path: root/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/rbd_recover_tool')
13 files changed, 3187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/FAQ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/FAQ
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1655e853
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/FAQ
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# author: min chen( 2014 2015
+1. error "get_image_metadata_v2: no meta_header_seq input"
+ database is old, refresh database
+ ./rbd-recover-tool database
+2. Error initializing leveldb: IO error: lock /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/omap/LOCK: Resource temporarily unavailable
+ ERROR: error flushing journal /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/journal for object store /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0: (1) Operation not permitted
+ when ./rbd-recover-tool database is interrupted , but command has been sent to each osd node, and there is a process reading leveldb and it is LOCKED
+ if run ./rbd-recover-tool database again, all command are sent to osd nodes again, while previous process is locking leveldb, so all new command
+ are failed.
+ wait until all previous command finished.
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/README b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d289c11c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/README
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# author: Min chen( 2014 2015
+------------- ceph rbd recover tool -------------
+ ceph rbd recover tool is used for recovering ceph rbd image, when all ceph services are killed.
+it is based on ceph-0.80.x (Firefly and newer)
+ currently, ceph service(ceph-mon, ceph-osd) evently are not available caused by bugs or sth else
+, especially on large scale ceph cluster, so that the ceph cluster can not supply service
+and rbd images can not be accessed. In this case, a tool to recover rbd image is necessary.
+ ceph rbd recover tool is just used for this, it can collect all objects of an image from distributed
+osd nodes with the latest pg epoch, and splice objects by offset to a complete image. To make sure
+object data is complete, this tool does flush osd journal on each osd node before recovering.
+ but, there are some limitions:
+-need ssh service and unobstructed network
+-osd data must be accessed on local disk
+-clone image is not supported, while snapshot is supported
+-only support relicated pool
+before you run this tool, you should make sure that:
+1). all processes (ceph-osd, ceph-mon, ceph-mds) are shutdown
+2). ssh daemon is running & network is ok (ssh to each node without password)
+3). ceph-kvstore-tool is installed(for ubuntu: apt-get install ceph-test)
+4). osd disk is not crashed and data can be accessed on local filesystem
+ +---- osd.0
+ |
+admin_node -----------+---- osd.1
+ |
+ +---- osd.2
+ |
+ ......
+admin_node: {rbd-recover-tool common_h epoch_h metadata_h database_h}
+osd: {osd_job common_h epoch_h metadata_h} #/var/rbd_tool/osd_job
+in this architecture, admin_node acts as client, osds act as server.
+so, they run different files:
+on admin_node run: rbd-recover-tool <action> [<parameters>]
+on osd node run: ./osd_job <function> <parameters>
+admin_node will copy files: osd_job, common_h, epoch_h, metadata_h to remote osd node
+-config file
+before you run this tool, make sure write config files first
+osd_host_path: osd hostnames and osd data path #user input
+ osdhost0 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
+ osdhost1 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1
+ ......
+mon_host: all mon node hostname #user input
+ monhost0
+ monhost1
+ ......
+mds_host: all mds node hostname #user input
+ mdshost0
+ mdshost1
+ ......
+then, init_env_admin function will create file: osd_host
+osd_host: all osd node hostname #generated by admin_job, user ignore it
+ osdhost0
+ osdhost1
+ ......
+rbd-recovert-tool <operation>
+<operation> :
+database #generating offline database: hobject path, node hostname, pg_epoch and image metadata
+list #list all images from offline database
+lookup <pool_id>/<image_name>[@[<snap_name>]] #lookup image metadata in offline database
+recover <pool_id><image_name>[@[<snap_name>]] [/path/to/store/image] #recover image data according to image metadata
+1. stop all ceph services: ceph-mon, ceph-osd, ceph-mds
+2. setup config files: osd_host_path, mon_host, mds_host
+3. rbd-recover-tool database # wait a long time
+4. rbd-recover-tool list
+4. rbd-recover-tool recover <pool_id>/<image_name>[@[<image_name>]] [/path/to/store/image]
+-debug & error check
+if admin_node operation is failed, you can check it on osd node
+cd /var/rbd_tool/osd_job
+./osd_job <operation>
+<operation> :
+do_image_id <image_id_hobject> #get image id of image format v2
+do_image_id <image_header_hobject> #get image id of image format v1
+do_image_metadata_v1 <image_header_hobject> #get image metadata of image format v1, maybe pg epoch is not latest
+do_image_metadata_v2 <image_header_hobject> #get image metadata of image format v2, maybe pg epoch is not latest
+do_image_list #get all images on this osd(image head hobject)
+do_pg_epoch #get all pg epoch and store it in /var/rbd_tool/single_node/node_pg_epoch
+do_omap_list #list all omap headers and omap entries on this osd
+file FAQ lists some common confusing cases while testing
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/TODO b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c36d4c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ clone imag
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/common_h b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/common_h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2df662a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/common_h
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# file: common_h
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+# admin node init path
+# admin node: image snap & nosnap
+nosnap= #$rbd_image/<image_name>/nosnap
+snap= #rbd_image/<image_name>/<snap_name>
+# osd node init path
+# osd node vars
+osd_env= #single_node/$cluster$id/osd_env
+osd_data= #/var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id
+omap_path= #$osd_data/current/omap
+image_list_v1= #single_node/$cluster-$id/image_list_v1
+image_list_v2= #single_node/$cluster-$id/image_list_v2
+image_v1= #$single_node/$cluster-$id/image_v1
+image_v2= #$single_node/$cluster-$id/image_v2
+pgid_list= #$single_node/$cluster-$id/pgid_list
+node_pg_epoch= #$single_node/$cluster-$id/node_pg_epoch
+omap_list= #$single_node/$cluster-$id/omap_list
+# admin node config file
+osd_host_mapping= #$pwd_path/config/osd_host_mapping # host --> host_remote: by init_env_admin()
+osd_host=$my_dir/config/osd_host #generated by function init_env_admin()
+# ssh option
+ssh_option="-o ConnectTimeout=1"
+# gen md5sum
+function gen_md5()
+ echo $1|md5sum|awk '{print $1}'
+# on each osd node
+# check ceph environment: ssh, ceph-kvstore-tool, osd_data_path
+function check_ceph_env()
+ local func="check_ceph_env"
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <node> <data_path>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local node=$1
+ local data_path=$2
+ local res=
+ local cmd=
+ trap 'echo [$node]: ssh failed; exit' INT HUP
+ ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 $node "echo -n" </dev/null
+ res=$?
+ if [ $res -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "[$node]: ssh failed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ cmd=ceph-kvstore-tool
+ trap 'echo [$node]: $cmd failed; exit' INT HUP
+ ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 $node "$cmd &>/dev/null;" </dev/null
+ res=$?
+ # ceph-kvstore-tool will return 1 with no parameters input
+ if [ $res -ne 1 ];then
+ echo "[$node]: $cmd not installed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ trap 'echo [$node]: stat $data_path failed; exit' INT HUP
+ ssh -o ConnectTimeout=1 $node "stat $data_path &>/dev/null;" </dev/null
+ res=$?
+ if [ $res -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "[$node]: $data_path not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+# osd node context : osd_data_path
+function init_env_osd()
+ local func="init_env_osd"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no osd_data_path input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ osd_data=$1
+ omap_path=$osd_data/current/omap
+ if [ ! -e $single_node ];then
+ mkdir -p $single_node
+ fi
+ local osd_id=`gen_md5 $osd_data`
+ local osd_dir=$single_node/$osd_id
+ if [ ! -e $osd_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $osd_dir
+ fi
+ image_list_v1=$osd_dir/image_list_v1
+ image_list_v2=$osd_dir/image_list_v2
+ image_v1=$osd_dir/image_v1
+ image_v2=$osd_dir/image_v2
+ pgid_list=$osd_dir/pgid_list
+ node_pg_epoch=$osd_dir/node_pg_epoch
+ omap_list=$osd_dir/omap_list
+# admin node process file: osd_host_path
+function init_env_admin()
+ local func="init_env_admin"
+ local pwd_path=`pwd`
+ osd_host_mapping=$pwd_path/config/osd_host_mapping
+ if [ ! -s $osd_host_path ];then
+ echo "$func: config/osd_host_path not exists or empty"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $rbd_image ];then
+ mkdir -p $rbd_image
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $images ];then
+ mkdir -p $images
+ fi
+ if [ ! -s $mon_host ];then
+ echo "$func: config/mon_host not exists or empty"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $mds_host ];then
+ echo "$func: config/mds_host not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # we just judge if osd_host is needed to be updated
+ if [ -s $osd_host ] && [ $osd_host -nt $osd_host_path ];then
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "$func: create osd_host ..."
+ # create file: osd_host and osd_host_mapping
+ >$osd_host
+ >$osd_host_mapping
+ local lines=0
+ local lineno=0
+ while read line
+ do
+ lineno=$(($lineno + 1))
+ if [ "$line"x = ""x ];then
+ continue;
+ fi
+ local node=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ if [ "$node"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: osd_host_path : line $lineno: osd hostname not input"
+ rm -rf $osd_host $osd_host_mapping
+ exit
+ fi
+ local data_path=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$data_path"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: osd_host_path : line $lineno: osd data_path not input"
+ rm -rf $osd_host $osd_host_mapping
+ exit
+ fi
+ lines=$(($lines + 1))
+ # in case : there are servral hostnames on the same node
+ # just need output of `hostname`
+ local hostname_alias=
+ hostname_alias=`ssh $ssh_option $node "hostname" 2>/dev/null </dev/null`
+ if [ "$hostname_alias"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: osd_host_path: line $lineno: $node: get remote hostname alias failed"
+ rm -rf $osd_host $osd_host_mapping
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "$node $hostname_alias" >>$osd_host_mapping
+ echo $node >> $osd_host
+ # check ceph env on remote osd
+ check_ceph_env $node $data_path
+ done < $osd_host_path
+ if [ $lines = 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: no osd host path valid"
+ exit
+ fi
+function admin_parse_osd()
+ local func="admin_parse_osd"
+ if [ -s $osd_host ];then
+ return
+ fi
+ # create file: osd_host
+ >$osd_host
+ local lines=0
+ local lineno=0
+ while read line
+ do
+ lineno=$(($lineno + 1))
+ if [ "$line"x = ""x ];then
+ continue;
+ fi
+ local node=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ if [ "$node"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: osd_host_path : line $lineno: osd_host not input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local data_path=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$data_path"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: osd_host_path : line $lineno: osd_data not input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ lines=$(($lines + 1))
+ echo $node >> $osd_host
+ done < $osd_host_path
+# for osd node
+function get_omap_list()
+ ceph-kvstore-tool $omap_path list > $omap_list
+function convert_underline()
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ return
+ fi
+ echo $1|sed -e 's/_/\\u/gp'|head -n 1
+function dump_backslash()
+ echo $*|sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/gp'|head -n 1
+function dump_dump_backslash()
+ echo $*|sed -e 's/\\/\\\\\\\\/gp'|head -n 1
+function char_convert()
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ return
+ fi
+ echo $1|sed -e 's/_/\\u/gp' -e 's/\./%e/gp' -e 's/%/%p/gp'|head -n 1
+function check_osd_process()
+ local func="check_osd_process"
+ local host=$1
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ local cmds="ps aux|grep ceph-osd|grep -v grep"
+ local ret=/tmp/ret.$$$$
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmds |tee $ret
+ if [ -s $ret ];then
+ echo "$func: [$host] ceph-osd process is not killed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ rm -f $ret
+function get_map_header_prefix()
+ echo "_HOBJTOSEQ_"
+function get_map_header_key()
+ local func="get_map_header_key"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ #echo $func': no keyword input'
+ exit
+ fi
+ local keyword=$1
+ local res=`cat $omap_list| grep $keyword`
+ if [ "$res"x = ""x ];then
+ #echo "$func: map_header_key = $keyword not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo $res|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'
+function get_header_seq()
+ local func="get_header_seq"
+ if [ "$1"x == ""x ];then
+ #echo "$func: no prefix input"
+ exit;
+ elif [ "$2"x == ""x ];then
+ #echo "$func: no key input"
+ exit;
+ fi
+ local prefix=$1;
+ local key=$2;
+ local res=/tmp/header_seq.$$$$
+ ceph-kvstore-tool $omap_path get $prefix $key 2>/dev/null 1>$res
+ if [ $? != 0 ]; then
+ #echo "$func: <$prefix , $key> not exists" ;
+ exit;
+ fi
+ # ceph-kvstore-tool get result like this:
+ # 02 01 7e 00 00 00 12 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # get header seq bytes:
+ # 12 44 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ # -> 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 12
+ # echo $((16#0000000000004412)) -> 17426 == header_seq
+ local seq=`cat $res |head -n 2|tail -n 1| \
+ awk '
+ FS=":"
+ seq="";
+ i=7;
+ } {
+ split($2, arr, " ")
+ # header_seq uint64 : 8 bytes
+ for (x=7; x>=0; --x) {
+ seq=seq""arr[i+x];
+ }
+ }
+ END {
+ print seq
+ }'`
+ if [ "$seq"x = ""x ];then
+ #echo "$func: get <$prefix , $key> failed"
+ exit;
+ fi
+ rm -f $res
+ echo $((16#$seq))
+# get header info key/value
+function get_header_kv()
+ local func="get_header_kv"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ #echo "$func: no prefix input"
+ exit
+ elif [ "$2"x = ""x ];then
+ #echo "$func: no key input"
+ exit
+ elif [ "$3"x != "string"x ] && [ "$3"x != "int"x ];then
+ #echo "$func: no valid type input, use type (string|int)"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local prefix=$1
+ local key=$2
+ local types=$3
+ local res=/tmp/kv.$$$$
+ ceph-kvstore-tool $omap_path get $prefix $key 2>/dev/null 1>$res
+ if [ $? != 0 ];then
+ #echo "$func: <$prefix , $key> not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ "$types"x = "string"x ];then
+ local value=`cat $res |tail -n +2|head -n -1|awk -F ": " '{printf $3}'|sed -n 's/^\.\{4\}//p'`
+ echo $value
+ elif [ "$types"x = "int"x ];then
+ local value=`cat $res |tail -n +2|head -n -1| \
+ awk '
+ FS=":"
+ } {
+ split($2, arr, " ");
+ len=length(arr)
+ for (i=len; i>0; --i) {
+ printf arr[i];
+ }
+ }'`
+ echo $((16#$value))
+ fi
+ rm -f $res
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/mds_host b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/mds_host
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/mds_host
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/mon_host b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/mon_host
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/mon_host
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/osd_host_path b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/osd_host_path
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/config/osd_host_path
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/database_h b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/database_h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ff20425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/database_h
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# file: database_h
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+. $my_dir/common_h
+. $my_dir/metadata_h
+. $my_dir/epoch_h
+#init osd_data and get all objects path
+function gen_database()
+ local func="gen_database"
+ rm -rf $database/*
+ rm -rf $images
+ rm -rf $raw
+ mkdir -p $database
+ local host=
+ local data_path=
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ while read line
+ do
+ {
+ host=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ data_path=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$host"x = ""x ] || [ "$data_path"x = ""x ];then
+ continue
+ fi
+ local cmds="find $data_path/current -type f"
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmds > $database/$host
+ } &
+ done < $osd_host_path
+ wait
+ echo "$func: finish"
+# collect hobjects from database
+# and choose the object whose epoch is latest
+# then, sort the objects by their offsets in image
+function gather_hobject_common()
+ func="gather_hobject_common"
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_prefix> [<snap_id>]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_prefix=$2
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ local hex_pool_id=`printf "%x" $pool_id`
+ # NOSNAP = uint64(-2)
+ local snap_id=`printf "%u" -2`
+ local hex_snap_id="head"
+ local psuffix=
+ local fsuffix="_head"
+ if [ $# = 3 ];then
+ snap_id=$(($3))
+ hex_snap_id=`printf "%x" $snap_id`
+ psuffix="_"$snap_id
+ fsuffix="_"$snap_id
+ fi
+ local underline_image_prefix=`convert_underline $image_prefix`
+ local dump_image_prefix=`dump_backslash $underline_image_prefix`
+ local ddump_image_prefix=`dump_dump_backslash $underline_image_prefix`
+ local images_raw_dir=$rbd_image/raw
+ local image_hobjects_dir=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_prefix
+ # $images/raw/$image_prefix"_head"
+ local image_hobjects_raw=$images_raw_dir/$image_prefix"$fsuffix"
+ # $images/$image_prefix/$image_prefix"_head"
+ local image_hobjects_stable=$image_hobjects_dir/$image_prefix"$fsuffix"
+ if [ ! -e $images_raw_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $images_raw_dir
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $image_hobjects_dir ];then
+ local image_metadata=$images_meta/$image_name_in
+ mkdir -p $image_hobjects_dir
+ fi
+ pushd $database >/dev/null
+ local pattern="\.[0-9a-f]+__"$hex_snap_id"_[0-9A-F]{8}__"$hex_pool_id
+ >$image_hobjects_raw
+ grep -r -E $dump_image_prefix""$pattern * >$image_hobjects_raw
+ if [ ! -s $image_hobjects_raw ];then
+ echo "$func: image snap [ $image_prefix"$psuffix" ] is empty"
+ return 1 #no data available
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+ local offset_dir_temp=$images_raw_dir/$image_prefix"$fsuffix""_dir_temp"
+ rm -rf $offset_dir_temp
+ mkdir -p $offset_dir_temp
+ echo "gather hobjects from database: snapid=$snap_id ..."
+ # format: ceph2:/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/current/2.d3_head/rb.0.1293.6b8b4567.000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2
+ local tmp_image=$offset_dir_temp/tmpimage.$$$$
+ >$tmp_image
+ cat $image_hobjects_raw |
+ awk -F ':' '
+ pg_coll="'$pg_coll'"
+ tmp_image="'$tmp_image'"
+ osd_host_mapping="'$osd_host_mapping'"
+ snapid="'$snap_id'"
+ }{
+ # $2 = /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/current/2.d3_head/rb.0.1293.6b8b4567.000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2
+ split($2, arr1, "/current/"); # {/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/, 2.d3_head/rb.0.1293.6b8b4567.000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2}
+ split(arr1[2], arr2, "/"); # {2.d3_head, rb.0.1293.6b8b4567.000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2}
+ split(arr2[1], arr3, "_head"); # {2.d3,}
+ hobject=$2;
+ data_path=arr1[1];
+ gsub(/\\u/, "\\\\\\\\u", hobject); # dump backslash to delay escape (\ -> \\)
+ "awk \"\\$1 == \\\""$1"\\\" {print \\$2}\" "osd_host_mapping" | head -n 1" | getline node
+ pgid = arr3[1];
+ len=length(arr2);
+ offset_hobject=arr2[len] # rb.0.1293.6b8b4567.000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2
+ split(offset_hobject, offarr1, "."); # {rb, 0, 1293, 6b8b4567, 000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2}
+ len1=length(offarr1)
+ offset_p=offarr1[len1] # 000000000002__head_FB425CD3__2
+ split(offset_p, offarr2, "__"); # {000000000002, head_FB425CD3, 2}
+ offset=offarr2[1]; # 000000000002
+ system("echo -n \""node" "pgid" "hobject" "offset" "snapid" \" >>"tmp_image);
+ #system("echo -n \""node" "pgid" "hobject" "offset" "snapid" \"");
+ #print node" "pgid" "hobject" "offset" "snapid
+ # find pg_epoch from pg_coll database
+ system("awk \"\\$1 == \\\""node"\\\" && \\$2 == \\\""pgid"\\\" && \\$4 == \\\""data_path"\\\" {print \\$3}\" "pg_coll" >>"tmp_image);
+ #system("awk \"\\$1 == \\\""node"\\\" && \\$2 == \\\""pgid"\\\" && \\$4 == \\\""data_path"\\\" {print \\$3}\" "pg_coll);
+ }'
+ local sort_image=$offset_dir_temp/sortimage.$$$$
+ >$sort_image
+ sort -t ' ' -k 4.1,4 -k 6.1nr -k 1.1,1 $tmp_image >$sort_image
+ sort -t ' ' -k 4.1,4 -u $sort_image > $image_hobjects_stable
+ #rm -rf $offset_dir_temp
+ return 0
+function gather_hobject_nosnap()
+ gather_hobject_common $1 $2
+function gather_hobject_snap()
+ gather_hobject_common $1 $2 $3
+# select the max pg_epoch item of the same $field
+# if no same $field, choose the first
+# format : "node $field pg_epoch"
+function choose_epoch()
+ cat $1|sort -t ' ' -k 3.1,3nr -k 2.1,2n |head -n 1;
+# lookup image info , after scatter_node_jobs & gather_node_infos
+function lookup_image()
+ local func="lookup_image"
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters error <pool_id> <image_name> [<snap_name>]"
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_name=$2
+ local snap_name=$3
+ pool_id=$((pool_id))
+ echo -e "$func: pool_id = $pool_id\timage_name = $image_name\tsnap_name = $snap_name"
+ if [ $pool_id -lt 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: pool_id must great than zero"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local hex_pool_id=`printf "%x" $pool_id`
+ input_image $image_name
+ local node=
+ local item=/tmp/item.$$$$
+ local img_name=`dump_backslash $image_name`
+ local image_format=0
+ local image_id_hobject=
+ local image_header_hobject=
+ local result=/tmp/tmp_result.$$$$
+ local res1=/tmp/tmp_res1.$$$$
+ local res2=/tmp/tmp_res2.$$$$
+ local data_path=
+ # image format v1
+ {
+ cat $image_coll_v1|grep -E "/$img_name\.rbd__head_[0-9A-F]{8}__$hex_pool_id" >$res1
+ if [ -s $res1 ];then
+ echo -n "$func: rbd_header_hobject = "
+ choose_epoch $res1| tee $item
+ #choose_epoch $res1 > $item
+ if [ -e $item ];then
+ node=`cat $item|awk '{print $1}'`
+ image_header_hobject=`cat $item|awk '{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$node"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: v1 node is NULL"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ "$image_header_hobject"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: v1 image_header_hobject is NULL"
+ exit
+ fi
+ rm -f $item
+ fi
+ image_format=1
+ echo -e "image_name:\t$image_name_in"
+ echo -e "image_format:\t$image_format"
+ data_path=`echo $image_header_hobject|awk -F "/current" '{print $1}'`
+ >$result
+ cmds="bash $job_path/osd_job do_image_metadata_v1 $data_path `dump_backslash $image_header_hobject` $snap_name"
+ ssh $ssh_option $node $cmds | tee $result
+ fi
+ }
+ # image format v2
+ {
+ cat $image_coll_v2|grep -E "/rbd\\\\uid\."$img_name"__head_[0-9A-F]{8}__$hex_pool_id" >$res2
+ if [ -s $res2 ];then
+ echo -n "$func: rbd_id_hobject = "
+ choose_epoch $res2 | tee $item
+ #choose_epoch $res2 > $item
+ if [ -e $item ];then
+ node=`cat $item|awk '{print $1}'`
+ image_id_hobject=`cat $item|awk '{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$node"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: v2 node is NULL(to get image_id_hobject)"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ "$image_id_hobject"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: v2 image_id_hobject is NULL"
+ exit
+ fi
+ rm -f $item
+ fi
+ check_osd_process $node
+ image_format=2
+ local tid=/tmp/image_id.$$$$
+ data_path=`echo $image_id_hobject|awk -F "/current" '{print $1}'`
+ >$tid
+ cmds="bash $job_path/osd_job do_image_id $data_path `dump_backslash $image_id_hobject`"
+ ssh $ssh_option $node $cmds > $tid
+ local image_id=`cat $tid`
+ rm -f $tid
+ #get image_header_hobject
+ pushd $database >/dev/null
+ local pattern="header\."$image_id"__head_[0-9A-F]{8}__$hex_pool_id"
+ local tcoll=/tmp/tmp_image_head_coll.$$$$
+ # hostname(by command hostname) in $pg_coll maybe different from hostname in tcoll(input by user)
+ # t_host: hostname read from config file ($tcoll)
+ # t_host_remote: $(hostname) on osd node ($pg_coll)
+ grep -r -E $pattern * >$tcoll
+ popd >/dev/null
+ local t_host=(`cat $tcoll|awk -F ":" '{print $1}'`)
+ local t_pgid=(`cat $tcoll|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'|sed -n 's/.*\/\([0-9a-fA-F]\+\.[0-9a-fA-F]\+\)_head\/.*/\1/p'`)
+ local t_hobject=(`cat $tcoll|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`)
+ local t_data_path=(`cat $tcoll|awk -F ":" '{split($2, arr, "/current/"); print arr[1];}'`)
+ rm -f $tcoll
+ declare -a t_host_remote
+ #if there is no failed pg migration, number of t_host is replica num
+ #replica num : 3, 4, 5 ...
+ local t_hostname=/tmp/t_hostname.$$$$
+ for ((i=0; i<${#t_host[*]}; i++))
+ do
+ ssh $ssh_option ${t_host[$i]} "hostname" >$t_hostname
+ if [ $? != 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: ${t_host[$i]} get host_remote failed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ t_host_remote[$i]=`cat $t_hostname`
+ done
+ rm -f $t_hostname
+ local t_item=/tmp/tmp_item.$$$$
+ local tmp_item=/tmp/tmp_tmp_item.$$$$
+ >$tmp_item
+ for ((i=0; i<${#t_host_remote[*]}; i++ ))
+ do
+ local node=${t_host_remote[$i]}
+ local pgid=${t_pgid[$i]}
+ awk '$1 == "'"$node"'" && $2 == "'"$pgid"'" {print}' $pg_coll >>$tmp_item
+ done
+ # t_item: <remote_hostname> <pgid> <epoch> <data_path>
+ sort -u $tmp_item >$t_item
+ rm -f $tmp_item
+ local entry=`choose_epoch $t_item` #t_host_remote
+ rm -f $t_item
+ node=`echo $entry|awk '{print $1}'`
+ data_path=`echo $entry|awk '{print $4}'`
+ if [ "$node"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: v2 node is NULL (to get image_header_hobject)"
+ exit
+ fi
+ for ((i=0; i<${#t_host_remote[*]}; i++))
+ do
+ if [ "${t_host_remote[$i]}"x = "$node"x ] && [ "${t_data_path[$i]}"x = "$data_path"x ];then
+ image_header_hobject=${t_hobject[$i]}
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$image_id_hobject"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: v2 image_header_hobject is NULL"
+ exit
+ fi
+ check_osd_process $node
+ echo "$func: rbd_header_hobject = $node $image_header_hobject"
+ echo -e "image_name:\t$image_name_in"
+ echo -e "image_format:\t$image_format"
+ #data_path=`echo $image_header_hobject|awk -F "/current" '{print $1}'`
+ >$result
+ cmds="bash $job_path/osd_job do_image_metadata_v2 $data_path $image_id `dump_backslash $image_header_hobject` $snap_name"
+ ssh $ssh_option $node $cmds | tee $result
+ fi
+ }
+ if [ ! -s $result ];then
+ echo "$func: $image_name_in not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # to assign value to global variable
+ db_image_prefix=`cat $result|awk '/^(object_prefix|block_name):/{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$db_image_prefix"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: image_prefix is NULL"
+ exit
+ fi
+ db_image_size=`cat $result|awk '/^image_size:/{print $2}'`
+ db_order=`cat $result|awk '/^order:/{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$snap_name"x != ""x ];then
+ db_snap_id=`cat $result|awk '/^snapshot:/{print $2}'`
+ if [ "$db_snap_id"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: $image_name_in@$snap_name NOT EXISTS"
+ exit
+ fi
+ db_snap_image_size=`cat $result|awk '/^snapshot:/{print $4}'`
+ else
+ #save snaplist
+ local image_snaplist=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in/@snaplist
+ local image_dir=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in
+ if [ ! -e $image_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $image_dir
+ fi
+ cat $result|awk '/^snapshot:/{print $2" "$3" "$4}' >$image_snaplist
+ fi
+ found=1
+ rm -f $result
+function list_images()
+ echo "=============== format =============="
+ echo "format: <pool_id>/<image_name>"
+ echo "================ v1: ================"
+ #sed -n 's/\(.*\)\/\(.*\)\.rbd__\(.*\)/\2/p' $image_coll_v1|sort -u|sed -e 's/\\u/_/g'
+ sed -n 's/.*\/\(.*\)\.rbd__head_[0-9A-F]\{8\}__\([0-9a-f]\+\).*/\2 \1/p' $image_coll_v1|sort -u|awk '{print strtonum("0x"$1)"/"$2;}'|sed -e 's/\\u/_/g'
+ echo "================ v2: ================"
+ #sed -n 's/\(.*\)\/rbd\\uid.\(.*\)__\(head.*\)/\2/p' $image_coll_v2|sort -u|sed 's/\\u/_/g'
+ sed -n 's/.*\/rbd\\uid.\(.*\)__head_[0-9A-F]\{8\}__\([0-9a-f]\+\).*/\2 \1/p' $image_coll_v2|sort -u|awk '{print strtonum("0x"$1)"/"$2}'|sed 's/\\u/_/g'
+# lookup image metadata
+# and
+# collect hobjects of image with the latest pg epoch
+function discover_image_nosnap()
+ local func="discover_image_nosnap"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_name=$2
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ lookup_image $pool_id $image_name # assign $image_prefix
+ gather_hobject_nosnap $pool_id $db_image_prefix
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_hobjects_stable_nosnap=$images/pool_$pool_id/$db_image_prefix/$db_image_prefix"_head"
+ local image_hobjects_dir=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in
+ if [ ! -e $image_hobjects_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $image_hobjects_dir
+ fi
+ # mv image_prefix to image_name
+ mv $image_hobjects_stable_nosnap $image_hobjects_dir/$image_name_in
+ rm -rf $images/pool_$pool_id/$db_image_prefix
+# get the offset snapid object
+# if there is no object, choose the smallest snapid which is greater than current snapid
+function get_object_clone()
+ local func="get_object_clone"
+ if [ $# -lt 4 ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ local object_offset_string=$1
+ local snapid=$2
+ local snaplist_path=$3
+ local snapset_output_dir=$4
+ # snapid in desc
+ local snap_coll_arr=(`
+ cat $snaplist_path|awk '{ if ($1 >= '"$snapid"') print "'"$snapset_output_dir"'/@"$1}'`)
+ local hex_snapid=`printf "%x" $snapid`
+ pushd $snapset_output_dir >/dev/null
+ # get object with the smallest snapid greater than current snapid
+ awk '$4 == "'"$object_offset_string"'" && $5 >= '$snapid' {print}' `echo ${snap_coll_arr[@]}` |tail -n 1
+ popd >/dev/null
+# gather hobject for each snapid
+function gen_snapset_hobject()
+ local func="gen_image_snapset"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ if [ $# -lt 4 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_prefix> <snaplist_path> <snapset_output_dir>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_prefix=$2
+ local snaplist_path=$3
+ local snapset_output_dir=$4
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ local snaparr=(`cat $snaplist_path`)
+ # gather hobject for each snapshot
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ for line in ${snaparr[@]}
+ do
+ IFS=$' '
+ local field=(`echo $line`)
+ local snapid=${field[0]}
+ local image_hobjects_stable_snap=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_prefix/$image_prefix"_"$snapid
+ local image_snap=$snapset_output_dir/@$snapid
+ gather_hobject_snap $pool_id $image_prefix $snapid
+ local res=$?
+ if [ $res -ne 0 ];then
+ touch $image_snap
+ else
+ mv $image_hobjects_stable_snap $image_snap
+ fi
+ done
+# lookup image metadata and get snapid hobjects
+function discover_image_snap()
+ local func="discover_image_snap"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_name> [<snap_name>]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_name=$2
+ local snap_name=$3
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ #mkdir -p $images/$image_prefix
+ lookup_image $pool_id $image_name $snap_name # input image_name and snap_name to lookup metadata and snap_id
+ if [ "$db_snap_id"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: lookup image failed to gen snapid"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_hobjects_dir_prefix=$images/pool_$pool_id/$db_image_prefix
+ local image_nosnap=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in
+ #check if image nosnap recovered
+ if [ ! -s $image_nosnap ];then
+ echo "$func: please recover image nosnap before recover with snap"
+ rm -rf $image_hobjects_dir_prefix
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_hobject_dir=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in
+ local image_snap_hobject=$image_hobject_dir/$image_name_in@$db_snap_id
+ local image_snap_hobject_head=$image_hobject_dir/$image_name_in@$db_snap_id@head
+ local image_snaplist=$image_hobject_dir/@snaplist
+ local image_snapset_dir=$image_hobject_dir/@snapset_dir
+ local image_head=$image_hobject_dir/$image_name_in
+ if [ ! -e $image_hobject_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $image_hobject_dir
+ fi
+ # only gen snapset one time
+ if [ ! -e $image_snapset_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $image_snapset_dir
+ gen_snapset_hobject $pool_id $db_image_prefix $image_snaplist $image_snapset_dir
+ fi
+ echo "$func: will get object clone ..."
+ >$image_snap_hobject
+ >$image_snap_hobject_head
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ # get each offset 's snapid hobject
+ while read line
+ do
+ #echo $line
+ IFS=$' '
+ local field=(`echo $line`)
+ local offset_string=${field[3]}
+ local entry=`get_object_clone $offset_string $db_snap_id $image_snaplist $image_snapset_dir`
+ if [ "$entry"x != ""x ];then
+ echo $entry >> $image_snap_hobject
+ echo `dump_backslash $line` >> $image_snap_hobject_head
+ fi
+ done < $image_head
+ rm -rf $image_hobjects_dir_prefix
+# after discover_image_nosnap
+# collect objects from osds one by one in sequence
+function copy_image_nosnap_single_thread()
+ local func="copy_image_nosnap_single_thread"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_hobjects> <backup_dir>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_hobjects=$2
+ local backup_dir=$3
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ # make sure lookup_image first
+ if [ $found = 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: image not found, maybe forget to discover_image"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $backup_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $backup_dir
+ fi
+ local image_dir=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in
+ local image_file=$image_dir/$image_name_in
+ local CURRENT=$image_dir/@CURRENT
+ local LOCK=$image_dir/@LOCK
+ if [ ! -e $image_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $image_dir
+ fi
+ if [ -e $LOCK ];then
+ echo "$func: $LOCK is locked by other process"
+ exit
+ else
+ touch $LOCK
+ fi
+ >$image_file
+ truncate -s $db_image_size $image_file
+ echo "head">$CURRENT
+ local count=$(($db_image_size >> $db_order))
+ local start=`cat $image_hobjects|head -n 1|awk '{print $4}'`
+ local end=`cat $image_hobjects|tail -n 1|awk '{print $4}'`
+ local entry_count=`cat $image_hobjects|wc -l`
+ local char_bits=$((`echo $start|wc -c` -1 ))
+ local format="%0"$char_bits"x"
+ local expect_start=`printf $format 0`
+ local expect_end=`printf $format $(($count -1 ))`
+ echo -e "object_count\t$entry_count"
+ echo -e "expect\t\t[$expect_start ~ $expect_end] count:$count"
+ echo -e "range\t\t[$start ~ $end] count:$entry_count"
+ local icount=0
+ local istart=
+ local iend=
+ local percent=
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ local unit=$((1<<$db_order))
+ while read line
+ do
+ {
+ icount=$(($icount+1))
+ node=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ hobject=`echo $line|awk '{print $3}'`
+ offset=`echo $line|awk '{print $4}'`
+ off=$((16#$offset))
+ if [ $icount = 1 ];then
+ istart=$offset
+ fi
+ hobject=`dump_backslash $hobject`
+ iend=$offset
+ sshcmd="cat $hobject"
+ ssh $ssh_option $node $sshcmd < /dev/null | dd of=$image_file bs=$unit seek=$off conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
+ percent=`echo "scale=3; 100*$icount/$entry_count"|bc`
+ tput sc #record current cursor
+ echo -n -e "complete\t[$istart ~ $iend] $icount/$entry_count ==> "$percent"%"
+ if [ $icount != $entry_count ];then
+ tput rc # backport most recent cursor
+ fi
+ }
+ done < $image_hobjects
+ echo
+ echo -n "size: "
+ ls -lh $image_file|awk '{print $5"\t"$9}'
+ echo -n "du: "
+ du -h $image_file
+ #unlock
+ rm -f $LOCK
+# ssh copy snap_object & head_object from osd to admin node
+# copy all snapshot objects
+# and
+# all head objects which have the same offset as snapshot objects
+function collect_image_snap_objects()
+ local func="collect_image_snap_objects"
+ #$1=backup_dir, $2=snap_name, $3=snap_hobjects, $4=head_hobjects
+ if [ $# -lt 6 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_name> <snap_id> <snap_hobjects> <head_hobjects> <backup_dir>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_name=$2
+ local snap_id=$3
+ local snap_hobjects=$4 #snap hobjects info
+ local head_hobjects=$5 #head hobjects info
+ local backup_dir=$6
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ local head_dir=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@head
+ local snap_dir=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@$snap_id
+ local CURRENT=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@CURRENT
+ if [ ! -e $head_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $head_dir
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $snap_dir ];then
+ mkdir -p $snap_dir
+ fi
+ local snap_node= #osd node
+ local snap_hobject= #hobject path with snapid on osd
+ local snap_offset=
+ local snap_filename=
+ local head_node=
+ local head_hobject=
+ local head_offset=
+ local head_filename=
+ # ignore if there is no object in snapshot(empty )
+ if [ ! -s $snap_hobjects ];then
+ echo "$func: $snap_hobjects is empty"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local start=`head -n 1 $snap_hobjects|awk '{print $4}'`
+ local end=`tail -n 1 $snap_hobjects|awk '{print $4}'`
+ local entry_count=`cat $snap_hobjects|wc -l`
+ if [ $((16#$first_offset)) -gt $((16#$last_offset)) ];then
+ echo "$func: $snap_hobjects not sorted"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # just assert if ignored empty snapshot
+ if [ "$start"x = ""x ] || [ "$end"x = ""x ];then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # speed up copy snapshot
+ # lookup the corresponding head hobject of snap hobject
+ # use command: grep <offset> <head hobjects>
+ #
+ # eg.
+ # head hobjects: (32 objects, snapid = uint64(-2) = 18446744073709551614)
+ # ceph1 29.4d /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.4d_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000000__head_EC2C1C4D__1d 000000000000 18446744073709551614 869
+ # ceph1 29.8c /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.8c_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000001__head_0F439A8C__1d 000000000001 18446744073709551614 867
+ # ceph1 29.6a /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.6a_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000002__head_FC55706A__1d 000000000002 18446744073709551614 869
+ # ceph1 29.8b /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.8b_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000003__head_20A6328B__1d 000000000003 18446744073709551614 869
+ # ceph2 29.75 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/current/29.75_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000004__head_AC5ADB75__1d 000000000004 18446744073709551614 867
+ # ceph2 29.23 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1/current/29.23_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000005__head_1FDEA823__1d 000000000005 18446744073709551614 867
+ # ......
+ # ceph1 29.34 /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.34_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.00000000001f__head_52373734__1d 00000000001f 18446744073709551614 869
+ #
+ # snap hobjects: (3 objects, snapid >= 29)
+ # ceph1 29.8c /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.8c_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000001__1f_0F439A8C__1d 000000000001 31 867
+ # ceph1 29.6a /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.6a_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000002__1e_FC55706A__1d 000000000002 30 869
+ # ceph1 29.8b /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/current/29.8b_head/rb.0.1c414.6b8b4567.000000000003__1d_20A6328B__1d 000000000003 29 869
+ #
+ # so find out offset in head hobjects line number:
+ # snap hobjects: 000000000001 ---> head hobjects: 2 (n1)
+ # snap hobjects: 000000000003 ---> head hobjects: 4 (n2)
+ #
+ # finally , grep range from the whole file [1 ~ N] shranked to part of file [n1 ~ n2]
+ # the worst case : [n1 ~ n2] = [1 ~ N], means no shranking
+ # get the line number of the start offset in head hobjects
+ local n1=`grep -n $start $head_hobjects|head -n 1|cut -d ":" -f 1`
+ # get the line number of the end offset in head hobjects
+ local n2=`grep -n $end $head_hobjects|head -n 1|cut -d ":" -f 1`
+ local icount=0
+ local istart=
+ local iend=
+ local percent=
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ #assume file:snap_hobjects is not very large, and can be loaded into memory
+ local snap_arr=(`cat $snap_hobjects`)
+ local snap_tmp=/tmp/snaptmp.$$$$
+ # snap_tmp:
+ # consists of snap hobject or head hobject
+ # select lineno range: [n1 ~ n2]
+ head -n $n2 $head_hobjects|tail -n $(($n2-$n1+1)) >$snap_tmp
+ echo "copy image snap/head objects from osd ..."
+ echo -e "object_count\t$entry_count"
+ echo -e "range\t\t[$start ~ $end] count:$entry_count"
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ for line in ${snap_arr[*]}
+ do
+ icount=$(($icount+1))
+ IFS=$' '
+ local arr=(`echo $line`)
+ snap_node=${arr[0]}
+ snap_hobject=${arr[2]}
+ snap_offset=${arr[3]}
+ snap_filename=$snap_dir/$snap_offset
+ if [ $icount = 1 ];then
+ istart=$snap_offset
+ fi
+ iend=$snap_offset
+ #lookup corresponding head hobject of snap hobject
+ local res=`grep $snap_offset $snap_tmp|head -n 1`
+ if [ "$res"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: image object[ $snap_offset ] missing"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local arr2=(`echo $res`)
+ head_node=${arr2[0]}
+ head_hobject=${arr2[2]}
+ head_offset=${arr2[3]}
+ head_filename=$head_dir/$head_offset
+ # just copy object(snap/head) if it does not exist
+ if [ ! -e $snap_filename ];then
+ ssh $ssh_option $snap_node "cat $snap_hobject" > $snap_filename
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $head_filename ];then
+ ssh $ssh_option $head_node "cat $head_hobject" > $head_filename
+ fi
+ percent=`echo "scale=3; 100*$icount/$entry_count"|bc`
+ tput sc #record current cursor
+ echo -n -e "complete\t[$istart ~ $iend] $icount/$entry_count ==> "$percent"%"
+ if [ $icount != $entry_count ];then
+ tput rc # backport most recent cursor
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ rm -f $snap_tmp
+ return 0
+# copy all snap objects and corresponding head objects from osds
+# in single process
+function copy_image_snap_single_thread()
+ local func="copy_image_snap_single_thread"
+ if [ $# -lt 6 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_name> <snap_id> <snap_hobjects> <head_hobjects> <backup_dir>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_name=$2
+ local snap_id=$3
+ local snap_hobjects=$4
+ local head_hobjects=$5
+ local backup_dir=$6
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ local CURRENT=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@CURRENT
+ local LOCK=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@LOCK
+ #lock
+ if [ -e $LOCK ];then
+ echo "$func: $LOCK is locked by other process"
+ exit
+ else
+ touch $LOCK
+ fi
+ collect_image_snap_objects $pool_id $image_name $snap_id $snap_hobjects $head_hobjects $backup_dir
+ #unlock
+ rm -f $LOCK
+# after all snap objects and necessary head objects are copied,
+# just pick appropriate head objects and snap objects and write them to image
+# in order to rollback image to snapshot
+# init: image is created by copy_image_nosnap_single_thread firstly
+# all output include 3 parts:
+# <image> <head objects> <snap objects>
+# head objects1 --- snap1 objects
+# head objects2 --- snap2 objects
+# image head objects3 --- snap3 objects
+# ......
+# head objectsN --- snapN objects
+# how to rollback:
+# firstly rollback to head, secondly write <snapX objects>
+# head = <image> + <head objects>
+# snap1 = <image> + <head objects> + <snap1 objects>
+# snap2 = <image> + <head objects> + <snap2 objects>
+# snap3 = <image> + <head objects> + <snap3 objects>
+# ......
+# snapN = <image> + <head objects> + <snapN objects>
+# improve rollback:
+# there is intersection of head objects and snapX objects, if snapX objects are not empty
+# and need to deduplicate the intersection.
+# deduplicate steps:
+# - get difference set of head objects and snapX objects
+# - write the difference set objects to image
+# - write the snapX objects to image
+function rollback_image_snap()
+ local func="rollback_image_snap"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ if [ $# -lt 6 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters <pool_id> <image_name> <snap_id> <snap_object_dir> <backup_dir> <image_unit>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local image_name=$2
+ local snap_id=$3
+ local snap_object_dir=$4
+ local backup_dir=$5
+ local image_unit=$6
+ local need_diff_set=0
+ local image_path=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/$image_name
+ local head_object_dir=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@head
+ local CURRENT=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@CURRENT
+ local LOCK=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name/@LOCK
+ if [ -e $LOCK ];then
+ echo "$func: $LOCK is locked by other process"
+ exit
+ else
+ touch $LOCK
+ fi
+ if [ $snap_id -ne -2 ];then
+ echo $snap_id > $CURRENT
+ else
+ echo "head" > $CURRENT
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $snap_object_dir ];then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ "$snap_object_dir"x != "$head_object_dir"x ];then
+ echo "$func: need to compute diff_set of head"
+ need_diff_set=1
+ else
+ echo "$func: NO diff_set"
+ need_diff_set=0
+ fi
+ local entry_count=0
+ local start=
+ local end=
+ local offset=
+ local icount=0
+ local istart=
+ local iend=
+ local percent=
+ local snap_objects=
+ local head_objects=
+ local diff_set=
+ snap_objects=(`ls $snap_object_dir`)
+ # if need to compute difference set of head_objects and snap_objects
+ if [ $need_diff_set -ne 0 ];then
+ head_objects=(`ls $head_object_dir`)
+ #get the difference set: ( head_objects - snap_objects )
+ diff_set=(`
+ sort -m <(echo ${head_objects[@]}|xargs -n 1 echo) <(echo ${snap_objects[@]}|xargs -n 1 echo) \
+ <(echo ${snap_objects[@]}|xargs -n 1 echo) |uniq -u`)
+ # copy diff_set of head object to image
+ pushd $head_object_dir >/dev/null
+ echo "$func: copy diff_set head objects ..."
