path: root/browser/components/fxmonitor/FirefoxMonitor.jsm
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Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/fxmonitor/FirefoxMonitor.jsm')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/fxmonitor/FirefoxMonitor.jsm b/browser/components/fxmonitor/FirefoxMonitor.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8f4ac98b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/fxmonitor/FirefoxMonitor.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["FirefoxMonitor"];
+const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
+ EveryWindow: "resource:///modules/EveryWindow.jsm",
+ PluralForm: "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm",
+ Preferences: "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm",
+ RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.js",
+ Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm",
+const STYLESHEET = "chrome://browser/content/fxmonitor/FirefoxMonitor.css";
+const ICON = "chrome://browser/content/fxmonitor/monitor32.svg";
+this.FirefoxMonitor = {
+ // Map of breached site host -> breach metadata.
+ domainMap: new Map(),
+ // Reference to the extension object from the WebExtension context.
+ // Used for getting URIs for resources packaged in the extension.
+ extension: null,
+ // Whether we've started observing for the user visiting a breached site.
+ observerAdded: false,
+ // This is here for documentation, will be redefined to a lazy getter
+ // that creates and returns a string bundle in loadStrings().
+ strings: null,
+ // This is here for documentation, will be redefined to a pref getter
+ // using XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter in init().
+ enabled: null,
+ kEnabledPref: "extensions.fxmonitor.enabled",
+ // This is here for documentation, will be redefined to a pref getter
+ // using XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter in delayedInit().
+ // Telemetry event recording is enabled by default.
+ // If this pref exists and is true-y, it's disabled.
+ telemetryDisabled: null,
+ kTelemetryDisabledPref: "extensions.fxmonitor.telemetryDisabled",
+ kNotificationID: "fxmonitor",
+ // This is here for documentation, will be redefined to a pref getter
+ // using XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter in delayedInit().
+ // The value of this property is used as the URL to which the user
+ // is directed when they click "Check Firefox Monitor".
+ FirefoxMonitorURL: null,
+ kFirefoxMonitorURLPref: "extensions.fxmonitor.FirefoxMonitorURL",
+ kDefaultFirefoxMonitorURL: "",
+ // This is here for documentation, will be redefined to a pref getter
+ // using XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter in delayedInit().
+ // The pref stores whether the user has seen a breach alert already.
+ // The value is used in warnIfNeeded.
+ firstAlertShown: null,
+ kFirstAlertShownPref: "extensions.fxmonitor.firstAlertShown",
+ disable() {
+ Preferences.set(this.kEnabledPref, false);
+ },
+ getString(aKey) {
+ return this.strings.GetStringFromName(aKey);
+ },
+ getFormattedString(aKey, args) {
+ return this.strings.formatStringFromName(aKey, args);
+ },
+ // We used to persist the list of hosts we've already warned the
+ // user for in this pref. Now, we check the pref at init and
+ // if it has a value, migrate the remembered hosts to content prefs
+ // and clear this one.
+ kWarnedHostsPref: "extensions.fxmonitor.warnedHosts",
+ migrateWarnedHostsIfNeeded() {
+ if (!Preferences.isSet(this.kWarnedHostsPref)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let hosts = [];
+ try {
+ hosts = JSON.parse(Preferences.get(this.kWarnedHostsPref));
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // Invalid JSON, nothing to be done.
+ }
+ let loadContext = Cu.createLoadContext();
+ for (let host of hosts) {
+ this.rememberWarnedHost(loadContext, host);
+ }
+ Preferences.reset(this.kWarnedHostsPref);
+ },
+ init() {
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "enabled",
+ this.kEnabledPref,
+ true,
+ (pref, oldVal, newVal) => {
+ if (newVal) {
+ this.startObserving();
+ } else {
+ this.stopObserving();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ if (this.enabled) {
+ this.startObserving();
+ }
+ },
+ // Used to enforce idempotency of delayedInit. delayedInit is
+ // called in startObserving() to ensure we load our strings, etc.
+ _delayedInited: false,
+ async delayedInit() {
+ if (this._delayedInited) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._delayedInited = true;
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(
+ this,
+ "_contentPrefService",
+ ";1",
+ "nsIContentPrefService2"
+ );
+ this.migrateWarnedHostsIfNeeded();
+ // Expire our telemetry on November 1, at which time
+ // we should redo data-review.
+ let telemetryExpiryDate = new Date(2019, 10, 1); // Month is zero-index
+ let today = new Date();
+ let expired = today.getTime() > telemetryExpiryDate.getTime();
+ Services.telemetry.registerEvents("fxmonitor", {
+ interaction: {
+ methods: ["interaction"],
+ objects: [
+ "doorhanger_shown",
+ "doorhanger_removed",
+ "check_btn",
+ "dismiss_btn",
+ "never_show_btn",
+ ],
+ record_on_release: true,
+ expired,
+ },
+ });
+ let telemetryEnabled = !Preferences.get(this.kTelemetryDisabledPref);
+ Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("fxmonitor", telemetryEnabled);
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "FirefoxMonitorURL",
+ this.kFirefoxMonitorURLPref,
+ this.kDefaultFirefoxMonitorURL
+ );
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "firstAlertShown",
+ this.kFirstAlertShownPref,
+ false
+ );
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "strings", () => {
+ return Services.strings.createBundle(
+ "chrome://browser/locale/"
+ );
+ });
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "telemetryDisabled",
+ this.kTelemetryDisabledPref,
+ false
+ );
+ await this.loadBreaches();
+ },
+ kRemoteSettingsKey: "fxmonitor-breaches",
+ async loadBreaches() {
+ let populateSites = data => {
+ this.domainMap.clear();
+ data.forEach(site => {
+ if (
+ !site.Domain ||
+ !site.Name ||
+ !site.PwnCount ||
+ !site.BreachDate ||
+ !site.AddedDate
+ ) {
+ Cu.reportError(
+ `Firefox Monitor: malformed breach entry.\nSite:\n${JSON.stringify(
+ site
+ )}`
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ this.domainMap.set(site.Domain, {
+ Name: site.Name,
+ PwnCount: site.PwnCount,
+ Year: new Date(site.BreachDate).getFullYear(),
+ AddedDate: site.AddedDate.split("T")[0],
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ Cu.reportError(
+ `Firefox Monitor: malformed breach entry.\nSite:\n${JSON.stringify(
+ site
+ )}\nError:\n${e}`
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ RemoteSettings(this.kRemoteSettingsKey).on("sync", event => {
+ let {
+ data: { current },
+ } = event;
+ populateSites(current);
+ });
+ let data = await RemoteSettings(this.kRemoteSettingsKey).get();
+ if (data && data.length) {
+ populateSites(data);
+ }
+ },
+ // nsIWebProgressListener implementation.
+ onStateChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, aStatus) {
+ if (
+ !(aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) ||
+ !aWebProgress.isTopLevel ||
+ aWebProgress.isLoadingDocument ||
+ !Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let host;
+ try {
+ host = Services.eTLD.getBaseDomain(aRequest.URI);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // If we can't get the host for the URL, it's not one we
+ // care about for breach alerts anyway.
+ return;
+ }
+ this.warnIfNeeded(aBrowser, host);
+ },
+ notificationsByWindow: new WeakMap(),
+ panelUIsByWindow: new WeakMap(),
+ async startObserving() {
+ if (this.observerAdded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ EveryWindow.registerCallback(
+ this.kNotificationID,
+ win => {
+ if (this.notificationsByWindow.has(win)) {
+ // We've already set up this window.
+ return;
+ }
+ this.notificationsByWindow.set(win, new Set());
+ // Start listening across all tabs! The UI will
+ // be set up lazily when we actually need to show
+ // a notification.
+ this.delayedInit().then(() => {
+ win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(this);
+ });
+ },
+ (win, closing) => {
+ // If the window is going away, don't bother doing anything.
+ if (closing) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let DOMWindowUtils = win.windowUtils;
+ DOMWindowUtils.removeSheetUsingURIString(
+ );
+ if (this.notificationsByWindow.has(win)) {
+ this.notificationsByWindow.get(win).forEach(n => {
+ n.remove();
+ });
+ this.notificationsByWindow.delete(win);
+ }
+ if (this.panelUIsByWindow.has(win)) {
+ let doc = win.document;
+ doc
+ .getElementById(`${this.kNotificationID}-notification-anchor`)
+ .remove();
+ doc.getElementById(`${this.kNotificationID}-notification`).remove();
+ this.panelUIsByWindow.delete(win);
+ }
+ win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(this);
+ }
+ );
+ this.observerAdded = true;
+ },
+ setupPanelUI(win) {
+ // Inject our stylesheet.
+ let DOMWindowUtils = win.windowUtils;
+ DOMWindowUtils.loadSheetUsingURIString(
+ );
+ // Setup the popup notification stuff. First, the URL bar icon:
+ let doc = win.document;
+ let notificationBox = doc.getElementById("notification-popup-box");
+ // We create a box to use as the anchor, and put an icon image
+ // inside it. This way, when we animate the icon, its scale change
+ // does not cause the popup notification to bounce due to the anchor
+ // point moving.
+ let anchorBox = doc.createXULElement("box");
+ anchorBox.setAttribute("id", `${this.kNotificationID}-notification-anchor`);
+ anchorBox.classList.add("notification-anchor-icon");
+ let img = doc.createXULElement("image");
+ img.setAttribute("role", "button");
+ img.classList.add(`${this.kNotificationID}-icon`);
+ = `url(${ICON})`;
+ anchorBox.appendChild(img);
+ notificationBox.appendChild(anchorBox);
+ img.setAttribute(
+ "tooltiptext",
+ this.getFormattedString("fxmonitor.anchorIcon.tooltiptext", [
+ this.getString("fxmonitor.brandName"),
+ ])
+ );
+ // Now, the popupnotificationcontent:
+ let parentElt = doc.defaultView.PopupNotifications.panel.parentNode;
+ let pn = doc.createXULElement("popupnotification");
+ let pnContent = doc.createXULElement("popupnotificationcontent");
+ let panelUI = new PanelUI(doc);
+ pnContent.appendChild(;
+ pn.appendChild(pnContent);
+ pn.setAttribute("id", `${this.kNotificationID}-notification`);
+ pn.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ parentElt.appendChild(pn);
+ this.panelUIsByWindow.set(win, panelUI);
+ return panelUI;
+ },
+ stopObserving() {
+ if (!this.observerAdded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ EveryWindow.unregisterCallback(this.kNotificationID);
+ this.observerAdded = false;
+ },
+ async hostAlreadyWarned(loadContext, host) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this._contentPrefService.getByDomainAndName(
+ host,
+ "extensions.fxmonitor.hostAlreadyWarned",
+ loadContext,
+ {
+ handleCompletion: () => resolve(false),
+ handleResult: result => resolve(result.value),
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ rememberWarnedHost(loadContext, host) {
+ this._contentPrefService.set(
+ host,
+ "extensions.fxmonitor.hostAlreadyWarned",
+ true,
+ loadContext
+ );
+ },
+ async warnIfNeeded(browser, host) {
+ if (
+ !this.enabled ||
+ !this.domainMap.has(host) ||
+ (await this.hostAlreadyWarned(browser.loadContext, host))
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let site = this.domainMap.get(host);
+ // We only alert for breaches that were found up to 2 months ago,
+ // except for the very first alert we show the user - in which case,
+ // we include breaches found in the last three years.
+ let breachDateThreshold = new Date();
+ if (this.firstAlertShown) {
+ breachDateThreshold.setMonth(breachDateThreshold.getMonth() - 2);
+ } else {
+ breachDateThreshold.setFullYear(breachDateThreshold.getFullYear() - 1);
+ }
+ if (new Date(site.AddedDate).getTime() < breachDateThreshold.getTime()) {
+ return;
+ } else if (!this.firstAlertShown) {
+ Preferences.set(this.kFirstAlertShownPref, true);
+ }
+ this.rememberWarnedHost(browser.loadContext, host);
+ let doc = browser.ownerDocument;
+ let win = doc.defaultView;
+ let panelUI = this.panelUIsByWindow.get(win);
+ if (!panelUI) {
+ panelUI = this.setupPanelUI(win);
+ }
+ let animatedOnce = false;
+ let populatePanel = event => {
+ switch (event) {
+ case "showing":
+ panelUI.refresh(site);
+ if (animatedOnce) {
+ // If we've already animated once for this site, don't animate again.
+ doc
+ .getElementById("notification-popup")
+ .setAttribute("fxmonitoranimationdone", "true");
+ doc
+ .getElementById(`${this.kNotificationID}-notification-anchor`)
+ .setAttribute("fxmonitoranimationdone", "true");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Make sure we animate if we're coming from another tab that has
+ // this attribute set.
+ doc
+ .getElementById("notification-popup")
+ .removeAttribute("fxmonitoranimationdone");
+ doc
+ .getElementById(`${this.kNotificationID}-notification-anchor`)
+ .removeAttribute("fxmonitoranimationdone");
+ break;
+ case "shown":
+ animatedOnce = true;
+ break;
+ case "removed":
+ this.notificationsByWindow
+ .get(win)
+ .delete(
+ win.PopupNotifications.getNotification(
+ this.kNotificationID,
+ browser
+ )
+ );
+ this.recordEvent("doorhanger_removed");
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ let n =
+ browser,
+ this.kNotificationID,
+ "",
+ `${this.kNotificationID}-notification-anchor`,
+ panelUI.primaryAction,
+ panelUI.secondaryActions,
+ {
+ persistent: true,
+ hideClose: true,
+ eventCallback: populatePanel,
+ popupIconURL: ICON,
+ }
+ );
+ this.recordEvent("doorhanger_shown");
+ this.notificationsByWindow.get(win).add(n);
+ },
+ recordEvent(aEventName) {
+ if (this.telemetryDisabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Services.telemetry.recordEvent("fxmonitor", "interaction", aEventName);
+ },
+function PanelUI(doc) {
+ = null;
+ this.doc = doc;
+ let box = doc.createXULElement("vbox");
+ let elt = doc.createXULElement("description");
+ elt.textContent = this.getString("fxmonitor.popupHeader");
+ elt.classList.add("headerText");
+ box.appendChild(elt);
+ elt = doc.createXULElement("description");
+ elt.classList.add("popupText");
+ box.appendChild(elt);
+ = box;
+PanelUI.prototype = {
+ getString(aKey) {
+ return FirefoxMonitor.getString(aKey);
+ },
+ getFormattedString(aKey, args) {
+ return FirefoxMonitor.getFormattedString(aKey, args);
+ },
+ get brandString() {
+ if (this._brandString) {
+ return this._brandString;
+ }
+ return (this._brandString = this.getString("fxmonitor.brandName"));
+ },
+ getFirefoxMonitorURL: aSiteName => {
+ return `${FirefoxMonitor.FirefoxMonitorURL}/?breach=${encodeURIComponent(
+ aSiteName
+ )}&utm_source=firefox&utm_medium=popup`;
+ },
+ get primaryAction() {
+ if (this._primaryAction) {
+ return this._primaryAction;
+ }
+ return (this._primaryAction = {
+ label: this.getFormattedString("fxmonitor.checkButton.label", [
+ this.brandString,
+ ]),
+ accessKey: this.getString("fxmonitor.checkButton.accessKey"),
+ callback: () => {
+ let win = this.doc.defaultView;
+ win.openTrustedLinkIn(
+ this.getFirefoxMonitorURL(,
+ "tab",
+ {}
+ );
+ FirefoxMonitor.recordEvent("check_btn");
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ get secondaryActions() {
+ if (this._secondaryActions) {
+ return this._secondaryActions;
+ }
+ return (this._secondaryActions = [
+ {
+ label: this.getString("fxmonitor.dismissButton.label"),
+ accessKey: this.getString("fxmonitor.dismissButton.accessKey"),
+ callback: () => {
+ FirefoxMonitor.recordEvent("dismiss_btn");
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ label: this.getFormattedString("fxmonitor.neverShowButton.label", [
+ this.brandString,
+ ]),
+ accessKey: this.getString("fxmonitor.neverShowButton.accessKey"),
+ callback: () => {
+ FirefoxMonitor.disable();
+ FirefoxMonitor.recordEvent("never_show_btn");
+ },
+ },
+ ]);
+ },
+ refresh(site) {
+ = site;
+ let elt =".popupText");
+ // If > 100k, the PwnCount is rounded down to the most significant
+ // digit and prefixed with "More than".
+ // Ex.: 12,345 -> 12,345
+ // 234,567 -> More than 200,000
+ // 345,678,901 -> More than 300,000,000
+ // 4,567,890,123 -> More than 4,000,000,000
+ let k100k = 100000;
+ let pwnCount = site.PwnCount;
+ let stringName = "fxmonitor.popupText";
+ if (pwnCount > k100k) {
+ let multiplier = 1;
+ while (pwnCount >= 10) {
+ pwnCount /= 10;
+ multiplier *= 10;
+ }
+ pwnCount = Math.floor(pwnCount) * multiplier;
+ stringName = "fxmonitor.popupTextRounded";
+ }
+ elt.textContent = PluralForm.get(pwnCount, this.getString(stringName))
+ .replace("#1", pwnCount.toLocaleString())
+ .replace("#2", site.Name)
+ .replace("#3", site.Year)
+ .replace("#4", this.brandString);
+ },