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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/debian/local/pref/user.js b/debian/local/pref/user.js
index 9f308dbfee..d5b1dc2743 100644
--- a/debian/local/pref/user.js
+++ b/debian/local/pref/user.js
@@ -786,36 +786,6 @@ user_pref("gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled", false);
#Required reading [#]
user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "1600 syntax error: the parrot rests in peace!");
-/* 1601: ALL: control when images/links send a referer
- * 0=never, 1=send only when links are clicked, 2=for links and images (default) ***/
- // user_pref("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 2);
-/* 1602: ALL: control the amount of information to send
- * 0=send full URI (default), 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port ***/
- // user_pref("network.http.referer.trimmingPolicy", 0);
-/* 1603: CROSS ORIGIN: control when to send a referer
- * 0=always (default), 1=only if base domains match, 2=only if hosts match
- * [SETUP-WEB] Known to cause issues with older modems/routers and some sites e.g vimeo, icloud ***/
-user_pref("network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy", 2);
-/* 1604: CROSS ORIGIN: control the amount of information to send [FF52+]
- * 0=send full URI (default), 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port ***/
-user_pref("network.http.referer.XOriginTrimmingPolicy", 2);
-/* 1605: ALL: disable spoofing a referer
- * [WARNING] Do not set this to true, as spoofing effectively disables the anti-CSRF
- * (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protections that some sites may rely on ***/
- // user_pref("network.http.referer.spoofSource", false); // [DEFAULT: false]
-/* 1606: ALL: set the default Referrer Policy [FF59+]
- * 0=no-referer, 1=same-origin, 2=strict-origin-when-cross-origin, 3=no-referrer-when-downgrade
- * [NOTE] This is only a default, it can be overridden by a site-controlled Referrer Policy
- * [1]
- * [2]
- * [3] ***/
- // user_pref("network.http.referer.defaultPolicy", 3); // [DEFAULT: 3]
- // user_pref("network.http.referer.defaultPolicy.pbmode", 2); // [DEFAULT: 2]
-/* 1607: TOR: hide (not spoof) referrer when leaving a .onion domain [FF54+]
- * [NOTE] Firefox cannot access .onion sites by default. We recommend you use
- * the Tor Browser which is specifically designed for hidden services
- * [1] ***/
-user_pref("network.http.referer.hideOnionSource", true);
/* 1610: ALL: enable the DNT (Do Not Track) HTTP header
* [NOTE] DNT is enforced with Enhanced Tracking Protection regardless of this pref
* [SETTING] Privacy & Security>Enhanced Tracking Protection>Send websites a "Do Not Track" signal... ***/