path: root/l10n-hsb/mobile/android/chrome/
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1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-hsb/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dfd7a9ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addonsConfirmInstall.title=Přidatk instalować
+addonsConfirmInstallUnsigned.title=Njepřepruwowany přidatk
+addonsConfirmInstallUnsigned.message=Tute sydło chce njepřepruwowany přidatk instalować. Pokročujće na swójske riziko.
+# Alerts
+alertAddonsDownloading=Přidatk sćahnyć
+alertAddonsInstalledNoRestart.message=Instalacija zakónčena
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertAddonsInstalledNoRestart.action2): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+alertDownloadsStart2=Sćehnjenje so započnje
+alertDownloadsDone2=Sćehnjenje zakónčene
+alertDownloadsToast=Sćehnjenje je so započało…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertDownloadSucceeded): This text is shown as a snackbar inside the app after a
+# successful download. %S will be replaced by the file name of the download.
+alertDownloadSucceeded=%S sćehnjeny
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.disabledInGuest): This message appears in a toast
+# when the user tries to download something in Guest mode.
+downloads.disabledInGuest=Sćehnjenja su w hóstnych posedźenjach znjemóžnjene
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertSearchEngineAddedToast, alertSearchEngineErrorToast, alertSearchEngineDuplicateToast)
+# %S will be replaced by the name of the search engine (exposed by the current page)
+# that has been added; for example, 'Google'.
+alertSearchEngineAddedToast='%S' je so jako pytawa přidał
+alertSearchEngineErrorToast='%S' njeda so jako pytawa přidać
+alertSearchEngineDuplicateToast='%S' je hižo jedna z wašich pytawow
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertShutdownSanitize): This text is shown as a snackbar during shutdown if the
+# user has enabled "Clear private data on exit".
+alertShutdownSanitize=Priwatne daty so hašeja…
+alertPrintjobToast=Ćišći so…
+download.blocked=Dataja njeda so sćahnyć
+addonError.titleBlocked=Zablokowany přidatk
+addonError.learnMore=Dalše informacije
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unsignedAddonsDisabled.title, unsignedAddonsDisabled.message):
+# These strings will appear in a dialog when Firefox detects that installed add-ons cannot be verified.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.title=Njepřepruwowane přidatki
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=Jedyn přidatk abo wjacore přidatku njedadźa so přepruwować a su so znjemóžnili.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.viewAddons=Přidatki pokazać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonError-1, addonError-2, addonError-3, addonError-4, addonError-5):
+# #1 is the add-on name, #2 is the add-on host, #3 is the application name
+addonError-1=Přidatk njeda so dla zwiskoweho zmylka na #2 sćahnyć.
+addonError-2=Přidatk z #2 njeda so instalować, dokelž njewotpowěduje přidatkej, kotryž #3 wočakowaše.
+addonError-3=Přidatk, kotryž sće z #2 sćahnył, njeda so instalować, dokelž zda so, zo je wobškodźeny.
+addonError-4=#1 njeda so instalować, dokelž #3 njemóže trěbnu dataju změnić.
+addonError-5=#3 je #2 při instalowanju njepřepruwowaneho přidatka haćił.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonLocalError-1, addonLocalError-2, addonLocalError-3, addonLocalError-4, addonLocalError-5, addonErrorIncompatible, addonErrorBlocklisted):
+# #1 is the add-on name, #3 is the application name, #4 is the application version
+addonLocalError-1=Tutón přidatk njeda so systemoweho zmylka dla instalować.
+addonLocalError-2=Tutón přidatk njeda so instalować, dokelž njewotpowěduje přidatkej, kotryž #3 wočakowaše.
+addonLocalError-3=Tutón přidatk njeda so instalować, dokelž zda so, zo je wobškodźeny.
+addonLocalError-4=#1 njeda so instalować, dokelž #3 njemóže trěbnu dataju změnić.
+addonLocalError-5=Tutón přidatk njeda so instalować, dokelž njeje přepruwowany.
+addonErrorIncompatible=#1 njeda so instalować, dokelž z #3 #4 kompatibelny njeje.
+addonErrorBlocklisted=#1 njeda so instalować, dokelž je wulke riziko, zo wón stabilnostne abo wěstotne problemy zawinuje.
+# Notifications
+notificationRestart.normal=Startujće znowa, zo bychu so změny wuskutkowali.
+notificationRestart.blocked=Njewěste přidatki su so instalowali. Startujće znowa, zo byšće je znjemóžnił.
+notificationRestart.button=Znowa startować
+doorhanger.learnMore=Dalše informacije
+# Popup Blocker
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popup.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popup.message=#1 je wočinjenju wuskakowaceho wokna přez tute sydło zadźěwał. Chceće jo pokazać?;#1 je wočinjenju #2 wuskakowaceju woknow přez tute sydło zadźěwał. Chceće jej pokazać?;#1 je wočinjenju #2 wuskakowacych woknow přez tute sydło zadźěwał. Chceće je pokazać?;#1 je wočinjenju #2 wuskakowacych woknow přez tute sydło zadźěwał. Chceće jo pokazać?
+popup.dontAskAgain=Za tute sydło hižo so njeprašećć
+# SafeBrowsing
+safeBrowsingDoorhanger=Tute sydło wobsahuje škódnu softwaru abo wobšudny pospyt. Budźće kedźbliwy.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockPopups.label2): Label that will be used in
+# site settings dialog.
+blockPopups.label2=Wuskakowace wokna
+# XPInstall
+xpinstallPromptWarning2=%S je tute sydło (%S) při tym haćił, was so prašeć, hač móže softwaru na wašim graće instalować.
+xpinstallPromptWarningLocal=%S je instalaciji tutoho přidatka (%S) na wašim graće zadźěwał.
+xpinstallPromptWarningDirect=%S je instalaciji přidatka na wašim graće zadźěwał.
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Softwarowa instalacija je so wot wašeho systemoweho administratora znjemóžniła.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage2=Softwarowa instalacija je tuchwilu znjemóžnjena. Klikńće na Zmóžnić a spytajće hišće raz.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.header)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# See
+# for an example of the full dialog.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.header=%S přidać?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.listIntro)
+# This string will be followed by a list of permissions requested
+# by the webextension.
+webextPerms.listIntro=Waša dowolnosć je trěbna za:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateText)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the updated extension.
+webextPerms.updateText=%S je s aktualizował. Dyrbiće nowe prawa přizwolić, prjedy hač budźe so zaktualizowana wersija instalować. Zo byšće swoju aktualnu wersiju přidatka wobchował, wubjerće “Přetorhnyć”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension requesting new
+# permissions.
+webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader=%S wo přidatne prawa prosy.
+webextPerms.description.bookmarks=Zapołožki čitać a změnić
+webextPerms.description.browserSettings=Nastajenja wobhladowaka čitać a změnić
+webextPerms.description.browsingData=Aktualnu přehladowansku historiju, placki a přisłušne daty zhašeć
+webextPerms.description.clipboardRead=Daty z mjezyskłada zasadźić
+webextPerms.description.clipboardWrite=Daty do mjezyskłada kopěrować
+webextPerms.description.devtools=Rozšěrće wuwiwarske nastroje, zo byšće přistup na swoje daty we wočinjenych rajtarkach měł
+webextPerms.description.downloads=Sćehńće dataje a čitajće a změńće sćehnjensku historiju swojeho wobhladowaka wočinić, kotrež su so na wašim ličaku sćahnyli
+webextPerms.description.find=Tekst wšěch wočinjenych rajtarkow čitać
+webextPerms.description.geolocation=Přistup na waše stejnišćo
+webextPerms.description.history=Mějće přistup na přehladowansku historijužiwanje rozšěrjenjow wobkedźbować a drasty rjadować
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging=Wuměńće powěsće z druhimi programami hač %S
+webextPerms.description.notifications=Zdźělenki na was pokazać
+webextPerms.description.privacy=Nastajenja priwatnosće čitać a změnić
+webextPerms.description.proxy=Proksy-nastajenja wobhladowaka kontrolować
+webextPerms.description.sessions=Mějće přistup na njedawno začinjene rajtarki
+webextPerms.description.tabs=Mějće přistup na rajtarki wobhladowaka
+webextPerms.description.topSites=Mějće přistup na přehladowansku historiju
+webextPerms.description.webNavigation=Mějće přistup na aktiwitu wobhladowaka za nawigaciju
+webextPerms.hostDescription.allUrls=Mějće přistup na swoje daty za wšě websydła
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS domain for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard=Mějće přistup na swoje daty za sydła w domenje %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# domains for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards=Mějće přistup na swoje daty w #1 druhej domenje;Mějće přistup na swoje daty w #1 druhimaj domenomaj;Mějće přistup na swoje daty w #1 druhich domenach;Mějće přistup na swoje daty w #1 druhich domenach
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite=Mějće přistup na swoje daty za %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# hosts for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites=Mějće přistup na swoje daty na #1 druhim sydle;Mějće přistup na swoje daty na #1 druhimaj sydłomaj;Mějće přistup na swoje daty na #1 druhich sydłach;Mějće přistup na swoje daty na #1 druhich sydłach
+# Site Identity
+identity.identified.verifier=Přepruwowany wot: %S
+identity.identified.verified_by_you=Sće wěstotne wuwzaće za tute sydło přidał
+identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S
+# Geolocation UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocation.location): Label that will be used in
+# site settings dialog.
