrfs cramfs ext2 ext3 ext4 ext4dev jffs2 jfs minix msdos
+ # ntfs reiserfs tmpfs ubifs vfat xfs
+ # TODO this should be tested on different OS similar to this:
+ #
+ # doit() {
+ # sudo mount /dev/ram0 /mnt/loop; sudo chmod 1777 /mnt/loop
+ # seq 100000 | parallel --tmpdir /mnt/loop/ true &
+ # seq 6900000 > /mnt/loop/i && echo seq OK
+ # seq 6980868 > /mnt/loop/i
+ # seq 10000 > /mnt/loop/ii
+ # sleep 3
+ # sudo umount /mnt/loop/ || sudo umount -l /mnt/loop/
+ # echo >&2
+ # }
+ print $disk_full_fh $b8193;
+ if(not $disk_full_fh
+ or
+ tell $disk_full_fh != 8193) {
+ # On raspbian the disk can be full except for 10 chars.
+ if(not $error_printed) {
+ ::error("Output is incomplete.",
+ "Cannot append to buffer file in $ENV{'TMPDIR'}.",
+ "Is the disk full?",
+ "Change \$TMPDIR with --tmpdir or use --compress.");
+ $error_printed = 1;
+ }
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ truncate $disk_full_fh, 0;
+ seek($disk_full_fh, 0, 0) || die;
+ }
+sub spacefree($$) {
+ # Remove comments and spaces
+ # Inputs:
+ # $spaces = keep 1 space?
+ # $s = string to remove spaces from
+ # Returns:
+ # $s = with spaces removed
+ my $spaces = shift;
+ my $s = shift;
+ $s =~ s/#.*//mg;
+ if(1 == $spaces) {
+ $s =~ s/\s+/ /mg;
+ } elsif(2 == $spaces) {
+ # Keep newlines
+ $s =~ s/\n\n+/\n/sg;
+ $s =~ s/[ \t]+/ /mg;
+ } elsif(3 == $spaces) {
+ # Keep perl code required space
+ $s =~ s{([^a-zA-Z0-9/])\s+}{$1}sg;
+ $s =~ s{([a-zA-Z0-9/])\s+([^:a-zA-Z0-9/])}{$1$2}sg;
+ } else {
+ $s =~ s/\s//mg;
+ }
+ return $s;
+ my $hostname;
+ sub hostname() {
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ if(not $hostname) {
+ $hostname = `hostname`;
+ chomp($hostname);
+ $hostname ||= "nohostname";
+ }
+ return $hostname;
+ }
+sub which(@) {
+ # Input:
+ # @programs = programs to find the path to
+ # Returns:
+ # @full_path = full paths to @programs. Nothing if not found
+ my @which;
+ for my $prg (@_) {
+ push(@which, grep { not -d $_ and -x $_ }
+ map { $_."/".$prg } split(":",$ENV{'PATH'}));
+ if($prg =~ m:/:) {
+ # Test if program with full path exists
+ push(@which, grep { not -d $_ and -x $_ } $prg);
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("which", "$which[0] in $ENV{'PATH'}\n");
+ return wantarray ? @which : $which[0];
+ my ($regexp,$shell,%fakename);
+ sub parent_shell {
+ # Input:
+ # $pid = pid to see if (grand)*parent is a shell
+ # Returns:
+ # $shellpath = path to shell - undef if no shell found
+ my $pid = shift;
+ ::debug("init","Parent of $pid\n");
+ if(not $regexp) {
+ # All shells known to mankind
+ #
+ # ash bash csh dash fdsh fish fizsh ksh ksh93 mksh pdksh
+ # posh rbash rc rush rzsh sash sh static-sh tcsh yash zsh
+ my @shells = (qw(ash bash bsd-csh csh dash fdsh fish fizsh ksh
+ ksh93 lksh mksh pdksh posh rbash rc rush rzsh sash sh
+ static-sh tcsh yash zsh -sh -csh -bash),
+ '-sh (sh)' # sh on FreeBSD
+ );
+ # Can be formatted as:
+ # [sh] -sh sh busybox sh -sh (sh)
+ # /bin/sh /sbin/sh /opt/csw/sh
+ # But not: sshd crash flush pdflush scosh fsflush ssh
+ $shell = "(?:".join("|",map { "\Q$_\E" } @shells).")";
+ $regexp = '^((\[)(-?)('. $shell. ')(\])|(|\S+/|busybox )'.
+ '(-?)('. $shell. '))( *$| [^(])';
+ %fakename = (
+ # sh disguises itself as -sh (sh) on FreeBSD
+ "-sh (sh)" => ["sh"],
+ # csh and tcsh disguise themselves as -sh/-csh
+ # E.g.: ssh -tt csh@lo 'ps aux;true' |egrep ^csh
+ # but sh also disguises itself as -sh
+ # (TODO When does that happen?)
+ "-sh" => ["sh"],
+ "-csh" => ["tcsh", "csh"],
+ # ash disguises itself as -ash
+ "-ash" => ["ash", "dash", "sh"],
+ # dash disguises itself as -dash
+ "-dash" => ["dash", "ash", "sh"],
+ # bash disguises itself as -bash
+ "-bash" => ["bash", "sh"],
+ # ksh disguises itself as -ksh
+ "-ksh" => ["ksh", "sh"],
+ # zsh disguises itself as -zsh
+ "-zsh" => ["zsh", "sh"],
+ );
+ }
+ if($^O eq "linux") {
+ # Optimized for GNU/Linux
+ my $testpid = $pid;
+ my $shellpath;
+ my $shellline;
+ while($testpid) {
+ if(open(my $fd, "<", "/proc/$testpid/cmdline")) {
+ local $/="\0";
+ chomp($shellline = <$fd>);
+ if($shellline =~ /$regexp/o) {
+ my $shellname = $4 || $8;
+ my $dash = $3 || $7;
+ if($shellname eq "sh" and $dash) {
+ # -sh => csh or sh
+ if($shellpath = readlink "/proc/$testpid/exe") {
+ ::debug("init","procpath $shellpath\n");
+ if($shellpath =~ m:/$shell$:o) {
+ ::debug("init",
+ "proc which ".$shellpath." => ");
+ return $shellpath;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("init", "which ".$shellname." => ");
+ $shellpath = (which($shellname,
+ @{$fakename{$shellname}}))[0];
+ ::debug("init", "shell path $shellpath\n");
+ return $shellpath;
+ }
+ }
+ # Get parent pid
+ if(open(my $fd, "<", "/proc/$testpid/stat")) {
+ my $line = <$fd>;
+ close $fd;
+ # Parent pid is field 4
+ $testpid = (split /\s+/, $line)[3];
+ } else {
+ # Something is wrong: fall back to old method
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # if -sh or -csh try readlink /proc/$$/exe
+ my ($children_of_ref, $parent_of_ref, $name_of_ref) = pid_table();
+ my $shellpath;
+ my $testpid = $pid;
+ while($testpid) {
+ if($name_of_ref->{$testpid} =~ /$regexp/o) {
+ my $shellname = $4 || $8;
+ my $dash = $3 || $7;
+ if($shellname eq "sh" and $dash) {
+ # -sh => csh or sh
+ if($shellpath = readlink "/proc/$testpid/exe") {
+ ::debug("init","procpath $shellpath\n");
+ if($shellpath =~ m:/$shell$:o) {
+ ::debug("init", "proc which ".$shellpath." => ");
+ return $shellpath;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("init", "which ".$shellname." => ");
+ $shellpath = (which($shellname,@{$fakename{$shellname}}))[0];
+ ::debug("init", "shell path $shellpath\n");
+ $shellpath and last;
+ }
+ if($testpid == $parent_of_ref->{$testpid}) {
+ # In Solaris zones, the PPID of the zsched process is itself
+ last;
+ }
+ $testpid = $parent_of_ref->{$testpid};
+ }
+ return $shellpath;
+ }
+ my %pid_parentpid_cmd;
+ sub pid_table() {
+ # Returns:
+ # %children_of = { pid -> children of pid }
+ # %parent_of = { pid -> pid of parent }
+ # %name_of = { pid -> commandname }
+ if(not %pid_parentpid_cmd) {
+ # Filter for SysV-style `ps`
+ my $sysv = q( ps -ef |).
+ q(perl -ane '1..1 and /^(.*)CO?MM?A?N?D/ and $s=length $1;).
+ q(s/^.{$s}//; print "@F[1,2] $_"' );
+ # Minix uses cols 2,3 and can have newlines in the command
+ # so lines not having numbers in cols 2,3 must be ignored
+ my $minix = q( ps -ef |).
+ q(perl -ane '1..1 and /^(.*)CO?MM?A?N?D/ and $s=length $1;).
+ q(s/^.{$s}// and $F[2]>0 and $F[3]>0 and print "@F[2,3] $_"' );
+ # BSD-style `ps`
+ my $bsd = q(ps -o pid,ppid,command -ax);
+ %pid_parentpid_cmd =
+ (
+ 'aix' => $sysv,
+ 'android' => $sysv,
+ 'cygwin' => $sysv,
+ 'darwin' => $bsd,
+ 'dec_osf' => $sysv,
+ 'dragonfly' => $bsd,
+ 'freebsd' => $bsd,
+ 'gnu' => $sysv,
+ 'hpux' => $sysv,
+ 'linux' => $sysv,
+ 'mirbsd' => $bsd,
+ 'minix' => $minix,
+ 'msys' => $sysv,
+ 'MSWin32' => $sysv,
+ 'netbsd' => $bsd,
+ 'nto' => $sysv,
+ 'openbsd' => $bsd,
+ 'solaris' => $sysv,
+ 'svr5' => $sysv,
+ 'syllable' => "echo ps not supported",
+ );
+ }
+ $pid_parentpid_cmd{$^O} or
+ ::die_bug("pid_parentpid_cmd for $^O missing");
+ my (@pidtable,%parent_of,%children_of,%name_of);
+ # Table with pid -> children of pid
+ @pidtable = `$pid_parentpid_cmd{$^O}`;
+ my $p=$$;
+ for (@pidtable) {
+ # must match: 24436 21224 busybox ash
+ # must match: 24436 21224 <<empty on MacOSX running cubase>>
+ # must match: 24436 21224 <<empty on system running Viber>>
+ # or: perl -e 'while($0=" "){}'
+ if(/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+.*)/
+ or
+ /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+()$/) {
+ $parent_of{$1} = $2;
+ push @{$children_of{$2}}, $1;
+ $name_of{$1} = $3;
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("pidtable format: $_");
+ }
+ }
+ return(\%children_of, \%parent_of, \%name_of);
+ }
+sub now() {
+ # Returns time since epoch as in seconds with 3 decimals
+ # Uses:
+ # @Global::use
+ # Returns:
+ # $time = time now with millisecond accuracy
+ if(not $Global::use{"Time::HiRes"}) {
+ if(eval "use Time::HiRes qw ( time );") {
+ eval "sub TimeHiRestime { return Time::HiRes::time };";
+ } else {
+ eval "sub TimeHiRestime { return time() };";
+ }
+ $Global::use{"Time::HiRes"} = 1;
+ }
+ return (int(TimeHiRestime()*1000))/1000;
+sub usleep($) {
+ # Sleep this many milliseconds.
+ # Input:
+ # $ms = milliseconds to sleep
+ my $ms = shift;
+ ::debug("timing",int($ms),"ms ");
+ select(undef, undef, undef, $ms/1000);
+sub make_regexp_ungreedy {
+ my $regexp = shift;
+ my $class_state = 0;
+ my $escape_state = 0;
+ my $found = 0;
+ my $ungreedy = "";
+ my $c;
+ for $c (split (//, $regexp)) {
+ if ($found) {
+ if($c ne "?") { $ungreedy .= "?"; }
+ $found = 0;
+ }
+ $ungreedy .= $c;
+ if ($escape_state) { $escape_state = 0; next; }
+ if ($c eq "\\") { $escape_state = 1; next; }
+ if ($c eq '[') { $class_state = 1; next; }
+ if ($class_state) {
+ if($c eq ']') { $class_state = 0; }
+ next;
+ }
+ # Quantifiers: + * {...}
+ if ($c =~ /[*}+]/) { $found = 1; }
+ }
+ if($found) { $ungreedy .= '?'; }
+ return $ungreedy;
+sub __KILLER_REAPER__() {}
+sub reap_usleep() {
+ # Reap dead children.
+ # If no dead children: Sleep specified amount with exponential backoff
+ # Input:
+ # $ms = milliseconds to sleep
+ # Returns:
+ # $ms/2+0.001 if children reaped
+ # $ms*1.1 if no children reaped
+ my $ms = shift;
+ if(reapers()) {
+ if(not $Global::total_completed % 100) {
+ if($opt::timeout) {
+ # Force cleaning the timeout queue for every 100 jobs
+ # Fixes potential memleak
+ $Global::timeoutq->process_timeouts();
+ }
+ }
+ # Sleep exponentially shorter (1/2^n) if a job finished
+ return $ms/2+0.001;
+ } else {
+ if($opt::timeout) {
+ $Global::timeoutq->process_timeouts();
+ }
+ if($opt::memfree) {
+ kill_youngster_if_not_enough_mem($opt::memfree*0.5);
+ }
+ if($opt::memsuspend) {
+ suspend_young_if_not_enough_mem($opt::memsuspend);
+ }
+ if($opt::limit) {
+ kill_youngest_if_over_limit();
+ }
+ exit_if_disk_full();
+ if($Global::linebuffer) {
+ my $something_printed = 0;
+ if($opt::keeporder and not $opt::latestline) {
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ $something_printed += $job->print_earlier_jobs();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ $something_printed += $job->print();
+ }
+ }
+ if($something_printed) { $ms = $ms/2+0.001; }
+ }
+ if($ms > 0.002) {
+ # When a child dies, wake up from sleep (or select(,,,))
+ $SIG{CHLD} = sub { kill "ALRM", $$ };
+ if($opt::delay and not $Global::linebuffer) {
+ # The 0.004s is approximately the time it takes for one round
+ my $next_earliest_start =
+ $Global::newest_starttime + $opt::delay - 0.004;
+ my $remaining_ms = 1000 * ($next_earliest_start - ::now());
+ # The next job can only start at $next_earliest_start
+ # so sleep until then (but sleep at least $ms)
+ usleep(::max($ms,$remaining_ms));
+ } else {
+ usleep($ms);
+ }
+ # --compress needs $SIG{CHLD} unset
+ }
+ # Sleep exponentially longer (1.1^n) if a job did not finish,
+ # though at most 1000 ms.
+ return (($ms < 1000) ? ($ms * 1.1) : ($ms));
+ }
+sub kill_youngest_if_over_limit() {
+ # Check each $sshlogin we are over limit
+ # If over limit: kill off the youngest child
+ # Put the child back in the queue.
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::running
+ my %jobs_of;
+ my @sshlogins;
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ if(not $jobs_of{$job->sshlogin()}) {
+ push @sshlogins, $job->sshlogin();
+ }
+ push @{$jobs_of{$job->sshlogin()}}, $job;
+ }
+ for my $sshlogin (@sshlogins) {
+ for my $job (sort { $b->seq() <=> $a->seq() }
+ @{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}}) {
+ if($sshlogin->limit() == 2) {
+ $job->kill();
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub suspend_young_if_not_enough_mem() {
+ # Check each $sshlogin if there is enough mem.
+ # If less than $limit free mem: suspend some of the young children
+ # Else: Resume all jobs
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::running
+ my $limit = shift;
+ my %jobs_of;
+ my @sshlogins;
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ if(not $jobs_of{$job->sshlogin()}) {
+ push @sshlogins, $job->sshlogin();
+ }
+ push @{$jobs_of{$job->sshlogin()}}, $job;
+ }
+ for my $sshlogin (@sshlogins) {
+ my $free = $sshlogin->memfree();
+ if($free < 2*$limit) {
+ # Suspend all jobs (resume some of them later)
+ map { $_->suspended() or $_->suspend(); } @{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}};
+ my @jobs = (sort { $b->seq() <=> $a->seq() }
+ @{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}});
+ # how many should be running?
+ # limit*1 => 1;
+ # limit*1.5 => 2;
+ # limit*1.75 => 4;
+ # free < limit*(2-1/2^n);
+ # =>
+ # 1/(2-free/limit) < 2^n;
+ my $run = int(1/(2-$free/$limit));
+ $run = ::min($run,$#jobs);
+ # Resume the oldest running
+ for my $job ((sort { $a->seq() <=> $b->seq() } @jobs)[0..$run]) {
+ ::debug("mem","\nResume ",$run+1, " jobs. Seq ",
+ $job->seq(), " resumed ",
+ $sshlogin->memfree()," < ",2*$limit);
+ $job->resume();
+ }
+ } else {
+ for my $job (@{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}}) {
+ if($job->suspended()) {
+ $job->resume();
+ ::debug("mem","\nResume ",$#{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}}+1,
+ " jobs. Seq ", $job->seq(), " resumed ",
+ $sshlogin->memfree()," > ",2*$limit);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub kill_youngster_if_not_enough_mem() {
+ # Check each $sshlogin if there is enough mem.
+ # If less than 50% enough free mem: kill off the youngest child
+ # Put the child back in the queue.
+ # Uses:
+ # %Global::running
+ my $limit = shift;
+ my %jobs_of;
+ my @sshlogins;
+ for my $job (values %Global::running) {
+ if(not $jobs_of{$job->sshlogin()}) {
+ push @sshlogins, $job->sshlogin();
+ }
+ push @{$jobs_of{$job->sshlogin()}}, $job;
+ }
+ for my $sshlogin (@sshlogins) {
+ for my $job (sort { $b->seq() <=> $a->seq() }
+ @{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}}) {
+ if($sshlogin->memfree() < $limit) {
+ ::debug("mem","\n",map { $_->seq()." " }
+ (sort { $b->seq() <=> $a->seq() }
+ @{$jobs_of{$sshlogin}}));
+ ::debug("mem","\n", $job->seq(), "killed ",
+ $sshlogin->memfree()," < ",$limit);
+ $job->kill();
+ $sshlogin->memfree_recompute();
+ } else {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("mem","Free mem OK? ",
+ $sshlogin->memfree()," > ",$limit);
+ }
+sub __DEBUGGING__() {}
+sub debug(@) {
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::debug
+ # %Global::fh
+ # Returns: N/A
+ $Global::debug or return;
+ @_ = grep { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } @_;
+ if($Global::debug eq "all" or $Global::debug eq $_[0]) {
+ if($Global::fh{2}) {
+ # Original stderr was saved
+ my $stderr = $Global::fh{2};
+ print $stderr @_[1..$#_];
+ } else {
+ print STDERR @_[1..$#_];
+ }
+ }
+sub my_memory_usage() {
+ # Returns:
+ # memory usage if found
+ # 0 otherwise
+ use strict;
+ use FileHandle;
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $pid = $$;
+ if(-e "/proc/$pid/stat") {
+ my $fh = FileHandle->new("</proc/$pid/stat");
+ my $data = <$fh>;
+ chomp $data;
+ $fh->close;
+ my @procinfo = split(/\s+/,$data);
+ return undef_as_zero($procinfo[22]);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub my_size() {
+ # Returns:
+ # $size = size of object if Devel::Size is installed
+ # -1 otherwise
+ my @size_this = (@_);
+ eval "use Devel::Size qw(size total_size)";
+ if ($@) {
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ return total_size(@_);
+ }
+sub my_dump(@) {
+ # Returns:
+ # ascii expression of object if Data::Dump(er) is installed
+ # error code otherwise
+ my @dump_this = (@_);
+ eval "use Data::Dump qw(dump);";
+ if ($@) {
+ # Data::Dump not installed
+ eval "use Data::Dumper;";
+ if ($@) {
+ my $err = "Neither Data::Dump nor Data::Dumper is installed\n".
+ "Not dumping output\n";
+ ::status($err);
+ return $err;
+ } else {
+ return Dumper(@dump_this);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Create a dummy Data::Dump:dump as Hans Schou sometimes has
+ # it undefined
+ eval "sub Data::Dump:dump {}";
+ eval "use Data::Dump qw(dump);";
+ return (Data::Dump::dump(@dump_this));
+ }
+sub my_croak(@) {
+ eval "use Carp; 1";
+ $Carp::Verbose = 1;
+ croak(@_);
+sub my_carp() {
+ eval "use Carp; 1";
+ $Carp::Verbose = 1;
+ carp(@_);
+package SSHLogin;
+sub new($$) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $s = shift;
+ my $origs = $s;
+ my %hostgroups;
+ my $ncpus;
+ my $sshcommand;
+ my $user;
+ my $password;
+ my $host;
+ my $port;
+ my $local;
+ my $string;
+ # SSHLogins can have these formats:
+ # @grp+grp/ncpu//usr/bin/ssh user@server
+ # ncpu//usr/bin/ssh user@server
+ # /usr/bin/ssh user@server
+ # user@server
+ # ncpu/user@server
+ # @grp+grp/user@server
+ # above with: user:password@server
+ # above with: user@server:port
+ # So:
+ # [@grp+grp][ncpu/][ssh command ][[user][:password]@][server[:port]]
+ # [@grp+grp]/ncpu//usr/bin/ssh user:pass@server:port
+ if($s =~ s:^\@([^/]+)/?::) {
+ # Look for SSHLogin hostgroups
+ %hostgroups = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\+/, $1);
+ }
+ # An SSHLogin is always in the hostgroup of its "numcpu/host"
+ $hostgroups{$s} = 1;
+ # [ncpu/]/usr/bin/ssh user:pass@server:port
+ if ($s =~ s:^(\d+)/::) { $ncpus = $1; }
+ # [/usr/bin/ssh ]user:pass@server:port
+ if($s =~ s/^(.*) //) { $sshcommand = $1; }
+ # [user:pass@]server:port
+ if($s =~ s/^([^@]+)@//) {
+ my $userpw = $1;
+ # user[:pass]
+ if($userpw =~ s/:(.*)//) {
+ $password = $1;
+ if($password eq "") { $password = $ENV{'SSHPASS'} }
+ if(not ::which("sshpass")) {
+ ::error("--sshlogin with password requires sshpass installed");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ $user = $userpw;
+ }
+ # [server]:port
+ if(not $s =~ /:.*:/
+ and
+ $s =~ s/^([-a-z0-9._]+)//i) {
+ # Not IPv6 (IPv6 has 2 or more ':')
+ $host = $1;
+ } elsif($s =~ s/^(\\[\[\]box0-9a-f.]+)//i) {
+ # RFC2673 allows for:
+ # \[b11010000011101] \[o64072/14] \[xd074/14] \[]
+ $host = $1;
+ } elsif($s =~ s/^\[([0-9a-f:]+)\]//i
+ or
+ $s =~ s/^([0-9a-f:]+)//i) {
+ # RFC5952
+ # [2001:db8::1]:80
+ # 2001:db8::1.80
+ # 2001:db8::1p80
+ # 2001:db8::1#80
+ # 2001:db8::1:80 - not supported
+ # 2001:db8::1 port 80 - not supported
+ $host = $1;
+ }
+ # [:port]
+ if($s =~ s/^:(\w+)//i) {
+ $port = $1;
+ } elsif($s =~ s/^[p\.\#](\w+)//i) {
+ # RFC5952
+ # 2001:db8::1.80
+ # 2001:db8::1p80
+ # 2001:db8::1#80
+ $port = $1;
+ }
+ if($s and $s ne ':') {
+ ::die_bug("SSHLogin parser failed on '$origs' => '$s'");
+ }
+ $string =
+ # Only include the sshcommand in $string if it is set by user
+ ($sshcommand && $sshcommand." ").
+ ($user && $user."@").
+ ($host && $host).
+ ($port && ":$port");
+ if($host eq ':') {
+ $local = 1;
+ $string = ":";
+ } else {
+ $sshcommand ||= $opt::ssh || $ENV{'PARALLEL_SSH'} || "ssh";
+ }
+ # An SSHLogin is always in the hostgroup of its $string-name
+ $hostgroups{$string} = 1;
+ @Global::hostgroups{keys %hostgroups} = values %hostgroups;
+ # Used for file names for loadavg
+ my $no_slash_string = $string;
+ $no_slash_string =~ s/[^-a-z0-9:]/_/gi;
+ return bless {
+ 'string' => $string,
+ 'jobs_running' => 0,
+ 'jobs_completed' => 0,
+ 'maxlength' => undef,
+ 'max_jobs_running' => undef,
+ 'orig_max_jobs_running' => undef,
+ 'ncpus' => $ncpus,
+ 'sshcommand' => $sshcommand,
+ 'user' => $user,
+ 'password' => $password,
+ 'host' => $host,
+ 'port' => $port,
+ 'hostgroups' => \%hostgroups,
+ 'local' => $local,
+ 'control_path_dir' => undef,
+ 'control_path' => undef,
+ 'time_to_login' => undef,
+ 'last_login_at' => undef,
+ 'loadavg_file' => $Global::cache_dir . "/tmp/sshlogin/" .
+ $no_slash_string . "/loadavg",
+ 'loadavg' => undef,
+ 'last_loadavg_update' => 0,
+ 'swap_activity_file' => $Global::cache_dir . "/tmp/sshlogin/" .
+ $no_slash_string . "/swap_activity",
+ 'swap_activity' => undef,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub DESTROY($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Remove temporary files if they are created.
+ ::rm($self->{'loadavg_file'});
+ ::rm($self->{'swap_activity_file'});
+sub string($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'string'};
+sub host($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'host'};
+sub sshcmd($) {
+ # Give the ssh command without hostname
+ # Returns:
+ # "sshpass -e ssh -p port -l user"
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @local;
+ # [sshpass -e] ssh -p port -l user
+ if($self->{'password'}) { push @local, "sshpass -e"; }
+ # [ssh] -p port -l user
+ push @local, $self->{'sshcommand'};
+ # [-p port] -l user
+ if($self->{'port'}) { push @local, '-p',$self->{'port'}; }
+ # [-l user]
+ if($self->{'user'}) { push @local, '-l',$self->{'user'}; }
+ if($opt::controlmaster) {
+ # Use control_path to make ssh faster
+ my $control_path = $self->control_path_dir()."/ssh-%r@%h:%p";
+ push @local, "-S", $control_path;
+ if(not $self->{'control_path'}{$control_path}++) {
+ # Master is not running for this control_path
+ # Start it
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if($pid) {
+ $Global::sshmaster{$pid} ||= 1;
+ } else {
+ $SIG{'TERM'} = undef;
+ # Run a sleep that outputs data, so it will discover
+ # if the ssh connection closes.
+ my $sleep = ::Q('$|=1;while(1){sleep 1;print "foo\n"}');
+ # Ignore the 'foo' being printed
+ open(STDOUT,">","/dev/null");
+ # STDERR >/dev/null to ignore
+ open(STDERR,">","/dev/null");
+ open(STDIN,"<","/dev/null");
+ exec(@local, "-MT", $self->{'host'}, "--",
+ "perl", "-e", $sleep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "@local";
+sub wrap($@) {
+ # Input:
+ # @cmd = shell command to run on remote
+ # Returns:
+ # $sshwrapped = ssh remote @cmd
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @remote = @_;
+ return(join " ",
+ $self->sshcmd(), $self->{'host'}, "--", "exec", @remote);
+sub hexwrap($@) {
+ # Input:
+ # @cmd = perl expresion to eval
+ # Returns:
+ # $hexencoded = perl command that decodes hex and evals @cmd
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd = join("",@_);
+ # "#" is needed because Perl on MacOS X adds NULs
+ # when running pack q/H10000000/
+ my $hex = unpack "H*", $cmd."#";
+ # csh does not deal well with > 1000 chars in one word
+ # Insert space every 1000 char
+ $hex =~ s/\G.{1000}\K/ /sg;
+ # Explanation:
+ # Write this without special chars: eval pack 'H*', join '',@ARGV
+ # GNU_Parallel_worker = String so people can see this is from GNU Parallel
+ # eval+ = way to write 'eval ' without space (gives warning)
+ # pack+ = way to write 'pack ' without space
+ # q/H10000000/, = almost the same as "H*" but does not use *
+ # join+q//, = join '',
+ return('perl -X -e '.
+ 'GNU_Parallel_worker,eval+pack+q/H10000000/,join+q//,@ARGV '.
+ $hex);
+sub jobs_running($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->{'jobs_running'} || "0");
+sub inc_jobs_running($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'jobs_running'}++;
+sub dec_jobs_running($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'jobs_running'}--;
+sub set_maxlength($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'maxlength'} = shift;
+sub maxlength($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'maxlength'};
+sub jobs_completed() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'jobs_completed'};
+sub in_hostgroups() {
+ # Input:
+ # @hostgroups = the hostgroups to look for
+ # Returns:
+ # true if intersection of @hostgroups and the hostgroups of this
+ # SSHLogin is non-empty
+ my $self = shift;
+ return grep { defined $self->{'hostgroups'}{$_} } @_;
+sub hostgroups() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return keys %{$self->{'hostgroups'}};
+sub inc_jobs_completed($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'jobs_completed'}++;
+ $Global::total_completed++;
+sub set_max_jobs_running($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(defined $self->{'max_jobs_running'}) {
+ $Global::max_jobs_running -= $self->{'max_jobs_running'};
+ }
+ $self->{'max_jobs_running'} = shift;
+ if(defined $self->{'max_jobs_running'}) {
+ # max_jobs_running could be resat if -j is a changed file
+ $Global::max_jobs_running += $self->{'max_jobs_running'};
+ }
+ # Initialize orig to the first non-zero value that comes around
+ $self->{'orig_max_jobs_running'} ||= $self->{'max_jobs_running'};
+sub memfree() {
+ # Returns:
+ # $memfree in bytes
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->memfree_recompute();
+ # Return 1 if not defined.
+ return (not defined $self->{'memfree'} or $self->{'memfree'})
+sub memfree_recompute() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $script = memfreescript();
+ # TODO add sshlogin and backgrounding
+ # Run the script twice if it gives 0 (typically intermittent error)
+ $self->{'memfree'} = ::qqx($script) || ::qqx($script);
+ if(not $self->{'memfree'}) {
+ ::die_bug("Less than 1 byte memory free");
+ }
+ #::debug("mem","New free:",$self->{'memfree'}," ");
+ my $script;
+ sub memfreescript() {
+ # Returns:
+ # shellscript for giving available memory in bytes
+ if(not $script) {
+ my %script_of = (
+ # /proc/meminfo
+ # MemFree: 7012 kB
+ # Buffers: 19876 kB
+ # Cached: 431192 kB
+ # SwapCached: 0 kB
+ "linux" => (
+ q{
+ print 1024 * qx{
+ awk '/^((Swap)?Cached|MemFree|Buffers):/
+ { sum += \$2} END { print sum }'
+ /proc/meminfo }
+ }),
+ # Android uses same code as GNU/Linux
+ "android" => (
+ q{
+ print 1024 * qx{
+ awk '/^((Swap)?Cached|MemFree|Buffers):/
+ { sum += \$2} END { print sum }'
+ /proc/meminfo }
+ }),
+ # $ vmstat 1 1
+ # procs memory page faults cpu
+ # r b w avm free re at pi po fr de sr in sy cs us sy id
+ # 1 0 0 242793 389737 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 107 978 60 1 1 99
+ "hpux" => (
+ q{
+ print (((reverse `vmstat 1 1`)[0]
+ =~ /(?:\d+\D+){4}(\d+)/)[0]*1024)
+ }),
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # kthr memory page disk faults cpu
+ # r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s3 s4 -- -- in sy cs us sy id
+ # 0 0 0 6496720 5170320 68 260 8 2 1 0 0 -0 3 0 0 309 1371 255 1 2 97
+ # 0 0 0 6434088 5072656 7 15 8 0 0 0 0 0 261 0 0 1889 1899 3222 0 8 92
+ #
+ # The second free value is correct
+ "solaris" => (
+ q{
+ print (((reverse `vmstat 1 2`)[0]
+ =~ /(?:\d+\D+){4}(\d+)/)[0]*1024)
+ }),
+ # hw.pagesize: 4096
+ # vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count: 0
+ # vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count: 79574
+ # vm.stats.vm.v_free_count: 4507
+ "freebsd" => (
+ q{
+ for(qx{/sbin/sysctl -a}) {
+ if (/^([^:]+):\s+(.+)\s*$/s) {
+ $sysctl->{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ print $sysctl->{"hw.pagesize"} *
+ ($sysctl->{"vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count"}
+ + $sysctl->{"vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count"}
+ + $sysctl->{"vm.stats.vm.v_free_count"});
+ }),
+ # Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: (page size of 4096 bytes)
+ # Pages free: 198061.
+ # Pages active: 159701.
+ # Pages inactive: 47378.
+ # Pages speculative: 29707.
+ # Pages wired down: 89231.
+ # "Translation faults": 928901425.
+ # Pages copy-on-write: 156988239.
+ # Pages zero filled: 271267894.
+ # Pages reactivated: 48895.
+ # Pageins: 1798068.
+ # Pageouts: 257.
+ # Object cache: 6603 hits of 1713223 lookups (0% hit rate)
+ 'darwin' => (
+ q{
+ $vm = `vm_stat`;
+ print (($vm =~ /page size of (\d+)/)[0] *
+ (($vm =~ /Pages free:\s+(\d+)/)[0] +
+ ($vm =~ /Pages inactive:\s+(\d+)/)[0]));
+ }),
+ );
+ my $perlscript = "";
+ # Make a perl script that detects the OS ($^O) and runs
+ # the appropriate command
+ for my $os (keys %script_of) {
+ $perlscript .= 'if($^O eq "'.$os.'") { '.$script_of{$os}.'}';
+ }
+ $script = "perl -e " . ::Q(::spacefree(1,$perlscript));
+ }
+ return $script;
+ }
+sub limit($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # 0 = Below limit. Start another job.
+ # 1 = Over limit. Start no jobs.
+ # 2 = Kill youngest job
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'limitscript'}) {
+ my %limitscripts =
+ ("io" => q!
+ io() {
+ limit=$1;
+ io_file=$2;
+ # Do the measurement in the background
+ ((tmp=$(tempfile);
+ LANG=C iostat -x 1 2 > $tmp;
+ mv $tmp $io_file) </dev/null >/dev/null & );
+ perl -e '-e $ARGV[0] or exit(1);
+ for(reverse <>) {
+ /Device/ and last;
+ /(\S+)$/ and $max = $max > $1 ? $max : $1; }
+ exit ('$limit' < $max)' $io_file;
+ };
+ io %s %s
+ !,
+ "mem" => q!
