path: root/test/autoindex2.test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/autoindex2.test')
1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/autoindex2.test b/test/autoindex2.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afd4a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/autoindex2.test
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# 2014-06-17
+# The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
+# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+# May you do good and not evil.
+# May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+# May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The
+# focus of this script is testing automatic index creation logic.
+# This file contains a single real-world test case that was giving
+# suboptimal performance because of over-use of automatic indexes.
+set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
+source $testdir/tester.tcl
+do_execsql_test autoindex2-100 {
+ t1_id largeint,
+ did char(9),
+ ptime largeint,
+ exbyte char(4),
+ pe_id int,
+ field_id int,
+ mass float,
+ param10 float,
+ param11 float,
+ exmass float,
+ deviation float,
+ trange float,
+ vstatus int,
+ commit_status int,
+ formula char(329),
+ tier int DEFAULT 2,
+ ssid int DEFAULT 0,
+ last_operation largeint DEFAULT 0,
+ admin_uuid int DEFAULT 0,
+ previous_value float,
+ job_id largeint,
+ last_t1 largeint DEFAULT 0,
+ data_t1 int,
+ previous_date largeint DEFAULT 0,
+ flg8 int DEFAULT 1,
+ failed_fields char(100)
+ );
+ CREATE INDEX t1x0 on t1 (t1_id);
+ CREATE INDEX t1x1 on t1 (ptime, vstatus);
+ CREATE INDEX t1x2 on t1 (did, ssid, ptime, vstatus, exbyte, t1_id);
+ CREATE INDEX t1x3 on t1 (job_id);
+ did char(9),
+ client_did char(30),
+ description char(49),
+ uid int,
+ tzid int,
+ privilege int,
+ param2 int,
+ type char(30),
+ subtype char(32),
+ dparam1 char(7) DEFAULT '',
+ param5 char(3) DEFAULT '',
+ notional float DEFAULT 0.000000,
+ create_time largeint,
+ sample_time largeint DEFAULT 0,
+ param6 largeint,
+ frequency int,
+ expiration largeint,
+ uw_status int,
+ next_sample largeint,
+ last_sample largeint,
+ reserve1 char(29) DEFAULT '',
+ reserve2 char(29) DEFAULT '',
+ reserve3 char(29) DEFAULT '',
+ bxcdr char(19) DEFAULT 'XY',
+ ssid int DEFAULT 1,
+ last_t1_id largeint,
+ reserve4 char(29) DEFAULT '',
+ reserve5 char(29) DEFAULT '',
+ param12 int DEFAULT 0,
+ long_did char(100) DEFAULT '',
+ gr_code int DEFAULT 0,
+ drx char(100) DEFAULT '',
+ parent_id char(9) DEFAULT '',
+ param13 int DEFAULT 0,
+ position float DEFAULT 1.000000,
+ client_did3 char(100) DEFAULT '',
+ client_did4 char(100) DEFAULT '',
+ dlib_id char(9) DEFAULT ''
+ );
+ CREATE INDEX t2x0 on t2 (did);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x1 on t2 (client_did);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x2 on t2 (long_did);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x3 on t2 (uid);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x4 on t2 (param2);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x5 on t2 (type);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x6 on t2 (subtype);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x7 on t2 (last_sample);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x8 on t2 (param6);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x9 on t2 (frequency);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x10 on t2 (privilege);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x11 on t2 (sample_time);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x12 on t2 (notional);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x13 on t2 (tzid);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x14 on t2 (gr_code);
+ CREATE INDEX t2x15 on t2 (parent_id);
+ uid int,
+ param3 int,
+ uuid int,
+ acc_id int,
+ cust_num int,
+ numerix_id int,
+ pfy char(29),
+ param4 char(29),
+ param15 int DEFAULT 0,
+ flg7 int DEFAULT 0,
+ param21 int DEFAULT 0,
+ bxcdr char(2) DEFAULT 'PC',
+ c31 int DEFAULT 0,
+ c33 int DEFAULT 0,
+ c35 int DEFAULT 0,
+ c37 int,
+ mgr_uuid int,
+ back_up_uuid int,
+ priv_mars int DEFAULT 0,
+ is_qc int DEFAULT 0,
+ c41 int DEFAULT 0,
+ deleted int DEFAULT 0,
+ c47 int DEFAULT 1
+ );
+ CREATE INDEX t3x0 on t3 (uid);
+ CREATE INDEX t3x1 on t3 (param3);
+ CREATE INDEX t3x2 on t3 (uuid);
+ CREATE INDEX t3x3 on t3 (acc_id);
+ CREATE INDEX t3x4 on t3 (param4);
+ CREATE INDEX t3x5 on t3 (pfy);
+ CREATE INDEX t3x6 on t3 (is_qc);
+ SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master;
+} {30}
+do_execsql_test autoindex2-110 {
+ ANALYZE sqlite_master;
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t1','t1x3','10747267 260');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t1','t1x2','10747267 121 113 2 2 2 1');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t1','t1x1','10747267 50 40');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t1','t1x0','10747267 1');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x15','39667 253');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x14','39667 19834');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x13','39667 13223');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x12','39667 7');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x11','39667 17');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x10','39667 19834');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x9','39667 7934');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x8','39667 11');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x7','39667 5');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x6','39667 242');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x5','39667 1984');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x4','39667 4408');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x3','39667 81');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x2','39667 551');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x1','39667 2');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t2','t2x0','39667 1');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x6','569 285');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x5','569 2');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x4','569 2');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x3','569 5');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x2','569 3');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x1','569 6');
+ INSERT INTO sqlite_stat1 VALUES('t3','t3x0','569 1');
+ ANALYZE sqlite_master;
+} {}
+do_execsql_test autoindex2-120 {
+ t1_id,
+ t1.did,
+ param2,
+ param3,
+ t1.ptime,
+ t1.trange,
+ t1.exmass,
+ t1.mass,
+ t1.vstatus,
+ type,
+ subtype,
+ t1.deviation,
+ t1.formula,
+ dparam1,
+ reserve1,
+ reserve2,
+ param4,
+ t1.last_operation,
+ t1.admin_uuid,
+ t1.previous_value,
+ t1.job_id,
+ client_did,
+ t1.last_t1,
+ t1.data_t1,
+ t1.previous_date,
+ param5,
+ param6,
+ mgr_uuid
+ t1,
+ t2,
+ t3
+ t1.ptime > 1393520400
+ AND param3<>9001
+ AND t3.flg7 = 1
+ AND t1.did = t2.did
+ AND t2.uid = t3.uid
+ ORDER BY t1.ptime desc LIMIT 500;
+} {~/AUTO/}
+# ^^^--- Before being fixed, the above was using an automatic covering
+# on t3 and reordering the tables so that t3 was in the outer loop and
+# implementing the ORDER BY clause using a B-Tree.
+# This test is sanitized data received from a user. The original unsanitized
+# data and STAT4 data is found in the th3private test repository. See one of
+# the th3private check-ins on 2016-02-25. The test is much more accurate when
+# STAT4 data is used.