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+ Placement Groups
+.. _pg-autoscaler:
+Autoscaling placement groups
+Placement groups (PGs) are an internal implementation detail of how
+Ceph distributes data. You can allow the cluster to either make
+recommendations or automatically tune PGs based on how the cluster is
+used by enabling *pg-autoscaling*.
+Each pool in the system has a ``pg_autoscale_mode`` property that can be set to ``off``, ``on``, or ``warn``.
+* ``off``: Disable autoscaling for this pool. It is up to the administrator to choose an appropriate PG number for each pool. Please refer to :ref:`choosing-number-of-placement-groups` for more information.
+* ``on``: Enable automated adjustments of the PG count for the given pool.
+* ``warn``: Raise health alerts when the PG count should be adjusted
+To set the autoscaling mode for existing pools,::
+ ceph osd pool set <pool-name> pg_autoscale_mode <mode>
+For example to enable autoscaling on pool ``foo``,::
+ ceph osd pool set foo pg_autoscale_mode on
+You can also configure the default ``pg_autoscale_mode`` that is
+applied to any pools that are created in the future with::
+ ceph config set global osd_pool_default_pg_autoscale_mode <mode>
+Viewing PG scaling recommendations
+You can view each pool, its relative utilization, and any suggested changes to
+the PG count with this command::
+ ceph osd pool autoscale-status
+Output will be something like::
+ a 12900M 3.0 82431M 0.4695 8 128 warn
+ c 0 3.0 82431M 0.0000 0.2000 0.9884 1 64 warn
+ b 0 953.6M 3.0 82431M 0.0347 8 warn
+**SIZE** is the amount of data stored in the pool. **TARGET SIZE**, if
+present, is the amount of data the administrator has specified that
+they expect to eventually be stored in this pool. The system uses
+the larger of the two values for its calculation.
+**RATE** is the multiplier for the pool that determines how much raw
+storage capacity is consumed. For example, a 3 replica pool will
+have a ratio of 3.0, while a k=4,m=2 erasure coded pool will have a
+ratio of 1.5.
+**RAW CAPACITY** is the total amount of raw storage capacity on the
+OSDs that are responsible for storing this pool's (and perhaps other
+pools') data. **RATIO** is the ratio of that total capacity that
+this pool is consuming (i.e., ratio = size * rate / raw capacity).
+**TARGET RATIO**, if present, is the ratio of storage that the
+administrator has specified that they expect this pool to consume
+relative to other pools with target ratios set.
+If both target size bytes and ratio are specified, the
+ratio takes precedence.
+**EFFECTIVE RATIO** is the target ratio after adjusting in two ways:
+1. subtracting any capacity expected to be used by pools with target size set
+2. normalizing the target ratios among pools with target ratio set so
+ they collectively target the rest of the space. For example, 4
+ pools with target_ratio 1.0 would have an effective ratio of 0.25.
+The system uses the larger of the actual ratio and the effective ratio
+for its calculation.
+**PG_NUM** is the current number of PGs for the pool (or the current
+number of PGs that the pool is working towards, if a ``pg_num``
+change is in progress). **NEW PG_NUM**, if present, is what the
+system believes the pool's ``pg_num`` should be changed to. It is
+always a power of 2, and will only be present if the "ideal" value
+varies from the current value by more than a factor of 3.
+The final column, **AUTOSCALE**, is the pool ``pg_autoscale_mode``,
+and will be either ``on``, ``off``, or ``warn``.
+Automated scaling
+Allowing the cluster to automatically scale PGs based on usage is the
+simplest approach. Ceph will look at the total available storage and
+target number of PGs for the whole system, look at how much data is
+stored in each pool, and try to apportion the PGs accordingly. The
+system is relatively conservative with its approach, only making
+changes to a pool when the current number of PGs (``pg_num``) is more
+than 3 times off from what it thinks it should be.
+The target number of PGs per OSD is based on the
+``mon_target_pg_per_osd`` configurable (default: 100), which can be
+adjusted with::
+ ceph config set global mon_target_pg_per_osd 100
+The autoscaler analyzes pools and adjusts on a per-subtree basis.
+Because each pool may map to a different CRUSH rule, and each rule may
+distribute data across different devices, Ceph will consider
+utilization of each subtree of the hierarchy independently. For
+example, a pool that maps to OSDs of class `ssd` and a pool that maps
+to OSDs of class `hdd` will each have optimal PG counts that depend on
+the number of those respective device types.
+.. _specifying_pool_target_size:
+Specifying expected pool size
+When a cluster or pool is first created, it will consume a small
+fraction of the total cluster capacity and will appear to the system
+as if it should only need a small number of placement groups.
+However, in most cases cluster administrators have a good idea which
+pools are expected to consume most of the system capacity over time.
+By providing this information to Ceph, a more appropriate number of
+PGs can be used from the beginning, preventing subsequent changes in
+``pg_num`` and the overhead associated with moving data around when
+those adjustments are made.
+The *target size* of a pool can be specified in two ways: either in
+terms of the absolute size of the pool (i.e., bytes), or as a weight
+relative to other pools with a ``target_size_ratio`` set.
+For example,::
+ ceph osd pool set mypool target_size_bytes 100T
+will tell the system that `mypool` is expected to consume 100 TiB of
+space. Alternatively,::
+ ceph osd pool set mypool target_size_ratio 1.0
+will tell the system that `mypool` is expected to consume 1.0 relative
+to the other pools with ``target_size_ratio`` set. If `mypool` is the
+only pool in the cluster, this means an expected use of 100% of the
+total capacity. If there is a second pool with ``target_size_ratio``
+1.0, both pools would expect to use 50% of the cluster capacity.
+You can also set the target size of a pool at creation time with the optional ``--target-size-bytes <bytes>`` or ``--target-size-ratio <ratio>`` arguments to the ``ceph osd pool create`` command.
+Note that if impossible target size values are specified (for example,
+a capacity larger than the total cluster) then a health warning
+If both ``target_size_ratio`` and ``target_size_bytes`` are specified
+for a pool, only the ratio will be considered, and a health warning
+Specifying bounds on a pool's PGs
+It is also possible to specify a minimum number of PGs for a pool.
+This is useful for establishing a lower bound on the amount of
+parallelism client will see when doing IO, even when a pool is mostly
+empty. Setting the lower bound prevents Ceph from reducing (or
+recommending you reduce) the PG number below the configured number.
+You can set the minimum number of PGs for a pool with::
+ ceph osd pool set <pool-name> pg_num_min <num>
+You can also specify the minimum PG count at pool creation time with
+the optional ``--pg-num-min <num>`` argument to the ``ceph osd pool
+create`` command.
+.. _preselection:
+A preselection of pg_num
+When creating a new pool with::
+ ceph osd pool create {pool-name} pg_num
+it is mandatory to choose the value of ``pg_num`` because it cannot (currently) be
+calculated automatically. Here are a few values commonly used:
+- Less than 5 OSDs set ``pg_num`` to 128
+- Between 5 and 10 OSDs set ``pg_num`` to 512
+- Between 10 and 50 OSDs set ``pg_num`` to 1024
+- If you have more than 50 OSDs, you need to understand the tradeoffs
+ and how to calculate the ``pg_num`` value by yourself
+- For calculating ``pg_num`` value by yourself please take help of `pgcalc`_ tool
+As the number of OSDs increases, choosing the right value for pg_num
+becomes more important because it has a significant influence on the
+behavior of the cluster as well as the durability of the data when
+something goes wrong (i.e. the probability that a catastrophic event
+leads to data loss).
+How are Placement Groups used ?
+A placement group (PG) aggregates objects within a pool because
+tracking object placement and object metadata on a per-object basis is
+computationally expensive--i.e., a system with millions of objects
+cannot realistically track placement on a per-object basis.
+.. ditaa::
+ /-----\ /-----\ /-----\ /-----\ /-----\
+ | obj | | obj | | obj | | obj | | obj |
+ \-----/ \-----/ \-----/ \-----/ \-----/
+ | | | | |
+ +--------+--------+ +---+----+
+ | |
+ v v
+ +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
+ | Placement Group #1 | | Placement Group #2 |
+ | | | |
+ +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
+ | |
+ +------------------------------+
+ |
+ v
+ +-----------------------+
+ | Pool |
+ | |
+ +-----------------------+
+The Ceph client will calculate which placement group an object should
+be in. It does this by hashing the object ID and applying an operation
+based on the number of PGs in the defined pool and the ID of the pool.
+See `Mapping PGs to OSDs`_ for details.
+The object's contents within a placement group are stored in a set of
+OSDs. For instance, in a replicated pool of size two, each placement
+group will store objects on two OSDs, as shown below.
+.. ditaa::
+ +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
+ | Placement Group #1 | | Placement Group #2 |
+ | | | |
+ +-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
+ | | | |
+ v v v v
+ /----------\ /----------\ /----------\ /----------\
+ | | | | | | | |
+ | OSD #1 | | OSD #2 | | OSD #2 | | OSD #3 |
+ | | | | | | | |
+ \----------/ \----------/ \----------/ \----------/
+Should OSD #2 fail, another will be assigned to Placement Group #1 and
+will be filled with copies of all objects in OSD #1. If the pool size
+is changed from two to three, an additional OSD will be assigned to
+the placement group and will receive copies of all objects in the
+placement group.
+Placement groups do not own the OSD; they share it with other
+placement groups from the same pool or even other pools. If OSD #2
+fails, the Placement Group #2 will also have to restore copies of
+objects, using OSD #3.
+When the number of placement groups increases, the new placement
+groups will be assigned OSDs. The result of the CRUSH function will
+also change and some objects from the former placement groups will be
+copied over to the new Placement Groups and removed from the old ones.
+Placement Groups Tradeoffs
+Data durability and even distribution among all OSDs call for more
+placement groups but their number should be reduced to the minimum to
+save CPU and memory.
+.. _data durability:
+Data durability
+After an OSD fails, the risk of data loss increases until the data it
+contained is fully recovered. Let's imagine a scenario that causes
+permanent data loss in a single placement group:
+- The OSD fails and all copies of the object it contains are lost.
+ For all objects within the placement group the number of replica
+ suddenly drops from three to two.
+- Ceph starts recovery for this placement group by choosing a new OSD
+ to re-create the third copy of all objects.
+- Another OSD, within the same placement group, fails before the new
+ OSD is fully populated with the third copy. Some objects will then
+ only have one surviving copies.
+- Ceph picks yet another OSD and keeps copying objects to restore the
+ desired number of copies.
+- A third OSD, within the same placement group, fails before recovery
+ is complete. If this OSD contained the only remaining copy of an
+ object, it is permanently lost.
+In a cluster containing 10 OSDs with 512 placement groups in a three
+replica pool, CRUSH will give each placement groups three OSDs. In the
+end, each OSDs will end up hosting (512 * 3) / 10 = ~150 Placement
+Groups. When the first OSD fails, the above scenario will therefore
+start recovery for all 150 placement groups at the same time.
+The 150 placement groups being recovered are likely to be
+homogeneously spread over the 9 remaining OSDs. Each remaining OSD is
+therefore likely to send copies of objects to all others and also
+receive some new objects to be stored because they became part of a
+new placement group.
+The amount of time it takes for this recovery to complete entirely
+depends on the architecture of the Ceph cluster. Let say each OSD is
+hosted by a 1TB SSD on a single machine and all of them are connected
+to a 10Gb/s switch and the recovery for a single OSD completes within
+M minutes. If there are two OSDs per machine using spinners with no
+SSD journal and a 1Gb/s switch, it will at least be an order of
+magnitude slower.
+In a cluster of this size, the number of placement groups has almost
+no influence on data durability. It could be 128 or 8192 and the
+recovery would not be slower or faster.
+However, growing the same Ceph cluster to 20 OSDs instead of 10 OSDs
+is likely to speed up recovery and therefore improve data durability
+significantly. Each OSD now participates in only ~75 placement groups
+instead of ~150 when there were only 10 OSDs and it will still require
+all 19 remaining OSDs to perform the same amount of object copies in
+order to recover. But where 10 OSDs had to copy approximately 100GB
+each, they now have to copy 50GB each instead. If the network was the
+bottleneck, recovery will happen twice as fast. In other words,
+recovery goes faster when the number of OSDs increases.
+If this cluster grows to 40 OSDs, each of them will only host ~35
+placement groups. If an OSD dies, recovery will keep going faster
+unless it is blocked by another bottleneck. However, if this cluster
+grows to 200 OSDs, each of them will only host ~7 placement groups. If
+an OSD dies, recovery will happen between at most of ~21 (7 * 3) OSDs
+in these placement groups: recovery will take longer than when there
+were 40 OSDs, meaning the number of placement groups should be
+No matter how short the recovery time is, there is a chance for a
+second OSD to fail while it is in progress. In the 10 OSDs cluster
+described above, if any of them fail, then ~17 placement groups
+(i.e. ~150 / 9 placement groups being recovered) will only have one
+surviving copy. And if any of the 8 remaining OSD fail, the last
+objects of two placement groups are likely to be lost (i.e. ~17 / 8
+placement groups with only one remaining copy being recovered).
+When the size of the cluster grows to 20 OSDs, the number of Placement
+Groups damaged by the loss of three OSDs drops. The second OSD lost
+will degrade ~4 (i.e. ~75 / 19 placement groups being recovered)
+instead of ~17 and the third OSD lost will only lose data if it is one
+of the four OSDs containing the surviving copy. In other words, if the
+probability of losing one OSD is 0.0001% during the recovery time
+frame, it goes from 17 * 10 * 0.0001% in the cluster with 10 OSDs to 4 * 20 *
+0.0001% in the cluster with 20 OSDs.
+In a nutshell, more OSDs mean faster recovery and a lower risk of
+cascading failures leading to the permanent loss of a Placement
+Group. Having 512 or 4096 Placement Groups is roughly equivalent in a
+cluster with less than 50 OSDs as far as data durability is concerned.
+Note: It may take a long time for a new OSD added to the cluster to be
+populated with placement groups that were assigned to it. However
+there is no degradation of any object and it has no impact on the
+durability of the data contained in the Cluster.
+.. _object distribution:
+Object distribution within a pool
+Ideally objects are evenly distributed in each placement group. Since
+CRUSH computes the placement group for each object, but does not
+actually know how much data is stored in each OSD within this
+placement group, the ratio between the number of placement groups and
+the number of OSDs may influence the distribution of the data
+For instance, if there was a single placement group for ten OSDs in a
+three replica pool, only three OSD would be used because CRUSH would
+have no other choice. When more placement groups are available,
+objects are more likely to be evenly spread among them. CRUSH also
+makes every effort to evenly spread OSDs among all existing Placement
+As long as there are one or two orders of magnitude more Placement
+Groups than OSDs, the distribution should be even. For instance, 256
+placement groups for 3 OSDs, 512 or 1024 placement groups for 10 OSDs
+Uneven data distribution can be caused by factors other than the ratio
+between OSDs and placement groups. Since CRUSH does not take into
+account the size of the objects, a few very large objects may create
+an imbalance. Let say one million 4K objects totaling 4GB are evenly
+spread among 1024 placement groups on 10 OSDs. They will use 4GB / 10
+= 400MB on each OSD. If one 400MB object is added to the pool, the
+three OSDs supporting the placement group in which the object has been
+placed will be filled with 400MB + 400MB = 800MB while the seven
+others will remain occupied with only 400MB.
+.. _resource usage:
+Memory, CPU and network usage
+For each placement group, OSDs and MONs need memory, network and CPU
+at all times and even more during recovery. Sharing this overhead by
+clustering objects within a placement group is one of the main reasons
+they exist.
+Minimizing the number of placement groups saves significant amounts of
+.. _choosing-number-of-placement-groups:
+Choosing the number of Placement Groups
+.. note: It is rarely necessary to do this math by hand. Instead, use the ``ceph osd pool autoscale-status`` command in combination with the ``target_size_bytes`` or ``target_size_ratio`` pool properties. See :ref:`pg-autoscaler` for more information.
+If you have more than 50 OSDs, we recommend approximately 50-100
+placement groups per OSD to balance out resource usage, data
+durability and distribution. If you have less than 50 OSDs, choosing
+among the `preselection`_ above is best. For a single pool of objects,
+you can use the following formula to get a baseline::
+ (OSDs * 100)
+ Total PGs = ------------
+ pool size
+Where **pool size** is either the number of replicas for replicated
+pools or the K+M sum for erasure coded pools (as returned by **ceph
+osd erasure-code-profile get**).
+You should then check if the result makes sense with the way you
+designed your Ceph cluster to maximize `data durability`_,
+`object distribution`_ and minimize `resource usage`_.
+The result should always be **rounded up to the nearest power of two**.
+Only a power of two will evenly balance the number of objects among
+placement groups. Other values will result in an uneven distribution of
+data across your OSDs. Their use should be limited to incrementally
+stepping from one power of two to another.
+As an example, for a cluster with 200 OSDs and a pool size of 3
+replicas, you would estimate your number of PGs as follows::
+ (200 * 100)
+ ----------- = 6667. Nearest power of 2: 8192
+ 3
+When using multiple data pools for storing objects, you need to ensure
+that you balance the number of placement groups per pool with the
+number of placement groups per OSD so that you arrive at a reasonable
+total number of placement groups that provides reasonably low variance
+per OSD without taxing system resources or making the peering process
+too slow.
+For instance a cluster of 10 pools each with 512 placement groups on
+ten OSDs is a total of 5,120 placement groups spread over ten OSDs,
+that is 512 placement groups per OSD. That does not use too many
+resources. However, if 1,000 pools were created with 512 placement
+groups each, the OSDs will handle ~50,000 placement groups each and it
+would require significantly more resources and time for peering.
+You may find the `PGCalc`_ tool helpful.
+.. _setting the number of placement groups:
+Set the Number of Placement Groups
+To set the number of placement groups in a pool, you must specify the
+number of placement groups at the time you create the pool.
+See `Create a Pool`_ for details. Even after a pool is created you can also change the number of placement groups with::
+ ceph osd pool set {pool-name} pg_num {pg_num}
+After you increase the number of placement groups, you must also
+increase the number of placement groups for placement (``pgp_num``)
+before your cluster will rebalance. The ``pgp_num`` will be the number of
+placement groups that will be considered for placement by the CRUSH
+algorithm. Increasing ``pg_num`` splits the placement groups but data
+will not be migrated to the newer placement groups until placement
+groups for placement, ie. ``pgp_num`` is increased. The ``pgp_num``
+should be equal to the ``pg_num``. To increase the number of
+placement groups for placement, execute the following::
+ ceph osd pool set {pool-name} pgp_num {pgp_num}
+When decreasing the number of PGs, ``pgp_num`` is adjusted
+automatically for you.
+Get the Number of Placement Groups
+To get the number of placement groups in a pool, execute the following::
+ ceph osd pool get {pool-name} pg_num
+Get a Cluster's PG Statistics
+To get the statistics for the placement groups in your cluster, execute the following::
+ ceph pg dump [--format {format}]
+Valid formats are ``plain`` (default) and ``json``.
+Get Statistics for Stuck PGs
+To get the statistics for all placement groups stuck in a specified state,
+execute the following::
+ ceph pg dump_stuck inactive|unclean|stale|undersized|degraded [--format <format>] [-t|--threshold <seconds>]
+**Inactive** Placement groups cannot process reads or writes because they are waiting for an OSD
+with the most up-to-date data to come up and in.
+**Unclean** Placement groups contain objects that are not replicated the desired number
+of times. They should be recovering.
+**Stale** Placement groups are in an unknown state - the OSDs that host them have not
+reported to the monitor cluster in a while (configured by ``mon_osd_report_timeout``).
+Valid formats are ``plain`` (default) and ``json``. The threshold defines the minimum number
+of seconds the placement group is stuck before including it in the returned statistics
+(default 300 seconds).
