path: root/src/test/regress/expected/psql_crosstab.out
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/regress/expected/psql_crosstab.out')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/psql_crosstab.out b/src/test/regress/expected/psql_crosstab.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09e331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/psql_crosstab.out
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+-- \crosstabview
+CREATE TABLE ctv_data (v, h, c, i, d) AS
+ ('v1','h2','foo', 3, '2015-04-01'::date),
+ ('v2','h1','bar', 3, '2015-01-02'),
+ ('v1','h0','baz', NULL, '2015-07-12'),
+ ('v0','h4','qux', 4, '2015-07-15'),
+ ('v0','h4','dbl', -3, '2014-12-15'),
+ ('v0',NULL,'qux', 5, '2014-07-15'),
+ ('v1','h2','quux',7, '2015-04-04');
+-- make plans more stable
+ANALYZE ctv_data;
+-- running \crosstabview after query uses query in buffer
+SELECT v, EXTRACT(year FROM d), count(*)
+ FROM ctv_data
+ GROUP BY 1, 2
+ ORDER BY 1, 2;
+ v | extract | count
+ v0 | 2014 | 2
+ v0 | 2015 | 1
+ v1 | 2015 | 3
+ v2 | 2015 | 1
+(4 rows)
+-- basic usage with 3 columns
+ \crosstabview
+ v | 2014 | 2015
+ v0 | 2 | 1
+ v1 | | 3
+ v2 | | 1
+(3 rows)
+-- ordered months in horizontal header, quoted column name
+SELECT v, to_char(d, 'Mon') AS "month name", EXTRACT(month FROM d) AS num,
+ count(*) FROM ctv_data GROUP BY 1,2,3 ORDER BY 1
+ \crosstabview v "month name" 4 num
+ v | Jan | Apr | Jul | Dec
+ v0 | | | 2 | 1
+ v1 | | 2 | 1 |
+ v2 | 1 | | |
+(3 rows)
+-- ordered months in vertical header, ordered years in horizontal header
+SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM d) AS year, to_char(d,'Mon') AS """month"" name",
+ EXTRACT(month FROM d) AS month,
+ format('sum=%s avg=%s', sum(i), avg(i)::numeric(2,1))
+ FROM ctv_data
+ GROUP BY EXTRACT(year FROM d), to_char(d,'Mon'), EXTRACT(month FROM d)
+ORDER BY month
+\crosstabview """month"" name" year format year
+ "month" name | 2014 | 2015
+ Jan | | sum=3 avg=3.0
+ Apr | | sum=10 avg=5.0
+ Jul | sum=5 avg=5.0 | sum=4 avg=4.0
+ Dec | sum=-3 avg=-3.0 |
+(4 rows)
+-- combine contents vertically into the same cell (V/H duplicates)
+SELECT v, h, string_agg(c, E'\n') FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,2,3
+ \crosstabview 1 2 3
+ v | h4 | | h0 | h2 | h1
+ v0 | qux+| qux | | |
+ | dbl | | | |
+ v1 | | | baz | foo +|
+ | | | | quux |
+ v2 | | | | | bar
+(3 rows)
+-- horizontal ASC order from window function
+SELECT v,h, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY h) AS r
+FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,3,2
+ \crosstabview v h c r
+ v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 |
+ v0 | | | | qux+| qux
+ | | | | dbl |
+ v1 | baz | | foo +| |
+ | | | quux | |
+ v2 | | bar | | |
+(3 rows)
+-- horizontal DESC order from window function
+SELECT v, h, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY h DESC) AS r
+FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,3,2
+ \crosstabview v h c r
+ v | | h4 | h2 | h1 | h0
+ v0 | qux | qux+| | |
+ | | dbl | | |
+ v1 | | | foo +| | baz
+ | | | quux | |
+ v2 | | | | bar |
+(3 rows)
+-- horizontal ASC order from window function, NULLs pushed rightmost
