path: root/doc/rados/configuration/ceph-conf.rst
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+.. _configuring-ceph:
+ Configuring Ceph
+When you start the Ceph service, the initialization process activates a series
+of daemons that run in the background. A :term:`Ceph Storage Cluster` runs
+three types of daemons:
+- :term:`Ceph Monitor` (``ceph-mon``)
+- :term:`Ceph Manager` (``ceph-mgr``)
+- :term:`Ceph OSD Daemon` (``ceph-osd``)
+Ceph Storage Clusters that support the :term:`Ceph Filesystem` run at
+least one :term:`Ceph Metadata Server` (``ceph-mds``). Clusters that
+support :term:`Ceph Object Storage` run Ceph Gateway daemons
+Each daemon has a series of configuration options, each of which has a
+default values. You may adjust the behavior of the system by changing these
+configuration options.
+Option names
+All Ceph configuration options have a unique name consisting of words
+formed with lower-case characters and connected with underscore
+(``_``) characters.
+When option names are specified on the command line, either underscore
+(``_``) or dash (``-``) characters can be used interchangeable (e.g.,
+``--mon-host`` is equivalent to ``--mon_host``).
+When option names appear in configuration files, spaces can also be
+used in place of underscore or dash.
+Config sources
+Each Ceph daemon, process, and library will pull its configuration
+from several sources, listed below. Sources later in the list will
+override those earlier in the list when both are present.
+- the compiled-in default value
+- the monitor cluster's centralized configuration database
+- a configuration file stored on the local host
+- environment variables
+- command line arguments
+- runtime overrides set by an administrator
+One of the first things a Ceph process does on startup is parse the
+configuration options provided via the command line, environment, and
+local configuration file. The process will then contact the monitor
+cluster to retrieve configuration stored centrally for the entire
+cluster. Once a complete view of the configuration is available, the
+daemon or process startup will proceed.
+Bootstrap options
+Because some configuration options affect the process's ability to
+contact the monitors, authenticate, and retrieve the cluster-stored
+configuration, they may need to be stored locally on the node and set
+in a local configuration file. These options include:
+ - ``mon_host``, the list of monitors for the cluster
+ - ``mon_host_override``, the list of monitors for the cluster to
+ **initially** contact when beginning a new instance of communication with the
+ Ceph cluster. This overrides the known monitor list derived from MonMap
+ updates sent to older Ceph instances (like librados cluster handles). It is
+ expected this option is primarily useful for debugging.
+ - ``mon_dns_serv_name`` (default: `ceph-mon`), the name of the DNS
+ SRV record to check to identify the cluster monitors via DNS
+ - ``mon_data``, ``osd_data``, ``mds_data``, ``mgr_data``, and
+ similar options that define which local directory the daemon
+ stores its data in.
+ - ``keyring``, ``keyfile``, and/or ``key``, which can be used to
+ specify the authentication credential to use to authenticate with
+ the monitor. Note that in most cases the default keyring location
+ is in the data directory specified above.
+In the vast majority of cases the default values of these are
+appropriate, with the exception of the ``mon_host`` option that
+identifies the addresses of the cluster's monitors. When DNS is used
+to identify monitors a local ceph configuration file can be avoided
+Skipping monitor config
+Any process may be passed the option ``--no-mon-config`` to skip the
+step that retrieves configuration from the cluster monitors. This is
+useful in cases where configuration is managed entirely via
+configuration files or where the monitor cluster is currently down but
+some maintenance activity needs to be done.
+.. _ceph-conf-file:
+Configuration sections
+Any given process or daemon has a single value for each configuration
+option. However, values for an option may vary across different
+daemon types even daemons of the same type. Ceph options that are
+stored in the monitor configuration database or in local configuration
+files are grouped into sections to indicate which daemons or clients
+they apply to.
+These sections include:
+:Description: Settings under ``global`` affect all daemons and clients
+ in a Ceph Storage Cluster.
+:Example: ``log_file = /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$type.$id.log``
+:Description: Settings under ``mon`` affect all ``ceph-mon`` daemons in
+ the Ceph Storage Cluster, and override the same setting in
+ ``global``.
+:Example: ``mon_cluster_log_to_syslog = true``
+:Description: Settings in the ``mgr`` section affect all ``ceph-mgr`` daemons in
+ the Ceph Storage Cluster, and override the same setting in
+ ``global``.
+:Example: ``mgr_stats_period = 10``
+:Description: Settings under ``osd`` affect all ``ceph-osd`` daemons in
+ the Ceph Storage Cluster, and override the same setting in
+ ``global``.
+:Example: ``osd_op_queue = wpq``
+:Description: Settings in the ``mds`` section affect all ``ceph-mds`` daemons in
+ the Ceph Storage Cluster, and override the same setting in
+ ``global``.
