path: root/vcl/skia/win/gdiimpl.cxx
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 16:51:28 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-27 16:51:28 +0000
commit940b4d1848e8c70ab7642901a68594e8016caffc (patch)
treeeb72f344ee6c3d9b80a7ecc079ea79e9fba8676d /vcl/skia/win/gdiimpl.cxx
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 1:7.0.4.upstream/1%7.0.4upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/skia/win/gdiimpl.cxx')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/skia/win/gdiimpl.cxx b/vcl/skia/win/gdiimpl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4cbe062f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcl/skia/win/gdiimpl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+#include <skia/win/gdiimpl.hxx>
+#include <win/saldata.hxx>
+#include <vcl/skia/SkiaHelper.hxx>
+#include <skia/utils.hxx>
+#include <skia/zone.hxx>
+#include <win/winlayout.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/windowserrorstring.hxx>
+#include <SkCanvas.h>
+#include <SkPaint.h>
+#include <SkPixelRef.h>
+#include <SkTypeface_win.h>
+#include <SkFont.h>
+#include <SkFontMgr.h>
+#include <SkFontLCDConfig.h>
+#include <tools/sk_app/win/WindowContextFactory_win.h>
+#include <tools/sk_app/WindowContext.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl(WinSalGraphics& rGraphics,
+ SalGeometryProvider* mpProvider)
+ : SkiaSalGraphicsImpl(rGraphics, mpProvider)
+ , mWinParent(rGraphics)
+void WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::createWindowContext(bool forceRaster)
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ sk_app::DisplayParams displayParams;
+ switch (forceRaster ? SkiaHelper::RenderRaster : SkiaHelper::renderMethodToUse())
+ {
+ case SkiaHelper::RenderRaster:
+ mWindowContext = sk_app::window_context_factory::MakeRasterForWin(mWinParent.gethWnd(),
+ displayParams);
+ break;
+ case SkiaHelper::RenderVulkan:
+ mWindowContext = sk_app::window_context_factory::MakeVulkanForWin(mWinParent.gethWnd(),
+ displayParams);
+ break;
+ }
+void WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::DeInit()
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ SkiaSalGraphicsImpl::DeInit();
+ mWindowContext.reset();
+void WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::freeResources() {}
+void WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::performFlush()
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ flushDrawing();
+ if (mWindowContext)
+ mWindowContext->swapBuffers();
+bool WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::TryRenderCachedNativeControl(ControlCacheKey const& rControlCacheKey,
+ int nX, int nY)
+ static bool gbCacheEnabled = !getenv("SAL_WITHOUT_WIDGET_CACHE");
+ if (!gbCacheEnabled)
+ return false;
+ auto& controlsCache = SkiaControlsCache::get();
+ SkiaControlCacheType::const_iterator iterator = controlsCache.find(rControlCacheKey);
+ if (iterator == controlsCache.end())
+ return false;
+ preDraw();
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.skia.trace", "tryrendercachednativecontrol("
+ << this << "): "
+ << SkIRect::MakeXYWH(nX, nY, iterator->second->width(),
+ iterator->second->height()));
+ mSurface->getCanvas()->drawImage(iterator->second, nX, nY);
+ postDraw();
+ return true;
+bool WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::RenderAndCacheNativeControl(CompatibleDC& rWhite, CompatibleDC& rBlack,
+ int nX, int nY,
+ ControlCacheKey& aControlCacheKey)
+ assert(dynamic_cast<SkiaCompatibleDC*>(&rWhite));
+ assert(dynamic_cast<SkiaCompatibleDC*>(&rBlack));
