path: root/browser/modules/webrtcUI.jsm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/modules/webrtcUI.jsm')
1 files changed, 1181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/modules/webrtcUI.jsm b/browser/modules/webrtcUI.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75895f7ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/modules/webrtcUI.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["webrtcUI", "MacOSWebRTCStatusbarIndicator"];
+const { EventEmitter } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource:///modules/syncedtabs/EventEmitter.jsm"
+const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+ this,
+ "AppConstants",
+ "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"
+ this,
+ "PluralForm",
+ "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm"
+ this,
+ "BrowserWindowTracker",
+ "resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.jsm"
+ this,
+ "XPCOMUtils",
+ "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
+ this,
+ "SitePermissions",
+ "resource:///modules/SitePermissions.jsm"
+var webrtcUI = {
+ initialized: false,
+ peerConnectionBlockers: new Set(),
+ emitter: new EventEmitter(),
+ init() {
+ if (!this.initialized) {
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-delayed-startup-finished");
+ this.initialized = true;
+ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter(
+ this,
+ "useLegacyGlobalIndicator",
+ "privacy.webrtc.legacyGlobalIndicator",
+ true
+ );
+ Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("webrtc.ui", true);
+ }
+ },
+ uninit() {
+ if (this.initialized) {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-delayed-startup-finished");
+ this.initialized = false;
+ }
+ },
+ observe(subject, topic, data) {
+ if (topic == "browser-delayed-startup-finished") {
+ if (webrtcUI.showGlobalIndicator) {
+ showOrCreateMenuForWindow(subject);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Set of browser windows that are being shared over WebRTC.
+ sharedBrowserWindows: new WeakSet(),
+ // True if one or more screens is being shared.
+ sharingScreen: false,
+ allowedSharedBrowsers: new WeakSet(),
+ allowTabSwitchesForSession: false,
+ tabSwitchCountForSession: 0,
+ // True if a window or screen is being shared.
+ sharingDisplay: false,
+ // The session ID is used to try to differentiate between instances
+ // where the user is sharing their display somehow. If the user
+ // transitions from a state of not sharing their display, to sharing a
+ // display, we bump the ID.
+ sharingDisplaySessionId: 0,
+ // Map of browser elements to indicator data.
+ perTabIndicators: new Map(),
+ activePerms: new Map(),
+ get showGlobalIndicator() {
+ for (let [, indicators] of this.perTabIndicators) {
+ if (
+ indicators.showCameraIndicator ||
+ indicators.showMicrophoneIndicator ||
+ indicators.showScreenSharingIndicator
+ ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ get showCameraIndicator() {
+ for (let [, indicators] of this.perTabIndicators) {
+ if (indicators.showCameraIndicator) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ get showMicrophoneIndicator() {
+ for (let [, indicators] of this.perTabIndicators) {
+ if (indicators.showMicrophoneIndicator) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ get showScreenSharingIndicator() {
+ let list = [""];
+ for (let [, indicators] of this.perTabIndicators) {
+ if (indicators.showScreenSharingIndicator) {
+ list.push(indicators.showScreenSharingIndicator);
+ }
+ }
+ let precedence = ["Screen", "Window", "Application", "Browser", ""];
+ list.sort((a, b) => {
+ return precedence.indexOf(a) - precedence.indexOf(b);
+ });
+ return list[0];
+ },
+ _streams: [],
+ // The boolean parameters indicate which streams should be included in the result.
+ getActiveStreams(aCamera, aMicrophone, aScreen, aWindow = false) {
+ return webrtcUI._streams
+ .filter(aStream => {
+ let state = aStream.state;
+ return (
+ (aCamera && ||
+ (aMicrophone && state.microphone) ||
+ (aScreen && state.screen) ||
+ (aWindow && state.window)
+ );
+ })
+ .map(aStream => {
+ let state = aStream.state;
+ let types = {
+ camera:,
+ microphone: state.microphone,
+ screen: state.screen,
+ window: state.window,
+ };
+ let browser = aStream.topBrowsingContext.embedderElement;
+ let browserWindow = browser.ownerGlobal;
+ let tab =
+ browserWindow.gBrowser &&
+ browserWindow.gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
+ return {
+ uri: state.documentURI,
+ tab,
+ browser,
+ types,
+ devices: state.devices,
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determine the combined state of all the active streams associated with
+ * the specified top-level browsing context.
