path: root/src/boost/libs/convert/test/stream_converter.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/libs/convert/test/stream_converter.cpp')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/convert/test/stream_converter.cpp b/src/boost/libs/convert/test/stream_converter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fcab03da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/convert/test/stream_converter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+// Boost.Convert test and usage example
+// Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Vladimir Batov.
+// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
+// Version 1.0. See
+#include "./test.hpp"
+int main(int, char const* []) { return 0; }
+#include <boost/convert.hpp>
+#include <boost/convert/stream.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+using std::string;
+using std::wstring;
+using boost::convert;
+namespace cnv = boost::cnv;
+namespace arg = boost::cnv::parameter;
+ boost::cnv::cstream cnv;
+ cnv(std::fixed);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 99.999, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "100.00");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 99.949, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "99.95");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(-99.949, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "-99.95");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 99.949, cnv(arg::precision = 1)).value_or("bad") == "99.9");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 0.999, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "1.00");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( -0.999, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "-1.00");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 0.949, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "0.95");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( -0.949, cnv(arg::precision = 2)).value_or("bad") == "-0.95");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 1.949, cnv(arg::precision = 1)).value_or("bad") == "1.9");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( -1.949, cnv(arg::precision = 1)).value_or("bad") == "-1.9");
+ //[stream_numbase_example1
+ /*`The following example demonstrates the deployment of `std::dec`, `std::oct` `std::hex`
+ manipulators:
+ */
+ boost::cnv::cstream ccnv;
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>( "11", ccnv(std::hex)).value_or(0) == 17); // 11(16) = 17(10)
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>( "11", ccnv(std::oct)).value_or(0) == 9); // 11(8) = 9(10)
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>( "11", ccnv(std::dec)).value_or(0) == 11);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 18, ccnv(std::hex)).value_or("bad") == "12"); // 18(10) = 12(16)
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 10, ccnv(std::oct)).value_or("bad") == "12"); // 10(10) = 12(8)
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( 12, ccnv(std::dec)).value_or("bad") == "12");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(255, ccnv(arg::base = boost::cnv::base::oct)).value_or("bad") == "377");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(255, ccnv(arg::base = boost::cnv::base::hex)).value_or("bad") == "ff");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(255, ccnv(arg::base = boost::cnv::base::dec)).value_or("bad") == "255");
+ ccnv(std::showbase);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(18, ccnv(std::hex)).value_or("bad") == "0x12");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(10, ccnv(std::oct)).value_or("bad") == "012");
+ ccnv(std::uppercase);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(18, ccnv(std::hex)).value_or("bad") == "0X12");
+ //]
+ //[stream_numbase_example2
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>("11", ccnv(arg::base = cnv::base::hex)).value_or(0) == 17);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>("11", ccnv(arg::base = cnv::base::oct)).value_or(0) == 9);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>("11", ccnv(arg::base = cnv::base::dec)).value_or(0) == 11);
+ //]
+ //[wide_stream_numeric_base
+ boost::cnv::wstream wcnv;
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>(L"11", wcnv(std::hex)).value_or(0) == 17); // 11(16) = 17(10)
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>(L"11", wcnv(std::oct)).value_or(0) == 9); // 11(8) = 9(10)
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>(L"11", wcnv(std::dec)).value_or(0) == 11);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<wstring>(254, wcnv(arg::base = cnv::base::dec)).value_or(L"bad") == L"254");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<wstring>(254, wcnv(arg::base = cnv::base::hex)).value_or(L"bad") == L"fe");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<wstring>(254, wcnv(arg::base = cnv::base::oct)).value_or(L"bad") == L"376");
+ //]
+ boost::cnv::cstream cnv;
+ //[stream_boolalpha_example
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( true, cnv(std::boolalpha)).value_or("bad") == "true");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(false, cnv(std::boolalpha)).value_or("bad") == "false");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<bool>( "true", cnv(std::boolalpha)).value_or(false) == true);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<bool>("false", cnv(std::boolalpha)).value_or( true) == false);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>( true, cnv(std::noboolalpha)).value_or("bad") == "1");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(false, cnv(std::noboolalpha)).value_or("bad") == "0");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<bool>("1", cnv(std::noboolalpha)).value_or(false) == true);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<bool>("0", cnv(std::noboolalpha)).value_or( true) == false);
+ //]
+ //[stream_skipws_example
+ boost::cnv::cstream ccnv;
+ char const* const cstr_good = " 123";
+ char const* const cstr_bad = " 123 "; // std::skipws only affects leading spaces.
+ ccnv(std::skipws); // Ignore leading whitespaces
+// ccnv(arg::skipws = true); // Ignore leading whitespaces. Alternative interface
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>(cstr_good, ccnv).value_or(0) == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<string>(" 123", ccnv).value_or("bad") == "123");
+ BOOST_TEST(!convert<int>(cstr_bad, ccnv));
+ ccnv(std::noskipws); // Do not ignore leading whitespaces
+// ccnv(arg::skipws = false); // Do not ignore leading whitespaces. Alternative interface
+ // All conversions fail.
+ BOOST_TEST(!convert<int>(cstr_good, ccnv));
+ BOOST_TEST(!convert<int>( cstr_bad, ccnv));
+ //]
+ //[wide_stream_skipws
+ boost::cnv::wstream wcnv;
+ wcnv(std::noskipws); // Do not ignore leading whitespaces
+ BOOST_TEST( convert<int>( L"123", wcnv).value_or(0) == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(!convert<int>( L" 123", wcnv));
+ BOOST_TEST(!convert<int>(L" 123 ", wcnv));
+ wcnv(std::skipws); // Ignore leading whitespaces
+// wcnv(arg::skipws = true); // Ignore leading whitespaces. Alternative interface
+ BOOST_TEST( convert<int>( L" 123", wcnv).value_or(0) == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(!convert<int>(L" 123 ", wcnv));
+ //]
+ //[stream_width_example
+ boost::cnv::cstream cnv;
+ boost::optional<string> s01 = convert<string>(12, cnv(std::setw(4)));
+ boost::optional<string> s02 = convert<string>(12, cnv(std::setw(5))(std::setfill('*')));
+ boost::optional<string> s03 = convert<string>(12, cnv(std::setw(5))(std::setfill('*'))(std::left));
+ BOOST_TEST(s01 && s01.value() == " 12"); // Field width = 4.
+ BOOST_TEST(s02 && s02.value() == "***12"); // Field width = 5, filler = '*'.
+ BOOST_TEST(s03 && s03.value() == "12***"); // Field width = 5, filler = '*', left adjustment
+ /*`It needs to be remembered that `boost::cnv::stream` converter uses `std::stream` as its underlying
+ conversion engine. Consequently, formatting-related behavior are driven by the `std::stream`. Namely,
+ after every operation is performed, the ['default field width is restored]. The values of
+ the fill character and the adjustment remain unchanged until they are modified explicitly.
+ */
+ // The fill and adjustment remain '*' and 'left'.
+ boost::optional<string> s11 = convert<string>(12, cnv(arg::width = 4));
+ boost::optional<string> s12 = convert<string>(12, cnv(arg::width = 5)
+ (arg::fill = ' ')
+ (arg::adjust = cnv::adjust::right));
+ BOOST_TEST(s11 && s11.value() == "12**"); // Field width was set to 4.
+ BOOST_TEST(s12 && s12.value() == " 12"); // Field width was set to 5 with the ' ' filler.
+ //]
+ boost::cnv::cstream ccnv;
+ boost::cnv::wstream wcnv;
+ int const hex_v01 = boost::convert<int>("FF", ccnv(std::hex)).value_or(0);
+ int const hex_v02 = boost::convert<int>(L"F", wcnv(std::hex)).value_or(0);
+ int const hex_v03 = boost::convert<int>("FF", ccnv(std::dec)).value_or(-5);
+ int const hex_v04 = boost::convert<int>(L"F", wcnv(std::dec)).value_or(-6);
+ BOOST_TEST(hex_v01 == 255); // "FF"
+ BOOST_TEST(hex_v02 == 15); // L"F"
+ BOOST_TEST(hex_v03 == -5); // Failed conversion
+ BOOST_TEST(hex_v04 == -6); // Failed conversion
+ ccnv(std::noshowbase)(std::nouppercase)(std::oct);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>(255, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "377");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>( 15, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "17");
+ ccnv(std::showbase);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>(255, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "0377");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>( 15, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "017");
+ ccnv(std::uppercase)(std::hex);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>(255, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "0XFF");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>( 15, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "0XF");
+ ccnv(std::noshowbase)(std::nouppercase)(std::oct);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>(255, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "377");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>( 15, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "17");
+ ccnv(std::showbase)(arg::uppercase = true)(arg::base = cnv::base::hex);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>(255, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "0XFF");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::convert<string>( 15, ccnv).value_or("bad") == "0XF");
+ //[stream_locale_example1
+ boost::cnv::cstream cnv;
+ std::locale rus_locale;
+ std::locale eng_locale;
+ char const* eng_locale_name = test::cnv::is_msc ? "English_United States.1251" : "en_US.UTF-8";
+ char const* rus_locale_name = test::cnv::is_msc ? "Russian_Russia.1251" : "ru_RU.UTF-8";
+ char const* rus_expected = test::cnv::is_msc ? "1,235e-002" : "1,235e-02";
+ char const* eng_expected = test::cnv::is_msc ? "1.235e-002" : "1.235e-02";
+ char const* dbl_expected = test::cnv::is_msc ? "1.2345E-002" : "1.2345E-02";
+// cnv(std::setprecision(4))(std::uppercase)(std::scientific);
+ cnv(arg::precision = 4)
+ (arg::uppercase = true)
+ (arg::notation = cnv::notation::scientific);
+ double double_v01 = convert<double>(dbl_expected, cnv).value_or(0);
+ string double_s02 = convert<string>(double_v01, cnv).value_or("bad");
+ BOOST_TEST(dbl_expected == double_s02);
+ try { rus_locale = std::locale(rus_locale_name); }
+ catch (...) { printf("Bad locale %s.\n", rus_locale_name); exit(1); }
+ try { eng_locale = std::locale(eng_locale_name); }
+ catch (...) { printf("Bad locale %s.\n", eng_locale_name); exit(1); }
+// cnv(std::setprecision(3))(std::nouppercase);
+ cnv(arg::precision = 3)(arg::uppercase = false);
+ string double_rus = convert<string>(double_v01, cnv(rus_locale)).value_or("bad double_rus");
+ string double_eng = convert<string>(double_v01, cnv(eng_locale)).value_or("bad double_eng");
+ BOOST_TEST(double_rus == rus_expected);
+ BOOST_TEST(double_eng == eng_expected);
+ //]
+test_locale(double v, boost::cnv::cstream const& cnv, char const* expected)
+ boost::optional<string> res = convert<string>(v, cnv);
+ std::string str = res ? *res : "conversion failed";
+ BOOST_TEST(res);
+ BOOST_TEST(str == expected);
+ if (str != expected)
+ printf("%s [%d]: result=<%s>, expected=<%s>\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, str.c_str(), expected);
+ boost::cnv::cstream cnv;
+ std::locale rus_locale;
+ std::locale eng_locale;
+ bool eng_ignore = false;
+ bool rus_ignore = false;
+ char const* eng_locale_name = test::cnv::is_msc ? "English_United States.1251" : "en_US.UTF-8";
+ char const* rus_locale_name = test::cnv::is_msc ? "Russian_Russia.1251" : "ru_RU.UTF-8";
+ char const* eng_expected = test::cnv::is_old_msc ? "1.235e-002" : "1.235e-02";
+ char const* rus_expected = test::cnv::is_old_msc ? "1,235e-002" : "1,235e-02";
+ char const* dbl_expected = test::cnv::is_old_msc ? "1.2345E-002" : "1.2345E-02";
+ cnv(arg::precision = 4)
+ (arg::uppercase = true)
+ (arg::notation = cnv::notation::scientific);
+ double const double_v01 = convert<double>(dbl_expected, cnv).value_or(0);
+ string const double_s02 = convert<string>(double_v01, cnv).value_or("bad");
+ BOOST_TEST(double_v01 != 0);
+ BOOST_TEST(dbl_expected == double_s02);
+ if (dbl_expected != double_s02)
+ printf("%s [%d]: <%s> != <%s>\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, dbl_expected, double_s02.c_str());
+ try { eng_locale = std::locale(eng_locale_name); }
+ catch (...) { printf("Bad locale %s. Ignored.\n", eng_locale_name); eng_ignore = true; }
+ try { rus_locale = std::locale(rus_locale_name); }
+ catch (...) { printf("Bad locale %s. Ignored.\n", rus_locale_name); rus_ignore = true; }
+// cnv(std::setprecision(3))(std::nouppercase);
+ cnv(arg::precision = 3)(arg::uppercase = false);
+ if (!eng_ignore) test_locale(double_v01, cnv(eng_locale), eng_expected);
+ if (!rus_ignore) test_locale(double_v01, cnv(rus_locale), rus_expected);
+ //[stream_my_string
+ boost::cnv::cstream cnv;
+ my_string my_str("123");
+ cnv(std::setprecision(2))(std::fixed);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<int>(my_str, cnv).value_or(0) == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<my_string>( 99.999, cnv).value_or("bad") == "100.00");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<my_string>( 99.949, cnv).value_or("bad") == "99.95");
+ BOOST_TEST(convert<my_string>(-99.949, cnv).value_or("bad") == "-99.95");
+ //]
+main(int, char const* [])
+ try
+ {
+ // QNX fails to handle std::skipws for wchat_t.
+ // Excluding from tests so that I do not have to stare on the yellow box (regression failure)
+ /*********************/ test_skipws_char();
+ if (!test::cnv::is_qnx) test_skipws_wchar();
+ test_numbase();
+ test_boolalpha();
+ test_width();
+ test_manipulators();
+ test_locale();
+ test_dbl_to_str();
+ test_user_str();
+ }
+ catch(boost::bad_optional_access const&)
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST(!"Caught boost::bad_optional_access exception");
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST(!"Caught an unknown exception");
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();