path: root/js/src/vm/CommonPropertyNames.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/vm/CommonPropertyNames.h')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/vm/CommonPropertyNames.h b/js/src/vm/CommonPropertyNames.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34294056e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/vm/CommonPropertyNames.h
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* A higher-order macro for enumerating all cached property names. */
+#ifndef vm_CommonPropertyNames_h
+#define vm_CommonPropertyNames_h
+// The following common atoms are reserved by the js::StaticStrigs /
+// WellKnownParserAtoms::lookupTiny mechanisms. We still use a named reference
+// for the parser and VM to use.
+ MACRO(as, as, "as") \
+ MACRO(at, at, "at") \
+ MACRO(by, by, "by") \
+ MACRO(comma, comma, ",") \
+ MACRO(do, do_, "do") \
+ MACRO(futexOK, futexOK, "ok") \
+ MACRO(if, if_, "if") \
+ MACRO(in, in, "in") \
+ MACRO(js, js, "js") \
+ MACRO(of, of, "of") \
+ MACRO(star, star, "*")
+ MACRO(empty, empty, "") \
+ MACRO(abort, abort, "abort") \
+ MACRO(add, add, "add") \
+ MACRO(allowContentIter, allowContentIter, "allowContentIter") \
+ MACRO(anonymous, anonymous, "anonymous") \
+ MACRO(Any, Any, "Any") \
+ MACRO(apply, apply, "apply") \
+ MACRO(args, args, "args") \
+ MACRO(arguments, arguments, "arguments") \
+ MACRO(ArrayBufferSpecies, ArrayBufferSpecies, "$ArrayBufferSpecies") \
+ MACRO(ArrayIterator, ArrayIterator, "Array Iterator") \
+ MACRO(ArrayIteratorNext, ArrayIteratorNext, "ArrayIteratorNext") \
+ MACRO(ArraySort, ArraySort, "ArraySort") \
+ MACRO(ArraySpecies, ArraySpecies, "$ArraySpecies") \
+ MACRO(ArraySpeciesCreate, ArraySpeciesCreate, "ArraySpeciesCreate") \
+ MACRO(ArrayToLocaleString, ArrayToLocaleString, "ArrayToLocaleString") \
+ MACRO(ArrayType, ArrayType, "ArrayType") \
+ MACRO(ArrayValues, ArrayValues, "$ArrayValues") \
+ MACRO(Async, Async, "Async") \
+ MACRO(AsyncFromSyncIterator, AsyncFromSyncIterator, \
+ "Async-from-Sync Iterator") \
+ MACRO(AsyncFunctionNext, AsyncFunctionNext, "AsyncFunctionNext") \
+ MACRO(AsyncFunctionThrow, AsyncFunctionThrow, "AsyncFunctionThrow") \
+ MACRO(AsyncGenerator, AsyncGenerator, "AsyncGenerator") \
+ MACRO(AsyncGeneratorNext, AsyncGeneratorNext, "AsyncGeneratorNext") \
+ MACRO(AsyncGeneratorReturn, AsyncGeneratorReturn, "AsyncGeneratorReturn") \
+ MACRO(AsyncGeneratorThrow, AsyncGeneratorThrow, "AsyncGeneratorThrow") \
+ MACRO(AsyncWrapped, AsyncWrapped, "AsyncWrapped") \
+ MACRO(async, async, "async") \
+ MACRO(autoAllocateChunkSize, autoAllocateChunkSize, "autoAllocateChunkSize") \
+ MACRO(await, await, "await") \
+ MACRO(bigint64, bigint64, "bigint64") \
+ MACRO(biguint64, biguint64, "biguint64") \
+ MACRO(boundWithSpace, boundWithSpace, "bound ") \
+ MACRO(break, break_, "break") \
+ MACRO(breakdown, breakdown, "breakdown") \
+ MACRO(buffer, buffer, "buffer") \
+ MACRO(builder, builder, "builder") \
+ MACRO(byob, byob, "byob") \
+ MACRO(byteAlignment, byteAlignment, "byteAlignment") \
+ MACRO(byteLength, byteLength, "byteLength") \
+ MACRO(byteOffset, byteOffset, "byteOffset") \
+ MACRO(bytes, bytes, "bytes") \
+ MACRO(calendar, calendar, "calendar") \
+ MACRO(call, call, "call") \
+ MACRO(callContentFunction, callContentFunction, "callContentFunction") \
+ MACRO(callee, callee, "callee") \
+ MACRO(caller, caller, "caller") \
+ MACRO(callFunction, callFunction, "callFunction") \
+ MACRO(cancel, cancel, "cancel") \
+ MACRO(case, case_, "case") \
+ MACRO(caseFirst, caseFirst, "caseFirst") \
+ MACRO(catch, catch_, "catch") \
+ MACRO(class, class_, "class") \
+ MACRO(cleanupSome, cleanupSome, "cleanupSome") \
+ MACRO(close, close, "close") \
+ MACRO(collation, collation, "collation") \
+ MACRO(collections, collections, "collections") \
+ MACRO(columnNumber, columnNumber, "columnNumber") \
+ MACRO(compare, compare, "compare") \
+ MACRO(configurable, configurable, "configurable") \
+ MACRO(const, const_, "const") \
+ MACRO(construct, construct, "construct") \
+ MACRO(constructContentFunction, constructContentFunction, \
+ "constructContentFunction") \
+ MACRO(constructor, constructor, "constructor") \
+ MACRO(continue, continue_, "continue") \
+ MACRO(CopyDataProperties, CopyDataProperties, "CopyDataProperties") \
+ MACRO(CopyDataPropertiesUnfiltered, CopyDataPropertiesUnfiltered, \
+ "CopyDataPropertiesUnfiltered") \
+ MACRO(copyWithin, copyWithin, "copyWithin") \
+ MACRO(compact, compact, "compact") \
+ MACRO(compactDisplay, compactDisplay, "compactDisplay") \
+ MACRO(count, count, "count") \
+ MACRO(CreateResolvingFunctions, CreateResolvingFunctions, \
+ "CreateResolvingFunctions") \
+ MACRO(currency, currency, "currency") \
+ MACRO(currencyDisplay, currencyDisplay, "currencyDisplay") \
+ MACRO(currencySign, currencySign, "currencySign") \
+ MACRO(day, day, "day") \
+ MACRO(dayPeriod, dayPeriod, "dayPeriod") \
+ MACRO(debugger, debugger, "debugger") \
+ MACRO(decimal, decimal, "decimal") \
+ MACRO(decodeURI, decodeURI, "decodeURI") \
+ MACRO(decodeURIComponent, decodeURIComponent, "decodeURIComponent") \
+ MACRO(DefaultBaseClassConstructor, DefaultBaseClassConstructor, \
+ "DefaultBaseClassConstructor") \
+ MACRO(DefaultDerivedClassConstructor, DefaultDerivedClassConstructor, \
+ "DefaultDerivedClassConstructor") \
+ MACRO(default, default_, "default") \
+ MACRO(defineGetter, defineGetter, "__defineGetter__") \
+ MACRO(defineProperty, defineProperty, "defineProperty") \
+ MACRO(defineSetter, defineSetter, "__defineSetter__") \
+ MACRO(delete, delete_, "delete") \
+ MACRO(deleteProperty, deleteProperty, "deleteProperty") \
+ MACRO(direction, direction, "direction") \
+ MACRO(displayURL, displayURL, "displayURL") \
+ MACRO(domNode, domNode, "domNode") \
+ MACRO(done, done, "done") \
+ MACRO(dotAll, dotAll, "dotAll") \
+ MACRO(dotGenerator, dotGenerator, ".generator") \
+ MACRO(dotThis, dotThis, ".this") \
+ MACRO(dotInitializers, dotInitializers, ".initializers") \
+ MACRO(dotFieldKeys, dotFieldKeys, ".fieldKeys") \
+ MACRO(dotStaticInitializers, dotStaticInitializers, ".staticInitializers") \
+ MACRO(dotStaticFieldKeys, dotStaticFieldKeys, ".staticFieldKeys") \
+ MACRO(each, each, "each") \
+ MACRO(element, element, "element") \
+ MACRO(elementType, elementType, "elementType") \
+ MACRO(else, else_, "else") \
+ MACRO(emptyRegExp, emptyRegExp, "(?:)") \
+ MACRO(encodeURI, encodeURI, "encodeURI") \
+ MACRO(encodeURIComponent, encodeURIComponent, "encodeURIComponent") \
+ MACRO(endRange, endRange, "endRange") \
+ MACRO(endTimestamp, endTimestamp, "endTimestamp") \
+ MACRO(entries, entries, "entries") \
+ MACRO(enum, enum_, "enum") \
+ MACRO(enumerable, enumerable, "enumerable") \
+ MACRO(enumerate, enumerate, "enumerate") \
+ MACRO(era, era, "era") \
+ MACRO(ErrorToStringWithTrailingNewline, ErrorToStringWithTrailingNewline, \
+ "ErrorToStringWithTrailingNewline") \
+ MACRO(errors, errors, "errors") \
+ MACRO(escape, escape, "escape") \
+ MACRO(eval, eval, "eval") \
+ MACRO(exec, exec, "exec") \
+ MACRO(exponentInteger, exponentInteger, "exponentInteger") \
+ MACRO(exponentMinusSign, exponentMinusSign, "exponentMinusSign") \
+ MACRO(exponentSeparator, exponentSeparator, "exponentSeparator") \
+ MACRO(export, export_, "export") \
+ MACRO(extends, extends, "extends") \
+ MACRO(false, false_, "false") \
+ MACRO(fieldOffsets, fieldOffsets, "fieldOffsets") \
+ MACRO(fieldTypes, fieldTypes, "fieldTypes") \
+ MACRO(fileName, fileName, "fileName") \
+ MACRO(fill, fill, "fill") \
+ MACRO(finally, finally_, "finally") \
+ MACRO(find, find, "find") \
+ MACRO(findIndex, findIndex, "findIndex") \
+ MACRO(firstDayOfWeek, firstDayOfWeek, "firstDayOfWeek") \
+ MACRO(fix, fix, "fix") \
+ MACRO(flags, flags, "flags") \
+ MACRO(flat, flat, "flat") \
+ MACRO(flatMap, flatMap, "flatMap") \
+ MACRO(float32, float32, "float32") \
+ MACRO(float64, float64, "float64") \
+ MACRO(for, for_, "for") \
+ MACRO(forceInterpreter, forceInterpreter, "forceInterpreter") \
+ MACRO(forEach, forEach, "forEach") \
+ MACRO(format, format, "format") \
+ MACRO(fraction, fraction, "fraction") \
+ MACRO(fractionalSecond, fractionalSecond, "fractionalSecond") \
+ MACRO(frame, frame, "frame") \
+ MACRO(from, from, "from") \
+ MACRO(fulfilled, fulfilled, "fulfilled") \
+ MACRO(futexNotEqual, futexNotEqual, "not-equal") \
+ MACRO(futexTimedOut, futexTimedOut, "timed-out") \
+ MACRO(gcCycleNumber, gcCycleNumber, "gcCycleNumber") \
+ MACRO(Generator, Generator, "Generator") \
+ MACRO(GeneratorNext, GeneratorNext, "GeneratorNext") \
+ MACRO(GeneratorReturn, GeneratorReturn, "GeneratorReturn") \
+ MACRO(GeneratorThrow, GeneratorThrow, "GeneratorThrow") \
+ MACRO(get, get, "get") \
+ MACRO(GetAggregateError, GetAggregateError, "GetAggregateError") \
+ MACRO(GetBuiltinConstructor, GetBuiltinConstructor, "GetBuiltinConstructor") \
+ MACRO(GetBuiltinPrototype, GetBuiltinPrototype, "GetBuiltinPrototype") \
+ MACRO(GetInternalError, GetInternalError, "GetInternalError") \
+ MACRO(getBigInt64, getBigInt64, "getBigInt64") \
+ MACRO(getBigUint64, getBigUint64, "getBigUint64") \
+ MACRO(getInternals, getInternals, "getInternals") \
+ MACRO(GetModuleNamespace, GetModuleNamespace, "GetModuleNamespace") \
+ MACRO(getOwnPropertyDescriptor, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, \
+ "getOwnPropertyDescriptor") \
+ MACRO(getOwnPropertyNames, getOwnPropertyNames, "getOwnPropertyNames") \
+ MACRO(getPrefix, getPrefix, "get ") \
+ MACRO(getPropertySuper, getPropertySuper, "getPropertySuper") \
+ MACRO(getPrototypeOf, getPrototypeOf, "getPrototypeOf") \
+ MACRO(GetTypeError, GetTypeError, "GetTypeError") \
+ MACRO(global, global, "global") \
+ MACRO(globalThis, globalThis, "globalThis") \
+ MACRO(group, group, "group") \
+ MACRO(groups, groups, "groups") \
+ MACRO(h11, h11, "h11") \
+ MACRO(h12, h12, "h12") \
+ MACRO(h23, h23, "h23") \
+ MACRO(h24, h24, "h24") \
+ MACRO(Handle, Handle, "Handle") \
+ MACRO(has, has, "has") \
+ MACRO(hashConstructor, hashConstructor, "#constructor") \
+ MACRO(hasOwn, hasOwn, "hasOwn") \
+ MACRO(hasOwnProperty, hasOwnProperty, "hasOwnProperty") \
+ MACRO(highWaterMark, highWaterMark, "highWaterMark") \
+ MACRO(hour, hour, "hour") \
+ MACRO(hourCycle, hourCycle, "hourCycle") \
+ MACRO(ignoreCase, ignoreCase, "ignoreCase") \
+ MACRO(ignorePunctuation, ignorePunctuation, "ignorePunctuation") \
+ MACRO(implements, implements, "implements") \
+ MACRO(import, import, "import") \
+ MACRO(includes, includes, "includes") \
+ MACRO(incumbentGlobal, incumbentGlobal, "incumbentGlobal") \
+ MACRO(index, index, "index") \
+ MACRO(infinity, infinity, "infinity") \
+ MACRO(Infinity, Infinity, "Infinity") \
+ MACRO(initial, initial, "initial") \
+ MACRO(InitializeCollator, InitializeCollator, "InitializeCollator") \
+ MACRO(InitializeDateTimeFormat, InitializeDateTimeFormat, \
+ "InitializeDateTimeFormat") \
+ MACRO(InitializeDisplayNames, InitializeDisplayNames, \
+ "InitializeDisplayNames") \
+ MACRO(InitializeListFormat, InitializeListFormat, "InitializeListFormat") \
+ MACRO(InitializeLocale, InitializeLocale, "InitializeLocale") \
+ MACRO(InitializeNumberFormat, InitializeNumberFormat, \
+ "InitializeNumberFormat") \
+ MACRO(InitializePluralRules, InitializePluralRules, "InitializePluralRules") \
+ MACRO(InitializeRelativeTimeFormat, InitializeRelativeTimeFormat, \
+ "InitializeRelativeTimeFormat") \
+ MACRO(innermost, innermost, "innermost") \
+ MACRO(inNursery, inNursery, "inNursery") \
+ MACRO(input, input, "input") \
+ MACRO(instanceof, instanceof, "instanceof") \
+ MACRO(int8, int8, "int8") \
+ MACRO(int16, int16, "int16") \
+ MACRO(int32, int32, "int32") \
+ MACRO(integer, integer, "integer") \
+ MACRO(interface, interface, "interface") \
+ MACRO(InterpretGeneratorResume, InterpretGeneratorResume, \
+ "InterpretGeneratorResume") \
+ MACRO(InvalidDate, InvalidDate, "Invalid Date") \
+ MACRO(isBreakpoint, isBreakpoint, "isBreakpoint") \
+ MACRO(isEntryPoint, isEntryPoint, "isEntryPoint") \
+ MACRO(isExtensible, isExtensible, "isExtensible") \
+ MACRO(isFinite, isFinite, "isFinite") \
+ MACRO(isNaN, isNaN, "isNaN") \
+ MACRO(isPrototypeOf, isPrototypeOf, "isPrototypeOf") \
+ MACRO(isStepStart, isStepStart, "isStepStart") \
+ MACRO(IterableToList, IterableToList, "IterableToList") \
+ MACRO(iterate, iterate, "iterate") \
+ MACRO(join, join, "join") \
+ MACRO(keys, keys, "keys") \
+ MACRO(label, label, "label") \
+ MACRO(language, language, "language") \
+ MACRO(lastIndex, lastIndex, "lastIndex") \
+ MACRO(length, length, "length") \
+ MACRO(let, let, "let") \
+ MACRO(line, line, "line") \
+ MACRO(lineNumber, lineNumber, "lineNumber") \
+ MACRO(literal, literal, "literal") \
+ MACRO(loc, loc, "loc") \
+ MACRO(locale, locale, "locale") \
+ MACRO(lookupGetter, lookupGetter, "__lookupGetter__") \
+ MACRO(lookupSetter, lookupSetter, "__lookupSetter__") \
+ MACRO(ltr, ltr, "ltr") \
+ MACRO(MapConstructorInit, MapConstructorInit, "MapConstructorInit") \
+ MACRO(MapIterator, MapIterator, "Map Iterator") \
+ MACRO(maxColumn, maxColumn, "maxColumn") \
+ MACRO(maximum, maximum, "maximum") \
+ MACRO(maximumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits, "maximumFractionDigits") \
+ MACRO(maximumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits, \
+ "maximumSignificantDigits") \
+ MACRO(maxLine, maxLine, "maxLine") \
+ MACRO(maxOffset, maxOffset, "maxOffset") \
+ MACRO(message, message, "message") \
+ MACRO(meta, meta, "meta") \
+ MACRO(minColumn, minColumn, "minColumn") \
+ MACRO(minDays, minDays, "minDays") \
+ MACRO(minimum, minimum, "minimum") \
+ MACRO(minimumFractionDigits, minimumFractionDigits, "minimumFractionDigits") \
+ MACRO(minimumIntegerDigits, minimumIntegerDigits, "minimumIntegerDigits") \
+ MACRO(minimumSignificantDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, \
+ "minimumSignificantDigits") \
+ MACRO(minLine, minLine, "minLine") \
+ MACRO(minOffset, minOffset, "minOffset") \
+ MACRO(minusSign, minusSign, "minusSign") \
+ MACRO(minute, minute, "minute") \
+ MACRO(missingArguments, missingArguments, "missingArguments") \
+ MACRO(mode, mode, "mode") \
+ MACRO(module, module, "module") \
+ MACRO(Module, Module, "Module") \
+ MACRO(ModuleInstantiate, ModuleInstantiate, "ModuleInstantiate") \
+ MACRO(ModuleEvaluate, ModuleEvaluate, "ModuleEvaluate") \
+ MACRO(month, month, "month") \
+ MACRO(multiline, multiline, "multiline") \
+ MACRO(mutable, mutable_, "mutable") \
+ MACRO(name, name, "name") \
+ MACRO(nan, nan, "nan") \
+ MACRO(NaN, NaN, "NaN") \
+ MACRO(NegativeInfinity, NegativeInfinity, "-Infinity") \
+ MACRO(new, new_, "new") \
+ MACRO(NewPrivateName, NewPrivateName, "NewPrivateName") \
+ MACRO(next, next, "next") \
+ MACRO(noFilename, noFilename, "noFilename") \
+ MACRO(nonincrementalReason, nonincrementalReason, "nonincrementalReason") \
+ MACRO(NoPrivateGetter, NoPrivateGetter, "NoPrivateGetter") \
+ MACRO(noStack, noStack, "noStack") \
+ MACRO(notation, notation, "notation") \
+ MACRO(notes, notes, "notes") \
+ MACRO(numberingSystem, numberingSystem, "numberingSystem") \
+ MACRO(numeric, numeric, "numeric") \
+ MACRO(objectArguments, objectArguments, "[object Arguments]") \
+ MACRO(objectArray, objectArray, "[object Array]") \
+ MACRO(objectBigInt, objectBigInt, "[object BigInt]") \
+ MACRO(objectBoolean, objectBoolean, "[object Boolean]") \
+ MACRO(objectDate, objectDate, "[object Date]") \
+ MACRO(objectError, objectError, "[object Error]") \
+ MACRO(objectFunction, objectFunction, "[object Function]") \
+ MACRO(objectNull, objectNull, "[object Null]") \
+ MACRO(objectNumber, objectNumber, "[object Number]") \
+ MACRO(objectObject, objectObject, "[object Object]") \
+ MACRO(objectRegExp, objectRegExp, "[object RegExp]") \
+ MACRO(objects, objects, "objects") \
+ MACRO(objectString, objectString, "[object String]") \
+ MACRO(objectSymbol, objectSymbol, "[object Symbol]") \
+ MACRO(objectUndefined, objectUndefined, "[object Undefined]") \
+ MACRO(offset, offset, "offset") \
+ MACRO(optimizedOut, optimizedOut, "optimizedOut") \
+ MACRO(other, other, "other") \
+ MACRO(outOfMemory, outOfMemory, "out of memory") \
+ MACRO(ownKeys, ownKeys, "ownKeys") \
+ MACRO(Object_valueOf, Object_valueOf, "Object_valueOf") \
+ MACRO(package, package, "package") \
+ MACRO(parseFloat, parseFloat, "parseFloat") \
+ MACRO(parseInt, parseInt, "parseInt") \
+ MACRO(pattern, pattern, "pattern") \
+ MACRO(pending, pending, "pending") \
+ MACRO(percentSign, percentSign, "percentSign") \
+ MACRO(pipeTo, pipeTo, "pipeTo") \
+ MACRO(plusSign, plusSign, "plusSign") \
+ MACRO(public, public_, "public") \
+ MACRO(pull, pull, "pull") \
+ MACRO(preventAbort, preventAbort, "preventAbort") \
+ MACRO(preventClose, preventClose, "preventClose") \
+ MACRO(preventCancel, preventCancel, "preventCancel") \
+ MACRO(preventExtensions, preventExtensions, "preventExtensions") \
+ MACRO(private, private_, "private") \
+ MACRO(promise, promise, "promise") \
+ MACRO(propertyIsEnumerable, propertyIsEnumerable, "propertyIsEnumerable") \
+ MACRO(protected, protected_, "protected") \
+ MACRO(proto, proto, "__proto__") \
+ MACRO(prototype, prototype, "prototype") \
+ MACRO(proxy, proxy, "proxy") \
+ MACRO(quarter, quarter, "quarter") \
+ MACRO(raw, raw, "raw") \
+ MACRO(reason, reason, "reason") \
+ MACRO(RegExpFlagsGetter, RegExpFlagsGetter, "$RegExpFlagsGetter") \
+ MACRO(RegExpStringIterator, RegExpStringIterator, "RegExp String Iterator") \
+ MACRO(RegExpToString, RegExpToString, "$RegExpToString") \
+ MACRO(region, region, "region") \
+ MACRO(register, register_, "register") \
+ MACRO(Reify, Reify, "Reify") \
+ MACRO(reject, reject, "reject") \
+ MACRO(rejected, rejected, "rejected") \
+ MACRO(relatedYear, relatedYear, "relatedYear") \
+ MACRO(RelativeTimeFormatFormat, RelativeTimeFormatFormat, \
+ "Intl_RelativeTimeFormat_Format") \
+ MACRO(RequireObjectCoercible, RequireObjectCoercible, \
+ "RequireObjectCoercible") \
+ MACRO(resolve, resolve, "resolve") \
+ MACRO(result, result, "result") \
+ MACRO(resumeGenerator, resumeGenerator, "resumeGenerator") \
+ MACRO(return, return_, "return") \
+ MACRO(revoke, revoke, "revoke") \
+ MACRO(rtl, rtl, "rtl") \
+ MACRO(script, script, "script") \
+ MACRO(scripts, scripts, "scripts") \
+ MACRO(second, second, "second") \
+ MACRO(selfHosted, selfHosted, "self-hosted") \
+ MACRO(sensitivity, sensitivity, "sensitivity") \
+ MACRO(set, set, "set") \
+ MACRO(setBigInt64, setBigInt64, "setBigInt64") \
+ MACRO(setBigUint64, setBigUint64, "setBigUint64") \
+ MACRO(SetConstructorInit, SetConstructorInit, "SetConstructorInit") \
+ MACRO(SetIterator, SetIterator, "Set Iterator") \
+ MACRO(setPrefix, setPrefix, "set ") \
+ MACRO(setPrototypeOf, setPrototypeOf, "setPrototypeOf") \
+ MACRO(shape, shape, "shape") \
+ MACRO(shared, shared, "shared") \
+ MACRO(signal, signal, "signal") \
+ MACRO(signDisplay, signDisplay, "signDisplay") \
+ MACRO(size, size, "size") \
+ MACRO(skeleton, skeleton, "skeleton") \
+ MACRO(source, source, "source") \
+ MACRO(SpeciesConstructor, SpeciesConstructor, "SpeciesConstructor") \
+ MACRO(stack, stack, "stack") \
+ MACRO(starNamespaceStar, starNamespaceStar, "*namespace*") \
+ MACRO(start, start, "start") \
+ MACRO(startRange, startRange, "startRange") \
+ MACRO(startTimestamp, startTimestamp, "startTimestamp") \
+ MACRO(state, state, "state") \
+ MACRO(static, static_, "static") \
+ MACRO(status, status, "status") \
+ MACRO(std_Function_apply, std_Function_apply, "std_Function_apply") \
+ MACRO(sticky, sticky, "sticky") \
+ MACRO(StringIterator, StringIterator, "String Iterator") \
+ MACRO(strings, strings, "strings") \
+ MACRO(String_split, String_split, "String_split") \
+ MACRO(StructType, StructType, "StructType") \
+ MACRO(style, style, "style") \
+ MACRO(super, super, "super") \
+ MACRO(switch, switch_, "switch") \
+ MACRO(Symbol_iterator_fun, Symbol_iterator_fun, "[Symbol.iterator]") \
+ MACRO(target, target, "target") \
+ MACRO(test, test, "test") \
+ MACRO(then, then, "then") \
+ MACRO(this, this_, "this") \
+ MACRO(throw, throw_, "throw") \
+ MACRO(timestamp, timestamp, "timestamp") \
+ MACRO(timeZone, timeZone, "timeZone") \
+ MACRO(timeZoneName, timeZoneName, "timeZoneName") \
+ MACRO(trimEnd, trimEnd, "trimEnd") \
+ MACRO(trimLeft, trimLeft, "trimLeft") \
+ MACRO(trimRight, trimRight, "trimRight") \
+ MACRO(trimStart, trimStart, "trimStart") \
+ MACRO(toGMTString, toGMTString, "toGMTString") \
+ MACRO(toISOString, toISOString, "toISOString") \
+ MACRO(toJSON, toJSON, "toJSON") \
+ MACRO(toLocaleString, toLocaleString, "toLocaleString") \
+ MACRO(ToNumeric, ToNumeric, "ToNumeric") \
+ MACRO(toSource, toSource, "toSource") \
+ MACRO(toString, toString, "toString") \
+ MACRO(ToString, ToString, "ToString") \
+ MACRO(toUTCString, toUTCString, "toUTCString") \
+ MACRO(true, true_, "true") \
+ MACRO(try, try_, "try") \
+ MACRO(type, type, "type") \
+ MACRO(typeof, typeof_, "typeof") \
+ MACRO(uint8, uint8, "uint8") \
+ MACRO(uint8Clamped, uint8Clamped, "uint8Clamped") \
+ MACRO(uint16, uint16, "uint16") \
+ MACRO(uint32, uint32, "uint32") \
+ MACRO(Uint8x16, Uint8x16, "Uint8x16") \
+ MACRO(Uint16x8, Uint16x8, "Uint16x8") \
+ MACRO(Uint32x4, Uint32x4, "Uint32x4") \
+ MACRO(unescape, unescape, "unescape") \
+ MACRO(uneval, uneval, "uneval") \
+ MACRO(unicode, unicode, "unicode") \
+ MACRO(unit, unit, "unit") \
+ MACRO(unitDisplay, unitDisplay, "unitDisplay") \
+ MACRO(uninitialized, uninitialized, "uninitialized") \
+ MACRO(unknown, unknown, "unknown") \
+ MACRO(unregister, unregister, "unregister") \
+ MACRO(UnsafeGetReservedSlot, UnsafeGetReservedSlot, "UnsafeGetReservedSlot") \
+ MACRO(UnsafeGetObjectFromReservedSlot, UnsafeGetObjectFromReservedSlot, \
+ "UnsafeGetObjectFromReservedSlot") \
+ MACRO(UnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot, UnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot, \
+ "UnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot") \
+ MACRO(UnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot, UnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot, \
+ "UnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot") \
+ MACRO(UnsafeGetBooleanFromReservedSlot, UnsafeGetBooleanFromReservedSlot, \
+ "UnsafeGetBooleanFromReservedSlot") \
+ MACRO(UnsafeSetReservedSlot, UnsafeSetReservedSlot, "UnsafeSetReservedSlot") \
+ MACRO(unsized, unsized, "unsized") \
+ MACRO(unwatch, unwatch, "unwatch") \
+ MACRO(url, url, "url") \
+ MACRO(usage, usage, "usage") \
+ MACRO(useAsm, useAsm, "use asm") \
+ MACRO(useGrouping, useGrouping, "useGrouping") \
+ MACRO(useStrict, useStrict, "use strict") \
+ MACRO(void, void_, "void") \
+ MACRO(value, value, "value") \
+ MACRO(valueOf, valueOf, "valueOf") \
+ MACRO(values, values, "values") \
+ MACRO(var, var, "var") \
+ MACRO(variable, variable, "variable") \
+ MACRO(void0, void0, "(void 0)") \
+ MACRO(wasm, wasm, "wasm") \
+ MACRO(WasmAnyRef, WasmAnyRef, "WasmAnyRef") \
+ MACRO(wasmcall, wasmcall, "wasmcall") \
+ MACRO(watch, watch, "watch") \
+ MACRO(WeakMapConstructorInit, WeakMapConstructorInit, \
+ "WeakMapConstructorInit") \
+ MACRO(WeakSetConstructorInit, WeakSetConstructorInit, \
+ "WeakSetConstructorInit") \
+ MACRO(WeakSet_add, WeakSet_add, "WeakSet_add") \
+ MACRO(week, week, "week") \
+ MACRO(weekday, weekday, "weekday") \
+ MACRO(weekendEnd, weekendEnd, "weekendEnd") \
+ MACRO(weekendStart, weekendStart, "weekendStart") \
+ MACRO(while, while_, "while") \
+ MACRO(with, with, "with") \
+ MACRO(writable, writable, "writable") \
+ MACRO(write, write, "write") \
+ MACRO(year, year, "year") \
+ MACRO(yearName, yearName, "yearName") \
+ MACRO(yield, yield, "yield") \
+ /* Type names must be contiguous and ordered; see js::TypeName. */ \
+ MACRO(undefined, undefined, "undefined") \
+ MACRO(object, object, "object") \
+ MACRO(function, function, "function") \
+ MACRO(string, string, "string") \
+ MACRO(number, number, "number") \
+ MACRO(boolean, boolean, "boolean") \
+ MACRO(null, null, "null") \
+ MACRO(symbol, symbol, "symbol") \
+ MACRO(bigint, bigint, "bigint") \
+ MACRO(defineDataPropertyIntrinsic, defineDataPropertyIntrinsic, \
+ "_DefineDataProperty")
+#endif /* vm_CommonPropertyNames_h */