+ */
+ getCombinedStateForBrowser(aTopBrowsingContext) {
+ function combine(x, y) {
+ if (
+ x == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED ||
+ y == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED
+ ) {
+ return Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED;
+ }
+ if (
+ x == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED ||
+ y == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED
+ ) {
+ return Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED;
+ }
+ return Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_NOCAPTURE;
+ }
+ let camera, microphone, screen, window, browser;
+ for (let stream of this._streams) {
+ if (stream.topBrowsingContext == aTopBrowsingContext) {
+ camera = combine(, camera);
+ microphone = combine(stream.state.microphone, microphone);
+ screen = combine(stream.state.screen, screen);
+ window = combine(stream.state.window, window);
+ browser = combine(stream.state.browser, browser);
+ }
+ }
+ let tabState = { camera, microphone };
+ if (screen == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED) {
+ tabState.screen = "Screen";
+ } else if (window == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED) {
+ tabState.screen = "Window";
+ } else if (browser == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED) {
+ tabState.screen = "Browser";
+ } else if (screen == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED) {
+ tabState.screen = "ScreenPaused";
+ } else if (window == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED) {
+ tabState.screen = "WindowPaused";
+ } else if (browser == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED) {
+ tabState.screen = "BrowserPaused";
+ }
+ let screenEnabled = tabState.screen && !tabState.screen.includes("Paused");
+ let cameraEnabled =
+ == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED;
+ let microphoneEnabled =
+ tabState.microphone == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED;
+ // tabState.sharing controls which global indicator should be shown
+ // for the tab. It should always be set to the _enabled_ device which
+ // we consider most intrusive (screen > camera > microphone).
+ if (screenEnabled) {
+ tabState.sharing = "screen";
+ } else if (cameraEnabled) {
+ tabState.sharing = "camera";
+ } else if (microphoneEnabled) {
+ tabState.sharing = "microphone";
+ } else if (tabState.screen) {
+ tabState.sharing = "screen";
+ } else if ( {
+ tabState.sharing = "camera";
+ } else if (tabState.microphone) {
+ tabState.sharing = "microphone";
+ }
+ // The stream is considered paused when we're sharing something
+ // but all devices are off or set to disabled.
+ tabState.paused =
+ tabState.sharing &&
+ !screenEnabled &&
+ !cameraEnabled &&
+ !microphoneEnabled;
+ if (
+ == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED ||
+ == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED
+ ) {
+ tabState.showCameraIndicator = true;
+ }
+ if (
+ tabState.microphone == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_ENABLED ||
+ tabState.microphone == Ci.nsIMediaManagerService.STATE_CAPTURE_DISABLED
+ ) {
+ tabState.showMicrophoneIndicator = true;
+ }
+ tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator = "";
+ if (tabState.screen) {
+ if (tabState.screen.startsWith("Screen")) {
+ tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator = "Screen";
+ } else if (tabState.screen.startsWith("Window")) {
+ if (tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator != "Screen") {
+ tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator = "Window";
+ }
+ } else if (tabState.screen.startsWith("Browser")) {
+ if (!tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator) {
+ tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator = "Browser";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return tabState;
+ },
+ /*
+ * Indicate that a stream has been added or removed from the given
+ * browsing context. If it has been added, aData specifies the
+ * specific indicator types it uses. If aData is null or has no
+ * documentURI assigned, then the stream has been removed.
+ */
+ streamAddedOrRemoved(aBrowsingContext, aData) {
+ this.init();
+ let index;
+ for (index = 0; index < webrtcUI._streams.length; ++index) {
+ let stream = this._streams[index];
+ if (stream.browsingContext == aBrowsingContext) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // The update is a removal of the stream, triggered by the
+ // recording-window-ended notification.
+ if (aData.remove) {
+ if (index < this._streams.length) {
+ this._streams.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._streams[index] = {
+ browsingContext: aBrowsingContext,
+ topBrowsingContext:,
+ state: aData,
+ };
+ }
+ let wasSharingDisplay = this.sharingDisplay;
+ // Reset our internal notion of whether or not we're sharing
+ // a screen or browser window. Now we'll go through the shared
+ // devices and re-determine what's being shared.
+ let sharingBrowserWindow = false;
+ let sharedWindowRawDeviceIds = new Set();
+ this.sharingDisplay = false;
+ this.sharingScreen = false;
+ let suppressNotifications = false;
+ // First, go through the streams and collect the counts on things
+ // like the total number of shared windows, and whether or not we're
+ // sharing screens.
+ for (let stream of this._streams) {
+ let { state } = stream;
+ suppressNotifications |= state.suppressNotifications;
+ for (let device of state.devices) {
+ let mediaSource = device.mediaSource;
+ if (mediaSource == "window" || mediaSource == "screen") {
+ this.sharingDisplay = true;
+ }
+ if (!device.scary) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (mediaSource == "window") {
+ sharedWindowRawDeviceIds.add(device.rawId);
+ } else if (mediaSource == "screen") {
+ this.sharingScreen = true;
+ }
+ // If the user has granted a particular site the ability
+ // to get a stream from a window or screen, we will
+ // presume that it's exempt from the tab switch warning.
+ //
+ // We use the permanentKey here so that the allowing of
+ // the tab survives tab tear-in and tear-out. We ignore
+ // browsers that don't have permanentKey, since those aren't
+ // tabbrowser browsers.
+ let browser = stream.topBrowsingContext.embedderElement;
+ if (browser.permanentKey) {
+ this.allowedSharedBrowsers.add(browser.permanentKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Next, go through the list of shared windows, and map them
+ // to our browser windows so that we know which ones are shared.
+ this.sharedBrowserWindows = new WeakSet();
+ for (let win of BrowserWindowTracker.orderedWindows) {
+ let rawDeviceId;
+ try {
+ rawDeviceId = win.windowUtils.webrtcRawDeviceId;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // This can theoretically throw if some of the underlying
+ // window primitives don't exist. In that case, we can skip
+ // to the next window.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (sharedWindowRawDeviceIds.has(rawDeviceId)) {
+ this.sharedBrowserWindows.add(win);
+ // If we've shared a window, then the initially selected tab
+ // in that window should be exempt from tab switch warnings,
+ // since it's already been shared.
+ let selectedBrowser = win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
+ this.allowedSharedBrowsers.add(selectedBrowser.permanentKey);
+ sharingBrowserWindow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we weren't sharing a window or screen, and now are, bump
+ // the sharingDisplaySessionId. We use this ID for Event
+ // telemetry, and consider a transition from no shared displays
+ // to some shared displays as a new session.
+ if (!wasSharingDisplay && this.sharingDisplay) {
+ this.sharingDisplaySessionId++;
+ }
+ // If we were adding a new display stream, record some Telemetry for
+ // it with the most recent sharedDisplaySessionId. We do this separately
+ // from the loops above because those take into account the pre-existing
+ // streams that might already have been shared.
+ if (aData.devices) {
+ // The mixture of camelCase with under_score notation here is due to
+ // an unfortunate collision of conventions between this file and
+ // Event Telemetry.
+ let silence_notifs = suppressNotifications ? "true" : "false";
+ for (let device of aData.devices) {
+ if (device.mediaSource == "screen") {
+ this.recordEvent("share_display", "screen", {
+ silence_notifs,
+ });
+ } else if (device.mediaSource == "window") {
+ if (device.scary) {
+ this.recordEvent("share_display", "browser_window", {
+ silence_notifs,
+ });
+ } else {
+ this.recordEvent("share_display", "window", {
+ silence_notifs,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Since we're not sharing a screen or browser window,
+ // we can clear these state variables, which are used
+ // to warn users on tab switching when sharing. These
+ // are safe to reset even if we hadn't been sharing
+ // the screen or browser window already.
+ if (!this.sharingScreen && !sharingBrowserWindow) {
+ this.allowedSharedBrowsers = new WeakSet();
+ this.allowTabSwitchesForSession = false;
+ this.tabSwitchCountForSession = 0;
+ }
+ if (
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
+ "privacy.webrtc.allowSilencingNotifications",
+ false
+ )
+ ) {
+ let alertsService = Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAlertsDoNotDisturb);
+ alertsService.suppressForScreenSharing = suppressNotifications;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove all the streams associated with a given
+ * browsing context.
+ */
+ forgetStreamsFromBrowserContext(aBrowsingContext) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < webrtcUI._streams.length; ) {
+ let stream = this._streams[index];
+ if (stream.browsingContext == aBrowsingContext) {
+ this._streams.splice(index, 1);
+ } else {
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the per-tab indicator if it no longer needs to be displayed.
+ let topBC =;
+ if (this.perTabIndicators.has(topBC)) {
+ let tabState = this.getCombinedStateForBrowser(topBC);
+ if (
+ !tabState.showCameraIndicator &&
+ !tabState.showMicrophoneIndicator &&
+ !tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator
+ ) {
+ this.perTabIndicators.delete(topBC);
+ }
+ }
+ this.updateGlobalIndicator();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given some set of streams, stops device access for those streams.
+ * Optionally, it's possible to stop a subset of the devices on those
+ * streams by passing in optional arguments.
+ *
+ * Once the streams have been stopped, this method will also find the
+ * newest stream's <xul:browser> and window, focus the window, and
+ * select the browser.
+ *
+ * For camera and microphone streams, this will also revoke any associated
+ * persistent permissions from SitePermissions.
+ *
+ * @param {Array<Object>} activeStreams - An array of streams obtained via webrtcUI.getActiveStreams.
+ * @param {boolean} stopCameras - True to stop the camera streams (defaults to true)
+ * @param {boolean} stopMics - True to stop the microphone streams (defaults to true)
+ * @param {boolean} stopScreens - True to stop the screen streams (defaults to true)
+ * @param {boolean} stopWindows - True to stop the window streams (defaults to true)
+ */
+ stopSharingStreams(
+ activeStreams,
+ stopCameras = true,
+ stopMics = true,
+ stopScreens = true,
+ stopWindows = true
+ ) {
+ if (!activeStreams.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mostRecentStream = activeStreams[activeStreams.length - 1];
+ let { browser: browserToSelect } = mostRecentStream;
+ for (let stream of activeStreams) {
+ let { browser } = stream;
+ let gBrowser = browser.getTabBrowser();
+ if (!gBrowser) {
+ Cu.reportError("Can't stop sharing stream - cannot find gBrowser.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser);
+ if (!tab) {
+ Cu.reportError("Can't stop sharing stream - cannot find tab.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ let permissions = SitePermissions.getAllPermissionDetailsForBrowser(
+ browser
+ );
+ let webrtcState = tab._sharingState.webRTC;
+ let clearRequested = {
+ camera: stopCameras,
+ microphone: stopMics,
+ screen: stopScreens || stopWindows,
+ };
+ for (let id of ["camera", "microphone", "screen"]) {
+ if (webrtcState[id] && clearRequested[id]) {
+ let found = false;
+ for (let permission of permissions) {
+ if ( != id) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ found = true;
+ permission.sharingState = webrtcState[id];
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ // If the permission item we were looking for doesn't exist,
+ // the user has temporarily allowed sharing and we need to add
+ // an item in the permissions array to reflect this.
+ permissions.push({
+ id,
+ state: SitePermissions.ALLOW,
+ scope: SitePermissions.SCOPE_REQUEST,
+ sharingState: webrtcState[id],
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (let permission of permissions) {
+ if (clearRequested[]) {
+ let windowId = tab._sharingState.webRTC.windowId;
+ if ( == "screen") {
+ windowId = `screen:${webrtcState.windowId}`;
+ } else if (
+ == "camera" ||
+ == "microphone"
+ ) {
+ // If we set persistent permissions or the sharing has
+ // started due to existing persistent permissions, we need
+ // to handle removing these even for frames with different hostnames.
+ let origins = browser.getDevicePermissionOrigins("webrtc");
+ for (let origin of origins) {
+ // It's not possible to stop sharing one of camera/microphone
+ // without the other.
+ let principal;
+ for (let id of ["camera", "microphone"]) {
+ if (webrtcState[id]) {
+ if (!principal) {
+ principal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipalFromOrigin(
+ origin
+ );
+ }
+ let perm = SitePermissions.getForPrincipal(principal, id);
+ if (
+ perm.state == SitePermissions.ALLOW &&
+ perm.scope == SitePermissions.SCOPE_PERSISTENT
+ ) {
+ SitePermissions.removeFromPrincipal(principal, id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let bc = webrtcState.browsingContext;
+ bc.currentWindowGlobal
+ .getActor("WebRTC")
+ .sendAsyncMessage("webrtc:StopSharing", windowId);
+ webrtcUI.forgetActivePermissionsFromBrowser(browser);
+ SitePermissions.removeFromPrincipal(
+ browser.contentPrincipal,
+ browser
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let window = browserToSelect.ownerGlobal;
+ let gBrowser = browserToSelect.getTabBrowser();
+ let tab = gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browserToSelect);
+ window.focus();
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
+ },
+ updateIndicators(aTopBrowsingContext) {
+ let tabState = this.getCombinedStateForBrowser(aTopBrowsingContext);
+ let indicators;
+ if (this.perTabIndicators.has(aTopBrowsingContext)) {
+ indicators = this.perTabIndicators.get(aTopBrowsingContext);
+ } else {
+ indicators = {};
+ this.perTabIndicators.set(aTopBrowsingContext, indicators);
+ }
+ indicators.showCameraIndicator = tabState.showCameraIndicator;
+ indicators.showMicrophoneIndicator = tabState.showMicrophoneIndicator;
+ indicators.showScreenSharingIndicator = tabState.showScreenSharingIndicator;
+ this.updateGlobalIndicator();
+ return tabState;
+ },
+ swapBrowserForNotification(aOldBrowser, aNewBrowser) {
+ for (let stream of this._streams) {
+ if (stream.browser == aOldBrowser) {
+ stream.browser = aNewBrowser;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ forgetActivePermissionsFromBrowser(aBrowser) {
+ this.activePerms.delete(aBrowser.outerWindowID);
+ },
+ showSharingDoorhanger(aActiveStream) {
+ let browserWindow = aActiveStream.browser.ownerGlobal;
+ if ( {
+ browserWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab =;
+ } else {
+ aActiveStream.browser.focus();
+ }
+ browserWindow.focus();
+ let identityBox = browserWindow.document.getElementById("identity-box");
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx" && !Services.focus.activeWindow) {
+ browserWindow.addEventListener(
+ "activate",
+ function() {
+ {
+ });
+ },
+ { once: true }
+ );
+ Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIMacDockSupport)
+ .activateApplication(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ },
+ updateWarningLabel(aMenuList) {
+ let type = aMenuList.selectedItem.getAttribute("devicetype");
+ let document = aMenuList.ownerDocument;
+ document.getElementById("webRTC-all-windows-shared").hidden =
+ type != "screen";
+ },
+ // Add-ons can override stock permission behavior by doing:
+ //
+ // webrtcUI.addPeerConnectionBlocker(function(aParams) {
+ // // new permission checking logic
+ // }));
+ //
+ // The blocking function receives an object with origin, callID, and windowID
+ // parameters. If it returns the string "deny" or a Promise that resolves
+ // to "deny", the connection is immediately blocked. With any other return
+ // value (though the string "allow" is suggested for consistency), control
+ // is passed to other registered blockers. If no registered blockers block
+ // the connection (or of course if there are no registered blockers), then
+ // the connection is allowed.
+ //
+ // Add-ons may also use webrtcUI.on/off to listen to events without
+ // blocking anything:
+ // peer-request-allowed is emitted when a new peer connection is
+ // established (and not blocked).
+ // peer-request-blocked is emitted when a peer connection request is
+ // blocked by some blocking connection handler.
+ // peer-request-cancel is emitted when a peer-request connection request
+ // is canceled. (This would typically be used in
+ // conjunction with a blocking handler to cancel
+ // a user prompt or other work done by the handler)
+ addPeerConnectionBlocker(aCallback) {
+ this.peerConnectionBlockers.add(aCallback);
+ },
+ removePeerConnectionBlocker(aCallback) {
+ this.peerConnectionBlockers.delete(aCallback);
+ },
+ on(...args) {
+ return this.emitter.on(...args);
+ },
+ off(...args) {
+ return;
+ },
+ getHostOrExtensionName(uri, href) {
+ let host;
+ try {
+ if (!uri) {
+ uri =;
+ }
+ let addonPolicy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByURI(uri);
+ host = addonPolicy ? :;
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ if (!host) {
+ if (uri && uri.scheme.toLowerCase() == "about") {
+ // For about URIs, just use the full spec, without any #hash parts.
+ host = uri.specIgnoringRef;
+ } else {
+ // This is unfortunate, but we should display *something*...
+ const kBundleURI = "chrome://browser/locale/";
+ let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(kBundleURI);
+ host = bundle.GetStringFromName("getUserMedia.sharingMenuUnknownHost");
+ }
+ }
+ return host;
+ },
+ updateGlobalIndicator() {
+ for (let chromeWin of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) {
+ if (this.showGlobalIndicator) {
+ showOrCreateMenuForWindow(chromeWin);
+ } else {
+ let doc = chromeWin.document;
+ let existingMenu = doc.getElementById("tabSharingMenu");
+ if (existingMenu) {
+ existingMenu.hidden = true;
+ }
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") {
+ let separator = doc.getElementById("tabSharingSeparator");
+ if (separator) {
+ separator.hidden = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.showGlobalIndicator) {
+ if (!gIndicatorWindow) {
+ gIndicatorWindow = getGlobalIndicator();
+ } else {
+ try {
+ gIndicatorWindow.updateIndicatorState();
+ } catch (err) {
+ Cu.reportError(
+ `error in gIndicatorWindow.updateIndicatorState(): ${err.message}`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (gIndicatorWindow) {
+ if (
+ !webrtcUI.useLegacyGlobalIndicator &&
+ gIndicatorWindow.closingInternally
+ ) {
+ // Before calling .close(), we call .closingInternally() to allow us to
+ // differentiate between situations where the indicator closes because
+ // we no longer want to show the indicator (this case), and cases where
+ // the user has found a way to close the indicator via OS window control
+ // mechanisms.
+ gIndicatorWindow.closingInternally();
+ }
+ gIndicatorWindow.close();
+ gIndicatorWindow = null;
+ }
+ },
+ getWindowShareState(window) {
+ if (this.sharingScreen) {
+ return this.SHARING_SCREEN;
+ } else if (this.sharedBrowserWindows.has(window)) {
+ return this.SHARING_WINDOW;
+ }
+ return this.SHARING_NONE;
+ },
+ tabAddedWhileSharing(tab) {
+ this.allowedSharedBrowsers.add(tab.linkedBrowser.permanentKey);
+ },
+ shouldShowSharedTabWarning(tab) {
+ if (!tab || !tab.linkedBrowser) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ // We want the user to be able to switch to one tab after starting
+ // to share their window or screen. The presumption here is that
+ // most users will have a single window with multiple tabs, where
+ // the selected tab will be the one with the screen or window
+ // sharing web application, and it's most likely that the contents
+ // that the user wants to share are in another tab that they'll
+ // switch to immediately upon sharing. These presumptions are based
+ // on research that our user research team did with users using
+ // video conferencing web applications.
+ if (!this.tabSwitchCountForSession) {
+ this.allowedSharedBrowsers.add(browser.permanentKey);
+ }
+ this.tabSwitchCountForSession++;
+ let shouldShow =
+ !this.allowTabSwitchesForSession &&
+ !this.allowedSharedBrowsers.has(browser.permanentKey);
+ return shouldShow;
+ },
+ allowSharedTabSwitch(tab, allowForSession) {
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ let gBrowser = browser.getTabBrowser();
+ this.allowedSharedBrowsers.add(browser.permanentKey);
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = tab;
+ this.allowTabSwitchesForSession = allowForSession;
+ },
+ recordEvent(type, object, args = {}) {
+ Services.telemetry.recordEvent(
+ "webrtc.ui",
+ type,
+ object,
+ this.sharingDisplaySessionId.toString(),
+ args
+ );
+ },
+function getGlobalIndicator() {
+ webrtcUI.recordEvent("show_indicator", "show_indicator");
+ if (!webrtcUI.useLegacyGlobalIndicator) {
+ "chrome://browser/content/webrtcIndicator.xhtml";
+ let features = "chrome,titlebar=no,alwaysontop,minimizable=yes";
+ /* Don't use dialog on Gtk as it adds extra border and titlebar to indicator */
+ if (!AppConstants.MOZ_WIDGET_GTK) {
+ features += ",dialog=yes";
+ }
+ return Services.ww.openWindow(
+ null,
+ "_blank",
+ features,
+ []
+ );
+ }
+ if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") {
+ "chrome://browser/content/webrtcLegacyIndicator.xhtml";
+ const features = "chrome,dialog=yes,titlebar=no,popup=yes";
+ return Services.ww.openWindow(
+ null,
+ "_blank",
+ features,
+ []
+ );
+ }
+ return new MacOSWebRTCStatusbarIndicator();
+ * Controls the visibility of screen, camera and microphone sharing indicators
+ * in the macOS global menu bar. This class should only ever be instantiated
+ * on macOS.
+ *
+ * The public methods on this class intentionally match the interface for the
+ * WebRTC global sharing indicator, because the MacOSWebRTCStatusbarIndicator
+ * acts as the indicator when in the legacy indicator configuration.
+ */
+class MacOSWebRTCStatusbarIndicator {
+ constructor() {
+ this._camera = null;
+ this._microphone = null;
+ this._screen = null;
+ this._hiddenDoc = Services.appShell.hiddenDOMWindow.document;
+ this._statusBar = Cc[";1"].getService(
+ Ci.nsISystemStatusBar
+ );
+ this.updateIndicatorState();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Public method that will determine the most appropriate
+ * set of indicators to show, and then show them or hide
+ * them as necessary.
+ */
+ updateIndicatorState() {
+ this._setIndicatorState("Camera", webrtcUI.showCameraIndicator);
+ this._setIndicatorState("Microphone", webrtcUI.showMicrophoneIndicator);
+ this._setIndicatorState("Screen", webrtcUI.showScreenSharingIndicator);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Public method that will hide all indicators.
+ */
+ close() {
+ this._setIndicatorState("Camera", false);
+ this._setIndicatorState("Microphone", false);
+ this._setIndicatorState("Screen", false);
+ }
+ handleEvent(event) {
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case "popupshowing": {
+ this._popupShowing(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "popuphiding": {
+ this._popupHiding(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "command": {
+ this._command(event);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for command events fired by the <menuitem> elements
+ * inside any of the indicator <menu>'s.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} aEvent - The command event for the <menuitem>.
+ */
+ _command(aEvent) {
+ webrtcUI.showSharingDoorhanger(;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for the popupshowing event for one of the status
+ * bar indicator menus.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} aEvent - The popupshowing event for the <menu>.
+ */
+ _popupShowing(aEvent) {
+ let menu =;
+ let type = menu.getAttribute("type");
+ let activeStreams;
+ if (type == "Camera") {
+ activeStreams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(true, false, false);
+ } else if (type == "Microphone") {
+ activeStreams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(false, true, false);
+ } else if (type == "Screen") {
+ activeStreams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(false, false, true);
+ type = webrtcUI.showScreenSharingIndicator;
+ }
+ let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
+ "chrome://browser/locale/"
+ );
+ if (activeStreams.length == 1) {
+ let stream = activeStreams[0];
+ let menuitem = menu.ownerDocument.createXULElement("menuitem");
+ let labelId = "webrtcIndicator.sharing" + type + "With.menuitem";
+ let label = stream.browser.contentTitle || stream.uri;
+ menuitem.setAttribute(
+ "label",
+ bundle.formatStringFromName(labelId, [label])
+ );
+ menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ menu.appendChild(menuitem);
+ menuitem = menu.ownerDocument.createXULElement("menuitem");
+ menuitem.setAttribute(
+ "label",
+ bundle.GetStringFromName("webrtcIndicator.controlSharing.menuitem")
+ );
+ = stream;
+ menuitem.addEventListener("command", this);
+ menu.appendChild(menuitem);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We show a different menu when there are several active streams.
+ let menuitem = menu.ownerDocument.createXULElement("menuitem");
+ let labelId = "webrtcIndicator.sharing" + type + "WithNTabs.menuitem";
+ let count = activeStreams.length;
+ let label = PluralForm.get(
+ count,
+ bundle.GetStringFromName(labelId)
+ ).replace("#1", count);
+ menuitem.setAttribute("label", label);
+ menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ menu.appendChild(menuitem);
+ for (let stream of activeStreams) {
+ let item = menu.ownerDocument.createXULElement("menuitem");
+ labelId = "webrtcIndicator.controlSharingOn.menuitem";
+ label = stream.browser.contentTitle || stream.uri;
+ item.setAttribute("label", bundle.formatStringFromName(labelId, [label]));
+ = stream;
+ item.addEventListener("command", this);
+ menu.appendChild(item);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for the popuphiding event for one of the status
+ * bar indicator menus.
+ *
+ * @param {Event} aEvent - The popuphiding event for the <menu>.
+ */
+ _popupHiding(aEvent) {
+ let menu =;
+ while (menu.firstChild) {
+ menu.firstChild.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the status bar to show or hide a screen, camera or
+ * microphone indicator.
+ *
+ * @param {String} aName - One of the following: "screen", "camera",
+ * "microphone"
+ * @param {boolean} aState - True to show the indicator for the aName
+ * type of stream, false ot hide it.
+ */
+ _setIndicatorState(aName, aState) {
+ let field = "_" + aName.toLowerCase();
+ if (aState && !this[field]) {
+ let menu = this._hiddenDoc.createXULElement("menu");
+ menu.setAttribute("id", "webRTC-sharing" + aName + "-menu");
+ // The CSS will only be applied if the menu is actually inserted in the DOM.
+ this._hiddenDoc.documentElement.appendChild(menu);
+ this._statusBar.addItem(menu);
+ let menupopup = this._hiddenDoc.createXULElement("menupopup");
+ menupopup.setAttribute("type", aName);
+ menupopup.addEventListener("popupshowing", this);
+ menupopup.addEventListener("popuphiding", this);
+ menupopup.addEventListener("command", this);
+ menu.appendChild(menupopup);
+ this[field] = menu;
+ } else if (this[field] && !aState) {
+ this._statusBar.removeItem(this[field]);
+ this[field].remove();
+ this[field] = null;
+ }
+ }
+function onTabSharingMenuPopupShowing(e) {
+ let streams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(true, true, true);
+ for (let streamInfo of streams) {
+ let stringName = "getUserMedia.sharingMenu";
+ let types = streamInfo.types;
+ if ( {
+ stringName += "Camera";
+ }
+ if (types.microphone) {
+ stringName += "Microphone";
+ }
+ if (types.screen) {
+ stringName += types.screen;
+ }
+ let doc =;
+ let bundle = doc.defaultView.gNavigatorBundle;
+ let origin = webrtcUI.getHostOrExtensionName(null, streamInfo.uri);
+ let menuitem = doc.createXULElement("menuitem");
+ menuitem.setAttribute(
+ "label",
+ bundle.getFormattedString(stringName, [origin])
+ );
+ = streamInfo;
+ menuitem.addEventListener("command", onTabSharingMenuPopupCommand);
+ }
+function onTabSharingMenuPopupHiding(e) {
+ while (this.lastChild) {
+ this.lastChild.remove();
+ }
+function onTabSharingMenuPopupCommand(e) {
+ webrtcUI.showSharingDoorhanger(;
+function showOrCreateMenuForWindow(aWindow) {
+ let document = aWindow.document;
+ let menu = document.getElementById("tabSharingMenu");
+ if (!menu) {
+ let stringBundle = aWindow.gNavigatorBundle;
+ menu = document.createXULElement("menu");
+ = "tabSharingMenu";
+ let labelStringId = "getUserMedia.sharingMenu.label";
+ menu.setAttribute("label", stringBundle.getString(labelStringId));
+ let container, insertionPoint;
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") {
+ container = document.getElementById("windowPopup");
+ insertionPoint = document.getElementById("sep-window-list");
+ let separator = document.createXULElement("menuseparator");
+ = "tabSharingSeparator";
+ container.insertBefore(separator, insertionPoint);
+ } else {
+ let accesskeyStringId = "getUserMedia.sharingMenu.accesskey";
+ menu.setAttribute("accesskey", stringBundle.getString(accesskeyStringId));
+ container = document.getElementById("main-menubar");
+ insertionPoint = document.getElementById("helpMenu");
+ }
+ let popup = document.createXULElement("menupopup");
+ = "tabSharingMenuPopup";
+ popup.addEventListener("popupshowing", onTabSharingMenuPopupShowing);
+ popup.addEventListener("popuphiding", onTabSharingMenuPopupHiding);
+ menu.appendChild(popup);
+ container.insertBefore(menu, insertionPoint);
+ } else {
+ menu.hidden = false;
+ if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") {
+ document.getElementById("tabSharingSeparator").hidden = false;
+ }
+ }
+var gIndicatorWindow = null;