path: root/l10n-gd/toolkit/chrome/global/videocontrols.dtd
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-gd/toolkit/chrome/global/videocontrols.dtd')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/toolkit/chrome/global/videocontrols.dtd b/l10n-gd/toolkit/chrome/global/videocontrols.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa7768c6cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/toolkit/chrome/global/videocontrols.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY playButton.playLabel "Cluich">
+<!ENTITY playButton.pauseLabel "Cuir 'na stad">
+<!ENTITY muteButton.muteLabel "Tostaich">
+<!ENTITY muteButton.unmuteLabel "Till an fhuaim">
+<!ENTITY fullscreenButton.enterfullscreenlabel "Làn-sgrìn">
+<!ENTITY fullscreenButton.exitfullscreenlabel "Fàg an làn-sgrìn">
+<!ENTITY castingButton.castingLabel "Tilg air an sgrìn">
+<!ENTITY "Dheth">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (volumeScrubber.label): This label is exposed to
+ accessibility software to clarify what the slider is for. -->
+<!ENTITY volumeScrubber.label "Sleamhnachan na fuaime">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (pictureInPicture.label): This string is used as part of
+the Picture-in-Picture video toggle button when the mouse is hovering it. -->
+<!ENTITY pictureInPicture.label "Dealbh am broinn deilbh">
+<!ENTITY error.aborted "Sguireadh de luchdadh a' video.">
+<!ENTITY "Sguireadh cluich a' video air sgàth mearachd lìonraidh.">
+<!ENTITY error.decode "Cha ghabh a' video a chluich a chionn 's gu bheil am faidhle coirbte.">
+<!ENTITY error.srcNotSupported "Chan eil taic ann ri fòrmat a' video no an seòrsa MIME.">
+<!ENTITY error.noSource2 "Cha deach video a lorg aig a bheil fòrmat no seòrsa MIME a tha taic ris.">
+<!ENTITY error.generic "Sguireadh de chluich a' video air sgàth mearachd neo-aithnichte.">
+<!ENTITY status.pictureInPicture "Tha a’ video seo a’ cluich sa mhodh dealbh am broinn deilbh.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (positionAndDuration.nameFormat): the #1 string is the current
+media position, and the #2 string is the total duration. For example, when at
+the 5 minute mark in a 6 hour long video, #1 would be "5:00" and #2 would be
+"6:00:00", result string would be "5:00 / 6:00:00".
+Note that #2 is not always available. For example, when at the 5 minute mark in an
+unknown duration video, #1 would be "5:00" and the string which is surrounded by
+<span> would be deleted, result string would be "5:00".
+<!ENTITY positionAndDuration.nameFormat "#1<span> / #2</span>">