+ sk_sp<SkImage> image = static_cast<SkiaCompatibleDC&>(rBlack).getAsImageDiff(
+ static_cast<SkiaCompatibleDC&>(rWhite));
+ preDraw();
+ SAL_INFO("vcl.skia.trace",
+ "renderandcachednativecontrol("
+ << this << "): " << SkIRect::MakeXYWH(nX, nY, image->width(), image->height()));
+ mSurface->getCanvas()->drawImage(image, nX, nY);
+ postDraw();
+ if (!aControlCacheKey.canCacheControl())
+ return true;
+ SkiaControlCachePair pair(aControlCacheKey, std::move(image));
+ SkiaControlsCache::get().insert(std::move(pair));
+ return true;
+#ifdef SAL_LOG_INFO
+static HRESULT checkResult(HRESULT hr, const char* file, size_t line)
+ if (FAILED(hr))
+ {
+ OUString sLocationString
+ = OUString::createFromAscii(file) + ":" + OUString::number(line) + " ";
+ sLocationString.toUtf8().getStr(),
+ "HRESULT failed with: 0x" << OUString::number(hr, 16) << ": "
+ << WindowsErrorStringFromHRESULT(hr));
+ }
+ return hr;
+#define CHECKHR(funct) checkResult(funct, __FILE__, __LINE__)
+#define CHECKHR(funct) (funct)
+sk_sp<SkTypeface> WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::createDirectWriteTypeface(const LOGFONTW& logFont)
+ if (!dwriteDone)
+ {
+ CHECKHR(DWriteCreateFactory(DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE_SHARED, __uuidof(IDWriteFactory),
+ reinterpret_cast<IUnknown**>(&dwriteFactory)))))
+ {
+ if (SUCCEEDED(CHECKHR(dwriteFactory->GetGdiInterop(&dwriteGdiInterop))))
+ dwriteFontMgr = SkFontMgr_New_DirectWrite(dwriteFactory);
+ else
+ dwriteFactory->Release();
+ }
+ dwriteDone = true;
+ }
+ IDWriteFont* font = nullptr;
+ IDWriteFontFace* fontFace;
+ IDWriteFontFamily* fontFamily;
+ if (FAILED(CHECKHR(dwriteGdiInterop->CreateFontFromLOGFONT(&logFont, &font))))
+ return nullptr;
+ if (FAILED(CHECKHR(font->CreateFontFace(&fontFace))))
+ return nullptr;
+ if (FAILED(CHECKHR(font->GetFontFamily(&fontFamily))))
+ return nullptr;
+ return sk_sp<SkTypeface>(
+ SkCreateTypefaceDirectWrite(dwriteFontMgr, fontFace, font, fontFamily));
+bool WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::DrawTextLayout(const GenericSalLayout& rLayout)
+ const WinFontInstance& rWinFont = static_cast<const WinFontInstance&>(rLayout.GetFont());
+ float fHScale = rWinFont.getHScale();
+ assert(dynamic_cast<const WinFontInstance*>(&rLayout.GetFont()));
+ const WinFontInstance* pWinFont = static_cast<const WinFontInstance*>(&rLayout.GetFont());
+ const HFONT hLayoutFont = pWinFont->GetHFONT();
+ LOGFONTW logFont;
+ if (GetObjectW(hLayoutFont, sizeof(logFont), &logFont) == 0)
+ {
+ assert(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface = createDirectWriteTypeface(logFont);
+ GlyphOrientation glyphOrientation = GlyphOrientation::Apply;
+ if (!typeface) // fall back to GDI text rendering
+ {
+ typeface.reset(SkCreateTypefaceFromLOGFONT(logFont));
+ glyphOrientation = GlyphOrientation::Ignore;
+ }
+ // lfHeight actually depends on DPI, so it's not really font height as such,
+ // but for LOGFONT-based typefaces Skia simply sets lfHeight back to this value
+ // directly.
+ double fontHeight = logFont.lfHeight;
+ if (fontHeight < 0)
+ fontHeight = -fontHeight;
+ SkFont font(typeface, fontHeight, fHScale, 0);
+ font.setEdging(getFontEdging());
+ assert(dynamic_cast<SkiaSalGraphicsImpl*>(mWinParent.GetImpl()));
+ SkiaSalGraphicsImpl* impl = static_cast<SkiaSalGraphicsImpl*>(mWinParent.GetImpl());
+ COLORREF color = ::GetTextColor(mWinParent.getHDC());
+ Color salColor(GetRValue(color), GetGValue(color), GetBValue(color));
+ // The font already is set up to have glyphs rotated as needed.
+ impl->drawGenericLayout(rLayout, salColor, font, glyphOrientation);
+ return true;
+SkFont::Edging WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::getFontEdging()
+ if (fontEdgingDone)
+ return fontEdging;
+ // Skia needs to be explicitly told what kind of antialiasing should be used,
+ // get it from system settings. This does not actually matter for the text
+ // rendering itself, since Skia has been patched to simply use the setting
+ // from the LOGFONT, which gets set by VCL's ImplGetLogFontFromFontSelect()
+ // and that one normally uses DEFAULT_QUALITY, so Windows will select
+ // the appropriate AA setting. But Skia internally chooses the format to which
+ // the glyphs will be rendered based on this setting (subpixel AA requires colors,
+ // others do not).
+ fontEdging = SkFont::Edging::kAlias;
+ SkFontLCDConfig::LCDOrder lcdOrder = SkFontLCDConfig::kNONE_LCDOrder;
+ BOOL set;
+ if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHING, 0, &set, 0) && set)
+ {
+ UINT set2;
+ if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE, 0, &set2, 0)
+ {
+ fontEdging = SkFont::Edging::kSubpixelAntiAlias;
+ if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGORIENTATION, 0, &set2, 0)
+ lcdOrder = SkFontLCDConfig::kBGR_LCDOrder;
+ else
+ lcdOrder = SkFontLCDConfig::kRGB_LCDOrder; // default
+ }
+ else
+ fontEdging = SkFont::Edging::kAntiAlias;
+ }
+ SkFontLCDConfig::SetSubpixelOrder(lcdOrder);
+ // Cache this, it is actually visible a little bit when profiling.
+ fontEdgingDone = true;
+ return fontEdging;
+void WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::ClearDevFontCache()
+ dwriteFontMgr.reset();
+ dwriteDone = false;
+ fontEdgingDone = false;
+SkiaCompatibleDC::SkiaCompatibleDC(SalGraphics& rGraphics, int x, int y, int width, int height)
+ : CompatibleDC(rGraphics, x, y, width, height, false)
+std::unique_ptr<CompatibleDC::Texture> SkiaCompatibleDC::getAsMaskTexture() const
+ auto ret = std::make_unique<SkiaCompatibleDC::Texture>();
+ ret->image = getAsMaskImage();
+ return ret;
+sk_sp<SkImage> SkiaCompatibleDC::getAsMaskImage() const
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ // mpData is in the BGRA format, with A unused (and set to 0), and RGB are grey,
+ // so convert it to Skia format, then to 8bit and finally use as alpha mask
+ SkBitmap tmpBitmap;
+ if (!tmpBitmap.installPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(maRects.mnSrcWidth, maRects.mnSrcHeight,
+ kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType),
+ mpData, maRects.mnSrcWidth * 4))
+ abort();
+ tmpBitmap.setImmutable();
+ SkBitmap bitmap8;
+ if (!bitmap8.tryAllocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(maRects.mnSrcWidth, maRects.mnSrcHeight,
+ kGray_8_SkColorType, kOpaque_SkAlphaType)))
+ abort();
+ SkCanvas canvas8(bitmap8);
+ SkPaint paint8;
+ paint8.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc); // copy and convert depth
+ // The data we got is upside-down.
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ matrix.preTranslate(0, maRects.mnSrcHeight);
+ matrix.setConcat(matrix, SkMatrix::Scale(1, -1));
+ canvas8.concat(matrix);
+ canvas8.drawBitmap(tmpBitmap, 0, 0, &paint8);
+ bitmap8.setImmutable();
+ // use the 8bit data as an alpha channel
+ SkBitmap alpha;
+ alpha.setInfo(, bitmap8.rowBytes());
+ alpha.setPixelRef(sk_ref_sp(bitmap8.pixelRef()), bitmap8.pixelRefOrigin().x(),
+ bitmap8.pixelRefOrigin().y());
+ alpha.setImmutable();
+ return SkiaHelper::createSkImage(alpha);
+sk_sp<SkImage> SkiaCompatibleDC::getAsImage() const
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ SkBitmap tmpBitmap;
+ if (!tmpBitmap.installPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(maRects.mnSrcWidth, maRects.mnSrcHeight,
+ kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kUnpremul_SkAlphaType),
+ mpData, maRects.mnSrcWidth * 4))
+ abort();
+ tmpBitmap.setImmutable();
+ sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = SkiaHelper::createSkSurface(tmpBitmap.width(), tmpBitmap.height());
+ SkPaint paint;
+ paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc); // set as is, including alpha
+ SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
+ canvas->save();
+ // The data we got is upside-down.