+ mem() {
+ limit=$1;
+ awk '/^((Swap)?Cached|MemFree|Buffers):/{ sum += $2}
+ END {
+ if (sum*1024 < '$limit'/2) { exit 2; }
+ else { exit (sum*1024 < '$limit') }
+ }' /proc/meminfo;
+ };
+ mem %s;
+ !,
+ "load" => q!
+ load() {
+ limit=$1;
+ ps ax -o state,command |
+ grep -E '^[DOR].[^[]' |
+ wc -l |
+ perl -ne 'exit ('$limit' < $_)';
+ };
+ load %s
+ !,
+ );
+ my ($cmd,@args) = split /\s+/,$opt::limit;
+ if($limitscripts{$cmd}) {
+ my $tmpfile = ::tmpname("parlmt");
+ ++$Global::unlink{$tmpfile};
+ $self->{'limitscript'} =
+ ::spacefree(1, sprintf($limitscripts{$cmd},
+ ::multiply_binary_prefix(@args),$tmpfile));
+ } else {
+ $self->{'limitscript'} = $opt::limit;
+ }
+ }
+ my %env = %ENV;
+ local %ENV = %env;
+ $ENV{'SSHLOGIN'} = $self->string();
+ system($Global::shell,"-c",$self->{'limitscript'});
+ #::qqx($self->{'limitscript'});
+ ::debug("limit","limit `".$self->{'limitscript'}."` result ".($?>>8)."\n");
+ return $?>>8;
+sub swapping($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $swapping = $self->swap_activity();
+ return (not defined $swapping or $swapping)
+sub swap_activity($) {
+ # If the currently known swap activity is too old:
+ # Recompute a new one in the background
+ # Returns:
+ # last swap activity computed
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Should we update the swap_activity file?
+ my $update_swap_activity_file = 0;
+ # Test with (on 64 core machine):
+ # seq 100 | parallel --lb -j100 'seq 1000 | parallel --noswap -j 1 true'
+ if(open(my $swap_fh, "<", $self->{'swap_activity_file'})) {
+ my $swap_out = <$swap_fh>;
+ close $swap_fh;
+ if($swap_out =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
+ $self->{'swap_activity'} = $1;
+ ::debug("swap", "New swap_activity: ", $self->{'swap_activity'});
+ }
+ ::debug("swap", "Last update: ", $self->{'last_swap_activity_update'});
+ if(time - $self->{'last_swap_activity_update'} > 10) {
+ # last swap activity update was started 10 seconds ago
+ ::debug("swap", "Older than 10 sec: ", $self->{'swap_activity_file'});
+ $update_swap_activity_file = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::debug("swap", "No swap_activity file: ", $self->{'swap_activity_file'});
+ $self->{'swap_activity'} = undef;
+ $update_swap_activity_file = 1;
+ }
+ if($update_swap_activity_file) {
+ ::debug("swap", "Updating swap_activity file ", $self->{'swap_activity_file'});
+ $self->{'last_swap_activity_update'} = time;
+ my $dir = ::dirname($self->{'swap_activity_file'});
+ -d $dir or eval { File::Path::mkpath($dir); };
+ my $swap_activity;
+ $swap_activity = swapactivityscript();
+ if(not $self->local()) {
+ $swap_activity = $self->wrap($swap_activity);
+ }
+ # Run swap_activity measuring.
+ # As the command can take long to run if run remote
+ # save it to a tmp file before moving it to the correct file
+ my $file = $self->{'swap_activity_file'};
+ my ($dummy_fh, $tmpfile) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".swp");
+ ::debug("swap", "\n", $swap_activity, "\n");
+ ::qqx("($swap_activity > $tmpfile && mv $tmpfile $file || rm $tmpfile &)");
+ }
+ return $self->{'swap_activity'};
+ my $script;
+ sub swapactivityscript() {
+ # Returns:
+ # shellscript for detecting swap activity
+ #
+ # arguments for vmstat are OS dependant
+ # swap_in and swap_out are in different columns depending on OS
+ #
+ if(not $script) {
+ my %vmstat = (
+ # linux: $7*$8
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ----cpu----
+ # r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa
+ # 5 0 51208 1701096 198012 18857888 0 0 37 153 28 19 56 11 33 1
+ # 3 0 51208 1701288 198012 18857972 0 0 0 0 3638 10412 15 3 82 0
+ 'linux' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$7*$8'],
+ # solaris: $6*$7
+ # $ vmstat -S 1 2
+ # kthr memory page disk faults cpu
+ # r b w swap free si so pi po fr de sr s3 s4 -- -- in sy cs us sy id
+ # 0 0 0 4628952 3208408 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 -0 2 0 0 263 613 246 1 2 97
+ # 0 0 0 4552504 3166360 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 213 240 1 1 98
+ 'solaris' => ['vmstat -S 1 2 | tail -1', '$6*$7'],
+ # darwin (macosx): $21*$22
+ # $ vm_stat -c 2 1
+ # Mach Virtual Memory Statistics: (page size of 4096 bytes)
+ # free active specul inactive throttle wired prgable faults copy 0fill reactive purged file-backed anonymous cmprssed cmprssor dcomprs comprs pageins pageout swapins swapouts
+ # 346306 829050 74871 606027 0 240231 90367 544858K 62343596 270837K 14178 415070 570102 939846 356 370 116 922 4019813 4 0 0
+ # 345740 830383 74875 606031 0 239234 90369 2696 359 553 0 0 570110 941179 356 370 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 'darwin' => ['vm_stat -c 2 1 | tail -n1', '$21*$22'],
+ # ultrix: $12*$13
+ # $ vmstat -S 1 2
+ # procs faults cpu memory page disk
+ # r b w in sy cs us sy id avm fre si so pi po fr de sr s0
+ # 1 0 0 4 23 2 3 0 97 7743 217k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ # 1 0 0 6 40 8 0 1 99 7743 217k 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
+ 'ultrix' => ['vmstat -S 1 2 | tail -1', '$12*$13'],
+ # aix: $6*$7
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # System configuration: lcpu=1 mem=2048MB
+ #
+ # kthr memory page faults cpu
+ # ----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
+ # r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
+ # 0 0 333933 241803 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 143 90 0 0 99 0
+ # 0 0 334125 241569 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 5368 184 0 9 86 5
+ 'aix' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$6*$7'],
+ # freebsd: $8*$9
+ # $ vmstat -H 1 2
+ # procs memory page disks faults cpu
+ # r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr ad0 ad1 in sy cs us sy id
+ # 1 0 0 596716 19560 32 0 0 0 33 8 0 0 11 220 277 0 0 99
+ # 0 0 0 596716 19560 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 144 263 0 1 99
+ 'freebsd' => ['vmstat -H 1 2 | tail -n1', '$8*$9'],
+ # mirbsd: $8*$9
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # procs memory page disks traps cpu
+ # r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr wd0 cd0 int sys cs us sy id
+ # 0 0 0 25776 164968 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 230 259 38 4 0 96
+ # 0 0 0 25776 164968 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237 275 37 0 0 100
+ 'mirbsd' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$8*$9'],
+ # netbsd: $7*$8
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # procs memory page disks faults cpu
+ # r b avm fre flt re pi po fr sr w0 w1 in sy cs us sy id
+ # 0 0 138452 6012 54 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 4 100 23 0 0 100
+ # 0 0 138456 6008 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 26 19 0 0 100
+ 'netbsd' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$7*$8'],
+ # openbsd: $8*$9
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # procs memory page disks traps cpu
+ # r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr wd0 wd1 int sys cs us sy id
+ # 0 0 0 76596 109944 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 259 22 0 1 99
+ # 0 0 0 76604 109936 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 114 20 0 1 99
+ 'openbsd' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$8*$9'],
+ # hpux: $8*$9
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # procs memory page faults cpu
+ # r b w avm free re at pi po fr de sr in sy cs us sy id
+ # 1 0 0 247211 216476 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 102 73005 54 6 11 83
+ # 1 0 0 247211 216421 43 9 0 0 0 0 0 144 1675 96 25269512791222387000 25269512791222387000 105
+ 'hpux' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$8*$9'],
+ # dec_osf (tru64): $11*$12
+ # $ vmstat 1 2
+ # Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
+ # procs memory pages intr cpu
+ # r w u act free wire fault cow zero react pin pout in sy cs us sy id
+ # 3 181 36 51K 1895 8696 348M 59M 122M 259 79M 0 5 218 302 4 1 94
+ # 3 181 36 51K 1893 8696 3 15 21 0 28 0 4 81 321 1 1 98
+ 'dec_osf' => ['vmstat 1 2 | tail -n1', '$11*$12'],
+ # gnu (hurd): $7*$8
+ # $ vmstat -k 1 2
+ # (pagesize: 4, size: 512288, swap size: 894972)
+ # free actv inact wired zeroed react pgins pgouts pfaults cowpfs hrat caobj cache swfree
+ # 371940 30844 89228 20276 298348 0 48192 19016 756105 99808 98% 876 20628 894972
+ # 371940 30844 89228 20276 +0 +0 +0 +0 +42 +2 98% 876 20628 894972
+ 'gnu' => ['vmstat -k 1 2 | tail -n1', '$7*$8'],
+ # -nto (qnx has no swap)
+ #-irix
+ #-svr5 (scosysv)
+ );
+ my $perlscript = "";
+ # Make a perl script that detects the OS ($^O) and runs
+ # the appropriate vmstat command
+ for my $os (keys %vmstat) {
+ $vmstat{$os}[1] =~ s/\$/\\\\\\\$/g; # $ => \\\$
+ $perlscript .= 'if($^O eq "'.$os.'") { print `'.$vmstat{$os}[0].' | awk "{print ' .
+ $vmstat{$os}[1] . '}"` }';
+ }
+ $script = "perl -e " . ::Q($perlscript);
+ }
+ return $script;
+ }
+sub too_fast_remote_login($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if($self->{'last_login_at'} and $self->{'time_to_login'}) {
+ # sshd normally allows 10 simultaneous logins
+ # A login takes time_to_login
+ # So time_to_login/5 should be safe
+ # If now <= last_login + time_to_login/5: Then it is too soon.
+ my $too_fast = (::now() <= $self->{'last_login_at'}
+ + $self->{'time_to_login'}/5);
+ ::debug("run", "Too fast? $too_fast ");
+ return $too_fast;
+ } else {
+ # No logins so far (or time_to_login not computed): it is not too fast
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub last_login_at($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'last_login_at'};
+sub set_last_login_at($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'last_login_at'} = shift;
+sub loadavg_too_high($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $loadavg = $self->loadavg();
+ if(defined $loadavg) {
+ ::debug("load", "Load $loadavg > ",$self->max_loadavg());
+ return $loadavg >= $self->max_loadavg();
+ } else {
+ # Unknown load: Assume load is too high
+ return 1;
+ }
+sub loadavg($) {
+ # If the currently know loadavg is too old:
+ # Recompute a new one in the background
+ # The load average is computed as the number of processes waiting
+ # for disk or CPU right now. So it is the server load this instant
+ # and not averaged over several minutes. This is needed so GNU
+ # Parallel will at most start one job that will push the load over
+ # the limit.
+ #
+ # Returns:
+ # $last_loadavg = last load average computed (undef if none)
+ my $self = shift;
+ sub loadavg_cmd() {
+ if(not $Global::loadavg_cmd) {
+ # aix => "ps -ae -o state,command" # state wrong
+ # bsd => "ps ax -o state,command"
+ # sysv => "ps -ef -o s -o comm"
+ # cygwin => perl -ne 'close STDERR; /Name/ and print"\n"; \
+ # /(Name|Pid|Ppid|State):\s+(\S+)/ and print "$2\t";' /proc/*/status |
+ # awk '{print $2,$1}'
+ # dec_osf => bsd
+ # dragonfly => bsd
+ # freebsd => bsd
+ # gnu => bsd
+ # hpux => ps -el|awk '{print $2,$14,$15}'
+ # irix => ps -ef -o state -o comm
+ # linux => bsd
+ # minix => ps el|awk '{print \$1,\$11}'
+ # mirbsd => bsd
+ # netbsd => bsd
+ # openbsd => bsd
+ # solaris => sysv
+ # svr5 => sysv
+ # ultrix => ps -ax | awk '{print $3,$5}'
+ # unixware => ps -el|awk '{print $2,$14,$15}'
+ my $ps = ::spacefree(1,q{
+ $sysv="ps -ef -o s -o comm";
+ $sysv2="ps -ef -o state -o comm";
+ $bsd="ps ax -o state,command";
+ # Treat threads as processes
+ $bsd2="ps axH -o state,command";
+ $psel="ps -el|awk '{ print \$2,\$14,\$15 }'";
+ $cygwin=q{ perl -ne 'close STDERR; /Name/ and print"\n";
+ /(Name|Pid|Ppid|State):\s+(\S+)/ and print "$2\t";' /proc/*/status |
+ awk '{print $2,$1}' };
+ $dummy="echo S COMMAND;echo R dummy";
+ %ps=(
+ # TODO Find better code for AIX/Android
+ 'aix' => "uptime",
+ 'android' => "uptime",
+ 'cygwin' => $cygwin,
+ 'darwin' => $bsd,
+ 'dec_osf' => $sysv2,
+ 'dragonfly' => $bsd,
+ 'freebsd' => $bsd2,
+ 'gnu' => $bsd,
+ 'hpux' => $psel,
+ 'irix' => $sysv2,
+ 'linux' => $bsd2,
+ 'minix' => "ps el|awk '{print \$1,\$11}'",
+ 'mirbsd' => $bsd,
+ 'msys' => $cygwin,
+ 'netbsd' => $bsd,
+ 'nto' => $dummy,
+ 'openbsd' => $bsd,
+ 'solaris' => $sysv,
+ 'svr5' => $psel,
+ 'ultrix' => "ps -ax | awk '{print \$3,\$5}'",
+ 'MSWin32' => $sysv,
+ );
+ print `$ps{$^O}`;
+ });
+ # The command is too long for csh, so base64_wrap the command
+ $Global::loadavg_cmd = $self->hexwrap($ps);
+ }
+ return $Global::loadavg_cmd;
+ }
+ # Should we update the loadavg file?
+ my $update_loadavg_file = 0;
+ if(open(my $load_fh, "<", $self->{'loadavg_file'})) {
+ local $/; # $/ = undef => slurp whole file
+ my $load_out = <$load_fh>;
+ close $load_fh;
+ if($load_out =~ /\S/) {
+ # Content can be empty if ~/ is on NFS
+ # due to reading being non-atomic.
+ #
+ # Count lines starting with D,O,R but command does not start with [
+ my $load =()= ($load_out=~/(^\s?[DOR]\S* +(?=[^\[])\S)/gm);
+ if($load > 0) {
+ # load is overestimated by 1
+ $self->{'loadavg'} = $load - 1;
+ ::debug("load", "New loadavg: ", $self->{'loadavg'},"\n");
+ } elsif ($load_out=~/average: (\d+.\d+)/) {
+ # AIX does not support instant load average
+ # 04:11AM up 21 days, 12:55, 1 user, load average: 1.85, 1.57, 1.55
+ $self->{'loadavg'} = $1;
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("loadavg_invalid_content: " .
+ $self->{'loadavg_file'} . "\n$load_out");
+ }
+ }
+ $update_loadavg_file = 1;
+ } else {
+ ::debug("load", "No loadavg file: ", $self->{'loadavg_file'});
+ $self->{'loadavg'} = undef;
+ $update_loadavg_file = 1;
+ }
+ if($update_loadavg_file) {
+ ::debug("load", "Updating loadavg file", $self->{'loadavg_file'}, "\n");
+ $self->{'last_loadavg_update'} = time;
+ my $dir = ::dirname($self->{'swap_activity_file'});
+ -d $dir or eval { File::Path::mkpath($dir); };
+ -w $dir or ::die_bug("Cannot write to $dir");
+ my $cmd = "";
+ if($self->{'string'} ne ":") {
+ $cmd = $self->wrap(loadavg_cmd());
+ } else {
+ $cmd .= loadavg_cmd();
+ }
+ # As the command can take long to run if run remote
+ # save it to a tmp file before moving it to the correct file
+ ::debug("load", "Update load\n");
+ my $file = $self->{'loadavg_file'};
+ # tmpfile on same filesystem as $file
+ my $tmpfile = $file.$$;
+ $ENV{'SSHPASS'} = $self->{'password'};
+ ::qqx("($cmd > $tmpfile && mv $tmpfile $file || rm $tmpfile & )");
+ }
+ return $self->{'loadavg'};
+sub max_loadavg($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # If --load is a file it might be changed
+ if($Global::max_load_file) {
+ my $mtime = (stat($Global::max_load_file))[9];
+ if($mtime > $Global::max_load_file_last_mod) {
+ $Global::max_load_file_last_mod = $mtime;
+ for my $sshlogin (values %Global::host) {
+ $sshlogin->set_max_loadavg(undef);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(not defined $self->{'max_loadavg'}) {
+ $self->{'max_loadavg'} =
+ $self->compute_max_loadavg($opt::load);
+ }
+ ::debug("load", "max_loadavg: ", $self->string(), " ", $self->{'max_loadavg'});
+ return $self->{'max_loadavg'};
+sub set_max_loadavg($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'max_loadavg'} = shift;
+sub compute_max_loadavg($) {
+ # Parse the max loadaverage that the user asked for using --load
+ # Returns:
+ # max loadaverage
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $loadspec = shift;
+ my $load;
+ if(defined $loadspec) {
+ if($loadspec =~ /^\+(\d+)$/) {
+ # E.g. --load +2
+ my $j = $1;
+ $load =
+ $self->ncpus() + $j;
+ } elsif ($loadspec =~ /^-(\d+)$/) {
+ # E.g. --load -2
+ my $j = $1;
+ $load =
+ $self->ncpus() - $j;
+ } elsif ($loadspec =~ /^(\d+)\%$/) {
+ my $j = $1;
+ $load =
+ $self->ncpus() * $j / 100;
+ } elsif ($loadspec =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)$/) {
+ $load = $1;
+ } elsif (-f $loadspec) {
+ $Global::max_load_file = $loadspec;
+ $Global::max_load_file_last_mod = (stat($Global::max_load_file))[9];
+ if(open(my $in_fh, "<", $Global::max_load_file)) {
+ my $opt_load_file = join("",<$in_fh>);
+ close $in_fh;
+ $load = $self->compute_max_loadavg($opt_load_file);
+ } else {
+ ::error("Cannot open $loadspec.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::error("Parsing of --load failed.");
+ ::die_usage();
+ }
+ if($load < 0.01) {
+ $load = 0.01;
+ }
+ }
+ return $load;
+sub time_to_login($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'time_to_login'};
+sub set_time_to_login($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'time_to_login'} = shift;
+sub max_jobs_running($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'max_jobs_running'}) {
+ my $nproc = $self->compute_number_of_processes($opt::jobs);
+ $self->set_max_jobs_running($nproc);
+ }
+ return $self->{'max_jobs_running'};
+sub orig_max_jobs_running($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'orig_max_jobs_running'};
+sub compute_number_of_processes($) {
+ # Number of processes wanted and limited by system resources
+ # Returns:
+ # Number of processes
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $opt_P = shift;
+ my $wanted_processes = $self->user_requested_processes($opt_P);
+ if(not defined $wanted_processes) {
+ $wanted_processes = $Global::default_simultaneous_sshlogins;
+ }
+ ::debug("load", "Wanted procs: $wanted_processes\n");
+ my $system_limit =
+ $self->processes_available_by_system_limit($wanted_processes);
+ ::debug("load", "Limited to procs: $system_limit\n");
+ return $system_limit;
+ my @children;
+ my $max_system_proc_reached;
+ my $more_filehandles;
+ my %fh;
+ my $tmpfhname;
+ my $count_jobs_already_read;
+ my @jobs;
+ my $job;
+ my @args;
+ my $arg;
+ sub reserve_filehandles($) {
+ # Reserves filehandle
+ my $n = shift;
+ for (1..$n) {
+ $more_filehandles &&= open($fh{$tmpfhname++}, "<", "/dev/null");
+ }
+ }
+ sub reserve_process() {
+ # Spawn a dummy process
+ my $child;
+ if($child = fork()) {
+ push @children, $child;
+ $Global::unkilled_children{$child} = 1;
+ } elsif(defined $child) {
+ # This is the child
+ # The child takes one process slot
+ # It will be killed later
+ $SIG{'TERM'} = $Global::original_sig{'TERM'};
+ if($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "msys" or $^O eq "nto") {
+ # The exec does not work on Cygwin and QNX
+ sleep 10101010;
+ } else {
+ # 'exec sleep' takes less RAM than sleeping in perl
+ exec 'sleep', 10101;
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ # Failed to spawn
+ $max_system_proc_reached = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ sub get_args_or_jobs() {
+ # Get an arg or a job (depending on mode)
+ if($Global::semaphore or ($opt::pipe and not $opt::tee)) {
+ # Skip: No need to get args
+ return 1;
+ } elsif(defined $opt::retries and $count_jobs_already_read) {
+ # For retries we may need to run all jobs on this sshlogin
+ # so include the already read jobs for this sshlogin
+ $count_jobs_already_read--;
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ if($opt::X or $opt::m) {
+ # The arguments may have to be re-spread over several jobslots
+ # So pessimistically only read one arg per jobslot
+ # instead of a full commandline
+ if($Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}->{'arg_queue'}->empty()) {
+ if($Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ $job = $Global::JobQueue->get();
+ push(@jobs, $job);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $arg = $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}->{'arg_queue'}->get();
+ push(@args, $arg);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # If there are no more command lines, then we have a process
+ # per command line, so no need to go further
+ if($Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ $job = $Global::JobQueue->get();
+ # Replacement must happen here due to seq()
+ $job and $job->replaced();
+ push(@jobs, $job);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sub cleanup() {
+ # Cleanup: Close the files
+ for (values %fh) { close $_ }
+ # Cleanup: Kill the children
+ for my $pid (@children) {
+ kill 9, $pid;
+ waitpid($pid,0);
+ delete $Global::unkilled_children{$pid};
+ }
+ # Cleanup: Unget the command_lines or the @args
+ $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}{'arg_queue'}->unget(@args);
+ @args = ();
+ $Global::JobQueue->unget(@jobs);
+ @jobs = ();
+ }
+ sub processes_available_by_system_limit($) {
+ # If the wanted number of processes is bigger than the system limits:
+ # Limit them to the system limits
+ # Limits are: File handles, number of input lines, processes,
+ # and taking > 1 second to spawn 10 extra processes
+ # Returns:
+ # Number of processes
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $wanted_processes = shift;
+ my $system_limit = 0;
+ my $slow_spawning_warning_printed = 0;
+ my $time = time;
+ $more_filehandles = 1;
+ $tmpfhname = "TmpFhNamE";
+ # perl uses 7 filehandles for something?
+ # parallel uses 1 for memory_usage
+ # parallel uses 4 for ?
+ reserve_filehandles(12);
+ # Two processes for load avg and ?
+ reserve_process();
+ reserve_process();
+ # For --retries count also jobs already run
+ $count_jobs_already_read = $Global::JobQueue->next_seq();
+ my $wait_time_for_getting_args = 0;
+ my $start_time = time;
+ if($wanted_processes < $Global::infinity) {
+ $Global::dummy_jobs = 1;
+ }
+ while(1) {
+ $system_limit >= $wanted_processes and last;
+ not $more_filehandles and last;
+ $max_system_proc_reached and last;
+ my $before_getting_arg = time;
+ if(!$Global::dummy_jobs) {
+ get_args_or_jobs() or last;
+ }
+ $wait_time_for_getting_args += time - $before_getting_arg;
+ $system_limit++;
+ # Every simultaneous process uses 2 filehandles to write to
+ # and 2 filehandles to read from
+ reserve_filehandles(4);
+ # System process limit
+ reserve_process();
+ my $forktime = time - $time - $wait_time_for_getting_args;
+ ::debug("run", "Time to fork $system_limit procs: ".
+ $wait_time_for_getting_args, " ", $forktime,
+ " (processes so far: ", $system_limit,")\n");
+ if($system_limit > 10 and
+ $forktime > 1 and
+ $forktime > $system_limit * 0.01) {
+ # It took more than 0.01 second to fork a processes on avg.
+ # Give the user a warning. He can press Ctrl-C if this
+ # sucks.
+ ::warning_once(
+ "Starting $system_limit processes took > $forktime sec.",
+ "Consider adjusting -j. Press CTRL-C to stop.");
+ }
+ }
+ cleanup();
+ if($system_limit < $wanted_processes) {
+ # The system_limit is less than the wanted_processes
+ if($system_limit < 1 and not $Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ ::warning("Cannot spawn any jobs.",
+ "Try increasing 'ulimit -u' (try: ulimit -u `ulimit -Hu`)",
+ "or increasing 'nproc' in /etc/security/limits.conf",
+ "or increasing /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(not $more_filehandles) {
+ ::warning("Only enough file handles to run ".
+ $system_limit. " jobs in parallel.",
+ "Try running 'parallel -j0 -N $system_limit --pipe parallel -j0'",
+ "or increasing 'ulimit -n' (try: ulimit -n `ulimit -Hn`)",
+ "or increasing 'nofile' in /etc/security/limits.conf",
+ "or increasing /proc/sys/fs/file-max");
+ }
+ if($max_system_proc_reached) {
+ ::warning("Only enough available processes to run ".
+ $system_limit. " jobs in parallel.",
+ "Try increasing 'ulimit -u' (try: ulimit -u `ulimit -Hu`)",
+ "or increasing 'nproc' in /etc/security/limits.conf",
+ "or increasing /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max");
+ }
+ }
+ if($] == 5.008008 and $system_limit > 1000) {
+ #
+ $system_limit = 1000;
+ }
+ if($Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ $system_limit ||= 1;
+ }
+ if($self->string() ne ":" and
+ $system_limit > $Global::default_simultaneous_sshlogins) {
+ $system_limit =
+ $self->simultaneous_sshlogin_limit($system_limit);
+ }
+ return $system_limit;
+ }
+sub simultaneous_sshlogin_limit($) {
+ # Test by logging in wanted number of times simultaneously
+ # Returns:
+ # min($wanted_processes,$working_simultaneous_ssh_logins-1)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $wanted_processes = shift;
+ if($self->{'time_to_login'}) {
+ return $wanted_processes;
+ }
+ # Try twice because it guesses wrong sometimes
+ # Choose the minimal
+ my $ssh_limit =
+ ::min($self->simultaneous_sshlogin($wanted_processes),
+ $self->simultaneous_sshlogin($wanted_processes));
+ if($ssh_limit < $wanted_processes) {
+ my $serverlogin = $self->string();
+ ::warning("ssh to $serverlogin only allows ".
+ "for $ssh_limit simultaneous logins.",
+ "You may raise this by changing",
+ "/etc/ssh/sshd_config:MaxStartups and MaxSessions on $serverlogin.",
+ "You can also try --sshdelay 0.1",
+ "Using only ".($ssh_limit-1)." connections ".
+ "to avoid race conditions.");
+ # Race condition can cause problem if using all sshs.
+ if($ssh_limit > 1) { $ssh_limit -= 1; }
+ }
+ return $ssh_limit;
+sub simultaneous_sshlogin($) {
+ # Using $sshlogin try to see if we can do $wanted_processes
+ # simultaneous logins
+ # (ssh host echo simul-login & ssh host echo simul-login & ...) |
+ # grep simul|wc -l
+ # Input:
+ # $wanted_processes = Try for this many logins in parallel
+ # Returns:
+ # $ssh_limit = Number of succesful parallel logins
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $wanted_processes = shift;
+ my $sshdelay = $opt::sshdelay ? "sleep $opt::sshdelay;" : "";
+ # TODO sh -c wrapper to work for csh
+ my $cmd = ($sshdelay.$self->wrap("echo simultaneouslogin").
+ "</dev/null 2>&1 &")x$wanted_processes;
+ ::debug("init","Trying $wanted_processes logins at ".$self->string()."\n");
+ open (my $simul_fh, "-|", "($cmd)|grep simultaneouslogin | wc -l") or
+ ::die_bug("simultaneouslogin");
+ my $ssh_limit = <$simul_fh>;
+ close $simul_fh;
+ chomp $ssh_limit;
+ return $ssh_limit;
+sub set_ncpus($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'ncpus'} = shift;
+sub user_requested_processes($) {
+ # Parse the number of processes that the user asked for using -j
+ # Input:
+ # $opt_P = string formatted as for -P
+ # Returns:
+ # $processes = the number of processes to run on this sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $opt_P = shift;
+ my $processes;
+ if(defined $opt_P) {
+ if($opt_P =~ /^\+(\d+)$/) {
+ # E.g. -P +2
+ my $j = $1;
+ $processes =
+ $self->ncpus() + $j;
+ } elsif ($opt_P =~ /^-(\d+)$/) {
+ # E.g. -P -2
+ my $j = $1;
+ $processes =
+ $self->ncpus() - $j;
+ } elsif ($opt_P =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)?)\%$/) {
+ # E.g. -P 10.5%
+ my $j = $1;
+ $processes =
+ $self->ncpus() * $j / 100;
+ } elsif ($opt_P =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
+ $processes = $1;
+ if($processes == 0) {
+ # -P 0 = infinity (or at least close)
+ $processes = $Global::infinity;
+ }
+ } elsif (-f $opt_P) {
+ $Global::max_procs_file = $opt_P;
+ if(open(my $in_fh, "<", $Global::max_procs_file)) {
+ my $opt_P_file = join("",<$in_fh>);
+ close $in_fh;
+ $processes = $self->user_requested_processes($opt_P_file);
+ } else {
+ ::error("Cannot open $opt_P.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::error("Parsing of --jobs/-j/--max-procs/-P failed.");
+ ::die_usage();
+ }
+ $processes = ::ceil($processes);
+ }
+ return $processes;
+sub ncpus($) {
+ # Number of CPU threads
+ # --use_sockets_instead_of_threads = count socket instead
+ # --use_cores_instead_of_threads = count physical cores instead
+ # Returns:
+ # $ncpus = number of cpu (threads) on this sshlogin
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'ncpus'}) {
+ if($self->local()) {
+ if($opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads) {
+ $self->{'ncpus'} = socket_core_thread()->{'sockets'};
+ } elsif($opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads) {
+ $self->{'ncpus'} = socket_core_thread()->{'cores'};
+ } else {
+ $self->{'ncpus'} = socket_core_thread()->{'threads'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $ncpu;
+ $ENV{'SSHPASS'} = $self->{'password'};
+ ::debug("init",("echo | ".$self->wrap("parallel --number-of-sockets")));
+ if($opt::use_sockets_instead_of_threads
+ or
+ $opt::use_cpus_instead_of_cores) {
+ $ncpu = ::qqx("echo | ".$self->wrap("parallel --number-of-sockets"));
+ } elsif($opt::use_cores_instead_of_threads) {
+ $ncpu = ::qqx("echo | ".$self->wrap("parallel --number-of-cores"));
+ } else {
+ $ncpu = ::qqx("echo | ".$self->wrap("parallel --number-of-threads"));
+ }
+ chomp $ncpu;
+ if($ncpu =~ /^\s*[0-9]+\s*$/s) {
+ $self->{'ncpus'} = $ncpu;
+ } else {
+ ::warning("Could not figure out ".
