path: root/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning')
3 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning-toolbar.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning-toolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..767273bea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning-toolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Bàr-inneal a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY "B">
+<!ENTITY "Bàr-inneal nan saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "s">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.sync.label "Sioncronaich">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.sync.tooltip "Ath-luchdaich na mìosachain is sioncronaich na h-atharraichean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.delete.label "Sguab às">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.delete.tooltip "Sguab às na tachartasan no saothraichean a thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.edit.label "Deasaich">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.edit.tooltip "Deasaich an tachartas no saothair a thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.gototoday.label "Rach gu an-diugh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.gototoday.tooltip "Rach gu an-diugh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.print.label "Clò-bhuail">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.print.tooltip "Clò-bhuail na tachartasan no saothraichean">
+<!-- Mode Toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendar.label "Mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendar.tooltip "Leum gu taba a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendar.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.task.label "Saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.task.tooltip "Leum gu taba nan saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.task.accesskey "S">
+<!-- Toolbar write button -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newevent.label "Tachartas">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newevent.tooltip "Cruthaich tachartas ùr">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newtask.label "Saothair">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newtask.tooltip "Cruthaich saothair ùr">
+<!-- Calendar and Task Mode Toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY "Latha">
+<!ENTITY "L">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.week.label "Seachdain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.week.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.multiweek.label "Iomadh s.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.multiweek.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.month.label "Mìos">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.month.accesskey "M">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: the same as appmenuButton.label and appmenuButton1.tooltip
+ from messenger.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.appmenuButton.label "Clàr-taice na h-aplacaid">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.appmenuButton1.tooltip "Seall clàr-taice &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarmenu.label "Leòsan a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarmenu.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarpane.label "Seall leòsan a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarpane.accesskey "m">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cf2408f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- WARNING! This file contains UTF-8 encoded characters!
+ - If this ==> … <== doesn't look like an ellipsis (three dots in a row),
+ - your editor isn't using UTF-8 encoding and may munge up the document!
+ -->
+<!-- Tools menu -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.preferencesLabel "Am mìosachan">
+<!-- New menu popup in File menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Tachartas…">
+<!ENTITY "T">
+<!ENTITY "Saothair…">
+<!ENTITY "t">
+<!ENTITY "Mìosachan…">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!-- Open menu popup in File menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Faidhle mìosachain…">
+<!ENTITY "c">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!ENTITY "Saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!-- Events and Tasks menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan is saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!-- properties dialog, calendar creation wizard -->
+ lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.label)
+ These strings are used in the calendar wizard and the calendar properties dialog, but are only
+ displayed when setting/using a caldav calendar -->
+<!ENTITY "Post-dealain:">
+<!ENTITY lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.label "B’ fhearr leam sgeidealachadh puist-d taobh a’ chliant">
+<!-- LOCALIZATON NOTE(lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext1,
+ lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext2)
+ - tooltiptext1 is used in the calendar wizard when setting a new caldav calendar
+ - tooltiptext2 is used in the calendar properties dialog for caldav calendars -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext1 "Chan urrainn dhut, aig an àm seo, seo a chur an comas an dèidh dhut am mìosachan seo a shuidheachadh ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean aige ma dhèiligeas frithealaiche a’ mhìosachain ris an sgeidealachadh.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext2 "Chan eil an roghainn seo ri làimh ach ma tha frithealaiche a’ mhìosachain a’ dèiligeadh ris an sgeidealachadh. Ma chuireas tu seo an comas, ceadaichidh seo tilleadh gu sgeidealachadh stannardach a tha stèidhichte air puist-d seach fhàgail aig an fhrithealaiche.">
+<!-- iMIP Bar (meeting support) -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAccept.label "Gabh ris">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAccept2.tooltiptext "Gabh ri cuireadh an tachartais">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAcceptRecurrences.label "Gabh ris a h-uile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAcceptRecurrences2.tooltiptext "Gabh ris a’ chuireadh airson gach aon teachd dheth">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAdd.label "Cuir ris">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAdd.tooltiptext "Cuir an tachartas ris a' mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDecline.label "Diùlt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDecline2.tooltiptext "Diùlt cuireadh an tachartais">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineRecurrences.label "Diùlt na h-uile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineRecurrences2.tooltiptext "Diùlt gach cuireadh do gach teachd dhen tachartas seo">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineCounter.label "Diùlt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineCounter.tooltiptext "Diùlt am moladh eile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDelete.label "Sguab às">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDelete.tooltiptext "Sguab às a' mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDetails.label "Mion-fhiosrachadh…">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDetails.tooltiptext "Seall mion-fhiosrachadh an tachartais">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDoNotShowImipBar.label "Na seall seo na teachaireachdan seo dhomh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnGoToCalendar.label "Am mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnGoToCalendar.tooltiptext "Tadhail air taba a’ mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnMore.label "Barrachd">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnMore.tooltiptext "Dèan briogadh airson barrachd roghainnean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReconfirm2.label "Ath-dhearbh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReconfirm.tooltiptext "Cuiridh seo ath-dhearbhadh gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReschedule.label "Àm eile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReschedule.tooltiptext "Cuir an tachartas air an sgeideal airson àm">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSaveCopy.label "Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSaveCopy.tooltiptext "Sàbhail lethbhreac dhen tachartas sa mhìosachan, fiù mur am freagair thu an t-eagraiche. Thèid liosta nam freastalaichean fhalamhachadh.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentative.label "An dòchas">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentative2.tooltiptext "Gabh ri cuireadh an tachartais gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentativeRecurrences.label "Gach aon gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentativeRecurrences2.tooltiptext "Gabh ri gach cuireadh de gach teachd dhen tachartas seo gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnUpdate.label "Ùraich">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnUpdate.tooltiptext "Ùraich an tachartas sa mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.description "Tha cuireadh gu tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSend.label "Cuir freagairt an-dràsta">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSend.tooltiptext "Cuir freagairt gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSendSeries.tooltiptext "Cuir freagairt mu choinneamh an t-sreatha gu lèir gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDontSend.label "Na cuir freagairt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDontSend.tooltiptext "Atharraich staid a’ chom-pàirteachais agad gun fhreagairt a chur gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDontSendSeries.tooltiptext "Atharraich staid a’ chom-pàirteachais agad mu choinneamh an t-sreatha gun fhreagairt a chur gun eagraiche">
+<!-- Lightning specific keybindings -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.keys.event.showCalendar.key "C">
+<!ENTITY lightning.keys.event.showTasks.key "D">
+<!ENTITY "I">
+<!ENTITY "D">
+<!-- Account Central page -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.acctCentral.newCalendar.label "Cruthaich mìosachan ùr">
+<!-- today-pane-specific -->
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMinimonth.label "Seall meanbh-mhìos">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMinimonth.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMiniday.label "Seall meanbh-latha">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMiniday.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showNone.label "Na seall gin">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showNone.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showTodayPane.label "Seall leòsan an latha">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showTodayPane.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.statusButton.label "Leòsan an latha">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f20626f95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Task mode title
+# Tab titles
+# Html event display in message
+imipHtml.header=Cuireadh gu tachartas
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attachments): This is a label for one or more (additional) links to
+# documents or websites attached to this event.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.url): This is a label for a reference to an (alternate) online
+# representation of the event (either directly human readable or not).
+imipHtml.url=Ceangal co-cheangailte:
+imipHtml.canceledOccurrences=Teachdan a sguireadh dhiubh:
+imipHtml.modifiedOccurrences=Teachdan a chaidh atharrachadh:
+imipHtml.newLocation=Ionad ùr: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom): this is appended behind an attendee name in the
+# email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here
+# %1$S - a single delegator or a comma separated list of delegators
+imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom=(air iomruineadh o %1$S)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo): this is appended behind an attendee name in the
+# email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here
+# %1$S - a single delegatee or a comma separated list of delegatees
+imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo=(air iomruineadh dha %1$S)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendee.combined): tooltip for itip icon in email invitation preview.
+# Given an attendee of type room is a mandatory participant and has accepted the
+# invitation, the tooltip would be:
+# (room) is a required participant. has confirmed attendance.
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %2$S - value of imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.*
+imipHtml.attendee.combined=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR=Bidh %1$S sa chathair aig an tachartas
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT=Cha ghabh %1$S pàirt.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaibh %1$S pàirt ach chan eil an làthaireachd riatanach.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaidh %1$S pàirt is tha an làthaireachd riatanach.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED=Thuirt %1$S nach bi iad an làthair.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+# %2$S - single delegatee or comma separated list of delegatees
+# delegation is different from invitation forwarding - in case of the former the original attendee
+# is replaced, while on the latter the receiver may take part additionally
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED=Bidh %2$S an làthair as leth %1$S.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION=Feumaidh %1$S freagairt fhathast.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair ach gun chinnt.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.INDIVIDUAL): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing an individual attendee
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a group (e.g. a distribution list)
+imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP=%1$S (buidheann)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a resource (e.g. projector)
+imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE=%1$S (goireas)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a room
+imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM=%1$S (seòmar)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.UNKNOWN): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing an attendee of unknown type
+imipAddedItemToCal2=Chaidh an tachartas a chur ris a’ mhìosachan agad.
+imipCanceledItem2=Chaidh an tachartas seo a sguabadh às a’ mhìosachan agad.
+imipUpdatedItem2=Chaidh an tachartas ùrachadh.
+imipBarCancelText=Tha fios mu thachartas a chaidh a chur dheth san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarCounterErrorText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo mu thachartas nach urrainn dhuinn làimhseachadh.
+imipBarCounterPreviousVersionText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo mu sheann-tionndadh de chuireadh.
+imipBarCounterText=Tha frith-mholadh eile mu choinneamh cuiridh san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarDisallowedCounterText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo ged nach do cheadaich thu frith-mholaidhean mu choinneamh an tachartais seo.
+imipBarDeclineCounterText=Tha freagairt sa teachdaireachd seo mu choinneamh an fhrith-mholaidh a rinn thu.
+imipBarRefreshText=Tha an teachdaireachd seo ag iarraidh ùrachadh mu thachartas.
+imipBarPublishText=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarRequestText=Tha cuireadh gu tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarSentText=Tha tachartas a chaidh a chur san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarSentButRemovedText=Tha tachartas a chaidh a chur san teachdaireachd seo ach chan eil e sa mhìosachan agad tuilleadh.
+imipBarUpdateText=Tha ùrachadh airson tachartas a tha ann mu tràth sa teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarUpdateMultipleText=Tha ùrachaidhean airson iomadh tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarUpdateSeriesText=Tha ùrachadh airson sreath de thachartasan a tha ann mu tràth san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarAlreadyProcessedText=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo a chaidh a làimhseachadh mu thràth.
+imipBarProcessedNeedsAction=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach do dhèilig thu ris fhathast.
+imipBarProcessedMultipleNeedsAction=Tha iomadh tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach do fhreagair thu fhathast.
+imipBarProcessedSeriesNeedsAction=Tha sreath de thachartasan san teachdaireachd seo nach do fhreagair thu fhathast.
+imipBarReplyText=Tha freagairt gu cuireadh san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarReplyToNotExistingItem=Tha freagairt san teachdaireachd seo a tha a’ toirt iomradh air tachartas nach eil sa mhìosachan agad.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem):
+# %1$S - datetime of deletion
+imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem=Tha freagairt san teachdaireachd seo a tha a’ toirt iomradh air tachartas a chaidh a thoirt air falbh on mhìosachan agad %1$S.
+imipBarUnsupportedText2=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach urrainn do %1$S làimhseachadh.
+imipBarProcessingFailed=Dh'fhàillig pròiseasadh na teachdaireachd. Staid: %1$S.
+imipBarCalendarDeactivated=Tha fiosrachadh mu thachartas san teachdaireachd seo. Cuir mìosachan an comas airson a làimhseachadh.
+imipBarNotWritable=Chan eil mìosachan sam bith ann anns an urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh 's a chaidh a rèiteachadh airson chuiridhean. Thoir sùil air roghainnean a' mhìosachain.
+imipSendMail.title=Post-dealain caismeachd
+imipSendMail.text=A bheil thu airson post-dealain caismeachd a chur an-dràsta?
+imipNoIdentity=Chan eil gin
+imipNoCalendarAvailable=Chan eil mìosachain ann as urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh annta.
+itipReplySubject2=Freagairt ris a’ chuireadh: %1$S
+itipReplyBodyAccept=Ghabh %1$S ris a' chuireadh agad gun tachartas.
+itipReplyBodyDecline=Dhiùlt %1$S do chuireadh gun tachartas.
+itipReplySubjectAccept2=Air gabhail ris: %1$S
+itipReplySubjectDecline2=Cuireadh air a dhiùltadh: %1$S
+itipReplySubjectTentative2=Gun chinnt: %1$S
+itipRequestSubject2=Cuireadh: %1$S
+itipRequestUpdatedSubject2=Air ùrachadh: %1$S
+itipRequestBody=Thug %1$S cuireadh dhut gu %2$S
+itipCancelSubject2=Air a chur gu neoini: %1$S
+itipCancelBody=Chuir %1$S dheth an tachartas seo: %2$S
+itipCounterBody=Rinn %1$S frith-mholadh mu choinneamh “%2$S”:
+itipDeclineCounterBody=Dhiùlt %1$S do fhrith-mholadh mu choinneamh “%2$S”.
+itipDeclineCounterSubject=Chaidh am frith-mholadh a dhiùltadh: %1$S
+confirmProcessInvitation=Sguab thu às an rud seo o chionn ghoirid, a bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cuireadh seo a phròiseasadh?
+confirmProcessInvitationTitle=Tha, pròiseasaich an cuireadh?
+invitationsLink.label=Cuiridhean: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(noIdentitySelectedNotification):
+noIdentitySelectedNotification=Ma tha thu airson am mìosachan seo a chleachdadh airson cuiridhean o dhaoine eile no gu daoine eile, bu chòir dhut dearbh-aithne puist-d iomruineadh gu h-ìosal.