path: root/src/test/ssl/t/SSL/
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+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+=head1 NAME
+SSL::Server - Class for setting up SSL in a PostgreSQL Cluster
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
+ use SSL::Server;
+ # Create a new cluster
+ my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('primary');
+ # Initialize and start the new cluster
+ $node->init;
+ $node->start;
+ # Initialize SSL Server functionality for the cluster
+ my $ssl_server = SSL::Server->new();
+ # Configure SSL on the newly formed cluster
+ $server->configure_test_server_for_ssl($node, '', '', 'trust');
+SSL::Server configures an existing test cluster, for the SSL regression tests.
+The server is configured as follows:
+=item * SSL enabled, with the server certificate specified by arguments to switch_server_cert function.
+=item * reject non-SSL connections
+=item * a database called trustdb that lets anyone in
+=item * another database called certdb that uses certificate authentication, ie. the client must present a valid certificate signed by the client CA
+The server is configured to only accept connections from localhost. If you
+want to run the client from another host, you'll have to configure that
+Note: Someone running these test could have key or certificate files in their
+~/.postgresql/, which would interfere with the tests. The way to override that
+is to specify sslcert=invalid and/or sslrootcert=invalid if no actual
+certificate is used for a particular test. libpq will ignore specifications
+that name nonexisting files. (sslkey and sslcrl do not need to specified
+explicitly because an invalid sslcert or sslrootcert, respectively, causes
+those to be ignored.)
+The SSL::Server module presents a SSL library abstraction to the test writer,
+which in turn use modules in SSL::Backend which implements the SSL library
+specific infrastructure. Currently only OpenSSL is supported.
+package SSL::Server;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
+use Test::More;
+use SSL::Backend::OpenSSL;
+=head1 METHODS
+=item SSL::Server->new(flavor)
+Create a new SSL Server object for configuring a PostgreSQL test cluster
+node for accepting SSL connections using the with B<flavor> selected SSL
+backend. If B<flavor> isn't set, the C<with_ssl> environment variable will
+be used for selecting backend. Currently only C<openssl> is supported.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $flavor = shift || $ENV{with_ssl};
+ die "SSL flavor not defined" unless $flavor;
+ my $self = {};
+ bless $self, $class;
+ if ($flavor =~ /\Aopenssl\z/i)
+ {
+ $self->{flavor} = 'openssl';
+ $self->{backend} = SSL::Backend::OpenSSL->new();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "SSL flavor $flavor unknown";
+ }
+ return $self;
+=item sslkey(filename)
+Return a C<sslkey> construct for the specified key for use in a connection
+sub sslkey
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $keyfile = shift;
+ my $backend = $self->{backend};
+ return $backend->get_sslkey($keyfile);
+=item $server->configure_test_server_for_ssl(node, host, cidr, auth, params)
+Configure the cluster specified by B<node> or listening on SSL connections.
+The following databases will be created in the cluster: trustdb, certdb,
+certdb_dn, certdb_dn_re, certdb_cn, verifydb. The following users will be
+created in the cluster: ssltestuser, md5testuser, anotheruser, yetanotheruser.
+If B<< $params{password} >> is set, it will be used as password for all users
+with the password encoding B<< $params{password_enc} >> (except for md5testuser
+which always have MD5). Extensions defined in B<< @{$params{extension}} >>
+will be created in all the above created databases. B<host> is used for
+C<listen_addresses> and B<cidr> for configuring C<pg_hba.conf>.
+sub configure_test_server_for_ssl
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($node, $serverhost, $servercidr, $authmethod, %params) = @_;
+ my $backend = $self->{backend};
+ my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
+ my @databases = (
+ 'trustdb', 'certdb', 'certdb_dn', 'certdb_dn_re',
+ 'certdb_cn', 'verifydb');
+ # Create test users and databases
+ $node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER ssltestuser");
+ $node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER md5testuser");
+ $node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER anotheruser");
+ $node->psql('postgres', "CREATE USER yetanotheruser");
+ foreach my $db (@databases)
+ {
+ $node->psql('postgres', "CREATE DATABASE $db");
+ }
+ # Update password of each user as needed.
+ if (defined($params{password}))
+ {
+ die "Password encryption must be specified when password is set"
+ unless defined($params{password_enc});
+ $node->psql('postgres',
+ "SET password_encryption='$params{password_enc}'; ALTER USER ssltestuser PASSWORD '$params{password}';"
+ );
+ # A special user that always has an md5-encrypted password
+ $node->psql('postgres',
+ "SET password_encryption='md5'; ALTER USER md5testuser PASSWORD '$params{password}';"
+ );
+ $node->psql('postgres',
+ "SET password_encryption='$params{password_enc}'; ALTER USER anotheruser PASSWORD '$params{password}';"
+ );
+ }
+ # Create any extensions requested in the setup
+ if (defined($params{extensions}))
+ {
+ foreach my $extension (@{ $params{extensions} })
+ {
+ foreach my $db (@databases)
+ {
+ $node->psql($db, "CREATE EXTENSION $extension CASCADE;");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # enable logging etc.
