path: root/src/test/regress/sql/brin_bloom.sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/regress/sql/brin_bloom.sql')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/brin_bloom.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/brin_bloom.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d49920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/brin_bloom.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+CREATE TABLE brintest_bloom (byteacol bytea,
+ charcol "char",
+ namecol name,
+ int8col bigint,
+ int2col smallint,
+ int4col integer,
+ textcol text,
+ oidcol oid,
+ float4col real,
+ float8col double precision,
+ macaddrcol macaddr,
+ inetcol inet,
+ cidrcol cidr,
+ bpcharcol character,
+ datecol date,
+ timecol time without time zone,
+ timestampcol timestamp without time zone,
+ timestamptzcol timestamp with time zone,
+ intervalcol interval,
+ timetzcol time with time zone,
+ numericcol numeric,
+ uuidcol uuid,
+ lsncol pg_lsn
+) WITH (fillfactor=10);
+INSERT INTO brintest_bloom SELECT
+ repeat(stringu1, 8)::bytea,
+ substr(stringu1, 1, 1)::"char",
+ stringu1::name, 142857 * tenthous,
+ thousand,
+ twothousand,
+ repeat(stringu1, 8),
+ unique1::oid,
+ (four + 1.0)/(hundred+1),
+ odd::float8 / (tenthous + 1),
+ format('%s:00:%s:00:%s:00', to_hex(odd), to_hex(even), to_hex(hundred))::macaddr,
+ inet '' + tenthous,
+ cidr '10.2.3/24' + tenthous,
+ substr(stringu1, 1, 1)::bpchar,
+ date '1995-08-15' + tenthous,
+ time '01:20:30' + thousand * interval '18.5 second',
+ timestamp '1942-07-23 03:05:09' + tenthous * interval '36.38 hours',
+ timestamptz '1972-10-10 03:00' + thousand * interval '1 hour',
+ justify_days(justify_hours(tenthous * interval '12 minutes')),
+ timetz '01:30:20+02' + hundred * interval '15 seconds',
+ tenthous::numeric(36,30) * fivethous * even / (hundred + 1),
+ format('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'))::uuid,
+ format('%s/%s%s', odd, even, tenthous)::pg_lsn
+FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique2 LIMIT 100;
+-- throw in some NULL's and different values
+INSERT INTO brintest_bloom (inetcol, cidrcol) SELECT
+ inet 'fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46' + tenthous,
+ cidr 'fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46' + tenthous
+FROM tenk1 ORDER BY thousand, tenthous LIMIT 25;
+-- test bloom specific index options
+-- ndistinct must be >= -1.0
+CREATE INDEX brinidx_bloom ON brintest_bloom USING brin (
+ byteacol bytea_bloom_ops(n_distinct_per_range = -1.1)
+-- false_positive_rate must be between 0.0001 and 0.25
+CREATE INDEX brinidx_bloom ON brintest_bloom USING brin (
+ byteacol bytea_bloom_ops(false_positive_rate = 0.00009)
+CREATE INDEX brinidx_bloom ON brintest_bloom USING brin (
+ byteacol bytea_bloom_ops(false_positive_rate = 0.26)
+CREATE INDEX brinidx_bloom ON brintest_bloom USING brin (
+ byteacol bytea_bloom_ops,
+ charcol char_bloom_ops,
+ namecol name_bloom_ops,
+ int8col int8_bloom_ops,
+ int2col int2_bloom_ops,
+ int4col int4_bloom_ops,
+ textcol text_bloom_ops,
+ oidcol oid_bloom_ops,
+ float4col float4_bloom_ops,
+ float8col float8_bloom_ops,
+ macaddrcol macaddr_bloom_ops,
+ inetcol inet_bloom_ops,
+ cidrcol inet_bloom_ops,
+ bpcharcol bpchar_bloom_ops,
+ datecol date_bloom_ops,
+ timecol time_bloom_ops,
+ timestampcol timestamp_bloom_ops,
+ timestamptzcol timestamptz_bloom_ops,
+ intervalcol interval_bloom_ops,
+ timetzcol timetz_bloom_ops,
+ numericcol numeric_bloom_ops,
+ uuidcol uuid_bloom_ops,
+ lsncol pg_lsn_bloom_ops
+) with (pages_per_range = 1);
+CREATE TABLE brinopers_bloom (colname name, typ text,
+ op text[], value text[], matches int[],
+ check (cardinality(op) = cardinality(value)),
+ check (cardinality(op) = cardinality(matches)));
+INSERT INTO brinopers_bloom VALUES
+ ('byteacol', 'bytea',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('charcol', '"char"',
+ '{=}',
+ '{M}',
+ '{6}'),
+ ('namecol', 'name',
+ '{=}',
+ '{MAAAAA}',
+ '{2}'),
+ ('int2col', 'int2',
+ '{=}',
+ '{800}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('int4col', 'int4',
+ '{=}',
+ '{800}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('int8col', 'int8',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1257141600}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('textcol', 'text',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('oidcol', 'oid',
+ '{=}',
+ '{8800}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('float4col', 'float4',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1}',
+ '{4}'),
+ ('float8col', 'float8',
+ '{=}',
+ '{0}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('macaddrcol', 'macaddr',
+ '{=}',
+ '{2c:00:2d:00:16:00}',
+ '{2}'),
+ ('inetcol', 'inet',
+ '{=}',
+ '{}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('inetcol', 'cidr',
+ '{=}',
+ '{fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('cidrcol', 'inet',
+ '{=}',
+ '{10.2.14/24}',
+ '{2}'),
+ ('cidrcol', 'inet',
+ '{=}',
+ '{fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('cidrcol', 'cidr',
+ '{=}',
+ '{10.2.14/24}',
+ '{2}'),
+ ('cidrcol', 'cidr',
+ '{=}',
+ '{fe80::6e40:8ff:fea9:8c46}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('bpcharcol', 'bpchar',
+ '{=}',
+ '{W}',
+ '{6}'),
+ ('datecol', 'date',
+ '{=}',
+ '{2009-12-01}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('timecol', 'time',
+ '{=}',
+ '{02:28:57}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('timestampcol', 'timestamp',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1964-03-24 19:26:45}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('timestamptzcol', 'timestamptz',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1972-10-19 09:00:00-07}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('intervalcol', 'interval',
+ '{=}',
+ '{1 mons 13 days 12:24}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('timetzcol', 'timetz',
+ '{=}',
+ '{01:35:50+02}',
+ '{2}'),
+ ('numericcol', 'numeric',
+ '{=}',
+ '{2268164.347826086956521739130434782609}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('uuidcol', 'uuid',
+ '{=}',
+ '{52225222-5222-5222-5222-522252225222}',
+ '{1}'),
+ ('lsncol', 'pg_lsn',
+ '{=, IS, IS NOT}',
+ '{44/455222, NULL, NULL}',
+ '{1, 25, 100}');
+DO $x$
+ r record;
+ r2 record;
+ cond text;
+ idx_ctids tid[];
+ ss_ctids tid[];
+ count int;
+ plan_ok bool;
+ plan_line text;
+ FOR r IN SELECT colname, oper, typ, value[ordinality], matches[ordinality] FROM brinopers_bloom, unnest(op) WITH ORDINALITY AS oper LOOP
+ -- prepare the condition
+ IF r.value IS NULL THEN
+ cond := format('%I %s %L', r.colname, r.oper, r.value);
+ cond := format('%I %s %L::%s', r.colname, r.oper, r.value, r.typ);
+ -- run the query using the brin index
+ SET enable_seqscan = 0;
+ SET enable_bitmapscan = 1;
+ plan_ok := false;
+ FOR plan_line IN EXECUTE format($y$EXPLAIN SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_bloom WHERE %s $y$, cond) LOOP
+ IF plan_line LIKE '%Bitmap Heap Scan on brintest_bloom%' THEN
+ plan_ok := true;
+ IF NOT plan_ok THEN
+ RAISE WARNING 'did not get bitmap indexscan plan for %', r;
+ EXECUTE format($y$SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_bloom WHERE %s $y$, cond)
+ INTO idx_ctids;
+ -- run the query using a seqscan
+ SET enable_seqscan = 1;
+ SET enable_bitmapscan = 0;
+ plan_ok := false;
+ FOR plan_line IN EXECUTE format($y$EXPLAIN SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_bloom WHERE %s $y$, cond) LOOP
+ IF plan_line LIKE '%Seq Scan on brintest_bloom%' THEN
+ plan_ok := true;
+ IF NOT plan_ok THEN
+ RAISE WARNING 'did not get seqscan plan for %', r;
+ EXECUTE format($y$SELECT array_agg(ctid) FROM brintest_bloom WHERE %s $y$, cond)
+ INTO ss_ctids;
+ -- make sure both return the same results
+ count := array_length(idx_ctids, 1);
+ IF NOT (count = array_length(ss_ctids, 1) AND
+ idx_ctids @> ss_ctids AND
+ idx_ctids <@ ss_ctids) THEN
+ -- report the results of each scan to make the differences obvious
+ RAISE WARNING 'something not right in %: count %', r, count;
+ SET enable_seqscan = 1;
+ SET enable_bitmapscan = 0;
+ FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || r.colname || ' FROM brintest_bloom WHERE ' || cond LOOP
+ RAISE NOTICE 'seqscan: %', r2;
