path: root/src/test/modules/worker_spi/worker_spi.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/modules/worker_spi/worker_spi.c')
1 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/modules/worker_spi/worker_spi.c b/src/test/modules/worker_spi/worker_spi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c7b17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/modules/worker_spi/worker_spi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * worker_spi.c
+ * Sample background worker code that demonstrates various coding
+ * patterns: establishing a database connection; starting and committing
+ * transactions; using GUC variables, and heeding SIGHUP to reread
+ * the configuration file; reporting to pg_stat_activity; using the
+ * process latch to sleep and exit in case of postmaster death.
+ *
+ * This code connects to a database, creates a schema and table, and summarizes
+ * the numbers contained therein. To see it working, insert an initial value
+ * with "total" type and some initial value; then insert some other rows with
+ * "delta" type. Delta rows will be deleted by this worker and their values
+ * aggregated into the total.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+ *
+ * src/test/modules/worker_spi/worker_spi.c
+ *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+#include "postgres.h"
+/* These are always necessary for a bgworker */
+#include "miscadmin.h"
+#include "postmaster/bgworker.h"
+#include "storage/ipc.h"
+#include "storage/latch.h"
+#include "storage/lwlock.h"
+#include "storage/proc.h"
+#include "storage/shmem.h"
+/* these headers are used by this particular worker's code */
+#include "access/xact.h"
+#include "executor/spi.h"
+#include "fmgr.h"
+#include "lib/stringinfo.h"
+#include "pgstat.h"
+#include "utils/builtins.h"
+#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
+#include "tcop/utility.h"
+void _PG_init(void);
+void worker_spi_main(Datum) pg_attribute_noreturn();
+/* flags set by signal handlers */
+static volatile sig_atomic_t got_sighup = false;
+static volatile sig_atomic_t got_sigterm = false;
+/* GUC variables */
+static int worker_spi_naptime = 10;
+static int worker_spi_total_workers = 2;
+static char *worker_spi_database = NULL;
+typedef struct worktable
+ const char *schema;
+ const char *name;
+} worktable;
+ * Signal handler for SIGTERM
+ * Set a flag to let the main loop to terminate, and set our latch to wake
+ * it up.
+ */
+static void
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ got_sigterm = true;
+ SetLatch(MyLatch);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ * Signal handler for SIGHUP
+ * Set a flag to tell the main loop to reread the config file, and set
+ * our latch to wake it up.
+ */
+static void
+ int save_errno = errno;
+ got_sighup = true;
+ SetLatch(MyLatch);
+ errno = save_errno;
+ * Initialize workspace for a worker process: create the schema if it doesn't
+ * already exist.
+ */
+static void
+initialize_worker_spi(worktable *table)
+ int ret;
+ int ntup;
+ bool isnull;
+ StringInfoData buf;
+ SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
+ StartTransactionCommand();
+ SPI_connect();
+ PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
+ pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, "initializing worker_spi schema");
+ /* XXX could we use CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS? */
+ initStringInfo(&buf);
+ appendStringInfo(&buf, "select count(*) from pg_namespace where nspname = '%s'",
+ table->schema);
+ ret = SPI_execute(, true, 0);
+ if (ret != SPI_OK_SELECT)
+ elog(FATAL, "SPI_execute failed: error code %d", ret);
+ if (SPI_processed != 1)
+ elog(FATAL, "not a singleton result");
+ ntup = DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0],
+ SPI_tuptable->tupdesc,
+ 1, &isnull));
+ if (isnull)
+ elog(FATAL, "null result");
+ if (ntup == 0)
+ {
+ resetStringInfo(&buf);
+ appendStringInfo(&buf,
+ "CREATE SCHEMA \"%s\" "
+ "CREATE TABLE \"%s\" ("
+ " type text CHECK (type IN ('total', 'delta')), "
+ " value integer)"
+ "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX \"%s_unique_total\" ON \"%s\" (type) "
