path: root/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test')
14 files changed, 2007 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/Jamfile b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/Jamfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18cf1774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/Jamfile
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Joel de Guzman
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Hartmut Kaiser
+# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Nikita Kniazev
+# Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
+# License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+project spirit_v2_repository/test
+ : requirements
+ <include>.
+ <c++-template-depth>300
+ :
+ :
+ ;
+alias qi-pch : : <pch>on-spirit:<source>../../test/qi//pch ;
+alias ka-pch : : <pch>on-spirit:<source>../../test/karma//pch ;
+explicit qi-pch ka-pch ;
+import os ;
+local keywords_reqs ;
+if [ os.environ APPVEYOR ]
+ # Workaround MSVC codegen bug. See #400 for the info.
+ keywords_reqs = <toolset>msvc-14.1:<inlining>off ;
+# bring in rules for testing
+import testing ;
+ test-suite spirit_v2_repository :
+ # run Qi repository tests
+ [ run qi-pch qi/advance.cpp : : : : qi_repo_advance ]
+ [ run qi-pch qi/confix.cpp : : : : qi_repo_confix ]
+ [ run qi-pch qi/distinct.cpp : : : : qi_repo_distinct ]
+ [ run qi-pch qi/subrule.cpp : : : : qi_repo_subrule ]
+ [ run qi-pch qi/keywords.cpp : : : $(keywords_reqs) : qi_repo_keywords ]
+ [ run qi-pch qi/seek.cpp : : : : qi_repo_seek ]
+ # run Karma repository tests
+ [ run ka-pch karma/confix.cpp : : : : karma_repo_confix ]
+ [ run ka-pch karma/subrule.cpp : : : : karma_repo_subrule ]
+ ;
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/confix.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/confix.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adbe9903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/confix.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_auxiliary.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_generate.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/karma_confix.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hpp"
+namespace html
+ namespace spirit = boost::spirit;
+ namespace repo = boost::spirit::repository;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // define a HTML tag helper generator
+ namespace traits
+ {
+ template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix = Prefix>
+ struct confix_spec
+ : spirit::result_of::terminal<repo::tag::confix(Prefix, Suffix)>
+ {};
+ }
+ template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix>
+ inline typename traits::confix_spec<Prefix, Suffix>::type
+ confix_spec(Prefix const& prefix, Suffix const& suffix)
+ {
+ return repo::confix(prefix, suffix);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char, typename Traits, typename Allocator>
+ inline typename traits::confix_spec<
+ std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Allocator>
+ >::type
+ tag (std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Allocator> const& tagname)
+ {
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char, Traits, Allocator> string_type;
+ return confix_spec(string_type("<") + tagname + ">"
+ , string_type("</") + tagname + ">");
+ }
+ inline traits::confix_spec<std::string>::type
+ tag (char const* tagname)
+ {
+ return tag(std::string(tagname));
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ typedef traits::confix_spec<std::string>::type html_tag_type;
+ html_tag_type const ol = tag("ol");
+int main()
+ using namespace spirit_test;
+ using namespace boost::spirit;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::repository;
+ {
+ using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ BOOST_TEST((test("<tag>a</tag>",
+ confix("<tag>", "</tag>")[char_('a')])));
+ BOOST_TEST((test("<tag>a</tag>",
+ confix("<tag>", "</tag>")[char_], 'a')));
+ BOOST_TEST((test("// some C++ comment\n",
+ confix(string("//"), eol)[" some C++ comment"])));
+ BOOST_TEST((test("// some C++ comment\n",
+ confix(string("//"), eol)[string], " some C++ comment")));
+ BOOST_TEST((test("<ol>some text</ol>", html::ol["some text"])));
+ BOOST_TEST((test("<ol>some text</ol>", html::ol[string], "some text")));
+ }
+ {
+ using namespace boost::spirit::standard_wide;
+ BOOST_TEST((test(L"<tag>a</tag>",
+ confix(L"<tag>", L"</tag>")[char_(L'a')])));
+ BOOST_TEST((test(L"// some C++ comment\n",
+ confix(string(L"//"), eol)[L" some C++ comment"])));
+ BOOST_TEST((test(L"<ol>some text</ol>", html::ol[L"some text"])));
+ }
+ {
+ using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ BOOST_TEST((test_delimited("<tag> a </tag> ",
+ confix("<tag>", "</tag>")[char_('a')], space)));
+ BOOST_TEST((test_delimited("// some C++ comment \n ",
+ confix(string("//"), eol)["some C++ comment"], space)));
+ BOOST_TEST((test_delimited("<ol> some text </ol> ",
+ html::ol["some text"], space)));
+ }
+ {
+ using namespace boost::spirit::standard_wide;
+ BOOST_TEST((test_delimited(L"<tag> a </tag> ",
+ confix(L"<tag>", L"</tag>")[char_(L'a')], space)));
+ BOOST_TEST((test_delimited(L"// some C++ comment \n ",
+ confix(string(L"//"), eol)[L"some C++ comment"], space)));
+ BOOST_TEST((test_delimited(L"<ol> some text </ol> ",
+ html::ol[L"some text"], space)));
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/subrule.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/subrule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd6bdabe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/subrule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Francois Barel
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_auxiliary.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_statement.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_fusion.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/karma_subrule.hpp>
+#include "test.hpp"
+using namespace spirit_test;
+int main()
+ using namespace boost;
+ using namespace boost::spirit;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::karma;
+// using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::karma::subrule;
+ typedef spirit_test::output_iterator<char>::type outiter_type;
+ // basic tests
+ {
+ rule<outiter_type> start;
+ subrule<0> sr;
+ start = (
+ sr = char_[_1 = 'a'] << int_[_1 = 10] << double_[_1 = 12.4]
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a1012.4", start));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a1012.4", (
+ sr = (char_ << int_ << double_)[_1 = 'a', _2 = 10, _3 = 12.4]
+ )));
+ subrule<1> a;
+ subrule<2> b;
+ subrule<3> c;
+ start = (
+ sr = a << b << c
+ , a = char_[_1 = 'a']
+ , b = int_[_1 = 10]
+ , c = double_[_1 = 12.4]
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a1012.4", start));
+ }
+ // basic tests with delimiter
+ {
+ rule<outiter_type, space_type> start;
+ subrule<0> sr;
+ start = (
+ sr = char_[_1 = 'a'] << int_[_1 = 10] << double_[_1 = 12.4]
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a 10 12.4 ", start, space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a 10 12.4 ", (
+ sr = (char_ << int_ << double_)[_1 = 'a', _2 = 10, _3 = 12.4]
+ ), space));
+ subrule<1> a;
+ subrule<2> b;
+ subrule<3> c;
+ start = (
+ sr = a << b << c
+ , a = char_[_1 = 'a']
+ , b = int_[_1 = 10]
+ , c = double_[_1 = 12.4]
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a 10 12.4 ", start, space));
+ }
+ // basic tests involving a direct parameter
+ {
+ typedef variant<char, int, double> var_type;
+ rule<outiter_type, var_type()> start;
+ subrule<0, var_type()> sr;
+ start = (
+ sr = (char_ | int_ | double_)[_1 = _r0]
+ )[_1 = _val];
+ var_type v ('a');
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a", start, v));
+ v = 10;
+ BOOST_TEST(test("10", start, v));
+ v = 12.4;
+ BOOST_TEST(test("12.4", start, v));
+ }
+ {
+ typedef variant<char, int, double> var_type;
+ rule<outiter_type, space_type, var_type()> start;
+ subrule<0, var_type()> sr;
+ start %= (
+ sr = (char_ | int_ | double_)[_1 = _r0]
+ );
+ var_type v ('a');
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a ", start, v, space));
+ v = 10;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("10 ", start, v, space));
+ v = 12.4;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("12.4 ", start, v, space));
+ }
+ {
+ rule<outiter_type, void(char, int, double)> start;
+ subrule<0, void(char, int, double)> sr;
+ start = (
+ sr = char_[_1 = _r1] << int_[_1 = _r2] << double_[_1 = _r3]
+ )(_r1, _r2, _r3);
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a1012.4", start('a', 10, 12.4)));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a1012.4", (
+ sr = (char_ << int_ << double_)[_1 = _r1, _2 = _r2, _3 = _r3]
+ )('a', 10, 12.4)));
+ subrule<1, void(char, int, double)> entry;
+ subrule<2, void(char)> a;
+ subrule<3, void(int)> b;
+ subrule<4, void(double)> c;
+ start = (
+ entry = a(_r1) << b(_r2) << c(_r3)
+ , a = char_[_1 = _r1]
+ , b = int_[_1 = _r1]
+ , c = double_[_1 = _r1]
+ )(_r1, _r2, _r3);
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a1012.4", start('a', 10, 12.4)));
+ }
+ {
+ rule<outiter_type, space_type, void(char, int, double)> start;
+ subrule<0, void(char, int, double)> sr;
+ start = (
+ sr = char_[_1 = _r1] << int_[_1 = _r2] << double_[_1 = _r3]
+ )(_r1, _r2, _r3);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a 10 12.4 ", start('a', 10, 12.4), space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a 10 12.4 ", (
+ sr = (char_ << int_ << double_)[_1 = _r1, _2 = _r2, _3 = _r3]
+ )('a', 10, 12.4), space));
+ subrule<1, void(char, int, double)> entry;
+ subrule<2, void(char)> a;
+ subrule<3, void(int)> b;
+ subrule<4, void(double)> c;
+ start = (
+ entry = a(_r1) << b(_r2) << c(_r3)
+ , a = char_[_1 = _r1]
+ , b = int_[_1 = _r1]
+ , c = double_[_1 = _r1]
+ )(_r1, _r2, _r3);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_delimited("a 10 12.4 ", start('a', 10, 12.4), space));
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/test.hpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/test.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70b89ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/karma/test.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_KARMA_TEST_FEB_23_2007_1221PM)
+#define BOOST_SPIRIT_KARMA_TEST_FEB_23_2007_1221PM
+#include <cstring>
+#include <string>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <typeinfo>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_generate.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_what.hpp>
+namespace spirit_test
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct display_type
+ {
+ template<typename T>
+ void operator()(T const &) const
+ {
+ std::cout << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static void print()
+ {
+ std::cout << typeid(T).name() << std::endl;
+ }
+ };
+ display_type const display = {};
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char>
+ struct output_iterator
+ {
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ typedef std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> type;
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char, typename T>
+ void print_if_failed(char const* func, bool result
+ , std::basic_string<Char> const& generated, T const& expected)
+ {
+ if (!result)
+ std::cerr << "in " << func << ": result is false" << std::endl;
+ else if (generated != expected)
+ std::cerr << "in " << func << ": generated \""
+ << std::string(generated.begin(), generated.end())
+ << "\"" << std::endl;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator>
+ inline bool test(Char const *expected, Generator const& g)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate(outit, g);
+ print_if_failed("test", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator>
+ inline bool test(std::basic_string<Char> const& expected, Generator const& g)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate(outit, g);
+ print_if_failed("test", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator, typename Attribute>
+ inline bool test(Char const *expected, Generator const& g,
+ Attribute const &attr)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate(outit, g, attr);
+ print_if_failed("test", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator, typename Attribute>
+ inline bool test(std::basic_string<Char> const& expected, Generator const& g,
+ Attribute const &attr)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate(outit, g, attr);
+ print_if_failed("test", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator, typename Delimiter>
+ inline bool test_delimited(Char const *expected, Generator const& g,
+ Delimiter const& d)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate_delimited(outit, g, d);
+ print_if_failed("test_delimited", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator, typename Delimiter>
+ inline bool test_delimited(std::basic_string<Char> const& expected,
+ Generator const& g, Delimiter const& d)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate_delimited(outit, g, d);
+ print_if_failed("test_delimited", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator, typename Attribute,
+ typename Delimiter>
+ inline bool test_delimited(Char const *expected, Generator const& g,
+ Attribute const &attr, Delimiter const& d)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate_delimited(outit, g, d, attr);
+ print_if_failed("test_delimited", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Generator, typename Attribute,
+ typename Delimiter>
+ inline bool test_delimited(std::basic_string<Char> const& expected,
+ Generator const& g, Attribute const &attr, Delimiter const& d)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate_delimited(outit, g, d, attr);
+ print_if_failed("test_delimited", result, generated, expected);
+ return result && generated == expected;
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Generator>
+ inline bool
+ binary_test(char const *expected, std::size_t size,
+ Generator const& g)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate(outit, g);
+ return result && !std::memcmp(generated.c_str(), expected, size);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Generator, typename Attribute>
+ inline bool
+ binary_test(char const *expected, std::size_t size,
+ Generator const& g, Attribute const &attr)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate(outit, g, attr);
+ return result && !std::memcmp(generated.c_str(), expected, size);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Generator, typename Delimiter>
+ inline bool
+ binary_test_delimited(char const *expected, std::size_t size,
+ Generator const& g, Delimiter const& d)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate_delimited(outit, g, d);
+ return result && !std::memcmp(generated.c_str(), expected, size);
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template <typename Generator, typename Attribute, typename Delimiter>
+ inline bool
+ binary_test_delimited(char const *expected, std::size_t size,
+ Generator const& g, Attribute const &attr, Delimiter const& d)
+ {
+ namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
+ typedef std::basic_string<char> string_type;
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all generators have it:
+ karma::what(g);
+ string_type generated;
+ std::back_insert_iterator<string_type> outit(generated);
+ bool result = karma::generate_delimited(outit, g, d, attr);
+ return result && !std::memcmp(generated.c_str(), expected, size);
+ }
+} // namespace spirit_test
+#endif // !BOOST_SPIRIT_KARMA_TEST_FEB_23_2007_1221PM
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/advance.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/advance.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..160ac55f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/advance.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
+// Copyright (c) 2011 Aaron Graham
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auxiliary.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_binary.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_directive.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_advance.hpp>
+#include <boost/assign/std/list.hpp>
+#include "test.hpp"
+namespace spirit_test
+ template <typename Container, typename Parser>
+ bool test_c(Container const& in, Parser const& p, bool full_match = true)
+ {
+ // we don't care about the results of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all parsers have it:
+ boost::spirit::qi::what(p);
+ typename Container::const_iterator first = in.begin();
+ typename Container::const_iterator const last = in.end();
+ return boost::spirit::qi::parse(first, last, p)
+ && (!full_match || (first == last));
+ }
+int main()
+ using spirit_test::test;
+ using spirit_test::test_c;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::qi::labels;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::locals;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::uint_;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::byte_;
+ using namespace boost::assign;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::qi::advance;
+ { // test basic functionality with random-access iterators
+ rule<char const*> start;
+ start = 'a' >> advance(3) >> "bc";
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a123bc", start));
+ start = (advance(3) | 'q') >> 'i';
+ BOOST_TEST(test("qi", start));
+ start = advance(-1);
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("0", start));
+ start = advance(-1) | "qi";
+ BOOST_TEST(test("qi", start));
+ start = advance(0) >> "abc" >> advance(10) >> "nopq" >> advance(0)
+ >> advance(8) >> 'z';
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", start));
+ }
+ { // test locals
+ rule<char const*, locals<unsigned> > start;
+ start = byte_ [_a = _1] >> advance(_a) >> "345";
+ BOOST_TEST(test("\x02""12345", start));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("\x60""345", start));
+ }
+ { // test basic functionality with bidirectional iterators
+ rule<std::list<char>::const_iterator, locals<int> > start;
+ std::list<char> list;
+ list.clear();
+ list += 1,2,'a','b','c';
+ start = byte_ [_a = _1] >> advance(_a) >> "abc";
+ BOOST_TEST(test_c(list, start));
+ list.clear();
+ list += 3,'q','i';
+ start = byte_ [_a = _1] >> advance(_a);
+ BOOST_TEST(!test_c(list, start));
+ start = byte_ [_a = _1] >> (advance(_a) | "qi");
+ BOOST_TEST(test_c(list, start));
+ list.clear();
+ list += 'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m';
+ list += 'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z';
+ start = advance(0) >> "abc" >> advance(10) >> "nopq" >> advance(0)
+ >> advance(8) >> 'z';
+ BOOST_TEST(test_c(list, start));
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/confix.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/confix.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e045026c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/confix.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Hoeppler
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auxiliary.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_directive.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_confix.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include "test.hpp"
+namespace comment {
+ namespace spirit = boost::spirit;
+ namespace repo = boost::spirit::repository;
+ // Define a metafunction allowing to compute the type
+ // of the confix() construct
+ template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix = Prefix>
+ struct confix_spec_traits
+ {
+ typedef typename spirit::result_of::terminal<
+ repo::tag::confix(Prefix, Suffix)
+ >::type type;
+ };
+ template <typename Prefix, typename Suffix>
+ inline typename confix_spec_traits<Prefix, Suffix>::type
+ confix_spec(Prefix const& prefix, Suffix const& suffix)
+ {
+ return repo::confix(prefix, suffix);
+ }
+ inline confix_spec_traits<std::string>::type
+ confix_spec(const char* prefix, const char* suffix)
+ {
+ return repo::confix(std::string(prefix), std::string(suffix));
+ }
+ confix_spec_traits<std::string>::type const c_comment = confix_spec("/*", "*/");
+ confix_spec_traits<std::string>::type const cpp_comment = confix_spec("//", "\n");
+int main()
+ using spirit_test::test_attr;
+ using spirit_test::test;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::qi::labels;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::locals;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::debug;
+ namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
+ namespace repo = boost::spirit::repository;
+ { // basic tests
+ rule<char const*> start;
+ start = repo::confix('a', 'c')['b'];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abc", start));
+ start = repo::confix('a', 'c')['b'] | "abd";
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abd", start));
+ start = repo::confix("/*", "*/")[*(alpha - "*/")];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("/*aaaabababaaabbb*/", start));
+ start = repo::confix(char_('/') >> '*', '*' >> char_('/'))[*alpha - "*/"];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("/*aaaabababaaabba*/", start));
+ start = comment::c_comment[*(alpha - "*/")];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("/*aaaabababaaabbb*/", start));
+ // ignore the skipper!
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("/* aaaabababaaabba*/", start, space));
+ }
+ { // basic tests w/ skipper
+ rule<char const*, space_type> start;
+ start = repo::confix('a', 'c')['b'];
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" a b c ", start, space));
+ start = repo::confix(char_('/') >> '*', '*' >> char_('/'))[*alpha - "*/"];
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" / *a b a b a b a a a b b b * / ", start, space));
+ }
+ { // context tests
+ char ch;
+ rule<char const*, char()> a;
+ a = repo::confix("/*", "*/")[alpha][_val = _1];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("/*x*/", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
+ a %= repo::confix("/*", "*/")[alpha];
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("/*z*/", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
+ }
+ { // rules test
+ rule<char const*> a, b, c, start;
+ a = 'a';
+ b = 'b';
+ c = 'c';
+ debug(a);
+ debug(b);
+ debug(c);
+ debug(start);
+ start = repo::confix(a.alias(), c.alias())[b];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abc", start));
+ }
+ { // modifiers test
+ rule<char const*> start;
+ start = no_case[repo::confix("_A_", "_Z_")["heLLo"]];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("_a_hello_z_", start));
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/distinct.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/distinct.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ba4c521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/distinct.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
+// Copyright (c) 2003 Vaclav Vesely
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/mpl/print.hpp>
+#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_distinct.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hpp"
+using namespace boost;
+namespace distinct
+ //[qi_distinct_encapsulation
+ namespace spirit = boost::spirit;
+ namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
+ namespace repo = boost::spirit::repository;
+ // Define metafunctions allowing to compute the type of the distinct()
+ // and ascii::char_() constructs
+ namespace traits
+ {
+ // Metafunction allowing to get the type of any repository::distinct(...)
+ // construct
+ template <typename Tail>
+ struct distinct_spec
+ : spirit::result_of::terminal<repo::tag::distinct(Tail)>
+ {};
+ // Metafunction allowing to get the type of any ascii::char_(...) construct
+ template <typename String>
+ struct char_spec
+ : spirit::result_of::terminal<spirit::tag::ascii::char_(String)>
+ {};
+ }
+ // Define a helper function allowing to create a distinct() construct from
+ // an arbitrary tail parser
+ template <typename Tail>
+ inline typename traits::distinct_spec<Tail>::type
+ distinct_spec(Tail const& tail)
+ {
+ return repo::distinct(tail);
+ }
+ // Define a helper function allowing to create a ascii::char_() construct
+ // from an arbitrary string representation
+ template <typename String>
+ inline typename traits::char_spec<String>::type
+ char_spec(String const& str)
+ {
+ return ascii::char_(str);
+ }
+ // the following constructs the type of a distinct_spec holding a
+ // charset("0-9a-zA-Z_") as its tail parser
+ typedef traits::char_spec<std::string>::type charset_tag_type;
+ typedef traits::distinct_spec<charset_tag_type>::type keyword_tag_type;
+ // Define a new Qi 'keyword' directive usable as a shortcut for a
+ // repository::distinct(char_(std::string("0-9a-zA-Z_")))
+ std::string const keyword_spec("0-9a-zA-Z_");
+ keyword_tag_type const keyword = distinct_spec(char_spec(keyword_spec));
+ //]
+int main()
+ using namespace spirit_test;
+ using namespace boost::spirit;
+ {
+ using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ qi::rule<char const*, space_type> r;
+ r = distinct::keyword["description"] >> -lit(':') >> distinct::keyword["ident"];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("description ident", r, space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("description:ident", r, space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("description: ident", r, space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("descriptionident", r, space));
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/keywords.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/keywords.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb224d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/keywords.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman
+ Copyright (c) 2011 Thomas Bernard
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_directive.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/support_argument.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_container.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_kwd.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_keywords.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hpp"
+struct x_attr
+namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits
+ template <>
+ struct container_value<x_attr>
+ {
+ typedef char type; // value type of container
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct push_back_container<x_attr, char>
+ {
+ static bool call(x_attr& /*c*/, char /*val*/)
+ {
+ // push back value type into container
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ using spirit_test::test_attr;
+ using spirit_test::test;
+ using namespace boost::spirit;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::kwd;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::ikwd;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::dkwd;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::inf;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::omit;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::int_;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::lit;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::_1;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::lexeme;
+ {
+ // no constraints
+ boost::fusion::vector<char,char,int> data;
+ BOOST_TEST( test_attr("c=1 a=a", kwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], data, space));
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data) == 'a' );
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) == 0 );
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data) == 1 );
+ BOOST_TEST( test("a=a c=1", kwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("", kwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ // Exact
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a=a b=b c=1", kwd("a",1)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a=a b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ // Min - Max
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a=f b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,2)['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,1)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,2)['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a=g a=f b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,2)['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("a=f a=e b=c b=e a=p c=1", kwd("a",1,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,1)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,2)['=' > int_], space));
+ // Min - inf
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a=f b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,inf)['=' > int_], space ));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("b=c b=e c=1", kwd("a",1,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,inf)['=' > int_], space ));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a=f a=f a=g b=c b=e c=1 a=e", kwd("a",1,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b",0,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c",1,inf)['=' > int_], space ));
+ }
+ { // Single keyword, empty string
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" ", kwd("aad")[char_],space));
+ // Single keyword
+ BOOST_TEST(test("aad E ", kwd("aad")[char_],space));
+ // Single no case keyword
+ BOOST_TEST(test("AaD E ", ikwd("aad")[char_],space));
+ }
+ {
+ // Vector container
+ boost::fusion::vector<std::vector<int>,std::vector<int>,std::vector<int> > data;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr(" a=1 b=2 b=5 c=3",kwd("a")[ '=' > int_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > int_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_] , data, space)
+ && (boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data).size()==1)
+ && (boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data)[0]==1)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data).size()==2)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data)[0]==2)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data)[1]==5)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data).size()==1)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data)[0]==3)
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ // no_case test
+ BOOST_TEST( test("B=a c=1 a=E", no_case[kwd("a")[ "=E" ] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_]], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("B=a c=1 a=e", no_case[kwd("a")[ "=E" ] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_]], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("B=a c=1 A=E", no_case[kwd("a")[ '=' > char_]] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("b=a c=1 A=E", no_case[kwd("a")[ '=' > char_]] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("A=a c=1 a=E", kwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("A=a c=1 a=E", ikwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("A=a C=1 a=E", ikwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ }
+ {
+ // iterator restoration
+ BOOST_TEST( test("a=a c=1 ba=d", (kwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > int_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_] ) > lit("ba=") > char_, space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("A=a c=1 ba=d", (ikwd("a")[ '=' > char_] / kwd("b")[ '=' > int_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_] ) > lit("ba=") > char_, space));
+ }
+ { // actions
+ namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ BOOST_TEST(test("b=2 c=4", kwd("b")['=' > int_][phx::ref(v)=_1] / kwd("c")[ '=' > int_ ],space) &&
+ v[0] == 2 );
+ }
+ {
+ // no constraints
+ boost::fusion::vector<char,char,int> data;
+ BOOST_TEST( test_attr("c,1,2=1 2,b=a", kwd( char_ >> lit(',') >> int_ )[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> lit(',') >> char_)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(char_ >> lit(',') >> int_ >> lit(',') >> int_)['=' >> int_], data, space));
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data) == 0 );
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) == 'a');
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data) == 1 );
+ BOOST_TEST( test("2,b=a c,1,2=1", kwd( char_ >> ',' >> int_ )[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> ',' >> char_)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(char_ >> ',' >> int_ >> ',' >> int_)['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("", kwd( char_ >> ',' >> int_ )[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> ',' >> char_)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(char_ >> ',' >> int_ >> ',' >> int_)['=' >> int_], space));
+ // Exact
+ BOOST_TEST(test("7a=a 5b=b 2c=1", kwd(int_ >> lit('a'),1)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> lit('b'))[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> lit('c'))['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("7a=a 3b=d 5b=b 2c=1", kwd(int_ >> lit('a'),1)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> lit('b'),2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >>'c')['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("7a=a 5b=b 2c=1", kwd(int_ >> lit('a'),1)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> lit('b'),2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >>'c')['=' >> int_], space));
+ // Min - Max
+ BOOST_TEST(test("6a=f 2b=c 3b=e 1c=1", kwd(int_ >> "a",1,2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b",0,2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c",1,2)['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("1b=c 6b=e 2c=1", kwd(int_ >> "a",1,2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b",0,1)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c",1,2)['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("4a=g 7a=f 2b=c 1b=e 4c=1", kwd(int_ >> "a",1,2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b",0,2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c",1,2)['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("1a=f a=e 2b=c 5b=e 6a=p 67c=1", kwd(int_ >> "a",1,2)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b",0,1)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c",1,2)['=' >> int_], space));
+ // Min - inf
+ BOOST_TEST(test("41a=f 44b=c 12b=e 45c=1", kwd(int_ >> "a",1,inf)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b",0,inf)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c",1,inf)['=' >> int_], space ));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("31b=c 55b=e 2c=1", kwd("a",1,inf)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd("b",0,inf)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd("c",1,inf)['=' >> int_], space ));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("12a=f 45a=f 12a=g 1b=c 7b=e 12c=1 6a=e", kwd(int_ >> "a",1,inf)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b",0,inf)[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c",1,inf)['=' >> int_], space ));
+ }
+ {
+ // Vector container
+ boost::fusion::vector<std::vector<int>,std::vector<int>,std::vector<int> > data;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr(" 41a=1 4b=2 12b=5 5c=3",kwd(int_ >> "a")[ '=' >> int_] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> int_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_] , data, space)
+ && (boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data).size()==1)
+ && (boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data)[0]==1)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data).size()==2)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data)[0]==2)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data)[1]==5)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data).size()==1)
+ &&(boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data)[0]==3)
+ );
+ }
+ {
+ // no_case test
+ BOOST_TEST( test("12B=a 5c=1 1a=E", no_case[kwd(int_ >> "a")[ "=E" ] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_]], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("5B=a 2c=1 5a=e", no_case[kwd(int_ >> "a")[ "=E" ] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_]], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("1B=a 8c=1 1A=E", no_case[kwd(int_ >> "a")[ '=' >> char_]] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("2b=a 6c=1 5A=E", no_case[kwd(int_ >> "a")[ '=' >> char_]] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("1A=a 5c=1 1a=E", kwd(int_ >> "a")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( test("A=a 23c=1 a=E", ikwd("a")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("A=a 21C=1 a=E", ikwd("a")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "b")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd(int_ >> "c")['=' >> int_], space));
+ }
+ {
+ // iterator restoration
+ BOOST_TEST( test("4a=a c4=1 ba=d", (kwd(int_ >> "a")[ '=' >> char_] / kwd("b" >> int_)[ '=' >> int_] / kwd("c" >> int_ )['=' >> int_] ) >> lit("ba=") >> char_, space));
+ }
+ { // actions
+ namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ BOOST_TEST(test("b4=2 c1=4", kwd("b" >> int_)['=' >> int_][phx::ref(v)=_1] / kwd("c" >> int_)[ '=' >> int_ ],space) &&
+ v[0] == 2 );
+ }
+ {
+ // complex keyword single test
+ int result=0;
+ BOOST_TEST( test_attr("(a,1) = 3214", kwd( '(' >> char_ >> ',' >> int_ >> ')' )['=' >> int_], result, space) );
+ BOOST_TEST(result==3214);
+ }
+ {
+ // Mixed complex keyword loop
+ boost::fusion::vector<int,int,int> data;
+ BOOST_TEST( test_attr("(a,1) = 3214 b += 2 hello 10 (a,2)=31", kwd( '(' >> char_ >> ',' >> int_ >> ')' )['=' >> int_] / kwd("hello")[int_] / kwd("b")["+=" >> int_], data, space) );
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<0>(data) == 31);
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<1>(data) == 10);
+ BOOST_TEST( boost::fusion::at_c<2>(data) == 2);
+ }
+ // dkwd and idkwd
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST( test("a =a", dkwd("a")[ '=' > char_] , space));
+ BOOST_TEST( !test("a=a", dkwd("a")[ '=' > char_] , space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a =a b =b c=1", dkwd("a",1)[ '=' > char_] / dkwd("b",1,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("a=a b=b c =1", dkwd("a",1)[ '=' > char_] / dkwd("b",1,2)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a =a b =b b =d c=1", dkwd("a",1,inf)[ '=' > char_] / dkwd("b",2,inf)[ '=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > int_], space));
+ }
+ { // attribute customization
+// x_attr x;
+// test_attr("a = b c = d", kwd("a")['=' > char_] / kwd("c")['=' > char_], x);
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/seek.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/seek.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96183024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/seek.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2011 Jamboree
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_parse.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_int.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_sequence.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_plus.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_eoi.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_seek.hpp>
+#include "test.hpp"
+int main()
+ using namespace spirit_test;
+ namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+ namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek;
+ using boost::spirit::standard::space;
+ // test eoi
+ {
+ using qi::eoi;
+ BOOST_TEST(test("", seek[eoi]));
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" ", seek[eoi], space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a", seek[eoi]));
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" a", seek[eoi], space));
+ }
+ // test literal finding
+ {
+ using qi::int_;
+ using qi::char_;
+ int i = 0;
+ test_attr("!@#$%^&*KEY:123", seek["KEY:"] >> int_, i)
+ && i == 123
+ );
+ }
+ // test sequence finding
+ {
+ using qi::int_;
+ using qi::lit;
+ int i = 0;
+ test_attr("!@#$%^&* KEY : 123", seek[lit("KEY") >> ':'] >> int_, i, space)
+ && i == 123
+ );
+ }
+ // test attr finding
+ {
+ using qi::int_;
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ BOOST_TEST( // expect partial match
+ test_attr("a06b78c3d", +seek[int_], v, false)
+ && v[0] == 6 && v[1] == 78 && v[2] == 3
+ );
+ }
+ // test action
+ {
+ using phx::ref;
+ bool b = false;
+ BOOST_TEST( // expect partial match
+ test("abcdefg", seek["def"][ref(b) = true], false)
+ && b
+ );
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/subrule.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/subrule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7eb5331f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/subrule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
+ Copyright (c) 2009 Francois Barel
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auxiliary.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_action.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_subrule.hpp>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "test.hpp"
+ using spirit_test::test_attr;
+ using spirit_test::test;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+ using namespace boost::spirit::qi::labels;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::locals;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::rule;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::int_;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::fail;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::on_error;
+ using boost::spirit::qi::debug;
+ using boost::spirit::repository::qi::subrule;
+ namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
+ { // basic tests
+ subrule<99> entry;
+ subrule<42> a;
+ subrule<48> b;
+ subrule<16> c;
+ rule<char const*> start;
+// debug(entry);
+// debug(a);
+// debug(b);
+// debug(c);
+ debug(start);
+ // subrules with no rule
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abcabcacb", (
+ entry = *(a | b | c)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ , c = 'c'
+ )));
+ // check subrule group behaves as a parser
+ BOOST_TEST(test("xabcabcacb", 'x' >> (
+ entry = *(a | b | c)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ , c = 'c'
+ )));
+ // subrules in a rule
+ start = (
+ entry = *(a | b | c)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ , c = 'c'
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abcabcacb", start));
+ // subrule -> rule call
+ start = (
+ entry = (a | b) >> (start | b)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabbb", start));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, false));
+ // subrule recursion
+ start = (
+ entry = (a | b) >> (entry | b)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabbb", start));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("aaaabababaaabba", start, false));
+ // no-ops
+#if defined(BOOST_CLANG) && defined(__has_warning)
+# pragma clang diagnostic push
+# if __has_warning("-Wself-assign-overloaded")
+# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wself-assign-overloaded"
+# endif
+ a = a;
+#if defined(BOOST_CLANG) && defined(__has_warning)
+# pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ subrule<42> aa(a);
+ }
+ { // basic tests w/ skipper, subrules declared const
+ subrule<0> const entry("entry");
+ subrule<1> const a("a");
+ subrule<2> const b("b");
+ subrule<3> const c("c");
+ rule<char const*, space_type> start("start");
+// debug(entry);
+// debug(a);
+// debug(b);
+// debug(c);
+ debug(start);
+ start = (
+ entry = *(a | b | c)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ , c = 'c'
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" a b c a b c a c b ", start, space));
+ start = (
+ entry = (a | b) >> (entry | b)
+ , a = 'a'
+ , b = 'b'
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" a a a a b a b a b a a a b b b ", start, space));
+ BOOST_TEST(test(" a a a a b a b a b a a a b b a ", start, space, false));
+ // no-ops
+#if defined(BOOST_CLANG) && defined(__has_warning)
+# pragma clang diagnostic push
+# if __has_warning("-Wself-assign-overloaded")
+# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wself-assign-overloaded"
+# endif
+ a = a;
+#if defined(BOOST_CLANG) && defined(__has_warning)
+# pragma clang diagnostic pop
+ subrule<1> aa(a);
+ }
+ { // context tests
+ char ch;
+ rule<char const*, char()> a;
+ subrule<0, char()> entry;
+ a = (entry = alpha[_val = _1])[_val = _1];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
+ a %= (entry = alpha[_val = _1]);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
+ }
+ { // auto subrules tests
+ char ch;
+ rule<char const*, char()> a;
+ subrule<0, char()> entry;
+ a = (entry %= alpha)[_val = _1];
+ BOOST_TEST(test("x", a[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
+ a %= (entry %= alpha);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", a, ch)); // attribute is given.
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
+ }
+ { // auto subrules tests: allow stl containers as attributes to
+ // sequences (in cases where attributes of the elements
+ // are convertible to the value_type of the container or if
+ // the element itself is an stl container with value_type
+ // that is convertible to the value_type of the attribute).
+ std::string s;
+ rule<char const*, std::string()> r;
+ subrule<0, std::string()> entry;
+ r %= (entry %= char_ >> *(',' >> char_));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("a,b,c,d,e,f", r[phx::ref(s) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
+ BOOST_TEST(test("abcdef", (
+ entry %= char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_ >> char_
+ )[phx::ref(s) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
+ }
+ { // synth attribute value-init
+ std::string s;
+ subrule<0, char()> sr;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("abcdef", +(sr = alpha[_val += _1]), s));
+ BOOST_TEST(s == "abcdef");
+ }
+ { // auto subrules aliasing tests
+ char ch;
+ rule<char const*, char()> r;
+ subrule<0, char()> a;
+ subrule<1, char()> b;
+ r %= (
+ a %= b
+ , b %= alpha
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("x", r[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("z", r, ch)); // attribute is given.
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'z');
+ }
+ { // context (w/arg) tests
+ char ch;
+ // entry subrule with 1 arg
+ rule<char const*, char(int)> a;
+ subrule<1, char(int)> sr1;
+ a %= (
+ sr1 = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1]
+ )(_r1);
+ BOOST_TEST(test("x", a(phx::val(1))[phx::ref(ch) = _1]));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x' + 1);
+ // other subrule with 1 arg
+ subrule<0, char()> sr0;
+ a %= (
+ sr0 %= sr1(1)
+ , sr1 = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1]
+ );
+ // allow scalars as subrule args too
+ rule<char const*, char()> b;
+ b %= (
+ sr1 = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1]
+ )(1);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("b", b, ch));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'b' + 1);
+ // entry subrule with 2 args
+ subrule<2, char(int, int)> sr2;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("a", (
+ sr2 = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1 + _r2]
+ )(1, 2), ch));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'a' + 1 + 2);
+ // multiple subrules + args
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("ba", (
+ sr2 = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1 + _r2] >> sr1(3)[_val -= _1]
+ , sr1 = alpha[_val = _1 + _r1]
+ )(1, 2), ch));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == ('b' + 1 + 2) - ('a' + 3));
+ }
+ { // context (w/ reference arg) tests
+ char ch;
+ subrule<0, void(char&)> sr; // 1 arg (reference) - direct
+ BOOST_TEST(test("x", (sr = alpha[_r1 = _1])(phx::ref(ch))));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'x');
+ rule<char const*, void(char&)> a; // forwarded via a rule
+ a = (sr = alpha[_r1 = _1])(_r1);
+ BOOST_TEST(test("y", a(phx::ref(ch))));
+ BOOST_TEST(ch == 'y');
+ }
+ { // context (w/locals) tests
+ rule<char const*> r;
+ subrule<0, locals<char> > a; // 1 local
+ r = (
+ a = alpha[_a = _1] >> char_(_a)
+ );
+ BOOST_TEST(test("aa", r));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("ax", r));
+ }
+ { // context (w/args and locals) tests
+ rule<char const*, void(int)> a;
+ subrule<0, void(int), locals<char> > sr; // 1 arg + 1 local
+ a = (
+ sr = alpha[_a = _1 + _r1] >> char_(_a)
+ )(_r1);
+ BOOST_TEST(test("ab", a(phx::val(1))));
+ BOOST_TEST(test("xy", a(phx::val(1))));
+ BOOST_TEST(!test("ax", a(phx::val(1))));
+ }
+ { // void() has unused type (void == unused_type)
+ std::pair<int, char> attr;
+ subrule<0, void()> sr;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123ax", int_ >> char_ >> (sr = char_), attr));
+ BOOST_TEST(attr.first == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(attr.second == 'a');
+ }
+ { // test that injected attributes are ok
+ rule<char const*> r;
+ subrule<0, char(int)> sr;
+ r = (
+ sr = char_(_r1)[_val = _1]
+ )(42);
+ }
+ { // show that sra = srb and sra %= srb works as expected
+ subrule<0, int()> sra;
+ subrule<1, int()> srb;
+ int attr;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123", (sra %= int_), attr));
+ BOOST_TEST(attr == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123", (srb %= sra, sra %= int_), attr));
+ BOOST_TEST(attr == 123);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("123", (srb = sra, sra %= int_), attr));
+ BOOST_TEST(attr == 123);
+ }
+ { // std::string as container attribute with auto subrules
+ subrule<0, std::string()> text;
+ std::string attr;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("x", (
+ text %= +(!char_(')') >> !char_('>') >> char_)
+ ), attr));
+ BOOST_TEST(attr == "x");
+ }
+// { // error handling
+// using namespace boost::spirit::ascii;
+// using boost::phoenix::construct;
+// using boost::phoenix::bind;
+// rule<char const*> r;
+// r = '(' > int_ > ',' > int_ > ')';
+// on_error<fail>
+// (
+// r, std::cout
+// << phx::val("Error! Expecting: ")
+// << _4
+// << phx::val(", got: \"")
+// << construct<std::string>(_3, _2)
+// << phx::val("\"")
+// << std::endl
+// );
+// BOOST_TEST(test("(123,456)", r));
+// BOOST_TEST(!test("(abc,def)", r));
+// BOOST_TEST(!test("(123,456]", r));
+// BOOST_TEST(!test("(123;456)", r));
+// BOOST_TEST(!test("[123,456]", r));
+// }
+ return boost::report_errors();
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/test.hpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/test.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88cc7503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/qi/test.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Joel de Guzman
+ Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+ file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_TEST_FEBRUARY_01_2007_0605PM)
+#define BOOST_SPIRIT_TEST_FEBRUARY_01_2007_0605PM
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_parse.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_what.hpp>
+#include <boost/variant/apply_visitor.hpp>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace spirit_test
+ template <typename Char, typename Parser>
+ inline bool test(Char const* in, Parser const& p, bool full_match = true)
+ {
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all parsers have it:
+ boost::spirit::qi::what(p);
+ Char const* last = in;
+ while (*last)
+ last++;
+ return boost::spirit::qi::parse(in, last, p)
+ && (!full_match || (in == last));
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Parser, typename Skipper>
+ inline bool test(Char const* in, Parser const& p
+ , Skipper const& s, bool full_match = true)
+ {
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all parsers have it:
+ boost::spirit::qi::what(p);
+ Char const* last = in;
+ while (*last)
+ last++;
+ return boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(in, last, p, s)
+ && (!full_match || (in == last));
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Parser, typename Attr>
+ inline bool test_attr(Char const* in, Parser const& p
+ , Attr& attr, bool full_match = true)
+ {
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all parsers have it:
+ boost::spirit::qi::what(p);
+ Char const* last = in;
+ while (*last)
+ last++;
+ return boost::spirit::qi::parse(in, last, p, attr)
+ && (!full_match || (in == last));
+ }
+ template <typename Char, typename Parser, typename Attr, typename Skipper>
+ inline bool test_attr(Char const* in, Parser const& p
+ , Attr& attr, Skipper const& s, bool full_match = true)
+ {
+ // we don't care about the result of the "what" function.
+ // we only care that all parsers have it:
+ boost::spirit::qi::what(p);
+ Char const* last = in;
+ while (*last)
+ last++;
+ return boost::spirit::qi::phrase_parse(in, last, p, s, attr)
+ && (!full_match || (in == last));
+ }
+ struct printer
+ {
+ typedef boost::spirit::utf8_string string;
+ void element(string const& tag, string const& value, int depth) const
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (depth*4); ++i) // indent to depth
+ std::cout << ' ';
+ std::cout << "tag: " << tag;
+ if (value != "")
+ std::cout << ", value: " << value;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ };
+ inline void print_info(boost::spirit::info const& what)
+ {
+ using boost::spirit::basic_info_walker;
+ printer pr;
+ basic_info_walker<printer> walker(pr, what.tag, 0);
+ boost::apply_visitor(walker, what.value);
+ }
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/Jamfile b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/Jamfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b197a68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/Jamfile
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# Jamfile
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Steven Watanabe
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Joel de Guzman
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Hartmut Kaiser
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Francois Barel
+# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+# accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+import testing ;
+import path ;
+import regex ;
+import print ;
+import sequence ;
+import feature ;
+project boost/spirit/repository/test/test_headers
+ : requirements
+ <include>$(BOOST_ROOT)
+ <include>../../../../..
+ <c++-template-depth>300
+ ;
+headers =
+ path.glob-tree ../../../../../boost/spirit/repository/include : *.hpp
+] ;
+main_headers =
+ path.glob-tree ../../../../../boost/spirit/include : *.hpp : classic* phoenix1*
+] ;
+for local file in $(headers)
+ compile test.cpp
+ : # requirements
+ <define>BOOST_SPIRIT_HEADER_NAME=$(file)
+ <dependency>$(file)
+ : # test name
+ [ regex.replace [ path.relative-to ../../../../../boost/spirit/repository $(file) ] "/" "_" ]
+ ;
+feature.feature <generate-include-all-order> : forward reverse : incidental ;
+rule generate-include-all ( target : sources * : properties * )
+ print.output $(target) ;
+ if <generate-include-all-order>reverse in $(properties)
+ {
+ sources = [ sequence.reverse $(sources) ] ;
+ }
+ for local file in $(sources)
+ {
+ print.text "#include <$(file:G=)>
+" : overwrite ;
+ }
+make auto_all1.cpp
+ : $(headers) $(main_headers)
+ : @generate-include-all
+ ;
+make auto_all2.cpp
+ : $(headers) $(main_headers)
+ : @generate-include-all
+ : <generate-include-all-order>reverse
+ ;
+# this ought to catch non-inlined functions and other duplicate definitions
+link auto_all1.cpp auto_all2.cpp main.cpp
+ : <include>.
+ : auto_all_headers
+ ;
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/main.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..99aacc62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Steven Watanabe
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Joel de Guzman
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Francois Barel
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+int main()
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/test.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6814198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/repository/test/test_headers/test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Matthias Christian Schabel
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Steven Watanabe
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Joel de Guzman
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Francois Barel
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+int main()
+ return 0;