path: root/doc/cephfs/health-messages.rst
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+.. _cephfs-health-messages:
+CephFS health messages
+Cluster health checks
+The Ceph monitor daemons will generate health messages in response
+to certain states of the filesystem map structure (and the enclosed MDS maps).
+Message: mds rank(s) *ranks* have failed
+Description: One or more MDS ranks are not currently assigned to
+an MDS daemon; the cluster will not recover until a suitable replacement
+daemon starts.
+Message: mds rank(s) *ranks* are damaged
+Description: One or more MDS ranks has encountered severe damage to
+its stored metadata, and cannot start again until it is repaired.
+Message: mds cluster is degraded
+Description: One or more MDS ranks are not currently up and running, clients
+may pause metadata IO until this situation is resolved. This includes
+ranks being failed or damaged, and additionally includes ranks
+which are running on an MDS but have not yet made it to the *active*
+state (e.g. ranks currently in *replay* state).
+Message: mds *names* are laggy
+Description: The named MDS daemons have failed to send beacon messages
+to the monitor for at least ``mds_beacon_grace`` (default 15s), while
+they are supposed to send beacon messages every ``mds_beacon_interval``
+(default 4s). The daemons may have crashed. The Ceph monitor will
+automatically replace laggy daemons with standbys if any are available.
+Message: insufficient standby daemons available
+Description: One or more file systems are configured to have a certain number
+of standby daemons available (including daemons in standby-replay) but the
+cluster does not have enough standby daemons. The standby daemons not in replay
+count towards any file system (i.e. they may overlap). This warning can
+configured by setting ``ceph fs set <fs> standby_count_wanted <count>``. Use
+zero for ``count`` to disable.
+Daemon-reported health checks
+MDS daemons can identify a variety of unwanted conditions, and
+indicate these to the operator in the output of ``ceph status``.
+This conditions have human readable messages, and additionally
+a unique code starting MDS_HEALTH which appears in JSON output.
+Message: "Behind on trimming..."
+Description: CephFS maintains a metadata journal that is divided into
+*log segments*. The length of journal (in number of segments) is controlled
+by the setting ``mds_log_max_segments``, and when the number of segments
+exceeds that setting the MDS starts writing back metadata so that it
+can remove (trim) the oldest segments. If this writeback is happening
+too slowly, or a software bug is preventing trimming, then this health
+message may appear. The threshold for this message to appear is controlled by
+the config option ``mds_log_warn_factor``, the default is 2.0.
+Message: "Client *name* failing to respond to capability release"
+Description: CephFS clients are issued *capabilities* by the MDS, which
+are like locks. Sometimes, for example when another client needs access,
+the MDS will request clients release their capabilities. If the client
+is unresponsive or buggy, it might fail to do so promptly or fail to do
+so at all. This message appears if a client has taken longer than
+``session_timeout`` (default 60s) to comply.
+Message: "Client *name* failing to respond to cache pressure"
+Description: Clients maintain a metadata cache. Items (such as inodes) in the
+client cache are also pinned in the MDS cache, so when the MDS needs to shrink
+its cache (to stay within ``mds_cache_size`` or ``mds_cache_memory_limit``), it
+sends messages to clients to shrink their caches too. If the client is
+unresponsive or buggy, this can prevent the MDS from properly staying within
+its cache limits and it may eventually run out of memory and crash. This
+message appears if a client has failed to release more than
+``mds_recall_warning_threshold`` capabilities (decaying with a half-life of
+``mds_recall_max_decay_rate``) within the last
+``mds_recall_warning_decay_rate`` second.
+Message: "Client *name* failing to advance its oldest client/flush tid"
+Description: The CephFS client-MDS protocol uses a field called the
+*oldest tid* to inform the MDS of which client requests are fully
+complete and may therefore be forgotten about by the MDS. If a buggy
+client is failing to advance this field, then the MDS may be prevented
+from properly cleaning up resources used by client requests. This message
+appears if a client appears to have more than ``max_completed_requests``
+(default 100000) requests that are complete on the MDS side but haven't
+yet been accounted for in the client's *oldest tid* value.
+Message: "Metadata damage detected"
+Description: Corrupt or missing metadata was encountered when reading
+from the metadata pool. This message indicates that the damage was
+sufficiently isolated for the MDS to continue operating, although
+client accesses to the damaged subtree will return IO errors. Use
+the ``damage ls`` admin socket command to get more detail on the damage.
+This message appears as soon as any damage is encountered.
+Message: "MDS in read-only mode"
+Description: The MDS has gone into readonly mode and will return EROFS
+error codes to client operations that attempt to modify any metadata. The
+MDS will go into readonly mode if it encounters a write error while
+writing to the metadata pool, or if forced to by an administrator using
+the *force_readonly* admin socket command.
+Message: *N* slow requests are blocked"
+Description: One or more client requests have not been completed promptly,
+indicating that the MDS is either running very slowly, or that the RADOS
+cluster is not acknowledging journal writes promptly, or that there is a bug.
+Use the ``ops`` admin socket command to list outstanding metadata operations.
+This message appears if any client requests have taken longer than
+``mds_op_complaint_time`` (default 30s).
+Message: "Too many inodes in cache"
+Description: The MDS is not succeeding in trimming its cache to comply with the
+limit set by the administrator. If the MDS cache becomes too large, the daemon
+may exhaust available memory and crash. By default, this message appears if
+the actual cache size (in inodes or memory) is at least 50% greater than
+``mds_cache_size`` (default 100000) or ``mds_cache_memory_limit`` (default
+1GB). Modify ``mds_health_cache_threshold`` to set the warning ratio.