+ SET enable_seqscan = 0;
+ SET enable_bitmapscan = 1;
+ FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT ' || r.colname || ' FROM brintest_bloom WHERE ' || cond LOOP
+ RAISE NOTICE 'bitmapscan: %', r2;
+ -- make sure we found expected number of matches
+ IF count != r.matches THEN RAISE WARNING 'unexpected number of results % for %', count, r; END IF;
+RESET enable_seqscan;
+RESET enable_bitmapscan;
+INSERT INTO brintest_bloom SELECT
+ repeat(stringu1, 42)::bytea,
+ substr(stringu1, 1, 1)::"char",
+ stringu1::name, 142857 * tenthous,
+ thousand,
+ twothousand,
+ repeat(stringu1, 42),
+ unique1::oid,
+ (four + 1.0)/(hundred+1),
+ odd::float8 / (tenthous + 1),
+ format('%s:00:%s:00:%s:00', to_hex(odd), to_hex(even), to_hex(hundred))::macaddr,
+ inet '' + tenthous,
+ cidr '10.2.3/24' + tenthous,
+ substr(stringu1, 1, 1)::bpchar,
+ date '1995-08-15' + tenthous,
+ time '01:20:30' + thousand * interval '18.5 second',
+ timestamp '1942-07-23 03:05:09' + tenthous * interval '36.38 hours',
+ timestamptz '1972-10-10 03:00' + thousand * interval '1 hour',
+ justify_days(justify_hours(tenthous * interval '12 minutes')),
+ timetz '01:30:20' + hundred * interval '15 seconds',
+ tenthous::numeric(36,30) * fivethous * even / (hundred + 1),
+ format('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s', to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'), to_char(tenthous, 'FM0000'))::uuid,
+ format('%s/%s%s', odd, even, tenthous)::pg_lsn
+FROM tenk1 ORDER BY unique2 LIMIT 5 OFFSET 5;
+SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_bloom', 0);
+VACUUM brintest_bloom; -- force a summarization cycle in brinidx
+UPDATE brintest_bloom SET int8col = int8col * int4col;
+UPDATE brintest_bloom SET textcol = '' WHERE textcol IS NOT NULL;
+-- Tests for brin_summarize_new_values
+SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('brintest_bloom'); -- error, not an index
+SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('tenk1_unique1'); -- error, not a BRIN index
+SELECT brin_summarize_new_values('brinidx_bloom'); -- ok, no change expected
+-- Tests for brin_desummarize_range
+SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_bloom', -1); -- error, invalid range
+SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_bloom', 0);
+SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_bloom', 0);
+SELECT brin_desummarize_range('brinidx_bloom', 100000000);
+-- Test brin_summarize_range
+CREATE TABLE brin_summarize_bloom (
+ value int
+) WITH (fillfactor=10, autovacuum_enabled=false);
+CREATE INDEX brin_summarize_bloom_idx ON brin_summarize_bloom USING brin (value) WITH (pages_per_range=2);
+-- Fill a few pages
+DO $$
+DECLARE curtid tid;
+ INSERT INTO brin_summarize_bloom VALUES (1) RETURNING ctid INTO curtid;
+ EXIT WHEN curtid > tid '(2, 0)';
+-- summarize one range
+SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_bloom_idx', 0);
+-- nothing: already summarized
+SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_bloom_idx', 1);
+-- summarize one range
+SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_bloom_idx', 2);
+-- nothing: page doesn't exist in table
+SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_bloom_idx', 4294967295);
+-- invalid block number values
+SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_bloom_idx', -1);
+SELECT brin_summarize_range('brin_summarize_bloom_idx', 4294967296);
+-- test brin cost estimates behave sanely based on correlation of values
+CREATE TABLE brin_test_bloom (a INT, b INT);
+INSERT INTO brin_test_bloom SELECT x/100,x%100 FROM generate_series(1,10000) x(x);
+CREATE INDEX brin_test_bloom_a_idx ON brin_test_bloom USING brin (a) WITH (pages_per_range = 2);
+CREATE INDEX brin_test_bloom_b_idx ON brin_test_bloom USING brin (b) WITH (pages_per_range = 2);
+VACUUM ANALYZE brin_test_bloom;
+-- Ensure brin index is used when columns are perfectly correlated
+EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_test_bloom WHERE a = 1;
+-- Ensure brin index is not used when values are not correlated
+EXPLAIN (COSTS OFF) SELECT * FROM brin_test_bloom WHERE b = 1;