path: root/dom/canvas/IpdlQueue.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/canvas/IpdlQueue.h')
1 files changed, 669 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/canvas/IpdlQueue.h b/dom/canvas/IpdlQueue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4985a2b7d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/canvas/IpdlQueue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: sw=2 ts=4 et :
+ */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef IPDLQUEUE_H_
+#define IPDLQUEUE_H_ 1
+#include <atomic>
+#include <tuple>
+#include <vector>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include "ipc/IPCMessageUtilsSpecializations.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/QueueParamTraits.h"
+#include "mozilla/ipc/SharedMemoryBasic.h"
+#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
+#include "mozilla/ipc/Shmem.h"
+#include "mozilla/ipc/ProtocolUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
+#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
+#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
+#include "mozilla/TypeTraits.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
+namespace IPC {
+template <typename T>
+struct ParamTraits;
+} // namespace IPC
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+using mozilla::webgl::QueueStatus;
+extern LazyLogModule gIpdlQueueLog;
+#define IPDLQUEUE_LOG_(lvl, ...) \
+ MOZ_LOG(mozilla::dom::gIpdlQueueLog, lvl, (__VA_ARGS__))
+#define IPDLQUEUE_LOGD(...) IPDLQUEUE_LOG_(LogLevel::Debug, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define IPDLQUEUE_LOGE(...) IPDLQUEUE_LOG_(LogLevel::Error, __VA_ARGS__)
+template <typename ActorP, typename ActorC>
+class IpdlQueue;
+template <typename Derived>
+class SyncConsumerActor;
+enum IpdlQueueProtocol {
+ /**
+ * Sends the message immediately. Does not wait for a response.
+ */
+ kAsync,
+ /**
+ * Sends the message immediately or caches it for a later batch
+ * send. Messages may be sent at any point in the future but
+ * will always be processed in order. kSync messages always force
+ * a flush of the cache but other mechanisms (e.g. periodic tasks)
+ * can do this as well.
+ */
+ kBufferedAsync,
+ /**
+ * Sends the message immediately. Waits for any response message,
+ * which can immediately be read upon completion of the send.
+ */
+ kSync
+constexpr uint64_t kIllegalQueueId = 0;
+inline uint64_t NewIpdlQueueId() {
+ static std::atomic<uint64_t> sNextIpdlQueueId = 1;
+ return sNextIpdlQueueId++;
+struct IpdlQueueBuffer {
+ uint64_t id = kIllegalQueueId;
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> data;
+ IpdlQueueBuffer() = default;
+ IpdlQueueBuffer(const IpdlQueueBuffer&) = delete;
+ IpdlQueueBuffer(IpdlQueueBuffer&&) = default;
+ IpdlQueueBuffer(uint64_t aId, nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aData)
+ : id(aId), data(std::move(aData)) {}
+using IpdlQueueBuffers = nsTArray<IpdlQueueBuffer>;
+static constexpr uint32_t kAsyncFlushWaitMs = 4; // 4ms
+template <typename Derived>
+class AsyncProducerActor {
+ public:
+ virtual bool TransmitIpdlQueueData(IpdlQueueProtocol aProtocol,
+ IpdlQueueBuffer&& aData) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT((aProtocol == IpdlQueueProtocol::kAsync) ||
+ (aProtocol == IpdlQueueProtocol::kBufferedAsync));
+ if (mResponseBuffers || (aProtocol == IpdlQueueProtocol::kBufferedAsync)) {
+ // Always use response buffer if set.
+ auto& buffers = mResponseBuffers ? *mResponseBuffers : mAsyncBuffers;
+ // We are in the middle of a sync transaction. Store the data so
+ // that we can return it with the response.
+ const uint64_t id =;
+ for (auto& elt : buffers) {
+ if ( == id) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ buffers.AppendElement(std::move(aData));
+ if (!mResponseBuffers) {
+ PostFlushAsyncCache(kAsyncFlushWaitMs);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We are not inside of a transaction. Send normally, but first send any
+ // cached messages.
+ FlushAsyncCache();
+ Derived* self = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
+ return self->SendTransmitIpdlQueueData(std::move(aData));
+ }
+ // This can be called at any time to flush all queued async messages.
+ bool FlushAsyncCache() {
+ Derived* self = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
+ for (auto& elt : mAsyncBuffers) {
+ if (! {
+ if (!self->SendTransmitIpdlQueueData(std::move(elt))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mAsyncBuffers.Clear();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool PostFlushAsyncCache(uint32_t aEstWaitTimeMs) {
+ if (mPostedFlushRunnable) {
+ // Already scheduled a flush for later.
+ return true;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(GetCurrentSerialEventTarget(),
+ "No message loop for IpdlQueue flush task");
+ Derived* self = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
+ // IpdlProducer/IpdlConsumer guarantees the actor supports WeakPtr.
+ auto weak = WeakPtr<Derived>(self);
+ already_AddRefed<mozilla::Runnable> flushRunnable =
+ NS_NewRunnableFunction("FlushAsyncCache", [weak] {
+ auto strong = RefPtr<Derived>(weak);
+ if (!strong) {
+ return;
+ }
+ strong->FlushAsyncCache();
+ strong->ClearFlushRunnable();
+ });
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(GetCurrentSerialEventTarget()->DelayedDispatch(
+ std::move(flushRunnable), aEstWaitTimeMs),
+ false);
+ mPostedFlushRunnable = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void ClearFlushRunnable() { mPostedFlushRunnable = false; }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ IpdlQueueProtocol GetIpdlQueueProtocol(const Args&...) {
+ return IpdlQueueProtocol::kAsync;
+ }
+ protected:
+ friend SyncConsumerActor<Derived>;
+ void SetResponseBuffers(IpdlQueueBuffers* aResponse) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mResponseBuffers);
+ mResponseBuffers = aResponse;
+ // Response should include any cached async transmissions.
+ *mResponseBuffers = std::move(mAsyncBuffers);
+ }
+ void ClearResponseBuffers() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mResponseBuffers);
+ mResponseBuffers = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Stores response when inside of a kSync transaction.
+ IpdlQueueBuffers* mResponseBuffers = nullptr;
+ // For kBufferedAsync transmissions that occur outside of a response to a
+ // kSync message.
+ IpdlQueueBuffers mAsyncBuffers;
+ bool mPostedFlushRunnable = false;
+template <typename Derived>
+class SyncProducerActor : public AsyncProducerActor<Derived> {
+ public:
+ bool TransmitIpdlQueueData(IpdlQueueProtocol aProtocol,
+ IpdlQueueBuffer&& aData) override {
+ Derived* self = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
+ if (mResponseBuffers || (aProtocol != IpdlQueueProtocol::kSync)) {
+ return AsyncProducerActor<Derived>::TransmitIpdlQueueData(
+ aProtocol, std::forward<IpdlQueueBuffer>(aData));
+ }
+ IpdlQueueBuffers responses;
+ if (!self->SendExchangeIpdlQueueData(std::forward<IpdlQueueBuffer>(aData),
+ &responses)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (auto& buf : responses) {
+ if (!self->StoreIpdlQueueData(std::move(buf))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected:
+ using AsyncProducerActor<Derived>::mResponseBuffers;
+template <typename Derived>
+class AsyncConsumerActor {
+ public:
+ // Returns the ipdlQueue contents that were Recv'ed in a prior IPDL
+ // transmission. No new data is received via IPDL during this operation.
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> TakeIpdlQueueData(uint64_t aId) {
+ auto it = mIpdlQueueBuffers.find(aId);
+ if (it != mIpdlQueueBuffers.end()) {
+ return std::move(it->;
+ }
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ protected:
+ friend SyncProducerActor<Derived>;
+ // Store data received from the producer, to be read by local IpdlConsumers.