+ "WHERE type = 'total'",
+ table->schema, table->name, table->name, table->name);
+ /* set statement start time */
+ SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
+ ret = SPI_execute(, false, 0);
+ if (ret != SPI_OK_UTILITY)
+ elog(FATAL, "failed to create my schema");
+ }
+ SPI_finish();
+ PopActiveSnapshot();
+ CommitTransactionCommand();
+ pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLE, NULL);
+worker_spi_main(Datum main_arg)
+ int index = DatumGetInt32(main_arg);
+ worktable *table;
+ StringInfoData buf;
+ char name[20];
+ table = palloc(sizeof(worktable));
+ sprintf(name, "schema%d", index);
+ table->schema = pstrdup(name);
+ table->name = pstrdup("counted");
+ /* Establish signal handlers before unblocking signals. */
+ pqsignal(SIGHUP, worker_spi_sighup);
+ pqsignal(SIGTERM, worker_spi_sigterm);
+ /* We're now ready to receive signals */
+ BackgroundWorkerUnblockSignals();
+ /* Connect to our database */
+ BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection(worker_spi_database, NULL, 0);
+ elog(LOG, "%s initialized with %s.%s",
+ MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_name, table->schema, table->name);
+ initialize_worker_spi(table);
+ /*
+ * Quote identifiers passed to us. Note that this must be done after
+ * initialize_worker_spi, because that routine assumes the names are not
+ * quoted.
+ *
+ * Note some memory might be leaked here.
+ */
+ table->schema = quote_identifier(table->schema);
+ table->name = quote_identifier(table->name);
+ initStringInfo(&buf);
+ appendStringInfo(&buf,
+ "WITH deleted AS (DELETE "
+ "FROM %s.%s "
+ "WHERE type = 'delta' RETURNING value), "
+ "total AS (SELECT coalesce(sum(value), 0) as sum "
+ "FROM deleted) "
+ "UPDATE %s.%s "
+ "SET value = %s.value + total.sum "
+ "FROM total WHERE type = 'total' "
+ "RETURNING %s.value",
+ table->schema, table->name,
+ table->schema, table->name,
+ table->name,
+ table->name);
+ /*
+ * Main loop: do this until the SIGTERM handler tells us to terminate
+ */
+ while (!got_sigterm)
+ {
+ int ret;
+ /*
+ * Background workers mustn't call usleep() or any direct equivalent:
+ * instead, they may wait on their process latch, which sleeps as
+ * necessary, but is awakened if postmaster dies. That way the
+ * background process goes away immediately in an emergency.
+ */
+ (void) WaitLatch(MyLatch,
+ worker_spi_naptime * 1000L,
+ ResetLatch(MyLatch);
+ /*
+ * In case of a SIGHUP, just reload the configuration.
+ */
+ if (got_sighup)
+ {
+ got_sighup = false;
+ ProcessConfigFile(PGC_SIGHUP);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Start a transaction on which we can run queries. Note that each
+ * StartTransactionCommand() call should be preceded by a
+ * SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp() call, which sets both the time
+ * for the statement we're about the run, and also the transaction
+ * start time. Also, each other query sent to SPI should probably be
+ * preceded by SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp(), so that statement
+ * start time is always up to date.
+ *
+ * The SPI_connect() call lets us run queries through the SPI manager,
+ * and the PushActiveSnapshot() call creates an "active" snapshot
+ * which is necessary for queries to have MVCC data to work on.
+ *
+ * The pgstat_report_activity() call makes our activity visible
+ * through the pgstat views.
+ */
+ SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp();
+ StartTransactionCommand();
+ SPI_connect();
+ PushActiveSnapshot(GetTransactionSnapshot());
+ pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING,;
+ /* We can now execute queries via SPI */
+ ret = SPI_execute(, false, 0);
+ elog(FATAL, "cannot select from table %s.%s: error code %d",
+ table->schema, table->name, ret);
+ if (SPI_processed > 0)
+ {
+ bool isnull;
+ int32 val;
+ val = DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval(SPI_tuptable->vals[0],
+ SPI_tuptable->tupdesc,
+ 1, &isnull));
+ if (!isnull)
+ elog(LOG, "%s: count in %s.%s is now %d",
+ MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_name,
+ table->schema, table->name, val);
+ }
+ /*
+ * And finish our transaction.
+ */
+ SPI_finish();
+ PopActiveSnapshot();
+ CommitTransactionCommand();
+ pgstat_report_stat(false);
+ pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLE, NULL);
+ }
+ proc_exit(1);
+ * Entrypoint of this module.
+ *
+ * We register more than one worker process here, to demonstrate how that can
+ * be done.
+ */
+ BackgroundWorker worker;
+ unsigned int i;
+ /* get the configuration */
+ DefineCustomIntVariable("worker_spi.naptime",
+ "Duration between each check (in seconds).",
+ &worker_spi_naptime,
+ 10,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ if (!process_shared_preload_libraries_in_progress)
+ return;
+ DefineCustomIntVariable("worker_spi.total_workers",
+ "Number of workers.",
+ &worker_spi_total_workers,
+ 2,
+ 1,
+ 100,
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ DefineCustomStringVariable("worker_spi.database",
+ "Database to connect to.",
+ &worker_spi_database,
+ "postgres",
+ 0,
+ /* set up common data for all our workers */
+ memset(&worker, 0, sizeof(worker));
+ worker.bgw_flags = BGWORKER_SHMEM_ACCESS |
+ worker.bgw_start_time = BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished;
+ worker.bgw_restart_time = BGW_NEVER_RESTART;
+ sprintf(worker.bgw_library_name, "worker_spi");
+ sprintf(worker.bgw_function_name, "worker_spi_main");
+ worker.bgw_notify_pid = 0;
+ /*
+ * Now fill in worker-specific data, and do the actual registrations.
+ */
+ for (i = 1; i <= worker_spi_total_workers; i++)
+ {
+ snprintf(worker.bgw_name, BGW_MAXLEN, "worker_spi worker %d", i);
+ snprintf(worker.bgw_type, BGW_MAXLEN, "worker_spi");
+ worker.bgw_main_arg = Int32GetDatum(i);
+ RegisterBackgroundWorker(&worker);
+ }
+ * Dynamically launch an SPI worker.
+ */
+ int32 i = PG_GETARG_INT32(0);
+ BackgroundWorker worker;
+ BackgroundWorkerHandle *handle;
+ BgwHandleStatus status;
+ pid_t pid;
+ memset(&worker, 0, sizeof(worker));
+ worker.bgw_flags = BGWORKER_SHMEM_ACCESS |
+ worker.bgw_start_time = BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished;
+ worker.bgw_restart_time = BGW_NEVER_RESTART;
+ sprintf(worker.bgw_library_name, "worker_spi");
+ sprintf(worker.bgw_function_name, "worker_spi_main");
+ snprintf(worker.bgw_name, BGW_MAXLEN, "worker_spi worker %d", i);
+ snprintf(worker.bgw_type, BGW_MAXLEN, "worker_spi");
+ worker.bgw_main_arg = Int32GetDatum(i);
+ /* set bgw_notify_pid so that we can use WaitForBackgroundWorkerStartup */
+ worker.bgw_notify_pid = MyProcPid;
+ if (!RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker(&worker, &handle))
+ status = WaitForBackgroundWorkerStartup(handle, &pid);
+ if (status == BGWH_STOPPED)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("could not start background process"),
+ errhint("More details may be available in the server log.")));
+ if (status == BGWH_POSTMASTER_DIED)
+ ereport(ERROR,
+ errmsg("cannot start background processes without postmaster"),
+ errhint("Kill all remaining database processes and restart the database.")));
+ Assert(status == BGWH_STARTED);
+ PG_RETURN_INT32(pid);