path: root/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/messengercompose/
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authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-28 14:29:10 +0000
commit2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd (patch)
treeb80bf8bf13c3766139fbacc530efd0dd9d54394c /l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/messengercompose/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 86.0.1.upstream/86.0.1upstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/messengercompose/')
1 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/messengercompose/ b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/messengercompose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d743a1b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/messengercompose/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the compose back end
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (unableToOpenFile, unableToOpenTmpFile):
+## %S will be replaced with the name of file that could not be opened
+unableToOpenFile=%S fayli ochilmadi.
+unableToOpenTmpFile=%S vaqtinchalik fayli ochilmadi. "Vaqtinchalik fayllar direktoriyasi"ni tekshirib ko‘ring.
+unableToSaveTemplate=Xabarni namuna shaklida saqlab bo‘lmadi.
+unableToSaveDraft=Xabarni qoralama sifatida saqlab bo‘lmadi.
+couldntOpenFccFolder=Jo‘natilgan xatlar jildi ochilmadi. Hisob sozlamalari to‘g‘ri ekanligini tekshirib ko‘ring.
+noSender=Jo‘natuvchi aniqlanmadi. Hisob sozlamalariga e-pochta manzilini qo‘shing.
+noRecipients=Qabul qiluvchilar ko‘rsatilmagan. Hududingizdagi qabul qiluvchi yoki yangiliklar to‘plamini kiriting.
+errorWritingFile=Vaqtinchalik faylni yozishda xato yuz berdi.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingFromCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingFromCommand=Xat jo‘natishda xatolik yuz berdi. Pochta serverining javobi: %s. Hisob sozlamalaridagi e-pochta manzili to‘g‘ri ekanligini tasdiqlang va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingDataCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingDataCommand=Xatni jo‘natishda chiquvchi serverda (SMTP) xatolik yuz berdi. Serverning javobi: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingMessage): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+errorSendingMessage=Xat jo‘natishda xatolik yuz berdi. Pochta serverining javobi: %s. Xabarni tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+postFailed=Xabar e’lon qilinmadi, chunki yangiliklar serveriga ulanishda xatolik yuz berdi. Server o‘chirilgan bo‘lishi yoki ulanishlarni rad qilayotgan bo‘lishi mumkin. Yangiliklar server sozlamalari to‘g‘ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling.
+errorQueuedDeliveryFailed=Jo‘natilmagan xabarlarni yetkazib berishda xatolik yuz berdi.
+sendFailed=Xabar jo‘natilmadi.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServerError): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpServerError=Xat jo‘natishda xatolik yuz berdi: Chiquvchi serverda (SMTP) xatolik yuz berdi. Serverning javobi: %s.
+unableToSendLater=Xabaringizni keyinroq jo‘natish uchu saqlab qo‘ya olmadik.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (communicationsError): argument %d is the error code
+communicationsError=Bog‘lanishda xatolik yuz berdi: %d. Yana urinib ko‘ring.
+mimeMpartAttachmentError=Biriktirishda xato yuz berdi.
+failedCopyOperation=Xabar muvaffaqiyatli jo‘natildi, ammo Jo‘natilganlar jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmadi.
+nntpNoCrossPosting=Bir vaqtda bitta yangiliklar serveriga xabar jo‘natish mumkin.
+msgCancelling=Bekor qilinmoqda…
+sendFailedButNntpOk=Xabaringiz yangiliklar to‘plamida qoldirildi, ammo boshqa qabul qiluvchiga jo‘natilmadi.
+errorReadingFile=Faylni o‘qishda xatolik yuz berdi.
+followupToSenderMessage=Bu xabar muallifi javoblarni faqat o‘ziga jo‘natishni so‘ragan. Agar siz yangiliklar to‘plamiga javob berishni xohlasangiz, manzillar hududiga yangi qator qo‘shing, qabul qiluvchilar ro‘yxatidan yangiliklar to‘plaminin tanlang va yangiliklar guruhining nomini kiriting.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorAttachingFile): argument %S is the file name/URI of the object to be attached
+errorAttachingFile=%S biriktirilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi. Fayldan foydalanish uchun ruxsat berilganligini tekshirib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (incorrectSmtpGreeting): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) greeting
+incorrectSmtpGreeting=Xat jo‘natilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi: Pochta serveri noto‘g‘ri ko‘rishish xabarini jo‘natdi: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingRcptCommand): argument %1$S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response, argument %2$S is the intended message recipient.
+errorSendingRcptCommand=Xat jo‘natilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi. Pochta serveri javobi: \n%1$S.\n "%2$S" qabul qiluvchini tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTlsFailed): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+startTlsFailed=Xat jo‘natilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi: STARTTLS xususiyatlarini reklama qilmaganidan boshlab undan foydalanib chiquvchi server (SMTP) %S bilan xavfsiz bog‘lanish o‘rnatib bo‘lmadi. Bu server uchun STARTTLS’ni o‘chirib qo‘ying yoki xizmat ta’minotchisi bilan bog‘laning.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPasswordUndefined): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) account
+smtpPasswordUndefined=Xat jo‘natilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi. %S uchun parol olinmadi. Xabar jo‘natilmadi.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpTempSizeExceeded): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpTempSizeExceeded=Jo‘natiladigan xabar hajmi serverning vaqtinchalik fayllar hajmidan ortiqcha. Xabar jo‘natilmadi. Xabar hajmini kichiklashtirishga harakat qiling yoki biroz kutib qaytadan urinib ko‘ring. Server javobi: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded1): argument %d is the Outgoing server (SMTP) size limit
+smtpPermSizeExceeded1=Siz jo‘natmoqchi bo‘lgan xabarning hajmi serverning global hajm cheklovidan (%d) ortiqcha. Xabar jo‘natilmadi. Xabar hajmini kichiklashtirishga harakat qiling yoki biroz kutib qaytadan urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded2): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+smtpPermSizeExceeded2=Jo‘natiladigan xabar hajmi serverning global hajm cheklovidan ortiqcha. Xabar jo‘natilmadi. Xabar hajmini kichiklashtirishga harakat qiling yoki biroz kutib qaytadan urinib ko‘ring. Server javobi: %s.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownServer): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendFailedUnknownServer=Xat jo‘natilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi: Chiquvchi server (SMTP) %S noma’lum. Server noto‘g‘ri sozlangan bo‘lishi mumkin. Chiquvchi server sozlamalari (SMTP) to‘g‘ri ekanlgigiga ishonch hosil qiling va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendRequestRefused): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendRequestRefused=Xat jo‘natilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi: Chiquvchi serverga (SMTP) %S ulana olmadi. Server o‘chirilgan yoki SMTP ulanishlarni rad qilayotgan bo‘lishi mumkin. Chiquvchi server (SMTP) sozlamalari to‘g‘riligini tekshiring va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendInterrupted): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendInterrupted=Xabar jo‘natilmadi, chunki chiquvchi serverga (SMTP) %S ulanish uzatishning o‘rtasida yo‘qoldi. Qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendTimeout): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendTimeout=Xabar jo‘natilmadi, chunki chiquvchi serverga (SMTP) %S ulanish vaqti o‘tib ketdi. Qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownReason): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+smtpSendFailedUnknownReason=Chiquvchi serverda (SMTP) %S foydalanib xabarni jo‘natish noma’lum sababga ko‘ra amalga oshmadi. Chiquvchi server (SMTP) sozlamalari to‘g‘ri ekanligini tasdiqlang va qayta urinib ko‘ring.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl=Chiquvchi server (SMTP) %S shifrlangan parollarni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydiganga o‘xshaydi. Hozirgina hisobni sozlagan bo‘lsangiz, "Hisob sozlamalari | Chiquvchi server (SMTP)"dan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"ni "Parol, xavfli usulda o‘tkazilgan"ga o‘zgartiring. Agar undan ilgari foydalangan bo‘lsangiz-u, lekin hozir ishlamayotgan bo‘lsa, parolingizni birov o‘g‘irlaganligi gumon qilinadi.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl=Chiquvchi server (SMTP) %S shifrlangan parollarni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydiganga o‘xshaydi. Hozirgina hisobni sozlagan bo‘lsangiz, "Hisob sozlamalari | Chiquvchi server (SMTP)"dan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"ni "O‘rtacha parol"ga o‘zgartiring.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt=Chiquvchi server (SMTP) %S faqat matndan iborat parollarni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydi. Hozirgina hisobni sozlagan bo‘lsangiz, "Hisob sozlamalari | Chiquvchi server (SMTP)"dan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"ni "Shifrlangan parol"ga o‘zgartiring.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthFailure): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthFailure=Chiquvchi server (SMTP) %S haqiqiyligi tasdiqlanmadi. "Hisob sozlamalari | Chiquvchi server (SMTP)" ichidagi "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"ni tekshirib ko‘ring.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthGssapi): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthGssapi=Kerberos/GSSAPI biletini (SMTP) %S chiquvchi serverini qabul qilmadi. Kerberos/GSSAPI hududiga kirganligingizni tekshirib ko‘ring.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+smtpAuthMechNotSupported=(SMTP) %S chiquvchi serveri tanlangan haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi bilan ishlay olmaydi. "Hisob sozlamalari | Chiquvchi server (SMTP)" ichidan "Haqiqiylikni tekshirish uslubi"ni o‘zgartiring.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorIllegalLocalPart): %s is an email address with an illegal localpart
+errorIllegalLocalPart=%s nomli qabul qiluvchi manzilining mahalliy qismida ASCII bo‘lmagan belgilar bor. Bu belgilar qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi, shuning uchun bu manzilni o‘zgartiring va yana urinib ko‘ring.
+## Strings used for the save message dialog shown when the user closes a message compose window
+saveDlogTitle=Xabarni saqlash
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveDlogMessages2): Do not translate the words %1$S and \n.
+## %1$S is replaced by the folder name configured for saving drafts (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## Translate "Write" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" below.
+## generics string
+defaultSubject=(no subject)
+chooseFileToAttach=Fayl(lar)ni biriktirish
+genericFailureExplanation=Hisobingiz sozlamalari to‘g‘ri ekanligini tasdiqlang va qaytadan urinib ko'ring.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (undisclosedRecipients): this string must use only US_ASCII characters
+undisclosedRecipients=yashirin qabul qiluvchi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (chooseFileToAttachViaCloud): %1$S is the cloud
+# provider to save the file to.
+chooseFileToAttachViaCloud=Fayl(lar)ni %1$S orqali biriktirish
+msgIdentityPlaceholder=%S o‘rniga foydalanish uchun boshqa jo‘natuvchi manzilini kiriting
+customizeFromAddressTitle=Manzildan mozlash
+customizeFromAddressWarning=Agar e-pochta ta’minotchisi buni qo‘llab-quvvatlasa, "Manzildan moslash" hisob sozlamalaridan yangi shaxsiy ma’lumotlarni tuzmasdan, jo‘natuvchi manzilida bir martalik ahamiyatsiz o‘zgartirishni amalga oshirish imkonini beradi. Masalan, agar jo‘natuvchi manzili John Doe <> bo‘lsa, siz uni John Doe <> yoki John <> shaklida o‘zgartirishingiz mumkin.
+customizeFromAddressIgnore=Hech qachon bu uchun ogohlantirish berilmasin
+## Strings used by the empty subject dialog
+subjectEmptyTitle=Mavzu eslatkichi
+subjectEmptyMessage=Xabaringizda mavzu yo‘q.
+sendWithEmptySubjectButton=Mavzusin &jo‘natish
+cancelSendingButton=Jo‘natishni &bekor qilish
+## Strings used by the dialog that informs about the lack of newsgroup support.
+noNewsgroupSupportTitle=Yangiliklar to‘plami qo‘llab-quvvatlanmaydi
+recipientDlogMessage=Bu hisob faqat xat qabul qiluvchilarni qo‘llab-quvvatlaydi. Davom ettirsangiz, yangiliklar to‘plami e’tiborsiz qoldiriladi.
+## Strings used by the alert that tells the user that an e-mail address is invalid.
+addressInvalidTitle=Qabul qiluvchi manzili noto‘g‘ri
+addressInvalid=%1$S – pochtasi noto‘g‘ri, chunki u user@host shaklida emas. Xatni jo‘natishda oldin uni to‘g‘rilashingiz lozim.
+## String used by the dialog that asks the user to attach a web page
+attachPageDlogTitle=Biriktirish uchun manzilni ko‘rsating
+attachPageDlogMessage=Veb sahifa (URL):
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message
+messageAttachmentSafeName=Biriktirilgan xabar
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message part
+partAttachmentSafeName=Biriktirilgan xabar qismi
+## String used by the Initialization Error dialog
+initErrorDlogTitle=Xabar yozish
+initErrorDlgMessage=Xabar yozish oynasini yaratishda xatolik yuz berdi. Yana urinib ko‘ring.
+## String used if a file to attach does not exist when passed as
+## a command line argument
+errorFileAttachTitle=Faylni biriktirish
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileAttachMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name.
+errorFileAttachMessage=%1$S fayli mavjud emas, shuning uchun u xabarga biriktirilmaydi.
+## String used if a file to serve as message body does not exist or cannot be loaded when passed
+## as a command line argument
+errorFileMessageTitle=Xabar fayli
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileMessageMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name.
+errorFileMessageMessage=%1$S fayli mavjud emas, shuning uchun undan xabar matni sifatida foydalanib bo‘lmaydi.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorLoadFileMessageMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the name of the file that can't be loaded.
+errorLoadFileMessageMessage=%1$S fayli xabar matni sifatida yuklanmadi
+## Strings used by the Save as Draft/Template dialog
+SaveDialogTitle=Xabarni saqlash
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveDialogMsg): %1$S is the folder name, %2$S is the host name
+SaveDialogMsg=Xabaringiz %1$S jildiga %2$S hosti ostida saqlandi.
+CheckMsg=Bu muloqot oynasi menga boshqa ko‘rsatilmasin.
+## Strings used by the prompt when Quitting while in progress
+quitComposeWindowTitle=Xabarni jo‘natish
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowMessage2): don't translate \n
+quitComposeWindowMessage2=%1$S hozirda xabarni jo‘natmoqda.\nKeyiroq yoki hozir chiqishdan oldin xabarni jo‘natilishini kutib turasizmi?
+quitComposeWindowWaitButtonLabel2=&Kutib turaman
+quitComposeWindowSaveTitle=Xabarni saqlash
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowSaveMessage): don't translate \n
+quitComposeWindowSaveMessage=%1$S hozirda xabarni saqlamoqda.\nKeyiroq yoki hozir chiqishdan oldin xabarni saqlanishini kutib turasizmi?
+## Strings used by the prompt for Ctrl-Enter check before sending message
+sendMessageCheckWindowTitle=Xabarni jo‘natish
+sendMessageCheckLabel=Bu xabarni jo‘natishga tayyormisiz?
+assemblingMessageDone=Xabar yig‘ilmoqda… Tayyor
+assemblingMessage=Xabar yig‘ilmoqda…
+smtpDeliveringMail=Xabar yetkazib berilmoqda…
+smtpMailSent=Xat muvaffaqiyatli jo‘natildi
+assemblingMailInformation=Xat ma’lumotlari yig‘ilmoqda…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (gatheringAttachment): argument %S is the file name/URI of attachment
+gatheringAttachment=%S biriktirilmoqda…
+creatingMailMessage=Xat xabari yaratilmoqda…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyMessageStart): argument %S is the folder name
+copyMessageStart=Xabardan %S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda…
+copyMessageComplete=Nusxa olish tugadi.
+copyMessageFailed=Nuxsa olinmadi.
+filterMessageComplete=Filterlash tugadi.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (largeMessageSendWarning):
+## Do not translate %S. It is the size of the message in user-friendly notation.
+largeMessageSendWarning=Diqqat! %S hajmdagi xabarni jo‘natish arafsidasiz. Buni rostdan amalga oshirmoqchimisiz?
+sendingMessage=Xabar jo‘natilmoqda…
+sendMessageErrorTitle=Xabarni jo‘natishda xatolik yuz berdi
+postingMessage=Xabar qoldirilmoqda…
+sendLaterErrorTitle=Keyinroq jo‘natishda xatolik
+saveDraftErrorTitle=Qoralamga saqlashda xatolik
+saveTemplateErrorTitle=Namunani saqlashda xatolik
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving=Xabarga %.200S faylini qo‘shishda muammo yuz berdi. Xabarni bu faylsiz saqlashda davom etasizmi?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending=Xabarga %.200S faylini qo‘shishda muammo yuz berdi. Xabarni bu faylsiz jo‘natishda davom etasizmi?
+returnToComposeWindowQuestion=Xat yozish oynasiga qaytishni xohlaysizmi?
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle): #1 is the author (name of the person replying to)
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle=#1 yozdi:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote=#2 #3, #1 da yozdi:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate=#1 #2 #3da yozdi:
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage=-------- Asl xabar --------
+## forwarded header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.forward_header_originalmessage=-------- Uzatilgan xabar --------
+## Strings used by the rename attachment dialog
+renameAttachmentTitle=Biriktirmani qayta nomlash
+renameAttachmentMessage=Yangi biriktirilgan fayl nomi:
+## Attachment Reminder
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mail.compose.attachment_reminder_keywords): comma separated
+## words that should trigger an attachment reminder.
+mail.compose.attachment_reminder_keywords=.doc,.pdf,.xls,.ppt,.rtf,.pps,attachment,attach,attached,attaching,enclosed,CV,cover letter
+addAttachmentButton=Biriktirma qo‘shish…
+remindLaterButton=Keyinroq eslatilsin
+disableAttachmentReminderButton=Joriy xabar uchun biriktirma eslatkichini o‘chirib qo‘yish
+attachmentReminderTitle=Biriktirma eslatkichi
+attachmentReminderMsg=Biriktirma qo‘shishni unutdingizmi?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentReminderKeywordsMsgs): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of keywords
+attachmentReminderKeywordsMsgs=Biriktirish kalit so‘zi topildi:;#1 ta biriktirish kalit so‘zi topildi
+attachmentReminderOptionsMsg=Biriktirma so‘zlarini parametrlardan sozlashingiz mumkin
+attachmentReminderYesIForgot=Oh, buni men qildim!
+attachmentReminderFalseAlarm=Yo‘q, hozir jo‘natilsin
+# Strings used by the Filelink offer notification bar.
+learnMore.label=Batafsil ma’lumot
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (bigFileDescription): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of big attached files
+bigFileDescription=Bu katta fayl. O‘rniga Filelink xizmatidan foydalanganinlagiz ma’qul.;Bular katta fayllar. O‘rniga Filelink xizmatidan foydalanganingiz ma’qul.\u0020
+bigFileAttach.label=E’tiborsiz qoldirish
+bigFileChooseAccount.title=Hisobni tanlash
+bigFileChooseAccount.text=Biriktirmani yuklash uchun bulut hisobini tanlang
+bigFileHideNotification.title=Fayllarim yuklanmasin
+bigFileHideNotification.text=Bu xabarga yana kattaroq fayllarni biriktirsangiz, sizga ogohlantirish berilmaydi.
+bigFileHideNotification.check=Bu xabar uchun menga ogohlantirish ko‘rsatilmasin.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudFileUploadingTooltip): Do not translate the string
+# %S. %S is the display name for the cloud account the attachment is being
+# uploaded to.
+cloudFileUploadingTooltip=%S bulut hisobiga yuklanmoqda…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudFileUploadedTooltip): Do not translate the string
+# %S. %S is the display name for the cloud account the attachment was uploaded
+# to.
+cloudFileUploadedTooltip=%S bulut xizmatiga yuklandi
+cloudFileUploadingNotification=Faylingizga havol beriladi. Xabarning mazmuni tayyor bo‘lganda u ko‘rinadi.;Fayllaringizga havol beriladi. Xabarning mazmuni tayyor bo‘lganda u ko‘rinadi.
+cloudFileUploadingCancel.label=Bekor qilish
+cloudFilePrivacyNotification=Havol berish tugadi. Havola berilgan biriktirmalardan havolani ko‘radigan yoki uni topib olgan odamlarga ko‘rinishi mumkin.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the
+## word %S. Place the word %S where the host name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPrompt=%S uchun parolingizni kiriting:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername): Do not translate the
+## words %1$S and %2$S. Place the word %1$S where the host name should appear,
+## and %2$S where the user name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername=%1$S hostidagi %2$S uchun parolingizni kiriting:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeAttachmentMsgs): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+removeAttachmentMsgs=Biriktirmani olib tashlash;Biriktirmalarni olib tashlash
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveSentLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved sent messages (typically the "Sent" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## Translate "Write" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" above.
+errorFilteringMsg=Xabaringiz jo‘natildi va saqlandi, ammo xabar filterlari ishga tushirilayotganda xatolik yuz berdi.
+errorCloudFileAuth.title=Haqiqiyligini tasdiqlashda xatolik yuz berdi
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveDraftLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved draft messages (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveTemplateLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved templates (typically the "Templates" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(saveToLocalFoldersFailed): Message appears after normal
+## save fails (e.g., to Sent) and save to Local Folders also fails. This could
+## occur if network is down and filesystem problems are present such as disk
+## full, permission issues or hardware failure.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileAuth.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service against which the authentication failed.
+errorCloudFileAuth.message=%1$S xizmatida ro‘yxatdan o‘tib bo‘lmadi.
+errorCloudFileUpload.title=Yuklashda xatolik yuz berdi
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileUpload.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service against which the uploading failed.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that failed to upload.
+errorCloudFileUpload.message=%2$S faylini %1$S xizmatiga yuklab bo‘lmadi.
+errorCloudFileQuota.title=Kvotada xatolik
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileQuota.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service being uploaded to.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that could not be uploaded due to exceeding the storage limit.
+errorCloudFileQuota.message=%2$S’ni %1$S’ga yuklasangiz xotirada bo‘sh joy qolmaydi.
+errorCloudFileNameLimit.title=Fayl nomi noto‘g‘ri
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileNameLimit.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service being uploaded to.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that could not be uploaded due to the excess file name length
+errorCloudFileNameLimit.message=%2$S so‘zida 120 tadan ko‘p belgi bor. Bu esa %1$S uchun maksimal fayl nomidan ko‘ra ko‘proq. Fayl nomini 120 tadan oshmagan so‘zga o‘zgartiring yoki nomini qisqartirib, qaytadan yuklang.
+errorCloudFileLimit.title=Fayl hajmida xatolik
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileLimit.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service being uploaded to.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that could not be uploaded due to size restrictions.
+errorCloudFileLimit.message=%2$S hajmi %1$S xizmati maksimal cheklovidan oshib ketdi.
+errorCloudFileOther.title=Nomaʼlum xato
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileOther.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service that cannot be communicated with.
+errorCloudFileOther.message=%1$S bilan aloqa o‘rnatilayotganda noma’lum xatolik yuz berdi.
+errorCloudFileDeletion.title=O‘chirishda xatolik yuz berdi
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(errorCloudFileDeletion.message):
+## %1$S is the name of the online storage service that the file is to be deleted from.
+## %2$S is the name of the file that failed to be deleted.
+errorCloudFileDeletion.message=%2$S faylini %1$S xizmatidan o‘chirishda muammo yuz berdi.
+errorCloudFileUpgrade.label=Versiyasini yangilash
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudAttachmentCountHeader): A line of text describing how
+## many uploaded files have been appended to this message. Emphasis should be
+## on sharing as opposed to attaching. This item is used as a header to a list,
+## hence the colon. This header is only displayed in HTML emails.
+## Using PluralForm (so don't replace the #1).
+cloudAttachmentCountHeader=#1 ta faylni xatga biriktirganman:;#1 ta faylni xatga biriktirganman:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudAttachmentListFooter): %1$S is a link, whose text
+## contents are the brandFullName of this application.
+cloudAttachmentListFooter=Katta fayllarni e-pochta orqali yuborishni %1$S osonlashtiradi.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(cloudAttachmentListItem): A line of text describing a cloud
+## attachment to be inserted into the message body. Do not translate the words
+## %1$S, %2$S, %3$S, or %4$S. %1$S is the attachment name, %2$S is its size,
+## %3$S is the name of the cloud storage service, and %4$S is the link to the
+## attachment.
+cloudAttachmentListItem=* %1$S (%2$S) %3$S xizmatida joylashgan: %4$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(stopShowingUploadingNotification): This string is used in the Filelink
+## upload notification bar to allow the user to dismiss the notification permanently.
+stopShowingUploadingNotification.label=Bu boshqa ko‘rsatilmasin
+replaceButton.tooltip=Topish va almashtirish oynasini ko‘rsatish
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(blockedAllowResource): %S is the URL to load.
+blockedAllowResource=%Sni qulfdan chiqarish
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentMessage): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## %S will be replaced by brandShortName.
+## Files must be unblocked individually, therefore the plural form reads:
+## Unblocking a file (one of several) will include it (that one file) in your sent message.
+## In other words:
+## Unblocking one/several file(s) will include it/them in your message.