path: root/devtools/client/performance/test/browser_perf-tree-abstract-01.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/client/performance/test/browser_perf-tree-abstract-01.js')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/performance/test/browser_perf-tree-abstract-01.js b/devtools/client/performance/test/browser_perf-tree-abstract-01.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75c8c3803b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/performance/test/browser_perf-tree-abstract-01.js
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+ * Tests if the abstract tree base class for the profiler's tree view
+ * works as advertised.
+ */
+const {
+ appendAndWaitForPaint,
+} = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/dom-utils");
+const {
+ synthesizeCustomTreeClass,
+} = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/synth-utils");
+const {
+ once,
+} = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/event-utils");
+add_task(async function() {
+ const { MyCustomTreeItem, myDataSrc } = synthesizeCustomTreeClass();
+ const container = document.createXULElement("vbox");
+ await appendAndWaitForPaint(gBrowser.selectedBrowser.parentNode, container);
+ // Populate the tree and test the root item...
+ const treeRoot = new MyCustomTreeItem(myDataSrc, { parent: null });
+ treeRoot.attachTo(container);
+ ok(!treeRoot.expanded, "The root node should not be expanded yet.");
+ ok(!treeRoot.populated, "The root node should not be populated yet.");
+ is(
+ container.childNodes.length,
+ 1,
+ "The container node should have one child available."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[0],
+ "The root node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(treeRoot.root, treeRoot, "The root node has the correct root.");
+ is(treeRoot.parent, null, "The root node has the correct parent.");
+ is(treeRoot.level, 0, "The root node has the correct level.");
+ is(
+ "0px",
+ "The root node's indentation is correct."
+ );
+ is(
+ "root",
+ "The root node's text contents are correct."
+ );
+ is(treeRoot.container, container, "The root node's container is correct.");
+ // Expand the root and test the child items...
+ let receivedExpandEvent = once(treeRoot, "expand", { spreadArgs: true });
+ let receivedFocusEvent = once(treeRoot, "focus");
+ await mousedown(".arrow"));
+ let [eventItem] = await receivedExpandEvent;
+ is(eventItem, treeRoot, "The 'expand' event target is correct (1).");
+ await receivedFocusEvent;
+ is(
+ document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement,
+ "The root node is now focused."
+ );
+ const fooItem = treeRoot.getChild(0);
+ const barItem = treeRoot.getChild(1);
+ is(
+ container.childNodes.length,
+ 3,
+ "The container node should now have three children available."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[0],
+ "The root node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[1],
+ "The 'foo' node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[2],
+ "The 'bar' node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(fooItem.root, treeRoot, "The 'foo' node has the correct root.");
+ is(fooItem.parent, treeRoot, "The 'foo' node has the correct parent.");
+ is(fooItem.level, 1, "The 'foo' node has the correct level.");
+ is(
+ "10px",
+ "The 'foo' node's indentation is correct."
+ );
+ is(
+ "foo",
+ "The 'foo' node's text contents are correct."
+ );
+ is(fooItem.container, container, "The 'foo' node's container is correct.");
+ is(barItem.root, treeRoot, "The 'bar' node has the correct root.");
+ is(barItem.parent, treeRoot, "The 'bar' node has the correct parent.");
+ is(barItem.level, 1, "The 'bar' node has the correct level.");
+ is(
+ "10px",
+ "The 'bar' node's indentation is correct."
+ );
+ is(
+ "bar",
+ "The 'bar' node's text contents are correct."
+ );
+ is(barItem.container, container, "The 'bar' node's container is correct.");
+ // Test clicking on the `foo` node...
+ receivedFocusEvent = once(treeRoot, "focus", { spreadArgs: true });
+ await mousedown(;
+ [eventItem] = await receivedFocusEvent;
+ is(eventItem, fooItem, "The 'focus' event target is correct (2).");
+ is(
+ document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement,
+ "The 'foo' node is now focused."
+ );
+ // Test double clicking on the `bar` node...
+ receivedExpandEvent = once(treeRoot, "expand", { spreadArgs: true });
+ receivedFocusEvent = once(treeRoot, "focus");
+ await dblclick(;
+ [eventItem] = await receivedExpandEvent;
+ is(eventItem, barItem, "The 'expand' event target is correct (3).");
+ await receivedFocusEvent;
+ is(
+ document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement,
+ "The 'foo' node is now focused."
+ );
+ // A child item got expanded, test the descendants...
+ const bazItem = barItem.getChild(0);
+ is(
+ container.childNodes.length,
+ 4,
+ "The container node should now have four children available."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[0],
+ "The root node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[1],
+ "The 'foo' node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[2],
+ "The 'bar' node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(
+ container.childNodes[3],
+ "The 'baz' node's target is a child of the container node."
+ );
+ is(bazItem.root, treeRoot, "The 'baz' node has the correct root.");
+ is(bazItem.parent, barItem, "The 'baz' node has the correct parent.");
+ is(bazItem.level, 2, "The 'baz' node has the correct level.");
+ is(
+ "20px",
+ "The 'baz' node's indentation is correct."
+ );
+ is(
+ "baz",
+ "The 'baz' node's text contents are correct."
+ );
+ is(bazItem.container, container, "The 'baz' node's container is correct.");
+ container.remove();