+Get a PG Map
+To get the placement group map for a particular placement group, execute the following::
+ ceph pg map {pg-id}
+For example::
+ ceph pg map 1.6c
+Ceph will return the placement group map, the placement group, and the OSD status::
+ osdmap e13 pg 1.6c (1.6c) -> up [1,0] acting [1,0]
+Get a PGs Statistics
+To retrieve statistics for a particular placement group, execute the following::
+ ceph pg {pg-id} query
+Scrub a Placement Group
+To scrub a placement group, execute the following::
+ ceph pg scrub {pg-id}
+Ceph checks the primary and any replica nodes, generates a catalog of all objects
+in the placement group and compares them to ensure that no objects are missing
+or mismatched, and their contents are consistent. Assuming the replicas all
+match, a final semantic sweep ensures that all of the snapshot-related object
+metadata is consistent. Errors are reported via logs.
+To scrub all placement groups from a specific pool, execute the following::
+ ceph osd pool scrub {pool-name}
+Prioritize backfill/recovery of a Placement Group(s)
+You may run into a situation where a bunch of placement groups will require
+recovery and/or backfill, and some particular groups hold data more important
+than others (for example, those PGs may hold data for images used by running
+machines and other PGs may be used by inactive machines/less relevant data).
+In that case, you may want to prioritize recovery of those groups so
+performance and/or availability of data stored on those groups is restored
+earlier. To do this (mark particular placement group(s) as prioritized during
+backfill or recovery), execute the following::
+ ceph pg force-recovery {pg-id} [{pg-id #2}] [{pg-id #3} ...]
+ ceph pg force-backfill {pg-id} [{pg-id #2}] [{pg-id #3} ...]
+This will cause Ceph to perform recovery or backfill on specified placement
+groups first, before other placement groups. This does not interrupt currently
+ongoing backfills or recovery, but causes specified PGs to be processed
+as soon as possible. If you change your mind or prioritize wrong groups,
+ ceph pg cancel-force-recovery {pg-id} [{pg-id #2}] [{pg-id #3} ...]
+ ceph pg cancel-force-backfill {pg-id} [{pg-id #2}] [{pg-id #3} ...]
+This will remove "force" flag from those PGs and they will be processed
+in default order. Again, this doesn't affect currently processed placement
+group, only those that are still queued.
+The "force" flag is cleared automatically after recovery or backfill of group
+is done.
+Similarly, you may use the following commands to force Ceph to perform recovery
+or backfill on all placement groups from a specified pool first::
+ ceph osd pool force-recovery {pool-name}
+ ceph osd pool force-backfill {pool-name}
+ ceph osd pool cancel-force-recovery {pool-name}
+ ceph osd pool cancel-force-backfill {pool-name}
+to restore to the default recovery or backfill priority if you change your mind.
+Note that these commands could possibly break the ordering of Ceph's internal
+priority computations, so use them with caution!
+Especially, if you have multiple pools that are currently sharing the same
+underlying OSDs, and some particular pools hold data more important than others,
+we recommend you use the following command to re-arrange all pools's
+recovery/backfill priority in a better order::
+ ceph osd pool set {pool-name} recovery_priority {value}
+For example, if you have 10 pools you could make the most important one priority 10,
+next 9, etc. Or you could leave most pools alone and have say 3 important pools
+all priority 1 or priorities 3, 2, 1 respectively.
+Revert Lost
+If the cluster has lost one or more objects, and you have decided to
+abandon the search for the lost data, you must mark the unfound objects
+as ``lost``.
+If all possible locations have been queried and objects are still
+lost, you may have to give up on the lost objects. This is
+possible given unusual combinations of failures that allow the cluster
+to learn about writes that were performed before the writes themselves
+are recovered.
+Currently the only supported option is "revert", which will either roll back to
+a previous version of the object or (if it was a new object) forget about it
+entirely. To mark the "unfound" objects as "lost", execute the following::
+ ceph pg {pg-id} mark_unfound_lost revert|delete
+.. important:: Use this feature with caution, because it may confuse
+ applications that expect the object(s) to exist.
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ pg-states
+ pg-concepts
+.. _Create a Pool: ../pools#createpool
+.. _Mapping PGs to OSDs: ../../../architecture#mapping-pgs-to-osds
+.. _pgcalc: