path: root/js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_params.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_params.js')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_params.js b/js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_params.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84455cfb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/xpconnect/tests/unit/test_params.js
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+function run_test() {
+ // Load the component manifests.
+ registerXPCTestComponents();
+ registerAppManifest(do_get_file('../components/js/xpctest.manifest'));
+ // Test for each component.
+ test_component(";1");
+ test_component(";1");
+function test_component(contractid) {
+ // Instantiate the object.
+ info("Testing " + contractid);
+ var o = Cc[contractid].createInstance(Ci["nsIXPCTestParams"]);
+ // Possible comparator functions.
+ var standardComparator = function(a,b) {return a == b;};
+ var dotEqualsComparator = function(a,b) {return a.equals(b); }
+ var fuzzComparator = function(a,b) {return Math.abs(a - b) < 0.1;};
+ var interfaceComparator = function(a,b) {return ==; }
+ var arrayComparator = function(innerComparator) {
+ return function(a,b) {
+ if (a.length != b.length)
+ return false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
+ if (!innerComparator(a[i], b[i]))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ };
+ };
+ // Helper test function - takes the name of test method and two values of
+ // the given type.
+ //
+ // The optional comparator argument can be used for alternative notions of
+ // equality. The comparator should return true on equality.
+ function doTest(name, val1, val2, comparator) {
+ if (!comparator)
+ comparator = standardComparator;
+ var a = val1;
+ var b = {value: val2};
+ var rv = o[name].call(o, a, b);
+ Assert.ok(comparator(rv, val2));
+ Assert.ok(comparator(val1, b.value));
+ };
+ function doIsTest(name, val1, val1Is, val2, val2Is, valComparator, isComparator) {
+ if (!isComparator)
+ isComparator = standardComparator;
+ var a = val1;
+ var aIs = val1Is;
+ var b = {value: val2};
+ var bIs = {value: val2Is};
+ var rvIs = {};
+ var rv = o[name].call(o, aIs, a, bIs, b, rvIs);
+ Assert.ok(valComparator(rv, val2));
+ Assert.ok(isComparator(rvIs.value, val2Is));
+ Assert.ok(valComparator(val1, b.value));
+ Assert.ok(isComparator(val1Is, bIs.value));
+ }
+ // Special-purpose function for testing arrays of iid_is interfaces, where we
+ // have 2 distinct sets of dependent parameters.
+ function doIs2Test(name, val1, val1Size, val1IID, val2, val2Size, val2IID) {
+ var a = val1;
+ var aSize = val1Size;
+ var aIID = val1IID;
+ var b = {value: val2};
+ var bSize = {value: val2Size};
+ var bIID = {value: val2IID};
+ var rvSize = {};
+ var rvIID = {};
+ var rv = o[name].call(o, aSize, aIID, a, bSize, bIID, b, rvSize, rvIID);
+ Assert.ok(arrayComparator(interfaceComparator)(rv, val2));
+ Assert.ok(standardComparator(rvSize.value, val2Size));
+ Assert.ok(dotEqualsComparator(rvIID.value, val2IID));
+ Assert.ok(arrayComparator(interfaceComparator)(val1, b.value));
+ Assert.ok(standardComparator(val1Size, bSize.value));
+ Assert.ok(dotEqualsComparator(val1IID, bIID.value));
+ }
+ // Check that the given call (type mismatch) results in an exception being thrown.
+ function doTypedArrayMismatchTest(name, val1, val1Size, val2, val2Size) {
+ var comparator = arrayComparator(standardComparator);
+ var error = false;
+ try {
+ doIsTest(name, val1, val1Size, val2, val2Size, comparator);
+ // An exception was not thrown as would have been expected.
+ Assert.ok(false);
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ // An exception was thrown as expected.
+ Assert.ok(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Workaround for bug 687612 (inout parameters broken for dipper types).
+ // We do a simple test of copying a into b, and ignore the rv.
+ function doTestWorkaround(name, val1) {
+ var a = val1;
+ var b = {value: ""};
+ o[name].call(o, a, b);
+ Assert.equal(val1, b.value);
+ }
+ // Test all the different types
+ doTest("testBoolean", true, false);
+ doTest("testOctet", 4, 156);
+ doTest("testShort", -456, 1299);
+ doTest("testLong", 50060, -12121212);
+ doTest("testLongLong", 12345, -10000000000);
+ doTest("testUnsignedShort", 1532, 65000);
+ doTest("testUnsignedLong", 0, 4000000000);
+ doTest("testUnsignedLongLong", 215435, 3453492580348535809);
+ doTest("testFloat", 4.9, -11.2, fuzzComparator);
+ doTest("testDouble", -80.5, 15000.2, fuzzComparator);
+ doTest("testChar", "a", "2");
+ doTest("testString", "someString", "another string");
+ doTest("testWstring", "Why wasnt this", "turned on before? ಠ_ಠ");
+ doTest("testWchar", "z", "ア");
+ doTestWorkaround("testAString", "Frosty the ☃ ;-)");
+ doTestWorkaround("testAUTF8String", "We deliver 〠!");
+ doTestWorkaround("testACString", "Just a regular C string.");
+ doTest("testJsval", {aprop: 12, bprop: "str"}, 4.22);
+ // Test out dipper parameters, since they're special and we can't really test
+ // inouts.
+ let outAString = {};
+ o.testOutAString(outAString);
+ Assert.equal(outAString.value, "out");
+ try { o.testOutAString(undefined); } catch (e) {} // Don't crash
+ try { o.testOutAString(null); } catch (e) {} // Don't crash
+ try { o.testOutAString("string"); } catch (e) {} // Don't crash
+ // Helpers to instantiate various test XPCOM objects.
+ var numAsMade = 0;
+ function makeA() {
+ var a = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceA']);
+ = 'testA' + numAsMade++;
+ return a;
+ };
+ var numBsMade = 0;
+ function makeB() {
+ var b = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceB']);
+ = 'testB' + numBsMade++;
+ return b;
+ };
+ // Test arrays.
+ doIsTest("testShortArray", [2, 4, 6], 3, [1, 3, 5, 7], 4, arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doIsTest("testDoubleArray", [-10, -0.5], 2, [1, 3, 1e11, -8e-5 ], 4, arrayComparator(fuzzComparator));
+ doIsTest("testStringArray", ["mary", "hat", "hey", "lid", "tell", "lam"], 6,
+ ["ids", "fleas", "woes", "wide", "has", "know", "!"], 7, arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doIsTest("testWstringArray", ["沒有語言", "的偉大嗎?]"], 2,
+ ["we", "are", "being", "sooo", "international", "right", "now"], 7, arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doIsTest("testInterfaceArray", [makeA(), makeA()], 2,
+ [makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA()], 6, arrayComparator(interfaceComparator));
+ doIsTest("testJsvalArray", [{ cheese: 'whiz', apple: 8 }, [1, 5, '3'], /regex/], 3,
+ ['apple', 2.2e10, 3.3e30, { only: "wheedle", except: {} }], 4, arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ // Test typed arrays and ArrayBuffer aliasing.
+ var arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(16);
+ var int16Array = new Int16Array(arrayBuffer, 2, 3);
+ int16Array.set([-32768, 0, 32767]);
+ doIsTest("testShortArray", int16Array, 3, new Int16Array([1773, -32768, 32767, 7]), 4, arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doIsTest("testDoubleArray", new Float64Array([-10, -0.5]), 2, new Float64Array([0, 3.2, 1.0e10, -8.33 ]), 4, arrayComparator(fuzzComparator));
+ // Test sized strings.
+ var ssTests = ["Tis not possible, I muttered", "give me back my free hardcore!", "quoth the server:", "4〠4"];
+ doIsTest("testSizedString", ssTests[0], ssTests[0].length, ssTests[1], ssTests[1].length, standardComparator);
+ doIsTest("testSizedWstring", ssTests[2], ssTests[2].length, ssTests[3], ssTests[3].length, standardComparator);
+ // Test iid_is.
+ doIsTest("testInterfaceIs", makeA(), Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceA'],
+ makeB(), Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceB'],
+ interfaceComparator, dotEqualsComparator);
+ // Test arrays of iids.
+ doIs2Test("testInterfaceIsArray", [makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA()], 5, Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceA'],
+ [makeB(), makeB(), makeB()], 3, Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceB']);
+ // Test optional array size.
+ Assert.equal(o.testStringArrayOptionalSize(["some", "string", "array"]), "somestringarray");
+ // Test incorrect (too big) array size parameter; this should throw NOT_ENOUGH_ELEMENTS.
+ doTypedArrayMismatchTest("testShortArray", new Int16Array([-3, 7, 4]), 4,
+ new Int16Array([1, -32, 6]), 3);
+ // Test type mismatch (int16 <-> uint16); this should throw BAD_CONVERT_JS.
+ doTypedArrayMismatchTest("testShortArray", new Uint16Array([0, 7, 4, 3]), 4,
+ new Uint16Array([1, 5, 6]), 3);
+ // Test Sequence<T> types.
+ doTest("testShortSequence", [2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5, 7], arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doTest("testDoubleSequence", [-10, -0.5], [1, 3, 1e11, -8e-5 ], arrayComparator(fuzzComparator));
+ doTest("testACStringSequence", ["mary", "hat", "hey", "lid", "tell", "lam"],
+ ["ids", "fleas", "woes", "wide", "has", "know", "!"],
+ arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doTest("testAStringSequence", ["沒有語言", "的偉大嗎?]"],
+ ["we", "are", "being", "sooo", "international", "right", "now"],
+ arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doTest("testInterfaceSequence", [makeA(), makeA()],
+ [makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA()], arrayComparator(interfaceComparator));
+ doTest("testJsvalSequence", [{ cheese: 'whiz', apple: 8 }, [1, 5, '3'], /regex/],
+ ['apple', 2.2e10, 3.3e30, { only: "wheedle", except: {} }], arrayComparator(standardComparator));
+ doIsTest("testInterfaceIsSequence", [makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA(), makeA()], Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceA'],
+ [makeB(), makeB(), makeB()], Ci['nsIXPCTestInterfaceB'],
+ arrayComparator(interfaceComparator), dotEqualsComparator);
+ var ret = o.testOptionalSequence();
+ Assert.ok(Array.isArray(ret));
+ Assert.equal(ret.length, 0);
+ ret = o.testOptionalSequence([]);
+ Assert.ok(Array.isArray(ret));
+ Assert.equal(ret.length, 0);
+ ret = o.testOptionalSequence([1, 2, 3]);
+ Assert.ok(Array.isArray(ret));
+ Assert.equal(ret.length, 3);
+ o.testOmittedOptionalOut();
+ ret = {};
+ o.testOmittedOptionalOut(ret);
+ Assert.equal(ret.value.spec, "")