+ "number of cpus on ".$self->string." ($ncpu). Using 1.");
+ $self->{'ncpus'} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'ncpus'};
+sub nproc() {
+ # Returns:
+ # Number of threads using `nproc`
+ my $no_of_threads = ::qqx("nproc");
+ chomp $no_of_threads;
+ return $no_of_threads;
+sub no_of_sockets() {
+ return socket_core_thread()->{'sockets'};
+sub no_of_cores() {
+ return socket_core_thread()->{'cores'};
+sub no_of_threads() {
+ return socket_core_thread()->{'threads'};
+sub socket_core_thread() {
+ # Returns:
+ # {
+ # 'sockets' => #sockets = number of socket with CPU present
+ # 'cores' => #cores = number of physical cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads = number of compute cores (hyperthreading)
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads = number of taskset limited cores
+ # }
+ my $cpu;
+ if ($^O eq 'linux') {
+ $cpu = sct_gnu_linux($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'android') {
+ $cpu = sct_android($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd') {
+ $cpu = sct_freebsd($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'netbsd') {
+ $cpu = sct_netbsd($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'openbsd') {
+ $cpu = sct_openbsd($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'gnu') {
+ $cpu = sct_hurd($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'darwin') {
+ $cpu = sct_darwin($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'solaris') {
+ $cpu = sct_solaris($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'aix') {
+ $cpu = sct_aix($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'hpux') {
+ $cpu = sct_hpux($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'nto') {
+ $cpu = sct_qnx($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'svr5') {
+ $cpu = sct_openserver($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'irix') {
+ $cpu = sct_irix($cpu);
+ } elsif ($^O eq 'dec_osf') {
+ $cpu = sct_tru64($cpu);
+ } else {
+ # Try all methods until we find something that works
+ $cpu = (sct_gnu_linux($cpu)
+ || sct_android($cpu)
+ || sct_freebsd($cpu)
+ || sct_netbsd($cpu)
+ || sct_openbsd($cpu)
+ || sct_hurd($cpu)
+ || sct_darwin($cpu)
+ || sct_solaris($cpu)
+ || sct_aix($cpu)
+ || sct_hpux($cpu)
+ || sct_qnx($cpu)
+ || sct_openserver($cpu)
+ || sct_irix($cpu)
+ || sct_tru64($cpu)
+ );
+ }
+ if(not $cpu) {
+ # Fall back: Set all to nproc
+ my $nproc = nproc();
+ if($nproc) {
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} =
+ $cpu->{'cores'} =
+ $cpu->{'threads'} =
+ $cpu->{'active'} =
+ $nproc;
+ }
+ }
+ if(not $cpu) {
+ ::warning("Cannot figure out number of cpus. Using 1.");
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} =
+ $cpu->{'cores'} =
+ $cpu->{'threads'} =
+ $cpu->{'active'} =
+ 1
+ }
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} ||= 1;
+ $cpu->{'threads'} ||= $cpu->{'cores'};
+ $cpu->{'active'} ||= $cpu->{'threads'};
+ chomp($cpu->{'sockets'},
+ $cpu->{'cores'},
+ $cpu->{'threads'},
+ $cpu->{'active'});
+ # Choose minimum of active and actual
+ my $mincpu;
+ $mincpu->{'sockets'} = ::min($cpu->{'sockets'},$cpu->{'active'});
+ $mincpu->{'cores'} = ::min($cpu->{'cores'},$cpu->{'active'});
+ $mincpu->{'threads'} = ::min($cpu->{'threads'},$cpu->{'active'});
+ return $mincpu;
+sub sct_gnu_linux($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ sub read_topology($) {
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my %sibiling;
+ my %socket;
+ my $thread;
+ for($thread = 0;
+ -r "$prefix/cpu$thread/topology/physical_package_id";
+ $thread++) {
+ open(my $fh,"<",
+ "$prefix/cpu$thread/topology/physical_package_id")
+ || die;
+ $socket{<$fh>}++;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ for($thread = 0;
+ -r "$prefix/cpu$thread/topology/thread_siblings";
+ $thread++) {
+ open(my $fh,"<",
+ "$prefix/cpu$thread/topology/thread_siblings")
+ || die;
+ $sibiling{<$fh>}++;
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} = keys %socket;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} = keys %sibiling;
+ $cpu->{'threads'} = $thread;
+ }
+ sub read_cpuinfo(@) {
+ my @cpuinfo = @_;
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} = 0;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} = 0;
+ $cpu->{'threads'} = 0;
+ my %seen;
+ my %phy_seen;
+ my $physicalid;
+ for(@cpuinfo) {
+ # physical id : 0
+ if(/^physical id.*[:](.*)/) {
+ $physicalid = $1;
+ if(not $phy_seen{$1}++) {
+ $cpu->{'sockets'}++;
+ }
+ }
+ # core id : 3
+ if(/^core id.*[:](.*)/ and not $seen{$physicalid,$1}++) {
+ $cpu->{'cores'}++;
+ }
+ # processor : 2
+ /^processor.*[:]\s*\d/i and $cpu->{'threads'}++;
+ }
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= $cpu->{'threads'};
+ $cpu->{'cpus'} ||= $cpu->{'threads'};
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} ||= 1;
+ }
+ sub read_lscpu(@) {
+ my @lscpu = @_;
+ my $threads_per_core;
+ my $cores_per_socket;
+ for(@lscpu) {
+ /^CPU.s.:\s*(\d+)/ and $cpu->{'threads'} = $1;
+ /^Thread.s. per core:\s*(\d+)/ and $threads_per_core = $1;
+ /^Core.s. per socket:\s*(\d+)/ and $cores_per_socket = $1;
+ /^(CPU )?Socket.s.:\s*(\d+)/i and $cpu->{'sockets'} = $2;
+ }
+ if($threads_per_core and $cpu->{'threads'}) {
+ $cpu->{'cores'} = $cpu->{'threads'} / $threads_per_core;
+ }
+ $cpu->{'cpus'} ||= $cpu->{'threads'};
+ }
+ local $/ = "\n"; # If delimiter is set, then $/ will be wrong
+ my @cpuinfo;
+ my @lscpu;
+ # Use CPUINFO from environment - used for testing only
+ read_cpuinfo(split/(?<=\n)/,$ENV{'PARALLEL_CPUINFO'});
+ } elsif($ENV{'PARALLEL_LSCPU'}) {
+ # Use LSCPU from environment - used for testing only
+ read_lscpu(split/(?<=\n)/,$ENV{'PARALLEL_LSCPU'});
+ } elsif(-r "$ENV{'PARALLEL_CPUPREFIX'}/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings") {
+ # Use CPUPREFIX from environment - used for testing only
+ read_topology($ENV{'PARALLEL_CPUPREFIX'});
+ } elsif($cpu->{'sockets'} and $cpu->{'cores'} and $cpu->{'threads'}) {
+ # Skip /proc/cpuinfo - already set
+ } else {
+ # Not debugging: Look at this computer
+ if(!($cpu->{'sockets'} and $cpu->{'cores'} and $cpu->{'threads'})
+ and
+ open(my $in_fh, "-|", "lscpu")) {
+ # Parse output from lscpu
+ read_lscpu(<$in_fh>);
+ close $in_fh;
+ }
+ if(!($cpu->{'sockets'} and $cpu->{'cores'} and $cpu->{'threads'})
+ and
+ -r "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings") {
+ read_topology("/sys/devices/system/cpu");
+ }
+ if(!($cpu->{'sockets'} and $cpu->{'cores'} and $cpu->{'threads'})
+ and
+ open(my $in_fh, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo")) {
+ # Read /proc/cpuinfo
+ read_cpuinfo(<$in_fh>);
+ close $in_fh;
+ }
+ }
+ if(-e "/proc/self/status" and not $ENV{'PARALLEL_CPUINFO'}) {
+ # if 'taskset' is used to limit number of threads
+ if(open(my $in_fh, "<", "/proc/self/status")) {
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ if(/^Cpus_allowed:\s*(\S+)/) {
+ my $a = $1;
+ $a =~ tr/,//d;
+ $cpu->{'active'} = unpack ("%32b*", pack ("H*",$a));
+ }
+ }
+ close $in_fh;
+ }
+ }
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_android($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ # Use GNU/Linux
+ return sct_gnu_linux($_[0]);
+sub sct_freebsd($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||=
+ (::qqx(qq{ sysctl -a dev.cpu | grep \%parent | awk '{ print \$2 }' | uniq | wc -l | awk '{ print \$1 }' })
+ or
+ ::qqx(qq{ sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print \$2 }' }));
+ $cpu->{'threads'} ||=
+ (::qqx(qq{ sysctl hw.ncpu | awk '{ print \$2 }' })
+ or
+ ::qqx(qq{ sysctl -a dev.cpu | grep \%parent | awk '{ print \$2 }' | uniq | wc -l | awk '{ print \$1 }' }));
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_netbsd($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= ::qqx("sysctl -n hw.ncpu");
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_openbsd($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= ::qqx('sysctl -n hw.ncpu');
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_hurd($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= ::qqx("nproc");
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_darwin($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||=
+ (::qqx('sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu')
+ or
+ ::qqx(qq{ sysctl -a hw | grep [^a-z]physicalcpu[^a-z] | awk '{ print \$2 }' }));
+ $cpu->{'threads'} ||=
+ (::qqx('sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu')
+ or
+ ::qqx(qq{ sysctl -a hw | grep [^a-z]logicalcpu[^a-z] | awk '{ print \$2 }' }));
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_solaris($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ if(not $cpu->{'cores'}) {
+ if(-x "/usr/bin/kstat") {
+ my @chip_id = ::qqx("/usr/bin/kstat cpu_info|grep chip_id");
+ if($#chip_id >= 0) {
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} ||= $#chip_id +1;
+ }
+ my @core_id = ::qqx("/usr/bin/kstat -m cpu_info|grep -w core_id|uniq");
+ if($#core_id >= 0) {
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= $#core_id +1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(-x "/usr/sbin/psrinfo") {
+ my @psrinfo = ::qqx("/usr/sbin/psrinfo -p");
+ if($#psrinfo >= 0) {
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} ||= $psrinfo[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if(-x "/usr/sbin/prtconf") {
+ my @prtconf = ::qqx("/usr/sbin/prtconf | grep cpu..instance");
+ if($#prtconf >= 0) {
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= $#prtconf +1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_aix($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ if(not $cpu->{'cores'}) {
+ if(-x "/usr/sbin/lscfg") {
+ if(open(my $in_fh, "-|",
+ "/usr/sbin/lscfg -vs |grep proc | wc -l|tr -d ' '")) {
+ $cpu->{'cores'} = <$in_fh>;
+ close $in_fh;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(not $cpu->{'threads'}) {
+ if(-x "/usr/bin/vmstat") {
+ if(open(my $in_fh, "-|", "/usr/bin/vmstat 1 1")) {
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ /lcpu=([0-9]*) / and $cpu->{'threads'} = $1;
+ }
+ close $in_fh;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_hpux($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||=
+ ::qqx(qq{ /usr/bin/mpsched -s 2>&1 | grep 'Locality Domain Count' | awk '{ print \$4 }'});
+ $cpu->{'threads'} ||=
+ ::qqx(qq{ /usr/bin/mpsched -s 2>&1 | perl -ne '/Processor Count\\D+(\\d+)/ and print "\$1"'});
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_qnx($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ # BUG: It is not known how to calculate this.
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_openserver($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ if(not $cpu->{'cores'}) {
+ if(-x "/usr/sbin/psrinfo") {
+ my @psrinfo = ::qqx("/usr/sbin/psrinfo");
+ if($#psrinfo >= 0) {
+ $cpu->{'cores'} = $#psrinfo +1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} ||= $cpu->{'cores'};
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_irix($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||=
+ ::qqx(qq{ hinv | grep HZ | grep Processor | awk '{print \$1}' });
+ return $cpu;
+sub sct_tru64($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # { 'sockets' => #sockets
+ # 'cores' => #cores
+ # 'threads' => #threads
+ # 'active' => #taskset_threads }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $cpu = shift;
+ $cpu->{'cores'} ||= ::qqx("sizer -pr");
+ $cpu->{'sockets'} ||= $cpu->{'cores'};
+ $cpu->{'threads'} ||= $cpu->{'cores'};
+ return $cpu;
+sub sshcommand($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # $sshcommand = the command (incl options) to run when using ssh
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (not defined $self->{'sshcommand'}) {
+ ::die_bug("sshcommand not set");
+ }
+ return $self->{'sshcommand'};
+sub local($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'local'};
+sub control_path_dir($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # $control_path_dir = dir of control path (for -M)
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'control_path_dir'}) {
+ $self->{'control_path_dir'} =
+ # Use $ENV{'TMPDIR'} as that is typically not
+ # NFS mounted
+ File::Temp::tempdir($ENV{'TMPDIR'}
+ . "/control_path_dir-XXXX",
+ CLEANUP => 1);
+ }
+ return $self->{'control_path_dir'};
+sub rsync_transfer_cmd($) {
+ # Command to run to transfer a file
+ # Input:
+ # $file = filename of file to transfer
+ # $workdir = destination dir
+ # Returns:
+ # $cmd = rsync command to run to transfer $file ("" if unreadable)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $workdir = shift;
+ if(not -r $file) {
+ ::warning($file. " is not readable and will not be transferred.");
+ return "true";
+ }
+ my $rsync_destdir;
+ my $relpath = ($file !~ m:^/:) || ($file =~ m:/\./:); # Is the path relative or /./?
+ if($relpath) {
+ $rsync_destdir = ::shell_quote_file($workdir);
+ } else {
+ # rsync /foo/bar /
+ $rsync_destdir = "/";
+ }
+ $file = ::shell_quote_file($file);
+ # Make dir if it does not exist
+ return($self->wrap("mkdir -p $rsync_destdir") . " && " .
+ $self->rsync()." $file ".$self->{'host'}.":$rsync_destdir");
+ my $rsync_protocol;
+ sub rsync($) {
+ sub rsync_protocol {
+ # rsync 3.1.x uses protocol 31 which is unsupported by 2.5.7.
+ # If the version >= 3.1.0: downgrade to protocol 30
+ # Returns:
+ # $rsync = "rsync" or "rsync --protocol 30"
+ if(not $rsync_protocol) {
+ my @out = `rsync --version`;
+ if(not @out) {
+ if(::which("rsync")) {
+ ::die_bug("'rsync --version' gave no output.");
+ } else {
+ ::error("'rsync' is not in \$PATH.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ for (@out) {
+ # rsync version 3.1.3 protocol version 31
+ # rsync version v3.2.3 protocol version 31
+ if(/version v?(\d+.\d+)(.\d+)?/) {
+ if($1 >= 3.1) {
+ # Version 3.1.0 or later: Downgrade to protocol 30
+ $rsync_protocol = "rsync --protocol 30";
+ } else {
+ $rsync_protocol = "rsync";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $rsync_protocol or
+ ::die_bug("Cannot figure out version of rsync: @out");
+ }
+ return $rsync_protocol;
+ }
+ my $self = shift;
+ return rsync_protocol()." ".$ENV{'PARALLEL_RSYNC_OPTS'}.
+ " -e".::Q($self->sshcmd());
+ }
+sub cleanup_cmd($$$) {
+ # Command to run to remove the remote file
+ # Input:
+ # $file = filename to remove
+ # $workdir = destination dir
+ # Returns:
+ # $cmd = ssh command to run to remove $file and empty parent dirs
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $workdir = shift;
+ my $f = $file;
+ if($f =~ m:/\./:) {
+ # foo/bar/./baz/quux => workdir/baz/quux
+ # /foo/bar/./baz/quux => workdir/baz/quux
+ $f =~ s:.*/\./:$workdir/:;
+ } elsif($f =~ m:^[^/]:) {
+ # foo/bar => workdir/foo/bar
+ $f = $workdir."/".$f;
+ }
+ my @subdirs = split m:/:, ::dirname($f);
+ my @rmdir;
+ my $dir = "";
+ for(@subdirs) {
+ $dir .= $_."/";
+ unshift @rmdir, ::shell_quote_file($dir);
+ }
+ my $rmdir = @rmdir ? "rmdir @rmdir 2>/dev/null;" : "";
+ if(defined $opt::workdir and $opt::workdir eq "...") {
+ $rmdir .= "rm -rf " . ::shell_quote_file($workdir).';';
+ }
+ my $rmf = "sh -c ".
+ ::Q("rm -f ".::shell_quote_file($f)." 2>/dev/null;".$rmdir);
+ return $self->wrap(::Q($rmf));
+package JobQueue;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $commandref = shift;
+ my $read_from = shift;
+ my $context_replace = shift;
+ my $max_number_of_args = shift;
+ my $transfer_files = shift;
+ my $return_files = shift;
+ my $template_names = shift;
+ my $template_contents = shift;
+ my $commandlinequeue = CommandLineQueue->new
+ ($commandref, $read_from, $context_replace, $max_number_of_args,
+ $transfer_files, $return_files, $template_names, $template_contents);
+ my @unget = ();
+ return bless {
+ 'unget' => \@unget,
+ 'commandlinequeue' => $commandlinequeue,
+ 'this_job_no' => 0,
+ 'total_jobs' => undef,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub get($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'this_job_no'}++;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ my $job = shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ # {%} may have changed, so flush computed values
+ $job && $job->flush_cache();
+ return $job;
+ } else {
+ my $commandline = $self->{'commandlinequeue'}->get();
+ if(defined $commandline) {
+ return Job->new($commandline);
+ } else {
+ $self->{'this_job_no'}--;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+sub unget($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unshift @{$self->{'unget'}}, @_;
+ $self->{'this_job_no'} -= @_;
+sub empty($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $empty = (not @{$self->{'unget'}}) &&
+ $self->{'commandlinequeue'}->empty();
+ ::debug("run", "JobQueue->empty $empty ");
+ return $empty;
+sub total_jobs($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'total_jobs'}) {
+ if($opt::pipe and not $opt::tee) {
+ ::error("--pipe is incompatible with --eta/--bar/--shuf");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($opt::totaljobs) {
+ $self->{'total_jobs'} = $opt::totaljobs;
+ } elsif($opt::sqlworker) {
+ $self->{'total_jobs'} = $Global::sql->total_jobs();
+ } else {
+ my $record;
+ my @arg_records;
+ my $record_queue = $self->{'commandlinequeue'}{'arg_queue'};
+ my $start = time;
+ while($record = $record_queue->get()) {
+ push @arg_records, $record;
+ if(time - $start > 10) {
+ ::warning("Reading ".scalar(@arg_records).
+ " arguments took longer than 10 seconds.");
+ $opt::eta && ::warning("Consider removing --eta.");
+ $opt::bar && ::warning("Consider removing --bar.");
+ $opt::shuf && ::warning("Consider removing --shuf.");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ while($record = $record_queue->get()) {
+ push @arg_records, $record;
+ }
+ if($opt::shuf and @arg_records) {
+ my $i = @arg_records;
+ while (--$i) {
+ my $j = int rand($i+1);
+ @arg_records[$i,$j] = @arg_records[$j,$i];
+ }
+ }
+ $record_queue->unget(@arg_records);
+ # $#arg_records = number of args - 1
+ # We have read one @arg_record for this job (so add 1 more)
+ my $num_args = $#arg_records + 2;
+ # This jobs is not started so -1
+ my $started_jobs = $self->{'this_job_no'} - 1;
+ my $max_args = ::max($Global::max_number_of_args,1);
+ $self->{'total_jobs'} = ::ceil($num_args / $max_args)
+ + $started_jobs;
+ ::debug("init","Total jobs: ".$self->{'total_jobs'}.
+ " ($num_args/$max_args + $started_jobs)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'total_jobs'};
+sub flush_total_jobs($) {
+ # Unset total_jobs to force recomputing
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::debug("init","flush Total jobs: ");
+ $self->{'total_jobs'} = undef;
+sub next_seq($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'commandlinequeue'}->seq();
+sub quote_args($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'commandlinequeue'}->quote_args();
+package Job;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $commandlineref = shift;
+ return bless {
+ 'commandline' => $commandlineref, # CommandLine object
+ 'workdir' => undef, # --workdir
+ # filehandle for stdin (used for --pipe)
+ # filename for writing stdout to (used for --files)
+ # remaining data not sent to stdin (used for --pipe)
+ # tmpfiles to cleanup when job is done
+ 'unlink' => [],
+ # amount of data sent via stdin (used for --pipe)
+ 'transfersize' => 0, # size of files using --transfer
+ 'returnsize' => 0, # size of files using --return
+ 'pid' => undef,
+ # hash of { SSHLogins => number of times the command failed there }
+ 'failed' => undef,
+ 'sshlogin' => undef,
+ # The commandline wrapped with rsync and ssh
+ 'sshlogin_wrap' => undef,
+ 'exitstatus' => undef,
+ 'exitsignal' => undef,
+ # Timestamp for timeout if any
+ 'timeout' => undef,
+ 'virgin' => 1,
+ # Output used for SQL and CSV-output
+ 'output' => { 1 => [], 2 => [] },
+ 'halfline' => { 1 => [], 2 => [] },
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub flush_cache($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'commandline'}->flush_cache();
+sub replaced($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'commandline'} or ::die_bug("commandline empty");
+ return $self->{'commandline'}->replaced();
+ my $next_available_row;
+ sub row($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'row'}) {
+ if($opt::keeporder) {
+ $self->{'row'} = $self->seq();
+ } else {
+ $self->{'row'} = ++$next_available_row;
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'row'};
+ }
+sub seq($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'commandline'}->seq();
+sub set_seq($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'commandline'}->set_seq(shift);
+sub slot($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'commandline'}->slot();
+sub free_slot($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @Global::slots, $self->slot();
+ my($cattail);
+ sub cattail() {
+ # Returns:
+ # $cattail = perl program for:
+ # cattail "decomp-prg" wpid [file_stdin] [file_to_unlink]
+ # decomp-prg = decompress program
+ # wpid = pid of writer program
+ # file_stdin = file_to_decompress
+ # file_to_unlink = unlink this file
+ if(not $cattail) {
+ $cattail = q{
+ # cat followed by tail (possibly with rm as soon at the file is opened)
+ # If $writerpid dead: finish after this round
+ use Fcntl;
+ $|=1;
+ my ($comfile, $cmd, $writerpid, $read_file, $unlink_file) = @ARGV;
+ if($read_file) {
+ open(IN,"<",$read_file) || die("cattail: Cannot open $read_file");
+ } else {
+ *IN = *STDIN;
+ }
+ while(! -s $comfile) {
+ # Writer has not opened the buffer file, so we cannot remove it yet
+ $sleep = ($sleep < 30) ? ($sleep * 1.001 + 0.01) : ($sleep);
+ usleep($sleep);
+ }
+ # The writer and we have both opened the file, so it is safe to unlink it
+ unlink $unlink_file;
+ unlink $comfile;
+ my $first_round = 1;
+ my $flags;
+ fcntl(IN, F_GETFL, $flags) || die $!; # Get the current flags on the filehandle
+ $flags |= O_NONBLOCK; # Add non-blocking to the flags
+ fcntl(IN, F_SETFL, $flags) || die $!; # Set the flags on the filehandle
+ while(1) {
+ # clear EOF
+ seek(IN,0,1);
+ my $writer_running = kill 0, $writerpid;
+ $read = sysread(IN,$buf,131072);
+ if($read) {
+ if($first_round) {
+ # Only start the command if there any input to process
+ $first_round = 0;
+ open(OUT,"|-",$cmd) || die("cattail: Cannot run $cmd");
+ }
+ # Blocking print
+ while($buf) {
+ my $bytes_written = syswrite(OUT,$buf);
+ # syswrite may be interrupted by SIGHUP
+ substr($buf,0,$bytes_written) = "";
+ }
+ # Something printed: Wait less next time
+ $sleep /= 2;
+ } else {
+ if(eof(IN) and not $writer_running) {
+ # Writer dead: There will never be sent more to the decompressor
+ close OUT;
+ exit;
+ }
+ # TODO This could probably be done more efficiently using select(2)
+ # Nothing read: Wait longer before next read
+ # Up to 100 milliseconds
+ $sleep = ($sleep < 100) ? ($sleep * 1.001 + 0.01) : ($sleep);
+ usleep($sleep);
+ }
+ }
+ sub usleep {
+ # Sleep this many milliseconds.
+ my $secs = shift;
+ select(undef, undef, undef, $secs/1000);
+ }
+ };
+ $cattail =~ s/#.*//mg;
+ $cattail =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ }
+ return $cattail;
+ }
+sub openoutputfiles($) {
+ # Open files for STDOUT and STDERR
+ # Set file handles in $self->fh
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($outfhw, $errfhw, $outname, $errname);
+ if($opt::latestline) {
+ # Do not save to files: Use non-blocking pipe
+ my ($outfhr, $errfhr);
+ pipe($outfhr, $outfhw) || die;
+ $self->set_fh(1,'w',$outfhw);
+ $self->set_fh(2,'w',$outfhw);
+ $self->set_fh(1,'r',$outfhr);
+ $self->set_fh(2,'r',$outfhr);
+ # Make it possible to read non-blocking from the pipe
+ for my $fdno (1,2) {
+ ::set_fh_non_blocking($self->fh($fdno,'r'));
+ }
+ # Return immediately because we do not need setting filenames
+ return;
+ } elsif($Global::linebuffer and not
+ ($opt::keeporder or $opt::files or $opt::results or
+ $opt::compress or $opt::compress_program or
+ $opt::decompress_program)) {
+ # Do not save to files: Use non-blocking pipe
+ my ($outfhr, $errfhr);
+ pipe($outfhr, $outfhw) || die;
+ pipe($errfhr, $errfhw) || die;
+ $self->set_fh(1,'w',$outfhw);
+ $self->set_fh(2,'w',$errfhw);
+ $self->set_fh(1,'r',$outfhr);
+ $self->set_fh(2,'r',$errfhr);
+ # Make it possible to read non-blocking from the pipe
+ for my $fdno (1,2) {
+ ::set_fh_non_blocking($self->fh($fdno,'r'));
+ }
+ # Return immediately because we do not need setting filenames
+ return;
+ } elsif($opt::results and not $Global::csvsep and not $Global::jsonout) {
+ # If --results, but not --results *.csv/*.tsv
+ my $out = $self->{'commandline'}->results_out();
+ my $seqname;
+ if($out eq $opt::results or $out =~ m:/$:) {
+ # $opt::results = simple string or ending in /
+ # => $out is a dir/
+ # prefix/name1/val1/name2/val2/seq
+ $seqname = $out."seq";
+ # prefix/name1/val1/name2/val2/stdout
+ $outname = $out."stdout";
+ # prefix/name1/val1/name2/val2/stderr
+ $errname = $out."stderr";
+ } else {
+ # $opt::results = replacement string not ending in /
+ # => $out is a file
+ $outname = $out;
+ $errname = "$out.err";
+ $seqname = "$out.seq";
+ }
+ my $seqfhw;
+ if(not open($seqfhw, "+>", $seqname)) {
+ ::error("Cannot write to `$seqname'.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ print $seqfhw $self->seq();
+ close $seqfhw;
+ if(not open($outfhw, "+>", $outname)) {
+ ::error("Cannot write to `$outname'.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if(not open($errfhw, "+>", $errname)) {
+ ::error("Cannot write to `$errname'.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ $self->set_fh(1,"unlink","");
+ $self->set_fh(2,"unlink","");
+ if($opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Save the filenames in SQL table
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Stdout = ?, Stderr = ? ".
+ "WHERE Seq = ". $self->seq(),
+ $outname, $errname);
+ }
+ } elsif(not $opt::ungroup) {
+ # To group we create temporary files for STDOUT and STDERR
+ # To avoid the cleanup unlink the files immediately (but keep them open)
+ if($opt::files) {
+ ($outfhw, $outname) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".par");
+ ($errfhw, $errname) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".par");
+ # --files => only remove stderr
+ $self->set_fh(1,"unlink","");
+ $self->set_fh(2,"unlink",$errname);
+ } else {
+ ($outfhw, $outname) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".par");
+ ($errfhw, $errname) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".par");
+ $self->set_fh(1,"unlink",$outname);
+ $self->set_fh(2,"unlink",$errname);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # --ungroup
+ open($outfhw,">&",$Global::fh{1}) || die;
+ open($errfhw,">&",$Global::fh{2}) || die;
+ # File name must be empty as it will otherwise be printed
+ $outname = "";
+ $errname = "";
+ $self->set_fh(1,"unlink",$outname);
+ $self->set_fh(2,"unlink",$errname);
+ }
+ # Set writing FD
+ $self->set_fh(1,'w',$outfhw);
+ $self->set_fh(2,'w',$errfhw);
+ $self->set_fh(1,'name',$outname);
+ $self->set_fh(2,'name',$errname);
+ if($opt::compress) {
+ $self->filter_through_compress();
+ } elsif(not $opt::ungroup) {
+ $self->grouped();
+ }
+ if($Global::linebuffer) {
+ # Make it possible to read non-blocking from
+ # the buffer files
+ # Used for --linebuffer with -k, --files, --res, --compress*
+ for my $fdno (1,2) {
+ ::set_fh_non_blocking($self->fh($fdno,'r'));
+ }
+ }
+sub print_verbose_dryrun($) {
+ # If -v set: print command to stdout (possibly buffered)
+ # This must be done before starting the command
+ my $self = shift;
+ if($Global::verbose or $opt::dryrun) {
+ my $fh = $self->fh(1,"w");
+ if($Global::verbose <= 1) {
+ print $fh $self->replaced(),"\n";
+ } else {
+ # Verbose level > 1: Print the rsync and stuff
+ print $fh $self->wrapped(),"\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::sqlworker) {
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Command = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $self->replaced());
+ }
+sub add_rm($) {
+ # Files to remove when job is done
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @{$self->{'unlink'}}, @_;
+sub get_rm($) {
+ # Files to remove when job is done
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @{$self->{'unlink'}};
+sub cleanup($) {
+ # Remove files when job is done
+ my $self = shift;
+ unlink $self->get_rm();
+ delete @Global::unlink{$self->get_rm()};
+sub grouped($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Set reading FD if using --group (--ungroup does not need)
+ for my $fdno (1,2) {
+ # Re-open the file for reading
+ # so fdw can be closed seperately
+ # and fdr can be seeked seperately (for --line-buffer)
+ open(my $fdr,"<", $self->fh($fdno,'name')) ||
+ ::die_bug("fdr: Cannot open ".$self->fh($fdno,'name'));
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,'r',$fdr);
+ # Unlink if not debugging
+ $Global::debug or ::rm($self->fh($fdno,"unlink"));
+ }
+sub empty_input_wrapper($) {
+ # If no input: exit(0)
+ # If some input: Pass input as input to command on STDIN
+ # This avoids starting the command if there is no input.
+ # Input:
+ # $command = command to pipe data to
+ # Returns:
+ # $wrapped_command = the wrapped command
+ my $command = shift;
+ # The optimal block size differs
+ # It has been measured on:
+ # AMD 6376: 59000
+ # <big ppar --pipe --block 100M --test $1 -j1 'cat >/dev/null';
+ my $script =
+ ::spacefree(0,q{
+ if(sysread(STDIN, $buf, 1)) {
+ open($fh, "|-", @ARGV) || die;
+ syswrite($fh, $buf);
+ while($read = sysread(STDIN, $buf, 59000)) {
+ syswrite($fh, $buf);
+ }
+ close $fh;
+ exit ($?&127 ? 128+($?&127) : 1+$?>>8)
+ }
+ });
+ ::debug("run",'Empty wrap: perl -e '.::Q($script)."\n");
+ if($Global::cshell
+ and
+ length $command > 499) {
+ # csh does not like words longer than 1000 (499 quoted)
+ # $command = "perl -e '".base64_zip_eval()."' ".
+ # join" ",string_zip_base64(
+ # 'exec "'.::perl_quote_scalar($command).'"');
+ return 'perl -e '.::Q($script)." ".
+ base64_wrap("exec \"$Global::shell\",'-c',\"".
+ ::perl_quote_scalar($command).'"');
+ } else {
+ return 'perl -e '.::Q($script)." ".
+ $Global::shell." -c ".::Q($command);
+ }
+sub filter_through_compress($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # Send stdout to stdin for $opt::compress_program(1)
+ # Send stderr to stdin for $opt::compress_program(2)
+ # cattail get pid: $pid = $self->fh($fdno,'rpid');
+ my $cattail = cattail();
+ for my $fdno (1,2) {
+ # Make a communication file.
+ my ($fh, $comfile) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".pac");
+ close $fh;
+ # Compressor: (echo > $comfile; compress pipe) > output
+ # When the echo is written to $comfile,
+ # it is known that output file is opened,
+ # thus output file can then be removed by the decompressor.
+ # empty_input_wrapper is needed for plzip
+ my $wpid = open(my $fdw,"|-", "(echo > $comfile; ".
+ empty_input_wrapper($opt::compress_program).") >".
+ ::Q($self->fh($fdno,'name'))) || die $?;
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,'w',$fdw);
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,'wpid',$wpid);
+ # Decompressor: open output; -s $comfile > 0: rm $comfile output;
+ # decompress output > stdout
+ my $rpid = open(my $fdr, "-|", "perl", "-e", $cattail, $comfile,
+ $opt::decompress_program, $wpid,
+ $self->fh($fdno,'name'),$self->fh($fdno,'unlink'))
+ || die $?;
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,'r',$fdr);
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,'rpid',$rpid);
+ }
+sub set_fh($$$$) {
+ # Set file handle
+ my ($self, $fd_no, $key, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->{'fd'}{$fd_no,$key} = $fh;
+sub fh($) {
+ # Get file handle
+ my ($self, $fd_no, $key) = @_;
+ return $self->{'fd'}{$fd_no,$key};
+sub write_block($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stdin_fh = $self->fh(0,"w");
+ if(fork()) {
+ # Close in parent
+ close $stdin_fh;
+ } else {
+ # If writing is to a closed pipe:
+ # Do not call signal handler, but let nothing be written
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = undef;
+ for my $part (
+ grep { defined $_ }
+ $self->{'header'},$self->{'block'}) {
+ # syswrite may not write all in one go,
+ # so make sure everything is written.
+ my $written;
+ while($written = syswrite($stdin_fh,$$part)) {
+ substr($$part,0,$written) = "";
+ }
+ }
+ close $stdin_fh;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+sub write($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $remaining_ref = shift;
+ my $stdin_fh = $self->fh(0,"w");
+ my $len = length $$remaining_ref;
+ # syswrite may not write all in one go,
+ # so make sure everything is written.
+ my $written;
+ # If writing is to a closed pipe:
+ # Do not call signal handler, but let nothing be written
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = undef;
+ while($written = syswrite($stdin_fh,$$remaining_ref)){
+ substr($$remaining_ref,0,$written) = "";
+ }
+sub set_block($$$$$$) {
+ # Copy stdin buffer from $block_ref up to $endpos
+ # Prepend with $header_ref if virgin (i.e. not --roundrobin)
+ # Remove $recstart and $recend if needed
+ # Input:
+ # $header_ref = ref to $header to prepend
+ # $buffer_ref = ref to $buffer containing the block
+ # $endpos = length of $block to pass on
+ # $recstart = --recstart regexp
+ # $recend = --recend regexp
+ # Returns:
+ # N/A
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($header_ref,$buffer_ref,$endpos,$recstart,$recend) = @_;
+ $self->{'header'} = $header_ref;
+ if($opt::roundrobin or $opt::remove_rec_sep or defined $opt::retries) {
+ my $a = "";
+ if(($opt::roundrobin or defined $opt::retries) and $self->virgin()) {
+ $a .= $$header_ref;
+ }
+ # Job is no longer virgin
+ $self->set_virgin(0);
+ # Make a full copy because $buffer will change
+ $a .= substr($$buffer_ref,0,$endpos);
+ $self->{'block'} = \$a;
+ if($opt::remove_rec_sep) {
+ remove_rec_sep($self->{'block'},$recstart,$recend);
+ }
+ $self->{'block_length'} = length ${$self->{'block'}};
+ } else {
+ $self->set_virgin(0);
+ for(substr($$buffer_ref,0,$endpos)) {
+ $self->{'block'} = \$_;
+ }
+ $self->{'block_length'} = $endpos + length ${$self->{'header'}};
+ }
+ $self->{'block_pos'} = 0;
+ $self->add_transfersize($self->{'block_length'});
+sub block_ref($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'block'};
+sub block_length($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'block_length'};
+sub remove_rec_sep($) {
+ # Remove --recstart and --recend from $block
+ # Input:
+ # $block_ref = reference to $block to be modified
+ # $recstart = --recstart
+ # $recend = --recend
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::regexp = Are --recstart/--recend regexp?
