path: root/doc/start/quick-start-preflight.rst
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+ Preflight Checklist
+The ``ceph-deploy`` tool operates out of a directory on an admin
+:term:`node`. Any host with network connectivity and a modern python
+environment and ssh (such as Linux) should work.
+In the descriptions below, :term:`Node` refers to a single machine.
+.. include:: quick-common.rst
+Ceph-deploy Setup
+Add Ceph repositories to the ``ceph-deploy`` admin node. Then, install
+For Debian and Ubuntu distributions, perform the following steps:
+#. Add the release key::
+ wget -q -O- '' | sudo apt-key add -
+#. Add the Ceph packages to your repository. Use the command below and
+ replace ``{ceph-stable-release}`` with a stable Ceph release (e.g.,
+ ``luminous``.) For example::
+ echo deb{ceph-stable-release}/ $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ceph.list
+#. Update your repository and install ``ceph-deploy``::
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install ceph-deploy
+.. note:: You can also use the EU mirror for downloading your packages by replacing ```` by ````
+For CentOS 7, perform the following steps:
+#. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, register the target machine with
+ ``subscription-manager``, verify your subscriptions, and enable the
+ "Extras" repository for package dependencies. For example::
+ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
+#. Install and enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
+ repository::
+ sudo yum install -y
+ Please see the `EPEL wiki`_ page for more information.
+#. Add the Ceph repository to your yum configuration file at ``/etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo`` with the following command. Replace ``{ceph-stable-release}`` with a stable Ceph release (e.g.,
+ ``luminous``.) For example::
+ cat << EOM > /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
+ [ceph-noarch]
+ name=Ceph noarch packages
+ baseurl={ceph-stable-release}/el7/noarch
+ enabled=1
+ gpgcheck=1
+ type=rpm-md
+ gpgkey=
+#. Update your repository and install ``ceph-deploy``::
+ sudo yum update
+ sudo yum install ceph-deploy
+.. note:: You can also use the EU mirror for downloading your packages by replacing ```` by ````
+The Ceph project does not currently publish release RPMs for openSUSE, but
+a stable version of Ceph is included in the default update repository, so
+installing it is just a matter of::
+ sudo zypper install ceph
+ sudo zypper install ceph-deploy
+If the distro version is out-of-date, open a bug at
+ and possibly try your luck with one of
+the following repositories:
+#. Hammer::
+#. Jewel::
+Ceph Node Setup
+The admin node must have password-less SSH access to Ceph nodes.
+When ceph-deploy logs in to a Ceph node as a user, that particular
+user must have passwordless ``sudo`` privileges.
+Install NTP
+We recommend installing NTP on Ceph nodes (especially on Ceph Monitor nodes) to
+prevent issues arising from clock drift. See `Clock`_ for details.
+On CentOS / RHEL, execute::
+ sudo yum install ntp ntpdate ntp-doc
+On Debian / Ubuntu, execute::
+ sudo apt install ntp
+Ensure that you enable the NTP service. Ensure that each Ceph Node uses the
+same NTP time server. See `NTP`_ for details.
+Install SSH Server
+For **ALL** Ceph Nodes perform the following steps:
+#. Install an SSH server (if necessary) on each Ceph Node::
+ sudo apt install openssh-server
+ or::
+ sudo yum install openssh-server
+#. Ensure the SSH server is running on **ALL** Ceph Nodes.
+Create a Ceph Deploy User
+The ``ceph-deploy`` utility must login to a Ceph node as a user
+that has passwordless ``sudo`` privileges, because it needs to install
+software and configuration files without prompting for passwords.
+Recent versions of ``ceph-deploy`` support a ``--username`` option so you can
+specify any user that has password-less ``sudo`` (including ``root``, although
+this is **NOT** recommended). To use ``ceph-deploy --username {username}``, the
+user you specify must have password-less SSH access to the Ceph node, as
+``ceph-deploy`` will not prompt you for a password.
+We recommend creating a specific user for ``ceph-deploy`` on **ALL** Ceph nodes
+in the cluster. Please do **NOT** use "ceph" as the user name. A uniform user
+name across the cluster may improve ease of use (not required), but you should
+avoid obvious user names, because hackers typically use them with brute force
+hacks (e.g., ``root``, ``admin``, ``{productname}``). The following procedure,
+substituting ``{username}`` for the user name you define, describes how to
+create a user with passwordless ``sudo``.
+.. note:: Starting with the :ref:`Infernalis release <infernalis-release-notes>`, the "ceph" user name is reserved
+ for the Ceph daemons. If the "ceph" user already exists on the Ceph nodes,
+ removing the user must be done before attempting an upgrade.
+#. Create a new user on each Ceph Node. ::
+ ssh user@ceph-server
+ sudo useradd -d /home/{username} -m {username}
+ sudo passwd {username}
+#. For the new user you added to each Ceph node, ensure that the user has
+ ``sudo`` privileges. ::
+ echo "{username} ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/{username}
+ sudo chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/{username}
+Enable Password-less SSH
+Since ``ceph-deploy`` will not prompt for a password, you must generate
+SSH keys on the admin node and distribute the public key to each Ceph
+node. ``ceph-deploy`` will attempt to generate the SSH keys for initial
+#. Generate the SSH keys, but do not use ``sudo`` or the
+ ``root`` user. Leave the passphrase empty::
+ ssh-keygen
+ Generating public/private key pair.
+ Enter file in which to save the key (/ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa):
+ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+ Enter same passphrase again:
+ Your identification has been saved in /ceph-admin/.ssh/id_rsa.
+ Your public key has been saved in /ceph-admin/.ssh/
+#. Copy the key to each Ceph Node, replacing ``{username}`` with the user name
+ you created with `Create a Ceph Deploy User`_. ::
+ ssh-copy-id {username}@node1
+ ssh-copy-id {username}@node2
+ ssh-copy-id {username}@node3
+#. (Recommended) Modify the ``~/.ssh/config`` file of your ``ceph-deploy``
+ admin node so that ``ceph-deploy`` can log in to Ceph nodes as the user you
+ created without requiring you to specify ``--username {username}`` each
+ time you execute ``ceph-deploy``. This has the added benefit of streamlining
+ ``ssh`` and ``scp`` usage. Replace ``{username}`` with the user name you
+ created::
+ Host node1
+ Hostname node1
+ User {username}
+ Host node2
+ Hostname node2
+ User {username}
+ Host node3
+ Hostname node3
+ User {username}
+Enable Networking On Bootup
+Ceph OSDs peer with each other and report to Ceph Monitors over the network.
+If networking is ``off`` by default, the Ceph cluster cannot come online
+during bootup until you enable networking.
+The default configuration on some distributions (e.g., CentOS) has the
+networking interface(s) off by default. Ensure that, during boot up, your
+network interface(s) turn(s) on so that your Ceph daemons can communicate over
+the network. For example, on Red Hat and CentOS, navigate to
+``/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts`` and ensure that the ``ifcfg-{iface}`` file
+has ``ONBOOT`` set to ``yes``.
+Ensure Connectivity
+Ensure connectivity using ``ping`` with short hostnames (``hostname -s``).
+Address hostname resolution issues as necessary.
+.. note:: Hostnames should resolve to a network IP address, not to the
+ loopback IP address (e.g., hostnames should resolve to an IP address other
+ than ````). If you use your admin node as a Ceph node, you
+ should also ensure that it resolves to its hostname and IP address
+ (i.e., not its loopback IP address).
+Open Required Ports
+Ceph Monitors communicate using port ``6789`` by default. Ceph OSDs communicate
+in a port range of ``6800:7300`` by default. See the `Network Configuration
+Reference`_ for details. Ceph OSDs can use multiple network connections to
+communicate with clients, monitors, other OSDs for replication, and other OSDs
+for heartbeats.
+On some distributions (e.g., RHEL), the default firewall configuration is fairly
+strict. You may need to adjust your firewall settings allow inbound requests so
+that clients in your network can communicate with daemons on your Ceph nodes.
+For ``firewalld`` on RHEL 7, add the ``ceph-mon`` service for Ceph Monitor
+nodes and the ``ceph`` service for Ceph OSDs and MDSs to the public zone and
+ensure that you make the settings permanent so that they are enabled on reboot.
+For example, on monitors::
+ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=ceph-mon --permanent
+and on OSDs and MDSs::
+ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=ceph --permanent
+Once you have finished configuring firewalld with the ``--permanent`` flag, you can make the changes live immediately without rebooting::
+ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
+For ``iptables``, add port ``6789`` for Ceph Monitors and ports ``6800:7300``
+for Ceph OSDs. For example::
+ sudo iptables -A INPUT -i {iface} -p tcp -s {ip-address}/{netmask} --dport 6789 -j ACCEPT
+Once you have finished configuring ``iptables``, ensure that you make the
+changes persistent on each node so that they will be in effect when your nodes
+reboot. For example::
+ /sbin/service iptables save
+On CentOS and RHEL, you may receive an error while trying to execute
+``ceph-deploy`` commands. If ``requiretty`` is set by default on your Ceph
+nodes, disable it by executing ``sudo visudo`` and locate the ``Defaults
+requiretty`` setting. Change it to ``Defaults:ceph !requiretty`` or comment it
+out to ensure that ``ceph-deploy`` can connect using the user you created with
+`Create a Ceph Deploy User`_.
+.. note:: If editing, ``/etc/sudoers``, ensure that you use
+ ``sudo visudo`` rather than a text editor.
+On CentOS and RHEL, SELinux is set to ``Enforcing`` by default. To streamline your
+installation, we recommend setting SELinux to ``Permissive`` or disabling it
+entirely and ensuring that your installation and cluster are working properly
+before hardening your configuration. To set SELinux to ``Permissive``, execute the
+ sudo setenforce 0
+To configure SELinux persistently (recommended if SELinux is an issue), modify
+the configuration file at ``/etc/selinux/config``.
+Ensure that your package manager has priority/preferences packages installed and
+enabled. On CentOS, you may need to install EPEL. On RHEL, you may need to
+enable optional repositories. ::
+ sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities
+For example, on RHEL 7 server, execute the following to install
+``yum-plugin-priorities`` and enable the ``rhel-7-server-optional-rpms``
+ sudo yum install yum-plugin-priorities --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
+This completes the Quick Start Preflight. Proceed to the `Storage Cluster
+Quick Start`_.
+.. _Storage Cluster Quick Start: ../quick-ceph-deploy
+.. _OS Recommendations: ../os-recommendations
+.. _Network Configuration Reference: ../../rados/configuration/network-config-ref
+.. _Clock: ../../rados/configuration/mon-config-ref#clock
+.. _NTP:
+.. _Infernalis release: ../../release-notes/#v9-1-0-infernalis-release-candidate
+.. _EPEL wiki: