path: root/gfx/wgpu/wgpu-core/src/
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1 files changed, 966 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/wgpu/wgpu-core/src/ b/gfx/wgpu/wgpu-core/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6cfe12d53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/wgpu/wgpu-core/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+use crate::{binding_model::BindEntryMap, FastHashMap, MAX_BIND_GROUPS};
+use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
+use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
+use thiserror::Error;
+use wgt::{BindGroupLayoutEntry, BindingType};
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[error("buffer usage is {actual:?} which does not contain required usage {expected:?}")]
+pub struct MissingBufferUsageError {
+ pub(crate) actual: wgt::BufferUsage,
+ pub(crate) expected: wgt::BufferUsage,
+/// Checks that the given buffer usage contains the required buffer usage,
+/// returns an error otherwise.
+pub fn check_buffer_usage(
+ actual: wgt::BufferUsage,
+ expected: wgt::BufferUsage,
+) -> Result<(), MissingBufferUsageError> {
+ if !actual.contains(expected) {
+ Err(MissingBufferUsageError { actual, expected })
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+#[error("texture usage is {actual:?} which does not contain required usage {expected:?}")]
+pub struct MissingTextureUsageError {
+ pub(crate) actual: wgt::TextureUsage,
+ pub(crate) expected: wgt::TextureUsage,
+/// Checks that the given texture usage contains the required texture usage,
+/// returns an error otherwise.
+pub fn check_texture_usage(
+ actual: wgt::TextureUsage,
+ expected: wgt::TextureUsage,
+) -> Result<(), MissingTextureUsageError> {
+ if !actual.contains(expected) {
+ Err(MissingTextureUsageError { actual, expected })
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum BindingError {
+ #[error("binding is missing from the pipeline layout")]
+ Missing,
+ #[error("visibility flags don't include the shader stage")]
+ Invisible,
+ #[error("load/store access flags {0:?} don't match the shader")]
+ WrongUsage(naga::GlobalUse),
+ #[error("type on the shader side does not match the pipeline binding")]
+ WrongType,
+ #[error("buffer structure size {0}, added to one element of an unbound array, if it's the last field, ended up greater than the given `min_binding_size`")]
+ WrongBufferSize(wgt::BufferAddress),
+ #[error("view dimension {dim:?} (is array: {is_array}) doesn't match the shader")]
+ WrongTextureViewDimension {
+ dim: naga::ImageDimension,
+ is_array: bool,
+ },
+ #[error("texture class {binding:?} doesn't match the shader {shader:?}")]
+ WrongTextureClass {
+ binding: naga::ImageClass,
+ shader: naga::ImageClass,
+ },
+ #[error("comparison flag doesn't match the shader")]
+ WrongSamplerComparison,
+ #[error("derived bind group layout type is not consistent between stages")]
+ InconsistentlyDerivedType,
+ #[error("texture format {0:?} is not supported for storage use")]
+ BadStorageFormat(wgt::TextureFormat),
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum InputError {
+ #[error("input is not provided by the earlier stage in the pipeline")]
+ Missing,
+ #[error("input type is not compatible with the provided")]
+ WrongType,
+/// Errors produced when validating a programmable stage of a pipeline.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Error)]
+pub enum StageError {
+ #[error("shader module is invalid")]
+ InvalidModule,
+ #[error("unable to find an entry point at {0:?} stage")]
+ MissingEntryPoint(wgt::ShaderStage),
+ #[error("error matching global binding at index {binding} in group {group} against the pipeline layout: {error}")]
+ Binding {
+ group: u32,
+ binding: u32,
+ error: BindingError,
+ },
+ #[error(
+ "error matching the stage input at {location} against the previous stage outputs: {error}"
+ )]
+ Input {
+ location: wgt::ShaderLocation,
+ error: InputError,
+ },
+fn get_aligned_type_size(
+ module: &naga::Module,
+ handle: naga::Handle<naga::Type>,
+ allow_unbound: bool,
+) -> wgt::BufferAddress {
+ use naga::TypeInner as Ti;
+ //TODO: take alignment into account!
+ match module.types[handle].inner {
+ Ti::Scalar { kind: _, width } => width as wgt::BufferAddress,
+ Ti::Vector {
+ size,
+ kind: _,
+ width,
+ } => size as wgt::BufferAddress * width as wgt::BufferAddress,
+ Ti::Matrix {
+ rows,
+ columns,
+ width,
+ } => {
+ rows as wgt::BufferAddress * columns as wgt::BufferAddress * width as wgt::BufferAddress
+ }
+ Ti::Pointer { .. } => 4,
+ Ti::Array {
+ base,
+ size: naga::ArraySize::Constant(const_handle),
+ stride,
+ } => {
+ let base_size = match stride {
+ Some(stride) => stride.get() as wgt::BufferAddress,
+ None => get_aligned_type_size(module, base, false),
+ };
+ let count = match module.constants[const_handle].inner {
+ naga::ConstantInner::Uint(value) => value,
+ ref other => panic!("Invalid array size constant: {:?}", other),
+ };
+ base_size * count
+ }
+ Ti::Array {
+ base,
+ size: naga::ArraySize::Dynamic,
+ stride,
+ } if allow_unbound => match stride {
+ Some(stride) => stride.get() as wgt::BufferAddress,
+ None => get_aligned_type_size(module, base, false),
+ },
+ Ti::Struct { ref members } => members.last().map_or(0, |member| {
+ let offset = match member.origin {
+ naga::MemberOrigin::Empty => 0,
+ naga::MemberOrigin::BuiltIn(_) => {
+ tracing::error!("Missing offset on a struct member");
+ 0 // TODO: make it a proper error
+ }
+ naga::MemberOrigin::Offset(offset) => offset as wgt::BufferAddress,
+ };
+ offset + get_aligned_type_size(module, member.ty, false)
+ }),
+ _ => panic!("Unexpected struct field"),
+ }
+fn map_storage_format_to_naga(format: wgt::TextureFormat) -> Option<naga::StorageFormat> {
+ use naga::StorageFormat as Sf;
+ use wgt::TextureFormat as Tf;
+ // Using the table in
+ Some(match format {
+ Tf::R32Uint => Sf::R32Uint,
+ Tf::R32Sint => Sf::R32Sint,
+ Tf::R32Float => Sf::R32Float,
+ Tf::Rgba8Unorm => Sf::Rgba8Unorm,
+ Tf::Rgba8Snorm => Sf::Rgba8Snorm,
+ Tf::Rgba8Uint => Sf::Rgba8Uint,
+ Tf::Rgba8Sint => Sf::Rgba8Sint,
+ Tf::Rg32Uint => Sf::Rg32Uint,
+ Tf::Rg32Sint => Sf::Rg32Sint,
+ Tf::Rg32Float => Sf::Rg32Float,
+ Tf::Rgba16Uint => Sf::Rgba16Uint,
+ Tf::Rgba16Sint => Sf::Rgba16Sint,
+ Tf::Rgba16Float => Sf::Rgba16Float,
+ Tf::Rgba32Uint => Sf::Rgba32Uint,
+ Tf::Rgba32Sint => Sf::Rgba32Sint,
+ Tf::Rgba32Float => Sf::Rgba32Float,
+ _ => return None,
+ })
+fn map_storage_format_from_naga(format: naga::StorageFormat) -> wgt::TextureFormat {
+ use naga::StorageFormat as Sf;
+ use wgt::TextureFormat as Tf;
+ match format {
+ Sf::R8Unorm => Tf::R8Unorm,
+ Sf::R8Snorm => Tf::R8Snorm,
+ Sf::R8Uint => Tf::R8Uint,
+ Sf::R8Sint => Tf::R8Sint,
+ Sf::R16Uint => Tf::R16Uint,
+ Sf::R16Sint => Tf::R16Sint,
+ Sf::R16Float => Tf::R16Float,
+ Sf::Rg8Unorm => Tf::Rg8Unorm,
+ Sf::Rg8Snorm => Tf::Rg8Snorm,
+ Sf::Rg8Uint => Tf::Rg8Uint,
+ Sf::Rg8Sint => Tf::Rg8Sint,
+ Sf::R32Uint => Tf::R32Uint,
+ Sf::R32Sint => Tf::R32Sint,
+ Sf::R32Float => Tf::R32Float,
+ Sf::Rg16Uint => Tf::Rg16Uint,
+ Sf::Rg16Sint => Tf::Rg16Sint,
+ Sf::Rg16Float => Tf::Rg16Float,
+ Sf::Rgba8Unorm => Tf::Rgba8Unorm,
+ Sf::Rgba8Snorm => Tf::Rgba8Snorm,
+ Sf::Rgba8Uint => Tf::Rgba8Uint,
+ Sf::Rgba8Sint => Tf::Rgba8Sint,
+ Sf::Rgb10a2Unorm => Tf::Rgb10a2Unorm,
+ Sf::Rg11b10Float => Tf::Rg11b10Float,
+ Sf::Rg32Uint => Tf::Rg32Uint,
+ Sf::Rg32Sint => Tf::Rg32Sint,
+ Sf::Rg32Float => Tf::Rg32Float,
+ Sf::Rgba16Uint => Tf::Rgba16Uint,
+ Sf::Rgba16Sint => Tf::Rgba16Sint,
+ Sf::Rgba16Float => Tf::Rgba16Float,
+ Sf::Rgba32Uint => Tf::Rgba32Uint,
+ Sf::Rgba32Sint => Tf::Rgba32Sint,
+ Sf::Rgba32Float => Tf::Rgba32Float,
+ }
+fn check_binding_use(
+ module: &naga::Module,
+ var: &naga::GlobalVariable,
+ entry: &BindGroupLayoutEntry,
+) -> Result<naga::GlobalUse, BindingError> {
+ match module.types[var.ty].inner {
+ naga::TypeInner::Struct { ref members } => {
+ let (allowed_usage, min_size) = match entry.ty {
+ BindingType::Buffer {
+ ty,
+ has_dynamic_offset: _,
+ min_binding_size,
+ } => {
+ let global_use = match ty {
+ wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform
+ | wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { read_only: true } => {
+ naga::GlobalUse::LOAD
+ }
+ wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage { read_only: _ } => naga::GlobalUse::all(),
+ };
+ (global_use, min_binding_size)
+ }
+ _ => return Err(BindingError::WrongType),
+ };
+ let mut actual_size = 0;
+ for (i, member) in members.iter().enumerate() {
+ actual_size += get_aligned_type_size(module, member.ty, i + 1 == members.len());
+ }
+ match min_size {
+ Some(non_zero) if non_zero.get() < actual_size => {
+ return Err(BindingError::WrongBufferSize(actual_size))
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ Ok(allowed_usage)
+ }
+ naga::TypeInner::Sampler { comparison } => match entry.ty {
+ BindingType::Sampler {
+ filtering: _,
+ comparison: cmp,
+ } => {
+ if cmp == comparison {
+ Ok(naga::GlobalUse::LOAD)
+ } else {
+ Err(BindingError::WrongSamplerComparison)
+ }
+ }
+ _ => Err(BindingError::WrongType),
+ },
+ naga::TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class,
+ } => {
+ let view_dimension = match entry.ty {
+ BindingType::Texture { view_dimension, .. }
+ | BindingType::StorageTexture { view_dimension, .. } => view_dimension,
+ _ => {
+ return Err(BindingError::WrongTextureViewDimension {
+ dim,
+ is_array: true,
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ if arrayed {
+ match (dim, view_dimension) {
+ (naga::ImageDimension::D2, wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2Array) => (),
+ (naga::ImageDimension::Cube, wgt::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray) => (),
+ _ => {
+ return Err(BindingError::WrongTextureViewDimension {
+ dim,
+ is_array: true,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ match (dim, view_dimension) {
+ (naga::ImageDimension::D1, wgt::TextureViewDimension::D1) => (),
+ (naga::ImageDimension::D2, wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2) => (),
+ (naga::ImageDimension::D3, wgt::TextureViewDimension::D3) => (),
+ (naga::ImageDimension::Cube, wgt::TextureViewDimension::Cube) => (),
+ _ => {
+ return Err(BindingError::WrongTextureViewDimension {
+ dim,
+ is_array: false,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let (expected_class, usage) = match entry.ty {
+ BindingType::Texture {
+ sample_type,
+ view_dimension: _,
+ multisampled: multi,
+ } => {
+ let class = match sample_type {
+ wgt::TextureSampleType::Float { .. } => naga::ImageClass::Sampled {
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ multi,
+ },
+ wgt::TextureSampleType::Sint => naga::ImageClass::Sampled {
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ multi,
+ },
+ wgt::TextureSampleType::Uint => naga::ImageClass::Sampled {
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ multi,
+ },
+ wgt::TextureSampleType::Depth => naga::ImageClass::Depth,
+ };
+ (class, naga::GlobalUse::LOAD)
+ }
+ BindingType::StorageTexture {
+ access,
+ format,
+ view_dimension: _,
+ } => {
+ let naga_format = map_storage_format_to_naga(format)
+ .ok_or(BindingError::BadStorageFormat(format))?;
+ let usage = match access {
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly => naga::GlobalUse::LOAD,
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly => naga::GlobalUse::STORE,
+ };
+ (naga::ImageClass::Storage(naga_format), usage)
+ }
+ _ => return Err(BindingError::WrongType),
+ };
+ if class != expected_class {
+ return Err(BindingError::WrongTextureClass {
+ binding: expected_class,
+ shader: class,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(usage)
+ }
+ _ => Err(BindingError::WrongType),
+ }
+fn is_sub_type(sub: &naga::TypeInner, provided: &naga::TypeInner) -> bool {
+ use naga::TypeInner as Ti;
+ match (sub, provided) {
+ (
+ &Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: k0,
+ width: w0,
+ },
+ &Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: k1,
+ width: w1,
+ },
+ ) => k0 == k1 && w0 <= w1,
+ (
+ &Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: k0,
+ width: w0,
+ },
+ &Ti::Vector {
+ size: _,
+ kind: k1,
+ width: w1,
+ },
+ ) => k0 == k1 && w0 <= w1,
+ (
+ &Ti::Vector {
+ size: s0,
+ kind: k0,
+ width: w0,
+ },
+ &Ti::Vector {
+ size: s1,
+ kind: k1,
+ width: w1,
+ },
+ ) => s0 as u8 <= s1 as u8 && k0 == k1 && w0 <= w1,
+ (
+ &Ti::Matrix {
+ columns: c0,
+ rows: r0,
+ width: w0,
+ },
+ &Ti::Matrix {
+ columns: c1,
+ rows: r1,
+ width: w1,
+ },
+ ) => c0 == c1 && r0 == r1 && w0 <= w1,
+ (&Ti::Struct { members: ref m0 }, &Ti::Struct { members: ref m1 }) => m0 == m1,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+pub enum MaybeOwned<'a, T> {
+ Owned(T),
+ Borrowed(&'a T),
+impl<'a, T> std::ops::Deref for MaybeOwned<'a, T> {
+ type Target = T;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &T {
+ match *self {
+ MaybeOwned::Owned(ref value) => value,
+ MaybeOwned::Borrowed(value) => value,
+ }
+ }
+pub fn map_vertex_format(format: wgt::VertexFormat) -> naga::TypeInner {
+ use naga::TypeInner as Ti;
+ use wgt::VertexFormat as Vf;
+ //Note: Shader always sees data as int, uint, or float.
+ // It doesn't know if the original is normalized in a tighter form.
+ let width = 4;
+ match format {
+ Vf::Uchar2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uchar4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Char2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Char4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uchar2Norm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uchar4Norm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Char2Norm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Char4Norm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Ushort2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Ushort4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Short2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Short4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Ushort2Norm | Vf::Short2Norm | Vf::Half2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Ushort4Norm | Vf::Short4Norm | Vf::Half4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Float => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Float2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Float3 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Tri,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Float4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uint2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uint3 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Tri,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Uint4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Int => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Int2 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Bi,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Int3 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Tri,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Vf::Int4 => Ti::Vector {
+ size: naga::VectorSize::Quad,
+ kind: naga::ScalarKind::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ }
+fn map_texture_format(format: wgt::TextureFormat) -> naga::TypeInner {
+ use naga::{ScalarKind as Sk, TypeInner as Ti, VectorSize as Vs};
+ use wgt::TextureFormat as Tf;
+ //Note: Shader always sees data as int, uint, or float.
+ // It doesn't know if the original is normalized in a tighter form.
+ let width = 4;
+ match format {
+ Tf::R8Unorm | Tf::R8Snorm => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R8Uint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R8Sint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R16Uint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R16Sint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R16Float => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg8Unorm | Tf::Rg8Snorm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg8Uint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg8Sint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R32Uint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R32Sint => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::R32Float => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg16Uint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg16Sint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg16Float => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba8Unorm
+ | Tf::Rgba8UnormSrgb
+ | Tf::Rgba8Snorm
+ | Tf::Bgra8Unorm
+ | Tf::Bgra8UnormSrgb => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba8Uint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba8Sint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgb10a2Unorm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg11b10Float => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Tri,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg32Uint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg32Sint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rg32Float => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba16Uint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba16Sint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba16Float => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba32Uint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Uint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba32Sint => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Sint,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Rgba32Float => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Depth32Float | Tf::Depth24Plus | Tf::Depth24PlusStencil8 => {
+ panic!("Unexpected depth format")
+ }
+ Tf::Bc1RgbaUnorm
+ | Tf::Bc1RgbaUnormSrgb
+ | Tf::Bc2RgbaUnorm
+ | Tf::Bc2RgbaUnormSrgb
+ | Tf::Bc3RgbaUnorm
+ | Tf::Bc3RgbaUnormSrgb
+ | Tf::Bc7RgbaUnorm
+ | Tf::Bc7RgbaUnormSrgb => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Quad,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Bc4RUnorm | Tf::Bc4RSnorm => Ti::Scalar {
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Bc5RgUnorm | Tf::Bc5RgSnorm => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Bi,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ Tf::Bc6hRgbUfloat | Tf::Bc6hRgbSfloat => Ti::Vector {
+ size: Vs::Tri,
+ kind: Sk::Float,
+ width,
+ },
+ }
+/// Return true if the fragment `format` is covered by the provided `output`.
+pub fn check_texture_format(format: wgt::TextureFormat, output: &naga::TypeInner) -> bool {
+ let required = map_texture_format(format);
+ is_sub_type(&required, output)
+pub type StageInterface<'a> = FastHashMap<wgt::ShaderLocation, MaybeOwned<'a, naga::TypeInner>>;
+pub enum IntrospectionBindGroupLayouts<'a> {
+ Given(ArrayVec<[&'a BindEntryMap; MAX_BIND_GROUPS]>),
+ Derived(&'a mut [BindEntryMap]),
+fn derive_binding_type(
+ module: &naga::Module,
+ var: &naga::GlobalVariable,
+ usage: naga::GlobalUse,
+) -> Result<BindingType, BindingError> {
+ let ty = &module.types[var.ty];
+ Ok(match ty.inner {
+ naga::TypeInner::Struct { ref members } => {
+ let has_dynamic_offset = false;
+ let mut actual_size = 0;
+ for (i, member) in members.iter().enumerate() {
+ actual_size += get_aligned_type_size(module, member.ty, i + 1 == members.len());
+ }
+ match var.class {
+ naga::StorageClass::Uniform => BindingType::Buffer {
+ ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
+ has_dynamic_offset,
+ min_binding_size: wgt::BufferSize::new(actual_size),
+ },
+ naga::StorageClass::Storage => BindingType::Buffer {
+ ty: wgt::BufferBindingType::Storage {
+ read_only: !usage.contains(naga::GlobalUse::STORE),
+ },
+ has_dynamic_offset,
+ min_binding_size: wgt::BufferSize::new(actual_size),
+ },
+ _ => return Err(BindingError::WrongType),
+ }
+ }
+ naga::TypeInner::Sampler { comparison } => BindingType::Sampler {
+ filtering: true,
+ comparison,
+ },
+ naga::TypeInner::Image {
+ dim,
+ arrayed,
+ class,
+ } => {
+ let view_dimension = match dim {
+ naga::ImageDimension::D1 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D1,
+ naga::ImageDimension::D2 if arrayed => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2Array,
+ naga::ImageDimension::D2 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D2,
+ naga::ImageDimension::D3 => wgt::TextureViewDimension::D3,
+ naga::ImageDimension::Cube if arrayed => wgt::TextureViewDimension::CubeArray,
+ naga::ImageDimension::Cube => wgt::TextureViewDimension::Cube,
+ };
+ match class {
+ naga::ImageClass::Sampled { multi, kind } => BindingType::Texture {
+ sample_type: match kind {
+ naga::ScalarKind::Float => {
+ wgt::TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true }
+ }
+ naga::ScalarKind::Sint => wgt::TextureSampleType::Sint,
+ naga::ScalarKind::Uint => wgt::TextureSampleType::Uint,
+ naga::ScalarKind::Bool => unreachable!(),
+ },
+ view_dimension,
+ multisampled: multi,
+ },
+ naga::ImageClass::Depth => BindingType::Texture {
+ sample_type: wgt::TextureSampleType::Depth,
+ view_dimension,
+ multisampled: false,
+ },
+ naga::ImageClass::Storage(format) => BindingType::StorageTexture {
+ access: if usage.contains(naga::GlobalUse::STORE) {
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly
+ } else {
+ wgt::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly
+ },
+ view_dimension,
+ format: {
+ let f = map_storage_format_from_naga(format);
+ let original = map_storage_format_to_naga(f)
+ .ok_or(BindingError::BadStorageFormat(f))?;
+ debug_assert_eq!(format, original);
+ f
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ _ => return Err(BindingError::WrongType),
+ })
+pub fn check_stage<'a>(
+ module: &'a naga::Module,
+ mut group_layouts: IntrospectionBindGroupLayouts,
+ entry_point_name: &str,
+ stage_bit: wgt::ShaderStage,
+ inputs: StageInterface<'a>,
+) -> Result<StageInterface<'a>, StageError> {
+ // Since a shader module can have multiple entry points with the same name,
+ // we need to look for one with the right execution model.
+ let shader_stage = match stage_bit {
+ wgt::ShaderStage::VERTEX => naga::ShaderStage::Vertex,
+ wgt::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT => naga::ShaderStage::Fragment,
+ wgt::ShaderStage::COMPUTE => naga::ShaderStage::Compute,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let entry_point = module
+ .entry_points
+ .get(&(shader_stage, entry_point_name.to_string()))
+ .ok_or(StageError::MissingEntryPoint(stage_bit))?;
+ let mut outputs = StageInterface::default();
+ for ((_, var), &usage) in module
+ .global_variables
+ .iter()
+ .zip(&entry_point.function.global_usage)
+ {
+ if usage.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ match var.binding {
+ Some(naga::Binding::Resource { group, binding }) => {
+ let result = match group_layouts {
+ IntrospectionBindGroupLayouts::Given(ref layouts) => layouts
+ .get(group as usize)
+ .and_then(|map| map.get(&binding))
+ .ok_or(BindingError::Missing)
+ .and_then(|entry| {
+ if entry.visibility.contains(stage_bit) {
+ Ok(entry)
+ } else {
+ Err(BindingError::Invisible)
+ }
+ })
+ .and_then(|entry| check_binding_use(module, var, entry))
+ .and_then(|allowed_usage| {
+ if allowed_usage.contains(usage) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(BindingError::WrongUsage(usage))
+ }
+ }),
+ IntrospectionBindGroupLayouts::Derived(ref mut layouts) => layouts
+ .get_mut(group as usize)
+ .ok_or(BindingError::Missing)
+ .and_then(|set| {
+ let ty = derive_binding_type(module, var, usage)?;
+ Ok(match set.entry(binding) {
+ Entry::Occupied(e) if e.get().ty != ty => {
+ return Err(BindingError::InconsistentlyDerivedType)
+ }
+ Entry::Occupied(e) => {
+ e.into_mut().visibility |= stage_bit;
+ }
+ Entry::Vacant(e) => {
+ e.insert(BindGroupLayoutEntry {
+ binding,
+ ty,
+ visibility: stage_bit,
+ count: None,
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ }),
+ };
+ if let Err(error) = result {
+ return Err(StageError::Binding {
+ group,
+ binding,
+ error,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ Some(naga::Binding::Location(location)) => {
+ let ty = &module.types[var.ty].inner;
+ if usage.contains(naga::GlobalUse::STORE) {
+ outputs.insert(location, MaybeOwned::Borrowed(ty));
+ } else {
+ let result =
+ inputs
+ .get(&location)
+ .ok_or(InputError::Missing)
+ .and_then(|provided| {
+ if is_sub_type(ty, provided) {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(InputError::WrongType)
+ }
+ });
+ if let Err(error) = result {
+ return Err(StageError::Input { location, error });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(outputs)