path: root/js/src/jit/WarpOracle.cpp
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /js/src/jit/WarpOracle.cpp
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/jit/WarpOracle.cpp')
1 files changed, 1145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/jit/WarpOracle.cpp b/js/src/jit/WarpOracle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51e40687b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/jit/WarpOracle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "jit/WarpOracle.h"
+#include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h"
+#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "jit/CacheIR.h"
+#include "jit/CacheIRCompiler.h"
+#include "jit/CacheIROpsGenerated.h"
+#include "jit/CompileInfo.h"
+#include "jit/InlineScriptTree.h"
+#include "jit/JitRealm.h"
+#include "jit/JitScript.h"
+#include "jit/JitSpewer.h"
+#include "jit/MIRGenerator.h"
+#include "jit/WarpBuilder.h"
+#include "jit/WarpCacheIRTranspiler.h"
+#include "vm/BuiltinObjectKind.h"
+#include "vm/BytecodeIterator.h"
+#include "vm/BytecodeLocation.h"
+#include "vm/Instrumentation.h"
+#include "vm/Opcodes.h"
+#include "jit/InlineScriptTree-inl.h"
+#include "vm/BytecodeIterator-inl.h"
+#include "vm/BytecodeLocation-inl.h"
+#include "vm/EnvironmentObject-inl.h"
+#include "vm/Interpreter-inl.h"
+using namespace js;
+using namespace js::jit;
+using mozilla::Maybe;
+// WarpScriptOracle creates a WarpScriptSnapshot for a single JSScript. Note
+// that a single WarpOracle can use multiple WarpScriptOracles when scripts are
+// inlined.
+class MOZ_STACK_CLASS WarpScriptOracle {
+ JSContext* cx_;
+ WarpOracle* oracle_;
+ MIRGenerator& mirGen_;
+ TempAllocator& alloc_;
+ HandleScript script_;
+ const CompileInfo* info_;
+ ICScript* icScript_;
+ // Index of the next ICEntry for getICEntry. This assumes the script's
+ // bytecode is processed from first to last instruction.
+ uint32_t icEntryIndex_ = 0;
+ template <typename... Args>
+ mozilla::GenericErrorResult<AbortReason> abort(Args&&... args) {
+ return oracle_->abort(script_, args...);
+ }
+ AbortReasonOr<WarpEnvironment> createEnvironment();
+ AbortReasonOr<Ok> maybeInlineIC(WarpOpSnapshotList& snapshots,
+ BytecodeLocation loc);
+ AbortReasonOr<bool> maybeInlineCall(WarpOpSnapshotList& snapshots,
+ BytecodeLocation loc, ICCacheIRStub* stub,
+ ICFallbackStub* fallbackStub,
+ uint8_t* stubDataCopy);
+ [[nodiscard]] bool replaceNurseryPointers(ICCacheIRStub* stub,
+ const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo,
+ uint8_t* stubDataCopy);
+ public:
+ WarpScriptOracle(JSContext* cx, WarpOracle* oracle, HandleScript script,
+ const CompileInfo* info, ICScript* icScript)
+ : cx_(cx),
+ oracle_(oracle),
+ mirGen_(oracle->mirGen()),
+ alloc_(mirGen_.alloc()),
+ script_(script),
+ info_(info),
+ icScript_(icScript) {}
+ AbortReasonOr<WarpScriptSnapshot*> createScriptSnapshot();
+ const ICEntry& getICEntry(BytecodeLocation loc);
+WarpOracle::WarpOracle(JSContext* cx, MIRGenerator& mirGen,
+ HandleScript outerScript)
+ : cx_(cx),
+ mirGen_(mirGen),
+ alloc_(mirGen.alloc()),
+ outerScript_(outerScript) {}
+mozilla::GenericErrorResult<AbortReason> WarpOracle::abort(HandleScript script,
+ AbortReason r) {
+ auto res = mirGen_.abort(r);
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_IonAbort, "aborted @ %s", script->filename());
+ return res;
+mozilla::GenericErrorResult<AbortReason> WarpOracle::abort(HandleScript script,
+ AbortReason r,
+ const char* message,
+ ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, message);
+ auto res = mirGen_.abortFmt(r, message, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_IonAbort, "aborted @ %s", script->filename());
+ return res;
+void WarpOracle::addScriptSnapshot(WarpScriptSnapshot* scriptSnapshot) {
+ scriptSnapshots_.insertBack(scriptSnapshot);
+AbortReasonOr<WarpSnapshot*> WarpOracle::createSnapshot() {
+#ifdef JS_JITSPEW
+ const char* mode;
+ if (mirGen().outerInfo().isAnalysis()) {
+ mode = "Analyzing";
+ } else if (outerScript_->hasIonScript()) {
+ mode = "Recompiling";
+ } else {
+ mode = "Compiling";
+ }
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_IonScripts,
+ "Warp %s script %s:%u:%u (%p) (warmup-counter=%" PRIu32 ",%s%s)",
+ mode, outerScript_->filename(), outerScript_->lineno(),
+ outerScript_->column(), static_cast<JSScript*>(outerScript_),
+ outerScript_->getWarmUpCount(),
+ outerScript_->isGenerator() ? " isGenerator" : "",
+ outerScript_->isAsync() ? " isAsync" : "");
+ MOZ_ASSERT(outerScript_->hasJitScript());
+ ICScript* icScript = outerScript_->jitScript()->icScript();
+ WarpScriptOracle scriptOracle(cx_, this, outerScript_, &mirGen_.outerInfo(),
+ icScript);
+ WarpScriptSnapshot* scriptSnapshot;
+ MOZ_TRY_VAR(scriptSnapshot, scriptOracle.createScriptSnapshot());
+ // Insert the outermost scriptSnapshot at the front of the list.
+ scriptSnapshots_.insertFront(scriptSnapshot);
+ bool recordFinalWarmUpCount = false;
+ recordFinalWarmUpCount = outerScript_->needsFinalWarmUpCount();
+ auto* snapshot = new (alloc_.fallible())
+ WarpSnapshot(cx_, alloc_, std::move(scriptSnapshots_), bailoutInfo_,
+ recordFinalWarmUpCount);
+ if (!snapshot) {
+ return abort(outerScript_, AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ if (!snapshot->nurseryObjects().appendAll(nurseryObjects_)) {
+ return abort(outerScript_, AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+#ifdef JS_JITSPEW
+ if (JitSpewEnabled(JitSpew_WarpSnapshots)) {
+ Fprinter& out = JitSpewPrinter();
+ snapshot->dump(out);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // When transpiled CacheIR bails out, we do not want to recompile
+ // with the exact same data and get caught in an invalidation loop.
+ //
+ // To avoid this, we store a hash of the stub pointers and entry
+ // counts in this snapshot, save that hash in the JitScript if we
+ // have a TranspiledCacheIR bailout, and assert that the hash has
+ // changed when we recompile.
+ //
+ // Note: this assertion catches potential performance issues.
+ // Failing this assertion is not a correctness/security problem.
+ // We therefore ignore cases involving OOM or stack overflow.
+ HashNumber hash = icScript->hash();
+ if (outerScript_->jitScript()->hasFailedICHash()) {
+ HashNumber oldHash = outerScript_->jitScript()->getFailedICHash();
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(hash == oldHash, cx_->hadNondeterministicException());
+ }
+ snapshot->setICHash(hash);
+ return snapshot;
+template <typename T, typename... Args>
+[[nodiscard]] static bool AddOpSnapshot(TempAllocator& alloc,
+ WarpOpSnapshotList& snapshots,
+ uint32_t offset, Args&&... args) {
+ T* snapshot = new (alloc.fallible()) T(offset, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+ if (!snapshot) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ snapshots.insertBack(snapshot);
+ return true;
+[[nodiscard]] static bool AddWarpGetImport(TempAllocator& alloc,
+ WarpOpSnapshotList& snapshots,
+ uint32_t offset, JSScript* script,
+ PropertyName* name) {
+ ModuleEnvironmentObject* env = GetModuleEnvironmentForScript(script);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(env);
+ Shape* shape;
+ ModuleEnvironmentObject* targetEnv;
+ MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(env->lookupImport(NameToId(name), &targetEnv, &shape));
+ uint32_t numFixedSlots = shape->numFixedSlots();
+ uint32_t slot = shape->slot();
+ // In the rare case where this import hasn't been initialized already (we have
+ // an import cycle where modules reference each other's imports), we need a
+ // check.
+ bool needsLexicalCheck =
+ targetEnv->getSlot(slot).isMagic(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL);
+ return AddOpSnapshot<WarpGetImport>(alloc, snapshots, offset, targetEnv,
+ numFixedSlots, slot, needsLexicalCheck);
+const ICEntry& WarpScriptOracle::getICEntry(BytecodeLocation loc) {
+ const uint32_t offset = loc.bytecodeToOffset(script_);
+ const ICEntry* entry;
+ do {
+ entry = &icScript_->icEntry(icEntryIndex_);
+ icEntryIndex_++;
+ } while (entry->pcOffset() < offset);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(entry->pcOffset() == offset);
+ return *entry;
+AbortReasonOr<WarpEnvironment> WarpScriptOracle::createEnvironment() {
+ // Don't do anything if the script doesn't use the environment chain.
+ // Always make an environment chain if the script needs an arguments object
+ // because ArgumentsObject construction requires the environment chain to be
+ // passed in.
+ if (!script_->jitScript()->usesEnvironmentChain() &&
+ !script_->needsArgsObj()) {
+ return WarpEnvironment(NoEnvironment());
+ }
+ if (ModuleObject* module = script_->module()) {
+ JSObject* obj = &module->initialEnvironment();
+ return WarpEnvironment(ConstantObjectEnvironment(obj));
+ }
+ JSFunction* fun = script_->function();
+ if (!fun) {
+ // For global scripts without a non-syntactic global scope, the environment
+ // chain is the global lexical environment.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!script_->isForEval());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!script_->hasNonSyntacticScope());
+ JSObject* obj = &script_->global().lexicalEnvironment();
+ return WarpEnvironment(ConstantObjectEnvironment(obj));
+ }
+ // Parameter expression-induced extra var environment not yet handled.
+ if (fun->needsExtraBodyVarEnvironment()) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable, "Extra var environment unsupported");
+ }
+ JSObject* templateEnv = script_->jitScript()->templateEnvironment();
+ CallObject* callObjectTemplate = nullptr;
+ if (fun->needsCallObject()) {
+ callObjectTemplate = &templateEnv->as<CallObject>();
+ }
+ LexicalEnvironmentObject* namedLambdaTemplate = nullptr;
+ if (fun->needsNamedLambdaEnvironment()) {
+ if (callObjectTemplate) {
+ templateEnv = templateEnv->enclosingEnvironment();
+ }
+ namedLambdaTemplate = &templateEnv->as<LexicalEnvironmentObject>();
+ }
+ return WarpEnvironment(
+ FunctionEnvironment(callObjectTemplate, namedLambdaTemplate));
+AbortReasonOr<WarpScriptSnapshot*> WarpScriptOracle::createScriptSnapshot() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(script_->hasJitScript());
+ if (!script_->jitScript()->ensureHasCachedIonData(cx_, script_)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Error);
+ }
+ if (script_->jitScript()->hasTryFinally()) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable, "Try-finally not supported");
+ }
+ if (script_->failedBoundsCheck()) {
+ oracle_->bailoutInfo().setFailedBoundsCheck();
+ }
+ if (script_->failedLexicalCheck()) {
+ oracle_->bailoutInfo().setFailedLexicalCheck();
+ }
+ WarpEnvironment environment{NoEnvironment()};
+ MOZ_TRY_VAR(environment, createEnvironment());
+ // Unfortunately LinkedList<> asserts the list is empty in its destructor.
+ // Clear the list if we abort compilation.
+ WarpOpSnapshotList opSnapshots;
+ auto autoClearOpSnapshots =
+ mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] { opSnapshots.clear(); });
+ ModuleObject* moduleObject = nullptr;
+ mozilla::Maybe<bool> instrumentationActive;
+ mozilla::Maybe<int32_t> instrumentationScriptId;
+ JSObject* instrumentationCallback = nullptr;
+ // Analyze the bytecode. Abort compilation for unsupported ops and create
+ // WarpOpSnapshots.
+ for (BytecodeLocation loc : AllBytecodesIterable(script_)) {
+ JSOp op = loc.getOp();
+ uint32_t offset = loc.bytecodeToOffset(script_);
+ switch (op) {
+ case JSOp::Arguments:
+ if (script_->needsArgsObj()) {
+ bool mapped = script_->hasMappedArgsObj();
+ ArgumentsObject* templateObj =
+ script_->realm()->maybeArgumentsTemplateObject(mapped);
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpArguments>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ templateObj)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case JSOp::RegExp: {
+ bool hasShared = loc.getRegExp(script_)->hasShared();
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpRegExp>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ hasShared)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::FunctionThis:
+ if (!script_->strict() && script_->hasNonSyntacticScope()) {
+ // Abort because MBoxNonStrictThis doesn't support non-syntactic
+ // scopes (a deprecated SpiderMonkey mechanism). If this becomes an
+ // issue we could support it by refactoring GetFunctionThis to not
+ // take a frame pointer and then call that.
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable,
+ "JSOp::FunctionThis with non-syntactic scope");
+ }
+ break;
+ case JSOp::GlobalThis:
+ if (script_->hasNonSyntacticScope()) {
+ // We don't compile global scripts with a non-syntactic scope, but
+ // we can end up here when we're compiling an arrow function.
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable,
+ "JSOp::GlobalThis with non-syntactic scope");
+ }
+ break;
+ case JSOp::BuiltinObject: {
+ // If we already resolved this built-in we can bake it in.
+ auto kind = loc.getBuiltinObjectKind();
+ if (JSObject* proto = MaybeGetBuiltinObject(cx_->global(), kind)) {
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpBuiltinObject>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ proto)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::GetIntrinsic: {
+ // If we already cloned this intrinsic we can bake it in.
+ PropertyName* name = loc.getPropertyName(script_);
+ Value val;
+ if (cx_->global()->maybeExistingIntrinsicValue(name, &val)) {
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpGetIntrinsic>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ val)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::ImportMeta: {
+ if (!moduleObject) {
+ moduleObject = GetModuleObjectForScript(script_);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(moduleObject->isTenured());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::CallSiteObj: {
+ // Prepare the object so that WarpBuilder can just push it as constant.
+ if (!ProcessCallSiteObjOperation(cx_, script_, loc.toRawBytecode())) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Error);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::GetImport: {
+ PropertyName* name = loc.getPropertyName(script_);
+ if (!AddWarpGetImport(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset, script_, name)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::Lambda:
+ case JSOp::LambdaArrow: {
+ JSFunction* fun = loc.getFunction(script_);
+ if (IsAsmJSModule(fun)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable, "asm.js module function lambda");
+ }
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpLambda>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ fun->baseScript(), fun->flags(),
+ fun->nargs())) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::GetElemSuper: {
+#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_X86)
+ // x86 does not have enough registers if profiling is enabled.
+ if (mirGen_.instrumentedProfiling()) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable,
+ "GetElemSuper with profiling is not supported on x86");
+ }
+ MOZ_TRY(maybeInlineIC(opSnapshots, loc));
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::InstrumentationActive: {
+ // All IonScripts in the realm are discarded when instrumentation
+ // activity changes, so we can treat the value we get as a constant.
+ if (instrumentationActive.isNothing()) {
+ bool active = RealmInstrumentation::isActive(cx_->global());
+ instrumentationActive.emplace(active);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::InstrumentationCallback: {
+ if (!instrumentationCallback) {
+ JSObject* obj = RealmInstrumentation::getCallback(cx_->global());
+ if (IsInsideNursery(obj)) {
+ // Unfortunately the callback can be nursery allocated. If this
+ // becomes an issue we should consider triggering a minor GC after
+ // installing it.
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable,
+ "Nursery-allocated instrumentation callback");
+ }
+ instrumentationCallback = obj;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::InstrumentationScriptId: {
+ // Getting the script ID requires interacting with the Debugger used for
+ // instrumentation, but cannot run script.
+ if (instrumentationScriptId.isNothing()) {
+ int32_t id = 0;
+ if (!RealmInstrumentation::getScriptId(cx_, cx_->global(), script_,
+ &id)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Error);
+ }
+ instrumentationScriptId.emplace(id);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::Rest: {
+ const ICEntry& entry = getICEntry(loc);
+ ICRest_Fallback* stub = entry.fallbackStub()->toRest_Fallback();
+ ArrayObject* templateObj = stub->templateObject();
+ // Only inline elements supported without a VM call.
+ size_t numInlineElements =
+ gc::GetGCKindSlots(templateObj->asTenured().getAllocKind()) -
+ ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpRest>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset, templateObj,
+ numInlineElements)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::NewArray: {
+ const ICEntry& entry = getICEntry(loc);
+ auto* stub = entry.fallbackStub()->toNewArray_Fallback();
+ if (ArrayObject* templateObj = stub->templateObject()) {
+ // Only inline elements are supported without a VM call.
+ size_t numInlineElements =
+ gc::GetGCKindSlots(templateObj->asTenured().getAllocKind()) -
+ ObjectElements::VALUES_PER_HEADER;
+ bool useVMCall = loc.getNewArrayLength() > numInlineElements;
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpNewArray>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ templateObj, useVMCall)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::NewObject:
+ case JSOp::NewInit: {
+ const ICEntry& entry = getICEntry(loc);
+ auto* stub = entry.fallbackStub()->toNewObject_Fallback();
+ if (JSObject* templateObj = stub->templateObject()) {
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpNewObject>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset,
+ templateObj)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::BindGName: {
+ RootedGlobalObject global(cx_, &script_->global());
+ RootedPropertyName name(cx_, loc.getPropertyName(script_));
+ if (JSObject* env = MaybeOptimizeBindGlobalName(cx_, global, name)) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(env->isTenured());
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpBindGName>(alloc_, opSnapshots, offset, env)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ MOZ_TRY(maybeInlineIC(opSnapshots, loc));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case JSOp::GetName:
+ case JSOp::GetGName:
+ case JSOp::GetProp:
+ case JSOp::GetElem:
+ case JSOp::SetProp:
+ case JSOp::StrictSetProp:
+ case JSOp::Call:
+ case JSOp::CallIgnoresRv:
+ case JSOp::CallIter:
+ case JSOp::FunCall:
+ case JSOp::FunApply:
+ case JSOp::New:
+ case JSOp::SuperCall:
+ case JSOp::SpreadCall:
+ case JSOp::ToNumeric:
+ case JSOp::Pos:
+ case JSOp::Inc:
+ case JSOp::Dec:
+ case JSOp::Neg:
+ case JSOp::BitNot:
+ case JSOp::Iter:
+ case JSOp::Eq:
+ case JSOp::Ne:
+ case JSOp::Lt:
+ case JSOp::Le:
+ case JSOp::Gt:
+ case JSOp::Ge:
+ case JSOp::StrictEq:
+ case JSOp::StrictNe:
+ case JSOp::BindName:
+ case JSOp::Add:
+ case JSOp::Sub:
+ case JSOp::Mul:
+ case JSOp::Div:
+ case JSOp::Mod:
+ case JSOp::Pow:
+ case JSOp::BitAnd:
+ case JSOp::BitOr:
+ case JSOp::BitXor:
+ case JSOp::Lsh:
+ case JSOp::Rsh:
+ case JSOp::Ursh:
+ case JSOp::In:
+ case JSOp::HasOwn:
+ case JSOp::CheckPrivateField:
+ case JSOp::Instanceof:
+ case JSOp::GetPropSuper:
+ case JSOp::InitProp:
+ case JSOp::InitLockedProp:
+ case JSOp::InitHiddenProp:
+ case JSOp::InitElem:
+ case JSOp::InitHiddenElem:
+ case JSOp::InitElemInc:
+ case JSOp::SetName:
+ case JSOp::StrictSetName:
+ case JSOp::SetGName:
+ case JSOp::StrictSetGName:
+ case JSOp::InitGLexical:
+ case JSOp::SetElem:
+ case JSOp::StrictSetElem:
+ case JSOp::ToPropertyKey:
+ case JSOp::OptimizeSpreadCall:
+ case JSOp::Typeof:
+ case JSOp::TypeofExpr:
+ MOZ_TRY(maybeInlineIC(opSnapshots, loc));
+ break;
+ case JSOp::Nop:
+ case JSOp::NopDestructuring:
+ case JSOp::TryDestructuring:
+ case JSOp::Lineno:
+ case JSOp::DebugLeaveLexicalEnv:
+ case JSOp::Undefined:
+ case JSOp::Void:
+ case JSOp::Null:
+ case JSOp::Hole:
+ case JSOp::Uninitialized:
+ case JSOp::IsConstructing:
+ case JSOp::False:
+ case JSOp::True:
+ case JSOp::Zero:
+ case JSOp::One:
+ case JSOp::Int8:
+ case JSOp::Uint16:
+ case JSOp::Uint24:
+ case JSOp::Int32:
+ case JSOp::Double:
+ case JSOp::ResumeIndex:
+ case JSOp::BigInt:
+ case JSOp::String:
+ case JSOp::Symbol:
+ case JSOp::Pop:
+ case JSOp::PopN:
+ case JSOp::Dup:
+ case JSOp::Dup2:
+ case JSOp::DupAt:
+ case JSOp::Swap:
+ case JSOp::Pick:
+ case JSOp::Unpick:
+ case JSOp::GetLocal:
+ case JSOp::SetLocal:
+ case JSOp::InitLexical:
+ case JSOp::GetArg:
+ case JSOp::SetArg:
+ case JSOp::JumpTarget:
+ case JSOp::LoopHead:
+ case JSOp::IfEq:
+ case JSOp::IfNe:
+ case JSOp::And:
+ case JSOp::Or:
+ case JSOp::Case:
+ case JSOp::Default:
+ case JSOp::Coalesce:
+ case JSOp::Goto:
+ case JSOp::DebugCheckSelfHosted:
+ case JSOp::DynamicImport:
+ case JSOp::Not:
+ case JSOp::ToString:
+ case JSOp::GlobalOrEvalDeclInstantiation:
+ case JSOp::BindVar:
+ case JSOp::MutateProto:
+ case JSOp::Callee:
+ case JSOp::ClassConstructor:
+ case JSOp::DerivedConstructor:
+ case JSOp::ToAsyncIter:
+ case JSOp::ObjWithProto:
+ case JSOp::GetAliasedVar:
+ case JSOp::SetAliasedVar:
+ case JSOp::InitAliasedLexical:
+ case JSOp::EnvCallee:
+ case JSOp::MoreIter:
+ case JSOp::EndIter:
+ case JSOp::IsNoIter:
+ case JSOp::DelProp:
+ case JSOp::StrictDelProp:
+ case JSOp::DelElem:
+ case JSOp::StrictDelElem:
+ case JSOp::SetFunName:
+ case JSOp::PushLexicalEnv:
+ case JSOp::PopLexicalEnv:
+ case JSOp::FreshenLexicalEnv:
+ case JSOp::RecreateLexicalEnv:
+ case JSOp::ImplicitThis:
+ case JSOp::GImplicitThis:
+ case JSOp::CheckClassHeritage:
+ case JSOp::CheckThis:
+ case JSOp::CheckThisReinit:
+ case JSOp::Generator:
+ case JSOp::AfterYield:
+ case JSOp::FinalYieldRval:
+ case JSOp::AsyncResolve:
+ case JSOp::CheckResumeKind:
+ case JSOp::CanSkipAwait:
+ case JSOp::MaybeExtractAwaitValue:
+ case JSOp::AsyncAwait:
+ case JSOp::Await:
+ case JSOp::CheckReturn:
+ case JSOp::CheckLexical:
+ case JSOp::CheckAliasedLexical:
+ case JSOp::InitHomeObject:
+ case JSOp::SuperBase:
+ case JSOp::SuperFun:
+ case JSOp::InitElemArray:
+ case JSOp::InitPropGetter:
+ case JSOp::InitPropSetter:
+ case JSOp::InitHiddenPropGetter:
+ case JSOp::InitHiddenPropSetter:
+ case JSOp::InitElemGetter:
+ case JSOp::InitElemSetter:
+ case JSOp::InitHiddenElemGetter:
+ case JSOp::InitHiddenElemSetter:
+ case JSOp::NewTarget:
+ case JSOp::Object:
+ case JSOp::CheckIsObj:
+ case JSOp::CheckObjCoercible:
+ case JSOp::FunWithProto:
+ case JSOp::SpreadNew:
+ case JSOp::SpreadSuperCall:
+ case JSOp::Debugger:
+ case JSOp::TableSwitch:
+ case JSOp::Exception:
+ case JSOp::Throw:
+ case JSOp::ThrowSetConst:
+ case JSOp::SetRval:
+ case JSOp::GetRval:
+ case JSOp::Return:
+ case JSOp::RetRval:
+ case JSOp::InitialYield:
+ case JSOp::Yield:
+ case JSOp::ResumeKind:
+ case JSOp::ThrowMsg:
+ // Supported by WarpBuilder. Nothing to do.
+ break;
+ case JSOp::Try:
+ if (info_->isAnalysis()) {
+ // Try-catch is not supported for the arguments analysis because
+ // |arguments| uses in the catch-block are not accounted for.
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable,
+ "try-catch not supported during analysis");
+ }
+ break;
+ // Unsupported ops. Don't use a 'default' here, we want to trigger a
+ // compiler warning when adding a new JSOp.
+#define DEF_CASE(OP) case JSOp::OP:
+#undef DEF_CASE
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable, "Unsupported opcode: %s",
+ CodeName(op));
+ return abort(AbortReason::Disable, "Unsupported opcode: %u",
+ uint8_t(op));
+ }
+ }
+ auto* scriptSnapshot = new (alloc_.fallible()) WarpScriptSnapshot(
+ script_, environment, std::move(opSnapshots), moduleObject,
+ instrumentationCallback, instrumentationScriptId, instrumentationActive);
+ if (!scriptSnapshot) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ autoClearOpSnapshots.release();
+ return scriptSnapshot;
+static void LineNumberAndColumn(HandleScript script, BytecodeLocation loc,
+ unsigned* line, unsigned* column) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ *line = PCToLineNumber(script, loc.toRawBytecode(), column);
+ *line = script->lineno();
+ *column = script->column();
+AbortReasonOr<Ok> WarpScriptOracle::maybeInlineIC(WarpOpSnapshotList& snapshots,
+ BytecodeLocation loc) {
+ // Do one of the following:
+ //
+ // * If the Baseline IC has a single ICStub we can inline, add a WarpCacheIR
+ // snapshot to transpile it to MIR.
+ //
+ // * If that single ICStub is a call IC with a known target, instead add a
+ // WarpInline snapshot to transpile the guards to MIR and inline the target.
+ //
+ // * If the Baseline IC is cold (never executed), add a WarpBailout snapshot
+ // so that we can collect information in Baseline.
+ //
+ // * Else, don't add a snapshot and rely on WarpBuilder adding an Ion IC.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(loc.opHasIC());
+ // Don't create snapshots for the arguments analysis or when testing ICs.
+ if (info_->isAnalysis() || JitOptions.forceInlineCaches) {
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ const ICEntry& entry = getICEntry(loc);
+ ICStub* firstStub = entry.firstStub();
+ ICFallbackStub* fallbackStub = entry.fallbackStub();
+ uint32_t offset = loc.bytecodeToOffset(script_);
+ // Clear the used-by-transpiler flag on the IC. It can still be set from a
+ // previous compilation because we don't clear the flag on every IC when
+ // invalidating.
+ fallbackStub->clearUsedByTranspiler();
+ if (firstStub == fallbackStub) {
+ [[maybe_unused]] unsigned line, column;
+ LineNumberAndColumn(script_, loc, &line, &column);
+ // No optimized stubs.
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_WarpTranspiler,
+ "fallback stub (entered-count: %" PRIu32
+ ") for JSOp::%s @ %s:%u:%u",
+ fallbackStub->enteredCount(), CodeName(loc.getOp()),
+ script_->filename(), line, column);
+ // If the fallback stub was used but there's no optimized stub, use an IC.
+ if (fallbackStub->enteredCount() != 0) {
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ // Cold IC. Bailout to collect information.
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpBailout>(alloc_, snapshots, offset)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ ICCacheIRStub* stub = firstStub->toCacheIRStub();
+ // Don't optimize if there are other stubs with entered-count > 0. Counters
+ // are reset when a new stub is attached so this means the stub that was added
+ // most recently didn't handle all cases.
+ for (ICStub* next = stub->next(); next; next = next->maybeNext()) {
+ if (next->enteredCount() == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ [[maybe_unused]] unsigned line, column;
+ LineNumberAndColumn(script_, loc, &line, &column);
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_WarpTranspiler,
+ "multiple active stubs for JSOp::%s @ %s:%u:%u",
+ CodeName(loc.getOp()), script_->filename(), line, column);
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo = stub->stubInfo();
+ const uint8_t* stubData = stub->stubDataStart();
+ // Only create a snapshot if all opcodes are supported by the transpiler.
+ CacheIRReader reader(stubInfo);
+ while (reader.more()) {
+ CacheOp op = reader.readOp();
+ CacheIROpInfo opInfo = CacheIROpInfos[size_t(op)];
+ reader.skip(opInfo.argLength);
+ if (!opInfo.transpile) {
+ [[maybe_unused]] unsigned line, column;
+ LineNumberAndColumn(script_, loc, &line, &column);
+ fallbackStub->trialInliningState() != TrialInliningState::Inlined,
+ "Trial-inlined stub not supported by transpiler");
+ // Unsupported CacheIR opcode.
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_WarpTranspiler,
+ "unsupported CacheIR opcode %s for JSOp::%s @ %s:%u:%u",
+ CacheIROpNames[size_t(op)], CodeName(loc.getOp()),
+ script_->filename(), line, column);
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ // While on the main thread, ensure code stubs exist for ops that require
+ // them.
+ switch (op) {
+ case CacheOp::CallRegExpMatcherResult:
+ if (!cx_->realm()->jitRealm()->ensureRegExpMatcherStubExists(cx_)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Error);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CacheOp::CallRegExpSearcherResult:
+ if (!cx_->realm()->jitRealm()->ensureRegExpSearcherStubExists(cx_)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Error);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CacheOp::CallRegExpTesterResult:
+ if (!cx_->realm()->jitRealm()->ensureRegExpTesterStubExists(cx_)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Error);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CacheOp::GuardFrameHasNoArgumentsObject:
+ if (info_->needsArgsObj()) {
+ // The script used optimized-arguments at some point but not anymore.
+ // Don't transpile this stale Baseline IC stub.
+ [[maybe_unused]] unsigned line, column;
+ LineNumberAndColumn(script_, loc, &line, &column);
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_WarpTranspiler,
+ "GuardFrameHasNoArgumentsObject with NeedsArgsObj @ %s:%u:%u",
+ script_->filename(), line, column);
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy the ICStub data to protect against the stub being unlinked or mutated.
+ // We don't need to copy the CacheIRStubInfo: because we store and trace the
+ // stub's JitCode*, the baselineCacheIRStubCodes_ map in JitZone will keep it
+ // alive.
+ uint8_t* stubDataCopy = nullptr;
+ size_t bytesNeeded = stubInfo->stubDataSize();
+ if (bytesNeeded > 0) {
+ stubDataCopy = alloc_.allocateArray<uint8_t>(bytesNeeded);
+ if (!stubDataCopy) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ // Note: nursery pointers are handled below so we don't need to trigger any
+ // GC barriers and can do a bitwise copy.
+ std::copy_n(stubData, bytesNeeded, stubDataCopy);
+ if (!replaceNurseryPointers(stub, stubInfo, stubDataCopy)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ }
+ JitCode* jitCode = stub->jitCode();
+ if (fallbackStub->trialInliningState() == TrialInliningState::Inlined) {
+ bool inlinedCall;
+ MOZ_TRY_VAR(inlinedCall, maybeInlineCall(snapshots, loc, stub, fallbackStub,
+ stubDataCopy));
+ if (inlinedCall) {
+ return Ok();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpCacheIR>(alloc_, snapshots, offset, jitCode, stubInfo,
+ stubDataCopy)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ fallbackStub->setUsedByTranspiler();
+ return Ok();
+AbortReasonOr<bool> WarpScriptOracle::maybeInlineCall(
+ WarpOpSnapshotList& snapshots, BytecodeLocation loc, ICCacheIRStub* stub,
+ ICFallbackStub* fallbackStub, uint8_t* stubDataCopy) {
+ Maybe<InlinableOpData> inlineData = FindInlinableOpData(stub, loc);
+ if (inlineData.isNothing() || !inlineData->icScript) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ RootedFunction targetFunction(cx_, inlineData->target);
+ if (!TrialInliner::canInline(targetFunction, script_)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ RootedScript targetScript(cx_, targetFunction->nonLazyScript());
+ ICScript* icScript = inlineData->icScript;
+ // Add the inlined script to the inline script tree.
+ LifoAlloc* lifoAlloc = alloc_.lifoAlloc();
+ InlineScriptTree* inlineScriptTree = info_->inlineScriptTree()->addCallee(
+ &alloc_, loc.toRawBytecode(), targetScript);
+ if (!inlineScriptTree) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ // Create a CompileInfo for the inlined script.
+ jsbytecode* osrPc = nullptr;
+ bool needsArgsObj = false;
+ CompileInfo* info = lifoAlloc->new_<CompileInfo>(
+ mirGen_.runtime, targetScript, targetFunction, osrPc,
+ info_->analysisMode(), needsArgsObj, inlineScriptTree);
+ if (!info) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ // Take a snapshot of the CacheIR.
+ uint32_t offset = loc.bytecodeToOffset(script_);
+ JitCode* jitCode = stub->jitCode();
+ const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo = stub->stubInfo();
+ WarpCacheIR* cacheIRSnapshot = new (alloc_.fallible())
+ WarpCacheIR(offset, jitCode, stubInfo, stubDataCopy);
+ if (!cacheIRSnapshot) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ // Take a snapshot of the inlined script (which may do more
+ // inlining recursively).
+ WarpScriptOracle scriptOracle(cx_, oracle_, targetScript, info, icScript);
+ AbortReasonOr<WarpScriptSnapshot*> maybeScriptSnapshot =
+ scriptOracle.createScriptSnapshot();
+ if (maybeScriptSnapshot.isErr()) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_WarpTranspiler, "Can't create snapshot for JSOp::%s",
+ CodeName(loc.getOp()));
+ switch (maybeScriptSnapshot.unwrapErr()) {
+ case AbortReason::Disable:
+ // If the target script can't be warp-compiled, mark it as
+ // uninlineable, clean up, and fall through to the non-inlined path.
+ fallbackStub->setTrialInliningState(TrialInliningState::Failure);
+ fallbackStub->unlinkStub(cx_->zone(), /*prev=*/nullptr, stub);
+ targetScript->setUninlineable();
+ info_->inlineScriptTree()->removeCallee(inlineScriptTree);
+ icScript_->removeInlinedChild(loc.bytecodeToOffset(script_));
+ return false;
+ case AbortReason::Error:
+ case AbortReason::Alloc:
+ return Err(maybeScriptSnapshot.unwrapErr());
+ default:
+ MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected abort reason");
+ }
+ }
+ WarpScriptSnapshot* scriptSnapshot = maybeScriptSnapshot.unwrap();
+ oracle_->addScriptSnapshot(scriptSnapshot);
+ if (!AddOpSnapshot<WarpInlinedCall>(alloc_, snapshots, offset,
+ cacheIRSnapshot, scriptSnapshot, info)) {
+ return abort(AbortReason::Alloc);
+ }
+ fallbackStub->setUsedByTranspiler();
+ return true;
+bool WarpScriptOracle::replaceNurseryPointers(ICCacheIRStub* stub,
+ const CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo,
+ uint8_t* stubDataCopy) {
+ // If the stub data contains nursery object pointers, replace them with the
+ // corresponding nursery index. See WarpObjectField.
+ //
+ // Also asserts non-object fields don't contain nursery pointers.
+ uint32_t field = 0;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ StubField::Type fieldType = stubInfo->fieldType(field);
+ switch (fieldType) {
+ case StubField::Type::RawInt32:
+ case StubField::Type::RawPointer:
+ case StubField::Type::RawInt64:
+ break;
+ case StubField::Type::Shape:
+ static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<Shape*, gc::TenuredCell*>,
+ "Code assumes shapes are tenured");
+ break;
+ case StubField::Type::ObjectGroup:
+ static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<ObjectGroup*, gc::TenuredCell*>,
+ "Code assumes groups are tenured");
+ break;
+ case StubField::Type::Symbol:
+ static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<JS::Symbol*, gc::TenuredCell*>,
+ "Code assumes symbols are tenured");
+ break;
+ case StubField::Type::BaseScript:
+ static_assert(std::is_convertible_v<BaseScript*, gc::TenuredCell*>,
+ "Code assumes scripts are tenured");
+ break;
+ case StubField::Type::JSObject: {
+ JSObject* obj =
+ stubInfo->getStubField<ICCacheIRStub, JSObject*>(stub, offset);
+ if (IsInsideNursery(obj)) {
+ uint32_t nurseryIndex;
+ if (!oracle_->registerNurseryObject(obj, &nurseryIndex)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uintptr_t oldWord = WarpObjectField::fromObject(obj).rawData();
+ uintptr_t newWord =
+ WarpObjectField::fromNurseryIndex(nurseryIndex).rawData();
+ stubInfo->replaceStubRawWord(stubDataCopy, offset, oldWord, newWord);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case StubField::Type::String: {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ JSString* str =
+ stubInfo->getStubField<ICCacheIRStub, JSString*>(stub, offset);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInsideNursery(str));
+ break;
+ }
+ case StubField::Type::Id: {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // jsid never contains nursery-allocated things.
+ jsid id = stubInfo->getStubField<ICCacheIRStub, jsid>(stub, offset);
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(id.isGCThing(),
+ !IsInsideNursery(id.toGCCellPtr().asCell()));
+ break;
+ }
+ case StubField::Type::Value: {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ Value v =
+ stubInfo->getStubField<ICCacheIRStub, JS::Value>(stub, offset);
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(v.isGCThing(), !IsInsideNursery(v.toGCThing()));
+ break;
+ }
+ case StubField::Type::Limit:
+ return true; // Done.
+ }
+ field++;
+ offset += StubField::sizeInBytes(fieldType);
+ }
+bool WarpOracle::registerNurseryObject(JSObject* obj, uint32_t* nurseryIndex) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsInsideNursery(obj));
+ auto p = nurseryObjectsMap_.lookupForAdd(obj);
+ if (p) {
+ *nurseryIndex = p->value();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!nurseryObjects_.append(obj)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *nurseryIndex = nurseryObjects_.length() - 1;
+ return nurseryObjectsMap_.add(p, obj, *nurseryIndex);