path: root/l10n-ast/mail/chrome/messenger/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /l10n-ast/mail/chrome/messenger/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-ast/mail/chrome/messenger/')
1 files changed, 730 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-ast/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-ast/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94cfb31375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-ast/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the messenger application
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(statusMessage): Do not translate the words
+# $1S and $2S below. Place the word $1S where account name should appear and $2S
+# where the status message should appear.
+statusMessage=%1$S: %2$S
+removeAccount=Desaniciar cuenta…
+newFolder=Carpeta nueva…
+newSubfolder=Subcarpeta nueva…
+markFolderRead=Conseñar carpeta como lleída;Conseñar carpetes como lleíes
+markNewsgroupRead=Conseñar grupu de noticies como lleíu;Conseñar grupos de noticies como lleíos
+folderProperties=Propiedaes de carpeta
+newTag=Etiqueta nueva…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getNextNewsMessages): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of news messages to get.
+getNextNewsMessages=Obtener #1 mensaxe de noticies siguiente;Obtener #1 mensaxes de noticies siguientes
+advanceNextPrompt=¿Dir al siguiente mensaxe non lleíu en %S?
+replyToSender=Responder al remitente
+EMLFiles=Ficheros de corréu (*.eml)
+OpenEMLFiles=Abrir mensaxe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(defaultSaveMessageAsFileName): Do not translate ".eml"
+# in the line below. Also, the complete file name should be 8.3.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(longMsgSubjectTruncator): A suffix string appended to the filename
+# (created from message subject) if it needed to be truncated due to length.
+SaveMailAs=Guardar mensaxe como
+SaveAttachment=Salvar axuntu
+SaveAllAttachments=Salvar tolos axuntos
+ChooseFolder=Escoyer carpeta
+LoadingMessageToPrint=Cargando mensaxe a imprentar…
+MessageLoaded=Mensax cargáu…
+PrintingMessage=Imprentando mensaxe…
+PrintPreviewMessage=Amosando vista preliminar de mensaxe…
+PrintingContact=Imprentación de contautu…
+PrintPreviewContact=Vista preliminar de contautu…
+PrintingAddrBook=Imprentando llibreta de direiciones…
+PrintPreviewAddrBook=Amosando vista preliminar de la llibreta de direiciones…
+PreviewTitle=%S - %S
+LoadingMailMsgForPrint=(Cargando conteníu pa imprentar)
+LoadingMailMsgForPrintPreview=(Cargando conteníu pa vista preliminar)
+saveAttachmentFailed=Imposible guardar l'axuntu. Por favor, comprueba'l nome del ficheru y vuelvi a intentalo.
+saveMessageFailed=Imposible guardar el mensaxe. Por favor, comprueba'l nome del ficheru y prueba otra vegada.
+fileExists=%S yá esiste. ¿Quies trocalu?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(failedToReadFile): %1$S is replaced by the file name, %2$S is replaced by the reason the file load failed.
+failedToReadFile=Nun pudo lleese'l ficheru: %1$S motivu: %2$S
+downloadingNewsgroups=Descargando grupos de noticies pa usar ensin conexón
+downloadingMail=Descargando'l corréu pa usu ensin conexón
+sendingUnsent=Procesando mensaxes non unviaos
+folderExists=Yá esiste una carpeta con esi nome. Prueba con un nome distintu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(confirmDuplicateFolderRename): %1$S is name of folder being moved, %2$S is parent folder name, %3$S is proposed new folder name
+confirmDuplicateFolderRename=Yá esiste una socarpeta col nome '%1$S' na carpeta '%2$S'. ¿Quies mover esta carpeta usando'l nome nuevu '%3$S'?
+folderCreationFailed=La carpeta no pudo crease porque'l nome de la carpeta qu'especificaste contién un caráuter non reconocíu. Por favor, introduz un nome distintu y vuelvi a intentalo.
+compactingFolder=Compautando la carpeta %S…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(compactingDone): %1$S is the compaction gain.
+compactingDone=Compautación finada (aprox. '%1$S' recuperáu).
+autoCompactAllFoldersTitle=Compautar carpetes
+confirmFolderDeletionForFilter=Al desaniciar la carpeta '%S' van desactivase los filtros asociaos. ¿De xuru que quies desaniciar la carpeta?
+alertFilterChanged=Los filtros asociaos con esta carpeta van anovase.
+filterDisabled=La carpeta '%S' nun s'alcontró, polo que los filtros asociaos con esta carpeta van desactivase. Comprueba que la carpeta esiste, y que los filtros apunten a una carpeta de destín válida.
+filterFolderDeniedLocked=Los mensaxes nun pudieron filtrase a la carpeta '%S' porque hai otra operación en cursu.
+parsingFolderFailed=Nun pudo abrise la carpeta %S porque esta ta n'usu por dalguna otra operación. Por favor, espera a que fine esa operación y escueyi esa carpeta de nueves.
+deletingMsgsFailed=Nun se pudieron desaniciar mensaxes na carpeta %S porque esta ta en usu por dalguna otra operación. Por favor, espere que esa operación concluya y vuelvi a intentalo.
+alertFilterCheckbox=Nun volver a avisame.
+compactFolderDeniedLock=La carpeta '%S' nun pue compautase porque hai otra operación en cursu. Por favor, inténtalo más sero.
+compactFolderWriteFailed=La carpeta '%S' nun pudo compautase porque falló la escritura na carpeta. Comprueba que tien suficiente espaciu en discu y privilexos d'escritura nel direutoriu, y vuelvi a intentalo.
+filterFolderHdrAddFailed=Los mensaxes nun pudieron peñerase a la carpeta '%S' porque nun pudo amestase un mensaxe nella. Verifica que la carpeta ta amosándose correutamente o intenta iguala dende les propiedaes de la carpeta.
+filterFolderWriteFailed=Los mensaxes nun pudieron filtrase a la carpeta '%S' porque falló la escritura a esa carpeta. Comprueba que tien suficiente espaciu en discu y permisu d'escritura nel direutoriu, ya inténtalo de nueves.
+copyMsgWriteFailed=Los mensaxes nun pudieron movese o copiase a la carpeta '%S' porque falló la escritura nesa carpeta. Pa consiguir más espaciu, dende'l menú Ficheru, esbilla primero Vaciar Papelera, y dempués escueyi Compautar carpetes, y vuelvi a intentalo.
+cantMoveMsgWOBodyOffline=Cuando tas en mou ensin conexón, nun pues mover o copiar mensaxes que nun se descargaren pal so usu desconeutáu. Dende la ventana de corréu, abri'l menú Ficheru, esbilla Ensin conexón, dempués desmarca 'Trabayar con conexón', y vuelvi a intentalo.
+operationFailedFolderBusy=La operación falló porque otra operación ta usando la carpeta. Por favor, espera a qu'esta termine e inténtalo de nueves.
+folderRenameFailed=Nun pudo renomase la carpeta. A lo meyor ta relleéndose la carpeta, o'l nuevu nome de la carpeta nun ye válidu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
+verboseFolderFormat=%1$S en %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(filterFolderTruncateFailed): %1$S is replaced by the folder name, %2$S is replaced by the brandShortName
+filterFolderTruncateFailed=Hebo un fallu al truncar la bandexa d'entrada tres filtrar un mensaxe a la carpeta '%1$S'. Pue que necesites zarrar %2$S y desaniciar INBOX.msf.
+mailboxTooLarge=La carpeta %S ta enllena, y nun pue retener más mensaxes. Pa facer sitiu pa más mensaxes, desanicia cualesquier corréu antiguu o non deseáu y compauta la carpeta.
+errorGettingDB=Nun pue abrise'l ficheru resume de %S. Seique heba un fallu nel discu, o'l camín completu ye enforma llargu.
+# Used in message database list view to provide a text value for graphic based cells.
+messageUnread=Non lleíu
+messageHasFlag=Con estrella
+messageHasAttachment=Tien axuntu
+messageJunk=Corréu puxarra
+# Used in the SMTP Account Settings panel when a server value has no properties
+smtpServerList-NotSpecified=<ensin especificar>
+smtpServer-ConnectionSecurityType-1=STARTTLS, si ta disponible
+smtpServers-confirmServerDeletionTitle=Desaniciar sirvidor
+smtpServers-confirmServerDeletion=¿De xuru que quies desaniciar el sirvidor: \n %S?
+# Account Settings - Both Incoming and SMTP server
+authNo=Ensin identificación
+authOld=Contraseña, métodu orixinal (inseguru)
+authPasswordCleartextInsecurely=Contraseña, tresmitida de manera insegura
+authPasswordCleartextViaSSL=Contraseña normal
+authPasswordEncrypted=Contraseña cifrada
+authKerberos=Kerberos / GSSAPI
+authExternal=Certificáu TLS
+authAnySecure=Cualesquier métodu seguru (obsoletu)
+authAny=Cualesquier métodu (inseguru)
+# OAuth2 window title
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(oauth2WindowTitle):
+# %1$S is the username (or full email address) used for authentication.
+# %2$S is the hostname of the account being authenticated.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-nntp): Do not translate "NNTP" in the line below
+serverType-nntp=Sirvidor de noticies (NNTP)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-pop3): Do not translate "POP" in the line below
+serverType-pop3=Sirvidor de corréu POP
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(serverType-imap): Do not translate "IMAP" in the line below
+serverType-imap=Sirvidor de corréu IMAP
+serverType-none=Almacén de corréu llocal
+serverType-movemail=Unix Movemail
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getMsgButtonTooltip): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place the word "%S" in your translation where the name of the comma seperated accounts should appear.
+getMsgButtonTooltip=Recibir mensaxes nuevos de %S
+# Used to separate email addresses in a list. Note the trailing space ', '
+# status feedback stuff
+documentLoading=Cargando mensaxe…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autosyncProgress): Do not translate the word "%1$S" or "%2$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the comma separated folders should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the comma separated accounts should appear.
+autosyncProgress=Sincronizando mensaxes en %1$S dende %2$S…
+unreadMsgStatus=Ensin lleer: %S
+selectedMsgStatus=Escoyíu: %S
+totalMsgStatus=Total: %S
+# localized folder names
+localFolders=Carpetes llocales
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inboxFolderName): OK to translate all foldernames, bugzilla #57440 & bugzilla #23625 fixed
+inboxFolderName=Bandexa d'entrada
+sentFolderName=Unvios fechos
+outboxFolderName=Bandexa de salida
+junkFolderName=Corréu puxarra
+# "Normal" priority is often blank,
+# depending on the consumers of these strings
+priorityLowest=La más baxa
+priorityHighest=La más alta
+#Group by date thread pane titles
+lastWeek=La selmana pasada
+twoWeeksAgo=Fai dos selmanes
+older=Corréu antiguu
+#Grouped By Tags
+untaggedMessages=Mensaxes non etiquetaos
+# Grouped by status
+messagesWithNoStatus=Ensin estáu
+#Grouped by priority
+noPriority=Ensin prioridá
+#Grouped by has attachments
+noAttachments=Ensin axuntos
+#Grouped by starred
+notFlagged=Ensin estrella
+groupFlagged=Con estrella
+# defaults descriptions for tag prefs listed in mailnews.js
+# (we keep the .labels. names for backwards compatibility)
+mailnews.tags.remove=Desaniciar toles etiquetes
+mailnews.labels.description.4=Por facer
+mailnews.labels.description.5=Más sero
+# Format definition tag menu texts.
+# This is necessary in order to get the accesskeys to be the on the first
+# character of the menu text instead of after the menu text.
+# If a key definition exists for the tag at index n, that key's key will be
+# taken as the accesskey, eg.
+# <key id="key_tag3" key="&tagCmd3.key;" oncommand="ToggleMessageTagKey(3);"/>
+# makes the third tag have the accesskey &tagCmd3.key;.
+# In the menuitem's label, this accesskey appears at %1$S below; %2$S will be
+# replaced by the tag label.
+mailnews.tags.format=%1$S %2$S
+flagged=Con estrella
+# for junk status picker in search and mail views
+# for junk score origin picker in search and mail views
+junkScoreOriginWhitelist=Llista blanca
+junkScoreOriginImapFlag=Indicador IMAP
+# for the has attachment picker in search and mail views
+hasAttachments=Tien axuntos
+# for the Tag picker in search and mail views.
+# mailnews.js
+# whether to generate display names in last first order
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(mail.addr_book.displayName.lastnamefirst):
+# the only valid values are: true OR false (choose from the untranslated English words)
+# whether to also show phonetic fields in the addressbook
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(mail.addr_book.show_phonetic_fields):
+# the only valid values are: true OR false (choose from the untranslated English words)
+# valid format options are:
+# 1: yyyy/mm/dd
+# 2: yyyy/dd/mm
+# 3: mm/dd/yyyy
+# 4: mm/yyyy/dd
+# 5: dd/mm/yyyy
+# 6: dd/yyyy/mm
+# 0: auto-detect the current locale format
+# a separator has to be either '/', '-', '.' and the year in Chistian year
+# otherwise mm/dd/yyyy (option 3) is used
+# separator for search date (e.g. "/", "-"), or empty when search_date_format is zero
+# leading zeros for day and month values, not used if mailnews.search_date_format is not zero
+# offline msg
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(acctCentralTitleFormat): %1$S is brand, %2$S is account type, %3$S is account name
+acctCentralTitleFormat=%1$S %2$S - %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(nocachedbodytitle): Do not translate "<TITLE>" or "</TITLE>" in the line below
+nocachedbodytitle=<TITLE>Pasar a mou con conexón pa ver esti mensaxe</TITLE>\n
+# mailWindowOverlay.js
+confirmUnsubscribeTitle=Confirmar l'encaboxamientu de la soscripción
+confirmUnsubscribeText=¿De xuru de que quies encaboxar la soscripción a %S?
+confirmUnsubscribeManyText=¿Tas seguru de que quies desoscribite d'estos grupos de noticies?
+restoreAllTabs=Restaurar toles llingüetes
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(junkBarMessage): %S is brand
+junkBarMessage=%S barrunta qu'esti mensaxe ye corréu puxarra.
+junkBarButton=Nun ye puxarra
+junkBarInfoButton=Deprender más
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(remoteContentBarMessage): %S is brand
+remoteContentBarMessage=Pa protexer la to privacidá, %S bloquió'l conteníu remotu d'esti mensaxe.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(remoteAllowResource): %S is origin
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(remoteAllowAll): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of origins
+phishingBarMessage=Esti mensaxe pue ser fraudulentu.
+mdnBarIgnoreButton=Inorar solicitú
+mdnBarSendReqButton=Unviar acuse de recibu
+draftMessageMsg=Esti mensaxe ye un borrador.
+# msgHdrViewOverlay.js
+saveLabel=Guardar como…
+detachLabel=Separtar axuntos…
+deleteAttachments=Los siguientes axuntos van desaniciase ensembre d'esti mensaxe:\n%S\nEsta aición nun pue desfacese. ¿Quies siguir?
+detachAttachments=Los siguientes axuntos guardáronse correcho y van desaniciase ensembre d'esti mensaxe:\n%S\nEsta aición nun pue desfacese. ¿Quies siguir?
+deleteAttachmentFailure=Fallu al desaniciar los axuntos seleicionaos.
+emptyAttachment=Esti axuntu paez tar baleru.\nPor favor, confírmalu cola persona qu'unvió esto.\nDavezu, los tornafueos empresariales o los programes antivirus destruyen los axuntos.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of attachments
+attachmentCount=#1 axuntu;#1 axuntos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentCountSingle): This is the format for the
+# attachment header when a message has only one attachment. This is separate
+# from attachmentCount above, since attachmentCountSingle typically ends with a
+# colon.
+attachmentCountSingle=1 axuntu:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentSizeUnknown): The string to show for the total
+# size of all attachments when none of the attachments' sizes can be detected.
+attachmentSizeUnknown=tamañu desconocíu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentSizeAtLeast): The string to show for the total
+# size of all attachments when at least one (but not all) of the attachments'
+# sizes can't be detected. %1$S is the formatted size.
+attachmentSizeAtLeast=al menos %1$S
+# This is the format for prepending accesskeys to the
+# each of the attachments in the file|attachments menu:
+# ie: 1 file.txt
+# 2 another file.txt
+attachmentDisplayNameFormat=%S %S
+# This is the heading for the attachment summary when printing an email
+# Connection Error Messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(unknownHostError): %S is the server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(connectionRefusedError): %S is the server name
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(netTimeoutError): %S is the server name
+recipientSearchCriteria=L'asuntu o destinatariu contién:
+fromSearchCriteria=L'asuntu o remitente contién:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(biffNotification): %1$S is the number of new messages
+biffNotification_message=tienes %1$S mensaxe nuevu
+biffNotification_messages=tienes %1$S mensaxes nuevos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_message): %1$S is the name of the account %2$S is the number of new messages
+newMailNotification_message=%1$S recibiste %2$S mensaxe nuevu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_messages): %1$S is the name of the account %2$S is the number of new messages
+newMailNotification_messages=%1$S recibiste %2$S mensaxes nuevos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailNotification_messagetitle): %1$S is subject of new message and %2$S is sender of new message.
+# This is UNIX only
+newMailNotification_messagetitle=%1$S en %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(newMailAlert_message):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is the name of the account, #2 is the number of new messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(macBiffNotification is Mac only):
+# %1$S is the number of new messages
+# %2$S is a list of names and/or email addresses separated by biffNotification_separator
+# %3$S is the number of new messages not displayed in the biff alert
+macBiffNotification_message=%1$S mensaxe nuevu de %2$S.
+macBiffNotification_messages=%1$S mensaxes nuevos de %2$S.
+macBiffNotification_messages_extra=%1$S mensaxes nuevos de %2$S y %3$S más.
+# Used to separate names/email addresses in a list. Note the trailing space ', '
+quotaPercentUsed=%S%% enllén
+# for quota in main window (commandglue.js)
+# for message views
+confirmViewDeleteMessage=¿De xuru que quies desaniciar esta vista?
+# for virtual folders
+confirmSavedSearchTitle=Confirmar desaniciu
+confirmSavedSearchDeleteMessage=¿De xuru que quies desaniciar esta gueta guardada?
+## @loc None
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (passwordPrompt): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# Place the word "%S" in your translation where the email address
+# or the username should appear
+passwordPrompt=Introduz contraseña pa %1$S en %2$S:
+## @loc None
+passwordTitle=Contraseña pal sirvidor de corréu requerida
+# for checking if the user really wants to open lots of messages in separate windows.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openWindowWarningConfirmation): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of messages the user is attempting to open.
+openWindowWarningConfirmation=Abrir #1 mensaxe pue ser lento. ¿Siguir?;Abrir #1 mensaxes pue ser lento. ¿Siguir?
+# for checking if the user really wants to open lots of messages in tabs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openTabWarningConfirmation): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of messages the user is attempting to open.
+openTabWarningConfirmation=Abrir #1 mensaxe pue ser lento. ¿Continuar?;Abrir #1 mensaxes pue ser lento. ¿Continuar?
+# for warning the user that a tag they're trying to create already exists
+tagExists=Yá esiste una etiqueta con esi nome.
+# title of the edit tag dialog
+editTagTitle=Editar etiqueta
+# for the virtual folder list dialog title
+# %S is the name of the saved search folder
+editVirtualFolderPropertiesTitle=Editar les propiedaes de la gueta %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (foldersChosen): #1 number of chosen folders
+#alert to inform the user to choose one or more folders to search for a saved search folder
+alertNoSearchFoldersSelected=Tienes d'esbillar al menos una carpeta na que guetar pa guardar la gueta.
+# These are displayed in the message and folder pane windows
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE %.*f is the abbreviated size in the appropriate units
+byteAbbreviation2=%.*f bytes
+kiloByteAbbreviation2=%.*f KB
+megaByteAbbreviation2=%.*f MB
+gigaByteAbbreviation2=%.*f GB
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(folderWithAccount):
+## This is used to show folder name together with an account name.
+## %1$S = folder name
+## %2$S = account name
+folderWithAccount=%1$S - %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(folderWithUnreadMsgs):
+## This is a concatenation of two strings to compose a folder label with unread messages.
+## %1$S = folder name
+## %2$S = count of unread messages
+folderWithUnreadMsgs=%1$S (%2$S)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(summarizedValue):
+## This string shows an indication that the value shown is actually a summary
+## accumulated from all subfolders.
+## %S = summarized value from all subfolders
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subfoldersExplanation):
+## This is a tooltip message shown on the values in the numeric folder pane columns.
+## %1$S = is the count of messages having the respective property, found in the folder under mouse cursor
+## %2$S = is the count of messages having the respective property, found in subfolders of the folder under mouse cursor
+# Error message if message for a message id wasn't found
+errorOpenMessageForMessageIdTitle=Fallu al abrir el message-id
+errorOpenMessageForMessageIdMessage=Mensaxe correspondiente al message-id %S non alcontráu
+# Warnings to alert users about phishing urls
+confirmPhishingTitle=Alerta de corréu fraudulentu
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE %1$S is the brand name, %2$S is the host name of the url being visited
+confirmPhishingUrl=%1$S piensa qu'esti mensaxe ye fraudulentu. Los enllaces nel mensaxe puen tar tratando de suplantar la páxina web que quies visitar. ¿De xuru que quies visitar %2$S?
+# Check for Updates
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updatesItem_*): these are alternative labels for Check for Update item in Help menu.
+# Which one is used depends on Update process state.
+updatesItem_default=Guetar anovamientos…
+updatesItem_defaultFallback=Guetar anovamientos…
+updatesItem_downloading=Descargando %S…
+updatesItem_downloadingFallback=Descargando anovamientu…
+updatesItem_resume=Siguir descargando %S…
+updatesItem_resumeFallback=Siguir descargando l'anovamientu…
+updatesItem_pending=Aplicar agora l'anovamientu descargáu…
+updatesItem_pendingFallback=Aplicar agora l'anovamientu descargáu…
+# Folder Pane Header Title Strings
+folderPaneModeHeader_all=Toles carpetes
+folderPaneModeHeader_unread=Carpetes non lleíes
+folderPaneModeHeader_unread_compact=Carpetes ensin lleer - Vista compauta
+folderPaneModeHeader_favorite=Carpetes favorites
+folderPaneModeHeader_favorite_compact=Carpetes favorites - Vista compauta
+folderPaneModeHeader_recent=Carpetes de recién
+folderPaneModeHeader_recent_compact=Carpetes recientes - Vista compauta
+folderPaneModeHeader_smart=Carpetes unificaes
+unifiedAccountName=Carpetes unificaes
+# Copy / Move to Folder Again
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE %1$S is the name of the folder we will move to. moveToFolderAgainAccessKey
+# should have the same value as copyToFolderAgainAccessKey as they are the same menu item in the UI
+# moveToFolderAgainAccessKey should also be a letter that occurs before %1$S
+moveToFolderAgain=Mover de nueves a "%1$S"
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE %1$S is the name of the folder we will copy to
+# copyToFolderAgainAccessKey
+# should have the same value as moveToFolderAgainAccessKey as they are the same menu item in the UI
+# copyToFolderAgainAccessKey should also be a letter that occurs before %1$S
+copyToFolderAgain=Copiar de nueves a "%1$S"
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(mdnBarMessageNormal) %1$S is the name of the sender
+mdnBarMessageNormal=%1$S solicitó que se-y notifique cuando lleas esti mensaxe.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(mdnBarMessageAddressDiffers) %1$S is the name of the sender, %2$S is the address(es) to send return receipt to
+mdnBarMessageAddressDiffers=%1$S solicitó que se-y notifique(en %2$S) cuando lleas esti mensaxe.
+# mailCommands.js
+emptyJunkFolderTitle=Balerar '%S'
+emptyJunkFolderMessage=¿Desaniciar tolos mensaxes y socarpetes de la carpeta Basoria?
+emptyJunkDontAsk=Nun volver a entrugame.
+emptyTrashFolderTitle=Balerar '%S'
+emptyTrashFolderMessage=¿Desaniciar tolos mensaxes y socarpetes de la carpeta Papelera?
+emptyTrashDontAsk=Nun volver a entrugame.
+# junkCommands.js
+junkAnalysisPercentComplete=Análisis de corréu non deseáu completáu al %S
+processingJunkMessages=Procesando mensaxes de corréu puxarra
+# Messenger bootstrapping messages
+fileNotFoundTitle = Ficheru non alcontráu
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(fileNotFoundMsg): %S is the filename
+fileNotFoundMsg = El ficheru %S nun esiste.
+fileEmptyTitle = Ficheru baleru
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(fileEmptyMsg): %S is the filename
+fileEmptyMsg = El ficheru %S ta baleru.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headerMoreAddrs): semicolon separated list of plural
+# forms of the word "more" as used after the number of addresses
+# currently hidden while displaying a header such as "to", "cc", or "bcc"
+# in the message header box. English has two identical forms here, so it will
+# construct strings that look like (for example) "1 more" or "20 more".
+# <> has details
+# on this mechanism.
+headerMoreAddrs=#1 más;#1 más
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headerMoreAddrsTooltip): semicolon separated list of
+# plural forms of the phrase ", and #1 more" as used in the tooltip text
+# of the more widget displayed in the header pane (see headerMoreAddrs).
+# English has two identical forms here, so it will construct strings that
+# look like (for example) ", and 1 more" or ", and 20 more".
+# <> has details
+# on this mechanism.
+headerMoreAddrsTooltip=, y #1 más;, y #1 más
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headertoFieldMe): first person prepositional object
+# pronoun used in the "to" header of the message header pane. This is also
+# used for the fallback case if a header-specific localization is not
+# available.
+headertoFieldMe=Mi mesmu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headerfromFieldMe): first person prepositional object
+# pronoun used in the "from" header of the message header pane.
+headerfromFieldMe=Mi mesmu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headerreply-toFieldMe): first person prepositional
+# object pronoun used in the "reply-to" header of the message header pane.
+headerreply-toFieldMe=Mi mesmu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headerccFieldMe): first person prepositional object
+# pronoun used in the "cc" header of the message header pane.
+headerccFieldMe=Mi mesmu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headerbccFieldMe): first person prepositional object
+# pronoun used in the "bcc" header of the message header pane.
+headerbccFieldMe=Mi mesmu
+expandAttachmentPaneTooltip=Amosar el panel axuntu
+collapseAttachmentPaneTooltip=Anubrir el panel axuntu
+# Shown when content tabs are being loaded.
+confirmMsgDelete.title=Confirmar desaniciu
+confirmMsgDelete.collapsed.desc=Esto va desaniciar los mensaxes nes conversaciones espandíes. ¿De xuru que quies siguir?
+confirmMsgDelete.deleteNoTrash.desc=Esto va desaniciar los mensaxes darréu, ensin guardar una copia na papelera. ¿Daveres que quies siguir?
+confirmMsgDelete.dontAsk.label=Nun volver a entrugame.
+mailServerLoginFailedTitle=Aniciu de sesión fallíu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailServerLoginFailedTitleWithAccount):
+# "%S" is the account name.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailServerLoginFailed2):
+# %1$S is the host name of the server, %2$S is the user name.
+mailServerLoginFailedEnterNewPasswordButton=&Introduz nueva contraseña
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.noChildren.title):
+# When the user selects a folder to apply the currently displayed columns to
+# via the "columnPicker.applyToFolder.label" menu option, this is the title of
+# the confirmation dialog used to verify they selected the correct folder. This
+# is the case in which we apply the columns only to the folder and not to any of
+# its children.
+threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.noChildren.title=¿Aplicar cambeos?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.noChildren.message):
+# When the user selects a folder to apply the currently displayed columns to
+# via the "columnPicker.applyToFolder.label" menu option, this is the text of
+# the confirmation dialog used to verify they selected the correct folder. The
+# string '%S' is replaced with the name of the folder the user selected in
+# order to help them confirm they picked what they thought they picked. This
+# is the case in which we apply the columns only to the folder and not to any of
+# its children.
+threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.noChildren.message=¿Aplicar les columnes de la carpeta actual a %S?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.withChildren.title):
+# When the user selects a folder to apply the currently displayed columns to via
+# the "columnPicker.applyToFolderAndChildren.label" menu option, this is the
+# title of the confirmation dialog used to verify they selected the correct
+# folder. This is the case in which we apply the columns to the folder and all
+# of its children.
+threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.withChildren.title=¿Aplicar cambeos?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.withChildren.message):
+# When the user selects a folder to apply the currently displayed columns to via
+# the "columnPicker.applyToFolderAndChildren.label" menu option, this is the
+# text of the confirmation dialog used to verify they selected the correct
+# folder. The string '%S' is replaced with the name of the folder the user
+# selected in order to help them confirm they picked what they thought they
+# picked. This is the case in which we apply the columns to the folder and all
+# of its children.
+threadPane.columnPicker.confirmFolder.withChildren.message=¿Aplicar les columnes de la carpeta actual a %S y les sos subcarpetes?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (lwthemeInstallRequest.message): %S will be replaced with
+# the host name of the site.
+lwthemeInstallRequest.message=Esti sitiu (%S) intentó instalar un tema.
+lwthemePostInstallNotification.message=Instalóse tema nuevu.
+lwthemePostInstallNotification.manageButton=Alministrar temes…
+# safeModeRestart
+safeModeRestartPromptTitle=Reaniciar colos complementos desactivaos
+safeModeRestartPromptMessage=¿De xuru que quies desactivar tolos complementos y reaniciar?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadAndInstallButton.label): %S is replaced by the
+# version of the update: "Update to 28.0".
+update.downloadAndInstallButton.label=Anovar a %S
+# Sanitize
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeDialog2.everything.title): When "Time range to
+# clear" is set to "Everything", the Clear Recent History dialog's title is
+# changed to this. See UI mockup and comment 11 at bug 480169 -->
+sanitizeDialog2.everything.title=Vaciar tol historial
+sanitizeButtonOK=Llimpiar agora
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeEverythingWarning2): Warning that appears when
+# "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear Recent History dialog,
+# provided that the user has not modified the default set of history items to clear.
+sanitizeEverythingWarning2=Va desaniciase tol historial.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sanitizeSelectedWarning): Warning that appears when
+# "Time range to clear" is set to "Everything" in Clear Recent History dialog,
+# provided that the user has modified the default set of history items to clear.
+sanitizeSelectedWarning=Van desaniciase tolos elementos esbillaos.
+learnMoreAboutIgnoreThread=Deprender más…
+learnMoreAboutIgnoreThreadAccessKey = L
+undoIgnoreThread=Desfacer Inorar conversación
+undoIgnoreSubthread=Desfacer Inorar subconversación
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoredThreadFeedback): #1 is the message thread title
+ignoredThreadFeedback=Les rempuestes a la conversación "#1" nun van amosase.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoredSubthreadFeedback): #1 is the message subthread title
+ignoredSubthreadFeedback=Les rempuestes a la subconversación "#1" nun van amosase.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoredThreadsFeedback): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is the number of threads
+ignoredThreadsFeedback=Les rempuestes a la conversación que taba esbillada nun van amosase.;Les rempuestes a les #1 conversaciones que taben esbillaes nun van amosase.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoredSubthreadsFeedback): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# #1 is number of subthreads
+ignoredSubthreadsFeedback=Les rempuestes a la subconversación que taba esbillada nun van amosase.;Les rempuestes a les #1 subconversaciones que taben esbillaes nun van amosase.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveAsType): replace %S with the extension of the file to be saved.
+saveAsType=ficheru %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openSearch.label): The label used in the autocomplete
+# widget to refer to a search on the web for a short string containing at most
+# 15 characters. %1$S is the search provider to use. %2$S is the string to
+# search for.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openSearch.label.truncated): The label used in the
+# autocomplete widget to refer to a search on the web for a short string
+# containing more than 15 characters. %1$S is the search provider to use. %2$S
+# is the string to search for, truncated to 15 characters.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutDialog.architecture.*):
+# The sixtyFourBit and thirtyTwoBit strings describe the architecture of the
+# current Thunderbird build: 32-bit or 64-bit. These strings are used in parentheses
+# after the Thunderbird version in the About dialog,
+# e.g.: "48.0.2 (32-bit)" or "51.0a1 (2016-09-05) (64-bit)".