path: root/src/test/recovery/t/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/recovery/t/')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/ b/src/test/recovery/t/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53a55c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+# Test remove of temporary files after a crash.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
+use Test::More;
+use Config;
+if ($Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32')
+ plan skip_all => 'tests hang on Windows';
+ exit;
+my $psql_timeout = IPC::Run::timer($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default);
+my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('node_crash');
+# By default, PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster doesn't restart after crash
+# Reduce work_mem to generate temporary file with a few number of rows
+ 'postgres',
+ q[ALTER SYSTEM SET remove_temp_files_after_crash = on;
+ ALTER SYSTEM SET log_connections = 1;
+ ALTER SYSTEM SET work_mem = '64kB';
+ ALTER SYSTEM SET restart_after_crash = on;
+ SELECT pg_reload_conf();]);
+# create table, insert rows
+$node->safe_psql('postgres', q[CREATE TABLE tab_crash (a integer UNIQUE);]);
+# Run psql, keeping session alive, so we have an alive backend to kill.
+my ($killme_stdin, $killme_stdout, $killme_stderr) = ('', '', '');
+my $killme = IPC::Run::start(
+ [
+ 'psql', '-X', '-qAt', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1', '-f', '-', '-d',
+ $node->connstr('postgres')
+ ],
+ '<',
+ \$killme_stdin,
+ '>',
+ \$killme_stdout,
+ '2>',
+ \$killme_stderr,
+ $psql_timeout);
+# Get backend pid
+$killme_stdin .= q[
+SELECT pg_backend_pid();
+ok( pump_until(
+ $killme, $psql_timeout, \$killme_stdout, qr/[[:digit:]]+[\r\n]$/m),
+ 'acquired pid for SIGKILL');
+my $pid = $killme_stdout;
+$killme_stdout = '';
+$killme_stderr = '';
+# Open a 2nd session that will block the 1st one, using the UNIQUE constraint.
+# This will prevent removal of the temporary file created by the 1st session.
+my ($killme_stdin2, $killme_stdout2, $killme_stderr2) = ('', '', '');
+my $killme2 = IPC::Run::start(
+ [
+ 'psql', '-X', '-qAt', '-v', 'ON_ERROR_STOP=1', '-f', '-', '-d',
+ $node->connstr('postgres')
+ ],
+ '<',
+ \$killme_stdin2,
+ '>',
+ \$killme_stdout2,
+ '2>',
+ \$killme_stderr2,
+ $psql_timeout);
+# Insert one tuple and leave the transaction open
+$killme_stdin2 .= q[
+INSERT INTO tab_crash (a) VALUES(1);
+SELECT $$insert-tuple-to-lock-next-insert$$;
+pump_until($killme2, $psql_timeout, \$killme_stdout2,
+ qr/insert-tuple-to-lock-next-insert/m);
+$killme_stdout2 = '';
+$killme_stderr2 = '';
+# Run the query that generates a temporary file and that will be killed before
+# it finishes. Since the query that generates the temporary file does not
+# return before the connection is killed, use a SELECT before to trigger
+# pump_until.
+$killme_stdin .= q[
+SELECT $$in-progress-before-sigkill$$;
+INSERT INTO tab_crash (a) SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) s(i);
+ok( pump_until(
+ $killme, $psql_timeout,
+ \$killme_stdout, qr/in-progress-before-sigkill/m),
+ 'insert in-progress-before-sigkill');
+$killme_stdout = '';
+$killme_stderr = '';
+# Wait until the batch insert gets stuck on the lock.
+$killme_stdin2 .= q[
+DO $c$
+ c INT;
+ SELECT COUNT(*) INTO c FROM pg_locks WHERE pid = ] . $pid
+ . q[ AND NOT granted;
+ IF c > 0 THEN
+END; $c$;
+SELECT $$insert-tuple-lock-waiting$$;
+pump_until($killme2, $psql_timeout, \$killme_stdout2,
+ qr/insert-tuple-lock-waiting/m);
+$killme_stdout2 = '';
+$killme_stderr2 = '';
+# Kill with SIGKILL
+my $ret = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::system_log('pg_ctl', 'kill', 'KILL', $pid);
+is($ret, 0, 'killed process with KILL');
+# Close that psql session
+# Wait till the other session reports failure, ensuring that the postmaster
+# has noticed its dead child and begun a restart cycle.
