path: root/src/rgw/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rgw/')
1 files changed, 466 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rgw/ b/src/rgw/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08eb51cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rgw/
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+// -*- mode:C++; tab-width:8; c-basic-offset:2; indent-tabs-mode:t -*-
+// vim: ts=8 sw=2 smarttab
+#include "rgw_rados.h"
+#include "rgw_zone.h"
+#include "rgw_rest_conn.h"
+#include "services/svc_zone.h"
+#define dout_subsys ceph_subsys_rgw
+RGWRESTConn::RGWRESTConn(CephContext *_cct, RGWSI_Zone *zone_svc,
+ const string& _remote_id,
+ const list<string>& remote_endpoints,
+ HostStyle _host_style)
+ : cct(_cct),
+ endpoints(remote_endpoints.begin(), remote_endpoints.end()),
+ remote_id(_remote_id), host_style(_host_style)
+ if (zone_svc) {
+ key = zone_svc->get_zone_params().system_key;
+ self_zone_group = zone_svc->get_zonegroup().get_id();
+ }
+RGWRESTConn::RGWRESTConn(CephContext *_cct, RGWSI_Zone *zone_svc,
+ const string& _remote_id,
+ const list<string>& remote_endpoints,
+ RGWAccessKey _cred,
+ HostStyle _host_style)
+ : cct(_cct),
+ endpoints(remote_endpoints.begin(), remote_endpoints.end()),
+ key(std::move(_cred)),
+ remote_id(_remote_id), host_style(_host_style)
+ if (zone_svc) {
+ self_zone_group = zone_svc->get_zonegroup().get_id();
+ }
+ : cct(other.cct),
+ endpoints(std::move(other.endpoints)),
+ key(std::move(other.key)),
+ self_zone_group(std::move(other.self_zone_group)),
+ remote_id(std::move(other.remote_id)),
+ counter(other.counter.load())
+RGWRESTConn& RGWRESTConn::operator=(RGWRESTConn&& other)
+ cct = other.cct;
+ endpoints = std::move(other.endpoints);
+ key = std::move(other.key);
+ self_zone_group = std::move(other.self_zone_group);
+ remote_id = std::move(other.remote_id);
+ counter = other.counter.load();
+ return *this;
+int RGWRESTConn::get_url(string& endpoint)
+ if (endpoints.empty()) {
+ ldout(cct, 0) << "ERROR: endpoints not configured for upstream zone" << dendl;
+ return -EIO;
+ }
+ int i = ++counter;
+ endpoint = endpoints[i % endpoints.size()];
+ return 0;
+string RGWRESTConn::get_url()
+ string endpoint;
+ if (endpoints.empty()) {
+ ldout(cct, 0) << "WARNING: endpoints not configured for upstream zone" << dendl; /* we'll catch this later */
+ return endpoint;
+ }
+ int i = ++counter;
+ endpoint = endpoints[i % endpoints.size()];
+ return endpoint;
+void RGWRESTConn::populate_params(param_vec_t& params, const rgw_user *uid, const string& zonegroup)
+ populate_uid(params, uid);
+ populate_zonegroup(params, zonegroup);
+int RGWRESTConn::forward(const rgw_user& uid, req_info& info, obj_version *objv, size_t max_response, bufferlist *inbl, bufferlist *outbl)
+ string url;
+ int ret = get_url(url);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ param_vec_t params;
+ populate_params(params, &uid, self_zone_group);
+ if (objv) {
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "tag", objv->tag));
+ char buf[16];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", (long long)objv->ver);
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "ver", buf));
+ }
+ RGWRESTSimpleRequest req(cct, info.method, url, NULL, &params);
+ return req.forward_request(key, info, max_response, inbl, outbl);
+class StreamObjData : public RGWGetDataCB {
+ rgw_obj obj;
+ explicit StreamObjData(rgw_obj& _obj) : obj(_obj) {}
+int RGWRESTConn::put_obj_send_init(rgw_obj& obj, const rgw_http_param_pair *extra_params, RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj **req)
+ string url;
+ int ret = get_url(url);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ rgw_user uid;
+ param_vec_t params;
+ populate_params(params, &uid, self_zone_group);
+ if (extra_params) {
+ append_param_list(params, extra_params);
+ }
+ RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj *wr = new RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj(cct, "PUT", url, NULL, &params, host_style);
+ wr->send_init(obj);
+ *req = wr;
+ return 0;
+int RGWRESTConn::put_obj_async(const rgw_user& uid, rgw_obj& obj, uint64_t obj_size,
+ map<string, bufferlist>& attrs, bool send,
+ RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj **req)
+ string url;
+ int ret = get_url(url);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ param_vec_t params;
+ populate_params(params, &uid, self_zone_group);
+ RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj *wr = new RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj(cct, "PUT", url, NULL, &params, host_style);
+ ret = wr->put_obj_init(key, obj, obj_size, attrs, send);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ delete wr;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ *req = wr;
+ return 0;
+int RGWRESTConn::complete_request(RGWRESTStreamS3PutObj *req, string& etag, real_time *mtime)
+ int ret = req->complete_request(&etag, mtime);
+ delete req;
+ return ret;
+static void set_date_header(const real_time *t, map<string, string>& headers, bool high_precision_time, const string& header_name)
+ if (!t) {
+ return;
+ }
+ stringstream s;
+ utime_t tm = utime_t(*t);
+ if (high_precision_time) {
+ tm.gmtime_nsec(s);
+ } else {
+ tm.gmtime(s);
+ }
+ headers[header_name] = s.str();
+template <class T>
+static void set_header(T val, map<string, string>& headers, const string& header_name)
+ stringstream s;
+ s << val;
+ headers[header_name] = s.str();
+int RGWRESTConn::get_obj(const rgw_user& uid, req_info *info /* optional */, const rgw_obj& obj,
+ const real_time *mod_ptr, const real_time *unmod_ptr,
+ uint32_t mod_zone_id, uint64_t mod_pg_ver,
+ bool prepend_metadata, bool get_op, bool rgwx_stat,
+ bool sync_manifest, bool skip_decrypt,
+ bool send, RGWHTTPStreamRWRequest::ReceiveCB *cb, RGWRESTStreamRWRequest **req)
+ get_obj_params params;
+ params.uid = uid;
+ = info;
+ params.mod_ptr = mod_ptr;
+ params.mod_pg_ver = mod_pg_ver;
+ params.prepend_metadata = prepend_metadata;
+ params.get_op = get_op;
+ params.rgwx_stat = rgwx_stat;
+ params.sync_manifest = sync_manifest;
+ params.skip_decrypt = skip_decrypt;
+ params.cb = cb;
+ return get_obj(obj, params, send, req);
+int RGWRESTConn::get_obj(const rgw_obj& obj, const get_obj_params& in_params, bool send, RGWRESTStreamRWRequest **req)
+ string url;
+ int ret = get_url(url);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ param_vec_t params;
+ populate_params(params, &in_params.uid, self_zone_group);
+ if (in_params.prepend_metadata) {
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "prepend-metadata", "true"));
+ }
+ if (in_params.rgwx_stat) {
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "stat", "true"));
+ }
+ if (in_params.sync_manifest) {
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "sync-manifest", ""));
+ }
+ if (in_params.skip_decrypt) {
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t(RGW_SYS_PARAM_PREFIX "skip-decrypt", ""));
+ }
+ if (!obj.key.instance.empty()) {
+ const string& instance = obj.key.instance;
+ params.push_back(param_pair_t("versionId", instance));
+ }
+ if (in_params.get_op) {
+ *req = new RGWRESTStreamReadRequest(cct, url, in_params.cb, NULL, &params, host_style);
+ } else {
+ *req = new RGWRESTStreamHeadRequest(cct, url, in_params.cb, NULL, &params);
+ }
+ map<string, string> extra_headers;
+ if ( {
+ const auto& orig_map =>env->get_map();
+ /* add original headers that start with HTTP_X_AMZ_ */
+ static constexpr char SEARCH_AMZ_PREFIX[] = "HTTP_X_AMZ_";
+ for (auto iter= orig_map.lower_bound(SEARCH_AMZ_PREFIX); iter != orig_map.end(); ++iter) {
+ const string& name = iter->first;
+ if (name == "HTTP_X_AMZ_DATE") /* don't forward date from original request */
+ continue;
+ break;
+ extra_headers[iter->first] = iter->second;
+ }
+ }
+ set_date_header(in_params.mod_ptr, extra_headers, in_params.high_precision_time, "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE");
+ set_date_header(in_params.unmod_ptr, extra_headers, in_params.high_precision_time, "HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE");
+ if (!in_params.etag.empty()) {
+ set_header(in_params.etag, extra_headers, "HTTP_IF_MATCH");
+ }
+ if (in_params.mod_zone_id != 0) {
+ set_header(in_params.mod_zone_id, extra_headers, "HTTP_DEST_ZONE_SHORT_ID");
+ }
+ if (in_params.mod_pg_ver != 0) {
+ set_header(in_params.mod_pg_ver, extra_headers, "HTTP_DEST_PG_VER");
+ }
+ if (in_params.range_is_set) {
+ char buf[64];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "bytes=%lld-%lld", (long long)in_params.range_start, (long long)in_params.range_end);
+ set_header(buf, extra_headers, "RANGE");
+ }
+ int r = (*req)->send_prepare(key, extra_headers, obj);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ goto done_err;
+ }
+ if (!send) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ r = (*req)->send(nullptr);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ goto done_err;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ delete *req;
+ *req = nullptr;
+ return r;
+int RGWRESTConn::complete_request(RGWRESTStreamRWRequest *req,
+ string *etag,
+ real_time *mtime,
+ uint64_t *psize,
+ map<string, string> *pattrs,
+ map<string, string> *pheaders)
+ int ret = req->complete_request(etag, mtime, psize, pattrs, pheaders);
+ delete req;
+ return ret;
+int RGWRESTConn::get_resource(const string& resource,
+ param_vec_t *extra_params,
+ map<string, string> *extra_headers,
+ bufferlist& bl,
+ bufferlist *send_data,
+ RGWHTTPManager *mgr)
+ string url;
+ int ret = get_url(url);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ param_vec_t params;
+ if (extra_params) {
+ params.insert(params.end(), extra_params->begin(), extra_params->end());
+ }
+ populate_params(params, nullptr, self_zone_group);
+ RGWStreamIntoBufferlist cb(bl);
+ RGWRESTStreamReadRequest req(cct, url, &cb, NULL, &params, host_style);
+ map<string, string> headers;
+ if (extra_headers) {
+ headers.insert(extra_headers->begin(), extra_headers->end());
+ }
+ ret = req.send_request(&key, headers, resource, mgr, send_data);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 5) << __func__ << ": send_request() resource=" << resource << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return req.complete_request();
+RGWRESTReadResource::RGWRESTReadResource(RGWRESTConn *_conn,
+ const string& _resource,
+ const rgw_http_param_pair *pp,
+ param_vec_t *extra_headers,
+ RGWHTTPManager *_mgr)
+ : cct(_conn->get_ctx()), conn(_conn), resource(_resource),
+ params(make_param_list(pp)), cb(bl), mgr(_mgr),
+ req(cct, conn->get_url(), &cb, NULL, NULL)
+ init_common(extra_headers);
+RGWRESTReadResource::RGWRESTReadResource(RGWRESTConn *_conn,
+ const string& _resource,
+ param_vec_t& _params,
+ param_vec_t *extra_headers,
+ RGWHTTPManager *_mgr)
+ : cct(_conn->get_ctx()), conn(_conn), resource(_resource), params(_params),
+ cb(bl), mgr(_mgr), req(cct, conn->get_url(), &cb, NULL, NULL)
+ init_common(extra_headers);
+void RGWRESTReadResource::init_common(param_vec_t *extra_headers)
+ conn->populate_params(params, nullptr, conn->get_self_zonegroup());
+ if (extra_headers) {
+ headers.insert(extra_headers->begin(), extra_headers->end());
+ }
+ req.set_params(&params);
+int RGWRESTReadResource::read()
+ int ret = req.send_request(&conn->get_key(), headers, resource, mgr);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 5) << __func__ << ": send_request() resource=" << resource << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return req.complete_request();
+int RGWRESTReadResource::aio_read()
+ int ret = req.send_request(&conn->get_key(), headers, resource, mgr);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 5) << __func__ << ": send_request() resource=" << resource << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return 0;
+RGWRESTSendResource::RGWRESTSendResource(RGWRESTConn *_conn,
+ const string& _method,
+ const string& _resource,
+ const rgw_http_param_pair *pp,
+ param_vec_t *extra_headers,
+ RGWHTTPManager *_mgr)
+ : cct(_conn->get_ctx()), conn(_conn), method(_method), resource(_resource),
+ params(make_param_list(pp)), cb(bl), mgr(_mgr),
+ req(cct, method.c_str(), conn->get_url(), &cb, NULL, NULL, _conn->get_host_style())
+ init_common(extra_headers);
+RGWRESTSendResource::RGWRESTSendResource(RGWRESTConn *_conn,
+ const string& _method,
+ const string& _resource,
+ param_vec_t& params,
+ param_vec_t *extra_headers,
+ RGWHTTPManager *_mgr)
+ : cct(_conn->get_ctx()), conn(_conn), method(_method), resource(_resource), params(params),
+ cb(bl), mgr(_mgr), req(cct, method.c_str(), conn->get_url(), &cb, NULL, NULL, _conn->get_host_style())
+ init_common(extra_headers);
+void RGWRESTSendResource::init_common(param_vec_t *extra_headers)
+ conn->populate_params(params, nullptr, conn->get_self_zonegroup());
+ if (extra_headers) {
+ headers.insert(extra_headers->begin(), extra_headers->end());
+ }
+ req.set_params(&params);
+int RGWRESTSendResource::send(bufferlist& outbl)
+ req.set_send_length(outbl.length());
+ req.set_outbl(outbl);
+ int ret = req.send_request(&conn->get_key(), headers, resource, mgr);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 5) << __func__ << ": send_request() resource=" << resource << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return req.complete_request();
+int RGWRESTSendResource::aio_send(bufferlist& outbl)
+ req.set_send_length(outbl.length());
+ req.set_outbl(outbl);
+ int ret = req.send_request(&conn->get_key(), headers, resource, mgr);
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ldout(cct, 5) << __func__ << ": send_request() resource=" << resource << " returned ret=" << ret << dendl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return 0;