+ entry_count=${#diff_set[@]}
+ start=${diff_set[0]}
+ end=
+ if [ $entry_count -gt 0 ];then
+ end=${diff_set[$(($entry_count - 1))]}
+ fi
+ offset=
+ icount=0
+ istart=
+ iend=
+ percent=
+ echo -e "object_count\t$entry_count"
+ echo -e "range\t\t[$start ~ $end] count:$entry_count"
+ for object in ${diff_set[@]}
+ do
+ icount=$(($icount+1))
+ if [ $icount = 1 ];then
+ istart=$object
+ fi
+ iend=$object
+ local offset=$((16#$object))
+ dd if=$object of=$image_path bs=$image_unit seek=$offset conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
+ percent=`echo "scale=3; 100*$icount/$entry_count"|bc`
+ tput sc #record current cursor
+ echo -n -e "complete\t[$istart ~ $iend] $icount/$entry_count ==> "$percent"%"
+ if [ $icount != $entry_count ];then
+ tput rc # backport most recent cursor
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $entry_count -gt 0 ];then
+ echo
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+ if [ $snap_id -ne -2 ];then
+ echo -e "$image_name already rollback diff_set: (head - snap)"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # copy snap object to image
+ pushd $snap_object_dir >/dev/null
+ if [ $need_diff_set -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: copy snap objects ..."
+ else
+ echo "$func: copy head objects ..."
+ fi
+ entry_count=${#snap_objects[@]}
+ start=${snap_objects[0]}
+ end=
+ if [ $entry_count -gt 0 ];then
+ end=${snap_objects[$(($entry_count - 1))]}
+ fi
+ offset=
+ icount=0
+ istart=
+ iend=
+ percent=
+ echo -e "object_count\t$entry_count"
+ echo -e "range\t\t[$start ~ $end] count:$entry_count"
+ for object in ${snap_objects[@]}
+ do
+ icount=$(($icount+1))
+ if [ $icount = 1 ];then
+ istart=$object
+ fi
+ iend=$object
+ local offset=$((16#$object))
+ dd if=$object of=$image_path bs=$image_unit seek=$offset conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
+ percent=`echo "scale=3; 100*$icount/$entry_count"|bc`
+ tput sc #record current cursor
+ echo -n -e "complete\t[$istart ~ $iend] $icount/$entry_count ==> "$percent"%"
+ if [ $icount != $entry_count ];then
+ tput rc # backport most recent cursor
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $entry_count -gt 0 ];then
+ echo
+ fi
+ popd >/dev/null
+ rm -f $LOCK
+ if [ $snap_id -ne -2 ];then
+ echo "$image_name rollback to snapid: $snap_id"
+ else
+ echo "$image_name rollback to head"
+ fi
+function recover_image()
+ local func="recover_image"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <pool_id> <image_name> <snap_name> [<backup_dir>]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=$1
+ local img_name=$2
+ local snap_name=$3
+ local backup_dir=$4
+ pool_id=$(($pool_id))
+ if [ "$snap_name"x = "@"x ];then
+ snap_name=
+ fi
+ if [ "$backup_dir"x = ""x ];then
+ backup_dir=$default_backup_dir
+ fi
+ #recover image with nosnap
+ if [ "$snap_name"x = ""x ];then
+ discover_image_nosnap $pool_id $img_name #input image_name
+ local image_hobjects=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in/$image_name_in
+ copy_image_nosnap_single_thread $pool_id $image_hobjects $backup_dir
+ #recover image with snap
+ else
+ # check if recovered head already
+ local img_hobjects_path=$images/pool_$pool_id/$img_name/$img_name
+ local img_file_path=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$img_name/$img_name
+ if [ ! -e $img_hobjects_path ] || [ ! -e $img_file_path ];then
+ echo "$func: $img_name@$snap_name : can not rollback to snapshot, please recover image head first"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # rollback to head
+ if [ "$snap_name"x = "@@"x ];then
+ local head_dir=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$img_name/@head
+ if [ -e $head_dir ];then
+ local unit=`pushd $head_dir >/dev/null; ls|head -n 1|xargs -n 1 stat|awk '/Size:/{print $2}'`
+ # rollback to head
+ rollback_image_snap $pool_id $img_name -2 $backup_dir/$img_name/@head $backup_dir $unit
+ echo "$image_name_in head : $backup_dir/$img_name/$img_name"
+ else
+ echo "$func: no need to rollback to head"
+ fi
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # rollback to snap
+ discover_image_snap $pool_id $img_name $snap_name # get image meta & get snapid object
+ local snap_hobjects=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in/$image_name_in@$db_snap_id
+ local head_hobjects=$images/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in/$image_name_in@$db_snap_id@head
+ local snap_object_dir=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in/@$db_snap_id
+ local image_path=$backup_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name_in/$image_name_in
+ local image_unit=$((1<<$db_order))
+ copy_image_snap_single_thread $pool_id $image_name_in $db_snap_id $snap_hobjects $head_hobjects $backup_dir
+ rollback_image_snap $pool_id $image_name_in $db_snap_id $snap_object_dir $backup_dir $image_unit
+ echo "$image_name_in@$snap_name : $image_path"
+ fi
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/epoch_h b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/epoch_h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e268eafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/epoch_h
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# file: epoch_h
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+. $my_dir/common_h
+function get_pgid_list()
+ find $osd_data/current/ -type d -name "*_head"|\
+ sed -n 's/\(.*\)\/current\/\([0-9a-fA-F]\+\.[0-9a-fA-F]\+\)_head/\2 \1/p'|\
+ sort -t ' ' -k 1.1,1h -k 2.1,2 > $pgid_list;
+function get_pgid()
+ hobject_path=$1
+ echo $hobject_path| sed -n 's/\(.*\)\/\([0-9a-fA-F]\+\.[0-9a-fA-F]\+\)_head\(.*\)/\2/p'
+function get_infos_seq()
+ local func="get_infos_seq"
+ local keyword=":infos."
+ local infos_key=`get_map_header_key $keyword`
+ if [ "$infos_key"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: keyword not input or infos_key not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local prefix=`get_map_header_prefix`
+ local key=$infos_key
+ infos_seq=`get_header_seq $prefix $key`
+ if [ "$infos_seq"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: infos_seq not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+function get_pg_epoch()
+ local func="get_pg_epoch"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no pgid input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ get_pg_epoch_firefly "$1"
+ if [ "$pg_epoch"x != ""x ]; then
+ # echo "Epoch for $1: $pg_epoch (firefly)"
+ return
+ fi
+ get_pg_epoch_hammer "$1"
+ if [ "$pg_epoch"x != ""x ]; then
+ # echo "Epoch for $1: $pg_epoch (hammer)"
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "$func: Couldn't find epoch for $1"
+ exit
+function get_pg_epoch_firefly()
+ local func="get_pg_epoch_firefly"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no pgid input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pgid=$1
+ local key=$pgid"_epoch"
+ #get_infos_seq;
+ # infos_seq default to 1
+ infos_seq=1
+ local infos_seq=`printf "%016d" $infos_seq`
+ local prefix="_USER_"$infos_seq"_USER_"
+ pg_epoch=`get_header_kv $prefix $key int`
+function get_pg_epoch_hammer()
+ local func="get_pg_epoch_hammer"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no pgid input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pgid="$1"
+ local hkey_prefix="$(get_map_header_prefix)"
+ local hkey="$(printf '...head.%x.%08X' "$(echo "$pgid"|cut -d'.' -f1)" "$((0x$(echo "$pgid"|cut -d'.' -f2)))")"
+ local infos_seq="$(get_header_seq "$hkey_prefix" "$hkey")"
+ local infos_seq=`printf "%016d" $infos_seq`
+ local prefix="_USER_"$infos_seq"_USER_"
+ local key="_epoch"
+ pg_epoch=`get_header_kv $prefix $key int`
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/metadata_h b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/metadata_h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4aa491b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/metadata_h
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# file: metadata_h
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+. $my_dir/common_h
+. $my_dir/epoch_h
+# put origin name in $image_name_in: for output
+# put convert "_" name in $image_name: for grep image hobjects from database
+function input_image()
+ local func="input_image"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no image name input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ image_name_in=$1
+ # "_" -> "\u"
+ image_name=`convert_underline $image_name_in`
+#======================================== distinguish v1 or v2 ===================================
+function get_image_list()
+ find $osd_data/current/ -type f|grep ".rbd__" >$image_list_v1
+ find $osd_data/current/ -type f|grep "rbd\\\\uid." >$image_list_v2
+function get_image_format_by_hobject()
+ local func="get_image_format"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ local res1=`cat $image_list_v1|grep $1`
+ if [ "$res1"x != ""x ];then
+ echo 1
+ exit
+ fi
+ local res2=`cat $image_list_v2|grep $1`
+ if [ "$res2"x = ""x ];then
+ echo 2
+ exit
+ fi
+#======================================== image format v1 ========================================
+# <image_name>.rbd include 3 parts:
+# header + snap_count*snapshot + snap_count*snap_name
+# struct rbd_obj_header_ondisk {
+# 40 char text[40];
+# 24 char block_name[RBD_MAX_BLOCK_NAME_SIZE];
+# 4 char signature[4];
+# 8 char version[8];
+# struct {
+# 1 __u8 order;
+# 1 __u8 crypt_type;
+# 1 __u8 comp_type;
+# 1 __u8 unused;
+# } __attribute__((packed)) options;
+# 8 __le64 image_size;//hexdump -C s=80 n=8
+# 8 __le64 snap_seq; //hexdump -C s=88 n=8
+# 4 __le32 snap_count;//hexdump -C s=96 n=4
+# 4 __le32 reserved;
+# 8 __le64 snap_names_len;//hexdump -C s=104 n=8
+# struct rbd_obj_snap_ondisk snaps[0];
+# } __attribute__((packed));
+# sizeof(rbd_obj_header_ondisk): 112
+# struct rbd_obj_snap_ondisk {
+# 8 __le64 id; //hexdump -C s=112+i*16 n=8 , i=[0, snap_count)
+# 8 __le64 image_size;//hexdump -C s=112+i*16+8 n=8, i=[0, snap_count)
+# } __attribute__((packed));
+# sizeof(rbd_obj_snap_ondisk): 16
+# get snap_names form <image_nane>.rbd
+# hexdump -e '10/1 "%_c"' -s $((112 + $snap_count*16)) -n $snap_names_len <image_name>.rbd
+# then split snap_names into array
+function get_image_metadata_v1()
+ local func="get_image_metadata_v1"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no image head object input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local snap_name=
+ if [ "$2"x != ""x ];then
+ snap_name=$2
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $1 ];then
+ echo "$func: $1 not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local hobject_path=$1
+ d_hobject_path=`dump_backslash $1`
+ local image_format=`get_image_format_by_hobject $d_hobject_path`
+ if [ $image_format != 1 ];then
+ echo "$func: image_format must be 1"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $hobject_path ];then
+ echo "$func: $hobject_path not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ # decode rbd_obj_header_ondisk of <image_name>.rbd
+ local block_name=`hexdump -e '10/1 "%c"' -s 40 -n 24 $hobject_path`
+ local order=`hexdump -e '10/4 "%u"' -s 76 -n 1 $hobject_path`
+ local image_size=`hexdump -C -s 80 -n 8 $hobject_path|head -n 1|awk '{for (i=9; i>1; i--) {printf $i}}'`
+ image_size=$((16#$image_size))
+ local snap_seq=`hexdump -C -s 88 -n 8 $hobject_path|head -n 1|
+ awk '{num=""; for(i=9; i>1; i--){ num=num""$i;} print strtonum("0x"num);}'`
+ local snap_count=`hexdump -C -s 96 -n 4 $hobject_path|head -n 1|
+ awk '{num=""; for(i=5; i>1; i--){ num=num""$i;} print strtonum("0x"num);}'`
+ local snap_names_len=`hexdump -C -s 104 -n 8 $hobject_path|head -n 1|
+ awk '{num=""; for(i=9; i>1; i--){ num=num""$i;} print strtonum("0x"num);}'`
+ echo -e "block_name:\t$block_name"
+ echo -e "order:\t\t$order"
+ echo -e "image_size:\t$image_size"
+ echo -e "snap_seq:\t$snap_seq"
+ # decode N rbd_obj_snap_ondisk of <image_name>.rbd
+ declare -a snap_ids
+ declare -a snap_names
+ declare -a snap_image_sizes
+ local size_header=112 #sizeof(rbd_obj_header_ondisk)
+ local size_snap=16 #sizeof(rbd_obj_snap_ondisk)
+ local offset=0
+ local id_off=0
+ local size_off=0
+ for ((i=0; i<$snap_count; i++))
+ do
+ offset=$(($size_header + $i * $size_snap))
+ id_off=$offset
+ size_off=$(($offset + 8))
+ snap_ids[$i]=`hexdump -C -s $id_off -n 8 $hobject_path|head -n 1|
+ awk '{num=""; for(i=9; i>1; i--){num=num""$i;} print strtonum("0x"num);}'`
+ snap_image_sizes[$i]=`hexdump -C -s $size_off -n 8 $hobject_path|head -n 1|
+ awk '{num=""; for(i=9; i>1; i--){num=num""$i;} print strtonum("0x"num);}'`
+ done
+ offset=$(($size_header + $snap_count * $size_snap))
+ snap_names=(`hexdump -e '10/1 "%_c"' -s $offset -n $snap_names_len $hobject_path|
+ awk -F "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\0" '{for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) {print $i" "} }'`);
+ echo -e "\t\tID\tNAME\t\tSIZE"
+ for ((i=0; i<$snap_count; i++))
+ do
+ if [ "$snap_name"x = ""x ];then
+ echo -n -e "snapshot:\t"
+ echo -e "${snap_ids[$i]}\t${snap_names[$i]}\t\t${snap_image_sizes[$i]}"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ "$snap_name"x = "${snap_names[$i]}"x ];then
+ echo -n -e "snapshot:\t"
+ echo -e "${snap_ids[$i]}\t${snap_names[$i]}\t\t${snap_image_sizes[$i]}"
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+#======================================== end image format v1 ========================================
+#======================================== image format v2 ========================================
+# map_header, header_seq, header, key/value
+# eg.
+# map_header _HOBJTOSEQ_:rbd%uheader%e139a6b8b4567...head.2.68E826B6
+# meta_header_seq 17426
+# header: _USER_0000000000017426_USER_:object_prefix
+# _USER_0000000000017426_USER_:order
+# _USER_0000000000017426_USER_:size
+# _USER_0000000000017426_USER_:snap_seq
+# key/value ceph-kvstore-tool /storepath get _USER_0000000000017426_USER_ (object_prefix|order|size|snap_seq)
+# decode image id from image_id_hobject
+function get_image_id()
+ local func="get_image_id"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ exit;
+ fi
+ local image_id_hobject=$1 #from admin node's database
+ if [ ! -e $image_id_hobject ];then
+ #echo "$func: $image_id_hobject not exists"
+ exit;
+ fi
+ # get len of string
+ local n=`hexdump -e '10/4 "%u"' -s 0 -n 4 $image_id_hobject`
+ # get string
+ hexdump -e '10/1 "%c"' -s 4 -n $n $image_id_hobject
+#find image_id omap entry in omaplist
+function get_map_header()
+ local func="get_map_header"
+ local image_id=$1
+ if [ "$image_id"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no image_id input"
+ exit;
+ fi
+ map_header_prefix=`get_map_header_prefix`
+ local keyword="header%e"$image_id
+ map_header_key=`get_map_header_key $keyword`
+ if [ "$map_header_key"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: map_header_key is NULL(not in omaplist)"
+ exit
+ fi
+#get meta header seq from map_header
+function get_meta_header_seq()
+ local func="get_meta_header_seq"
+ if [ "$1"x == ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no prefix input"
+ exit;
+ elif [ "$2"x == ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no key input"
+ exit;
+ fi
+ local prefix=$1;
+ local key=$2;
+ meta_header_seq=`get_header_seq $prefix $key`
+# get image metadata : object_prefix, order, image_size, snap_seq
+function get_image_metadata_v2()
+ local func="get_image_metadata_v2"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: no meta_header_seq input"
+ exit;
+ fi
+ local meta_header_seq=`printf "%016d" $1`
+ #echo "$func: meta_header_seq = "$meta_header_seq
+ local ghobject_key="_USER_"$meta_header_seq"_USER_"
+ local prefix=$ghobject_key
+ object_prefix=`get_header_kv $prefix object_prefix string`
+ #object_prefix="rbd_data.$image_id"
+ order=`get_header_kv $prefix order int`
+ image_size=`get_header_kv $prefix size int`
+ snap_seq=`get_header_kv $prefix snap_seq int`
+ echo -e "object_prefix:\t$object_prefix"
+ echo -e "order:\t\t$order"
+ echo -e "image_size:\t$image_size"
+ echo -e "snap_seq:\t$snap_seq"
+ # list snapshot
+ list_snaps_v2 $1 $2
+# struct cls_rbd_snap {
+# snapid_t id;
+# string name;
+# uint64_t image_size;
+# uint64_t features;
+# uint8_t protection_status;
+# cls_rbd_parent parent;
+# }
+# decode cls_rbd_snap
+# 1 u8 struct_v
+# 1 u8 struct_compat
+# 4 u32 struct_len
+# 8 u64 snapid_t id //s=6 n=8
+# 4 u32 len of name //s=14 n=4
+# len char name //s=18 n=len
+# 8 u64 image_size
+# 8 u64 features
+# ......
+function list_snaps_v2()
+ local func="list_snaps_v2"
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ local sname=
+ if [ $# -eq 2 ];then
+ sname=$2
+ fi
+ local meta_header_seq=`printf "%016d" $1`
+ local prefix="_USER_"$meta_header_seq"_USER_"
+ local keys=(`awk -F ":" '/snapshot_/ && $1 == "'"$prefix"'" {if ($2 == "") exit; split($2, arr, "_");
+ print arr[2];}' $omap_list|sort -r`)
+ echo -e "\t\tID\tNAME\t\tSIZE"
+ for key in ${keys[@]}
+ do
+ key="snapshot_$key"
+ local arr=(`ceph-kvstore-tool $omap_path get $prefix $key|awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`);
+ # get snap_name
+ tmp=
+ for ((i=17; i>13; i--))
+ do
+ tmp="$tmp${arr[$i]}"
+ done
+ local len=$((16#$tmp))
+ local snap_name=
+ for ((i=18; i<$((18+$len)); i++))
+ do
+ # convert ascii to char
+ local char=`echo -e "\x${arr[$i]}"`
+ snap_name="$snap_name$char"
+ done
+ # get snap_id (little endian)
+ local tmp=
+ for ((i=13; i>5; i--))
+ do
+ tmp="$tmp${arr[$i]}"
+ done
+ local snap_id=$((16#$tmp))
+ # get image_size of current snap (little endian)
+ tmp=
+ for ((i=$((25+$len)); i>$((17+$len)); i--))
+ do
+ tmp="$tmp${arr[$i]}"
+ done
+ local image_size=$((16#$tmp))
+ if [ "$sname"x = ""x ];then
+ echo -e "snapshot:\t$snap_id\t$snap_name\t\t$image_size"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ "$sname"x = "$snap_name"x ];then
+ echo -e "snapshot:\t$snap_id\t$snap_name\t\t$image_size"
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+#======================================== end image format v2 ========================================
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/osd_job b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/osd_job
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b4b80be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/osd_job
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# file: osd_job
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+. $my_dir/common_h
+. $my_dir/metadata_h
+. $my_dir/epoch_h
+function check_ceph_osd()
+ local func="check_ceph_osd"
+ local host=`hostname`
+ # if ceph-osd service is still running, except flush-journal
+ if [ "`ps aux|grep ceph-osd|grep -v flush-journal|grep -v grep`"x != ""x ];then
+ echo "[$host]: $func: ceph-osd is running..., stop it"
+ exit
+ fi
+function cat_pg_epoch()
+ local func="cat_pg_epoch"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ if [ -e $node_pg_epoch ];then
+ cat $node_pg_epoch
+ fi
+function cat_image_v1()
+ local func="cat_image_v1"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ if [ -e $image_v1 ];then
+ cat $image_v1
+ fi
+function cat_image_v2()
+ local func="cat_image_v2"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ if [ -e $image_v2 ];then
+ cat $image_v2
+ fi
+function flush_osd_journal()
+ local func="flush_osd_journal"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ local osd_data_path=$osd_data
+ local osd_journal_path=$osd_data/journal
+ local whoami_path=$osd_data/whoami
+ local host=`hostname`
+ if [ ! -e $whoami_path ];then
+ echo "[$host]: $func: $whoami_path not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local whoami=`cat $whoami_path`
+ echo "[$host]: $func ..."
+ ceph-osd -i $whoami --osd-data $osd_data_path --osd-journal $osd_journal_path --flush-journal >/dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "[$host]: $func: flush osd journal failed"
+ exit
+ fi
+function do_omap_list()
+ local func="do_omap_list"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ local host=`hostname`
+ echo "[$host]: $func ..."
+ get_omap_list
+# get all pgs epoch
+function do_pg_epoch()
+ local func="do_pg_epoch"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ local node=`hostname`
+ get_pgid_list
+ >$node_pg_epoch
+ local pgid=
+ local data_path=
+ local host=`hostname`
+ echo "[$host]: $func ..."
+ while read line
+ do
+ {
+ pgid=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ data_path=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'`
+ get_pg_epoch $pgid
+ echo -e "$node $pgid $pg_epoch $data_path" >>$node_pg_epoch
+ }
+ done < $pgid_list
+# get an list of image in this osd node, pg epoch maybe not the latest, the admin node will do distinguish
+function do_image_list()
+ local func="do_image_list"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ get_image_list
+ local node=`hostname`
+ >$image_v1
+ >$image_v2
+ local host=`hostname`
+ echo "[$host]: $func ..."
+ for line in `cat $image_list_v1`
+ do
+ pgid=`get_pgid $line`
+ get_pg_epoch $pgid
+ echo "$node $line $pg_epoch" >> $image_v1
+ done
+ for line in `cat $image_list_v2`
+ do
+ pgid=`get_pgid $line`
+ get_pg_epoch $pgid
+ echo "$node $line $pg_epoch" >> $image_v2
+ done
+function do_image_id()
+ local func="do_image_id"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ get_image_id $2
+function do_image_metadata_v1()
+ local func="do_image_metadata_v1"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ local image_header_hobject=$2
+ local snap_name=$3
+ get_image_metadata_v1 $image_header_hobject $snap_name
+function do_image_metadata_v2()
+ local func="do_image_metadata_v2"
+ init_env_osd $1
+ local image_id=$2
+ local image_header_hobject=$3
+ local snap_name=$4
+ get_map_header $image_id
+ get_meta_header_seq $map_header_prefix $map_header_key
+ get_image_metadata_v2 $meta_header_seq $snap_name
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/rbd-recover-tool b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/rbd-recover-tool
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b7a25865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/rbd-recover-tool
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# file: rbd-recover-tool
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+# rbd-recover-tool is an offline recover tool for rbd image in replicated pool
+# when ceph cluster is stopped.
+# it is a simple disater recovery policy, just for urgent condition
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+. $my_dir/common_h
+. $my_dir/metadata_h
+. $my_dir/epoch_h
+. $my_dir/database_h
+#scp files from admin node to osd node
+#------------ admin node's action -------------
+function scp_file()
+ local func="scp_file"
+ file=$1
+ if [ "$1"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: not file input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ for host in `cat $osd_host`
+ do
+ {
+ echo "$func: $host"
+ scp $ssh_option $file $host:$job_path 1>/dev/null
+ } &
+ done
+function scp_files()
+ local func="scp_files"
+ for host in `cat $osd_host`
+ do
+ {
+ echo "$func: $host"
+ scp $ssh_option $file1 $host:$job_path
+ scp $ssh_option $file2 $host:$job_path
+ scp $ssh_option $file3 $host:$job_path
+ scp $ssh_option $file4 $host:$job_path
+ } &
+ done
+ wait
+ echo "$func: finish"
+function scatter_node_jobs()
+ local func="scatter_node_jobs"
+ local host=
+ local data_path=
+ echo "$func: flush osd journal & generate infos: omap, pg, image metadata ..."
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit' INT HUP
+ while read line
+ do
+ {
+ host=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ data_path=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'`
+ check_osd_process $host
+ cmd="mkdir -p $job_path"
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmd
+ scp $ssh_option $file1 $host:$job_path >/dev/null
+ scp $ssh_option $file2 $host:$job_path >/dev/null
+ scp $ssh_option $file3 $host:$job_path >/dev/null
+ scp $ssh_option $file4 $host:$job_path >/dev/null
+ cmd="bash $job_path/osd_job flush_osd_journal $data_path;"
+ cmd="$cmd $job_path/osd_job do_omap_list $data_path;"
+ cmd="$cmd bash $job_path/osd_job do_pg_epoch $data_path;"
+ cmd="$cmd bash $job_path/osd_job do_image_list $data_path;"
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmd </dev/null
+ } &
+ done < $osd_host_path
+ wait
+ echo "$func: finish"
+function gather_node_infos()
+ local func="gather_node_infos"
+ echo "$func ..."
+ >$pg_coll
+ >$image_coll_v1
+ >$image_coll_v2
+ trap 'echo $func failed; exit' INT HUP
+ while read line
+ do
+ {
+ host=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'`
+ data_path=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'`
+ echo "$func: $host"
+ check_osd_process $host
+ #pg epoch
+ cmd1="bash $job_path/osd_job cat_pg_epoch $data_path"
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmd1 >> $pg_coll
+ #image v1
+ cmd2="bash $job_path/osd_job cat_image_v1 $data_path"
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmd2 >> $image_coll_v1
+ #image v2
+ cmd3="bash $job_path/osd_job cat_image_v2 $data_path"
+ ssh $ssh_option $host $cmd3 >> $image_coll_v2
+ } &
+ done < $osd_host_path
+ wait
+ echo "$func: finish"
+function scatter_gather()
+ local func="scatter_gather"
+ if [ ! -s $osd_host ];then
+ echo "$func: no osd_host input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -s $mon_host ];then
+ echo "$func: no mon_host input"
+ exit
+ fi
+ scatter_node_jobs
+ gather_node_infos
+#------------- operations --------------
+function database()
+ scatter_gather
+ gen_database
+function list()
+ list_images
+function lookup()
+ lookup_image $1 $2 $3
+function recover()
+ recover_image $1 $2 $3 $4
+#------------- helper -------------
+function usage()
+ local cmd_name="rbd-recover-tool"
+ echo
+ echo "$cmd_name is used to recover rbd image of replicated pool,
+ when all ceph services are stopped"
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo "$cmd_name database
+ gather pg info, object info, image metadata,
+ and epoch info from all osd nodes,
+ this will cosume a long time, just be patient,
+ especially when scale up to 1000+ osds"
+ echo "$cmd_name list
+ list all rbd images of all replicated pools,
+ before to lookup & recover"
+ echo "$cmd_name lookup <pool_id>/<image_name>[@[<snap_name>]]
+ show image metadata: image format, rbd id, size, order, snapseq
+ In addition, for image with snapshots,
+ this will list all snapshot infomations"
+ echo "$cmd_name recover <pool_id>/<image_name>[@[<snap_name>]] [</path/to/store/image>]
+ all snapshots share one image head, to economize disk space
+ so there is only one snapshot at any time,
+ image is saved at </path/to/store/image>/pool_<pool_id>/image_name/image_name
+ cat <path/to/store/image>/pool_<pool_id>/image_name/@CURRENT,
+ will show snapid
+ recover to raw image/nosnap/head: <image_name>
+ rollback to image head: <image_name>@
+ rollback to image snap: <image_name>@<snap_name>
+ recover steps:
+ 1. recover image nosnap (only one time)
+ 2. rollback to image snap"
+function get_path()
+ local func="get_path"
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ];then
+ return
+ fi
+ if [[ $1 =~ // ]];then
+ return # "/path//to" is invalid
+ fi
+ local parent=`dirname $1`
+ local name=`basename $1`
+ if [ "$parent"x = "/"x ];then
+ echo "$parent$name"
+ else
+ echo -n "$parent/$name"
+ fi
+function admin_cmd()
+ local func="admin_cmd"
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ];then
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ "$1"x = "-h"x ] || [ "$1"x = "--help"x ];then
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ "$1"x = "database"x ];then
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ];then
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ # remove osd_host to refresh osd_host and osd_host_mapping
+ rm -f $osd_host
+ init_env_admin
+ database
+ elif [ "$1"x = "list"x ];then
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ];then
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ init_env_admin
+ list
+ elif [ "$1"x = "lookup"x ];then
+ if [ $# -gt 2 ];then
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=-1
+ local image_name=
+ local snap_name=
+ if [[ $2 =~ ^([^@/]+)/([^@/]+)$ ]];then
+ pool_id="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ image_name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+ elif [[ $2 =~ ^([^@/]+)/([^@/]+)@([^@/]*)$ ]];then
+ pool_id="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ image_name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+ snap_name="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
+ else
+ echo "format: $2 is invalid, use <pool_id>/<image_name>[@[<snap_name>]]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ init_env_admin
+ lookup $pool_id $image_name $snap_name
+ elif [ "$1"x = "recover"x ];then
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ] || [ $# -gt 3 ];then
+ usage
+ exit
+ fi
+ local pool_id=-1
+ local image_name=
+ local snap_name=@
+ local image_dir=
+ if [[ $2 =~ ^([^@/]+)/([^@/]+)$ ]];then
+ pool_id="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ image_name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+ elif [[ $2 =~ ^([^@/]+)/([^@/]+)@([^@/]*)$ ]];then
+ pool_id="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
+ image_name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
+ snap_name="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}"
+ if [ "$snap_name"x = ""x ];then
+ snap_name=@@
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "format: $2 is invalid, use <pool_id>/<image_name>[@[<snap_name>]]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ $# = 3 ];then
+ image_dir=`get_path $3`
+ if [ "image_dir"x = ""x ];then
+ echo "$3 invalid"
+ exit
+ fi
+ fi
+ init_env_admin
+ recover $pool_id $image_name $snap_name $image_dir
+ elif [ "$1"x = "scp_files"x ];then
+ if [ $# -gt 1 ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ admin_parse_osd
+ scp_files
+ elif [ "$1"x = "scp_file"x ];then
+ if [ $# -gt 2 ];then
+ exit
+ fi
+ admin_parse_osd
+ scp_file $2
+ else
+ echo "$func: $1: command not found"
+ fi
+admin_cmd $*
diff --git a/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..876b47b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/rbd_recover_tool/
@@ -0,0 +1,542 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Ubuntu Kylin
+# Author: Min Chen <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Library Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library Public License for more details.
+# unit test case for rbd-recover-tool
+# - write config files: config/osd_host, config/mon_host, config/storage_path, config/mds_host if exist mds
+#step 1. rbd export all images as you need
+#step 2. stop all ceph services
+#step 3. use ceph_rbd_recover_tool to recover all images
+#step 4. compare md5sum of recover image with that of export image who has the same image name
+ssh_opt="-o ConnectTimeout=1"
+my_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+test_dir= # `cat $storage_path`
+export_dir= #$test_dir/export
+recover_dir= #$test_dir/recover
+image_names= #$test_dir/image_names
+online_images= #$test_dir/online_images, all images on ceph rbd pool
+gen_db= #$test_dir/gen_db, label database if exist
+function get_pool_id()
+ local pool_id_file=/tmp/pool_id_file.$$$$
+ ceph osd pool stats $pool|head -n 1|awk '{print $4}' >$pool_id_file
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: get pool id failed: pool = $pool"
+ rm -f $pool_id_file
+ exit
+ fi
+ pool_id=`cat $pool_id_file`
+ echo "$func: pool_id = $pool_id"
+ rm -f $pool_id_file
+function init()
+ local func="init"
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: must input <path> to storage images, enough disk space is good"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -s $osd_host ];then
+ echo "$func: config/osd_host not exists or empty"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -s $mon_host ];then
+ echo "$func: config/mon_host not exists or empty"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e $mds_host ];then
+ echo "$func: config/mds_host not exists"
+ exit
+ fi
+ test_dir=$1
+ export_dir=$test_dir/export
+ recover_dir=$test_dir/recover
+ image_names=$test_dir/image_names
+ online_images=$test_dir/online_images
+ gen_db=$test_dir/gen_db
+ trap 'echo "ceph cluster is stopped ..."; exit;' INT
+ ceph -s >/dev/null
+ get_pool_id
+ mkdir -p $test_dir
+ mkdir -p $export_dir
+ mkdir -p $recover_dir
+ rm -rf $export_dir/*
+ rm -rf $recover_dir/*
+function do_gen_database()
+ local func="do_gen_database"
+ if [ -s $gen_db ] && [ `cat $gen_db` = 1 ];then
+ echo "$func: database already existed"
+ exit
+ fi
+ bash $tool_dir/rbd-recover-tool database
+ echo 1 >$gen_db
+#check if all ceph processes are stopped
+function check_ceph_service()
+ local func="check_ceph_service"
+ local res=`cat $osd_host $mon_host $mds_host|sort -u|tr -d [:blank:]|xargs -n 1 -I @ ssh $ssh_opt @ "ps aux|grep -E \"(ceph-osd|ceph-mon|ceph-mds)\"|grep -v grep"`
+ if [ "$res"x != ""x ];then
+ echo "$func: NOT all ceph services are stopped"
+ return 1
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "$func: all ceph services are stopped"
+ return 0
+function stop_ceph()
+ local func="stop_ceph"
+ #cat osd_host|xargs -n 1 -I @ ssh $ssh_opt @ "killall ceph-osd"
+ while read osd
+ do
+ {
+ osd=`echo $osd|tr -d [:blank:]`
+ if [ "$osd"x = ""x ];then
+ continue
+ fi
+ #ssh $ssh_opt $osd "killall ceph-osd ceph-mon ceph-mds" </dev/null
+ ssh $ssh_opt $osd "killall ceph-osd" </dev/null
+ } &
+ done < $osd_host
+ wait
+ echo "waiting kill all osd ..."
+ sleep 1
+ #cat $mon_host|xargs -n 1 -I @ ssh $ssh_opt @ "killall ceph-mon ceph-osd ceph-mds"
+ cat $mon_host|xargs -n 1 -I @ ssh $ssh_opt @ "killall ceph-mon"
+ #cat $mds_host|xargs -n 1 -I @ ssh $ssh_opt @ "killall ceph-mds ceph-mon ceph-osd"
+ cat $mds_host|xargs -n 1 -I @ ssh $ssh_opt @ "killall ceph-mds"
+function create_image()
+ local func="create_image"
+ if [ ${#} -lt 3 ];then
+ echo "create_image: parameters: <image_name> <size> <image_format>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_name=$1
+ local size=$2
+ local image_format=$3
+ if [ $image_format -lt 1 ] || [ $image_format -gt 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: image_format must be 1 or 2"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local res=`rbd list|grep -E "^$1$"`
+ echo "$func $image_name ..."
+ if [ "$res"x = ""x ];then
+ rbd -p $pool create $image_name --size $size --image_format $image_format
+ else
+ if [ $image_format -eq 2 ];then
+ rbd snap ls $image_name|tail -n +2|awk '{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I % rbd snap unprotect $image_name@%
+ fi
+ rbd snap purge $image_name
+ #rbd rm $image_name
+ rbd -p $pool resize --allow-shrink --size $size $image_name
+ fi
+function export_image()
+ local func="export_image"
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <image_name> <image_format> [<image_size>]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_name=$1
+ local format=$(($2))
+ local size=$(($3)) #MB
+ if [ $format -ne 1 ] && [ $format -ne 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: image format must be 1 or 2"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ $size -eq 0 ];then
+ size=24 #MB
+ echo "$func: size = $size"
+ fi
+ local mnt=/rbdfuse
+ mount |grep "rbd-fuse on /rbdfuse" &>/dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ rbd-fuse $mnt
+ fi
+ create_image $image_name $size $format
+ dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/urandom of=$mnt/$image_name bs=4M count=$(($size/4))
+ local export_image_dir=$export_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name
+ mkdir -p $export_image_dir
+ local export_md5_nosnap=$export_image_dir/@md5_nosnap
+ >$export_md5_nosnap
+ local export_image_path=$export_image_dir/$image_name
+ rm -f $export_image_path
+ rbd export $pool/$image_name $export_image_path
+ md5sum $export_image_path |awk '{print $1}' >$export_md5_nosnap
+function recover_image()
+ local func="recover_snapshots"
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <image_name>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_name=$1
+ #pool_id=29
+ local recover_image_dir=$recover_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name
+ mkdir -p $recover_image_dir
+ local recover_md5_nosnap=$recover_image_dir/@md5_nosnap
+ >$recover_md5_nosnap
+ local snapshot=
+ bash $tool_dir/rbd-recover-tool recover $pool_id/$image_name $recover_dir
+ md5sum $recover_image_dir/$image_name|awk '{print $1}' >$recover_md5_nosnap
+function make_snapshot()
+ local func="make_snapshot"
+ if [ $# -lt 5 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <ofile> <seek> <count> <snap> <export_image_dir>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local ofile=$1
+ local seek=$(($2))
+ local count=$(($3))
+ local snap=$4
+ local export_image_dir=$5
+ if [ $seek -lt 0 ];then
+ echo "$func: seek can not be minus"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ $count -lt 1 ];then
+ echo "$func: count must great than zero"
+ exit
+ fi
+ echo "[$snap] $func ..."
+ echo "$1 $2 $3 $4"
+ rbd snap ls $image_name|grep $snap;
+ local res=$?
+ if [ $res -eq 0 ];then
+ return $res
+ fi
+ dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/urandom of=$ofile bs=1M count=$count seek=$seek 2>/dev/null
+ snapshot=$image_name@$snap
+ rbd snap create $snapshot
+ rm -f $export_image_dir/$snapshot
+ rbd export $pool/$image_name $export_image_dir/$snapshot
+ pushd $export_image_dir >/dev/null
+ md5sum $snapshot >> @md5
+ popd >/dev/null
+function recover_snapshots()
+ local func="recover_snapshots"
+ if [ $# -lt 1 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <image_name>"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_name=$1
+ #pool_id=29
+ local recover_image_dir=$recover_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name
+ mkdir -p $recover_image_dir
+ local recover_md5=$recover_image_dir/@md5
+ >$recover_md5
+ local snapshot=
+ # recover head
+ bash $tool_dir/rbd-recover-tool recover $pool_id/$image_name $recover_dir
+ # recover snapshots
+ for((i=1; i<10; i++))
+ do
+ snapshot=snap$i
+ bash $tool_dir/rbd-recover-tool recover $pool_id/$image_name@$snapshot $recover_dir
+ pushd $recover_image_dir >/dev/null
+ local chksum=`md5sum $image_name|awk '{print $1}'`
+ echo "$chksum $image_name@$snapshot" >>@md5
+ popd >/dev/null
+ done
+function export_snapshots()
+ local func="export_snapshots"
+ if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <image_name> <image_format> [<image_size>]"
+ exit
+ fi
+ local image_name=$1
+ local format=$(($2))
+ local size=$(($3)) #MB
+ if [ $format -ne 1 ] && [ $format -ne 2 ];then
+ echo "$func: image format must be 1 or 2"
+ exit
+ fi
+ if [ $size -eq 0 ];then
+ size=24 #MB
+ echo "$func: size = $size"
+ fi
+ local mnt=/rbdfuse
+ mount |grep "rbd-fuse on /rbdfuse" &>/dev/null
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ rbd-fuse $mnt
+ fi
+ create_image $image_name $size $format
+ local export_image_dir=$export_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image_name
+ mkdir -p $export_image_dir
+ local export_md5=$export_image_dir/@md5
+ >$export_md5
+ # create 9 snapshots
+ # image = {object0, object1, object2, object3, object4, object5, ...}
+ #
+ # snap1 : init/write all objects
+ # snap2 : write object0
+ # snap3 : write object1
+ # snap4 : write object2
+ # snap5 : write object3
+ # snap6 : write object4
+ # snap7 : write object5
+ # snap8 : write object0
+ # snap9 : write object3
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 0 $size snap1 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 0 1 snap2 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 4 1 snap3 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 8 1 snap4 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 12 1 snap5 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 16 1 snap6 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 20 1 snap7 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 1 1 snap8 $export_image_dir
+ make_snapshot $mnt/$image_name 13 1 snap9 $export_image_dir
+function check_recover_nosnap()
+ local func="check_recover_nosnap"
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <export_md5_file> <recover_md5_file> <image_name>"
+ fi
+ local export_md5=$1
+ local recover_md5=$2
+ local image_name=$3
+ local ifpassed="FAILED"
+ echo "================ < $image_name nosnap > ================"
+ local export_md5sum=`cat $export_md5`
+ local recover_md5sum=`cat $recover_md5`
+ if [ "$export_md5sum"x != ""x ] && [ "$export_md5sum"x = "$recover_md5sum"x ];then
+ ifpassed="PASSED"
+ fi
+ echo "export: $export_md5sum"
+ echo "recover: $recover_md5sum $ifpassed"
+function check_recover_snapshots()
+ local func="check_recover_snapshots"
+ if [ $# -lt 3 ];then
+ echo "$func: parameters: <export_md5_file> <recover_md5_file> <image_name>"
+ fi
+ local export_md5=$1
+ local recover_md5=$2
+ local image_name=$3
+ local ifpassed="FAILED"
+ echo "================ < $image_name snapshots > ================"
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ local export_md5s=(`cat $export_md5`)
+ local recover_md5s=(`cat $recover_md5`)
+ for((i=0; i<9; i++))
+ do
+ IFS=$' '
+ local x=$(($i+1))
+ snapshot=snap$x
+ local export_arr=(`echo ${export_md5s[$i]}`)
+ local recover_arr=(`echo ${recover_md5s[$i]}`)
+ echo "export: ${export_md5s[$i]}"
+ if [ "${export_arr[1]}"x != ""x ] && [ "${export_arr[1]}"x = "${recover_arr[1]}"x ];then
+ ifpassed="PASSED"
+ fi
+ echo "recover: ${recover_md5s[$i]} $ifpassed"
+ done
+# step 1: export image, snapshot
+function do_export_nosnap()
+ export_image image_v1_nosnap 1
+ export_image image_v2_nosnap 2
+function do_export_snap()
+ export_snapshots image_v1_snap 1
+ export_snapshots image_v2_snap 2
+# step 2: stop ceph cluster and gen database
+function stop_cluster_gen_database()
+ trap 'echo stop ceph cluster failed; exit;' INT HUP
+ stop_ceph
+ sleep 2
+ check_ceph_service
+ local res=$?
+ while [ $res -ne 0 ]
+ do
+ stop_ceph
+ sleep 2
+ check_ceph_service
+ res=$?
+ done
+ echo 0 >$gen_db
+ do_gen_database
+# step 3: recover image,snapshot
+function do_recover_nosnap()
+ recover_image image_v1_nosnap
+ recover_image image_v2_nosnap
+function do_recover_snap()
+ recover_snapshots image_v1_snap
+ recover_snapshots image_v2_snap
+# step 4: check md5sum pair<export_md5sum, recover_md5sum>
+function do_check_recover_nosnap()
+ local image1=image_v1_nosnap
+ local image2=image_v2_nosnap
+ local export_md5_1=$export_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image1/@md5_nosnap
+ local export_md5_2=$export_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image2/@md5_nosnap
+ local recover_md5_1=$recover_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image1/@md5_nosnap
+ local recover_md5_2=$recover_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image2/@md5_nosnap
+ check_recover_nosnap $export_md5_1 $recover_md5_1 $image1
+ check_recover_nosnap $export_md5_2 $recover_md5_2 $image2
+function do_check_recover_snap()
+ local image1=image_v1_snap
+ local image2=image_v2_snap
+ local export_md5_1=$export_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image1/@md5
+ local export_md5_2=$export_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image2/@md5
+ local recover_md5_1=$recover_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image1/@md5
+ local recover_md5_2=$recover_dir/pool_$pool_id/$image2/@md5
+ check_recover_snapshots $export_md5_1 $recover_md5_1 $image1
+ check_recover_snapshots $export_md5_2 $recover_md5_2 $image2
+function test_case_1()
+ do_export_nosnap
+ stop_cluster_gen_database
+ do_recover_nosnap
+ do_check_recover_nosnap
+function test_case_2()
+ do_export_snap
+ stop_cluster_gen_database
+ do_recover_snap
+ do_check_recover_snap
+function test_case_3()
+ do_export_nosnap
+ do_export_snap
+ stop_cluster_gen_database
+ do_recover_nosnap
+ do_recover_snap
+ do_check_recover_nosnap
+ do_check_recover_snap
+init $*