+# Desktop notification UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (desktopNotification.notifications): Label that will be
+# used in site settings dialog.
+# Imageblocking
+imageblocking.downloadedImage=Blokowanje wobraza je so zběhnyło
+imageblocking.showAllImages=Wšě pokazać
+# New Tab Popup
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newtabpopup, newprivatetabpopup): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of tabs
+newtabpopup.opened=Nowy rajtark je so wočinił;#1 nowej rajtarkaj stej so wočiniłoj;#1 nowe rajtarki su so wočinili;#1 nowych rajtarkow je so wočiniło
+newprivatetabpopup.opened=Nowy priwatny rajtark je so wočinił;#1 nowej priwatnej rajtarkaj stej so wočiniłoj;#1 nowe priwatne rajtarki su so wočinili;#1 nowych priwatnych rajtarkow je so wočiniło
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newtabpopup.switch): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+# Undo close tab toast
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoCloseToast.message): This message appears in a toast
+# when the user closes a tab. %S is the title of the tab that was closed.
+undoCloseToast.message=%S začinjeny
+# Private Tab closed message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (privateClosedMessage.message): This message appears
+# when the user closes a private tab.
+privateClosedMessage.message=Priwatny modus je so skónčił
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoCloseToast.messageDefault): This message appears in a
+# toast when the user closes a tab if there is no title to display.
+undoCloseToast.messageDefault=Rajtark začinjeny
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoCloseToast.action2): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+# Offline web applications
+offlineApps.ask=%S dowolić, daty na wašim graće za wužiwanje offline składować?
+offlineApps.dontAskAgain=Za tute sydło hižo se njeprašeć
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (offlineApps.offlineData): Label that will be used in
+# site settings dialog.
+offlineApps.offlineData=Daty offline
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (password.logins): Label that will be used in
+ # site settings dialog.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This should match
+# saveButton inładować
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (password.dontSave): This should match
+# dontSaveButton in
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Set to the string
+# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Character
+# Encoding" menu in the site menu. Any other value will hide it. Without this
+# setting, the "Character Encoding" menu must be enabled via Preferences.
+# This is not a string to translate. If users frequently use the "Character Encoding"
+# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false".
+# Text Selection
+selectionHelper.textCopied=Tekst je so do mjezyskłada kopěrował
+# Casting
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (casting.sendToDevice): Label that will be used in the
+# dialog/prompt.
+casting.sendToDevice=Na grat pósłać
+# Context menu
+contextmenu.openInNewTab=Wotkaz w nowym rajtarku wočinić
+contextmenu.openInPrivateTab=Wotkaz w priwatnym rajtarku wočinić
+contextmenu.copyLink=Wotkaz kopěrować
+contextmenu.shareLink=Wotkaz dźělić
+contextmenu.bookmarkLink=Wotkaz jako zapołožku składować
+contextmenu.copyEmailAddress=E-mejlowu adresu kopěrować
+contextmenu.shareEmailAddress=E-mejlowu adresu dźělić
+contextmenu.copyPhoneNumber=Telefonowe čisło kopěrować
+contextmenu.sharePhoneNumber=Telefonowe čisło dźělić
+contextmenu.fullScreen=Połna wobrazowka
+contextmenu.viewImage=Wobraz pokazać
+contextmenu.copyImageLocation=Wobrazowe městno kopěrować
+contextmenu.shareImage=Wobraz dźělić
+# The label of the contextmenu item which allows you to search with your default search engine for
+# the text you have selected. %S is the name of the search engine. For example, "Google". %S pytać
+contextmenu.saveImage=Wobraz składować
+contextmenu.showImage=Wobraz pokazać
+contextmenu.setImageAs=Wobraz stajić jako
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextmenu.addSearchEngine3): This string should be rather short. If it is
+# significantly longer than the translation for the "Paste" action then this might trigger an
+# Android bug positioning the floating text selection partially off the screen. This issue heavily
+# depends on the screen size and the specific translations. For English "Paste" / "Add search engine"
+# is working while "Paste" / "Add as search engine" triggers the bug. See bug 1262098 for more details.
+# Manual testing the scenario described in bug 1262098 is highly recommended.
+contextmenu.addSearchEngine3=Pytawu přidać
+contextmenu.showControls2=Wodźenske elementy pokazać
+contextmenu.mute=Zynk wupinać
+contextmenu.unmute=Zynk zapinać
+contextmenu.saveVideo=Widejo składować
+contextmenu.saveAudio=Awdio składować
+contextmenu.addToContacts=Kontaktam přidać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextmenu.sendToDevice):
+# The label that will be used in the contextmenu and the pageaction
+contextmenu.sendToDevice=Na grat pósłać
+contextmenu.selectAll=Wšě wubrać
+#Input widgets UI wubrać
+inputWidgetHelper.datetime-local=Datum a čas wubrać
+inputWidgetHelper.time=Čas wubrać
+inputWidgetHelper.week=Tydźeń wubrać
+inputWidgetHelper.month=Měsac wubrać
+# Web Console API
+stacktrace.outputMessage=Staplowe slědowanje wot %S, funkcija %S, linka %S.
+timer.start=%S: časoměr startowany
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timer.end):
+# This string is used to display the result of the console.timeEnd() call.
+# %1$S=name of timer, %2$S=number of milliseconds
+timer.end=%1$S: %2$Sms
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clickToPlayPlugins.plugins): Label that
+# will be used in site settings dialog.
+# Site settings dialog
+masterPassword.incorrect=Wopačne hesło
+# Debugger
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptTitle): The title displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptTitle=Dochadźacy zwisk
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptUSB): The message displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow an incoming USB connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptUSB=Dowoleće zwisk za pytanje zmylkow USB?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptUSB): The message displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow an incoming TCP connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptTCP=Dowoleće internetny zwisk za pytanje zmylkow z %1$S:%2$S? Tutón zwisk wužaduje sej QR-kod, kotryž so skenuje, zo by so certifikat internetneho grata awtentifikował. Móžeće přichodne skenowanja wobeńć dopominajo grat.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptDeny): This button will deny an
+# an incoming remote debugger connection.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptAllow): This button will allow an
+# an incoming remote debugger connection.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptScan): This button will start a QR
+# code scanner to authenticate an incoming remote debugger connection. The
+# connection will be allowed assuming the scan succeeds.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptScanAndRemember): This button will
+# start a QR code scanner to authenticate an incoming remote debugger
+# connection. The connection will be allowed assuming the scan succeeds, and
+# the other endpoint's certificate will be saved to skip future scans for this
+# client.
+remoteIncomingPromptScanAndRemember=Skenować a dopominać
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteQRScanFailedPromptTitle): The title displayed in a
+# dialog when we are unable to complete the QR code scan for an incoming remote
+# debugging connection.
+remoteQRScanFailedPromptTitle=QR-skenowanje je so nimokuliło
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteQRScanFailedPromptMessage): The message displayed in
+# a dialog when we are unable to complete the QR code scan for an incoming
+# remote debugging connection.
+remoteQRScanFailedPromptMessage=Njeje móžno, QR-kod za zdalene pytanje za zmylkami skenować. Přeswědčće so, hač nałoženje barkodoweho skenera je instalowany a spytajće hišće raz zwjazować.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteQRScanFailedPromptOK): This button dismisses the
+# dialog that appears when we are unable to complete the QR code scan for an
+# incoming remote debugging connection.
+remoteQRScanFailedPromptOK=W porjadku
+# Helper appsčinić
+helperapps.openWithApp2=Z nałoženjom %S wočinić
+helperapps.openWithList2=Z anłoženjom wočinić
+helperapps.pick=Akciju skónčić z pomocu
+helperapps.useJustOnce=Jenož jónu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCamera.message, getUserMedia.shareMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.sharingCamera.message, getUserMedia.sharingMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.sharingCameraAndMicrophone.message): %S is the website origin (e.g.
+getUserMedia.shareCamera.message = Chceće swoju kameru z %S dźělić?
+getUserMedia.shareMicrophone.message = Chceće swój mikrofon z %S dźělić?
+getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone.message = Chceće swoju kameru a mikrofon z %S dźělić?
+getUserMedia.denyRequest.label = Njedźělić
+getUserMedia.shareRequest.label = Dźělić
+getUserMedia.videoSource.default = Kamera %S
+getUserMedia.videoSource.frontCamera = Prědnja kamera
+getUserMedia.videoSource.backCamera = Zadnja kamera
+getUserMedia.videoSource.none = Žane widejo
+getUserMedia.videoSource.tabShare = Wubjerće rajtark za streamowanje
+getUserMedia.videoSource.prompt = Widejožórło
+getUserMedia.audioDevice.default = Mikrofon %S
+getUserMedia.audioDevice.none = Žane awdio
+getUserMedia.audioDevice.prompt = Mikrofon, kotryž ma so wužiwać
+getUserMedia.sharingCamera.message2 = Kamera je zapinjena
+getUserMedia.sharingMicrophone.message2 = Mikrofon je zapinjeny
+getUserMedia.sharingCameraAndMicrophone.message2 = Kamera a mikrofon stej zapinjenej
+getUserMedia.blockedCameraAccess = Kamera je so zablokowała.
+getUserMedia.blockedMicrophoneAccess = Mikrofon je so zablokował.
+getUserMedia.blockedCameraAndMicrophoneAccess = Kamera a mikrofon stej so zablokowałoj.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (userContextPersonal.label,
+# userContextWork.label,
+# userContextShopping.label,
+# userContextBanking.label,
+# userContextNone.label):
+# These strings specify the four predefined contexts included in support of the
+# Contextual Identity / Containers project. Each context is meant to represent
+# the context that the user is in when interacting with the site. Different
+# contexts will store cookies and other information from those sites in
+# different, isolated locations. You can enable the feature by typing
+# about:config in the URL bar and changing privacy.userContext.enabled to true.
+# Once enabled, you can open a new tab in a specific context by clicking
+# File > New Container Tab > (1 of 4 contexts). Once opened, you will see these
+# strings on the right-hand side of the URL bar.
+# In android this will be only exposed by web extensions
+userContextPersonal.label = Wosobinski
+userContextWork.label = Słužbny
+userContextBanking.label = Bankownistwo
+userContextShopping.label = Nakupowanje
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (readerMode.toolbarTip):
+# Tip shown to users the first time we hide the reader mode toolbar.
+readerMode.toolbarTip=Podótkńće so wobrazowki, zo byšće čitanske nastajenja pokazał
+#Open in App
+openInApp.pageAction = W nałoženju wočinić
+openInApp.ok = W porjadku
+openInApp.cancel = Přetorhnyć
+#Tab sharing
+tabshare.title = "Wubjerće rajtark za streamowanje"
+#Tabs in context menus = Wotkaz = Wobraz = Widejo = Awdio = Telefon = E-mejl
+# "Subscribe to page" prompts created in FeedHandler.js
+feedHandler.chooseFeed=Wubjerće kanal
+feedHandler.subscribeWith=Abonować z
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (nativeWindow.deprecated):
+# This string is shown in the console when someone uses deprecated NativeWindow apis.
+# %1$S=name of the api that's deprecated, %2$S=New API to use. This may be a url to
+# a file they should import or the name of an api.
+nativeWindow.deprecated=%1$S je zestarjeny. Prošu wužiwajće %2$S město toho
+# Vibration API permission prompt
+vibrationRequest.message = tutomu sydłu dowolić, waš grat wibrěrować?
+vibrationRequest.denyButton = Njedowolić
+vibrationRequest.allowButton = Dowolić