+:Example: ``mds_cache_size = 10G``
+:Description: Settings under ``client`` affect all Ceph Clients
+ (e.g., mounted Ceph Filesystems, mounted Ceph Block Devices,
+ etc.) as well as Rados Gateway (RGW) daemons.
+:Example: ``objecter_inflight_ops = 512``
+Sections may also specify an individual daemon or client name. For example,
+````, ``osd.123``, and ``client.smith`` are all valid section names.
+Any given daemon will draw its settings from the global section, the
+daemon or client type section, and the section sharing its name.
+Settings in the most-specific section take precedence, so for example
+if the same option is specified in both ``global``, ``mon``, and
+```` on the same source (i.e., in the same configurationfile),
+the ```` value will be used.
+Note that values from the local configuration file always take
+precedence over values from the monitor configuration database,
+regardless of which section they appear in.
+.. _ceph-metavariables:
+Metavariables simplify Ceph Storage Cluster configuration
+dramatically. When a metavariable is set in a configuration value,
+Ceph expands the metavariable into a concrete value at the time the
+configuration value is used. Ceph metavariables are similar to variable expansion in the Bash shell.
+Ceph supports the following metavariables:
+:Description: Expands to the Ceph Storage Cluster name. Useful when running
+ multiple Ceph Storage Clusters on the same hardware.
+:Example: ``/etc/ceph/$cluster.keyring``
+:Default: ``ceph``
+:Description: Expands to a daemon or process type (e.g., ``mds``, ``osd``, or ``mon``)
+:Example: ``/var/lib/ceph/$type``
+:Description: Expands to the daemon or client identifier. For
+ ``osd.0``, this would be ``0``; for ``mds.a``, it would
+ be ``a``.
+:Example: ``/var/lib/ceph/$type/$cluster-$id``
+:Description: Expands to the host name where the process is running.
+:Description: Expands to ``$type.$id``.
+:Example: ``/var/run/ceph/$cluster-$name.asok``
+:Description: Expands to daemon pid.
+:Example: ``/var/run/ceph/$cluster-$name-$pid.asok``
+The Configuration File
+On startup, Ceph processes search for a configuration file in the
+following locations:
+#. ``$CEPH_CONF`` (*i.e.,* the path following the ``$CEPH_CONF``
+ environment variable)
+#. ``-c path/path`` (*i.e.,* the ``-c`` command line argument)
+#. ``/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf``
+#. ``~/.ceph/$cluster.conf``
+#. ``./$cluster.conf`` (*i.e.,* in the current working directory)
+#. On FreeBSD systems only, ``/usr/local/etc/ceph/$cluster.conf``
+where ``$cluster`` is the cluster's name (default ``ceph``).
+The Ceph configuration file uses an *ini* style syntax. You can add comments
+by preceding comments with a pound sign (#) or a semi-colon (;). For example:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ # <--A number (#) sign precedes a comment.
+ ; A comment may be anything.
+ # Comments always follow a semi-colon (;) or a pound (#) on each line.
+ # The end of the line terminates a comment.
+ # We recommend that you provide comments in your configuration file(s).
+.. _ceph-conf-settings:
+Config file section names
+The configuration file is divided into sections. Each section must begin with a
+valid configuration section name (see `Configuration sections`_, above)
+surrounded by square brackets. For example,
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [global]
+ debug ms = 0
+ [osd]
+ debug ms = 1
+ [osd.1]
+ debug ms = 10
+ [osd.2]
+ debug ms = 10
+Monitor configuration database
+The monitor cluster manages a database of configuration options that
+can be consumed by the entire cluster, enabling streamlined central
+configuration management for the entire system. The vast majority of
+configuration options can and should be stored here for ease of
+administration and transparency.
+A handful of settings may still need to be stored in local
+configuration files because they affect the ability to connect to the
+monitors, authenticate, and fetch configuration information. In most
+cases this is limited to the ``mon_host`` option, although this can
+also be avoided through the use of DNS SRV records.
+Sections and masks
+Configuration options stored by the monitor can live in a global
+section, daemon type section, or specific daemon section, just like
+options in a configuration file can.
+In addition, options may also have a *mask* associated with them to
+further restrict which daemons or clients the option applies to.
+Masks take two forms:
+#. ``type:location`` where *type* is a CRUSH property like `rack` or
+ `host`, and *location* is a value for that property. For example,
+ ``host:foo`` would limit the option only to daemons or clients
+ running on a particular host.
+#. ``class:device-class`` where *device-class* is the name of a CRUSH
+ device class (e.g., ``hdd`` or ``ssd``). For example,
+ ``class:ssd`` would limit the option only to OSDs backed by SSDs.
+ (This mask has no effect for non-OSD daemons or clients.)
+When setting a configuration option, the `who` may be a section name,
+a mask, or a combination of both separated by a slash (``/``)
+character. For example, ``osd/rack:foo`` would mean all OSD daemons
+in the ``foo`` rack.
+When viewing configuration options, the section name and mask are
+generally separated out into separate fields or columns to ease readability.
+The following CLI commands are used to configure the cluster:
+* ``ceph config dump`` will dump the entire configuration database for
+ the cluster.
+* ``ceph config get <who>`` will dump the configuration for a specific
+ daemon or client (e.g., ``mds.a``), as stored in the monitors'
+ configuration database.
+* ``ceph config set <who> <option> <value>`` will set a configuration
+ option in the monitors' configuration database.
+* ``ceph config show <who>`` will show the reported running
+ configuration for a running daemon. These settings may differ from
+ those stored by the monitors if there are also local configuration
+ files in use or options have been overridden on the command line or
+ at run time. The source of the option values is reported as part
+ of the output.
+* ``ceph config assimilate-conf -i <input file> -o <output file>``
+ will ingest a configuration file from *input file* and move any
+ valid options into the monitors' configuration database. Any
+ settings that are unrecognized, invalid, or cannot be controlled by
+ the monitor will be returned in an abbreviated config file stored in
+ *output file*. This command is useful for transitioning from legacy
+ configuration files to centralized monitor-based configuration.
+You can get help for a particular option with::
+ ceph config help <option>
+Note that this will use the configuration schema that is compiled into the running monitors. If you have a mixed-version cluster (e.g., during an upgrade), you might also want to query the option schema from a specific running daemon::
+ ceph daemon <name> config help [option]
+For example,::
+ $ ceph config help log_file
+ log_file - path to log file
+ (std::string, basic)
+ Default (non-daemon):
+ Default (daemon): /var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log
+ Can update at runtime: false
+ See also: [log_to_stderr,err_to_stderr,log_to_syslog,err_to_syslog]
+ $ ceph config help log_file -f json-pretty
+ {
+ "name": "log_file",
+ "type": "std::string",
+ "level": "basic",
+ "desc": "path to log file",
+ "long_desc": "",
+ "default": "",
+ "daemon_default": "/var/log/ceph/$cluster-$name.log",
+ "tags": [],
+ "services": [],
+ "see_also": [
+ "log_to_stderr",
+ "err_to_stderr",
+ "log_to_syslog",
+ "err_to_syslog"
+ ],
+ "enum_values": [],
+ "min": "",
+ "max": "",
+ "can_update_at_runtime": false
+ }
+The ``level`` property can be any of `basic`, `advanced`, or `dev`.
+The `dev` options are intended for use by developers, generally for
+testing purposes, and are not recommended for use by operators.
+Runtime Changes
+In most cases, Ceph allows you to make changes to the configuration of
+a daemon at runtime. This capability is quite useful for
+increasing/decreasing logging output, enabling/disabling debug
+settings, and even for runtime optimization.
+Generally speaking, configuration options can be updated in the usual
+way via the ``ceph config set`` command. For example, do enable the debug log level on a specific OSD,::
+ ceph config set osd.123 debug_ms 20
+Note that if the same option is also customized in a local
+configuration file, the monitor setting will be ignored (it has a
+lower priority than the local config file).
+Override values
+You can also temporarily set an option using the `tell` or `daemon`
+interfaces on the Ceph CLI. These *override* values are ephemeral in
+that they only affect the running process and are discarded/lost if
+the daemon or process restarts.
+Override values can be set in two ways:
+#. From any host, we can send a message to a daemon over the network with::
+ ceph tell <name> config set <option> <value>
+ For example,::
+ ceph tell osd.123 config set debug_osd 20
+ The `tell` command can also accept a wildcard for the daemon
+ identifier. For example, to adjust the debug level on all OSD
+ daemons,::
+ ceph tell osd.* config set debug_osd 20
+#. From the host the process is running on, we can connect directly to
+ the process via a socket in ``/var/run/ceph`` with::
+ ceph daemon <name> config set <option> <value>
+ For example,::
+ ceph daemon osd.4 config set debug_osd 20
+Note that in the ``ceph config show`` command output these temporary
+values will be shown with a source of ``override``.
+Viewing runtime settings
+You can see the current options set for a running daemon with the ``ceph config show`` command. For example,::
+ ceph config show osd.0
+will show you the (non-default) options for that daemon. You can also look at a specific option with::
+ ceph config show osd.0 debug_osd
+or view all options (even those with default values) with::
+ ceph config show-with-defaults osd.0
+You can also observe settings for a running daemon by connecting to it from the local host via the admin socket. For example,::
+ ceph daemon osd.0 config show
+will dump all current settings,::
+ ceph daemon osd.0 config diff
+will show only non-default settings (as well as where the value came from: a config file, the monitor, an override, etc.), and::
+ ceph daemon osd.0 config get debug_osd
+will report the value of a single option.