+$killme_stdin2 .= qq[
+SELECT pg_sleep($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default);
+ok( pump_until(
+ $killme2,
+ $psql_timeout,
+ \$killme_stderr2,
+ qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly|connection to server was lost|could not send data to server/m
+ ),
+ "second psql session died successfully after SIGKILL");
+# Wait till server finishes restarting
+$node->poll_query_until('postgres', undef, '');
+# Check for temporary files
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+ 'postgres', 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_ls_dir($$base/pgsql_tmp$$)'),
+ qq(0),
+ 'no temporary files');
+# Test old behavior (don't remove temporary files after crash)
+ 'postgres',
+ q[ALTER SYSTEM SET remove_temp_files_after_crash = off;
+ SELECT pg_reload_conf();]);
+# Restart psql session
+($killme_stdin, $killme_stdout, $killme_stderr) = ('', '', '');
+# Get backend pid
+$killme_stdin .= q[
+SELECT pg_backend_pid();
+ok( pump_until(
+ $killme, $psql_timeout, \$killme_stdout, qr/[[:digit:]]+[\r\n]$/m),
+ 'acquired pid for SIGKILL');
+$pid = $killme_stdout;
+$killme_stdout = '';
+$killme_stderr = '';
+# Restart the 2nd psql session
+($killme_stdin2, $killme_stdout2, $killme_stderr2) = ('', '', '');
+# Insert one tuple and leave the transaction open
+$killme_stdin2 .= q[
+INSERT INTO tab_crash (a) VALUES(1);
+SELECT $$insert-tuple-to-lock-next-insert$$;
+pump_until($killme2, $psql_timeout, \$killme_stdout2,
+ qr/insert-tuple-to-lock-next-insert/m);
+$killme_stdout2 = '';
+$killme_stderr2 = '';
+# Run the query that generates a temporary file and that will be killed before
+# it finishes. Since the query that generates the temporary file does not
+# return before the connection is killed, use a SELECT before to trigger
+# pump_until.
+$killme_stdin .= q[
+SELECT $$in-progress-before-sigkill$$;
+INSERT INTO tab_crash (a) SELECT i FROM generate_series(1, 5000) s(i);
+ok( pump_until(
+ $killme, $psql_timeout,
+ \$killme_stdout, qr/in-progress-before-sigkill/m),
+ 'insert in-progress-before-sigkill');
+$killme_stdout = '';
+$killme_stderr = '';
+# Wait until the batch insert gets stuck on the lock.
+$killme_stdin2 .= q[
+DO $c$
+ c INT;
+ SELECT COUNT(*) INTO c FROM pg_locks WHERE pid = ] . $pid
+ . q[ AND NOT granted;
+ IF c > 0 THEN
+END; $c$;
+SELECT $$insert-tuple-lock-waiting$$;
+pump_until($killme2, $psql_timeout, \$killme_stdout2,
+ qr/insert-tuple-lock-waiting/m);
+$killme_stdout2 = '';
+$killme_stderr2 = '';
+# Kill with SIGKILL
+$ret = PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::system_log('pg_ctl', 'kill', 'KILL', $pid);
+is($ret, 0, 'killed process with KILL');
+# Close that psql session
+# Wait till the other session reports failure, ensuring that the postmaster
+# has noticed its dead child and begun a restart cycle.
+$killme_stdin2 .= qq[
+SELECT pg_sleep($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default);
+ok( pump_until(
+ $killme2,
+ $psql_timeout,
+ \$killme_stderr2,
+ qr/WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process|server closed the connection unexpectedly|connection to server was lost|could not send data to server/m
+ ),
+ "second psql session died successfully after SIGKILL");
+# Wait till server finishes restarting
+$node->poll_query_until('postgres', undef, '');
+# Check for temporary files -- should be there
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+ 'postgres', 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_ls_dir($$base/pgsql_tmp$$)'),
+ qq(1),
+ 'one temporary file');
+# Restart should remove the temporary files
+# Check the temporary files -- should be gone
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+ 'postgres', 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_ls_dir($$base/pgsql_tmp$$)'),
+ qq(0),
+ 'temporary file was removed');