path: root/yt_dlp/downloader/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yt_dlp/downloader/')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yt_dlp/downloader/ b/yt_dlp/downloader/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2868dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yt_dlp/downloader/
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+import binascii
+import io
+import re
+import urllib.parse
+from . import get_suitable_downloader
+from .external import FFmpegFD
+from .fragment import FragmentFD
+from .. import webvtt
+from ..dependencies import Cryptodome
+from ..utils import (
+ bug_reports_message,
+ parse_m3u8_attributes,
+ remove_start,
+ traverse_obj,
+ update_url_query,
+ urljoin,
+class HlsFD(FragmentFD):
+ """
+ Download segments in a m3u8 manifest. External downloaders can take over
+ the fragment downloads by supporting the 'm3u8_frag_urls' protocol and
+ re-defining 'supports_manifest' function
+ """
+ FD_NAME = 'hlsnative'
+ @staticmethod
+ def can_download(manifest, info_dict, allow_unplayable_formats=False):
+ # r'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE', # playlists composed of byte ranges of media files [2]
+ # Live streams heuristic does not always work (e.g. geo restricted to Germany
+ #,716451,716457,716450,716458,716459,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null=0)
+ # r'#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(?!0$)', # live streams [3]
+ # This heuristic also is not correct since segments may not be appended as well.
+ # Twitch vods of finished streams have EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT despite
+ # no segments will definitely be appended to the end of the playlist.
+ # r'#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT', # media segments may be appended to the end of
+ # # event media playlists [4]
+ # r'#EXT-X-MAP:', # media initialization [5]
+ # 1.
+ # 2.
+ # 3.
+ # 4.
+ # 5.
+ ]
+ if not allow_unplayable_formats:
+ r'#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=(?!NONE|AES-128)', # encrypted streams [1]
+ ]
+ def check_results():
+ yield not info_dict.get('is_live')
+ for feature in UNSUPPORTED_FEATURES:
+ yield not, manifest)
+ return all(check_results())
+ def real_download(self, filename, info_dict):
+ man_url = info_dict['url']
+ self.to_screen('[%s] Downloading m3u8 manifest' % self.FD_NAME)
+ urlh = self.ydl.urlopen(self._prepare_url(info_dict, man_url))
+ man_url = urlh.geturl()
+ s ='utf-8', 'ignore')
+ can_download, message = self.can_download(s, info_dict, self.params.get('allow_unplayable_formats')), None
+ if can_download:
+ has_ffmpeg = FFmpegFD.available()
+ no_crypto = not Cryptodome.AES and '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128' in s
+ if no_crypto and has_ffmpeg:
+ can_download, message = False, 'The stream has AES-128 encryption and pycryptodomex is not available'
+ elif no_crypto:
+ message = ('The stream has AES-128 encryption and neither ffmpeg nor pycryptodomex are available; '
+ 'Decryption will be performed natively, but will be extremely slow')
+ elif info_dict.get('extractor_key') == 'Generic' and'(?m)#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(?!0$)', s):
+ install_ffmpeg = '' if has_ffmpeg else 'install ffmpeg and '
+ message = ('Live HLS streams are not supported by the native downloader. If this is a livestream, '
+ f'please {install_ffmpeg}add "--downloader ffmpeg --hls-use-mpegts" to your command')
+ if not can_download:
+ has_drm ='|'.join([
+ r'#EXT-X-FAXS-CM:', # Adobe Flash Access
+ r'#EXT-X-(?:SESSION-)?KEY:.*?URI="skd://', # Apple FairPlay
+ ]), s)
+ if has_drm and not self.params.get('allow_unplayable_formats'):
+ self.report_error(
+ 'This video is DRM protected; Try selecting another format with --format or '
+ 'add --check-formats to automatically fallback to the next best format')
+ return False
+ message = message or 'Unsupported features have been detected'
+ fd = FFmpegFD(self.ydl, self.params)
+ self.report_warning(f'{message}; extraction will be delegated to {fd.get_basename()}')
+ return fd.real_download(filename, info_dict)
+ elif message:
+ self.report_warning(message)
+ is_webvtt = info_dict['ext'] == 'vtt'
+ if is_webvtt:
+ real_downloader = None # Packing the fragments is not currently supported for external downloader
+ else:
+ real_downloader = get_suitable_downloader(
+ info_dict, self.params, None, protocol='m3u8_frag_urls', to_stdout=(filename == '-'))
+ if real_downloader and not real_downloader.supports_manifest(s):
+ real_downloader = None
+ if real_downloader:
+ self.to_screen(f'[{self.FD_NAME}] Fragment downloads will be delegated to {real_downloader.get_basename()}')
+ def is_ad_fragment_start(s):
+ return (s.startswith('#ANVATO-SEGMENT-INFO') and 'type=ad' in s
+ or s.startswith('#UPLYNK-SEGMENT') and s.endswith(',ad'))
+ def is_ad_fragment_end(s):
+ return (s.startswith('#ANVATO-SEGMENT-INFO') and 'type=master' in s
+ or s.startswith('#UPLYNK-SEGMENT') and s.endswith(',segment'))
+ fragments = []
+ media_frags = 0
+ ad_frags = 0
+ ad_frag_next = False
+ for line in s.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if line.startswith('#'):
+ if is_ad_fragment_start(line):
+ ad_frag_next = True
+ elif is_ad_fragment_end(line):
+ ad_frag_next = False
+ continue
+ if ad_frag_next:
+ ad_frags += 1
+ continue
+ media_frags += 1
+ ctx = {
+ 'filename': filename,
+ 'total_frags': media_frags,
+ 'ad_frags': ad_frags,
+ }
+ if real_downloader:
+ self._prepare_external_frag_download(ctx)
+ else:
+ self._prepare_and_start_frag_download(ctx, info_dict)
+ extra_state = ctx.setdefault('extra_state', {})
+ format_index = info_dict.get('format_index')
+ extra_query = None
+ extra_param_to_segment_url = info_dict.get('extra_param_to_segment_url')
+ if extra_param_to_segment_url:
+ extra_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(extra_param_to_segment_url)
+ i = 0
+ media_sequence = 0
+ decrypt_info = {'METHOD': 'NONE'}
+ external_aes_key = traverse_obj(info_dict, ('hls_aes', 'key'))
+ if external_aes_key:
+ external_aes_key = binascii.unhexlify(remove_start(external_aes_key, '0x'))
+ assert len(external_aes_key) in (16, 24, 32), 'Invalid length for HLS AES-128 key'
+ external_aes_iv = traverse_obj(info_dict, ('hls_aes', 'iv'))
+ if external_aes_iv:
+ external_aes_iv = binascii.unhexlify(remove_start(external_aes_iv, '0x').zfill(32))
+ byte_range = {}
+ discontinuity_count = 0
+ frag_index = 0
+ ad_frag_next = False
+ for line in s.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line:
+ if not line.startswith('#'):
+ if format_index and discontinuity_count != format_index:
+ continue
+ if ad_frag_next:
+ continue
+ frag_index += 1
+ if frag_index <= ctx['fragment_index']:
+ continue
+ frag_url = urljoin(man_url, line)
+ if extra_query:
+ frag_url = update_url_query(frag_url, extra_query)
+ fragments.append({
+ 'frag_index': frag_index,
+ 'url': frag_url,
+ 'decrypt_info': decrypt_info,
+ 'byte_range': byte_range,
+ 'media_sequence': media_sequence,
+ })
+ media_sequence += 1
+ elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-MAP'):
+ if format_index and discontinuity_count != format_index:
+ continue
+ if frag_index > 0:
+ self.report_error(
+ 'Initialization fragment found after media fragments, unable to download')
+ return False
+ frag_index += 1
+ map_info = parse_m3u8_attributes(line[11:])
+ frag_url = urljoin(man_url, map_info.get('URI'))
+ if extra_query:
+ frag_url = update_url_query(frag_url, extra_query)
+ if map_info.get('BYTERANGE'):
+ splitted_byte_range = map_info.get('BYTERANGE').split('@')
+ sub_range_start = int(splitted_byte_range[1]) if len(splitted_byte_range) == 2 else byte_range['end']
+ byte_range = {
+ 'start': sub_range_start,
+ 'end': sub_range_start + int(splitted_byte_range[0]),
+ }
+ fragments.append({
+ 'frag_index': frag_index,
+ 'url': frag_url,
+ 'decrypt_info': decrypt_info,
+ 'byte_range': byte_range,
+ 'media_sequence': media_sequence
+ })
+ media_sequence += 1
+ elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-KEY'):
+ decrypt_url = decrypt_info.get('URI')
+ decrypt_info = parse_m3u8_attributes(line[11:])
+ if decrypt_info['METHOD'] == 'AES-128':
+ if external_aes_iv:
+ decrypt_info['IV'] = external_aes_iv
+ elif 'IV' in decrypt_info:
+ decrypt_info['IV'] = binascii.unhexlify(decrypt_info['IV'][2:].zfill(32))
+ if external_aes_key:
+ decrypt_info['KEY'] = external_aes_key
+ else:
+ decrypt_info['URI'] = urljoin(man_url, decrypt_info['URI'])
+ if extra_query:
+ decrypt_info['URI'] = update_url_query(decrypt_info['URI'], extra_query)
+ if decrypt_url != decrypt_info['URI']:
+ decrypt_info['KEY'] = None
+ elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE'):
+ media_sequence = int(line[22:])
+ elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-BYTERANGE'):
+ splitted_byte_range = line[17:].split('@')
+ sub_range_start = int(splitted_byte_range[1]) if len(splitted_byte_range) == 2 else byte_range['end']
+ byte_range = {
+ 'start': sub_range_start,
+ 'end': sub_range_start + int(splitted_byte_range[0]),
+ }
+ elif is_ad_fragment_start(line):
+ ad_frag_next = True
+ elif is_ad_fragment_end(line):
+ ad_frag_next = False
+ elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY'):
+ discontinuity_count += 1
+ i += 1
+ # We only download the first fragment during the test
+ if self.params.get('test', False):
+ fragments = [fragments[0] if fragments else None]
+ if real_downloader:
+ info_dict['fragments'] = fragments
+ fd = real_downloader(self.ydl, self.params)
+ # TODO: Make progress updates work without hooking twice
+ # for ph in self._progress_hooks:
+ # fd.add_progress_hook(ph)
+ return fd.real_download(filename, info_dict)
+ if is_webvtt:
+ def pack_fragment(frag_content, frag_index):
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ adjust = 0
+ overflow = False
+ mpegts_last = None
+ for block in webvtt.parse_fragment(frag_content):
+ if isinstance(block, webvtt.CueBlock):
+ extra_state['webvtt_mpegts_last'] = mpegts_last
+ if overflow:
+ extra_state['webvtt_mpegts_adjust'] += 1
+ overflow = False
+ block.start += adjust
+ block.end += adjust
+ dedup_window = extra_state.setdefault('webvtt_dedup_window', [])
+ ready = []
+ i = 0
+ is_new = True
+ while i < len(dedup_window):
+ wcue = dedup_window[i]
+ wblock = webvtt.CueBlock.from_json(wcue)
+ i += 1
+ if wblock.hinges(block):
+ wcue['end'] = block.end
+ is_new = False
+ continue
+ if wblock == block:
+ is_new = False
+ continue
+ if wblock.end > block.start:
+ continue
+ ready.append(wblock)
+ i -= 1
+ del dedup_window[i]
+ if is_new:
+ dedup_window.append(block.as_json)
+ for block in ready:
+ block.write_into(output)
+ # we only emit cues once they fall out of the duplicate window
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(block, webvtt.Magic):
+ # take care of MPEG PES timestamp overflow
+ if block.mpegts is None:
+ block.mpegts = 0
+ extra_state.setdefault('webvtt_mpegts_adjust', 0)
+ block.mpegts += extra_state['webvtt_mpegts_adjust'] << 33
+ if block.mpegts < extra_state.get('webvtt_mpegts_last', 0):
+ overflow = True
+ block.mpegts += 1 << 33
+ mpegts_last = block.mpegts
+ if frag_index == 1:
+ extra_state['webvtt_mpegts'] = block.mpegts or 0
+ extra_state['webvtt_local'] = block.local or 0
+ # XXX: block.local = block.mpegts = None ?
+ else:
+ if block.mpegts is not None and block.local is not None:
+ adjust = (
+ (block.mpegts - extra_state.get('webvtt_mpegts', 0))
+ - (block.local - extra_state.get('webvtt_local', 0))
+ )
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(block, webvtt.HeaderBlock):
+ if frag_index != 1:
+ # XXX: this should probably be silent as well
+ # or verify that all segments contain the same data
+ self.report_warning(bug_reports_message(
+ 'Discarding a %s block found in the middle of the stream; '
+ 'if the subtitles display incorrectly,'
+ % (type(block).__name__)))
+ continue
+ block.write_into(output)
+ return output.getvalue().encode()
+ def fin_fragments():
+ dedup_window = extra_state.get('webvtt_dedup_window')
+ if not dedup_window:
+ return b''
+ output = io.StringIO()
+ for cue in dedup_window:
+ webvtt.CueBlock.from_json(cue).write_into(output)
+ return output.getvalue().encode()
+ self.download_and_append_fragments(
+ ctx, fragments, info_dict, pack_func=pack_fragment, finish_func=fin_fragments)
+ else:
+ return self.download_and_append_fragments(ctx, fragments, info_dict)