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ matrix.preTranslate(0, maRects.mnSrcHeight);
+ matrix.setConcat(matrix, SkMatrix::Scale(1, -1));
+ canvas->concat(matrix);
+ canvas->drawBitmapRect(tmpBitmap,
+ SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, maRects.mnSrcWidth, maRects.mnSrcHeight),
+ SkRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, maRects.mnSrcWidth, maRects.mnSrcHeight), &paint);
+ canvas->restore();
+ return SkiaHelper::makeCheckedImageSnapshot(surface);
+sk_sp<SkImage> SkiaCompatibleDC::getAsImageDiff(const SkiaCompatibleDC& white) const
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ assert(maRects.mnSrcWidth == white.maRects.mnSrcWidth
+ || maRects.mnSrcHeight == white.maRects.mnSrcHeight);
+ SkBitmap tmpBitmap;
+ if (!tmpBitmap.tryAllocPixels(SkImageInfo::Make(maRects.mnSrcWidth, maRects.mnSrcHeight,
+ kBGRA_8888_SkColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType),
+ maRects.mnSrcWidth * 4))
+ abort();
+ // Native widgets are drawn twice on black/white background to synthetize alpha
+ // (commit c6b66646870cb2bffaa73565affcf80bf74e0b5c). The problem is that
+ // most widgets when drawn on transparent background are drawn properly (and the result
+ // is in premultiplied alpha format), some such as "Edit" (used by ControlType::Editbox)
+ // keep the alpha channel as transparent. Therefore the alpha is actually computed
+ // from the difference in the premultiplied red channels when drawn one black and on white.
+ // Alpha is computed as "alpha = 1.0 - abs( -".
+ // TODO I doubt this can be done using Skia, so do it manually here. Fortunately
+ // the bitmaps should be fairly small and are cached.
+ uint32_t* dest = tmpBitmap.getAddr32(0, 0);
+ assert(dest == tmpBitmap.getPixels());
+ const sal_uInt32* src = mpData;
+ const sal_uInt32* whiteSrc = white.mpData;
+ uint32_t* end = dest + tmpBitmap.width() * tmpBitmap.height();
+ while (dest < end)
+ {
+ uint32_t alpha = 255 - abs(int(*src & 0xff) - int(*whiteSrc & 0xff));
+ *dest = (*src & 0x00ffffff) | (alpha << 24);
+ ++dest;
+ ++src;
+ ++whiteSrc;
+ }
+ tmpBitmap.notifyPixelsChanged();
+ tmpBitmap.setImmutable();
+ sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = SkiaHelper::createSkSurface(tmpBitmap.width(), tmpBitmap.height());
+ SkPaint paint;
+ paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc); // set as is, including alpha
+ SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
+ canvas->save();
+ // The data we got is upside-down.
+ SkMatrix matrix;
+ matrix.preTranslate(0, tmpBitmap.height());
+ matrix.setConcat(matrix, SkMatrix::Scale(1, -1));
+ canvas->concat(matrix);
+ canvas->drawBitmap(tmpBitmap, 0, 0, &paint);
+ canvas->restore();
+ return SkiaHelper::makeCheckedImageSnapshot(surface);
+ : cache(200)
+SkiaControlCacheType& SkiaControlsCache::get()
+ SalData* data = GetSalData();
+ if (!data->m_pSkiaControlsCache)
+ data->m_pSkiaControlsCache.reset(new SkiaControlsCache);
+ return data->m_pSkiaControlsCache->cache;
+std::unique_ptr<sk_app::WindowContext> createVulkanWindowContext(bool /*temporary*/)
+ SkiaZone zone;
+ sk_app::DisplayParams displayParams;
+ return sk_app::window_context_factory::MakeVulkanForWin(nullptr, displayParams);
+void WinSkiaSalGraphicsImpl::prepareSkia() { SkiaHelper::prepareSkia(createVulkanWindowContext); }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */