path: root/src/spdk/dpdk/drivers/bus/dpaa/include/fman.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/spdk/dpdk/drivers/bus/dpaa/include/fman.h')
1 files changed, 425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/spdk/dpdk/drivers/bus/dpaa/include/fman.h b/src/spdk/dpdk/drivers/bus/dpaa/include/fman.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..15bf73a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/spdk/dpdk/drivers/bus/dpaa/include/fman.h
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+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0)
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010-2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __FMAN_H
+#define __FMAN_H
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <rte_ethdev_driver.h>
+#include <rte_ether.h>
+#include <compat.h>
+#define FMAN_DEVICE_PATH "/dev/mem"
+#define MEMAC_NUM_OF_PADDRS 7 /* Num of additional exact match MAC adr regs */
+/* Control and Configuration Register (COMMAND_CONFIG) for MEMAC */
+#define CMD_CFG_LOOPBACK_EN 0x00000400
+/**< 21 XGMII/GMII loopback enable */
+#define CMD_CFG_PROMIS_EN 0x00000010
+/**< 27 Promiscuous operation enable */
+#define CMD_CFG_PAUSE_IGNORE 0x00000100
+/**< 23 Ignore Pause frame quanta */
+/* Statistics Configuration Register (STATN_CONFIG) */
+#define STATS_CFG_CLR 0x00000004
+/**< 29 Reset all counters */
+#define STATS_CFG_CLR_ON_RD 0x00000002
+/**< 30 Clear on read */
+#define STATS_CFG_SATURATE 0x00000001
+/**< 31 Saturate at the maximum val */
+/**< Max receive frame length mask */
+#define MAXFRM_SIZE_MEMAC 0x00007fe0
+#define MAXFRM_RX_MASK 0x0000ffff
+/**< Interface Mode Register Register for MEMAC */
+#define IF_MODE_RLP 0x00000820
+/**< Pool Limits */
+#define HASH_CTRL_MCAST_EN 0x00000100
+#define GROUP_ADDRESS 0x0000010000000000LL
+#define HASH_CTRL_ADDR_MASK 0x0000003F
+/* Pre definitions of FMAN interface and Bpool structures */
+struct __fman_if;
+struct fman_if_bpool;
+/* Lists of fman interfaces and bpools */
+TAILQ_HEAD(rte_fman_if_list, __fman_if);
+/* Represents the different flavour of network interface */
+enum fman_mac_type {
+ fman_offline = 0,
+ fman_mac_1g,
+ fman_mac_10g,
+struct mac_addr {
+ uint32_t mac_addr_l; /**< Lower 32 bits of 48-bit MAC address */
+ uint32_t mac_addr_u; /**< Upper 16 bits of 48-bit MAC address */
+struct memac_regs {
+ /* General Control and Status */
+ uint32_t res0000[2];
+ uint32_t command_config; /**< 0x008 Ctrl and cfg */
+ struct mac_addr mac_addr0; /**< 0x00C-0x010 MAC_ADDR_0...1 */
+ uint32_t maxfrm; /**< 0x014 Max frame length */
+ uint32_t res0018[5];
+ uint32_t hashtable_ctrl; /**< 0x02C Hash table control */
+ uint32_t res0030[4];
+ uint32_t ievent; /**< 0x040 Interrupt event */
+ uint32_t tx_ipg_length;
+ /**< 0x044 Transmitter inter-packet-gap */
+ uint32_t res0048;
+ uint32_t imask; /**< 0x04C Interrupt mask */
+ uint32_t res0050;
+ uint32_t pause_quanta[4]; /**< 0x054 Pause quanta */
+ uint32_t pause_thresh[4]; /**< 0x064 Pause quanta threshold */
+ uint32_t rx_pause_status; /**< 0x074 Receive pause status */
+ uint32_t res0078[2];
+ struct mac_addr mac_addr[MEMAC_NUM_OF_PADDRS];
+ /**< 0x80-0x0B4 mac padr */
+ uint32_t lpwake_timer;
+ /**< 0x0B8 Low Power Wakeup Timer */
+ uint32_t sleep_timer;
+ /**< 0x0BC Transmit EEE Low Power Timer */
+ uint32_t res00c0[8];
+ uint32_t statn_config;
+ /**< 0x0E0 Statistics configuration */
+ uint32_t res00e4[7];
+ /* Rx Statistics Counter */
+ uint32_t reoct_l; /**<Rx Eth Octets Counter */
+ uint32_t reoct_u;
+ uint32_t roct_l; /**<Rx Octet Counters */
+ uint32_t roct_u;
+ uint32_t raln_l; /**<Rx Alignment Error Counter */
+ uint32_t raln_u;
+ uint32_t rxpf_l; /**<Rx valid Pause Frame */
+ uint32_t rxpf_u;
+ uint32_t rfrm_l; /**<Rx Frame counter */
+ uint32_t rfrm_u;
+ uint32_t rfcs_l; /**<Rx frame check seq error */
+ uint32_t rfcs_u;
+ uint32_t rvlan_l; /**<Rx Vlan Frame Counter */
+ uint32_t rvlan_u;
+ uint32_t rerr_l; /**<Rx Frame error */
+ uint32_t rerr_u;
+ uint32_t ruca_l; /**<Rx Unicast */
+ uint32_t ruca_u;
+ uint32_t rmca_l; /**<Rx Multicast */
+ uint32_t rmca_u;
+ uint32_t rbca_l; /**<Rx Broadcast */
+ uint32_t rbca_u;
+ uint32_t rdrp_l; /**<Rx Dropper Packet */
+ uint32_t rdrp_u;
+ uint32_t rpkt_l; /**<Rx packet */
+ uint32_t rpkt_u;
+ uint32_t rund_l; /**<Rx undersized packets */
+ uint32_t rund_u;
+ uint32_t r64_l; /**<Rx 64 byte */
+ uint32_t r64_u;
+ uint32_t r127_l;
+ uint32_t r127_u;
+ uint32_t r255_l;
+ uint32_t r255_u;
+ uint32_t r511_l;
+ uint32_t r511_u;
+ uint32_t r1023_l;
+ uint32_t r1023_u;
+ uint32_t r1518_l;
+ uint32_t r1518_u;
+ uint32_t r1519x_l;
+ uint32_t r1519x_u;
+ uint32_t rovr_l; /**<Rx oversized but good */
+ uint32_t rovr_u;
+ uint32_t rjbr_l; /**<Rx oversized with bad csum */
+ uint32_t rjbr_u;
+ uint32_t rfrg_l; /**<Rx fragment Packet */
+ uint32_t rfrg_u;
+ uint32_t rcnp_l; /**<Rx control packets (0x8808 */
+ uint32_t rcnp_u;
+ uint32_t rdrntp_l; /**<Rx dropped due to FIFO overflow */
+ uint32_t rdrntp_u;
+ uint32_t res01d0[12];
+ /* Tx Statistics Counter */
+ uint32_t teoct_l; /**<Tx eth octets */
+ uint32_t teoct_u;
+ uint32_t toct_l; /**<Tx Octets */
+ uint32_t toct_u;
+ uint32_t res0210[2];
+ uint32_t txpf_l; /**<Tx valid pause frame */
+ uint32_t txpf_u;
+ uint32_t tfrm_l; /**<Tx frame counter */
+ uint32_t tfrm_u;
+ uint32_t tfcs_l; /**<Tx FCS error */
+ uint32_t tfcs_u;
+ uint32_t tvlan_l; /**<Tx Vlan Frame */
+ uint32_t tvlan_u;
+ uint32_t terr_l; /**<Tx frame error */
+ uint32_t terr_u;
+ uint32_t tuca_l; /**<Tx Unicast */
+ uint32_t tuca_u;
+ uint32_t tmca_l; /**<Tx Multicast */
+ uint32_t tmca_u;
+ uint32_t tbca_l; /**<Tx Broadcast */
+ uint32_t tbca_u;
+ uint32_t res0258[2];
+ uint32_t tpkt_l; /**<Tx Packet */
+ uint32_t tpkt_u;
+ uint32_t tund_l; /**<Tx Undersized */
+ uint32_t tund_u;
+ uint32_t t64_l;
+ uint32_t t64_u;
+ uint32_t t127_l;
+ uint32_t t127_u;
+ uint32_t t255_l;
+ uint32_t t255_u;
+ uint32_t t511_l;
+ uint32_t t511_u;
+ uint32_t t1023_l;
+ uint32_t t1023_u;
+ uint32_t t1518_l;
+ uint32_t t1518_u;
+ uint32_t t1519x_l;
+ uint32_t t1519x_u;
+ uint32_t res02a8[6];
+ uint32_t tcnp_l; /**<Tx Control Packet type - 0x8808 */
+ uint32_t tcnp_u;
+ uint32_t res02c8[14];
+ /* Line Interface Control */
+ uint32_t if_mode; /**< 0x300 Interface Mode Control */
+ uint32_t if_status; /**< 0x304 Interface Status */
+ uint32_t res0308[14];
+ /* HiGig/2 */
+ uint32_t hg_config; /**< 0x340 Control and cfg */
+ uint32_t res0344[3];
+ uint32_t hg_pause_quanta; /**< 0x350 Pause quanta */
+ uint32_t res0354[3];
+ uint32_t hg_pause_thresh; /**< 0x360 Pause quanta threshold */
+ uint32_t res0364[3];
+ uint32_t hgrx_pause_status; /**< 0x370 Receive pause status */
+ uint32_t hg_fifos_status; /**< 0x374 fifos status */
+ uint32_t rhm; /**< 0x378 rx messages counter */
+ uint32_t thm; /**< 0x37C tx messages counter */
+struct rx_bmi_regs {
+ uint32_t fmbm_rcfg; /**< Rx Configuration */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rst; /**< Rx Status */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rda; /**< Rx DMA attributes*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfp; /**< Rx FIFO Parameters*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfed; /**< Rx Frame End Data*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_ricp; /**< Rx Internal Context Parameters*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rim; /**< Rx Internal Buffer Margins*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rebm; /**< Rx External Buffer Margins*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfne; /**< Rx Frame Next Engine*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfca; /**< Rx Frame Command Attributes.*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfpne; /**< Rx Frame Parser Next Engine*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rpso; /**< Rx Parse Start Offset*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rpp; /**< Rx Policer Profile */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rccb; /**< Rx Coarse Classification Base */
+ uint32_t fmbm_reth; /**< Rx Excessive Threshold */
+ uint32_t reserved003c[1]; /**< (0x03C 0x03F) */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rprai[FMAN_PORT_PRS_RESULT_WORDS_NUM];
+ /**< Rx Parse Results Array Init*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfqid; /**< Rx Frame Queue ID*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_refqid; /**< Rx Error Frame Queue ID*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfsdm; /**< Rx Frame Status Discard Mask*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfsem; /**< Rx Frame Status Error Mask*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfene; /**< Rx Frame Enqueue Next Engine */
+ uint32_t reserved0074[0x2]; /**< (0x074-0x07C) */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rcmne;
+ /**< Rx Frame Continuous Mode Next Engine */
+ uint32_t reserved0080[0x20];/**< (0x080 0x0FF) */
+ uint32_t fmbm_ebmpi[FMAN_PORT_MAX_EXT_POOLS_NUM];
+ /**< Buffer Manager pool Information-*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_acnt[FMAN_PORT_MAX_EXT_POOLS_NUM];
+ /**< Allocate Counter-*/
+ uint32_t reserved0130[8];
+ /**< 0x130/0x140 - 0x15F reserved -*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rcgm[FMAN_PORT_CG_MAP_NUM];
+ /**< Congestion Group Map*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_mpd; /**< BM Pool Depletion */
+ uint32_t reserved0184[0x1F]; /**< (0x184 0x1FF) */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rstc; /**< Rx Statistics Counters*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfrc; /**< Rx Frame Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfbc; /**< Rx Bad Frames Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rlfc; /**< Rx Large Frames Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rffc; /**< Rx Filter Frames Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfdc; /**< Rx Frame Discard Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfldec; /**< Rx Frames List DMA Error Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rodc; /**< Rx Out of Buffers Discard nntr*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rbdc; /**< Rx Buffers Deallocate Counter*/
+ uint32_t reserved0224[0x17]; /**< (0x224 0x27F) */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rpc; /**< Rx Performance Counters*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rpcp; /**< Rx Performance Count Parameters*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rccn; /**< Rx Cycle Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rtuc; /**< Rx Tasks Utilization Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rrquc;
+ /**< Rx Receive Queue Utilization cntr*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rduc; /**< Rx DMA Utilization Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rfuc; /**< Rx FIFO Utilization Counter*/
+ uint32_t fmbm_rpac; /**< Rx Pause Activation Counter*/
+ uint32_t reserved02a0[0x18]; /**< (0x2A0 0x2FF) */
+ uint32_t fmbm_rdbg; /**< Rx Debug-*/
+struct fman_port_qmi_regs {
+ uint32_t fmqm_pnc; /**< PortID n Configuration Register */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pns; /**< PortID n Status Register */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pnts; /**< PortID n Task Status Register */
+ uint32_t reserved00c[4]; /**< 0xn00C - 0xn01B */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pnen; /**< PortID n Enqueue NIA Register */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pnetfc; /**< PortID n Enq Total Frame Counter */
+ uint32_t reserved024[2]; /**< 0xn024 - 0x02B */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pndn; /**< PortID n Dequeue NIA Register */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pndc; /**< PortID n Dequeue Config Register */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pndtfc; /**< PortID n Dequeue tot Frame cntr */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pndfdc; /**< PortID n Dequeue FQID Dflt Cntr */
+ uint32_t fmqm_pndcc; /**< PortID n Dequeue Confirm Counter */
+/* This struct exports parameters about an Fman network interface, determined
+ * from the device-tree.
+ */
+struct fman_if {
+ /* Which Fman this interface belongs to */
+ uint8_t fman_idx;
+ /* The type/speed of the interface */
+ enum fman_mac_type mac_type;
+ /* Boolean, set when mac type is memac */
+ uint8_t is_memac;
+ /* Boolean, set when PHY is RGMII */
+ uint8_t is_rgmii;
+ /* The index of this MAC (within the Fman it belongs to) */
+ uint8_t mac_idx;
+ /* The MAC address */
+ struct ether_addr mac_addr;
+ /* The Qman channel to schedule Tx FQs to */
+ u16 tx_channel_id;
+ /* The hard-coded FQIDs for this interface. Note: this doesn't cover
+ * the PCD nor the "Rx default" FQIDs, which are configured via FMC
+ * and its XML-based configuration.
+ */
+ uint32_t fqid_rx_def;
+ uint32_t fqid_rx_err;
+ uint32_t fqid_tx_err;
+ uint32_t fqid_tx_confirm;
+ struct list_head bpool_list;
+ /* The node for linking this interface into "fman_if_list" */
+ struct list_head node;
+/* This struct exposes parameters for buffer pools, extracted from the network
+ * interface settings in the device tree.
+ */
+struct fman_if_bpool {
+ uint32_t bpid;
+ uint64_t count;
+ uint64_t size;
+ uint64_t addr;
+ /* The node for linking this bpool into fman_if::bpool_list */
+ struct list_head node;
+/* Internal Context transfer params - FMBM_RICP*/
+struct fman_if_ic_params {
+ /*IC offset in the packet buffer */
+ uint16_t iceof;
+ /*IC internal offset */
+ uint16_t iciof;
+ /*IC size to copy */
+ uint16_t icsz;
+/* The exported "struct fman_if" type contains the subset of fields we want
+ * exposed. This struct is embedded in a larger "struct __fman_if" which
+ * contains the extra bits we *don't* want exposed.
+ */
+struct __fman_if {
+ struct fman_if __if;
+ char node_path[PATH_MAX];
+ uint64_t regs_size;
+ void *ccsr_map;
+ void *bmi_map;
+ void *qmi_map;
+ struct list_head node;
+/* And this is the base list node that the interfaces are added to. (See
+ * fman_if_enable_all_rx() below for an example of its use.)
+ */
+extern const struct list_head *fman_if_list;
+extern int fman_ccsr_map_fd;
+/* To iterate the "bpool_list" for an interface. Eg;
+ * struct fman_if *p = get_ptr_to_some_interface();
+ * struct fman_if_bpool *bp;
+ * printf("Interface uses following BPIDs;\n");
+ * fman_if_for_each_bpool(bp, p) {
+ * printf(" %d\n", bp->bpid);
+ * [...]
+ * }
+ */
+#define fman_if_for_each_bpool(bp, __if) \
+ list_for_each_entry(bp, &(__if)->bpool_list, node)
+#define FMAN_ERR(rc, fmt, args...) \
+ do { \
+ _errno = (rc); \
+ DPAA_BUS_LOG(ERR, fmt "(%d)", ##args, errno); \
+ } while (0)
+#define FMAN_IP_REV_1 0xC30C4
+#define FMAN_IP_REV_1_MAJOR_MASK 0x0000FF00
+#define FMAN_V3 0x06
+#define FMAN_V3_CONTEXTA_EN_A2V 0x10000000
+#define FMAN_V3_CONTEXTA_EN_OVOM 0x02000000
+#define FMAN_V3_CONTEXTA_EN_EBD 0x80000000
+#define FMAN_CONTEXTA_SET_OPCODE11 0x2000000b00000000
+extern u16 fman_ip_rev;
+extern u32 fman_dealloc_bufs_mask_hi;
+extern u32 fman_dealloc_bufs_mask_lo;
+ * Initialize the FMAN driver
+ *
+ * @args void
+ * @return
+ * 0 for success; error OTHERWISE
+ */
+int fman_init(void);
+ * Teardown the FMAN driver
+ *
+ * @args void
+ * @return void
+ */
+void fman_finish(void);
+#endif /* __FMAN_H */