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+Configuring the iSCSI Target using Ansible
+The Ceph iSCSI gateway is the iSCSI target node and also a Ceph client
+node. The Ceph iSCSI gateway can be a standalone node or be colocated on
+a Ceph Object Store Disk (OSD) node. Completing the following steps will
+install, and configure the Ceph iSCSI gateway for basic operation.
+- A running Ceph Luminous (12.2.x) cluster or newer
+- Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.5 (or newer); Linux kernel v4.16 (or newer)
+- The ``ceph-iscsi`` package installed on all the iSCSI gateway nodes
+#. On the Ansible installer node, which could be either the administration node
+ or a dedicated deployment node, perform the following steps:
+ #. As ``root``, install the ``ceph-ansible`` package:
+ ::
+ # yum install ceph-ansible
+ #. Add an entry in ``/etc/ansible/hosts`` file for the gateway group:
+ ::
+ [ceph-iscsi-gw]
+ ceph-igw-1
+ ceph-igw-2
+.. note::
+ If co-locating the iSCSI gateway with an OSD node, then add the OSD node to the
+ ``[ceph-iscsi-gw]`` section.
+The ``ceph-ansible`` package places a file in the ``/usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/``
+directory called ``ceph-iscsi-gw.sample``. Create a copy of this sample file named
+``ceph-iscsi-gw.yml``. Review the following Ansible variables and descriptions,
+and update accordingly.
+| Variable | Meaning/Purpose |
+| ``seed_monitor`` | Each gateway needs access to the |
+| | ceph cluster for rados and rbd |
+| | calls. This means the iSCSI gateway |
+| | must have an appropriate |
+| | ``/etc/ceph/`` directory defined. |
+| | The ``seed_monitor`` host is used to |
+| | populate the iSCSI gateway’s |
+| | ``/etc/ceph/`` directory. |
+| ``cluster_name`` | Define a custom storage cluster |
+| | name. |
+| ``gateway_keyring`` | Define a custom keyring name. |
+| ``deploy_settings`` | If set to ``true``, then deploy the |
+| | settings when the playbook is ran. |
+| ``perform_system_checks`` | This is a boolean value that checks |
+| | for multipath and lvm configuration |
+| | settings on each gateway. It must be |
+| | set to true for at least the first |
+| | run to ensure multipathd and lvm are |
+| | configured properly. |
+| ``gateway_iqn`` | This is the iSCSI IQN that all the |
+| | gateways will expose to clients. |
+| | This means each client will see the |
+| | gateway group as a single subsystem. |
+| ``gateway_ip_list`` | The ip list defines the IP addresses |
+| | that will be used on the front end |
+| | network for iSCSI traffic. This IP |
+| | will be bound to the active target |
+| | portal group on each node, and is |
+| | the access point for iSCSI traffic. |
+| | Each IP should correspond to an IP |
+| | available on the hosts defined in |
+| | the ``ceph-iscsi-gw`` host group in |
+| | ``/etc/ansible/hosts``. |
+| ``rbd_devices`` | This section defines the RBD images |
+| | that will be controlled and managed |
+| | within the iSCSI gateway |
+| | configuration. Parameters like |
+| | ``pool`` and ``image`` are self |
+| | explanatory. Here are the other |
+| | parameters: ``size`` = This defines |
+| | the size of the RBD. You may |
+| | increase the size later, by simply |
+| | changing this value, but shrinking |
+| | the size of an RBD is not supported |
+| | and is ignored. ``host`` = This is |
+| | the iSCSI gateway host name that |
+| | will be responsible for the rbd |
+| | allocation/resize. Every defined |
+| | ``rbd_device`` entry must have a |
+| | host assigned. ``state`` = This is |
+| | typical Ansible syntax for whether |
+| | the resource should be defined or |
+| | removed. A request with a state of |
+| | absent will first be checked to |
+| | ensure the rbd is not mapped to any |
+| | client. If the RBD is unallocated, |
+| | it will be removed from the iSCSI |
+| | gateway and deleted from the |
+| | configuration. |
+| ``client_connections`` | This section defines the iSCSI |
+| | client connection details together |
+| | with the LUN (RBD image) masking. |
+| | Currently only CHAP is supported as |
+| | an authentication mechanism. Each |
+| | connection defines an ``image_list`` |
+| | which is a comma separated list of |
+| | the form |
+| | ``pool.rbd_image[,pool.rbd_image]``. |
+| | RBD images can be added and removed |
+| | from this list, to change the client |
+| | masking. Note that there are no |
+| | checks done to limit RBD sharing |
+| | across client connections. |
+.. note::
+ When using the ``gateway_iqn`` variable, and for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
+ clients, installing the ``iscsi-initiator-utils`` package is required for
+ retrieving the gateway’s IQN name. The iSCSI initiator name is located in the
+ ``/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi`` file.
+On the Ansible installer node, perform the following steps.
+#. As ``root``, execute the Ansible playbook:
+ ::
+ # cd /usr/share/ceph-ansible
+ # ansible-playbook ceph-iscsi-gw.yml
+ .. note::
+ The Ansible playbook will handle RPM dependencies, RBD creation
+ and Linux IO configuration.
+#. Verify the configuration from an iSCSI gateway node:
+ ::
+ # gwcli ls
+ .. note::
+ For more information on using the ``gwcli`` command to install and configure
+ a Ceph iSCSI gateway, see the `Configuring the iSCSI Target using the Command Line Interface`_
+ section.
+ .. important::
+ Attempting to use the ``targetcli`` tool to change the configuration will
+ result in the following issues, such as ALUA misconfiguration and path failover
+ problems. There is the potential to corrupt data, to have mismatched
+ configuration across iSCSI gateways, and to have mismatched WWN information,
+ which will lead to client multipath problems.
+**Service Management:**
+The ``ceph-iscsi`` package installs the configuration management
+logic and a Systemd service called ``rbd-target-gw``. When the Systemd
+service is enabled, the ``rbd-target-gw`` will start at boot time and
+will restore the Linux IO state. The Ansible playbook disables the
+target service during the deployment. Below are the outcomes of when
+interacting with the ``rbd-target-gw`` Systemd service.
+ # systemctl <start|stop|restart|reload> rbd-target-gw
+- ``reload``
+ A reload request will force ``rbd-target-gw`` to reread the
+ configuration and apply it to the current running environment. This
+ is normally not required, since changes are deployed in parallel from
+ Ansible to all iSCSI gateway nodes
+- ``stop``
+ A stop request will close the gateway’s portal interfaces, dropping
+ connections to clients and wipe the current LIO configuration from
+ the kernel. This returns the iSCSI gateway to a clean state. When
+ clients are disconnected, active I/O is rescheduled to the other
+ iSCSI gateways by the client side multipathing layer.
+Within the ``/usr/share/ceph-ansible/group_vars/ceph-iscsi-gw`` file
+there are a number of operational workflows that the Ansible playbook
+.. warning::
+ Before removing RBD images from the iSCSI gateway configuration,
+ follow the standard procedures for removing a storage device from
+ the operating system.
+| I want to…​ | Update the ``ceph-iscsi-gw`` file |
+| | by…​ |
+| Add more RBD images | Adding another entry to the |
+| | ``rbd_devices`` section with the new |
+| | image. |
+| Resize an existing RBD image | Updating the size parameter within |
+| | the ``rbd_devices`` section. Client |
+| | side actions are required to pick up |
+| | the new size of the disk. |
+| Add a client | Adding an entry to the |
+| | ``client_connections`` section. |
+| Add another RBD to a client | Adding the relevant RBD |
+| | ``pool.image`` name to the |
+| | ``image_list`` variable for the |
+| | client. |
+| Remove an RBD from a client | Removing the RBD ``pool.image`` name |
+| | from the clients ``image_list`` |
+| | variable. |
+| Remove an RBD from the system | Changing the RBD entry state |
+| | variable to ``absent``. The RBD |
+| | image must be unallocated from the |
+| | operating system first for this to |
+| | succeed. |
+| Change the clients CHAP credentials | Updating the relevant CHAP details |
+| | in ``client_connections``. This will |
+| | need to be coordinated with the |
+| | clients. For example, the client |
+| | issues an iSCSI logout, the |
+| | credentials are changed by the |
+| | Ansible playbook, the credentials |
+| | are changed at the client, then the |
+| | client performs an iSCSI login. |
+| Remove a client | Updating the relevant |
+| | ``client_connections`` item with a |
+| | state of ``absent``. Once the |
+| | Ansible playbook is ran, the client |
+| | will be purged from the system, but |
+| | the disks will remain defined to |
+| | Linux IO for potential reuse. |
+Once a change has been made, rerun the Ansible playbook to apply the
+change across the iSCSI gateway nodes.
+ # ansible-playbook ceph-iscsi-gw.yml
+**Removing the Configuration:**
+The ``ceph-ansible`` package provides an Ansible playbook to
+remove the iSCSI gateway configuration and related RBD images. The
+Ansible playbook is ``/usr/share/ceph-ansible/purge_gateways.yml``. When
+this Ansible playbook is ran a prompted for the type of purge to
+*lio* :
+In this mode the LIO configuration is purged on all iSCSI gateways that
+are defined. Disks that were created are left untouched within the Ceph
+storage cluster.
+*all* :
+When ``all`` is chosen, the LIO configuration is removed together with
+**all** RBD images that were defined within the iSCSI gateway
+environment, other unrelated RBD images will not be removed. Ensure the
+correct mode is chosen, this operation will delete data.
+.. warning::
+ A purge operation is destructive action against your iSCSI gateway
+ environment.
+.. warning::
+ A purge operation will fail, if RBD images have snapshots or clones
+ and are exported through the Ceph iSCSI gateway.
+ [root@rh7-iscsi-client ceph-ansible]# ansible-playbook purge_gateways.yml
+ Which configuration elements should be purged? (all, lio or abort) [abort]: all
+ PLAY [Confirm removal of the iSCSI gateway configuration] *********************
+ GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
+ ok: [localhost]
+ TASK: [Exit playbook if user aborted the purge] *******************************
+ skipping: [localhost]
+ TASK: [set_fact ] *************************************************************
+ ok: [localhost]
+ PLAY [Removing the gateway configuration] *************************************
+ GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
+ ok: [ceph-igw-1]
+ ok: [ceph-igw-2]
+ TASK: [igw_purge | purging the gateway configuration] *************************
+ changed: [ceph-igw-1]
+ changed: [ceph-igw-2]
+ TASK: [igw_purge | deleting configured rbd devices] ***************************
+ changed: [ceph-igw-1]
+ changed: [ceph-igw-2]
+ PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
+ ceph-igw-1 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
+ ceph-igw-2 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
+ localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
+.. _Configuring the iSCSI Target using the Command Line Interface: ../iscsi-target-cli