path: root/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail')
2 files changed, 942 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail/zip_iterator_test.ipp b/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail/zip_iterator_test.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e9a78fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail/zip_iterator_test.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2014 Kohei Takahashi.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// See for most recent version including documentation.
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/include/at.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+int main()
+ typedef TUPLE<
+ std::vector<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<std::string>::iterator
+ > iterator_tuple;
+ std::vector<int> vi = boost::assign::list_of(42)(72);
+ std::vector<std::string> vs = boost::assign::list_of("kokoro")("pyonpyon");
+ {
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i1(MAKE_TUPLE(vi.begin(), vs.begin()));
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i2 = i1;
+ BOOST_TEST( i1 == i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1++ == i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1 == (i2 + 1));
+ BOOST_TEST((i1 - 1) == i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1-- == ++i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1 == --i2);
+ }
+ {
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i1(MAKE_TUPLE(vi.begin(), vs.begin()));
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i2 = i1 + 1;
+ BOOST_TEST( i1 != i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1++ != i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1 != (i2 + 1));
+ BOOST_TEST((i1 - 1) != i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1-- != ++i2);
+ BOOST_TEST( i1 != --i2);
+ }
+ {
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i(MAKE_TUPLE(vi.begin(), vs.begin()));
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<0>(* i ) == 42);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(* i ) == "kokoro");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<0>(*(i + 1)) == 72);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(*(i + 1)) == "pyonpyon");
+ }
+ {
+ // Trac #12895
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ TUPLE<int*, std::string*>
+ > i(MAKE_TUPLE(&vi[0], &vs[0]));
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<0>(* i ) == 42);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(* i ) == "kokoro");
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<0>(*(i + 1)) == 72);
+ BOOST_TEST(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(*(i + 1)) == "pyonpyon");
+ }
+ {
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i1(MAKE_TUPLE(vi.begin(), vs.begin()));
+ boost::zip_iterator<iterator_tuple> i2(MAKE_TUPLE(vi.end(), vs.end()));
+ BOOST_TEST((i2 - i1) == 2);
+ ++i1;
+ BOOST_TEST((i2 - i1) == 1);
+ --i2;
+ BOOST_TEST((i2 - i1) == 0);
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail/zip_iterator_test_original.ipp b/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail/zip_iterator_test_original.ipp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dc042214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/iterator/test/detail/zip_iterator_test_original.ipp
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
+// (C) Copyright Dave Abrahams and Thomas Becker 2003. Distributed
+// under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// File:
+// =====
+// zip_iterator_test_main.cpp
+// Author:
+// =======
+// Thomas Becker
+// Created:
+// ========
+// Jul 15, 2003
+// Purpose:
+// ========
+// Test driver for zip_iterator.hpp
+// Compilers Tested:
+// =================
+// Metrowerks Codewarrior Pro 7.2, 8.3
+// gcc 2.95.3
+// gcc 3.2
+// Microsoft VC 6sp5 (test fails due to some compiler bug)
+// Microsoft VC 7 (works)
+// Microsoft VC 7.1
+// Intel 5
+// Intel 6
+// Intel 7.1
+// Intel 8
+// Borland 5.5.1 (broken due to lack of support from Boost.Tuples)
+// Includes
+#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp> // 2nd #include tests #include guard.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/is_readable_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+#include <stddef.h>
+/// Tests for
+int to_value(int const &v)
+ return v;
+void category_test()
+ std::list<int> rng1;
+ std::string rng2;
+ boost::make_zip_iterator(
+ boost::make_transform_iterator(rng1.begin(), &to_value), // BidirectionalInput
+ rng2.begin() // RandomAccess
+ )
+ );
+// Das Main Funktion
+int main( void )
+ category_test();
+ std::cout << "\n"
+ << "***********************************************\n"
+ << "* *\n"
+ << "* Test driver for boost::zip_iterator *\n"
+ << "* Copyright Thomas Becker 2003 *\n"
+ << "* *\n"
+ << "***********************************************\n\n"
+ << std::flush;
+ size_t num_successful_tests = 0;
+ size_t num_failed_tests = 0;
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator construction and dereferencing
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator construction and dereferencing: "
+ << std::flush;
+ std::vector<double> vect1(3);
+ vect1[0] = 42.;
+ vect1[1] = 43.;
+ vect1[2] = 44.;
+ std::set<int> intset;
+ intset.insert(52);
+ intset.insert(53);
+ intset.insert(54);
+ //
+ typedef
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::set<int>::iterator
+ , std::vector<double>::iterator
+ >
+ > zit_mixed;
+ zit_mixed zip_it_mixed = zit_mixed(
+ intset.begin()
+ , vect1.begin()
+ )
+ );
+ ZI_TUPLE<int, double> val_tuple(
+ *zip_it_mixed);
+ ZI_TUPLE<const int&, double&> ref_tuple(
+ *zip_it_mixed);
+ double dblOldVal = ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(ref_tuple);
+ ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(ref_tuple) -= 41.;
+ if( 52 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(val_tuple) &&
+ 42. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(val_tuple) &&
+ 52 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(ref_tuple) &&
+ 1. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(ref_tuple) &&
+ 1. == *vect1.begin()
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // Undo change to vect1
+ ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(ref_tuple) = dblOldVal;
+#if defined(ZI_USE_BOOST_TUPLE)
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator with 12 components
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterators with 12 components: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Declare 12 containers
+ //
+ std::list<int> li1;
+ li1.push_back(1);
+ std::set<int> se1;
+ se1.insert(2);
+ std::vector<int> ve1;
+ ve1.push_back(3);
+ //
+ std::list<int> li2;
+ li2.push_back(4);
+ std::set<int> se2;
+ se2.insert(5);
+ std::vector<int> ve2;
+ ve2.push_back(6);
+ //
+ std::list<int> li3;
+ li3.push_back(7);
+ std::set<int> se3;
+ se3.insert(8);
+ std::vector<int> ve3;
+ ve3.push_back(9);
+ //
+ std::list<int> li4;
+ li4.push_back(10);
+ std::set<int> se4;
+ se4.insert(11);
+ std::vector<int> ve4;
+ ve4.push_back(12);
+ // typedefs for cons lists of iterators.
+ typedef boost::tuples::cons<
+ std::set<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<int>::iterator,
+ std::list<int>::iterator,
+ std::set<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<int>::iterator,
+ std::list<int>::iterator,
+ std::set<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<int>::iterator,
+ std::list<int>::iterator,
+ std::set<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<int>::const_iterator
+ >::inherited
+ > cons_11_its_type;
+ //
+ typedef boost::tuples::cons<
+ std::list<int>::const_iterator,
+ cons_11_its_type
+ > cons_12_its_type;
+ // typedefs for cons lists for dereferencing the zip iterator
+ // made from the cons list above.
+ typedef boost::tuples::cons<
+ const int&,
+ int&,
+ int&,
+ const int&,
+ int&,
+ int&,
+ const int&,
+ int&,
+ int&,
+ const int&,
+ const int&
+ >::inherited
+ > cons_11_refs_type;
+ //
+ typedef boost::tuples::cons<
+ const int&,
+ cons_11_refs_type
+ > cons_12_refs_type;
+ // typedef for zip iterator with 12 elements
+ typedef boost::zip_iterator<cons_12_its_type> zip_it_12_type;
+ // Declare a 12-element zip iterator.
+ zip_it_12_type zip_it_12(
+ cons_12_its_type(
+ li1.begin(),
+ cons_11_its_type(
+ se1.begin(),
+ ve1.begin(),
+ li2.begin(),
+ se2.begin(),
+ ve2.begin(),
+ li3.begin(),
+ se3.begin(),
+ ve3.begin(),
+ li4.begin(),
+ se4.begin(),
+ ve4.begin()
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ // Dereference, mess with the result a little.
+ cons_12_refs_type zip_it_12_dereferenced(*zip_it_12);
+ ZI_TUPLE_GET(9)(zip_it_12_dereferenced) = 42;
+ // Make a copy and move it a little to force some instantiations.
+ zip_it_12_type zip_it_12_copy(zip_it_12);
+ ++zip_it_12_copy;
+ if( ZI_TUPLE_GET(11)(zip_it_12.get_iterator_tuple()) == ve4.begin() &&
+ ZI_TUPLE_GET(11)(zip_it_12_copy.get_iterator_tuple()) == ve4.end() &&
+ 1 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(zip_it_12_dereferenced) &&
+ 12 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(11)(zip_it_12_dereferenced) &&
+ 42 == *(li4.begin())
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator incrementing and dereferencing
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator ++ and *: "
+ << std::flush;
+ std::vector<double> vect2(3);
+ vect2[0] = 2.2;
+ vect2[1] = 3.3;
+ vect2[2] = 4.4;
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ >
+ zip_it_begin(
+ vect1.begin(),
+ vect2.begin()
+ )
+ );
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ >
+ zip_it_run(
+ vect1.begin(),
+ vect2.begin()
+ )
+ );
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ >
+ zip_it_end(
+ vect1.end(),
+ vect2.end()
+ )
+ );
+ if( zip_it_run == zip_it_begin &&
+ 42. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ 2.2 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ 43. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*(++zip_it_run)) &&
+ 3.3 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ 44. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*(++zip_it_run)) &&
+ 4.4 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ zip_it_end == ++zip_it_run
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator decrementing and dereferencing
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator -- and *: "
+ << std::flush;
+ if( zip_it_run == zip_it_end &&
+ zip_it_end == zip_it_run-- &&
+ 44. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ 4.4 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ 43. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*(--zip_it_run)) &&
+ 3.3 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ 42. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*(--zip_it_run)) &&
+ 2.2 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_run) &&
+ zip_it_begin == zip_it_run
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator copy construction and equality
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator copy construction and equality: "
+ << std::flush;
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ > zip_it_run_copy(zip_it_run);
+ if(zip_it_run == zip_it_run && zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy)
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator inequality
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator inequality: "
+ << std::flush;
+ if(!(zip_it_run != zip_it_run_copy) && zip_it_run != ++zip_it_run_copy)
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator less than
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator less than: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run_copy == zip_it_run + 1
+ //
+ if( zip_it_run < zip_it_run_copy &&
+ !( zip_it_run < --zip_it_run_copy) &&
+ zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator less than or equal
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "zip iterator less than or equal: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run_copy == zip_it_run
+ //
+ ++zip_it_run;
+ zip_it_run_copy += 2;
+ if( zip_it_run <= zip_it_run_copy &&
+ zip_it_run <= --zip_it_run_copy &&
+ !( zip_it_run <= --zip_it_run_copy) &&
+ zip_it_run <= zip_it_run
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator greater than
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator greater than: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run_copy == zip_it_run - 1
+ //
+ if( zip_it_run > zip_it_run_copy &&
+ !( zip_it_run > ++zip_it_run_copy) &&
+ zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator greater than or equal
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator greater than or equal: "
+ << std::flush;
+ ++zip_it_run;
+ // Note: zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy + 1
+ //
+ if( zip_it_run >= zip_it_run_copy &&
+ --zip_it_run >= zip_it_run_copy &&
+ ! (zip_it_run >= ++zip_it_run_copy)
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator + int
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator + int: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy - 1
+ //
+ zip_it_run = zip_it_run + 2;
+ ++zip_it_run_copy;
+ if( zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy && zip_it_run == zip_it_begin + 3 )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator - int
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator - int: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy, and both are at end position
+ //
+ zip_it_run = zip_it_run - 2;
+ --zip_it_run_copy;
+ --zip_it_run_copy;
+ if( zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy && (zip_it_run - 1) == zip_it_begin )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator +=
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator +=: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy, and both are at begin + 1
+ //
+ zip_it_run += 2;
+ if( zip_it_run == zip_it_begin + 3 )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator -=
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator -=: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run is at end position, zip_it_run_copy is at
+ // begin plus one.
+ //
+ zip_it_run -= 2;
+ if( zip_it_run == zip_it_run_copy )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator getting member iterators
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator member iterators: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // Note: zip_it_run and zip_it_run_copy are both at
+ // begin plus one.
+ //
+ if( ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(zip_it_run.get_iterator_tuple()) == vect1.begin() + 1 &&
+ ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(zip_it_run.get_iterator_tuple()) == vect2.begin() + 1
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Making zip iterators
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Making zip iterators: "
+ << std::flush;
+ std::vector<ZI_TUPLE<double, double> >
+ vect_of_tuples(3);
+ std::copy(
+ boost::make_zip_iterator(
+ vect1.begin(),
+ vect2.begin()
+ )
+ ),
+ boost::make_zip_iterator(
+ vect1.end(),
+ vect2.end()
+ )
+ ),
+ vect_of_tuples.begin()
+ );
+ if( 42. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*vect_of_tuples.begin()) &&
+ 2.2 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*vect_of_tuples.begin()) &&
+ 43. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*(vect_of_tuples.begin() + 1)) &&
+ 3.3 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*(vect_of_tuples.begin() + 1)) &&
+ 44. == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*(vect_of_tuples.begin() + 2)) &&
+ 4.4 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*(vect_of_tuples.begin() + 2))
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator non-const --> const conversion
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator non-const to const conversion: "
+ << std::flush;
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::set<int>::const_iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ >
+ zip_it_const(
+ intset.begin(),
+ vect2.begin()
+ )
+ );
+ //
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::set<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ >
+ zip_it_half_const(
+ intset.begin(),
+ vect2.begin()
+ )
+ );
+ //
+ boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::set<int>::iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::iterator
+ >
+ >
+ zip_it_non_const(
+ intset.begin(),
+ vect2.begin()
+ )
+ );
+ zip_it_half_const = ++zip_it_non_const;
+ zip_it_const = zip_it_half_const;
+ ++zip_it_const;
+// zip_it_non_const = ++zip_it_const; // Error: can't convert from const to non-const
+ if( 54 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*zip_it_const) &&
+ 4.4 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_const) &&
+ 53 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(0)(*zip_it_half_const) &&
+ 3.3 == ZI_TUPLE_GET(1)(*zip_it_half_const)
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+#if defined(ZI_USE_BOOST_TUPLE)
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Zip iterator categories
+ //
+ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ std::cout << "Zip iterator categories: "
+ << std::flush;
+ // The big iterator of the previous test has vector, list, and set iterators.
+ // Therefore, it must be bidirectional, but not random access.
+ bool bBigItIsBidirectionalIterator = boost::is_convertible<
+ boost::iterator_traversal<zip_it_12_type>::type
+ , boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag
+ >::value;
+ bool bBigItIsRandomAccessIterator = boost::is_convertible<
+ boost::iterator_traversal<zip_it_12_type>::type
+ , boost::random_access_traversal_tag
+ >::value;
+ // A combining iterator with all vector iterators must have random access
+ // traversal.
+ //
+ typedef boost::zip_iterator<
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator,
+ std::vector<double>::const_iterator
+ >
+ > all_vects_type;
+ bool bAllVectsIsRandomAccessIterator = boost::is_convertible<
+ boost::iterator_traversal<all_vects_type>::type
+ , boost::random_access_traversal_tag
+ >::value;
+ // The big test.
+ if( bBigItIsBidirectionalIterator &&
+ ! bBigItIsRandomAccessIterator &&
+ bAllVectsIsRandomAccessIterator
+ )
+ {
+ ++num_successful_tests;
+ std::cout << "OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++num_failed_tests;
+ std::cout << "not OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+ // Done
+ //
+ std::cout << "\nTest Result:"
+ << "\n============"
+ << "\nNumber of successful tests: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(num_successful_tests)
+ << "\nNumber of failed tests: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(num_failed_tests)
+ << std::endl;
+ return num_failed_tests;