path: root/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98a84f733a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/importDialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+LOCALIZATION NOTE : 'Communicator 4.x' is the used for previous versions of
+Netscape Communicator, Please translate using the brandname in respective
+languages for Netscape Communicator 4 releases.
+LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate any of the occurrences of the word
+"&brandShortName;" below.
+LOCALIZATION NOTE : 'Communicator 4.x' is the used for previous versions of
+Netscape Communicator, Please translate using the brandname in respective
+languages for Netscape Communicator 4 releases.
+LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate any of the occurrences of the word
+"&brandShortName;" below.
+<!ENTITY importDialog.windowTitle "Import qilish">
+<!ENTITY importAll.label "Hamma narsani import qilish">
+<!ENTITY importAll.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY importMail.label "Xat">
+<!ENTITY importMail.accesskey "X">
+<!ENTITY importFeeds.label "Obunalar tasmasi">
+<!ENTITY importFeeds.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY importAddressbook.label "Manzil kitoblari">
+<!ENTITY importAddressbook.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY importSettings.label "Sozlamalar">
+<!ENTITY importSettings.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY importFilters.label "Filterlar">
+<!ENTITY importFilters.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY window.width "40em">
+<!ENTITY window.macWidth "45em">
+<!ENTITY importTitle.label "&brandShortName; import ustasi">
+<!ENTITY importShortDesc.label "Boshqa dasturlardan xat, manzil kitoblari, sozlamalar va filterlarni import qilish">
+<!ENTITY importDescription1.label "Bu usta boshqa pochta dasturlari va umumiy pochta kitobi formatlaridan pochta xabarlari, manzil kitobidagi qaydlar, obuna bo‘lingan tasmalar, parametrlar yoki filterlarni &brandShortName; dasturiga import qiladi.">
+<!ENTITY importDescription2.label "Ular import qilingandan so‘ng &brandShortName; orqali ulardan foydalanish mumkin bo‘ladi.">
+<!ENTITY selectDescription.label "Import qilinishi kerak bo‘lgan faylar turini tanlang:">
+<!ENTITY selectDescriptionB.label "Mavjud hisobni tanlang yoki yangisini yarating:">
+<!ENTITY selectDescription.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY acctName.label "Nomi:">
+<!ENTITY acctName.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY noModulesFound.label "Import qilish uchun birorta ham ilova yoki fayl topilmadi.">
+<!ENTITY back.label "&lt; &amp;Orqaga">
+<!ENTITY forward.label "&amp;Keyingi &gt;">
+<!ENTITY finish.label "Tayyor">
+<!ENTITY cancel.label "Bekor qilish">
+<!ENTITY select.label "yoki import qilinadigan material turini tanlang:">
+<!ENTITY title.label "Sarlavhasi">
+<!ENTITY processing.label "Import qilinmoqda...">