+ bool StoreIpdlQueueData(IpdlQueueBuffer&& aBuffer) {
+ auto it = mIpdlQueueBuffers.find(;
+ if (it == mIpdlQueueBuffers.end()) {
+ return mIpdlQueueBuffers.insert({, std::move(aBuffer)}).second;
+ }
+ return it->, fallible);
+ }
+ mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvTransmitIpdlQueueData(IpdlQueueBuffer&& aBuffer) {
+ if (StoreIpdlQueueData(std::forward<IpdlQueueBuffer>(aBuffer))) {
+ return IPC_OK();
+ }
+ return IPC_FAIL_NO_REASON(static_cast<Derived*>(this));
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<uint64_t, IpdlQueueBuffer> mIpdlQueueBuffers;
+template <typename Derived>
+class SyncConsumerActor : public AsyncConsumerActor<Derived> {
+ protected:
+ using AsyncConsumerActor<Derived>::StoreIpdlQueueData;
+ mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvExchangeIpdlQueueData(
+ IpdlQueueBuffer&& aBuffer, IpdlQueueBuffers* aResponse) {
+ uint64_t id =;
+ if (!StoreIpdlQueueData(std::forward<IpdlQueueBuffer>(aBuffer))) {
+ return IPC_FAIL_NO_REASON(static_cast<Derived*>(this));
+ }
+ // Mark the actor as in a sync operation, then calls handler.
+ // During handler, if actor is used as producer (for ALL queues)
+ // then instead of immediately sending, it writes the data into
+ // aResponse. When handler is done, we unmark the actor.
+ // Note that we must buffer for _all_ queues associated with the
+ // actor as the intended response queue is indistinguishable from
+ // the rest from our vantage point.
+ Derived* actor = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
+ actor->SetResponseBuffers(aResponse);
+ auto clearResponseBuffer =
+ MakeScopeExit([&] { actor->ClearResponseBuffers(); });
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ // Response now includes any cached async transmissions. It is
+ // illegal to have a response queue also used for other purposes
+ // so the cache for that queue must be empty.
+ DebugOnly<bool> responseBufferIsEmpty = [&] {
+ for (auto& elt : *aResponse) {
+ if ( == id) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(responseBufferIsEmpty);
+ return actor->RunQueue(id) ? IPC_OK() : IPC_FAIL_NO_REASON(actor);
+ }
+template <typename _Actor>
+class IpdlProducer final : public SupportsWeakPtr {
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> mSerializedData;
+ WeakPtr<_Actor> mActor;
+ uint64_t mId;
+ public:
+ using Actor = _Actor;
+ using SelfType = IpdlProducer<Actor>;
+ // For IPDL:
+ IpdlProducer() : mId(kIllegalQueueId) {}
+ /**
+ * Insert aArgs into the queue. If the operation does not succeed then
+ * the queue is unchanged.
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus TryInsert(Args&&... aArgs) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mId != kIllegalQueueId);
+ if (!mActor) {
+ NS_WARNING("TryInsert with actor that was already freed.");
+ return QueueStatus::kFatalError;
+ }
+ // Fill mSerializedData with the data to send. Clear it when done.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mSerializedData.IsEmpty());
+ auto self = *this;
+ auto clearData = MakeScopeExit([&] { self.mSerializedData.Clear(); });
+ const IpdlQueueProtocol protocol = mActor->GetIpdlQueueProtocol(aArgs...);
+ QueueStatus status = SerializeAllArgs(std::forward<Args>(aArgs)...);
+ if (status != QueueStatus::kSuccess) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ return mActor->TransmitIpdlQueueData(
+ protocol, IpdlQueueBuffer(mId, std::move(mSerializedData)))
+ ? QueueStatus::kSuccess
+ : QueueStatus::kFatalError;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Same as TryInsert. IPDL send failures are considered fatal to the
+ * IpdlQueue.
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus TryWaitInsert(const Maybe<TimeDuration>&, Args&&... aArgs) {
+ return TryInsert(std::forward<Args>(aArgs)...);
+ }
+ QueueStatus AllocShmem(mozilla::ipc::Shmem* aShmem, size_t aBufferSize,
+ const void* aBuffer = nullptr) {
+ if (!mActor) {
+ return QueueStatus::kFatalError;
+ }
+ if (!mActor->AllocShmem(
+ aBufferSize,
+ mozilla::ipc::SharedMemory::SharedMemoryType::TYPE_BASIC, aShmem)) {
+ return QueueStatus::kOOMError;
+ }
+ if (aBuffer) {
+ memcpy(aShmem->get<uint8_t>(), aBuffer, aBufferSize);
+ }
+ return QueueStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ protected:
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ friend class IpdlQueue;
+ friend struct mozilla::ipc::IPDLParamTraits<SelfType>;
+ explicit IpdlProducer(uint64_t aId, Actor* aActor = nullptr)
+ : mActor(aActor), mId(aId) {}
+ template <typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus SerializeAllArgs(Args&&... aArgs) {
+ size_t read = 0;
+ size_t write = 0;
+ mozilla::webgl::ProducerView<SelfType> view(this, read, &write);
+ size_t bytesNeeded = MinSizeofArgs(view, aArgs...);
+ if (!mSerializedData.SetLength(bytesNeeded, fallible)) {
+ return QueueStatus::kOOMError;
+ }
+ return SerializeArgs(view, aArgs...);
+ }
+ QueueStatus SerializeArgs(mozilla::webgl::ProducerView<SelfType>& aView) {
+ return QueueStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus SerializeArgs(mozilla::webgl::ProducerView<SelfType>& aView,
+ const Arg& aArg, const Args&... aArgs) {
+ QueueStatus status = SerializeArg(aView, aArg);
+ if (!IsSuccess(status)) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ return SerializeArgs(aView, aArgs...);
+ }
+ template <typename Arg>
+ QueueStatus SerializeArg(mozilla::webgl::ProducerView<SelfType>& aView,
+ const Arg& aArg) {
+ return mozilla::webgl::QueueParamTraits<
+ typename std::remove_volatile<Arg>::type>::Write(aView, aArg);
+ }
+ public:
+ template <typename Arg>
+ QueueStatus WriteObject(size_t aRead, size_t* aWrite, const Arg& arg,
+ size_t aArgSize) {
+ if (mSerializedData.Length() < (*aWrite) + aArgSize) {
+ // Previous MinSizeOfArgs estimate was insufficient. Resize the
+ // buffer to accomodate our real needs.
+ mSerializedData.SetLength(*aWrite + aArgSize);
+ }
+ return mozilla::webgl::Marshaller::WriteObject(
+ mSerializedData.Elements(), mSerializedData.Length() + 1, aRead, aWrite,
+ arg, aArgSize);
+ }
+ base::ProcessId OtherPid() { return mActor ? mActor->OtherPid() : 0; }
+ protected:
+ size_t MinSizeofArgs(mozilla::webgl::ProducerView<SelfType>& aView) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
+ size_t MinSizeofArgs(mozilla::webgl::ProducerView<SelfType>& aView,
+ const Arg& aArg, const Args&... aArgs) {
+ return aView.MinSizeParam(aArg) + MinSizeofArgs(aView, aArgs...);
+ }
+template <typename _Actor>
+class IpdlConsumer final : public SupportsWeakPtr {
+ public:
+ using Actor = _Actor;
+ using SelfType = IpdlConsumer<Actor>;
+ // For IPDL
+ IpdlConsumer() : mId(kIllegalQueueId) {}
+ /**
+ * Attempts to copy and remove aArgs from the queue. If the operation does
+ * not succeed then the queue is unchanged. If the operation returns
+ * kQueueNotReady then the consumer does not yet have enough data to satisfy
+ * the request. In this case, the IPDL MessageQueue should be given the
+ * opportunity to run, at which point TryRemove can be attempted again.
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus TryRemove(Args&... aArgs) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mId != kIllegalQueueId);
+ if (!mActor) {
+ NS_WARNING("TryRemove with actor that was already freed.");
+ return QueueStatus::kFatalError;
+ }
+ mBuf.AppendElements(mActor->TakeIpdlQueueData(mId));
+ return DeserializeAllArgs(aArgs...);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Equivalent to TryRemove. Duration is ignored as it would need to
+ * allow the IPDL queue to run to be useful.
+ */
+ template <typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus TryWaitRemove(const Maybe<TimeDuration>&, Args&... aArgs) {
+ return TryRemove(aArgs...);
+ }
+ mozilla::ipc::Shmem::SharedMemory* LookupSharedMemory(uint32_t aId) {
+ return mActor ? mActor->LookupSharedMemory(aId) : nullptr;
+ }
+ protected:
+ template <typename T1, typename T2>
+ friend class IpdlQueue;
+ friend struct mozilla::ipc::IPDLParamTraits<SelfType>;
+ explicit IpdlConsumer(uint64_t aId, Actor* aActor = nullptr)
+ : mActor(aActor), mId(aId) {}
+ template <typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus DeserializeAllArgs(Args&... aArgs) {
+ size_t read = 0;
+ size_t write = mBuf.Length();
+ mozilla::webgl::ConsumerView<SelfType> view(this, &read, write);
+ QueueStatus status = DeserializeArgs(view, aArgs...);
+ if (IsSuccess(status) && (read > 0)) {
+ mBuf.RemoveElementsAt(0, read);
+ }
+ return status;
+ }
+ QueueStatus DeserializeArgs(mozilla::webgl::ConsumerView<SelfType>& aView) {
+ return QueueStatus::kSuccess;
+ }
+ template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
+ QueueStatus DeserializeArgs(mozilla::webgl::ConsumerView<SelfType>& aView,
+ Arg& aArg, Args&... aArgs) {
+ QueueStatus status = DeserializeArg(aView, aArg);
+ if (!IsSuccess(status)) {
+ return status;
+ }
+ return DeserializeArgs(aView, aArgs...);
+ }
+ template <typename Arg>
+ QueueStatus DeserializeArg(mozilla::webgl::ConsumerView<SelfType>& aView,
+ Arg& aArg) {
+ return mozilla::webgl::
+ QueueParamTraits<typename mozilla::webgl::RemoveCVR<Arg>::Type>::Read(
+ aView, const_cast<std::remove_cv_t<Arg>*>(&aArg));
+ }
+ public:
+ template <typename Arg>
+ QueueStatus ReadObject(size_t* aRead, size_t aWrite, Arg* arg,
+ size_t aArgSize) {
+ // TODO: Queue needs one extra byte for PCQ (fixme).
+ return mozilla::webgl::Marshaller::ReadObject(
+ mBuf.Elements(), mBuf.Length() + 1, aRead, aWrite, arg, aArgSize);
+ }
+ base::ProcessId OtherPid() { return mActor ? mActor->OtherPid() : 0; }
+ protected:
+ WeakPtr<Actor> mActor;
+ uint64_t mId;
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> mBuf;
+ * An IpdlQueue is a queue that uses an actor of type ActorP to send data and
+ * its reciprocal (i.e. child to its parent or vice-versa) to receive data.
+ * ActorP must derive from one of:
+ * AsyncProducerActor, SyncProducerActor
+ * ActorC must derive from one of:
+ * AsyncConsumerActor, SyncConsumerActor
+ */
+template <typename _ActorP, typename _ActorC>
+class IpdlQueue final {
+ public:
+ using ActorP = _ActorP;
+ using ActorC = _ActorC;
+ using Producer = IpdlProducer<ActorP>;
+ using Consumer = IpdlConsumer<ActorC>;
+ UniquePtr<Producer> TakeProducer() { return std::move(mProducer); }
+ UniquePtr<Consumer> TakeConsumer() { return std::move(mConsumer); }
+ /**
+ * Create an IpdlQueue where the given actor is a producer and its
+ * reciprocal is the consumer.
+ * The reciprocal actor type must be typedefed in ActorC as OtherSideActor.
+ * For example, WebGLChild::OtherSideActor is WebGLParent.
+ */
+ static UniquePtr<IpdlQueue<ActorP, ActorC>> Create(ActorP* aProducerActor) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<typename ActorP::OtherSideActor, ActorC>::value,
+ "ActorP's reciprocal must be ActorC");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<typename ActorC::OtherSideActor, ActorP>::value,
+ "ActorC's reciprocal must be ActorP");
+ auto id = NewIpdlQueueId();
+ return WrapUnique(new IpdlQueue<ActorP, ActorC>(
+ std::move(WrapUnique(new Producer(id, aProducerActor))),
+ std::move(WrapUnique(new Consumer(id)))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create an IpdlQueue where the given actor is a consumer and its
+ * reciprocal is the producer.
+ * The reciprocal actor type must be typedefed in ActorC as OtherSideActor.
+ * For example, WebGLChild::OtherSideActor is WebGLParent.
+ */
+ static UniquePtr<IpdlQueue<ActorP, ActorC>> Create(ActorC* aConsumerActor) {
+ static_assert(std::is_same<typename ActorP::OtherSideActor, ActorC>::value,
+ "ActorP's reciprocal must be ActorC");
+ static_assert(std::is_same<typename ActorC::OtherSideActor, ActorP>::value,
+ "ActorC's reciprocal must be ActorP");
+ auto id = NewIpdlQueueId();
+ return WrapUnique(new IpdlQueue<ActorP, ActorC>(
+ std::move(WrapUnique(new Producer(id))),
+ std::move(WrapUnique(new Consumer(id, aConsumerActor)))));
+ }
+ private:
+ IpdlQueue(UniquePtr<Producer>&& aProducer, UniquePtr<Consumer>&& aConsumer)
+ : mProducer(std::move(aProducer)), mConsumer(std::move(aConsumer)) {}
+ UniquePtr<Producer> mProducer;
+ UniquePtr<Consumer> mConsumer;
+} // namespace dom
+namespace ipc {
+template <typename Actor>
+struct IPDLParamTraits<mozilla::dom::IpdlProducer<Actor>> {
+ typedef mozilla::dom::IpdlProducer<Actor> paramType;
+ static void Write(IPC::Message* aMsg, IProtocol* aActor,
+ const paramType& aParam) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aParam.mActor == nullptr);
+ WriteIPDLParam(aMsg, aActor, aParam.mId);
+ }
+ static bool Read(const IPC::Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ IProtocol* aActor, paramType* aResult) {
+ aResult->mActor = static_cast<Actor*>(aActor);
+ return ReadIPDLParam(aMsg, aIter, aActor, &aResult->mId);
+ }
+template <typename Actor>
+struct IPDLParamTraits<mozilla::dom::IpdlConsumer<Actor>> {
+ typedef mozilla::dom::IpdlConsumer<Actor> paramType;
+ static void Write(IPC::Message* aMsg, IProtocol* aActor,
+ const paramType& aParam) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aParam.mActor == nullptr);
+ WriteIPDLParam(aMsg, aActor, aParam.mId);
+ WriteIPDLParam(aMsg, aActor, aParam.mBuf);
+ }
+ static bool Read(const IPC::Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ IProtocol* aActor, paramType* aResult) {
+ aResult->mActor = static_cast<Actor*>(aActor);
+ return ReadIPDLParam(aMsg, aIter, aActor, &aResult->mId) &&
+ ReadIPDLParam(aMsg, aIter, aActor, &aResult->mBuf);
+ }
+template <>
+struct IPDLParamTraits<mozilla::dom::IpdlQueueBuffer> {
+ typedef mozilla::dom::IpdlQueueBuffer paramType;
+ static void Write(IPC::Message* aMsg, IProtocol* aActor,
+ const paramType& aParam) {
+ WriteParam(aMsg,;
+ WriteParam(aMsg,;
+ }
+ static bool Read(const IPC::Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ IProtocol* aActor, paramType* aResult) {
+ return ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->id) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->data);
+ }
+} // namespace ipc
+} // namespace mozilla
+#endif // IPDLQUEUE_H_