+ # Returns:
+ # N/A
+ my ($block_ref,$recstart,$recend) = @_;
+ # Remove record separator
+ if($opt::regexp) {
+ $$block_ref =~ s/$recend$recstart//gom;
+ $$block_ref =~ s/^$recstart//os;
+ $$block_ref =~ s/$recend$//os;
+ } else {
+ $$block_ref =~ s/\Q$recend$recstart\E//gom;
+ $$block_ref =~ s/^\Q$recstart\E//os;
+ $$block_ref =~ s/\Q$recend\E$//os;
+ }
+sub non_blocking_write($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $something_written = 0;
+ my $in = $self->fh(0,"w");
+ my $rv = syswrite($in,
+ substr(${$self->{'block'}},$self->{'block_pos'}));
+ if (!defined($rv) && $! == ::EAGAIN()) {
+ # would block - but would have written
+ $something_written = 0;
+ # avoid triggering auto expanding block size
+ $Global::no_autoexpand_block ||= 1;
+ } elsif ($self->{'block_pos'}+$rv != $self->{'block_length'}) {
+ # incomplete write
+ # Remove the written part
+ $self->{'block_pos'} += $rv;
+ $something_written = $rv;
+ } else {
+ # successfully wrote everything
+ # Empty block to free memory
+ my $a = "";
+ $self->set_block(\$a,\$a,0,"","");
+ $something_written = $rv;
+ }
+ ::debug("pipe", "Non-block: ", $something_written);
+ return $something_written;
+sub virgin($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'virgin'};
+sub set_virgin($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'virgin'} = shift;
+sub pid($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'pid'};
+sub set_pid($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'pid'} = shift;
+sub starttime($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # UNIX-timestamp this job started
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sprintf("%.3f",$self->{'starttime'});
+sub set_starttime($@) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $starttime = shift || ::now();
+ $self->{'starttime'} = $starttime;
+ $opt::sqlworker and
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Starttime = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $starttime);
+sub runtime($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # Run time in seconds with 3 decimals
+ my $self = shift;
+ return sprintf("%.3f",
+ int(($self->endtime() - $self->starttime())*1000)/1000);
+sub endtime($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # UNIX-timestamp this job ended
+ # 0 if not ended yet
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ($self->{'endtime'} || 0);
+sub set_endtime($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $endtime = shift;
+ $self->{'endtime'} = $endtime;
+ $opt::sqlworker and
+ $Global::sql->update("SET JobRuntime = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $self->runtime());
+sub is_timedout($) {
+ # Is the job timedout?
+ # Input:
+ # $delta_time = time that the job may run
+ # Returns:
+ # True or false
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $delta_time = shift;
+ return time > $self->{'starttime'} + $delta_time;
+sub kill($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->set_exitstatus(-1);
+ ::kill_sleep_seq($self->pid());
+sub suspend($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @pgrps = map { -$_ } $self->pid();
+ kill "STOP", @pgrps;
+ $self->set_suspended(1);
+sub set_suspended($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'suspended'} = shift;
+sub suspended($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'suspended'};
+sub resume($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @pgrps = map { -$_ } $self->pid();
+ kill "CONT", @pgrps;
+ $self->set_suspended(0);
+sub failed($) {
+ # return number of times failed for this $sshlogin
+ # Input:
+ # $sshlogin
+ # Returns:
+ # Number of times failed for $sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ return $self->{'failed'}{$sshlogin};
+sub failed_here($) {
+ # return number of times failed for the current $sshlogin
+ # Returns:
+ # Number of times failed for this sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'failed'}{$self->sshlogin()};
+sub add_failed($) {
+ # increase the number of times failed for this $sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ $self->{'failed'}{$sshlogin}++;
+sub add_failed_here($) {
+ # increase the number of times failed for the current $sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'failed'}{$self->sshlogin()}++;
+sub reset_failed($) {
+ # increase the number of times failed for this $sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ delete $self->{'failed'}{$sshlogin};
+sub reset_failed_here($) {
+ # increase the number of times failed for this $sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{'failed'}{$self->sshlogin()};
+sub min_failed($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # the number of sshlogins this command has failed on
+ # the minimal number of times this command has failed
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $min_failures =
+ ::min(map { $self->{'failed'}{$_} } keys %{$self->{'failed'}});
+ my $number_of_sshlogins_failed_on = scalar keys %{$self->{'failed'}};
+ return ($number_of_sshlogins_failed_on,$min_failures);
+sub total_failed($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # $total_failures = the number of times this command has failed
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $total_failures = 0;
+ for (values %{$self->{'failed'}}) {
+ $total_failures += $_;
+ }
+ return $total_failures;
+ my $script;
+ sub postpone_exit_and_cleanup {
+ # Command to remove files and dirs (given as args) without
+ # affecting the exit value in $?/$status.
+ if(not $script) {
+ $script = "perl -e '".
+ ::spacefree(0,q{
+ $bash=shift;
+ $csh=shift;
+ for(@ARGV){
+ unlink;
+ rmdir;
+ }
+ if($bash=~s/(\d+)h/$1/) {
+ exit $bash;
+ }
+ exit $csh;
+ }).
+ # `echo \$?h` is needed to make fish not complain
+ "' ".'"`echo \\\\\\\\\$?h`" "$status" ';
+ }
+ return $script
+ }
+ my $script;
+ sub fifo_wrap() {
+ # Script to create a fifo, run a command on the fifo
+ # while copying STDIN to the fifo, and finally
+ # remove the fifo and return the exit code of the command.
+ if(not $script) {
+ # {} == $PARALLEL_TMP for --fifo
+ # To make it csh compatible a wrapper needs to:
+ # * mkfifo
+ # * spawn $command &
+ # * cat > fifo
+ # * waitpid to get the exit code from $command
+ # * be less than 1000 chars long
+ # The optimal block size differs
+ # It has been measured on:
+ # AMD 6376: 4095
+ # ppar -a big --pipepart --block -1 --test $1 --fifo 'cat {} >/dev/null';
+ $script = "perl -e '".
+ (::spacefree
+ (0, q{
+ ($s,$c,$f) = @ARGV;
+ # mkfifo $PARALLEL_TMP
+ system "mkfifo", $f;
+ # spawn $shell -c $command &
+ $pid = fork || exec $s, "-c", $c;
+ open($o,">",$f) || die $!;
+ # cat > $PARALLEL_TMP
+ while(sysread(STDIN,$buf,4095)){
+ syswrite $o, $buf;
+ }
+ close $o;
+ # waitpid to get the exit code from $command
+ waitpid $pid,0;
+ # Cleanup
+ unlink $f;
+ exit $?/256;
+ }))."'";
+ }
+ return $script;
+ }
+sub wrapped($) {
+ # Wrap command with:
+ # * --shellquote
+ # * --nice
+ # * --cat
+ # * --fifo
+ # * --sshlogin
+ # * --pipepart (@Global::cat_prepends)
+ # * --tee (@Global::cat_prepends)
+ # * --pipe
+ # * --tmux
+ # The ordering of the wrapping is important:
+ # * --nice/--cat/--fifo should be done on the remote machine
+ # * --pipepart/--pipe should be done on the local machine inside --tmux
+ # Uses:
+ # @opt::shellquote
+ # $opt::nice
+ # $Global::shell
+ # $opt::cat
+ # $opt::fifo
+ # @Global::cat_prepends
+ # $opt::pipe
+ # $opt::tmux
+ # Returns:
+ # $self->{'wrapped'} = the command wrapped with the above
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'wrapped'}) {
+ my $command = $self->replaced();
+ # Bug in Bash and Ksh when running multiline aliases
+ # This will force them to run correctly, but will fail in
+ # tcsh so we do not do it.
+ # $command .= "\n\n";
+ if(@opt::shellquote) {
+ # Quote one time for each --shellquote
+ my $c = $command;
+ for(@opt::shellquote) {
+ $c = ::Q($c);
+ }
+ # Prepend "echo" (it is written in perl because
+ # quoting '-e' causes problem in some versions and
+ # csh's version does something wrong)
+ $command = q(perl -e '$,=" "; print "@ARGV\n";' -- ) . ::Q($c);
+ }
+ if($Global::parallel_env) {
+ # If $PARALLEL_ENV set, put that in front of the command
+ # Used for env_parallel.*
+ if($Global::shell =~ /zsh/) {
+ # The extra 'eval' will make aliases work, too
+ $command = $Global::parallel_env."\n".
+ "eval ".::Q($command);
+ } else {
+ $command = $Global::parallel_env."\n".$command;
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::cat) {
+ # In '--cat' and '--fifo' {} == $PARALLEL_TMP.
+ # This is to make it possible to compute $PARALLEL_TMP on
+ # the fly when running remotely.
+ # $ENV{PARALLEL_TMP} is set in the remote wrapper before
+ # the command is run.
+ #
+ # Prepend 'cat > $PARALLEL_TMP;'
+ # Append 'unlink $PARALLEL_TMP without affecting $?'
+ $command =
+ 'cat > $PARALLEL_TMP;'.
+ $command.";". postpone_exit_and_cleanup().
+ } elsif($opt::fifo) {
+ # Prepend fifo-wrapper. In essence:
+ # mkfifo {}
+ # ( $command ) &
+ # # $command must read {}, otherwise this 'cat' will block
+ # cat > {};
+ # wait; rm {}
+ # without affecting $?
+ $command = fifo_wrap(). " ".
+ $Global::shell. " ". ::Q($command). ' $PARALLEL_TMP'. ';';
+ }
+ # Wrap with ssh + tranferring of files
+ $command = $self->sshlogin_wrap($command);
+ if(@Global::cat_prepends) {
+ # --pipepart: prepend:
+ # < /tmp/foo perl -e 'while(@ARGV) {
+ # sysseek(STDIN,shift,0) || die; $left = shift;
+ # while($read = sysread(STDIN,$buf, ($left > 60800 ? 60800 : $left))){
+ # $left -= $read; syswrite(STDOUT,$buf);
+ # }
+ # }' 0 0 0 11 |
+ #
+ # --pipepart --tee: prepend:
+ # < dash-a-file
+ #
+ # --pipe --tee: wrap:
+ # (rm fifo; ... ) < fifo
+ #
+ # --pipe --shard X:
+ # (rm fifo; ... ) < fifo
+ $command = (shift @Global::cat_prepends). "($command)".
+ (shift @Global::cat_appends);
+ } elsif($opt::pipe and not $opt::roundrobin) {
+ # Wrap with EOF-detector to avoid starting $command if EOF.
+ $command = empty_input_wrapper($command);
+ }
+ if($opt::tmux) {
+ # Wrap command with 'tmux'
+ $command = $self->tmux_wrap($command);
+ }
+ if($Global::cshell
+ and
+ length $command > 499) {
+ # csh does not like words longer than 1000 (499 quoted)
+ # $command = "perl -e '".base64_zip_eval()."' ".
+ # join" ",string_zip_base64(
+ # 'exec "'.::perl_quote_scalar($command).'"');
+ $command = base64_wrap("exec \"$Global::shell\",'-c',\"".
+ ::perl_quote_scalar($command).'"');
+ }
+ $self->{'wrapped'} = $command;
+ }
+ return $self->{'wrapped'};
+sub set_sshlogin($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sshlogin = shift;
+ $self->{'sshlogin'} = $sshlogin;
+ delete $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}; # If sshlogin is changed the wrap is wrong
+ delete $self->{'wrapped'};
+ if($opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Identify worker as --sqlworker often runs on different machines
+ # If local: Use hostname
+ my $host = $sshlogin->local() ? ::hostname() : $sshlogin->host();
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Host = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(), $host);
+ }
+sub sshlogin($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'sshlogin'};
+sub string_base64($) {
+ # Base64 encode strings into 1000 byte blocks.
+ # 1000 bytes is the largest word size csh supports
+ # Input:
+ # @strings = to be encoded
+ # Returns:
+ # @base64 = 1000 byte block
+ $Global::use{"MIME::Base64"} ||= eval "use MIME::Base64; 1;";
+ my @base64 = unpack("(A1000)*",encode_base64((join"",@_),""));
+ return @base64;
+sub string_zip_base64($) {
+ # Pipe string through 'bzip2 -9' and base64 encode it into 1000
+ # byte blocks.
+ # 1000 bytes is the largest word size csh supports
+ # Zipping will make exporting big environments work, too
+ # Input:
+ # @strings = to be encoded
+ # Returns:
+ # @base64 = 1000 byte block
+ my($zipin_fh, $zipout_fh,@base64);
+ ::open3($zipin_fh,$zipout_fh,">&STDERR","bzip2 -9");
+ if(fork) {
+ close $zipin_fh;
+ $Global::use{"MIME::Base64"} ||= eval "use MIME::Base64; 1;";
+ # Split base64 encoded into 1000 byte blocks
+ @base64 = unpack("(A1000)*",encode_base64((join"",<$zipout_fh>),""));
+ close $zipout_fh;
+ } else {
+ close $zipout_fh;
+ print $zipin_fh @_;
+ close $zipin_fh;
+ exit;
+ }
+ ::debug("base64","Orig:@_\nAs bzip2 base64:@base64\n");
+ return @base64;
+sub base64_zip_eval() {
+ # Script that:
+ # * reads base64 strings from @ARGV
+ # * decodes them
+ # * pipes through 'bzip2 -dc'
+ # * evals the result
+ # Reverse of string_zip_base64 + eval
+ # Will be wrapped in ' so single quote is forbidden
+ # Returns:
+ # $script = 1-liner for perl -e
+ my $script = ::spacefree(0,q{
+ @GNU_Parallel = split /_/, "use_IPC::Open3;_use_MIME::Base64";
+ eval"@GNU_Parallel";
+ $chld = $SIG{CHLD};
+ # Search for bzip2. Not found => use default path
+ my $zip = (grep { -x $_ } "/usr/local/bin/bzip2")[0] || "bzip2";
+ # $in = stdin on $zip, $out = stdout from $zip
+ # Forget my() to save chars for csh
+ # my($in, $out,$eval);
+ open3($in,$out,">&STDERR",$zip,"-dc");
+ if(my $perlpid = fork) {
+ close $in;
+ $eval = join "", <$out>;
+ close $out;
+ } else {
+ close $out;
+ # Pipe decoded base64 into 'bzip2 -dc'
+ print $in (decode_base64(join"",@ARGV));
+ close $in;
+ exit;
+ }
+ wait;
+ $SIG{CHLD} = $chld;
+ eval $eval;
+ });
+ ::debug("base64",$script,"\n");
+ return $script;
+sub base64_wrap($) {
+ # base64 encode Perl code
+ # Split it into chunks of < 1000 bytes
+ # Prepend it with a decoder that eval's it
+ # Input:
+ # $eval_string = Perl code to run
+ # Returns:
+ # $shell_command = shell command that runs $eval_string
+ my $eval_string = shift;
+ return
+ "perl -e ".
+ ::Q(base64_zip_eval())." ".
+ join" ",::shell_quote(string_zip_base64($eval_string));
+sub base64_eval($) {
+ # Script that:
+ # * reads base64 strings from @ARGV
+ # * decodes them
+ # * evals the result
+ # Reverse of string_base64 + eval
+ # Will be wrapped in ' so single quote is forbidden.
+ # Spaces are stripped so spaces cannot be significant.
+ # The funny 'use IPC::Open3'-syntax is to avoid spaces and
+ # to make it clear that this is a GNU Parallel command
+ # when looking at the process table.
+ # Returns:
+ # $script = 1-liner for perl -e
+ my $script = ::spacefree(0,q{
+ @GNU_Parallel=("use","IPC::Open3;","use","MIME::Base64");
+ eval "@GNU_Parallel";
+ my $eval = decode_base64(join"",@ARGV);
+ eval $eval;
+ });
+ ::debug("base64",$script,"\n");
+ return $script;
+sub sshlogin_wrap($) {
+ # Wrap the command with the commands needed to run remotely
+ # Input:
+ # $command = command to run
+ # Returns:
+ # $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'} = command wrapped with ssh+transfer commands
+ sub monitor_parent_sshd_script {
+ # This script is to solve the problem of
+ # * not mixing STDERR and STDOUT
+ # * terminating with ctrl-c
+ # If its parent is ssh: all good
+ # If its parent is init(1): ssh died, so kill children
+ my $monitor_parent_sshd_script;
+ if(not $monitor_parent_sshd_script) {
+ $monitor_parent_sshd_script =
+ # This will be packed in ', so only use "
+ ::spacefree
+ (0,'$shell = "'.($ENV{'PARALLEL_SHELL'} || '$ENV{SHELL}').'";'.
+ '$tmpdir = $ENV{"TMPDIR"} || "'.
+ ::perl_quote_scalar($ENV{'PARALLEL_REMOTE_TMPDIR'}).'";'.
+ '$nice = '.$opt::nice.';'.
+ '$termseq = "'.$opt::termseq.'";'.
+ # }
+ q{
+ # Check that $tmpdir is writable
+ -w $tmpdir ||
+ die("$tmpdir\040is\040not\040writable.".
+ # Set $PARALLEL_TMP to a non-existent file name in $TMPDIR
+ do {
+ $ENV{PARALLEL_TMP} = $tmpdir."/par".
+ join"", map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..5);
+ } while(-e $ENV{PARALLEL_TMP});
+ # Set $script to a non-existent file name in $TMPDIR
+ do {
+ $script = $tmpdir."/par-job-$ENV{PARALLEL_SEQ}_".
+ join"", map { (0..9,"a".."z","A".."Z")[rand(62)] } (1..5);
+ } while(-e $script);
+ # Create a script from the hex code
+ # that removes itself and runs the commands
+ open($fh,">",$script) || die;
+ # \040 = space - but we remove spaces in the script
+ # ' needed due to rc-shell
+ print($fh("rm\040\'$script\'\n",$bashfunc.$cmd));
+ close $fh;
+ my $parent = getppid;
+ my $done = 0;
+ $SIG{CHLD} = sub { $done = 1; };
+ $pid = fork;
+ unless($pid) {
+ # Make own process group to be able to kill HUP it later
+ eval { setpgrp };
+ # Set nice value
+ eval { setpriority(0,0,$nice) };
+ # Run the script
+ exec($shell,$script);
+ die("exec\040failed: $!");
+ }
+ while((not $done) and (getppid == $parent)) {
+ # Parent pid is not changed, so sshd is alive
+ # Exponential sleep up to 1 sec
+ $s = $s < 1 ? 0.001 + $s * 1.03 : $s;
+ select(undef, undef, undef, $s);
+ }
+ if(not $done) {
+ # sshd is dead: User pressed Ctrl-C
+ # Kill as per --termseq
+ my @term_seq = split/,/,$termseq;
+ if(not @term_seq) {
+ @term_seq = ("TERM",200,"TERM",100,"TERM",50,"KILL",25);
+ }
+ while(@term_seq && kill(0,-$pid)) {
+ kill(shift @term_seq, -$pid);
+ select(undef, undef, undef, (shift @term_seq)/1000);
+ }
+ }
+ wait;
+ exit ($?&127 ? 128+($?&127) : 1+$?>>8)
+ });
+ }
+ return $monitor_parent_sshd_script;
+ }
+ sub vars_to_export {
+ # Uses:
+ # @opt::env
+ my @vars = ("parallel_bash_environment");
+ for my $varstring (@opt::env) {
+ # Split up --env VAR1,VAR2
+ push @vars, split /,/, $varstring;
+ }
+ for (@vars) {
+ if(-r $_ and not -d) {
+ # Read as environment definition bug #44041
+ # TODO parse this
+ my $fh = ::open_or_exit($_);
+ $Global::envdef = join("",<$fh>);
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ }
+ if(grep { /^_$/ } @vars) {
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ # --env _
+ # Include all vars that are not in a clean environment
+ if(open(my $vars_fh, "<", $Global::config_dir . "/ignored_vars")) {
+ my @ignore = <$vars_fh>;
+ chomp @ignore;
+ my %ignore;
+ @ignore{@ignore} = @ignore;
+ close $vars_fh;
+ push @vars, grep { not defined $ignore{$_} } keys %ENV;
+ @vars = grep { not /^_$/ } @vars;
+ } else {
+ ::error("Run '$Global::progname --record-env' ".
+ "in a clean environment first.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ # Duplicate vars as BASH functions to include post-shellshock functions (v1+v2)
+ # So --env myfunc should look for BASH_FUNC_myfunc() and BASH_FUNC_myfunc%%
+ push(@vars, "PARALLEL_PID", "PARALLEL_SEQ",
+ "PARALLEL_JOBSLOT", $opt::process_slot_var,
+ map { ("BASH_FUNC_$_()", "BASH_FUNC_$_%%") } @vars);
+ # Keep only defined variables
+ return grep { defined($ENV{$_}) } @vars;
+ }
+ sub env_as_eval {
+ # Returns:
+ # $eval = '$ENV{"..."}=...; ...'
+ my @vars = vars_to_export();
+ my $csh_friendly = not grep { /\n/ } @ENV{@vars};
+ my @bash_functions = grep { substr($ENV{$_},0,4) eq "() {" } @vars;
+ my @non_functions = (grep { !/PARALLEL_ENV/ }
+ grep { substr($ENV{$_},0,4) ne "() {" } @vars);
+ # eval of @envset will set %ENV
+ my $envset = join"", map {
+ '$ENV{"'.::perl_quote_scalar($_).'"}="'.
+ ::perl_quote_scalar($ENV{$_}).'";'; } @non_functions;
+ # running @bashfunc on the command line, will set the functions
+ my @bashfunc = map {
+ my $v=$_;
+ s/BASH_FUNC_(.*)(\(\)|%%)/$1/;
+ "$_$ENV{$v};\nexport -f $_ 2> /dev/null;\n" } @bash_functions;
+ # eval $bashfuncset will set $bashfunc
+ my $bashfuncset;
+ if(@bashfunc) {
+ # Functions are not supported for all shells
+ if($Global::shell !~ m:(^|/)(ash|bash|rbash|zsh|rzsh|dash|ksh):) {
+ ::warning("Shell functions may not be supported in $Global::shell.");
+ }
+ $bashfuncset =
+ '@bash_functions=qw('."@bash_functions".");".
+ ::spacefree(1,'$shell="'.($ENV{'PARALLEL_SHELL'} || '$ENV{SHELL}').'";'.q{
+ if($shell=~/csh/) {
+ print STDERR "CSH/TCSH DO NOT SUPPORT newlines IN VARIABLES/FUNCTIONS. Unset @bash_functions\n";
+ exec "false";
+ }
+ }).
+ "\n".'$bashfunc = "'.::perl_quote_scalar("@bashfunc").'";';
+ } else {
+ $bashfuncset = '$bashfunc = "";'
+ }
+ if($ENV{'parallel_bash_environment'}) {
+ $bashfuncset .= '$bashfunc .= "eval\ \"\$parallel_bash_environment\"\;";';
+ }
+ ::debug("base64",$envset,$bashfuncset,"\n");
+ return $csh_friendly,$envset,$bashfuncset;
+ }
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $command = shift;
+ # TODO test that *sh -c 'parallel --env' use *sh
+ if(not defined $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}{$command}) {
+ my $sshlogin = $self->sshlogin();
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_SEQ'} = $self->seq();
+ $ENV{$opt::process_slot_var} = -1 +
+ ($ENV{'PARALLEL_JOBSLOT'} = $self->slot());
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_SSHLOGIN'} = $sshlogin->string();
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_SSHHOST'} = $sshlogin->host();
+ if ($opt::hostgroups) {
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_HOSTGROUPS'} = join '+', $sshlogin->hostgroups();
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_ARGHOSTGROUPS'} = join '+', $self->hostgroups();
+ }
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_PID'} = $$;
+ if($sshlogin->local()) {
+ if($opt::workdir) {
+ # Create workdir if needed. Then cd to it.
+ my $wd = $self->workdir();
+ if($opt::workdir eq "." or $opt::workdir eq "...") {
+ # If $wd does not start with '/': Prepend $HOME
+ $wd =~ s:^([^/]):$ENV{'HOME'}/$1:;
+ }
+ ::mkdir_or_die($wd);
+ my $post = "";
+ if($opt::workdir eq "...") {
+ $post = ";".exitstatuswrapper("rm -rf ".::Q($wd).";");
+ }
+ $command = "cd ".::Q($wd)." || exit 255; " .
+ $command . $post;;
+ }
+ if(@opt::env) {
+ # Prepend with environment setter, which sets functions in zsh
+ my ($csh_friendly,$envset,$bashfuncset) = env_as_eval();
+ my $perl_code = $envset.$bashfuncset.
+ '@ARGV="'.::perl_quote_scalar($command).'";'.
+ "exec\"$Global::shell\",\"-c\",\(\$bashfunc.\"\@ARGV\"\)\;die\"exec:\$\!\\n\"\;";
+ if(length $perl_code > 999
+ or
+ not $csh_friendly
+ or
+ $command =~ /\n/) {
+ # csh does not deal well with > 1000 chars in one word
+ # csh does not deal well with $ENV with \n
+ $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}{$command} = base64_wrap($perl_code);
+ } else {
+ $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}{$command} = "perl -e ".::Q($perl_code);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}{$command} = $command;
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $pwd = "";
+ if($opt::workdir) {
+ # Create remote workdir if needed. Then cd to it.
+ my $wd = ::pQ($self->workdir());
+ $pwd = qq{system("mkdir","-p","--","$wd"); chdir "$wd" ||}.
+ qq{print(STDERR "parallel: Cannot chdir to $wd\\n") &&}.
+ qq{exit 255;};
+ }
+ my ($csh_friendly,$envset,$bashfuncset) = env_as_eval();
+ my $cmd = $command;
+ # q// does not quote \, so we must do that
+ $cmd =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ my $remote_command = $sshlogin->hexwrap
+ ($pwd.$envset.$bashfuncset.'$cmd='."q\0".$cmd."\0;".
+ monitor_parent_sshd_script());
+ my ($pre,$post,$cleanup)=("","","");
+ # --transfer
+ $pre .= $self->sshtransfer();
+ # --return
+ $post .= $self->sshreturn();
+ # --cleanup
+ $post .= $self->sshcleanup();
+ if($post) {
+ # We need to save the exit status of the job
+ $post = exitstatuswrapper($post);
+ }
+ $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}{$command} =
+ ($pre
+ . $sshlogin->wrap($remote_command)
+ . ";"
+ . $post);
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'sshlogin_wrap'}{$command};
+sub fill_templates($) {
+ # Replace replacement strings in template(s)
+ # Returns:
+ # @templates - File names of replaced templates
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(%opt::template) {
+ my @template_name =
+ map { $self->{'commandline'}->replace_placeholders([$_],0,0) }
+ @{$self->{'commandline'}{'template_names'}};
+ ::debug("tmpl","Names: @template_name\n");
+ for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#template_name; $i++) {
+ open(my $fh, ">", $template_name[$i]) || die;
+ print $fh $self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders([$self->{'commandline'}
+ {'template_contents'}[$i]],0,0);
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ if($opt::cleanup) {
+ $self->add_rm(@template_name);
+ }
+ }
+sub filter($) {
+ # Replace replacement strings in filter(s) and evaluate them
+ # Returns:
+ # $run - 1=yes, undef=no
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $run = 1;
+ if(@opt::filter) {
+ for my $eval ($self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders(\@opt::filter,0,0)) {
+ $run &&= eval $eval;
+ }
+ $self->{'commandline'}{'skip'} ||= not $run;
+ }
+ return $run;
+sub transfer($) {
+ # Files to transfer
+ # Non-quoted and with {...} substituted
+ # Returns:
+ # @transfer - File names of files to transfer
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $transfersize = 0;
+ my @transfer = $self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders($self->{'commandline'}{'transfer_files'},0,0);
+ for(@transfer) {
+ # filesize
+ if(-e $_) {
+ $transfersize += (stat($_))[7];
+ }
+ }
+ $self->add_transfersize($transfersize);
+ return @transfer;
+sub transfersize($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'transfersize'};
+sub add_transfersize($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $transfersize = shift;
+ $self->{'transfersize'} += $transfersize;
+ $opt::sqlworker and
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Send = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $self->{'transfersize'});
+sub sshtransfer($) {
+ # Returns for each transfer file:
+ # rsync $file remote:$workdir
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @pre;
+ my $sshlogin = $self->sshlogin();
+ my $workdir = $self->workdir();
+ for my $file ($self->transfer()) {
+ push @pre, $sshlogin->rsync_transfer_cmd($file,$workdir).";";
+ }
+ return join("",@pre);
+sub return($) {
+ # Files to return
+ # Non-quoted and with {...} substituted
+ # Returns:
+ # @non_quoted_filenames
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders($self->{'commandline'}{'return_files'},0,0);
+sub returnsize($) {
+ # This is called after the job has finished
+ # Returns:
+ # $number_of_bytes transferred in return
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $file ($self->return()) {
+ if(-e $file) {
+ $self->{'returnsize'} += (stat($file))[7];
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'returnsize'};
+sub add_returnsize($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $returnsize = shift;
+ $self->{'returnsize'} += $returnsize;
+ $opt::sqlworker and
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Receive = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $self->{'returnsize'});
+sub sshreturn($) {
+ # Returns for each return-file:
+ # rsync remote:$workdir/$file .
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sshlogin = $self->sshlogin();
+ my $pre = "";
+ for my $file ($self->return()) {
+ $file =~ s:^\./::g; # Remove ./ if any
+ my $relpath = ($file !~ m:^/:) ||
+ ($file =~ m:/\./:); # Is the path relative or /./?
+ my $cd = "";
+ my $wd = "";
+ if($relpath) {
+ # rsync -avR /foo/./bar/baz.c remote:/tmp/
+ # == (on old systems)
+ # rsync -avR --rsync-path="cd /foo; rsync" remote:bar/baz.c /tmp/
+ $wd = ::shell_quote_file($self->workdir()."/");
+ }
+ # Only load File::Basename if actually needed
+ $Global::use{"File::Basename"} ||= eval "use File::Basename; 1;";
+ # dir/./file means relative to dir, so remove dir on remote
+ $file =~ m:(.*)/\./:;
+ my $basedir = $1 ? ::shell_quote_file($1."/") : "";
+ my $nobasedir = $file;
+ $nobasedir =~ s:.*/\./::;
+ $cd = ::shell_quote_file(::dirname($nobasedir));
+ my $rsync_cd = '--rsync-path='.::Q("cd $wd$cd; rsync");
+ my $basename = ::Q(::shell_quote_file(::basename($file)));
+ # --return
+ # mkdir -p /home/tange/dir/subdir/;
+ # rsync (--protocol 30) -rlDzR
+ # --rsync-path="cd /home/tange/dir/subdir/; rsync"
+ # server:file.gz /home/tange/dir/subdir/
+ $pre .= "mkdir -p $basedir$cd" . " && " .
+ $sshlogin->rsync(). " $rsync_cd -- ".$sshlogin->host().':'.
+ $basename . " ".$basedir.$cd.";";
+ }
+ return $pre;
+sub sshcleanup($) {
+ # Return the sshcommand needed to remove the file
+ # Returns:
+ # ssh command needed to remove files from sshlogin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sshlogin = $self->sshlogin();
+ my $workdir = $self->workdir();
+ my $cleancmd = "";
+ for my $file ($self->remote_cleanup()) {
+ my @subworkdirs = parentdirs_of($file);
+ $cleancmd .= $sshlogin->cleanup_cmd($file,$workdir).";";
+ }
+ if(defined $opt::workdir and $opt::workdir eq "...") {
+ $cleancmd .= $sshlogin->wrap("rm -rf " . ::Q($workdir).';');
+ }
+ return $cleancmd;
+sub remote_cleanup($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # Files to remove at cleanup
+ my $self = shift;
+ if($opt::cleanup) {
+ my @transfer = $self->transfer();
+ my @return = $self->return();
+ return (@transfer,@return);
+ } else {
+ return ();
+ }
+sub exitstatuswrapper(@) {
+ # Input:
+ # @shellcode = shell code to execute
+ # Returns:
+ # shell script that returns current status after executing @shellcode
+ if($Global::cshell) {
+ return ('set _EXIT_status=$status; ' .
+ join(" ",@_).
+ 'exit $_EXIT_status;');
+ } else {
+ return ('_EXIT_status=$?; ' .
+ join(" ",@_).
+ 'exit $_EXIT_status;');
+ }
+sub workdir($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # the workdir on a remote machine
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'workdir'}) {
+ my $workdir;
+ if(defined $opt::workdir) {
+ if($opt::workdir eq ".") {
+ # . means current dir
+ my $home = $ENV{'HOME'};
+ eval 'use Cwd';
+ my $cwd = cwd();
+ $workdir = $cwd;
+ if($home) {
+ # If homedir exists: remove the homedir from
+ # workdir if cwd starts with homedir
+ # E.g. /home/foo/my/dir => my/dir
+ # E.g. /tmp/my/dir => /tmp/my/dir
+ my ($home_dev, $home_ino) = (stat($home))[0,1];
+ my $parent = "";
+ my @dir_parts = split(m:/:,$cwd);
+ my $part;
+ while(defined ($part = shift @dir_parts)) {
+ $part eq "" and next;
+ $parent .= "/".$part;
+ my ($parent_dev, $parent_ino) = (stat($parent))[0,1];
+ if($parent_dev == $home_dev and $parent_ino == $home_ino) {
+ # dev and ino is the same: We found the homedir.
+ $workdir = join("/",@dir_parts);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($workdir eq "") {
+ $workdir = ".";
+ }
+ } elsif($opt::workdir eq "...") {
+ $workdir = ".parallel/tmp/" . ::hostname() . "-" . $$
+ . "-" . $self->seq();
+ } else {
+ $workdir = $self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders([$opt::workdir],0,0);
+ #$workdir = $opt::workdir;
+ # Rsync treats /./ special. We dont want that
+ $workdir =~ s:/\./:/:g; # Remove /./
+ $workdir =~ s:(.)/+$:$1:; # Remove ending / if any
+ $workdir =~ s:^\./::g; # Remove starting ./ if any
+ }
+ } else {
+ $workdir = ".";
+ }
+ $self->{'workdir'} = $workdir;
+ }
+ return $self->{'workdir'};
+sub parentdirs_of($) {
+ # Return:
+ # all parentdirs except . of this dir or file - sorted desc by length
+ my $d = shift;
+ my @parents = ();
+ while($d =~ s:/[^/]+$::) {
+ if($d ne ".") {
+ push @parents, $d;
+ }
+ }
+ return @parents;
+sub start($) {
+ # Setup STDOUT and STDERR for a job and start it.