+SELECT v,h, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c, row_number() OVER(ORDER BY h NULLS LAST) AS r
+FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY 1,3,2
+ \crosstabview v h c r
+ v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 |
+ v0 | | | | qux+| qux
+ | | | | dbl |
+ v1 | baz | | foo +| |
+ | | | quux | |
+ v2 | | bar | | |
+(3 rows)
+-- only null, no column name, 2 columns: error
+SELECT null,null \crosstabview
+\crosstabview: query must return at least three columns
+-- only null, no column name, 3 columns: works
+SELECT null,null,null \crosstabview
+ ?column? |
+ |
+(1 row)
+-- null display
+\pset null '#null#'
+SELECT v,h, string_agg(i::text, E'\n') AS i FROM ctv_data
+ \crosstabview v h i
+ v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 | #null#
+ v1 | #null# | | 3 +| |
+ | | | 7 | |
+ v2 | | 3 | | |
+ v0 | | | | 4 +| 5
+ | | | | -3 |
+(3 rows)
+\pset null ''
+-- refer to columns by position
+SELECT v,h,string_agg(i::text, E'\n'), string_agg(c, E'\n')
+FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY h,v
+ \crosstabview 2 1 4
+ h | v1 | v2 | v0
+ h0 | baz | |
+ h1 | | bar |
+ h2 | foo +| |
+ | quux | |
+ h4 | | | qux+
+ | | | dbl
+ | | | qux
+(5 rows)
+-- refer to columns by positions and names mixed
+SELECT v,h, string_agg(i::text, E'\n') AS i, string_agg(c, E'\n') AS c
+FROM ctv_data GROUP BY v, h ORDER BY h,v
+ \crosstabview 1 "h" 4
+ v | h0 | h1 | h2 | h4 |
+ v1 | baz | | foo +| |
+ | | | quux | |
+ v2 | | bar | | |
+ v0 | | | | qux+| qux
+ | | | | dbl |
+(3 rows)
+-- refer to columns by quoted names, check downcasing of unquoted name
+SELECT 1 as "22", 2 as b, 3 as "Foo"
+ \crosstabview "22" B "Foo"
+ 22 | 2
+ 1 | 3
+(1 row)
+-- error: bad column name
+SELECT v,h,c,i FROM ctv_data
+ \crosstabview v h j
+\crosstabview: column name not found: "j"
+-- error: need to quote name
+SELECT 1 as "22", 2 as b, 3 as "Foo"
+ \crosstabview 1 2 Foo
+\crosstabview: column name not found: "foo"
+-- error: need to not quote name
+SELECT 1 as "22", 2 as b, 3 as "Foo"
+ \crosstabview 1 "B" "Foo"
+\crosstabview: column name not found: "B"
+-- error: bad column number
+SELECT v,h,i,c FROM ctv_data
+ \crosstabview 2 1 5
+\crosstabview: column number 5 is out of range 1..4
+-- error: same H and V columns
+SELECT v,h,i,c FROM ctv_data
+ \crosstabview 2 h 4
+\crosstabview: vertical and horizontal headers must be different columns
+-- error: too many columns
+SELECT a,a,1 FROM generate_series(1,3000) AS a
+ \crosstabview
+\crosstabview: maximum number of columns (1600) exceeded
+-- error: only one column
+SELECT 1 \crosstabview
+\crosstabview: query must return at least three columns
+DROP TABLE ctv_data;
+-- check error reporting (bug #14476)
+CREATE TABLE ctv_data (x int, y int, v text);
+INSERT INTO ctv_data SELECT 1, x, '*' || x FROM generate_series(1,10) x;
+SELECT * FROM ctv_data \crosstabview
+ x | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
+ 1 | *1 | *2 | *3 | *4 | *5 | *6 | *7 | *8 | *9 | *10
+(1 row)
+INSERT INTO ctv_data VALUES (1, 10, '*'); -- duplicate data to cause error
+SELECT * FROM ctv_data \crosstabview
+\crosstabview: query result contains multiple data values for row "1", column "10"
+DROP TABLE ctv_data;