path: root/src/boost/libs/spirit/test/qi/auto.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/boost/libs/spirit/test/qi/auto.cpp')
1 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/boost/libs/spirit/test/qi/auto.cpp b/src/boost/libs/spirit/test/qi/auto.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c64c4c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/boost/libs/spirit/test/qi/auto.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Hartmut Kaiser
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/lightweight_test.hpp>
+#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_bool.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_numeric.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_string.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_nonterminal.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_operator.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_directive.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/include/qi_auto.hpp>
+#include "test.hpp"
+namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
+namespace traits = boost::spirit::traits;
+template <typename Char, typename T>
+bool test_create_parser(Char const *in, T& t)
+ Char const* last = in;
+ while (*last)
+ last++;
+ BOOST_TEST((traits::meta_create_exists<qi::domain, T>::value));
+ return qi::phrase_parse(in, last, qi::create_parser<T>(), qi::space, t);
+template <typename Char, typename T>
+bool test_create_parser_auto(Char const *in, T& t)
+ Char const* last = in;
+ while (*last)
+ last++;
+ BOOST_TEST((traits::meta_create_exists<qi::domain, T>::value));
+ return qi::phrase_parse(in, last, t, qi::space);
+template <typename Char, typename Attribute>
+bool test_rule(Char const* in, Attribute const& expected)
+ BOOST_TEST((traits::meta_create_exists<qi::domain, Attribute>::value));
+ Attribute attr = Attribute();
+ qi::rule<Char const*, Attribute()> r = qi::create_parser<Attribute>();
+ return spirit_test::test_attr(in, r, attr) && attr == expected;
+template <typename Char, typename Attribute, typename Skipper>
+bool test_rule(Char const* in, Attribute const& expected, Skipper const& skipper)
+ BOOST_TEST((traits::meta_create_exists<qi::domain, Attribute>::value));
+ Attribute attr = Attribute();
+ qi::rule<Char const*, Attribute(), Skipper> r = qi::create_parser<Attribute>();
+ return spirit_test::test_attr(in, r, attr, skipper) && attr == expected;
+struct my_type {};
+int main()
+ {
+ BOOST_TEST((!traits::meta_create_exists<qi::domain, my_type>::value));
+ }
+ {
+ // test primitive types
+ bool b = false;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("true", b) && b == true);
+ int i = 0;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("1", i) && i == 1);
+ double d = 0;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("1.1", d) && d == 1.1);
+ char c = '\0';
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("a", c) && c == 'a');
+ wchar_t wc = L'\0';
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser(L"a", wc) && wc == L'a');
+ // test containers
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("0 1 2", v) && v.size() == 3 &&
+ v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 1 && v[2] == 2);
+ std::list<int> l;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("0 1 2", l) && l.size() == 3 &&
+ *l.begin() == 0 && *(++l.begin()) == 1 && *(++ ++l.begin()) == 2);
+ // test optional
+ boost::optional<int> o;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("", o) && !o);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("1", o) && !!o && boost::get<int>(o) == 1);
+ // test alternative
+ boost::variant<double, bool, std::vector<char> > vv;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("true", vv) && vv.which() == 1 &&
+ boost::get<bool>(vv) == true);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("1.0", vv) && vv.which() == 0 &&
+ boost::get<double>(vv) == 1.0);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("some_string", vv) && vv.which() == 2 &&
+ boost::equals(boost::get<std::vector<char> >(vv), "some_string"));
+ // test fusion sequence
+ std::pair<int, double> p;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("1 2.0", p) &&
+ p.first == 1 && p.second == 2.0);
+ }
+ {
+ // test containers
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("0 1 2", v) && v.size() == 3 &&
+ v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 1 && v[2] == 2);
+ std::list<int> l;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("0 1 2", l) && l.size() == 3 &&
+ *l.begin() == 0 && *(++l.begin()) == 1 && *(++ ++l.begin()) == 2);
+ // test optional
+ boost::optional<int> o;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("", o) && !o);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("1", o) && !!o && boost::get<int>(o) == 1);
+ // test alternative
+ boost::variant<double, bool, std::vector<char> > vv;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("true", vv) && vv.which() == 1 &&
+ boost::get<bool>(vv) == true);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("1.0", vv) && vv.which() == 0 &&
+ boost::get<double>(vv) == 1.0);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("some_string", vv) && vv.which() == 2 &&
+ boost::equals(boost::get<std::vector<char> >(vv), "some_string"));
+ // test fusion sequence
+ std::pair<int, double> p;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser_auto("1 2.0", p) &&
+ p.first == 1 && p.second == 2.0);
+ }
+ {
+ using qi::auto_;
+ using qi::no_case;
+ using spirit_test::test_attr;
+ // test primitive types
+ bool b = false;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("true", auto_, b) && b == true);
+ int i = 0;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1", auto_, i) && i == 1);
+ double d = 0;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1.1", auto_, d) && d == 1.1);
+ char c = '\0';
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("a", auto_, c) && c == 'a');
+ wchar_t wc = L'\0';
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr(L"a", auto_, wc) && wc == L'a');
+ b = false;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("TRUE", no_case[auto_], b) && b == true);
+ // test containers
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("0 1 2", auto_, v, qi::space) && v.size() == 3 &&
+ v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 1 && v[2] == 2);
+ v.clear();
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("0,1,2", auto_ % ',', v) && v.size() == 3 &&
+ v[0] == 0 && v[1] == 1 && v[2] == 2);
+ std::list<int> l;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("0 1 2", auto_, l, qi::space) && l.size() == 3 &&
+ *l.begin() == 0 && *(++l.begin()) == 1 && *(++ ++l.begin()) == 2);
+ l.clear();
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("0,1,2", auto_ % ',', l) && l.size() == 3 &&
+ *l.begin() == 0 && *(++l.begin()) == 1 && *(++ ++l.begin()) == 2);
+ // test optional
+ boost::optional<int> o;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("", auto_, o) && !o);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1", auto_, o) && !!o && boost::get<int>(o) == 1);
+ // test alternative
+ boost::variant<double, bool, std::vector<char> > vv;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("true", auto_, vv) && vv.which() == 1 &&
+ boost::get<bool>(vv) == true);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1.0", auto_, vv) && vv.which() == 0 &&
+ boost::get<double>(vv) == 1.0);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_create_parser("some_string", vv) && vv.which() == 2 &&
+ boost::equals(boost::get<std::vector<char> >(vv), "some_string"));
+ // test fusion sequence
+ std::pair<int, double> p;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_attr("1 2.0", auto_, p, qi::space) &&
+ p.first == 1 && p.second == 2.0);
+ }
+ {
+ // test primitive types
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("true", true));
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1", 1));
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1.1", 1.1));
+ // test containers
+ std::vector<int> v;
+ v.push_back(0);
+ v.push_back(1);
+ v.push_back(2);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("0 1 2", v, qi::space));
+ std::list<int> l;
+ l.push_back(0);
+ l.push_back(1);
+ l.push_back(2);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("0 1 2", l, qi::space));
+ // test optional
+ boost::optional<int> o;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("", o));
+ o = 1;
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1", o));
+ // test alternative
+// boost::variant<int, double, float, std::string> vv;
+// vv = 1;
+// BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1", vv));
+// vv = 1.0;
+// BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1.0", vv));
+// vv = 1.0f;
+// BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1.0", vv));
+// vv = "some string";
+// BOOST_TEST(test_rule("some string", vv));
+ // test fusion sequence
+ std::pair<int, double> p (1, 2.0);
+ BOOST_TEST(test_rule("1 2.0", p, qi::space));
+ }
+ return boost::report_errors();