+ # Returns:
+ # job-object or undef if job not to run
+ sub open3_setpgrp_internal {
+ # Run open3+setpgrp followed by the command
+ # Input:
+ # $stdin_fh = Filehandle to use as STDIN
+ # $stdout_fh = Filehandle to use as STDOUT
+ # $stderr_fh = Filehandle to use as STDERR
+ # $command = Command to run
+ # Returns:
+ # $pid = Process group of job started
+ my ($stdin_fh,$stdout_fh,$stderr_fh,$command) = @_;
+ my $pid;
+ local (*OUT,*ERR);
+ open OUT, '>&', $stdout_fh or ::die_bug("Can't dup STDOUT: $!");
+ open ERR, '>&', $stderr_fh or ::die_bug("Can't dup STDERR: $!");
+ # The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
+ eval {
+ if(not $pid = ::open3($stdin_fh, ">&OUT", ">&ERR", "-")) {
+ # Each child gets its own process group to make it safe to killall
+ eval{ setpgrp(0,0) };
+ eval{ setpriority(0,0,$opt::nice) };
+ exec($Global::shell,"-c",$command)
+ || ::die_bug("open3-$stdin_fh ".substr($command,0,200));
+ }
+ };
+ return $pid;
+ }
+ sub open3_setpgrp_external {
+ # Run open3 on $command wrapped with a perl script doing setpgrp
+ # Works on systems that do not support open3(,,,"-")
+ # Input:
+ # $stdin_fh = Filehandle to use as STDIN
+ # $stdout_fh = Filehandle to use as STDOUT
+ # $stderr_fh = Filehandle to use as STDERR
+ # $command = Command to run
+ # Returns:
+ # $pid = Process group of job started
+ my ($stdin_fh,$stdout_fh,$stderr_fh,$command) = @_;
+ local (*OUT,*ERR);
+ open OUT, '>&', $stdout_fh or ::die_bug("Can't dup STDOUT: $!");
+ open ERR, '>&', $stderr_fh or ::die_bug("Can't dup STDERR: $!");
+ my $pid;
+ my @setpgrp_wrap =
+ ('perl','-e',
+ "eval\{setpgrp\}\;eval\{setpriority\(0,0,$opt::nice\)\}\;".
+ "exec '$Global::shell', '-c', \@ARGV");
+ # The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
+ eval {
+ $pid = ::open3($stdin_fh, ">&OUT", ">&ERR", @setpgrp_wrap, $command)
+ || ::die_bug("open3-$stdin_fh");
+ 1;
+ };
+ return $pid;
+ }
+ sub redefine_open3_setpgrp {
+ my $setgprp_cache = shift;
+ # Select and run open3_setpgrp_internal/open3_setpgrp_external
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my ($outfh,$name) = ::tmpfile(SUFFIX => ".tst");
+ # Test to see if open3(x,x,x,"-") is fully supported
+ # Can an exported bash function be called via open3?
+ my $script = 'if($pid=::open3($i,$o,$e,"-")) { wait; } '.
+ 'else { exec("bash","-c","testfun && true"); }';
+ my $bash =
+ ::shell_quote_scalar_default(
+ "testfun() { rm $name; }; export -f testfun; ".
+ "perl -MIPC::Open3 -e ".
+ ::shell_quote_scalar_default($script)
+ );
+ my $redefine_eval;
+ # Redirect STDERR temporarily,
+ # so errors on MacOS X are ignored.
+ open my $saveerr, ">&STDERR";
+ open STDERR, '>', "/dev/null";
+ # Run the test
+ ::debug("init",qq{bash -c $bash 2>/dev/null});
+ qx{ bash -c $bash 2>/dev/null };
+ open STDERR, ">&", $saveerr;
+ if(-e $name) {
+ # Does not support open3(x,x,x,"-")
+ # or does not have bash:
+ # Use (slow) external version
+ unlink($name);
+ $redefine_eval = '*open3_setpgrp = \&open3_setpgrp_external';
+ ::debug("init","open3_setpgrp_external chosen\n");
+ } else {
+ # Supports open3(x,x,x,"-")
+ # This is 0.5 ms faster to run
+ $redefine_eval = '*open3_setpgrp = \&open3_setpgrp_internal';
+ ::debug("init","open3_setpgrp_internal chosen\n");
+ }
+ if(open(my $fh, ">", $setgprp_cache)) {
+ print $fh $redefine_eval;
+ close $fh;
+ } else {
+ ::debug("init","Cannot write to $setgprp_cache");
+ }
+ eval $redefine_eval;
+ }
+ sub open3_setpgrp {
+ my $setgprp_cache = $Global::cache_dir . "/tmp/sshlogin/" .
+ ::hostname() . "/setpgrp_func";
+ sub read_cache() {
+ -e $setgprp_cache || return 0;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ open(my $fh, "<", $setgprp_cache) || return 0;
+ eval <$fh> || return 0;
+ close $fh;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(not read_cache()) {
+ redefine_open3_setpgrp($setgprp_cache);
+ }
+ # The sub is now redefined. Call it
+ return open3_setpgrp(@_);
+ }
+ my $job = shift;
+ # Get the shell command to be executed (possibly with ssh infront).
+ my $command = $job->wrapped();
+ my $pid;
+ if($Global::interactive or $Global::stderr_verbose) {
+ $job->interactive_start();
+ }
+ # Must be run after $job->interactive_start():
+ # $job->interactive_start() may call $job->skip()
+ if($job->{'commandline'}{'skip'}
+ or
+ not $job->filter()) {
+ # $job->skip() was called or job filtered
+ $command = "true";
+ }
+ $job->openoutputfiles();
+ $job->print_verbose_dryrun();
+ my($stdout_fh,$stderr_fh) = ($job->fh(1,"w"),$job->fh(2,"w"));
+ if($opt::dryrun or $opt::sqlmaster) { $command = "true"; }
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_SEQ'} = $job->seq();
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_PID'} = $$;
+ $ENV{$opt::process_slot_var} = -1 +
+ ($ENV{'PARALLEL_JOBSLOT'} = $job->slot());
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMP'} = ::tmpname("par");
+ $job->add_rm($ENV{'PARALLEL_TMP'});
+ $job->fill_templates();
+ $ENV{'SSHPASS'} = $job->{'sshlogin'}->{'password'};
+ ::debug("run", $Global::total_running, " processes . Starting (",
+ $job->seq(), "): $command\n");
+ if($opt::pipe) {
+ my ($stdin_fh) = ::gensym();
+ $pid = open3_setpgrp($stdin_fh,$stdout_fh,$stderr_fh,$command);
+ if($opt::roundrobin and not $opt::keeporder) {
+ # --keep-order will make sure the order will be reproducible
+ ::set_fh_non_blocking($stdin_fh);
+ }
+ $job->set_fh(0,"w",$stdin_fh);
+ if($opt::tee or $opt::shard or $opt::bin) { $job->set_virgin(0); }
+ } elsif(($opt::tty or $opt::open_tty) and -c "/dev/tty" and
+ open(my $devtty_fh, "<", "/dev/tty")) {
+ # Give /dev/tty to the command if no one else is using it
+ # The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
+ local (*IN,*OUT,*ERR);
+ open OUT, '>&', $stdout_fh or ::die_bug("Can't dup STDOUT: $!");
+ open ERR, '>&', $stderr_fh or ::die_bug("Can't dup STDERR: $!");
+ *IN = $devtty_fh;
+ # The eval is needed to catch exception from open3
+ my @wrap = ('perl','-e',
+ "eval\{setpriority\(0,0,$opt::nice\)\}\;".
+ "exec '$Global::shell', '-c', \@ARGV");
+ eval {
+ $pid = ::open3("<&IN", ">&OUT", ">&ERR", @wrap, $command)
+ || ::die_bug("open3-/dev/tty");
+ 1;
+ };
+ close $devtty_fh;
+ $job->set_virgin(0);
+ } elsif($Global::semaphore) {
+ # Allow sem to read from stdin
+ $pid = open3_setpgrp("<&STDIN",$stdout_fh,$stderr_fh,$command);
+ $job->set_virgin(0);
+ } else {
+ $pid = open3_setpgrp(::gensym(),$stdout_fh,$stderr_fh,$command);
+ $job->set_virgin(0);
+ }
+ if($pid) {
+ # A job was started
+ $Global::total_running++;
+ $Global::total_started++;
+ $job->set_pid($pid);
+ $job->set_starttime();
+ $Global::running{$job->pid()} = $job;
+ if($opt::timeout) {
+ $Global::timeoutq->insert($job);
+ }
+ $Global::newest_job = $job;
+ $Global::newest_starttime = ::now();
+ return $job;
+ } else {
+ # No more processes
+ ::debug("run", "Cannot spawn more jobs.\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub interactive_start($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $command = $self->wrapped();
+ if($Global::interactive) {
+ my $answer;
+ ::status_no_nl("$command ?...");
+ do{
+ open(my $tty_fh, "<", "/dev/tty") || ::die_bug("interactive-tty");
+ $answer = <$tty_fh>;
+ close $tty_fh;
+ # Sometime we get an empty string (not even \n)
+ # Do not know why, so let us just ignore it and try again
+ } while(length $answer < 1);
+ if (not ($answer =~ /^\s*y/i)) {
+ $self->{'commandline'}->skip();
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $Global::original_stderr "$command\n";
+ }
+ my $tmuxsocket;
+ sub tmux_wrap($) {
+ # Wrap command with tmux for session pPID
+ # Input:
+ # $actual_command = the actual command being run (incl ssh wrap)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $actual_command = shift;
+ # Temporary file name. Used for fifo to communicate exit val
+ my $tmpfifo = ::tmpname("tmx");
+ $self->add_rm($tmpfifo);
+ if(length($tmpfifo) >=100) {
+ ::error("tmux does not support sockets with path > 100.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($opt::tmuxpane) {
+ # Move the command into a pane in window 0
+ $actual_command = $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'}.' joinp -t :0 ; '.
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'}.' select-layout -t :0 tiled ; '.
+ $actual_command;
+ }
+ my $visual_command = $self->replaced();
+ my $title = $visual_command;
+ if($visual_command =~ /\0/) {
+ ::error("Command line contains NUL. tmux is confused by NUL.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ # ; causes problems
+ # ascii 194-245 annoys tmux
+ $title =~ tr/[\011-\016;\302-\365]/ /s;
+ $title = ::Q($title);
+ my $l_act = length($actual_command);
+ my $l_tit = length($title);
+ my $l_fifo = length($tmpfifo);
+ # The line to run contains a 118 chars extra code + the title 2x
+ my $l_tot = 2 * $l_tit + $l_act + $l_fifo;
+ my $quoted_space75 = ::Q(" ")x75;
+ while($l_tit < 1000 and
+ (
+ (890 < $l_tot and $l_tot < 1350)
+ or
+ (9250 < $l_tot and $l_tot < 9800)
+ )) {
+ # tmux blocks for certain lengths:
+ # 900 < title + command < 1200
+ # 9250 < title + command < 9800
+ # but only if title < 1000, so expand the title with 75 spaces
+ # The measured lengths are:
+ # 996 < (title + whole command) < 1127
+ # 9331 < (title + whole command) < 9636
+ $title .= $quoted_space75;
+ $l_tit = length($title);
+ $l_tot = 2 * $l_tit + $l_act + $l_fifo;
+ }
+ my $tmux;
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'} ||= "tmux";
+ if(not $tmuxsocket) {
+ $tmuxsocket = ::tmpname("tms");
+ ::debug("tmux", "Start: $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'} -S $tmuxsocket attach");
+ if($opt::fg) {
+ if(not fork) {
+ # Run tmux in the foreground
+ # Wait for the socket to appear
+ while (not -e $tmuxsocket) { }
+ `$ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'} -S $tmuxsocket attach`;
+ exit;
+ }
+ }
+ ::status("See output with: $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'} -S $tmuxsocket attach");
+ }
+ $tmux = "sh -c '".
+ " -S $tmuxsocket new-session -s p$$ -d \"sleep .2\" >/dev/null 2>&1';" .
+ " -S $tmuxsocket new-window -t p$$ -n $title";
+ ::debug("tmux", "title len:", $l_tit, " act ", $l_act, " max ",
+ $Limits::Command::line_max_len, " tot ",
+ $l_tot, "\n");
+ return "mkfifo $tmpfifo && $tmux ".
+ # Run in tmux
+ ::Q
+ (
+ "(".$actual_command.');'.
+ # The triple print is needed - otherwise the testsuite fails
+ q[ perl -e 'while($t++<3){ print $ARGV[0],"\n" }' $?h/$status >> ].
+ $tmpfifo."&".
+ "echo $title; echo \007Job finished at: `date`;sleep 10"
+ ).
+ # Run outside tmux
+ # Read a / separated line: 0h/2 for csh, 2/0 for bash.
+ # If csh the first will be 0h, so use the second as exit value.
+ # Otherwise just use the first value as exit value.
+ q{; exec perl -e '$/="/";$_=<>;$c=<>;unlink $ARGV; }.
+ q{/(\d+)h/ and exit($1);exit$c' }.$tmpfifo;
+ }
+sub is_already_in_results($) {
+ # Do we already have results for this job?
+ # Returns:
+ # $job_already_run = bool whether there is output for this or not
+ my $job = $_[0];
+ if($Global::csvsep) {
+ if($opt::joblog) {
+ # OK: You can look for job run in joblog
+ return 0
+ } else {
+ ::warning_once(
+ "--resume --results .csv/.tsv/.json is not supported yet\n");
+ # TODO read and parse the file
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ my $out = $job->{'commandline'}->results_out();
+ ::debug("run", "Test ${out}stdout", -e "${out}stdout", "\n");
+ return(-e $out."stdout" or -f $out);
+sub is_already_in_joblog($) {
+ my $job = shift;
+ return vec($Global::job_already_run,$job->seq(),1);
+sub set_job_in_joblog($) {
+ my $job = shift;
+ vec($Global::job_already_run,$job->seq(),1) = 1;
+sub should_be_retried($) {
+ # Should this job be retried?
+ # Returns
+ # 0 - do not retry
+ # 1 - job queued for retry
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (not defined $opt::retries) { return 0; }
+ if(not $self->exitstatus() and not $self->exitsignal()) {
+ # Completed with success. If there is a recorded failure: forget it
+ $self->reset_failed_here();
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ # The job failed. Should it be retried?
+ $self->add_failed_here();
+ my $retries = $self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders([$opt::retries],0,0);
+ # 0 = Inf
+ if($retries == 0) { $retries = 2**31; }
+ # Ignore files already unlinked to avoid memory leak
+ $self->{'unlink'} = [ grep { -e $_ } @{$self->{'unlink'}} ];
+ map { -e $_ or delete $Global::unlink{$_} } keys %Global::unlink;
+ if($self->total_failed() == $retries) {
+ # This has been retried enough
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ # This command should be retried
+ $self->set_endtime(undef);
+ $self->reset_exitstatus();
+ $Global::JobQueue->unget($self);
+ ::debug("run", "Retry ", $self->seq(), "\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my (%print_later,$job_seq_to_print);
+ sub print_earlier_jobs($) {
+ # Print jobs whose output is postponed due to --keep-order
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $job = shift;
+ $print_later{$job->seq()} = $job;
+ $job_seq_to_print ||= 1;
+ my $returnsize = 0;
+ ::debug("run", "Looking for: $job_seq_to_print ",
+ "This: ", $job->seq(), "\n");
+ for(;vec($Global::job_already_run,$job_seq_to_print,1);
+ $job_seq_to_print++) {}
+ while(my $j = $print_later{$job_seq_to_print}) {
+ $returnsize += $j->print();
+ if($j->endtime()) {
+ # Job finished - look at the next
+ delete $print_later{$job_seq_to_print};
+ $job_seq_to_print++;
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # Job not finished yet - look at it again next round
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $returnsize;
+ }
+sub print($) {
+ # Print the output of the jobs
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::debug("print", ">>joboutput ", $self->replaced(), "\n");
+ if($opt::dryrun) {
+ # Nothing was printed to this job:
+ # cleanup tmp files if --files was set
+ ::rm($self->fh(1,"name"));
+ }
+ if($opt::pipe and $self->virgin() and not $opt::tee) {
+ # Skip --joblog, --dryrun, --verbose
+ } else {
+ if($opt::ungroup) {
+ # NULL returnsize = 0 returnsize
+ $self->returnsize() or $self->add_returnsize(0);
+ if($Global::joblog and defined $self->{'exitstatus'}) {
+ # Add to joblog when finished
+ $self->print_joblog();
+ # Printing is only relevant for grouped/--line-buffer output.
+ $opt::ungroup and return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Check for disk full
+ ::exit_if_disk_full();
+ }
+ my $returnsize = $self->returnsize();
+ my @fdno;
+ if($opt::latestline) {
+ @fdno = (1);
+ } else {
+ @fdno = (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Global::fh);
+ }
+ for my $fdno (@fdno) {
+ # Sort by file descriptor numerically: 1,2,3,..,9,10,11
+ $fdno == 0 and next;
+ my $out_fh = $Global::fh{$fdno};
+ my $in_fh = $self->fh($fdno,"r");
+ if(not $in_fh) {
+ if(not $Job::file_descriptor_warning_printed{$fdno}++) {
+ # ::warning("File descriptor $fdno not defined\n");
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ ::debug("print", "File descriptor $fdno (", $self->fh($fdno,"name"), "):\n");
+ if($Global::linebuffer) {
+ # Line buffered print out
+ $self->print_linebuffer($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh);
+ } elsif($opt::files) {
+ $self->print_files($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh);
+ } elsif($opt::results) {
+ $self->print_results($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh);
+ } else {
+ $self->print_normal($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh);
+ }
+ flush $out_fh;
+ }
+ ::debug("print", "<<joboutput\n");
+ if(defined $self->{'exitstatus'}
+ and not ($self->virgin() and $opt::pipe)) {
+ if($Global::joblog and not $opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Add to joblog when finished
+ $self->print_joblog();
+ }
+ if($opt::sqlworker and not $opt::results) {
+ $Global::sql->output($self);
+ }
+ if($Global::csvsep) {
+ # Add output to CSV when finished
+ $self->print_csv();
+ }
+ if($Global::jsonout) {
+ $self->print_json();
+ }
+ }
+ return $returnsize - $self->returnsize();
+ my %jsonmap;
+ sub print_json($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ sub jsonquote($) {
+ my $a = shift;
+ if(not $jsonmap{"\001"}) {
+ map { $jsonmap{sprintf("%c",$_)} =
+ sprintf '\u%04x', $_ } 0..31;
+ }
+ $a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $a =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
+ $a =~ s/([\000-\037])/$jsonmap{$1}/g;
+ return $a;
+ }
+ my $cmd;
+ if($Global::verbose <= 1) {
+ $cmd = jsonquote($self->replaced());
+ } else {
+ # Verbose level > 1: Print the rsync and stuff
+ $cmd = jsonquote(join " ", @{$self->{'commandline'}});
+ }
+ my $record_ref = $self->{'commandline'}{'arg_list_flat_orig'};
+ # Memory optimization: Overwrite with the joined output
+ $self->{'output'}{1} = join("", @{$self->{'output'}{1}});
+ $self->{'output'}{2} = join("", @{$self->{'output'}{2}});
+ # {
+ # "Seq": 12,
+ # "Host": "/usr/bin/ssh foo@lo",
+ # "Starttime": 1608344711.743,
+ # "JobRuntime": 0.01,
+ # "Send": 0,
+ # "Receive": 10,
+ # "Exitval": 0,
+ # "Signal": 0,
+ # "Command": "echo 1",
+ # "V": [
+ # "1"
+ # ],
+ # "Stdout": "1\n",
+ # "Stderr": ""
+ # }
+ #
+ printf($Global::csv_fh
+ q({ "Seq": %s, "Host": "%s", "Starttime": %s, "JobRuntime": %s, ).
+ q("Send": %s, "Receive": %s, "Exitval": %s, "Signal": %s, ).
+ q("Command": "%s", "V": [ %s ], "Stdout": "%s", "Stderr": "%s" }).
+ "\n",
+ $self->seq(),
+ jsonquote($self->sshlogin()->string()),
+ $self->starttime(), sprintf("%0.3f",$self->runtime()),
+ $self->transfersize(), $self->returnsize(),
+ $self->exitstatus(), $self->exitsignal(), $cmd,
+ (join ",",
+ map { '"'.jsonquote($_).'"' } @$record_ref[1..$#$record_ref],
+ ),
+ jsonquote($self->{'output'}{1}),
+ jsonquote($self->{'output'}{2})
+ );
+ }
+ my $header_printed;
+ sub print_csv($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd;
+ if($Global::verbose <= 1) {
+ $cmd = $self->replaced();
+ } else {
+ # Verbose level > 1: Print the rsync and stuff
+ $cmd = join " ", @{$self->{'commandline'}};
+ }
+ my $record_ref = $self->{'commandline'}{'arg_list_flat_orig'};
+ if(not $header_printed) {
+ # Variable headers
+ # Normal => V1..Vn
+ # --header : => first value from column
+ my @V;
+ if($opt::header) {
+ my $i = 1;
+ @V = (map { $Global::input_source_header{$i++} }
+ @$record_ref[1..$#$record_ref]);
+ } else {
+ my $V = "V1";
+ @V = (map { $V++ } @$record_ref[1..$#$record_ref]);
+ }
+ print $Global::csv_fh
+ (map { $$_ }
+ combine_ref("Seq", "Host", "Starttime", "JobRuntime",
+ "Send", "Receive", "Exitval", "Signal", "Command",
+ @V,
+ "Stdout","Stderr"
+ )),"\n";
+ $header_printed++;
+ }
+ # Memory optimization: Overwrite with the joined output
+ $self->{'output'}{1} = join("", @{$self->{'output'}{1}});
+ $self->{'output'}{2} = join("", @{$self->{'output'}{2}});
+ print $Global::csv_fh
+ (map { $$_ }
+ combine_ref
+ ($self->seq(),
+ $self->sshlogin()->string(),
+ $self->starttime(), sprintf("%0.3f",$self->runtime()),
+ $self->transfersize(), $self->returnsize(),
+ $self->exitstatus(), $self->exitsignal(), \$cmd,
+ \@$record_ref[1..$#$record_ref],
+ \$self->{'output'}{1},
+ \$self->{'output'}{2})),"\n";
+ }
+sub combine_ref($) {
+ # Inspired by Text::CSV_PP::_combine (by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu)
+ my @part = @_;
+ my $sep = $Global::csvsep;
+ my $quot = '"';
+ my @out = ();
+ my $must_be_quoted;
+ for my $column (@part) {
+ # Memory optimization: Content transferred as reference
+ if(ref $column ne "SCALAR") {
+ # Convert all columns to scalar references
+ my $v = $column;
+ $column = \$v;
+ }
+ if(not defined $$column) {
+ $$column = '';
+ next;
+ }
+ $must_be_quoted = 0;
+ if($$column =~ s/$quot/$quot$quot/go){
+ # Replace " => ""
+ $must_be_quoted ||=1;
+ }
+ if($$column =~ /[\s\Q$sep\E]/o){
+ # Put quotes around if the column contains ,
+ $must_be_quoted ||=1;
+ }
+ $Global::use{"bytes"} ||= eval "use bytes; 1;";
+ if ($$column =~ /\0/) {
+ # Contains \0 => put quotes around
+ $must_be_quoted ||=1;
+ }
+ if($must_be_quoted){
+ push @out, \$sep, \$quot, $column, \$quot;
+ } else {
+ push @out, \$sep, $column;
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove the first $sep: ,val,"val" => val,"val"
+ shift @out;
+ return @out;
+sub print_files($) {
+ # Print the name of the file containing stdout on stdout
+ # Uses:
+ # $opt::pipe
+ # $opt::group = Print when job is done
+ # $opt::linebuffer = Print ASAP
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh) = @_;
+ # If the job is dead: close printing fh. Needed for --compress
+ close $self->fh($fdno,"w");
+ if($? and $opt::compress) {
+ ::error($opt::compress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ if($opt::compress) {
+ # Kill the decompressor which will not be needed
+ CORE::kill "TERM", $self->fh($fdno,"rpid");
+ }
+ close $in_fh;
+ if($opt::pipe and $self->virgin()) {
+ # Nothing was printed to this job:
+ # cleanup unused tmp files because --files was set
+ for my $fdno (1,2) {
+ ::rm($self->fh($fdno,"name"));
+ ::rm($self->fh($fdno,"unlink"));
+ }
+ } elsif($fdno == 1 and $self->fh($fdno,"name")) {
+ print $out_fh $self->tag(),$self->fh($fdno,"name"),"\n";
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ push @{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}},
+ $self->tag(), $self->fh($fdno,"name");
+ }
+ $self->add_returnsize(-s $self->fh($fdno,"name"));
+ # Mark as printed - do not print again
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,"name",undef);
+ }
+# Different print types
+# (--ll | --ll --bar | --lb | --group | --parset | --sql-worker)
+# (--files | --results (.json|.csv|.tsv) )
+# --color-failed
+# --color
+# --keep-order
+# --tag
+# --bar
+ my ($up,$currow,$maxrow);
+ my ($minvisible,%print_later,%notvisible);
+ my (%binmodeset,%tab);
+ sub latestline_init() {
+ # cursor_up cuu1 = up one line
+ $up = `sh -c "tput cuu1 </dev/tty" 2>/dev/null`;
+ chomp($up);
+ $currow = 1;
+ $maxrow = 1;
+ $minvisible = 1;
+ for(0..8) {
+ $tab{$_} = " "x(8-($_%8));
+ }
+ }
+ sub print_latest_line($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $out_fh = shift;
+ my $row = $self->row();
+ # Is row visible?
+ if(not ($minvisible <= $row
+ and
+ $row < $minvisible + ::terminal_rows() - 1)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(not $binmodeset{$out_fh}++) {
+ # Enable utf8 if possible
+ eval q{ binmode $out_fh, "encoding(utf8)"; };
+ }
+ my ($color,$reset_color) = $self->color();
+ # Strings with TABs give the wrong length. Untabify strings
+ my $termcol = ::terminal_columns();
+ my $untabify_tag = ::decode_utf8($self->untabtag());
+ my $taglen = length $untabify_tag;
+ my $truncated_tag = "";
+ my $strlen = $termcol - $taglen;
+ my $untabify_str = ::decode_utf8($self->{$out_fh,'latestline'});
+ $untabify_str =~ s/\t/$tab{$-[0]%8}/g;
+ my $strspc = $strlen - length $untabify_str;
+ $strlen--;
+ if($strlen < 0) { $strlen = 0;}
+ # Line is shorter than terminal width: add " "
+ # Line is longer than terminal width: add ">"
+ my $truncated = ($strspc > 0) ? " " : ">";
+ if($taglen > $termcol) {
+ # Tag is longer than terminal width: add ">" to tag
+ # Remove $truncated (it will not be shown at all)
+ $taglen = $termcol - 1;
+ $truncated_tag = ">";
+ $truncated = "";
+ }
+ $maxrow = $row > $maxrow ? $row : $maxrow;
+ printf($out_fh
+ ("%s%s%s". # up down \r
+ "%.${taglen}s%s". # tag
+ "%s%.${strlen}s%s%s". # color + line
+ "%s" # down
+ ),
+ "$up"x($currow - $row),
+ "\n"x($row - $currow),
+ "\r", $untabify_tag,$truncated_tag,
+ $color, $untabify_str, $truncated, $reset_color,
+ "\n"x($maxrow - $row + 1));
+ $currow = $maxrow + 1;
+ }
+ sub print_linebuffer($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh) = @_;
+ if(defined $self->{'exitstatus'}) {
+ # If the job is dead: close printing fh. Needed for --compress
+ close $self->fh($fdno,"w");
+ if($opt::compress) {
+ if($?) {
+ ::error($opt::compress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ # Blocked reading in final round
+ for my $fdno (1,2) { ::set_fh_blocking($self->fh($fdno,'r')); }
+ }
+ if($opt::latestline) { $print_later{$self->row()} = $self; }
+ }
+ if(not $self->virgin()) {
+ if($opt::files or ($opt::results and not $Global::csvsep)) {
+ # Print filename
+ if($fdno == 1 and not $self->fh($fdno,"printed")) {
+ print $out_fh $self->tag(),$self->fh($fdno,"name"),"\n";
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ push(@{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}}, $self->tag(),
+ $self->fh($fdno,"name"));
+ }
+ $self->set_fh($fdno,"printed",1);
+ }
+ # No need for reading $in_fh, as it is from "cat >/dev/null"
+ } else {
+ # Read halflines and print full lines
+ my $outputlength = 0;
+ my $halfline_ref = $self->{'halfline'}{$fdno};
+ my ($buf,$i,$rv);
+ # 1310720 gives 1.2 GB/s
+ # 131072 gives 0.9 GB/s
+ # The optimal block size differs
+ # It has been measured on:
+ # AMD 6376: 60800 (>70k is also reasonable)
+ # Intel i7-3632QM: 52-59k, 170-175k
+ # seq 64 | ppar --_test $1 --lb \
+ # 'yes {} `seq 1000`|head -c 10000000' >/dev/null
+ while($rv = sysread($in_fh, $buf, 60800)) {
+ $outputlength += $rv;
+ # TODO --recend
+ # Treat both \n and \r as line end
+ # Only test for \r if there is no \n
+ # Test:
+ # perl -e '$a="x"x1000000;
+ # $b="$a\r$a\n$a\r$a\n";
+ # map { print $b,$_ } 1..10'
+ $i = ((rindex($buf,"\n")+1) || (rindex($buf,"\r")+1));
+ if($i) {
+ if($opt::latestline) {
+ # Keep the latest full line
+ my $l = join('', @$halfline_ref,
+ substr($buf,0,$i-1));
+ my $j = ((rindex($l,"\n")+1) ||
+ (rindex($l,"\r")+1));
+ $self->{$out_fh,'latestline'} = substr($l,$j);
+ # Remove the processed part
+ # by keeping the unprocessed part
+ @$halfline_ref = (substr($buf,$i));
+ } else {
+ # One or more complete lines were found
+ if($Global::color) {
+ my $print = join("",@$halfline_ref,
+ substr($buf,0,$i));
+ chomp($print);
+ my ($color,$reset_color) = $self->color();
+ my $colortag = $color.$self->tag();
+ # \n => reset \n color tag
+ $print =~ s{([\n\r])(?=.|$)}
+ {$reset_color$1$colortag}gs;
+ print($out_fh $colortag, $print,
+ $reset_color, "\n");
+ } elsif($opt::tag or defined $opt::tagstring) {
+ # Replace ^ with $tag within the full line
+ if($Global::cache_replacement_eval) {
+ # Replace with the same value for tag
+ my $tag = $self->tag();
+ unshift @$halfline_ref, $tag;
+ # TODO --recend that can be partially in
+ # @$halfline_ref
+ substr($buf,0,$i-1) =~
+ s/([\n\r])(?=.|$)/$1$tag/gs;
+ } else {
+ # Replace with freshly computed tag-value
+ unshift @$halfline_ref, $self->tag();
+ substr($buf,0,$i-1) =~
+ s/([\n\r])(?=.|$)/$1.$self->tag()/gse;
+ }
+ # The length changed,
+ # so find the new ending pos
+ $i = ::max((rindex($buf,"\n")+1),
+ (rindex($buf,"\r")+1));
+ # Print the partial line (halfline)
+ # and the last half
+ print $out_fh @$halfline_ref, substr($buf,0,$i);
+ } else {
+ # Print the partial line (halfline)
+ # and the last half
+ print $out_fh @$halfline_ref, substr($buf,0,$i);
+ }
+ # Buffer in memory for SQL and CSV-output
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ push(@{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}},
+ @$halfline_ref, substr($buf,0,$i));
+ }
+ # Remove the printed part by keeping the unprinted
+ @$halfline_ref = (substr($buf,$i));
+ }
+ } else {
+ # No newline, so append to the halfline
+ push @$halfline_ref, $buf;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->add_returnsize($outputlength);
+ if($opt::latestline) { $self->print_latest_line($out_fh); }
+ }
+ if(defined $self->{'exitstatus'}) {
+ if($opt::latestline) {
+ # Force re-computing color if --colorfailed
+ if($opt::colorfailed) { delete $self->{'color'}; }
+ $self->print_latest_line($out_fh);
+ # Print latest line from jobs that are already done
+ while($print_later{$minvisible}) {
+ $print_later{$minvisible}->print_latest_line($out_fh);
+ delete $print_later{$minvisible};
+ $minvisible++;
+ }
+ # Print latest line from jobs that are on screen now
+ for(my $row = $minvisible;
+ $row < $minvisible -1 + ::terminal_rows();
+ $row++) {
+ $print_later{$row} and
+ $print_later{$row}->print_latest_line($out_fh);
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::files or ($opt::results and not $Global::csvsep)) {
+ $self->add_returnsize(-s $self->fh($fdno,"name"));
+ } else {
+ # If the job is dead: print the remaining partial line
+ # read remaining
+ my $halfline_ref = $self->{'halfline'}{$fdno};
+ if(grep /./, @$halfline_ref) {
+ my $returnsize = 0;
+ for(@{$self->{'halfline'}{$fdno}}) {
+ $returnsize += length $_;
+ }
+ $self->add_returnsize($returnsize);
+ if($opt::tag or defined $opt::tagstring) {
+ # Prepend $tag the the remaining half line
+ unshift @$halfline_ref, $self->tag();
+ }
+ # Print the partial line (halfline)
+ print $out_fh @{$self->{'halfline'}{$fdno}};
+ # Buffer in memory for SQL and CSV-output
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ push(@{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}}, @$halfline_ref);
+ }
+ @$halfline_ref = ();
+ }
+ }
+ if($self->fh($fdno,"rpid") and
+ CORE::kill 0, $self->fh($fdno,"rpid")) {
+ # decompress still running
+ } else {
+ # decompress done: close fh
+ close $in_fh;
+ if($? and $opt::compress) {
+ ::error($opt::decompress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub free_ressources() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not $opt::ungroup) {
+ my $fh;
+ for my $fdno (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %Global::fh) {
+ $fh = $self->fh($fdno,"w");
+ $fh and close $fh;
+ $fh = $self->fh($fdno,"r");
+ $fh and close $fh;
+ }
+ }
+sub print_parset($) {
+ # Wrap output with shell script code to set as variables
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh) = @_;
+ my $outputlength = 0;
+ ::debug("parset","print $Global::parset");
+ if($Global::parset eq "assoc") {
+ # Start: (done in parse_parset())
+ # eval "`echo 'declare -A myassoc; myassoc=(
+ # Each: (done here)
+ # [$'a\tb']=$'a\tb\tc ddd'
+ # End: (done in wait_and_exit())
+ # )'`"
+ print '[',::Q($self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders(["\257<\257>"],0,0)),']=';
+ } elsif($Global::parset eq "array") {
+ # Start: (done in parse_parset())
+ # eval "`echo 'myassoc=(
+ # Each: (done here)
+ # $'a\tb\tc ddd'
+ # End: (done in wait_and_exit())
+ # )'`"
+ } elsif($Global::parset eq "var") {
+ # Start: (done in parse_parset())
+ # <empty>
+ # Each: (done here)
+ # var=$'a\tb\tc ddd'
+ # End: (done in wait_and_exit())
+ # <empty>
+ if(not @Global::parset_vars) {
+ ::error("Too few named destination variables");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ print shift @Global::parset_vars,"=";
+ }
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $tag = $self->tag();
+ my @out;
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ $outputlength += length $_;
+ # Tag lines with \r, too
+ $_ =~ s/(?<=[\r])(?=.|$)/$tag/gs;
+ push @out, $tag,$_;
+ }
+ # Remove last newline
+ # This often makes it easier to use the output in shell
+ @out and ${out[$#out]} =~ s/\n$//s;
+ print ::Q(join("",@out)),"\n";
+ return $outputlength;
+sub print_normal($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh) = @_;
+ my $buf;
+ close $self->fh($fdno,"w");
+ if($? and $opt::compress) {
+ ::error($opt::compress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ if(not $self->virgin()) {
+ seek $in_fh, 0, 0;
+ # $in_fh is now ready for reading at position 0
+ my $outputlength = 0;
+ my @output;
+ if($Global::parset and $fdno == 1) {
+ $outputlength += $self->print_parset($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh);
+ } elsif(defined $opt::tag or defined $opt::tagstring
+ or $Global::color or $opt::colorfailed) {
+ if($Global::color or $opt::colorfailed) {
+ my ($color,$reset_color) = $self->color();
+ my $colortag = $color.$self->tag();
+ # Read line by line
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ $outputlength += length $_;
+ # Tag lines with \r, too
+ chomp;
+ s{([\n\r])(?=.|$)}{$reset_color$1$colortag}gs;
+ print $out_fh $colortag,$_,$reset_color,"\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $tag = $self->tag();
+ my $pretag = 1;
+ my $s;
+ while(sysread($in_fh,$buf,32767)) {
+ $outputlength += length $buf;
+ $buf =~ s/(?<=[\r\n])(?=.)/$tag/gs;
+ print $out_fh ($pretag ? $tag : ""),$buf;
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ push @{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}},
+ ($pretag ? $tag : ""),$buf;
+ }
+ # Should next print start with a tag?
+ $s = substr($buf, -1);
+ # This is faster than ($s eq "\n") || ($s eq "\r")
+ $pretag = ($s eq "\n") ? 1 : ($s eq "\r");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Most efficient way of copying data from $in_fh to $out_fh
+ # Intel i7-3632QM: 25k-
+ while(sysread($in_fh,$buf,32767)) {
+ print $out_fh $buf;
+ $outputlength += length $buf;
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ push @{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}}, $buf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($fdno == 1) {
+ $self->add_returnsize($outputlength);
+ }
+ close $in_fh;
+ if($? and $opt::compress) {
+ ::error($opt::decompress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ }
+sub print_results($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($fdno,$in_fh,$out_fh) = @_;
+ my $buf;
+ close $self->fh($fdno,"w");
+ if($? and $opt::compress) {
+ ::error($opt::compress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ if(not $self->virgin()) {
+ seek $in_fh, 0, 0;
+ # $in_fh is now ready for reading at position 0
+ my $outputlength = 0;
+ my @output;
+ if($Global::membuffer) {
+ # Read data into membuffer
+ if($opt::tag or $opt::tagstring) {
+ # Read line by line
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $tag = $self->tag();
+ while(<$in_fh>) {
+ $outputlength += length $_;
+ # Tag lines with \r, too
+ $_ =~ s/(?<=[\r])(?=.|$)/$tag/gs;
+ push @{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}}, $tag, $_;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Most efficient way of copying data from $in_fh to $out_fh
+ while(sysread($in_fh,$buf,60000)) {
+ $outputlength += length $buf;
+ push @{$self->{'output'}{$fdno}}, $buf;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Not membuffer: No need to read the file
+ if($opt::compress) {
+ $outputlength = -1;
+ } else {
+ # Determine $outputlength = file length
+ seek($in_fh, 0, 2) || ::die_bug("cannot seek result");
+ $outputlength = tell($in_fh);
+ }
+ }
+ if($fdno == 1) { $self->add_returnsize($outputlength); }
+ close $in_fh;
+ if($? and $opt::compress) {
+ ::error($opt::decompress_program." failed.");
+ $self->set_exitstatus(255);
+ }
+ }
+sub print_joblog($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $cmd;
+ if($Global::verbose <= 1) {
+ $cmd = $self->replaced();
+ } else {
+ # Verbose level > 1: Print the rsync and stuff
+ $cmd = $self->wrapped();
+ }
+ # Newlines make it hard to parse the joblog
+ $cmd =~ s/\n/\0/g;
+ print $Global::joblog
+ join("\t", $self->seq(), $self->sshlogin()->string(),
+ $self->starttime(), sprintf("%10.3f",$self->runtime()),
+ $self->transfersize(), $self->returnsize(),
+ $self->exitstatus(), $self->exitsignal(), $cmd
+ ). "\n";
+ flush $Global::joblog;
+ $self->set_job_in_joblog();
+sub tag($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'tag'} or not $Global::cache_replacement_eval) {
+ if(defined $opt::tag or defined $opt::tagstring) {
+ $self->{'tag'} =
+ ($self->{'commandline'}->
+ replace_placeholders([$opt::tagstring],0,0)).
+ "\t";
+ } else {
+ # No tag
+ $self->{'tag'} = "";
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'tag'};
+sub untabtag($) {
+ # tag with \t replaced with spaces
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tag = $self->tag();
+ if(not defined $self->{'untab'}{$tag}) {
+ my $t = $tag;
+ $t =~ s/\t/" "x(8-($-[0]%8))/eg;
+ $self->{'untab'}{$tag} = $t;
+ }
+ return $self->{'untab'}{$tag};
+ my (@color,$eol,$reset_color,$init);
+ sub init_color() {
+ if(not $init) {
+ $init = 1;
+ # color combinations that are readable: black/white text
+ # on colored background, but not white on yellow
+ my @color_combinations =
+ # Force each color code to have the same length in chars
+ # This will make \t work as expected
+ ((map { [sprintf("%03d",$_),"000"] }
+ 6..7,9..11,13..15,40..51,75..87,113..123,147..159,
+ 171..182,185..231,249..254),
+ (map { [sprintf("%03d",$_),231] }
+ 1..9,12..13,16..45,52..81,88..114,124..149,
+ 160..178,180,182..184,196..214,232..250));
+ # reorder list so adjacent colors are dissimilar
+ # %23 and %7 were found experimentally
+ @color_combinations = @color_combinations[
+ sort { ($a%23 <=> $b%23) or ($b%7 <=> $a%7) }
+ 0..$#color_combinations
+ ];
+ @color = map {
+ # TODO Can this be done with `tput` codes?
+ "\033[48;5;".$_->[0].";38;5;".$_->[1]."m"
+ } @color_combinations;
+ # clr_eol el = clear to end of line
+ $eol = `sh -c "tput el </dev/tty" 2>/dev/null`;
+ chomp($eol);
+ if($eol eq "") { $eol = "\033[K"; }
+ # exit_attribute_mode sgr0 = turn off all attributes
+ $reset_color = `sh -c "tput sgr0 </dev/tty" 2>/dev/null`;
+ chomp($reset_color);
+ if($reset_color eq "") { $reset_color = "\033[m"; }
+ }
+ }
+ sub color($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'color'}) {
+ if($Global::color) {
+ # Choose a value based on the seq
+ $self->{'color'} = $color[$self->seq() % ($#color+1)].$eol;
+ $self->{'reset_color'} = $reset_color;
+ } else {
+ $self->{'color'} = "";
+ $self->{'reset_color'} = "";
+ }
+ if($opt::colorfailed) {
+ if($self->exitstatus()) {
+ # White on Red
+ # Can this be done more generally?
+ $self->{'color'} =
+ "\033[48;5;"."196".";38;5;"."231"."m".$eol;
+ $self->{'reset_color'} = $reset_color;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($self->{'color'},$self->{'reset_color'});
+ }
+sub hostgroups($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'hostgroups'}) {
+ $self->{'hostgroups'} =
+ $self->{'commandline'}->{'arg_list'}[0][0]->{'hostgroups'};
+ }
+ return @{$self->{'hostgroups'}};
+sub exitstatus($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'exitstatus'};
+sub set_exitstatus($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $exitstatus = shift;
+ if($exitstatus) {
+ # Overwrite status if non-zero
+ $self->{'exitstatus'} = $exitstatus;
+ } else {
+ # Set status but do not overwrite
+ # Status may have been set by --timeout
+ $self->{'exitstatus'} ||= $exitstatus;
+ }
+ $opt::sqlworker and
+ $Global::sql->update("SET Exitval = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $exitstatus);
+sub reset_exitstatus($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ undef $self->{'exitstatus'};
+sub exitsignal($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'exitsignal'};
+sub set_exitsignal($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $exitsignal = shift;
+ $self->{'exitsignal'} = $exitsignal;
+ $opt::sqlworker and
+ $Global::sql->update("SET _Signal = ? WHERE Seq = ".$self->seq(),
+ $exitsignal);
+ my $total_jobs;
+ sub should_we_halt {
+ # Should we halt? Immediately? Gracefully?
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $job = shift;
+ my $limit;
+ if($Global::semaphore) {
+ # Emulate Bash's +128 if there is a signal
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus =
+ ($job->exitstatus()
+ or
+ $job->exitsignal() ? $job->exitsignal() + 128 : 0);
+ }
+ if($job->exitstatus() or $job->exitsignal()) {
+ # Job failed
+ $Global::exitstatus++;
+ $Global::total_failed++;
+ if($Global::halt_fail) {
+ ::status("$Global::progname: This job failed:",
+ $job->replaced());
+ $limit = $Global::total_failed;
+ }
+ } elsif($Global::halt_success) {
+ ::status("$Global::progname: This job succeeded:",
+ $job->replaced());
+ $limit = $Global::total_completed - $Global::total_failed;
+ }
+ if($Global::halt_done) {
+ ::status("$Global::progname: This job finished:",
+ $job->replaced());
+ $limit = $Global::total_completed;
+ }
+ if(not defined $limit) {
+ return ""
+ }
+ # --halt # => 1..100 (number of jobs failed, 101 means > 100)
+ # --halt % => 1..100 (pct of jobs failed)
+ if($Global::halt_pct and not $Global::halt_count) {
+ $total_jobs ||= $Global::JobQueue->total_jobs();
+ # From the pct compute the number of jobs that must fail/succeed
+ $Global::halt_count = $total_jobs * $Global::halt_pct;
+ }
+ if($limit >= $Global::halt_count) {
+ # At least N jobs have failed/succeded/completed
+ # or at least N% have failed/succeded/completed
+ # So we should prepare for exit
+ if($Global::halt_fail or $Global::halt_done) {
+ # Set exit status
+ if(not defined $Global::halt_exitstatus) {
+ if($Global::halt_pct) {
+ # --halt now,fail=X% or soon,fail=X%
+ # --halt now,done=X% or soon,done=X%
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus =
+ ::ceil($Global::total_failed / $total_jobs * 100);
+ } elsif($Global::halt_count) {
+ # --halt now,fail=X or soon,fail=X
+ # --halt now,done=X or soon,done=X
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus =
+ ::min($Global::total_failed,101);
+ }
+ if($Global::halt_count and $Global::halt_count == 1) {
+ # --halt now,fail=1 or soon,fail=1
+ # --halt now,done=1 or soon,done=1
+ # Emulate Bash's +128 if there is a signal
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus =
+ ($job->exitstatus()
+ or
+ $job->exitsignal() ? $job->exitsignal() + 128 : 0);
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("halt","Pct: ",$Global::halt_pct,
+ " count: ",$Global::halt_count,
+ " status: ",$Global::halt_exitstatus,"\n");
+ } elsif($Global::halt_success) {
+ $Global::halt_exitstatus = 0;
+ }
+ if($Global::halt_when eq "soon") {
+ $Global::start_no_new_jobs ||= 1;
+ if(scalar(keys %Global::running) > 0) {
+ # Only warn if there are more jobs running
+ ::status
+ ("$Global::progname: Starting no more jobs. ".
+ "Waiting for ". (keys %Global::running).
+ " jobs to finish.");
+ }
+ }
+ return($Global::halt_when);
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+package CommandLine;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $seq = shift;
+ my $commandref = shift;
+ $commandref || die;
+ my $arg_queue = shift;
+ my $context_replace = shift;
+ my $max_number_of_args = shift; # for -N and normal (-n1)
+ my $transfer_files = shift;
+ my $return_files = shift;
+ my $template_names = shift;
+ my $template_contents = shift;
+ my $replacecount_ref = shift;
+ my $len_ref = shift;
+ my %replacecount = %$replacecount_ref;
+ my %len = %$len_ref;
+ for (keys %$replacecount_ref) {
+ # Total length of this replacement string {} replaced with all args
+ $len{$_} = 0;
+ }
+ return bless {
+ 'command' => $commandref,
+ 'seq' => $seq,
+ 'len' => \%len,
+ 'arg_list' => [],
+ 'arg_list_flat' => [],
+ 'arg_list_flat_orig' => [undef],
+ 'arg_queue' => $arg_queue,
+ 'max_number_of_args' => $max_number_of_args,
+ 'replacecount' => \%replacecount,
+ 'context_replace' => $context_replace,
+ 'transfer_files' => $transfer_files,
+ 'return_files' => $return_files,
+ 'template_names' => $template_names,
+ 'template_contents' => $template_contents,
+ 'replaced' => undef,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub flush_cache() {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $arglist (@{$self->{'arg_list'}}) {
+ for my $arg (@$arglist) {
+ $arg->flush_cache();
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'arg_queue'}->flush_cache();
+ $self->{'replaced'} = undef;
+sub seq($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'seq'};
+sub set_seq($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'seq'} = shift;
+sub slot($) {
+ # Find the number of a free job slot and return it
+ # Uses:
+ # @Global::slots - list with free jobslots
+ # Returns:
+ # $jobslot = number of jobslot
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not $self->{'slot'}) {
+ if(not @Global::slots) {
+ # $max_slot_number will typically be $Global::max_jobs_running
+ push @Global::slots, ++$Global::max_slot_number;
+ }
+ $self->{'slot'} = shift @Global::slots;
+ }
+ return $self->{'slot'};
+ my $already_spread;
+ my $darwin_max_len;
+ sub populate($) {
+ # Add arguments from arg_queue until the number of arguments or
+ # max line length is reached
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::usable_command_line_length
+ # $opt::cat
+ # $opt::fifo
+ # $Global::JobQueue
+ # $opt::m
+ # $opt::X
+ # $Global::max_jobs_running
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $next_arg;
+ my $max_len = $Global::usable_command_line_length || die;
+ if($^O eq "darwin") {
+ # Darwin's limit is affected by:
+ # * number of environment names (variables+functions)
+ # * size of environment
+ # * the length of arguments:
+ # a one-char argument lowers the limit by 5
+ # To be safe assume all arguments are one-char
+ # The max_len is cached between runs, but if the size of
+ # the environment is different we need to recompute the
+ # usable max length for this run of GNU Parallel
+ # See
+ if(not $darwin_max_len) {
+ my $envc = (keys %ENV);
+ my $envn = length join"",(keys %ENV);
+ my $envv = length join"",(values %ENV);
+ $darwin_max_len = -146+($max_len - $envn - $envv) - $envc*10;
+ ::debug("init",
+ "length: $darwin_max_len ".
+ "3+($max_len - $envn - $envv)/5 - $envc*2");
+ }
+ $max_len = $darwin_max_len;
+ }
+ if($opt::cat or $opt::fifo) {
+ # Get the empty arg added by --pipepart (if any)
+ $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}->{'arg_queue'}->get();
+ # $PARALLEL_TMP will point to a tempfile that will be used as {}
+ $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}->{'arg_queue'}->
+ unget([Arg->new('$PARALLEL_TMP')]);
+ }
+ while (not $self->{'arg_queue'}->empty()) {
+ $next_arg = $self->{'arg_queue'}->get();
+ if(not defined $next_arg) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $self->push($next_arg);
+ if($self->len() >= $max_len) {
+ # Command length is now > max_length
+ # If there are arguments: remove the last
+ # If there are no arguments: Error
+ # TODO stuff about -x opt_x
+ if($self->number_of_args() > 1) {
+ # There is something to work on
+ $self->{'arg_queue'}->unget($self->pop());
+ last;
+ } else {
+ my $args = join(" ", map { $_->orig() } @$next_arg);
+ ::error("Command line too long (".
+ $self->len(). " >= ".
+ $max_len.
+ ") at input ".
+ $self->{'arg_queue'}->arg_number().
+ ": ".
+ ((length $args > 50) ?
+ (substr($args,0,50))."..." :
+ $args));
+ $self->{'arg_queue'}->unget($self->pop());
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
+ if($self->number_of_args() >= $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(($opt::m or $opt::X) and not $already_spread
+ and $self->{'arg_queue'}->empty() and $Global::max_jobs_running) {
+ # -m or -X and EOF => Spread the arguments over all jobslots
+ # (unless they are already spread)
+ $already_spread ||= 1;
+ if($self->number_of_args() > 1) {
+ $self->{'max_number_of_args'} =
+ ::ceil($self->number_of_args()/$Global::max_jobs_running);
+ $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}->{'max_number_of_args'} =
+ $self->{'max_number_of_args'};
+ $self->{'arg_queue'}->unget($self->pop_all());
+ while($self->number_of_args() < $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
+ $self->push($self->{'arg_queue'}->get());
+ }
+ }
+ $Global::JobQueue->flush_total_jobs();
+ }
+ if($opt::sqlmaster) {
+ # Insert the V1..Vn for this $seq in SQL table
+ # instead of generating one
+ $Global::sql->insert_records($self->seq(), $self->{'command'},
+ $self->{'arg_list_flat_orig'});
+ }
+ }
+sub push($) {
+ # Add one or more records as arguments
+ # Returns: N/A
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $record = shift;
+ push @{$self->{'arg_list_flat_orig'}}, map { $_->orig() } @$record;
+ push @{$self->{'arg_list_flat'}}, @$record;
+ push @{$self->{'arg_list'}}, $record;
+ # Make @arg available for {= =}
+ *Arg::arg = $self->{'arg_list_flat_orig'};
+ my $quote_arg = ($Global::quote_replace and not $Global::quoting);
+ my $col;
+ for my $perlexpr (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
+ if($perlexpr =~ /^(-?\d+)(?:\D.*|)$/) {
+ # Positional replacement string
+ # Deal with negative positional replacement string
+ $col = ($1 < 0) ? $1 : $1-1;
+ if(defined($record->[$col])) {
+ $self->{'len'}{$perlexpr} +=
+ length $record->[$col]->replace($perlexpr,$quote_arg,$self);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for my $arg (@$record) {
+ if(defined $arg) {
+ $self->{'len'}{$perlexpr} +=
+ length $arg->replace($perlexpr,$quote_arg,$self);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub pop($) {
+ # Remove last argument
+ # Returns:
+ # the last record
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $record = pop @{$self->{'arg_list'}};
+ # pop off arguments from @$record
+ splice @{$self->{'arg_list_flat_orig'}}, -($#$record+1), $#$record+1;
+ splice @{$self->{'arg_list_flat'}}, -($#$record+1), $#$record+1;
+ my $quote_arg = ($Global::quote_replace and not $Global::quoting);
+ for my $perlexpr (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
+ if($perlexpr =~ /^(\d+) /) {
+ # Positional
+ defined($record->[$1-1]) or next;
+ $self->{'len'}{$perlexpr} -=
+ length $record->[$1-1]->replace($perlexpr,$quote_arg,$self);
+ } else {
+ for my $arg (@$record) {
+ if(defined $arg) {
+ $self->{'len'}{$perlexpr} -=
+ length $arg->replace($perlexpr,$quote_arg,$self);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $record;
+sub pop_all($) {
+ # Remove all arguments and zeros the length of replacement perlexpr
+ # Returns:
+ # all records
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @popped = @{$self->{'arg_list'}};
+ for my $perlexpr (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
+ $self->{'len'}{$perlexpr} = 0;
+ }
+ $self->{'arg_list'} = [];
+ $self->{'arg_list_flat_orig'} = [undef];
+ $self->{'arg_list_flat'} = [];
+ return @popped;
+sub number_of_args($) {
+ # The number of records
+ # Returns:
+ # number of records
+ my $self = shift;
+ # This is really the number of records
+ return $#{$self->{'arg_list'}}+1;
+sub number_of_recargs($) {
+ # The number of args in records
+ # Returns:
+ # number of args records
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sum = 0;
+ my $nrec = scalar @{$self->{'arg_list'}};
+ if($nrec) {
+ $sum = $nrec * (scalar @{$self->{'arg_list'}[0]});
+ }
+ return $sum;
+sub args_as_string($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # all unmodified arguments joined with ' ' (similar to {})
+ my $self = shift;
+ return (join " ", map { $_->orig() }
+ map { @$_ } @{$self->{'arg_list'}});
+sub results_out($) {
+ sub max_file_name_length {
+ # Figure out the max length of a subdir
+ # TODO and the max total length
+ # Ext4 = 255,130816
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::max_file_length is set
+ # Returns:
+ # $Global::max_file_length
+ my $testdir = shift;
+ my $upper = 100_000_000;
+ # Dir length of 8 chars is supported everywhere
+ my $len = 8;
+ my $dir = "d"x$len;
+ do {
+ rmdir($testdir."/".$dir);
+ $len *= 16;
+ $dir = "d"x$len;
+ } while ($len < $upper and mkdir $testdir."/".$dir);
+ # Then search for the actual max length between $len/16 and $len
+ my $min = $len/16;
+ my $max = $len;
+ while($max-$min > 5) {
+ # If we are within 5 chars of the exact value:
+ # it is not worth the extra time to find the exact value
+ my $test = int(($min+$max)/2);
+ $dir = "d"x$test;
+ if(mkdir $testdir."/".$dir) {
+ rmdir($testdir."/".$dir);
+ $min = $test;
+ } else {
+ $max = $test;
+ }
+ }
+ $Global::max_file_length = $min;
+ return $min;
+ }
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $out = $self->replace_placeholders([$opt::results],0,0);
+ if($out eq $opt::results) {
+ # $opt::results simple string: Append args_as_dirname
+ my $args_as_dirname = $self->args_as_dirname();
+ # Output in: prefix/name1/val1/name2/val2/stdout
+ $out = $opt::results."/".$args_as_dirname;
+ if(-d $out or eval{ File::Path::mkpath($out); }) {
+ # OK
+ } else {
+ # mkpath failed: Argument probably too long.
+ # Set $Global::max_file_length, which will keep the individual
+ # dir names shorter than the max length
+ max_file_name_length($opt::results);
+ $args_as_dirname = $self->args_as_dirname();
+ # prefix/name1/val1/name2/val2/
+ $out = $opt::results."/".$args_as_dirname;
+ File::Path::mkpath($out);
+ }
+ $out .="/";
+ } else {
+ if($out =~ m:/$:) {
+ # / = dir
+ if(-d $out or eval{ File::Path::mkpath($out); }) {
+ # OK
+ } else {
+ ::error("Cannot make dir '$out'.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $out =~ m:(.*)/:;
+ File::Path::mkpath($1);
+ }
+ }
+ return $out;
+sub args_as_dirname($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # all unmodified arguments joined with '/' (similar to {})
+ # \t \0 \\ and / are quoted as: \t \0 \\ \_
+ # If $Global::max_file_length: Keep subdirs < $Global::max_file_length
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @res = ();
+ for my $rec_ref (@{$self->{'arg_list'}}) {
+ # If headers are used, sort by them.
+ # Otherwise keep the order from the command line.
+ my @header_indexes_sorted = header_indexes_sorted($#$rec_ref+1);
+ for my $n (@header_indexes_sorted) {
+ CORE::push(@res,
+ $Global::input_source_header{$n},
+ map { my $s = $_;
+ # \t \0 \\ and / are quoted as: \t \0 \\ \_
+ $s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
+ $s =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
+ $s =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
+ $s =~ s:/:\\_:g;
+ if($Global::max_file_length) {
+ # Keep each subdir shorter than the longest
+ # allowed file name
+ $s = substr($s,0,$Global::max_file_length);
+ }
+ $s; }
+ $rec_ref->[$n-1]->orig());
+ }
+ }
+ return join "/", @res;
+sub header_indexes_sorted($) {
+ # Sort headers first by number then by name.
+ # E.g.: 1a 1b 11a 11b
+ # Returns:
+ # Indexes of %Global::input_source_header sorted
+ my $max_col = shift;
+ no warnings 'numeric';
+ for my $col (1 .. $max_col) {
+ # Make sure the header is defined. If it is not: use column number
+ if(not defined $Global::input_source_header{$col}) {
+ $Global::input_source_header{$col} = $col;
+ }
+ }
+ my @header_indexes_sorted = sort {
+ # Sort headers numerically then asciibetically
+ $Global::input_source_header{$a} <=> $Global::input_source_header{$b}
+ or
+ $Global::input_source_header{$a} cmp $Global::input_source_header{$b}
+ } 1 .. $max_col;
+ return @header_indexes_sorted;
+sub len($) {
+ # Uses:
+ # @opt::shellquote
+ # The length of the command line with args substituted
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $len = 0;
+ # Add length of the original command with no args
+ # Length of command w/ all replacement args removed
+ $len += $self->{'len'}{'noncontext'} + @{$self->{'command'}} -1;
+ ::debug("length", "noncontext + command: $len\n");
+ # MacOS has an overhead of 8 bytes per argument
+ my $darwin = ($^O eq "darwin") ? 8 : 0;
+ my $recargs = $self->number_of_recargs();
+ if($self->{'context_replace'}) {
+ # Context is duplicated for each arg
+ $len += $recargs * $self->{'len'}{'context'};
+ for my $replstring (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
+ # If the replacements string is more than once: mulitply its length
+ $len += $self->{'len'}{$replstring} *
+ $self->{'replacecount'}{$replstring};
+ ::debug("length", $replstring, " ", $self->{'len'}{$replstring}, "*",
+ $self->{'replacecount'}{$replstring}, "\n");
+ }
+ # echo 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 1010
+ # echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
+ # 5 + ctxgrp*arg
+ ::debug("length", "Ctxgrp: ", $self->{'len'}{'contextgroups'},
+ " Groups: ", $self->{'len'}{'noncontextgroups'}, "\n");
+ # Add space between context groups
+ $len += ($recargs-1) * ($self->{'len'}{'contextgroups'});
+ if($darwin) {
+ $len += $recargs * $self->{'len'}{'contextgroups'} * $darwin;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Each replacement string may occur several times
+ # Add the length for each time
+ $len += 1*$self->{'len'}{'context'};
+ ::debug("length", "context+noncontext + command: $len\n");
+ for my $replstring (keys %{$self->{'replacecount'}}) {
+ # (space between recargs + length of replacement)
+ # * number this replacement is used
+ $len += ($recargs -1 + $self->{'len'}{$replstring}) *
+ $self->{'replacecount'}{$replstring};
+ if($darwin) {
+ $len += ($recargs * $self->{'replacecount'}{$replstring}
+ * $darwin);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $Global::parallel_env) {
+ # If we are using --env, add the prefix for that, too.
+ $len += length $Global::parallel_env;
+ }
+ if($Global::quoting) {
+ # Pessimistic length if -q is set
+ # Worse than worst case: ' => "'" + " => '"'
+ # TODO can we count the number of expanding chars?
+ # and count them in arguments, too?
+ $len *= 3;
+ }
+ if(@opt::shellquote) {
+ # Pessimistic length if --shellquote is set
+ # Worse than worst case: ' => "'"
+ for(@opt::shellquote) {
+ $len *= 3;
+ }
+ $len *= 5;
+ }
+ if(@opt::sshlogin) {
+ # Pessimistic length if remote
+ # Worst case is BASE64 encoding 3 bytes -> 4 bytes
+ $len = int($len*4/3);
+ }
+ return $len;
+sub replaced($) {
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::quote_replace
+ # $Global::quoting
+ # Returns:
+ # $replaced = command with place holders replaced and prepended
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not defined $self->{'replaced'}) {
+ # Don't quote arguments if the input is the full command line
+ my $quote_arg = ($Global::quote_replace and not $Global::quoting);
+ # or if ($opt::cat or $opt::pipe) as they use $PARALLEL_TMP
+ $quote_arg = ($opt::cat || $opt::fifo) ? 0 : $quote_arg;
+ $self->{'replaced'} = $self->
+ replace_placeholders($self->{'command'},$Global::quoting,
+ $quote_arg);
+ my $len = length $self->{'replaced'};
+ if ($len != $self->len()) {
+ ::debug("length", $len, " != ", $self->len(),
+ " ", $self->{'replaced'}, "\n");
+ } else {
+ ::debug("length", $len, " == ", $self->len(),
+ " ", $self->{'replaced'}, "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'replaced'};
+sub replace_placeholders($$$$) {
+ # Replace foo{}bar with fooargbar
+ # Input:
+ # $targetref = command as shell words
+ # $quote = should everything be quoted?
+ # $quote_arg = should replaced arguments be quoted?
+ # Uses:
+ # @Arg::arg = arguments as strings to be use in {= =}
+ # Returns:
+ # @target with placeholders replaced
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $targetref = shift;
+ my $quote = shift;
+ my $quote_arg = shift;
+ my %replace;
+ # Token description:
+ # \0spc = unquoted space
+ # \0end = last token element
+ # \0ign = dummy token to be ignored
+ # \257<...\257> = replacement expression
+ # " " = quoted space, that splits -X group
+ # text = normal text - possibly part of -X group
+ my $spacer = 0;
+ my @tokens = grep { length $_ > 0 } map {
+ if(/^\257<|^ $/) {
+ # \257<...\257> or space
+ $_
+ } else {
+ # Split each space/tab into a token
+ split /(?=\s)|(?<=\s)/
+ }
+ }
+ # Split \257< ... \257> into own token
+ map { split /(?=\257<)|(?<=\257>)/ }
+ # Insert "\0spc" between every element
+ # This space should never be quoted
+ map { $spacer++ ? ("\0spc",$_) : $_ }
+ map { $_ eq "" ? "\0empty" : $_ }
+ @$targetref;
+ if(not @tokens) {
+ # @tokens is empty: Return empty array
+ return @tokens;
+ }
+ ::debug("replace", "Tokens ".join":",@tokens,"\n");
+ # Make it possible to use $arg[2] in {= =}
+ *Arg::arg = $self->{'arg_list_flat_orig'};
+ # Flat list:
+ # $self->{'arg_list'} = [ [Arg11, Arg12], [Arg21, Arg22], [Arg31, Arg32] ]
+ # $self->{'arg_list_flat'} = [ Arg11, Arg12, Arg21, Arg22, Arg31, Arg32 ]
+ if(not @{$self->{'arg_list_flat'}}) {
+ @{$self->{'arg_list_flat'}} = Arg->new("");
+ }
+ my $argref = $self->{'arg_list_flat'};
+ # Number of arguments - used for positional arguments
+ my $n = $#$argref+1;
+ # $self is actually a CommandLine-object,
+ # but it looks nice to be able to say {= $job->slot() =}
+ my $job = $self;
+ # @replaced = tokens with \257< \257> replaced
+ my @replaced;
+ if($self->{'context_replace'}) {
+ my @ctxgroup;
+ for my $t (@tokens,"\0end") {
+ # \0end = last token was end of tokens.
+ if($t eq "\t" or $t eq " " or $t eq "\0end" or $t eq "\0spc") {
+ # Context group complete: Replace in it
+ if(grep { /^\257</ } @ctxgroup) {
+ # Context group contains a replacement string:
+ # Copy once per arg
+ my $space = "\0ign";
+ for my $arg (@$argref) {
+ my $normal_replace;
+ # Push output
+ # Put unquoted space before each context group
+ # except the first
+ CORE::push @replaced, $space, map {
+ $a = $_;
+ if($a =~
+ s{\257<(-?\d+)?(.*)\257>}
+ {
+ if($1) {
+ # Positional replace
+ # Find the relevant arg and replace it
+ ($argref->[$1 > 0 ? $1-1 : $n+$1] ? # If defined: replace
+ $argref->[$1 > 0 ? $1-1 : $n+$1]->
+ replace($2,$quote_arg,$self)
+ : "");
+ } else {
+ # Normal replace
+ $normal_replace ||= 1;
+ ($arg ? $arg->replace($2,$quote_arg,$self) : "");
+ }
+ }sgxe) {
+ # Token is \257<..\257>
+ } else {
+ if($Global::escape_string_present) {
+ # Command line contains \257:
+ # Unescape it \257\256 => \257
+ $a =~ s/\257\256/\257/g;
+ }
+ }
+ $a
+ } @ctxgroup;
+ $normal_replace or last;
+ $space = "\0spc";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Context group has no a replacement string: Copy it once
+ CORE::push @replaced, map {
+ $Global::escape_string_present and s/\257\256/\257/g; $_;
+ } @ctxgroup;
+ }
+ # New context group
+ @ctxgroup=();
+ }
+ if($t eq "\0spc" or $t eq " ") {
+ CORE::push @replaced,$t;
+ } else {
+ CORE::push @ctxgroup,$t;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # @group = @token
+ # Replace in group
+ # Push output
+ # repquote = no if {} first on line, no if $quote, yes otherwise
+ for my $t (@tokens) {
+ if($t =~ /^\257</) {
+ my $space = "\0ign";
+ for my $arg (@$argref) {
+ my $normal_replace;
+ $a = $t;
+ $a =~
+ s{\257<(-?\d+)?(.*)\257>}
+ {
+ if($1) {
+ # Positional replace
+ # Find the relevant arg and replace it
+ ($argref->[$1 > 0 ? $1-1 : $n+$1] ?
+ # If defined: replace
+ $argref->[$1 > 0 ? $1-1 : $n+$1]->
+ replace($2,$quote_arg,$self)
+ : "");
+ } else {
+ # Normal replace
+ $normal_replace ||= 1;
+ ($arg ? $arg->replace($2,$quote_arg,$self) : "");
+ }
+ }sgxe;
+ CORE::push @replaced, $space, $a;
+ $normal_replace or last;
+ $space = "\0spc";
+ }
+ } else {
+ # No replacement
+ CORE::push @replaced, map {
+ $Global::escape_string_present and s/\257\256/\257/g; $_;
+ } $t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *Arg::arg = [];
+ ::debug("replace","Replaced: ".join":",@replaced,"\n");
+ # Put tokens into groups that may be quoted.
+ my @quotegroup;
+ my @quoted;
+ for (map { $_ eq "\0empty" ? "" : $_ }
+ grep { $_ ne "\0ign" and $_ ne "\0noarg" and $_ ne "'\0noarg'" }
+ @replaced, "\0end") {
+ if($_ eq "\0spc" or $_ eq "\0end") {
+ # \0spc splits quotable groups
+ if($quote) {
+ if(@quotegroup) {
+ CORE::push @quoted, ::Q(join"",@quotegroup);;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CORE::push @quoted, join"",@quotegroup;
+ }
+ @quotegroup = ();
+ } else {
+ CORE::push @quotegroup, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("replace","Quoted: ".join":",@quoted,"\n");
+ return wantarray ? @quoted : "@quoted";
+sub skip($) {
+ # Skip this job
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'skip'} = 1;
+package CommandLineQueue;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $commandref = shift;
+ my $read_from = shift;
+ my $context_replace = shift || 0;
+ my $max_number_of_args = shift;
+ my $transfer_files = shift;
+ my $return_files = shift;
+ my $template_names = shift;
+ my $template_contents = shift;
+ my @unget = ();
+ my $posrpl;
+ my ($replacecount_ref, $len_ref);
+ my @command = @$commandref;
+ my $seq = 1;
+ # Replace replacement strings with {= perl expr =}
+ # '{=' 'perlexpr' '=}' => '{= perlexpr =}'
+ @command = merge_rpl_parts(@command);
+ # Protect matching inside {= perl expr =}
+ # by replacing {= and =} with \257< and \257>
+ # in options that can contain replacement strings:
+ # @command, --transferfile, --return,
+ # --tagstring, --workdir, --results
+ for(@command, @$transfer_files, @$return_files,
+ @$template_names, @$template_contents,
+ $opt::tagstring, $opt::workdir, $opt::results, $opt::retries,
+ @opt::filter) {
+ # Skip if undefined
+ defined($_) or next;
+ # Escape \257 => \257\256
+ $Global::escape_string_present += s/\257/\257\256/g;
+ # Needs to match rightmost left parens (Perl defaults to leftmost)
+ # to deal with: {={==} and {={==}=}
+ # Replace {= -> \257< and =} -> \257>
+ #
+ # Complex way to do:
+ # s/{=(.*)=}/\257<$1\257>/g
+ # which would not work
+ s[\Q$Global::parensleft\E # Match {=
+ # Match . unless the next string is {= or =}
+ # needed to force matching the shortest {= =}
+ ((?:(?! \Q$Global::parensleft\E|\Q$Global::parensright\E ).)*?)
+ \Q$Global::parensright\E ] # Match =}
+ {\257<$1\257>}gxs;
+ for my $rpl (sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %Global::rpl) {
+ # Replace long --rpl's before short ones, as a short may be a
+ # substring of a long:
+ # --rpl '% s/a/b/' --rpl '%% s/b/a/'
+ #
+ # Replace the shorthand string (--rpl)
+ # with the {= perl expr =}
+ #
+ # Avoid searching for shorthand strings inside existing {= perl expr =}
+ #
+ # Replace $$1 in {= perl expr =} with groupings in shorthand string
+ #
+ # --rpl '{/(\.\S+)/(\.\S+)} s/$$1/$$2/g;'
+ # echo {/.tar/.gz} ::: UU.tar.gz
+ my ($prefix,$grp_regexp,$postfix) =
+ $rpl =~ /^( [^(]* ) # Prefix - e.g. {%%
+ ( \(.*\) )? # Group capture regexp - e.g (.*)
+ ( [^)]* )$ # Postfix - e.g }
+ /xs;
+ $grp_regexp ||= '';
+ my $rplval = $Global::rpl{$rpl};
+ while(s{( (?: ^|\257> ) (?: [^\257]*|[\257][^<>] )*? )
+ # Don't replace after \257 unless \257>
+ \Q$prefix\E $grp_regexp \Q$postfix\E}
+ {
+ # The start remains the same
+ my $unchanged = $1;
+ # Dummy entry to start at 1.
+ my @grp = (1);
+ # $2 = first ()-group in $grp_regexp
+ # Put $2 in $grp[1], Put $3 in $grp[2]
+ # so first ()-group in $grp_regexp is $grp[1];
+ for(my $i = 2; defined $grp[$#grp]; $i++) {
+ push @grp, eval '$'.$i;
+ }
+ my $rv = $rplval;
+ # replace $$1 with $_pAr_gRp1, $$2 with $_pAr_gRp2
+ # in the code to be executed
+ $rv =~ s/\$\$ (\d+)/\$_pAr_gRp$1/gx;
+ # prepend with $_pAr_gRp1 = perlquote($1),
+ my $set_args = "";
+ for(my $i = 1;defined $grp[$i]; $i++) {
+ $set_args .= "\$_pAr_gRp$i = \"" .
+ ::perl_quote_scalar($grp[$i]) . "\";";
+ }
+ $unchanged . "\257<" . $set_args . $rv . "\257>"
+ }gxes) {
+ }
+ # Do the same for the positional replacement strings
+ $posrpl = $rpl;
+ if($posrpl =~ s/^\{//) {
+ # Only do this if the shorthand start with {
+ $prefix=~s/^\{//;
+ # Don't replace after \257 unless \257>
+ while(s{( (?: ^|\257> ) (?: [^\257]*|[\257][^<>] )*? )
+ \{(-?\d+) \s* \Q$prefix\E $grp_regexp \Q$postfix\E}
+ {
+ # The start remains the same
+ my $unchanged = $1;
+ my $position = $2;
+ # Dummy entry to start at 1.
+ my @grp = (1);
+ # $3 = first ()-group in $grp_regexp
+ # Put $3 in $grp[1], Put $4 in $grp[2]
+ # so first ()-group in $grp_regexp is $grp[1];
+ for(my $i = 3; defined $grp[$#grp]; $i++) {
+ push @grp, eval '$'.$i;
+ }
+ my $rv = $rplval;
+ # replace $$1 with $_pAr_gRp1, $$2 with $_pAr_gRp2
+ # in the code to be executed
+ $rv =~ s/\$\$ (\d+)/\$_pAr_gRp$1/gx;
+ # prepend with $_pAr_gRp1 = perlquote($1),
+ my $set_args = "";
+ for(my $i = 1;defined $grp[$i]; $i++) {
+ $set_args .= "\$_pAr_gRp$i = \"" .
+ ::perl_quote_scalar($grp[$i]) . "\";";
+ }
+ $unchanged . "\257<" . $position . $set_args . $rv . "\257>"
+ }gxes) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Add {} if no replacement strings in @command
+ ($replacecount_ref, $len_ref, @command) =
+ replacement_counts_and_lengths($transfer_files, $return_files,
+ $template_names, $template_contents,
+ @command);
+ if("@command" =~ /^[^ \t\n=]*\257</) {
+ # Replacement string is (part of) the command (and not just
+ # argument or variable definition V1={})
+ # E.g. parallel {}, parallel my_{= s/_//=}, parallel {2}
+ # Do no quote (Otherwise it will fail if the input contains spaces)
+ $Global::quote_replace = 0;
+ }
+ if($opt::sqlmaster and $Global::sql->append()) {
+ $seq = $Global::sql->max_seq() + 1;
+ }
+ return bless {
+ ('unget' => \@unget,
+ 'command' => \@command,
+ 'replacecount' => $replacecount_ref,
+ 'arg_queue' => RecordQueue->new($read_from,$opt::colsep),
+ 'context_replace' => $context_replace,
+ 'len' => $len_ref,
+ 'max_number_of_args' => $max_number_of_args,
+ 'size' => undef,
+ 'transfer_files' => $transfer_files,
+ 'return_files' => $return_files,
+ 'template_names' => $template_names,
+ 'template_contents' => $template_contents,
+ 'seq' => $seq,
+ )
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub merge_rpl_parts($) {
+ # '{=' 'perlexpr' '=}' => '{= perlexpr =}'
+ # Input:
+ # @in = the @command as given by the user
+ # Uses:
+ # $Global::parensleft
+ # $Global::parensright
+ # Returns:
+ # @command with parts merged to keep {= and =} as one
+ my @in = @_;
+ my @out;
+ my $l = quotemeta($Global::parensleft);
+ my $r = quotemeta($Global::parensright);
+ while(@in) {
+ my $s = shift @in;
+ $_ = $s;
+ # Remove matching (right most) parens
+ while(s/(.*)$l.*?$r/$1/os) {}
+ if(/$l/o) {
+ # Missing right parens
+ while(@in) {
+ $s .= " ".shift @in;
+ $_ = $s;
+ while(s/(.*)$l.*?$r/$1/os) {}
+ if(not /$l/o) {
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push @out, $s;
+ }
+ return @out;
+sub replacement_counts_and_lengths($$@) {
+ # Count the number of different replacement strings.
+ # Find the lengths of context for context groups and non-context
+ # groups.
+ # If no {} found in @command: add it to @command
+ #
+ # Input:
+ # \@transfer_files = array of filenames to transfer
+ # \@return_files = array of filenames to return
+ # \@template_names = array of names to copy to
+ # \@template_contents = array of contents to write
+ # @command = command template
+ # Output:
+ # \%replacecount, \%len, @command
+ my $transfer_files = shift;
+ my $return_files = shift;
+ my $template_names = shift;
+ my $template_contents = shift;
+ my @command = @_;
+ my (%replacecount,%len);
+ my $sum = 0;
+ while($sum == 0) {
+ # Count how many times each replacement string is used
+ my @cmd = @command;
+ my $contextlen = 0;
+ my $noncontextlen = 0;
+ my $contextgroups = 0;
+ for my $c (@cmd) {
+ while($c =~ s/ \257<( (?: [^\257]*|[\257][^<>] )*?)\257> /\000/xs) {
+ # %replacecount = { "perlexpr" => number of times seen }
+ # e.g { "s/a/b/" => 2 }
+ $replacecount{$1}++;
+ $sum++;
+ }
+ # Measure the length of the context around the {= perl expr =}
+ # Use that {=...=} has been replaced with \000 above
+ # So there is no need to deal with \257<
+ while($c =~ s/ (\S*\000\S*) //xs) {
+ my $w = $1;
+ $w =~ tr/\000//d; # Remove all \000's
+ $contextlen += length($w);
+ $contextgroups++;
+ }
+ # All {= perl expr =} have been removed: The rest is non-context
+ $noncontextlen += length $c;
+ }
+ for(@$transfer_files, @$return_files,
+ @$template_names, @$template_contents,
+ @opt::filter,
+ $opt::tagstring, $opt::workdir, $opt::results, $opt::retries) {
+ # Options that can contain replacement strings
+ defined($_) or next;
+ my $t = $_;
+ while($t =~ s/ \257<( (?: [^\257]*|[\257][^<>] )* )\257> //xs) {
+ # %replacecount = { "perlexpr" => number of times seen }
+ # e.g { "$_++" => 2 }
+ # But for tagstring we just need to mark it as seen
+ $replacecount{$1} ||= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::bar) {
+ # If the command does not contain {} force it to be computed
+ # as it is being used by --bar
+ $replacecount{""} ||= 1;
+ }
+ $len{'context'} = 0+$contextlen;
+ $len{'noncontext'} = $noncontextlen;
+ $len{'contextgroups'} = $contextgroups;
+ $len{'noncontextgroups'} = @cmd-$contextgroups;
+ ::debug("length", "@command Context: ", $len{'context'},
+ " Non: ", $len{'noncontext'}, " Ctxgrp: ", $len{'contextgroups'},
+ " NonCtxGrp: ", $len{'noncontextgroups'}, "\n");
+ if($sum == 0) {
+ if(not @command) {
+ # Default command = {}
+ @command = ("\257<\257>");
+ } elsif(($opt::pipe or $opt::pipepart)
+ and not $opt::fifo and not $opt::cat) {
+ # With --pipe / --pipe-part you can have no replacement
+ last;
+ } else {
+ # Append {} to the command if there are no {...}'s and no {=...=}
+ push @command, ("\257<\257>");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return(\%replacecount,\%len,@command);
+sub get($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ my $cmd_line = shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ return ($cmd_line);
+ } else {
+ if($opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Get the sequence number from the SQL table
+ $self->set_seq($SQL::next_seq);
+ # Get the command from the SQL table
+ $self->{'command'} = $SQL::command_ref;
+ my @command;
+ # Recompute replace counts based on the read command
+ ($self->{'replacecount'},
+ $self->{'len'}, @command) =
+ replacement_counts_and_lengths($self->{'transfer_files'},
+ $self->{'return_files'},
+ $self->{'template_name'},
+ $self->{'template_contents'},
+ @$SQL::command_ref);
+ if("@command" =~ /^[^ \t\n=]*\257</) {
+ # Replacement string is (part of) the command (and not just
+ # argument or variable definition V1={})
+ # E.g. parallel {}, parallel my_{= s/_//=}, parallel {2}
+ # Do no quote (Otherwise it will fail if the input contains spaces)
+ $Global::quote_replace = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ my $cmd_line = CommandLine->new($self->seq(),
+ $self->{'command'},
+ $self->{'arg_queue'},
+ $self->{'context_replace'},
+ $self->{'max_number_of_args'},
+ $self->{'transfer_files'},
+ $self->{'return_files'},
+ $self->{'template_names'},
+ $self->{'template_contents'},
+ $self->{'replacecount'},
+ $self->{'len'},
+ );
+ $cmd_line->populate();
+ ::debug("run","cmd_line->number_of_args ",
+ $cmd_line->number_of_args(), "\n");
+ if(not $Global::no_more_input and ($opt::pipe or $opt::pipepart)) {
+ if($cmd_line->replaced() eq "") {
+ # Empty command - pipe requires a command
+ ::error("--pipe/--pipepart must have a command to pipe into ".
+ "(e.g. 'cat').");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } elsif($cmd_line->number_of_args() == 0) {
+ # We did not get more args - maybe at EOF string?
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $self->set_seq($self->seq()+1);
+ return $cmd_line;
+ }
+sub unget($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unshift @{$self->{'unget'}}, @_;
+sub empty($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $empty = (not @{$self->{'unget'}}) &&
+ $self->{'arg_queue'}->empty();
+ ::debug("run", "CommandLineQueue->empty $empty");
+ return $empty;
+sub seq($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'seq'};
+sub set_seq($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'seq'} = shift;
+sub quote_args($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # If there is not command emulate |bash
+ return $self->{'command'};
+package Limits::Command;
+# Maximal command line length (for -m and -X)
+sub max_length($) {
+ # Find the max_length of a command line and cache it
+ # Returns:
+ # number of chars on the longest command line allowed
+ if(not $Limits::Command::line_max_len) {
+ # Disk cache of max command line length
+ my $len_cache = $Global::cache_dir . "/tmp/sshlogin/" . ::hostname() .
+ "/linelen";
+ my $cached_limit;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ if(open(my $fh, "<", $len_cache)) {
+ $cached_limit = <$fh>;
+ $cached_limit || ::die_bug("Cannot read $len_cache");
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ if(not $cached_limit) {
+ $cached_limit = real_max_length();
+ # If $HOME is write protected: Do not fail
+ my $dir = ::dirname($len_cache);
+ -d $dir or eval { File::Path::mkpath($dir); };
+ open(my $fh, ">", $len_cache.$$);
+ print $fh $cached_limit;
+ close $fh;
+ rename $len_cache.$$, $len_cache || ::die_bug("rename cache file");
+ }
+ $Limits::Command::line_max_len = tmux_length($cached_limit);
+ }
+ return int($Limits::Command::line_max_len);
+sub real_max_length() {
+ # Find the max_length of a command line
+ # Returns:
+ # The maximal command line length with 1 byte arguments
+ # return find_max(" c");
+ return find_max("c");
+sub find_max($) {
+ my $string = shift;
+ # This is slow on Cygwin, so give Cygwin users a warning
+ if($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "msys") {
+ ::warning("Finding the maximal command line length. ".
+ "This may take up to 1 minute.")
+ }
+ # Use an upper bound of 100 MB if the shell allows for infinite
+ # long lengths
+ my $upper = 100_000_000;
+ my $lower;
+ # 1000 is supported everywhere, so the search can start anywhere 1..999
+ # 324 makes the search much faster on Cygwin, so let us use that
+ my $len = 324;
+ do {
+ if($len > $upper) { return $len };
+ $lower = $len;
+ $len *= 16;
+ ::debug("init", "Maxlen: $lower<$len<$upper(".($upper-$lower)."): ");
+ } while (is_acceptable_command_line_length($len,$string));
+ # Then search for the actual max length between
+ # last successful length ($len/16) and upper bound
+ return binary_find_max(int($len/16),$len,$string);
+# Prototype forwarding
+sub binary_find_max($$$);
+sub binary_find_max($$$) {
+ # Given a lower and upper bound find the max (length or args) of a
+ # command line
+ # Returns:
+ # number of chars on the longest command line allowed
+ my ($lower, $upper, $string) = (@_);
+ if($lower == $upper
+ or $lower == $upper-1
+ or $lower/$upper > 0.99) {
+ # $lower is +- 1 or within 1%: Don't search more
+ return $lower;
+ }
+ # Unevenly split binary search which is faster for Microsoft Windows.
+ # Guessing too high is cheap. Guessing too low is expensive.
+ my $split = ($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "msys") ? 0.93 : 0.5;
+ my $middle = int (($upper-$lower)*$split + $lower);
+ ::debug("init", "Maxlen: $lower<$middle<$upper(".($upper-$lower)."): ");
+ if (is_acceptable_command_line_length($middle,$string)) {
+ return binary_find_max($middle,$upper,$string);
+ } else {
+ return binary_find_max($lower,$middle,$string);
+ }
+ my $prg;
+ sub is_acceptable_command_line_length($$) {
+ # Test if a command line of this length can run
+ # in the current environment
+ # If the string is " x" it tests how many args are allowed
+ # Returns:
+ # 0 if the command line length is too long
+ # 1 otherwise
+ my $len = shift;
+ my $string = shift;
+ if($Global::parallel_env) {
+ $len += length $Global::parallel_env;
+ }
+ # Force using non-built-in command
+ $prg ||= ::which("echo");
+ ::qqx("$prg ".${string}x(($len-1-length $prg)/length $string));
+ ::debug("init", "$len=$?\n");
+ return not $?;
+ }
+sub tmux_length($) {
+ # If $opt::tmux set, find the limit for tmux
+ # tmux 1.8 has a 2kB limit
+ # tmux 1.9 has a 16kB limit
+ # tmux 2.0 has a 16kB limit
+ # tmux 2.1 has a 16kB limit
+ # tmux 2.2 has a 16kB limit
+ # Input:
+ # $len = maximal command line length
+ # Returns:
+ # $tmux_len = maximal length runable in tmux
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ my $len = shift;
+ if($opt::tmux) {
+ $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'} ||= "tmux";
+ if(not ::which($ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'})) {
+ ::error($ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'}." not found in \$PATH.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ my @out;
+ for my $l (1, 2020, 16320, 30000, $len) {
+ my $tmpfile = ::tmpname("tms");
+ my $tmuxcmd = $ENV{'PARALLEL_TMUX'}.
+ " -S $tmpfile new-session -d -n echo $l".
+ ("t"x$l). " && echo $l; rm -f $tmpfile";
+ push @out, ::qqx($tmuxcmd);
+ ::rm($tmpfile);
+ }
+ ::debug("tmux","tmux-out ",@out);
+ chomp @out;
+ # The arguments is given 3 times on the command line
+ # and the tmux wrapping is around 30 chars
+ # (29 for tmux1.9, 33 for tmux1.8)
+ my $tmux_len = ::max(@out);
+ $len = ::min($len,int($tmux_len/4-33));
+ ::debug("tmux","tmux-length ",$len);
+ }
+ return $len;
+package RecordQueue;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $fhs = shift;
+ my $colsep = shift;
+ my @unget = ();
+ my $arg_sub_queue;
+ if($opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Open SQL table
+ $arg_sub_queue = SQLRecordQueue->new();
+ } elsif(defined $colsep) {
+ # Open one file with colsep or CSV
+ $arg_sub_queue = RecordColQueue->new($fhs);
+ } else {
+ # Open one or more files if multiple -a
+ $arg_sub_queue = MultifileQueue->new($fhs);
+ }
+ return bless {
+ 'unget' => \@unget,
+ 'arg_number' => 0,
+ 'arg_sub_queue' => $arg_sub_queue,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub get($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # reference to array of Arg-objects
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ $self->{'arg_number'}++;
+ # Flush cached computed replacements in Arg-objects
+ # To fix: parallel --bar echo {%} ::: a b c ::: d e f
+ my $ret = shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ if($ret) {
+ map { $_->flush_cache() } @$ret;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ my $ret = $self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->get();
+ if($ret) {
+ if(grep { index($_->orig(),"\0") > 0 } @$ret) {
+ # Allow for \0 in position 0 because GNU Parallel uses "\0noarg"
+ # to mean no-string
+ ::warning("A NUL character in the input was replaced with \\0.",
+ "NUL cannot be passed through in the argument list.",
+ "Did you mean to use the --null option?");
+ for(grep { index($_->orig(),"\0") > 0 } @$ret) {
+ # Replace \0 with \\0
+ my $a = $_->orig();
+ $a =~ s/\0/\\0/g;
+ $_->set_orig($a);
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $Global::max_number_of_args
+ and $Global::max_number_of_args == 0) {
+ ::debug("run", "Read 1 but return 0 args\n");
+ # \0noarg => nothing (not the empty string)
+ map { $_->set_orig("\0noarg"); } @$ret;
+ }
+ # Flush cached computed replacements in Arg-objects
+ # To fix: parallel --bar echo {%} ::: a b c ::: d e f
+ map { $_->flush_cache() } @$ret;
+ }
+ return $ret;
+sub unget($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::debug("run", "RecordQueue-unget\n");
+ $self->{'arg_number'} -= @_;
+ unshift @{$self->{'unget'}}, @_;
+sub empty($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $empty = (not @{$self->{'unget'}}) &&
+ $self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->empty();
+ ::debug("run", "RecordQueue->empty $empty");
+ return $empty;
+sub flush_cache($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $record (@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ for my $arg (@$record) {
+ $arg->flush_cache();
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->flush_cache();
+sub arg_number($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'arg_number'};
+package RecordColQueue;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $fhs = shift;
+ my @unget = ();
+ my $arg_sub_queue = MultifileQueue->new($fhs);
+ return bless {
+ 'unget' => \@unget,
+ 'arg_sub_queue' => $arg_sub_queue,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub get($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # reference to array of Arg-objects
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ return shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ }
+ if($self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->empty()) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ my $in_record = $self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->get();
+ if(defined $in_record) {
+ my @out_record = ();
+ for my $arg (@$in_record) {
+ ::debug("run", "RecordColQueue::arg $arg\n");
+ my $line = $arg->orig();
+ ::debug("run", "line='$line'\n");
+ if($line ne "") {
+ if($opt::csv) {
+ # Parse CSV and put it into a record
+ chomp $line;
+ if(not $Global::csv->parse($line)) {
+ die "CSV has unexpected format: ^$line^";
+ }
+ for($Global::csv->fields()) {
+ push @out_record, Arg->new($_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Split --colsep into record
+ for my $s (split /$opt::colsep/o, $line, -1) {
+ push @out_record, Arg->new($s);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @out_record, Arg->new("");
+ }
+ }
+ return \@out_record;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub unget($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::debug("run", "RecordColQueue-unget '@_'\n");
+ unshift @{$self->{'unget'}}, @_;
+sub empty($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $empty = (not @{$self->{'unget'}}) &&
+ $self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->empty();
+ ::debug("run", "RecordColQueue->empty $empty");
+ return $empty;
+sub flush_cache($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $arg (@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ $arg->flush_cache();
+ }
+ $self->{'arg_sub_queue'}->flush_cache();
+package SQLRecordQueue;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my @unget = ();
+ return bless {
+ 'unget' => \@unget,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub get($) {
+ # Returns:
+ # reference to array of Arg-objects
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ return shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ }
+ return $Global::sql->get_record();
+sub unget($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::debug("run", "SQLRecordQueue-unget '@_'\n");
+ unshift @{$self->{'unget'}}, @_;
+sub empty($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) { return 0; }
+ my $get = $self->get();
+ if(defined $get) {
+ $self->unget($get);
+ }
+ my $empty = not $get;
+ ::debug("run", "SQLRecordQueue->empty $empty");
+ return $empty;
+sub flush_cache($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $record (@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ for my $arg (@$record) {
+ $arg->flush_cache();
+ }
+ }
+package MultifileQueue;
+sub new($$) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $fhs = shift;
+ for my $fh (@$fhs) {
+ if(-t $fh and -t ($Global::status_fd || *STDERR)) {
+ ::warning(
+ "Input is read from the terminal. You are either an expert",
+ "(in which case: YOU ARE AWESOME!) or maybe you forgot",
+ "::: or :::: or -a or to pipe data into parallel. If so",
+ "consider going through the tutorial: man parallel_tutorial",
+ "Press CTRL-D to exit.");
+ }
+ }
+ return bless {
+ 'unget' => \@Global::unget_argv,
+ 'fhs' => $fhs,
+ 'arg_matrix' => undef,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub get($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if($opt::link) {
+ return $self->link_get();
+ } else {
+ return $self->nest_get();
+ }
+sub unget($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::debug("run", "MultifileQueue-unget '@_'\n");
+ unshift @{$self->{'unget'}}, @_;
+sub empty($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $empty = (not @Global::unget_argv) &&
+ not @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ for my $fh (@{$self->{'fhs'}}) {
+ $empty &&= eof($fh);
+ }
+ ::debug("run", "MultifileQueue->empty $empty ");
+ return $empty;
+sub flush_cache($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ for my $record (@{$self->{'unget'}}, @{$self->{'arg_matrix'}}) {
+ for my $arg (@$record) {
+ $arg->flush_cache();
+ }
+ }
+sub link_get($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ return shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ }
+ my @record = ();
+ my $prepend;
+ my $empty = 1;
+ for my $i (0..$#{$self->{'fhs'}}) {
+ my $fh = $self->{'fhs'}[$i];
+ my $arg = read_arg_from_fh($fh);
+ if(defined $arg) {
+ # Record $arg for recycling at end of file
+ push @{$self->{'arg_matrix'}[$i]}, $arg;
+ push @record, $arg;
+ $empty = 0;
+ } else {
+ ::debug("run", "EOA ");
+ # End of file: Recycle arguments
+ push @{$self->{'arg_matrix'}[$i]}, shift @{$self->{'arg_matrix'}[$i]};
+ # return last @{$args->{'args'}{$fh}};
+ push @record, @{$self->{'arg_matrix'}[$i]}[-1];
+ }
+ }
+ if($empty) {
+ return undef;
+ } else {
+ return \@record;
+ }
+sub nest_get($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(@{$self->{'unget'}}) {
+ return shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ }
+ my @record = ();
+ my $prepend;
+ my $empty = 1;
+ my $no_of_inputsources = $#{$self->{'fhs'}} + 1;
+ if(not $self->{'arg_matrix'}) {
+ # Initialize @arg_matrix with one arg from each file
+ # read one line from each file
+ my @first_arg_set;
+ my $all_empty = 1;
+ for (my $fhno = 0; $fhno < $no_of_inputsources ; $fhno++) {
+ my $arg = read_arg_from_fh($self->{'fhs'}[$fhno]);
+ if(defined $arg) {
+ $all_empty = 0;
+ }
+ $self->{'arg_matrix'}[$fhno][0] = $arg || Arg->new("");
+ push @first_arg_set, $self->{'arg_matrix'}[$fhno][0];
+ }
+ if($all_empty) {
+ # All filehandles were at eof or eof-string
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return [@first_arg_set];
+ }
+ # Treat the case with one input source special. For multiple
+ # input sources we need to remember all previously read values to
+ # generate all combinations. But for one input source we can
+ # forget the value after first use.
+ if($no_of_inputsources == 1) {
+ my $arg = read_arg_from_fh($self->{'fhs'}[0]);
+ if(defined($arg)) {
+ return [$arg];
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ for (my $fhno = $no_of_inputsources - 1; $fhno >= 0; $fhno--) {
+ if(eof($self->{'fhs'}[$fhno])) {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ # read one
+ my $arg = read_arg_from_fh($self->{'fhs'}[$fhno]);
+ defined($arg) || next; # If we just read an EOF string: Treat this as EOF
+ my $len = $#{$self->{'arg_matrix'}[$fhno]} + 1;
+ $self->{'arg_matrix'}[$fhno][$len] = $arg;
+ # make all new combinations
+ my @combarg = ();
+ for (my $fhn = 0; $fhn < $no_of_inputsources; $fhn++) {
+ push(@combarg, [0, $#{$self->{'arg_matrix'}[$fhn]}],
+ # Is input source --link'ed to the next?
+ $opt::linkinputsource[$fhn+1]);
+ }
+ # Find only combinations with this new entry
+ $combarg[2*$fhno] = [$len,$len];
+ # map combinations
+ # [ 1, 3, 7 ], [ 2, 4, 1 ]
+ # =>
+ # [ m[0][1], m[1][3], m[2][7] ], [ m[0][2], m[1][4], m[2][1] ]
+ my @mapped;
+ for my $c (expand_combinations(@combarg)) {
+ my @a;
+ for my $n (0 .. $no_of_inputsources - 1 ) {
+ push @a, $self->{'arg_matrix'}[$n][$$c[$n]];
+ }
+ push @mapped, \@a;
+ }
+ # append the mapped to the ungotten arguments
+ push @{$self->{'unget'}}, @mapped;
+ # get the first
+ if(@mapped) {
+ return shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # all are eof or at EOF string; return from the unget queue
+ return shift @{$self->{'unget'}};
+ my $cr_count = 0;
+ my $nl_count = 0;
+ my $dos_crnl_determined;
+ sub read_arg_from_fh($) {
+ # Read one Arg from filehandle
+ # Returns:
+ # Arg-object with one read line
+ # undef if end of file
+ my $fh = shift;
+ my $prepend;
+ my $arg;
+ my $half_record = 0;
+ do {{
+ # This makes 10% faster
+ if(not defined ($arg = <$fh>)) {
+ if(defined $prepend) {
+ return Arg->new($prepend);
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if(not $dos_crnl_determined and not defined $opt::d) {
+ # Warn if input has CR-NL and -d is not set
+ if($arg =~ /\r$/) {
+ $cr_count++;
+ } else {
+ $nl_count++;
+ }
+ if($cr_count == 3 or $nl_count == 3) {
+ $dos_crnl_determined = 1;
+ if($nl_count == 0 and $cr_count == 3) {
+ ::warning('The first three values end in CR-NL. '.
+ 'Consider using -d "\r\n"');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::csv) {
+ # We need to read a full CSV line.
+ if(($arg =~ y/"/"/) % 2 ) {
+ # The number of " on the line is uneven:
+ # If we were in a half_record => we have a full record now
+ # If we were outside a half_record =>
+ # we are in a half record now
+ $half_record = not $half_record;
+ }
+ if($half_record) {
+ # CSV half-record with quoting:
+ # col1,"col2 2""x3"" board newline <-this one
+ # cont",col3
+ $prepend .= $arg;
+ redo;
+ } else {
+ # Now we have a full CSV record
+ }
+ }
+ # Remove delimiter
+ chomp $arg;
+ if($Global::end_of_file_string and
+ $arg eq $Global::end_of_file_string) {
+ # Ignore the rest of input file
+ close $fh;
+ ::debug("run", "EOF-string ($arg) met\n");
+ if(defined $prepend) {
+ return Arg->new($prepend);
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if(defined $prepend) {
+ $arg = $prepend.$arg; # For line continuation
+ undef $prepend;
+ }
+ if($Global::ignore_empty) {
+ if($arg =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ redo; # Try the next line
+ }
+ }
+ if($Global::max_lines) {
+ if($arg =~ /\s$/) {
+ # Trailing space => continued on next line
+ $prepend = $arg;
+ redo;
+ }
+ }
+ }} while (1 == 0); # Dummy loop {{}} for redo
+ if(defined $arg) {
+ return Arg->new($arg);
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("multiread arg undefined");
+ }
+ }
+# Prototype forwarding
+sub expand_combinations(@);
+sub expand_combinations(@) {
+ # Input:
+ # ([xmin,xmax], [ymin,ymax], ...)
+ # Returns: ([x,y,...],[x,y,...])
+ # where xmin <= x <= xmax and ymin <= y <= ymax
+ my $minmax_ref = shift;
+ my $link = shift; # This is linked to the next input source
+ my $xmin = $$minmax_ref[0];
+ my $xmax = $$minmax_ref[1];
+ my @p;
+ if(@_) {
+ my @rest = expand_combinations(@_);
+ if($link) {
+ # Linked to next col with --link/:::+/::::+
+ # TODO BUG does not wrap values if not same number of vals
+ push(@p, map { [$$_[0], @$_] }
+ grep { $xmin <= $$_[0] and $$_[0] <= $xmax } @rest);
+ } else {
+ # If there are more columns: Compute those recursively
+ for(my $x = $xmin; $x <= $xmax; $x++) {
+ push @p, map { [$x, @$_] } @rest;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(my $x = $xmin; $x <= $xmax; $x++) {
+ push @p, [$x];
+ }
+ }
+ return @p;
+package Arg;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $orig = shift;
+ my @hostgroups;
+ if($opt::hostgroups) {
+ if($orig =~ s:@(.+)::) {
+ # We found hostgroups on the arg
+ @hostgroups = split(/\+/, $1);
+ if(not grep { defined $Global::hostgroups{$_} } @hostgroups) {
+ # This hostgroup is not defined using -S
+ # Add it
+ ::warning("Adding hostgroups: @hostgroups");
+ # Add sshlogin
+ for(grep { not defined $Global::hostgroups{$_} } @hostgroups) {
+ my $sshlogin = SSHLogin->new($_);
+ my $sshlogin_string = $sshlogin->string();
+ $Global::host{$sshlogin_string} = $sshlogin;
+ $Global::hostgroups{$sshlogin_string} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # No hostgroup on the arg => any hostgroup
+ @hostgroups = (keys %Global::hostgroups);
+ }
+ }
+ return bless {
+ 'orig' => $orig,
+ 'hostgroups' => \@hostgroups,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub Q($) {
+ # Q alias for ::shell_quote_scalar
+ my $ret = ::Q($_[0]);
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *Q = \&::Q;
+ return $ret;
+sub pQ($) {
+ # pQ alias for ::perl_quote_scalar
+ my $ret = ::pQ($_[0]);
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ *pQ = \&::pQ;
+ return $ret;
+sub hash($) {
+ $Global::use{"DBI"} ||= eval "use B; 1;";
+ B::hash(@_);
+sub total_jobs() {
+ return $Global::JobQueue->total_jobs();
+ my %perleval;
+ my $job;
+ sub skip() {
+ # shorthand for $job->skip();
+ $job->skip();
+ }
+ sub slot() {
+ # shorthand for $job->slot();
+ $job->slot();
+ }
+ sub seq() {
+ # shorthand for $job->seq();
+ $job->seq();
+ }
+ sub uq() {
+ # Do not quote this arg
+ $Global::unquote_arg = 1;
+ }
+ sub yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm_ss() {
+ # ISO8601 2038-01-19T03:14:08
+ ::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm() {
+ # ISO8601 2038-01-19T03:14
+ ::strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub yyyy_mm_dd() {
+ # ISO8601 2038-01-19
+ ::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub hh_mm_ss() {
+ # ISO8601 03:14:08
+ ::strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub hh_mm() {
+ # ISO8601 03:14
+ ::strftime("%H:%M", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub yyyymmddhhmmss() {
+ # ISO8601 20380119 + ISO8601 031408
+ ::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub yyyymmddhhmm() {
+ # ISO8601 20380119 + ISO8601 0314
+ ::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub yyyymmdd() {
+ # ISO8601 20380119
+ ::strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub hhmmss() {
+ # ISO8601 031408
+ ::strftime("%H%M%S", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub hhmm() {
+ # ISO8601 0314
+ ::strftime("%H%M", localtime(time()));
+ }
+ sub replace($$$$) {
+ # Calculates the corresponding value for a given perl expression
+ # Returns:
+ # The calculated string (quoted if asked for)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $perlexpr = shift; # E.g. $_=$_ or s/.gz//
+ my $quote = shift; # should the string be quoted?