+ open my $conf, '>>', "$pgdata/postgresql.conf";
+ print $conf "fsync=off\n";
+ print $conf "log_connections=on\n";
+ print $conf "log_hostname=on\n";
+ print $conf "listen_addresses='$serverhost'\n";
+ print $conf "log_statement=all\n";
+ # enable SSL and set up server key
+ print $conf "include 'sslconfig.conf'\n";
+ close $conf;
+ # SSL configuration will be placed here
+ open my $sslconf, '>', "$pgdata/sslconfig.conf";
+ close $sslconf;
+ # Perform backend specific configuration
+ $backend->init($pgdata);
+ # Stop and restart server to load new listen_addresses.
+ $node->restart;
+ # Change pg_hba after restart because hostssl requires ssl=on
+ _configure_hba_for_ssl($node, $servercidr, $authmethod);
+ return;
+=item $server->ssl_library()
+Get the name of the currently used SSL backend.
+sub ssl_library
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $backend = $self->{backend};
+ return $backend->get_library();
+=item switch_server_cert(params)
+Change the configuration to use the given set of certificate, key, ca and
+CRL, and potentially reload the configuration by restarting the server so
+that the configuration takes effect. Restarting is the default, passing
+B<< $params{restart} >> => 'no' opts out of it leaving the server running.
+The following params are supported:
+=item cafile => B<value>
+The CA certificate to use. Implementation is SSL backend specific.
+=item certfile => B<value>
+The certificate file to use. Implementation is SSL backend specific.
+=item keyfile => B<value>
+The private key to use. Implementation is SSL backend specific.
+=item crlfile => B<value>
+The CRL file to use. Implementation is SSL backend specific.
+=item crldir => B<value>
+The CRL directory to use. Implementation is SSL backend specific.
+=item passphrase_cmd => B<value>
+The passphrase command to use. If not set, an empty passphrase command will
+be set.
+=item restart => B<value>
+If set to 'no', the server won't be restarted after updating the settings.
+If omitted, or any other value is passed, the server will be restarted before
+sub switch_server_cert
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $node = shift;
+ my $backend = $self->{backend};
+ my %params = @_;
+ my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
+ open my $sslconf, '>', "$pgdata/sslconfig.conf";
+ print $sslconf "ssl=on\n";
+ print $sslconf $backend->set_server_cert(\%params);
+ print $sslconf "ssl_passphrase_command='"
+ . $params{passphrase_cmd} . "'\n"
+ if defined $params{passphrase_cmd};
+ close $sslconf;
+ return if (defined($params{restart}) && $params{restart} eq 'no');
+ $node->restart;
+ return;
+# Internal function for configuring pg_hba.conf for SSL connections.
+sub _configure_hba_for_ssl
+ my ($node, $servercidr, $authmethod) = @_;
+ my $pgdata = $node->data_dir;
+ # Only accept SSL connections from $servercidr. Our tests don't depend on this
+ # but seems best to keep it as narrow as possible for security reasons.
+ #
+ # When connecting to certdb, also check the client certificate.
+ open my $hba, '>', "$pgdata/pg_hba.conf";
+ print $hba
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl trustdb md5testuser $servercidr md5\n";
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl trustdb all $servercidr $authmethod\n";
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl verifydb ssltestuser $servercidr $authmethod clientcert=verify-full\n";
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl verifydb anotheruser $servercidr $authmethod clientcert=verify-full\n";
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl verifydb yetanotheruser $servercidr $authmethod clientcert=verify-ca\n";
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl certdb all $servercidr cert\n";
+ print $hba
+ "hostssl certdb_dn all $servercidr cert clientname=DN map=dn\n",
+ "hostssl certdb_dn_re all $servercidr cert clientname=DN map=dnre\n",
+ "hostssl certdb_cn all $servercidr cert clientname=CN map=cn\n";
+ close $hba;
+ # Also set the ident maps. Note: fields with commas must be quoted
+ open my $map, ">", "$pgdata/pg_ident.conf";
+ print $map
+ "dn \"CN=ssltestuser-dn,OU=Testing,OU=Engineering,O=PGDG\" ssltestuser\n",
+ "dnre \"/^.*OU=Testing,.*\$\" ssltestuser\n",
+ "cn ssltestuser-dn ssltestuser\n";
+ return;