+ # This is actually a CommandLine-object,
+ # but it looks nice to be able to say {= $job->slot() =}
+ $job = shift;
+ # Positional replace treated as normal replace
+ $perlexpr =~ s/^(-?\d+)? *//;
+ if(not $Global::cache_replacement_eval
+ or
+ not $self->{'cache'}{$perlexpr}) {
+ # Only compute the value once
+ # Use $_ as the variable to change
+ local $_;
+ if($Global::trim eq "n") {
+ $_ = $self->{'orig'};
+ } else {
+ # Trim the input
+ $_ = trim_of($self->{'orig'});
+ }
+ ::debug("replace", "eval ", $perlexpr, " ", $_, "\n");
+ if(not $perleval{$perlexpr}) {
+ # Make an anonymous function of the $perlexpr
+ # And more importantly: Compile it only once
+ if($perleval{$perlexpr} =
+ eval('sub { no strict; no warnings; my $job = shift; '.
+ $perlexpr.' }')) {
+ # All is good
+ } else {
+ # The eval failed. Maybe $perlexpr is invalid perl?
+ ::error("Cannot use $perlexpr: $@");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ # Execute the function
+ $perleval{$perlexpr}->($job);
+ $self->{'cache'}{$perlexpr} = $_;
+ if($Global::unquote_arg) {
+ # uq() was called in perlexpr
+ $self->{'cache'}{'unquote'}{$perlexpr} = 1;
+ # Reset for next perlexpr
+ $Global::unquote_arg = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # Return the value quoted if needed
+ if($self->{'cache'}{'unquote'}{$perlexpr}) {
+ return($self->{'cache'}{$perlexpr});
+ } else {
+ return($quote ? Q($self->{'cache'}{$perlexpr})
+ : $self->{'cache'}{$perlexpr});
+ }
+ }
+sub flush_cache($) {
+ # Flush cache of computed values
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'cache'} = undef;
+sub orig($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'orig'};
+sub set_orig($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'orig'} = shift;
+sub trim_of($) {
+ # Removes white space as specifed by --trim:
+ # n = nothing
+ # l = start
+ # r = end
+ # lr|rl = both
+ # Returns:
+ # string with white space removed as needed
+ my @strings = map { defined $_ ? $_ : "" } (@_);
+ my $arg;
+ if($Global::trim eq "n") {
+ # skip
+ } elsif($Global::trim eq "l") {
+ for my $arg (@strings) { $arg =~ s/^\s+//; }
+ } elsif($Global::trim eq "r") {
+ for my $arg (@strings) { $arg =~ s/\s+$//; }
+ } elsif($Global::trim eq "rl" or $Global::trim eq "lr") {
+ for my $arg (@strings) { $arg =~ s/^\s+//; $arg =~ s/\s+$//; }
+ } else {
+ ::error("--trim must be one of: r l rl lr.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @strings : "@strings";
+package TimeoutQueue;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $delta_time = shift;
+ my ($pct);
+ if($delta_time =~ /(\d+(\.\d+)?)%/) {
+ # Timeout in percent
+ $pct = $1/100;
+ $delta_time = 1_000_000;
+ }
+ $delta_time = ::multiply_time_units($delta_time);
+ return bless {
+ 'queue' => [],
+ 'delta_time' => $delta_time,
+ 'pct' => $pct,
+ 'remedian_idx' => 0,
+ 'remedian_arr' => [],
+ 'remedian' => undef,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub delta_time($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'delta_time'};
+sub set_delta_time($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'delta_time'} = shift;
+sub remedian($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'remedian'};
+sub set_remedian($$) {
+ # Set median of the last 999^3 (=997002999) values using Remedian
+ #
+ # Rousseeuw, Peter J., and Gilbert W. Bassett Jr. "The remedian: A
+ # robust averaging method for large data sets." Journal of the
+ # American Statistical Association 85.409 (1990): 97-104.
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $i = $self->{'remedian_idx'}++;
+ my $rref = $self->{'remedian_arr'};
+ $rref->[0][$i%999] = $val;
+ $rref->[1][$i/999%999] = (sort @{$rref->[0]})[$#{$rref->[0]}/2];
+ $rref->[2][$i/999/999%999] = (sort @{$rref->[1]})[$#{$rref->[1]}/2];
+ $self->{'remedian'} = (sort @{$rref->[2]})[$#{$rref->[2]}/2];
+sub update_median_runtime($) {
+ # Update delta_time based on runtime of finished job if timeout is
+ # a percentage
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $runtime = shift;
+ if($self->{'pct'}) {
+ $self->set_remedian($runtime);
+ $self->{'delta_time'} = $self->{'pct'} * $self->remedian();
+ ::debug("run", "Timeout: $self->{'delta_time'}s ");
+ }
+sub process_timeouts($) {
+ # Check if there was a timeout
+ my $self = shift;
+ # $self->{'queue'} is sorted by start time
+ while (@{$self->{'queue'}}) {
+ my $job = $self->{'queue'}[0];
+ if($job->endtime()) {
+ # Job already finished. No need to timeout the job
+ # This could be because of --keep-order
+ shift @{$self->{'queue'}};
+ } elsif($job->is_timedout($self->{'delta_time'})) {
+ # Need to shift off queue before kill
+ # because kill calls usleep that calls process_timeouts
+ shift @{$self->{'queue'}};
+ ::warning("This job was killed because it timed out:",
+ $job->replaced());
+ $job->kill();
+ } else {
+ # Because they are sorted by start time the rest are later
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+sub insert($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $in = shift;
+ push @{$self->{'queue'}}, $in;
+package SQL;
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $dburl = shift;
+ $Global::use{"DBI"} ||= eval "use DBI; 1;";
+ # +DBURL = append to this DBURL
+ my $append = $dburl=~s/^\+//;
+ my %options = parse_dburl(get_alias($dburl));
+ my %driveralias = ("sqlite" => "SQLite",
+ "sqlite3" => "SQLite",
+ "pg" => "Pg",
+ "postgres" => "Pg",
+ "postgresql" => "Pg",
+ "csv" => "CSV",
+ "oracle" => "Oracle",
+ "ora" => "Oracle");
+ my $driver = $driveralias{$options{'databasedriver'}} ||
+ $options{'databasedriver'};
+ my $database = $options{'database'};
+ my $host = $options{'host'} ? ";host=".$options{'host'} : "";
+ my $port = $options{'port'} ? ";port=".$options{'port'} : "";
+ my $dsn = "DBI:$driver:dbname=$database$host$port";
+ my $userid = $options{'user'};
+ my $password = $options{'password'};;
+ if(not grep /$driver/, DBI->available_drivers) {
+ ::error("$driver not supported. Are you missing a perl DBD::$driver module?");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ my $dbh;
+ if($driver eq "CSV") {
+ # CSV does not use normal dsn
+ if(-d $database) {
+ $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:CSV:", "", "", { f_dir => "$database", })
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ } else {
+ ::error("$database is not a directory.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $userid, $password,
+ { RaiseError => 1, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1 })
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ }
+ $dbh->{'PrintWarn'} = $Global::debug || 0;
+ $dbh->{'PrintError'} = $Global::debug || 0;
+ $dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 1;
+ $dbh->{'ShowErrorStatement'} = 1;
+ $dbh->{'HandleError'} = sub {};
+ if(not defined $options{'table'}) {
+ ::error("The DBURL ($dburl) must contain a table.");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ return bless {
+ 'dbh' => $dbh,
+ 'driver' => $driver,
+ 'max_number_of_args' => undef,
+ 'table' => $options{'table'},
+ 'append' => $append,
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+# Prototype forwarding
+sub get_alias($);
+sub get_alias($) {
+ my $alias = shift;
+ $alias =~ s/^(sql:)*//; # Accept aliases prepended with sql:
+ if ($alias !~ /^:/) {
+ return $alias;
+ }
+ # Find the alias
+ my $path;
+ if (-l $0) {
+ ($path) = readlink($0) =~ m|^(.*)/|;
+ } else {
+ ($path) = $0 =~ m|^(.*)/|;
+ }
+ my @deprecated = ("$ENV{HOME}/.dburl.aliases",
+ "$path/dburl.aliases", "$path/dburl.aliases.dist");
+ for (@deprecated) {
+ if(-r $_) {
+ ::warning("$_ is deprecated. ".
+ "Use .sql/aliases instead (read man sql).");
+ }
+ }
+ my @urlalias=();
+ check_permissions("$ENV{HOME}/.sql/aliases");
+ check_permissions("$ENV{HOME}/.dburl.aliases");
+ my @search = ("$ENV{HOME}/.sql/aliases",
+ "$ENV{HOME}/.dburl.aliases", "/etc/sql/aliases",
+ "$path/dburl.aliases", "$path/dburl.aliases.dist");
+ for my $alias_file (@search) {
+ # local $/ needed if -0 set
+ local $/ = "\n";
+ if(-r $alias_file) {
+ open(my $in, "<", $alias_file) || die;
+ push @urlalias, <$in>;
+ close $in;
+ }
+ }
+ my ($alias_part,$rest) = $alias=~/(:\w*)(.*)/;
+ # If we saw this before: we have an alias loop
+ if(grep {$_ eq $alias_part } @Private::seen_aliases) {
+ ::error("$alias_part is a cyclic alias.");
+ exit -1;
+ } else {
+ push @Private::seen_aliases, $alias_part;
+ }
+ my $dburl;
+ for (@urlalias) {
+ /^$alias_part\s+(\S+.*)/ and do { $dburl = $1; last; }
+ }
+ if($dburl) {
+ return get_alias($dburl.$rest);
+ } else {
+ ::error("$alias is not defined in @search");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+sub check_permissions($) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ if(-e $file) {
+ if(not -o $file) {
+ my $username = (getpwuid($<))[0];
+ ::warning("$file should be owned by $username: ".
+ "chown $username $file");
+ }
+ my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
+ $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
+ if($mode & 077) {
+ my $username = (getpwuid($<))[0];
+ ::warning("$file should be only be readable by $username: ".
+ "chmod 600 $file");
+ }
+ }
+sub parse_dburl($) {
+ my $url = shift;
+ my %options = ();
+ # sql:mysql://[[user][:password]@][host][:port]/[database[/table][?query]]
+ if($url=~m!^(?:sql:)? # You can prefix with 'sql:'
+ ((?:oracle|ora|mysql|pg|postgres|postgresql)(?:s|ssl|)|
+ (?:sqlite|sqlite2|sqlite3|csv)):// # Databasedriver ($1)
+ (?:
+ ([^:@/][^:@]*|) # Username ($2)
+ (?:
+ :([^@]*) # Password ($3)
+ )?
+ @)?
+ ([^:/]*)? # Hostname ($4)
+ (?:
+ :
+ ([^/]*)? # Port ($5)
+ )?
+ (?:
+ /
+ ([^/?]*)? # Database ($6)
+ )?
+ (?:
+ /
+ ([^?]*)? # Table ($7)
+ )?
+ (?:
+ \?
+ (.*)? # Query ($8)
+ )?
+ $!ix) {
+ $options{databasedriver} = ::undef_if_empty(lc(uri_unescape($1)));
+ $options{user} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($2));
+ $options{password} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($3));
+ $options{host} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($4));
+ $options{port} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($5));
+ $options{database} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($6));
+ $options{table} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($7));
+ $options{query} = ::undef_if_empty(uri_unescape($8));
+ ::debug("sql", "dburl $url\n");
+ ::debug("sql", "databasedriver ", $options{databasedriver},
+ " user ", $options{user},
+ " password ", $options{password}, " host ", $options{host},
+ " port ", $options{port}, " database ", $options{database},
+ " table ", $options{table}, " query ", $options{query}, "\n");
+ } else {
+ ::error("$url is not a valid DBURL");
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ return %options;
+sub uri_unescape($) {
+ # Copied from
+ # to avoid depending on URI::Escape
+ # This section is (C) Gisle Aas.
+ # Note from RFC1630: "Sequences which start with a percent sign
+ # but are not followed by two hexadecimal characters are reserved
+ # for future extension"
+ my $str = shift;
+ if (@_ && wantarray) {
+ # not executed for the common case of a single argument
+ my @str = ($str, @_); # need to copy
+ foreach (@str) {
+ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
+ }
+ return @str;
+ }
+ $str =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg if defined $str;
+ $str;
+sub run($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stmt = shift;
+ if($self->{'driver'} eq "CSV") {
+ $stmt=~ s/;$//;
+ if($stmt eq "BEGIN" or
+ $stmt eq "COMMIT") {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ my @retval;
+ my $dbh = $self->{'dbh'};
+ ::debug("sql","$opt::sqlmaster$opt::sqlworker run $stmt\n");
+ # Execute with the rest of the args - if any
+ my $rv;
+ my $sth;
+ my $lockretry = 0;
+ while($lockretry < 10) {
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
+ if($sth
+ and
+ eval { $rv = $sth->execute(@_) }) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ if($@ =~ /no such table|Table .* doesn.t exist|relation ".*" does not exist/
+ or
+ $DBI::errstr =~ /no such table|Table .* doesn.t exist|relation ".*" does not exist/) {
+ # This is fine:
+ # It is just a worker that reported back too late -
+ # another worker had finished the job first
+ # and the table was then dropped
+ $rv = $sth = 0;
+ last;
+ }
+ if($DBI::errstr =~ /locked/) {
+ ::debug("sql", "Lock retry: $lockretry");
+ $lockretry++;
+ ::usleep(rand()*300);
+ } elsif(not $sth) {
+ # Try again
+ $lockretry++;
+ } else {
+ ::error($DBI::errstr);
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($lockretry >= 10) {
+ ::die_bug("retry > 10: $DBI::errstr");
+ }
+ if($rv < 0 and $DBI::errstr){
+ ::error($DBI::errstr);
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ return $sth;
+sub get($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sth = $self->run(@_);
+ my @retval;
+ # If $sth = 0 it means the table was dropped by another process
+ while($sth) {
+ my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array();
+ @row or last;
+ push @retval, \@row;
+ }
+ return \@retval;
+sub table($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'table'};
+sub append($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{'append'};
+sub update($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $stmt = shift;
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ $self->run("UPDATE $table $stmt",@_);
+sub output($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $commandline = shift;
+ $self->update("SET Stdout = ?, Stderr = ? WHERE Seq = ".
+ $commandline->seq(),
+ join("",@{$commandline->{'output'}{1}}),
+ join("",@{$commandline->{'output'}{2}}));
+sub max_number_of_args($) {
+ # Maximal number of args for this table
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(not $self->{'max_number_of_args'}) {
+ # Read the number of args from the SQL table
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ my $v = $self->get("SELECT * FROM $table LIMIT 1;");
+ my @reserved_columns = qw(Seq Host Starttime JobRuntime Send
+ Receive Exitval _Signal Command Stdout Stderr);
+ if(not $v) {
+ ::error("$table contains no records");
+ }
+ # Count the number of Vx columns
+ $self->{'max_number_of_args'} = $#{$v->[0]} - $#reserved_columns;
+ }
+ return $self->{'max_number_of_args'};
+sub set_max_number_of_args($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'max_number_of_args'} = shift;
+sub create_table($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if($self->append()) { return; }
+ my $max_number_of_args = shift;
+ $self->set_max_number_of_args($max_number_of_args);
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ $self->run(qq(DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;));
+ # BIGINT and TEXT are not supported in these databases or are too small
+ my %vartype = (
+ "Oracle" => { "BIGINT" => "NUMBER(19,0)",
+ "TEXT" => "CLOB", },
+ "mysql" => { "TEXT" => "BLOB", },
+ "CSV" => { "BIGINT" => "INT",
+ "FLOAT" => "REAL", },
+ );
+ my $BIGINT = $vartype{$self->{'driver'}}{"BIGINT"} || "BIGINT";
+ my $TEXT = $vartype{$self->{'driver'}}{"TEXT"} || "TEXT";
+ my $FLOAT = $vartype{$self->{'driver'}}{"FLOAT"} || "FLOAT(44)";
+ my $v_def = join "", map { "V$_ $TEXT," } (1..$self->max_number_of_args());
+ $self->run(qq{CREATE TABLE $table
+ (Seq $BIGINT,
+ Host $TEXT,
+ Starttime $FLOAT,
+ JobRuntime $FLOAT,
+ Send $BIGINT,
+ Receive $BIGINT,
+ Exitval $BIGINT,
+ _Signal $BIGINT,
+ Command $TEXT,}.
+ $v_def.
+ qq{Stdout $TEXT,
+ Stderr $TEXT);});
+sub insert_records($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $seq = shift;
+ my $command_ref = shift;
+ my $record_ref = shift;
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ # For SQL encode the command with \257 space as split points
+ my $command = join("\257 ",@$command_ref);
+ my @v_cols = map { ", V$_" } (1..$self->max_number_of_args());
+ # Two extra value due to $seq, Exitval, Send
+ my $v_vals = join ",", map { "?" } (1..$self->max_number_of_args()+4);
+ $self->run("INSERT INTO $table (Seq,Command,Exitval,Send @v_cols) ".
+ "VALUES ($v_vals);", $seq, $command, -1000,
+ 0, @$record_ref[1..$#$record_ref]);
+sub get_record($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @retval;
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ my @v_cols = map { ", V$_" } (1..$self->max_number_of_args());
+ my $rand = "Reserved-".$$.rand();
+ my $v;
+ my $more_pending;
+ do {
+ if($self->{'driver'} eq "CSV") {
+ # Sub SELECT is not supported in CSV
+ # So to minimize the race condition below select a job at random
+ my $r = $self->get("SELECT Seq, Command @v_cols FROM $table ".
+ "WHERE Exitval = -1000 LIMIT 100;");
+ $v = [ sort { rand() > 0.5 } @$r ];
+ } else {
+ # Avoid race condition where multiple workers get the same job
+ # by setting Stdout to a unique string
+ # (SELECT * FROM (...) AS dummy) is needed due to sillyness in MySQL
+ $self->update("SET Stdout = ?,Exitval = ? ".
+ "WHERE Seq = (".
+ " SELECT * FROM (".
+ " SELECT min(Seq) FROM $table WHERE Exitval = -1000".
+ " ) AS dummy".
+ ") AND Exitval = -1000;", $rand, -1210);
+ # If a parallel worker overwrote the unique string this will get nothing
+ $v = $self->get("SELECT Seq, Command @v_cols FROM $table ".
+ "WHERE Stdout = ?;", $rand);
+ }
+ if($v->[0]) {
+ my $val_ref = $v->[0];
+ # Mark record as taken
+ my $seq = shift @$val_ref;
+ # Save the sequence number to use when running the job
+ $SQL::next_seq = $seq;
+ $self->update("SET Exitval = ? WHERE Seq = ".$seq, -1220);
+ # Command is encoded with '\257 space' as splitting char
+ my @command = split /\257 /, shift @$val_ref;
+ $SQL::command_ref = \@command;
+ for (@$val_ref) {
+ push @retval, Arg->new($_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # If the record was updated by another job in parallel,
+ # then we may not be done, so see if there are more jobs pending
+ $more_pending =
+ $self->get("SELECT Seq FROM $table WHERE Exitval = ?;", -1210);
+ }
+ } while (not $v->[0] and $more_pending->[0]);
+ if(@retval) {
+ return \@retval;
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub total_jobs($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ my $v = $self->get("SELECT count(*) FROM $table;");
+ if($v->[0]) {
+ return $v->[0]->[0];
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("SQL::total_jobs");
+ }
+sub max_seq($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ my $v = $self->get("SELECT max(Seq) FROM $table;");
+ if($v->[0]) {
+ return $v->[0]->[0];
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("SQL::max_seq");
+ }
+sub finished($) {
+ # Check if there are any jobs left in the SQL table that do not
+ # have a "real" exitval
+ my $self = shift;
+ if($opt::wait or $Global::start_sqlworker) {
+ my $table = $self->table();
+ my $rv = $self->get("select Seq,Exitval from $table ".
+ "where Exitval <= -1000 limit 1");
+ return not $rv->[0];
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+package Semaphore;
+# This package provides a counting semaphore
+# If a process dies without releasing the semaphore the next process
+# that needs that entry will clean up dead semaphores
+# The semaphores are stored in $PARALLEL_HOME/semaphores/id-<name> Each
+# file in $PARALLEL_HOME/semaphores/id-<name>/ is the process ID of the
+# process holding the entry. If the process dies, the entry can be
+# taken by another process.
+sub new($) {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $count = shift;
+ $id =~ s/([^-_a-z0-9])/unpack("H*",$1)/ige; # Convert non-word chars to hex
+ $id = "id-".$id; # To distinguish it from a process id
+ my $parallel_locks = $Global::cache_dir . "/semaphores";
+ -d $parallel_locks or ::mkdir_or_die($parallel_locks);
+ my $lockdir = "$parallel_locks/$id";
+ my $lockfile = $lockdir.".lock";
+ if(-d $parallel_locks and -w $parallel_locks
+ and -r $parallel_locks and -x $parallel_locks) {
+ # skip
+ } else {
+ ::error("Semaphoredir must be writable: '$parallel_locks'");
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ if($count < 1) { ::die_bug("semaphore-count: $count"); }
+ return bless {
+ 'lockfile' => $lockfile,
+ 'lockfh' => Symbol::gensym(),
+ 'lockdir' => $lockdir,
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'idfile' => $lockdir."/".$id,
+ 'pid' => $$,
+ 'pidfile' => $lockdir."/".$$.'@'.::hostname(),
+ 'count' => $count + 1 # nlinks returns a link for the 'id-' as well
+ }, ref($class) || $class;
+sub remove_dead_locks($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lockdir = $self->{'lockdir'};
+ for my $d (glob "$lockdir/*") {
+ $d =~ m:$lockdir/([0-9]+)\@([-\._a-z0-9]+)$:o or next;
+ my ($pid, $host) = ($1, $2);
+ if($host eq ::hostname()) {
+ if(kill 0, $pid) {
+ ::debug("sem", "Alive: $pid $d\n");
+ } else {
+ ::debug("sem", "Dead: $d\n");
+ ::rm($d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub acquire($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sleep = 1; # 1 ms
+ my $start_time = time;
+ while(1) {
+ # Can we get a lock?
+ $self->atomic_link_if_count_less_than() and last;
+ $self->remove_dead_locks();
+ # Retry slower and slower up to 1 second
+ $sleep = ($sleep < 1000) ? ($sleep * 1.1) : ($sleep);
+ # Random to avoid every sleeping job waking up at the same time
+ ::usleep(rand()*$sleep);
+ if($opt::semaphoretimeout) {
+ if($opt::semaphoretimeout > 0
+ and
+ time - $start_time > $opt::semaphoretimeout) {
+ # Timeout: Take the semaphore anyway
+ ::warning("Semaphore timed out. Stealing the semaphore.");
+ if(not -e $self->{'idfile'}) {
+ open (my $fh, ">", $self->{'idfile'}) or
+ ::die_bug("timeout_write_idfile: $self->{'idfile'}");
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ link $self->{'idfile'}, $self->{'pidfile'};
+ last;
+ }
+ if($opt::semaphoretimeout < 0
+ and
+ time - $start_time > -$opt::semaphoretimeout) {
+ # Timeout: Exit
+ ::warning("Semaphore timed out. Exiting.");
+ exit(1);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("sem", "acquired $self->{'pid'}\n");
+sub release($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::rm($self->{'pidfile'});
+ if($self->nlinks() == 1) {
+ # This is the last link, so atomic cleanup
+ $self->lock();
+ if($self->nlinks() == 1) {
+ ::rm($self->{'idfile'});
+ rmdir $self->{'lockdir'};
+ }
+ $self->unlock();
+ }
+ ::debug("run", "released $self->{'pid'}\n");
+sub pid_change($) {
+ # This should do what release()+acquire() would do without having
+ # to re-acquire the semaphore
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $old_pidfile = $self->{'pidfile'};
+ $self->{'pid'} = $$;
+ $self->{'pidfile'} = $self->{'lockdir'}."/".$$.'@'.::hostname();
+ my $retval = link $self->{'idfile'}, $self->{'pidfile'};
+ ::debug("sem","link($self->{'idfile'},$self->{'pidfile'})=$retval\n");
+ ::rm($old_pidfile);
+sub atomic_link_if_count_less_than($) {
+ # Link $file1 to $file2 if nlinks to $file1 < $count
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $retval = 0;
+ $self->lock();
+ my $nlinks = $self->nlinks();
+ ::debug("sem","$nlinks<$self->{'count'} ");
+ if($nlinks < $self->{'count'}) {
+ -d $self->{'lockdir'} or ::mkdir_or_die($self->{'lockdir'});
+ if(not -e $self->{'idfile'}) {
+ open (my $fh, ">", $self->{'idfile'}) or
+ ::die_bug("write_idfile: $self->{'idfile'}");
+ close $fh;
+ }
+ $retval = link $self->{'idfile'}, $self->{'pidfile'};
+ ::debug("sem","link($self->{'idfile'},$self->{'pidfile'})=$retval\n");
+ }
+ $self->unlock();
+ ::debug("sem", "atomic $retval");
+ return $retval;
+sub nlinks($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if(-e $self->{'idfile'}) {
+ return (stat(_))[3];
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub lock($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sleep = 100; # 100 ms
+ my $total_sleep = 0;
+ $Global::use{"Fcntl"} ||= eval "use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); 1;";
+ my $locked = 0;
+ while(not $locked) {
+ if(tell($self->{'lockfh'}) == -1) {
+ # File not open
+ open($self->{'lockfh'}, ">", $self->{'lockfile'})
+ or ::debug("run", "Cannot open $self->{'lockfile'}");
+ }
+ if($self->{'lockfh'}) {
+ # File is open
+ chmod 0666, $self->{'lockfile'}; # assuming you want it a+rw
+ if(flock($self->{'lockfh'}, LOCK_EX()|LOCK_NB())) {
+ # The file is locked: No need to retry
+ $locked = 1;
+ last;
+ } else {
+ if ($! =~ m/Function not implemented/) {
+ ::warning("flock: $!",
+ "Will wait for a random while.");
+ ::usleep(rand(5000));
+ # File cannot be locked: No need to retry
+ $locked = 2;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Locking failed in first round
+ # Sleep and try again
+ $sleep = ($sleep < 1000) ? ($sleep * 1.1) : ($sleep);
+ # Random to avoid every sleeping job waking up at the same time
+ ::usleep(rand()*$sleep);
+ $total_sleep += $sleep;
+ if($opt::semaphoretimeout) {
+ if($opt::semaphoretimeout > 0
+ and
+ $total_sleep/1000 > $opt::semaphoretimeout) {
+ # Timeout: Take the semaphore anyway
+ ::warning("Semaphore timed out. Taking the semaphore.");
+ $locked = 3;
+ last;
+ }
+ if($opt::semaphoretimeout < 0
+ and
+ $total_sleep/1000 > -$opt::semaphoretimeout) {
+ # Timeout: Exit
+ ::warning("Semaphore timed out. Exiting.");
+ $locked = 4;
+ last;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if($total_sleep/1000 > 30) {
+ ::warning("Semaphore stuck for 30 seconds. ".
+ "Consider using --semaphoretimeout.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ::debug("run", "locked $self->{'lockfile'}");
+sub unlock($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ::rm($self->{'lockfile'});
+ close $self->{'lockfh'};
+ ::debug("run", "unlocked\n");
+# Keep perl -w happy
+$opt::x = $Semaphore::timeout = $Semaphore::wait =
+$Job::file_descriptor_warning_printed = $Global::envdef = @Arg::arg =
+$Global::max_slot_number = $opt::session;
+package main;
+sub main() {
+ save_stdin_stdout_stderr();
+ save_original_signal_handler();
+ parse_options();
+ ::debug("init", "Open file descriptors: ", join(" ",keys %Global::fh), "\n");
+ my $number_of_args;
+ if($Global::max_number_of_args) {
+ $number_of_args = $Global::max_number_of_args;
+ } elsif ($opt::X or $opt::m or $opt::xargs) {
+ $number_of_args = undef;
+ } else {
+ $number_of_args = 1;
+ }
+ my @command = @ARGV;
+ my @input_source_fh;
+ if($opt::pipepart) {
+ if($opt::tee) {
+ @input_source_fh = map { open_or_exit($_) } @opt::a;
+ # Remove the first: It will be the file piped.
+ shift @input_source_fh;
+ if(not @input_source_fh and not $opt::pipe) {
+ @input_source_fh = (*STDIN);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # -a is used for data - not for command line args
+ @input_source_fh = map { open_or_exit($_) } "/dev/null";
+ }
+ } else {
+ @input_source_fh = map { open_or_exit($_) } @opt::a;
+ if(not @input_source_fh and not $opt::pipe) {
+ @input_source_fh = (*STDIN);
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::skip_first_line) {
+ # Skip the first line for the first file handle
+ my $fh = $input_source_fh[0];
+ <$fh>;
+ }
+ set_input_source_header(\@command,\@input_source_fh);
+ if($opt::filter_hosts and (@opt::sshlogin or @opt::sshloginfile)) {
+ # Parallel check all hosts are up. Remove hosts that are down
+ filter_hosts();
+ }
+ if($opt::sqlmaster and $opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Start a real --sqlworker in the background later
+ $Global::start_sqlworker = 1;
+ $opt::sqlworker = undef;
+ }
+ if($opt::nonall or $opt::onall) {
+ onall(\@input_source_fh,@command);
+ wait_and_exit(min(undef_as_zero($Global::exitstatus),254));
+ }
+ $Global::JobQueue = JobQueue->new(
+ \@command, \@input_source_fh, $Global::ContextReplace,
+ $number_of_args, \@Global::transfer_files, \@Global::ret_files,
+ \@Global::template_names, \@Global::template_contents
+ );
+ if($opt::sqlmaster) {
+ # Create SQL table to hold joblog + output
+ # Figure out how many arguments are in a job
+ # (It is affected by --colsep, -N, $number_source_fh)
+ my $record_queue = $Global::JobQueue->{'commandlinequeue'}{'arg_queue'};
+ my $record = $record_queue->get();
+ my $no_of_values = $number_of_args * (1+$#{$record});
+ $record_queue->unget($record);
+ $Global::sql->create_table($no_of_values);
+ if($opt::sqlworker) {
+ # Start a real --sqlworker in the background later
+ $Global::start_sqlworker = 1;
+ $opt::sqlworker = undef;
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::pipepart) {
+ pipepart_setup();
+ } elsif($opt::pipe) {
+ if($opt::tee) {
+ pipe_tee_setup();
+ } elsif($opt::shard or $opt::bin) {
+ pipe_shard_setup();
+ } elsif($opt::groupby) {
+ pipe_group_by_setup();
+ }
+ }
+ if($opt::eta or $opt::bar or $opt::shuf or $Global::halt_pct) {
+ # Count the number of jobs or shuffle all jobs
+ # before starting any.
+ # Must be done after ungetting any --pipepart jobs.
+ $Global::JobQueue->total_jobs();
+ }
+ # Compute $Global::max_jobs_running
+ # Must be done after ungetting any --pipepart jobs.
+ max_jobs_running();
+ init_run_jobs();
+ my $sem;
+ if($Global::semaphore) {
+ $sem = acquire_semaphore();
+ }
+ $SIG{TERM} = $Global::original_sig{TERM};
+ $SIG{HUP} = \&start_no_new_jobs;
+ if($opt::tee or $opt::shard or $opt::bin) {
+ # All jobs must be running in parallel for --tee/--shard/--bin
+ while(start_more_jobs()) {}
+ $Global::start_no_new_jobs = 1;
+ if(not $Global::JobQueue->empty()) {
+ if($opt::tee) {
+ ::error("--tee requires --jobs to be higher. Try --jobs 0.");
+ } elsif($opt::bin) {
+ ::error("--bin requires --jobs to be higher than the number of",
+ "arguments. Increase --jobs.");
+ } elsif($opt::shard) {
+ ::error("--shard requires --jobs to be higher than the number of",
+ "arguments. Increase --jobs.");
+ } else {
+ ::die_bug("--bin/--shard/--tee should not get here");
+ }
+ ::wait_and_exit(255);
+ }
+ } elsif($opt::pipe and not $opt::pipepart and not $opt::semaphore) {
+ # Fill all jobslots
+ while(start_more_jobs()) {}
+ spreadstdin();
+ } else {
+ # Reap the finished jobs and start more
+ while(reapers() + start_more_jobs()) {}
+ }
+ ::debug("init", "Start draining\n");
+ drain_job_queue(@command);
+ ::debug("init", "Done draining\n");
+ reapers();
+ ::debug("init", "Done reaping\n");
+ if($Global::semaphore) { $sem->release(); }
+ cleanup();
+ ::debug("init", "Halt\n");
+ halt();