path: root/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome')
21 files changed, 823 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/about.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/about.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..847841df1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/about.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.title "Malunga ne-&brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.warningVersion "I-&brandShortName; isekelwe kumboniso kwaye isenokungazinzi.">
+<!ENTITY "Khangela iZihlaziyi »">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.checkForUpdates.checking "Ikhangela izihlaziyi…">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.checkForUpdates.none "Akukho zihlaziyi zifumanekayo">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.checkForUpdates.available2 "Khuphela ehlaziyiweyo">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.checkForUpdates.downloading "Ikhuphela ehlaziyiweyo…">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.checkForUpdates.downloaded2 "Fakela ehlaziyiweyo">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.faq.label "I-FAQ">
+<!ENTITY "Inkxaso">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.privacyPolicy.label "UmGaqo-nkqubo womba wabucala">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.rights.label "Wazi amalungelo akho">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.relNotes.label "Khulula Iingongoma">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.credits.label "Amatyala">
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.license.label "Inkcazelo yonikezelo lwephepha-mvume">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (aboutPage.logoTrademark): The message is explicitly about the word "Firefox" being trademarked, that's why we use it, instead of brandShortName. -->
+<!ENTITY aboutPage.logoTrademark "I-Firefox neelogo ze-Firefox ziimpawu zomenzi we-Mozilla Foundation.">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutAccounts.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutAccounts.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..012b82d803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutAccounts.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.connected.title "Iiakhawunti zeFirefox">
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.connected.description "Uqhagamshelwe njengo">
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.syncPreferences.label "Cofa apha ukuze ukhangele iisetingi zoNgqamaniso">
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.noConnection.title "Alukho uqhagamshelo lweIntanethi">
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.retry.label "Zama kwakhona">
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.restrictedError.title "Ithintelwe">
+<!ENTITY aboutAccounts.restrictedError.description "Akunakulawula iiAkhawunti zeFirefox kule profayili.">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8553b38eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (relinkDenied.message): Ideally, this string is short (it's
+# a toast message).
+relinkDenied.message = Sele usayinile kuNgqamaniso!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (relinkDenied.openPrefs): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+relinkDenied.openPrefs = PREFS
+relinkVerify.title = Uqinisekile ukuba ufuna ukusayin ungene kuNgqamaniso?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (relinkVerify.message): Email address of a user previously signed in to Sync.
+relinkVerify.message = Ngaphambili ubusayine wangena kuNgqamaniso ngeadresi yeimeyili eyahlukileyo. Ukusayina ungene kuya kudibanisa iipasiwedi neebhukmaki zale brawza nezinye iisetingi kunye ne%S
+relinkVerify.continue = Qhubeka
+relinkVerify.cancel = Rhoxisa
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutAddons.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutAddons.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f1a3bc024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutAddons.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY aboutAddons.title2 "Izongezelelo">
+<!ENTITY aboutAddons.header2 "Izongezelelo zakho">
+<!ENTITY addonAction.enable "Vumela">
+<!ENTITY addonAction.disable "Valela">
+<!ENTITY addonAction.uninstall "Khupha okufakiweyo">
+<!ENTITY addonAction.undo "Qhaqha okwenzileyo">
+<!ENTITY addonUnsigned.message "Ezi zongezelelweyo azinakuqinisekiswa nge-&brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY addonUnsigned.learnMore "Funda ngakumbi">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f82529ee3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addonStatus.uninstalled=%S luya kukhutshwa emva kokuqalisa kwakhona.
+addons.browseAll=Bhrawuza zonke Izongezelelo Zefirefox
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutCertError.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutCertError.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a41d23fad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutCertError.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
+ %brandDTD;
+<!-- These strings are used by Firefox's custom about:certerror page,
+a replacement for the standard security certificate errors produced
+by NSS/PSM via netError.xhtml. -->
+<!ENTITY certerror.pagetitle "Unxibelelwano olungathembekanga">
+<!ENTITY certerror.longpagetitle "Olu nxibelelwano aluthembekanga">
+<!-- Localization note (certerror.introPara1) - The string "#1" will
+be replaced at runtime with the name of the server to which the user
+was trying to connect. -->
+<!ENTITY certerror.introPara1 "Ucele i-&brandShortName; idibanisengokukhuselekileyo kwi<b>#1</b>, kodwa asingeqinisekisi ukuba ukudibanisa kwakho kuqinile.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.heading "Kufanele ndenze ntoni?">
+<!ENTITY certerror.whatShouldIDo.content "Ukuba udla ngokudibanisa kule sayithi ngaphandle kwengxaki, le mposiso ingathetha ukuba mntu uthile uzama ukuzenza umnini-sayithi, kufuneka ungaqhubi.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.getMeOutOfHere.label "Ndikhuphe apha!">
+<!ENTITY "Ndiyayiqonda imingcipheko">
+<!ENTITY "Ukuba uyayiqonda into eyenzekayo, ungaxelela i-&brandShortName; ukuba iqalise ukuthemba ufaniso lwale sayithi. <b>Nokuba uyayithemba isayithi, le mposiso isenokuthetha ukuba kukho umntu obhucabhuca ukudibanisa kwakho.</b>">
+<!ENTITY "Musa ukongeza ieksepshini ngaphandle kokuba uyazi ukuba sikho isizathu esibalulekileyo esibangela le sayithi ingalusebenzisi ufaniso oluthembekileyo.">
+<!ENTITY certerror.addTemporaryException.label "Tyelela isayithi">
+<!ENTITY certerror.addPermanentException.label "Yongeza ieksepshini esisigxinya">
+<!ENTITY certerror.technical.heading "Iingcombolo zobuchwepheshe">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutDownloads.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutDownloads.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0d3cc6bf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutDownloads.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.title "Okukhutshelweyo">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.header "Okukhutshelweyo kwakho">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.empty "Akukho zinto zikhutshelweyo">
+<!ENTITY "Vula">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.remove "Cima">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.removeAll "Cima Konke">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.pause "Nqumama">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.resume "Buyela enkomeni">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.cancel "Rhoxisa">
+<!ENTITY aboutDownloads.retry "Phinda uzame">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa29b07f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadMessage.deleteAll):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+downloadMessage.deleteAll=Kucinywe oku kukhutshelwayo?;Cima#1 okukhutshelwayo?
+downloadAction.deleteAll=Cima Konke
+downloadState.downloading=Kuthotywa umthwalo…
+downloadState.unknownSize=Ubungakanani obungaziwayo
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutHome.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutHome.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7621986ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutHome.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- This string should be kept in sync with the home_title string
+ in android_strings.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY abouthome.title "I-&brandShortName; Ekhaya">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutLogins.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutLogins.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..753133cd57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutLogins.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY % brandDTD SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">
+ %brandDTD;
+<!ENTITY aboutLogins.title "Izinto zokuNgena ekhompyutheni">
+<!ENTITY aboutLogins.update "Hlaziya">
+<!ENTITY aboutLogins.emptyLoginText "Gcina iilogini zakho zikhuselekile">
+<!ENTITY aboutLogins.emptyLoginHint "IiLogini neenkcazelo ozigcinayo usebenzisa i-&brandShortName; iza kubonakala apha.">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5598058a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+loginsMenu.showPassword=Bonisa i-password
+loginsMenu.copyPassword=Kopa i-password
+loginsMenu.copyUsername=Kopa igama lomsebenzi
+loginsMenu.editLogin=Hlela ukungena ekhompyutheni
+loginsDialog.confirmDelete=Cima oku kungena ekhompyutheni?
+editLogin.fallbackTitle=Lungisa iLogini
+editLogin.saved1=Iyigcinile ilogini
+editLogin.couldNotSave=Utshintsho alunakugcinwa
+loginsDetails.copyFailed=Ukhuphelo oluphumelelanga
+loginsDetails.passwordCopied=Iphasiwedi ikhutshelwe
+loginsDetails.usernameCopied=Igama lomsebenzi likhutselwe
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c5139f447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/aboutPrivateBrowsing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title "Ukubhrawuza kwangasese">
+<!-- Localisation note: the plus sign here is a shorthand way of expressing the word "and". Contextually the privatebrowsingpage.title.private string
+ is used as a title, with the privatebrowsingpage.title string preceding it but on a separate line.
+ So the final line will say "Private Browsing + Tracking Protection". -->
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title.private "+ Ukhuseleko Lokukhangela">
+<!-- Localization note (privatebrowsingpage.title.normal1): "Private Browsing"
+ is capitalized in English to be consistent with our existing uses of the
+ term. -->
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.title.normal1 "UkwiBhrawuza Yabucala">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.description.trackingProtection "I-&brandShortName; ibhloka iinxalenye zamaphepha ezinokutreka ukubhrawuza kwakho.">
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.description.privateDetails "Asisayi kukhumbula nayiphi na imbali, kodwa sidawnlowude iifayile neebhukmakhi ezintsha zisaya kugcinwa kwisixhobo sakho.">
+<!-- Localization note (privatebrowsingpage.description.normal2): "Private
+ Browsing is capitalized in English to be consistent with our existing uses
+ of the term. -->
+<!ENTITY privatebrowsingpage.description.normal2 "KukuBhrawuza Kwabucala, asisayi kugcina nayiphi na imbali yakho yokubhrawuza okanye iikhuki. Iibhukmaki ozongezayo neeefayile ozidawnlowuudayo ziya kugcinwa kwisixhobo sakho.">
+<!ENTITY "Ufuna ukufunda ngaphezulu?">
+<!ENTITY "Vula ithebhu entsha yabucala">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3174272002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+addonsConfirmInstall.title=Ifakela isongezelelo
+addonsConfirmInstallUnsigned.title=Ezongezelelweyo ezingaqinisekiswanga
+addonsConfirmInstallUnsigned.message=Le sayithi ingathanda ukufaka ezongezelelweyo ezingaqinisekiswanga. Qhuba ngokuzithandela
+# Alerts
+alertAddonsDownloading=Ikhuphela isongezelelo
+alertAddonsInstalledNoRestart.message=Ukufakelwa kugqityiwe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertAddonsInstalledNoRestart.action2): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+alertDownloadsStart2=Iqalisa ukukhuphela
+alertDownloadsDone2=Igqibile ukukhuphela
+alertDownloadsToast=Ukukhuphela kuqalisiwe…
+alertDownloadsResume=Buyela enkomeni
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertDownloadSucceeded): This text is shown as a snackbar inside the app after a
+# successful download. %S will be replaced by the file name of the download.
+alertDownloadSucceeded=I-%S idawnlowudiwe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloads.disabledInGuest): This message appears in a toast
+# when the user tries to download something in Guest mode.
+downloads.disabledInGuest=Ukhutshelo luyekisiwe kwiiseshoni zendwendwe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertSearchEngineAddedToast, alertSearchEngineErrorToast, alertSearchEngineDuplicateToast)
+# %S will be replaced by the name of the search engine (exposed by the current page)
+# that has been added; for example, 'Google'.
+alertSearchEngineAddedToast='%S' yongezwe njengenjini yokukhangela
+alertSearchEngineErrorToast=Ayibanga nakongezwa '%S' njengenjini yokukhangela
+alertSearchEngineDuplicateToast='%S' sele iyenye yeenjini zokukhangela
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alertShutdownSanitize): This text is shown as a snackbar during shutdown if the
+# user has enabled "Clear private data on exit".
+alertShutdownSanitize=Cima idatha yabucala…
+addonError.titleBlocked=Ezongezelelweyo ezibhlokiweyo
+addonError.learnMore=Funda ngakumbi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unsignedAddonsDisabled.title, unsignedAddonsDisabled.message):
+# These strings will appear in a dialog when Firefox detects that installed add-ons cannot be verified.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.title=Ezongezelelweyo ezingaqinisekiswanga
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.message=Enye okanye ezininzi ezongezelelweyo ezifakelweyo azinako ukuqinisekiswa yaye zivaliwe.
+unsignedAddonsDisabled.viewAddons=Jonga ezongezelelweyo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonError-1, addonError-2, addonError-3, addonError-4, addonError-5):
+# #1 is the add-on name, #2 is the add-on host, #3 is the application name
+addonError-1=Isongezelelo asikhutshelwanga ngenxa yokusilela konxibelelwano kwi#2.
+addonError-2=Isongezelelo esisuka kwi#2 asifakelwanga kuba asihambelani nesongezelelo #3 esilindelekileyo.
+addonError-3=Isongezelelo esikhutshwe kwi#2 asifakelwanga kuba sikhangeleka sonakalisiwe.
+addonError-4=I#1 ayifakelwanga kuba i#3 ayikwazanga ukulungisa ifayile efunekayo.
+addonError-5=#3 ithintele #2 ekufakeleni ezongezelelweyo ezingaqinisekiswanga.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonLocalError-1, addonLocalError-2, addonLocalError-3, addonLocalError-4, addonLocalError-5, addonErrorIncompatible, addonErrorBlocklisted):
+# #1 is the add-on name, #3 is the application name, #4 is the application version
+addonLocalError-1=Esi songezelelo asifakelwanga ngenxa yemposiso yenkqubo yefayile.
+addonLocalError-2=Esi songezelelo asifakelwanga kuba asihambelani nesongezelelo #3 esilindelekileyo.
+addonLocalError-3=Esi songezelelo asifakelwanga kuba sikhangeleka sonakalisiwe.
+addonLocalError-4=I#1 ayifakelwanga kuba i#3 ayikwazanga ukulungisa ifayile efunekayo.
+addonLocalError-5=Le yongezelelweyo ayinakufakelwa kuba ayiqinisekiswanga.
+addonErrorIncompatible=#1 ayikwazanga kufakelwa kuba ayihambelani ne-#3 #4.
+addonErrorBlocklisted=#1 ayifakelwanga kuba inobungozi obukhulu obubangela iingxaki zozinzo okanye zokhuseleko.
+# Notifications
+notificationRestart.normal=Qalisa kwakhona ukugqibezela utshintsho.
+notificationRestart.blocked=Izongezelelo ezingakhuselekanga zifakiwe. Qalisa kwakhona ukuziqhwalelisa.
+notificationRestart.button=Qalisa kwakhona
+doorhanger.learnMore=Funda ngakumbi
+# Popup Blocker
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (popup.message): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# #1 is brandShortName and #2 is the number of pop-ups blocked.
+popup.message=I-#1 ithintele le sayithi ekuvuleni iwindow ezivelelayo. Ingaba ungathanda ukuboyibonakalisa?;#1 iyithintele le sayithi ekuvulekeni#2 iifestile ezongezelelekileyo. Ingaba ungathanda ukuzibonakalisa?
+popup.dontAskAgain=Ungabuzi kwakhona kule sayithi
+popup.dontShow=Musa ukubonisa
+# SafeBrowsing
+safeBrowsingDoorhanger=Le sayithi ichongwe njengenesoftwe eyingozi okanye enomzamo wobuqhetseba. Lumka.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockPopups.label2): Label that will be used in
+# site settings dialog.
+# XPInstall
+xpinstallPromptWarning2=%S iyithintele le sayithi (%S) ukuba ikucele ukuba ufakele isoftwe kwikhompyutha yakho.
+xpinstallPromptWarningLocal=%S isithintele esi songezelelo (%S) ukuba sifakele kwikhompyutha yakho.
+xpinstallPromptWarningDirect=%S isithintele esi songezelelo ukuba sifakele kwikhompyutha yakho.
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Ukufakelwa kwesoftwe akuvunyelwanga ngumlawuli wekhompyutha.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage2=Ukufakelwa kwesoftwe kuqhwalelisiwe kungokunje. Cofa uVumela uze uzame kwakhona.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.header)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# See
+# for an example of the full dialog.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.listIntro)
+# This string will be followed by a list of permissions requested
+# by the webextension.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateText)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the updated extension.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension requesting new
+# permissions.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS domain for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# domains for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# hosts for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+# Site Identity
+identity.identified.verifier=Iqinisekisiwe: yi%S
+identity.identified.verified_by_you=Wongeze ukhuseleko olulodwa kule sayithi
+identity.identified.state_and_country=%S, %S
+# Geolocation UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (geolocation.location): Label that will be used in
+# site settings dialog.
+geolocation.location=Indawo yokuthile
+# Desktop notification UI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (desktopNotification.notifications): Label that will be
+# used in site settings dialog.
+# Imageblocking
+imageblocking.downloadedImage=Umfanekiso uvuliwe
+imageblocking.showAllImages=Bonisa Konke
+# New Tab Popup
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newtabpopup, newprivatetabpopup): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of tabs
+newtabpopup.opened=Ithebhu entsha ivuliwe;#1 iithebhu ezintsha zivuliwe
+newprivatetabpopup.opened=Ithebhu yangasese entsha ivuliwe;#1 iithebhu zangasese ezintsha zivuliwe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newtabpopup.switch): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+# Undo close tab toast
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoCloseToast.message): This message appears in a toast
+# when the user closes a tab. %S is the title of the tab that was closed.
+undoCloseToast.message=Ivaliwe %S
+# Private Tab closed message
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (privateClosedMessage.message): This message appears
+# when the user closes a private tab.
+privateClosedMessage.message=Ubhrawuzo Oluvalekileyo Lwabucala
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoCloseToast.messageDefault): This message appears in a
+# toast when the user closes a tab if there is no title to display.
+undoCloseToast.messageDefault=Ithebhu evaliweyo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoCloseToast.action2): Ideally, this string is short (it's a
+# button label) and upper-case, to match Google and Android's convention.
+undoCloseToast.action2=JIKA ISENZO
+# Offline web applications
+offlineApps.ask=Ufuna ukuvumela i-%S ukuba igcine iingcombolo kwisixhobo sakho xa singekho kwi-intanethi?
+offlineApps.dontAskAgain=Ungabuzi kwakhona kule sayithi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (offlineApps.offlineData): Label that will be used in
+# site settings dialog.
+offlineApps.offlineData=IDatha yaNgaphandle Kweintanethi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (password.logins): Label that will be used in
+ # site settings dialog.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This should match
+# saveButton in
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (password.dontSave): This should match
+# dontSaveButton in
+password.dontSave=Musa ukuyigcina
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Set to the string
+# "true" (spelled and capitalized exactly that way) to show the "Character
+# Encoding" menu in the site menu. Any other value will hide it. Without this
+# setting, the "Character Encoding" menu must be enabled via Preferences.
+# This is not a string to translate. If users frequently use the "Character Encoding"
+# menu, set this to "true". Otherwise, you can leave it as "false".
+# Text Selection
+selectionHelper.textCopied=Umbhalo ukhutshelwe kwiklipbhodi
+# Casting
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (casting.sendToDevice): Label that will be used in the
+# dialog/prompt.
+casting.sendToDevice=Thumela kwidivayisi\u0020
+# Context menu
+contextmenu.openInNewTab=Vula iKhonkco kwiThebhu Entsha
+contextmenu.openInPrivateTab=Vula ikhonkco kwithebhu yangasese
+contextmenu.copyLink=Khuphela ikhonkco
+contextmenu.shareLink=Yabelana ngeKhonkco
+contextmenu.bookmarkLink=Ikhonkco lebhukhmakhi
+contextmenu.copyEmailAddress=Kopa iDilesi yeImeyile
+contextmenu.shareEmailAddress=Yabelana ngedilesi yeimeyile
+contextmenu.copyPhoneNumber=Khuphela inani lomnxeba
+contextmenu.sharePhoneNumber=Yabelana ngenani lomnxeba
+contextmenu.fullScreen=Isikrini esiZeleyo
+contextmenu.viewImage=Jonga uMfanekiso
+contextmenu.copyImageLocation=Kopa uMfanekiso weNdawo
+contextmenu.shareImage=Yabelana ngoMfanekiso
+# The label of the contextmenu item which allows you to search with your default search engine for
+# the text you have selected. %S is the name of the search engine. For example, "Google". Khangela
+contextmenu.saveImage=Gcina umfanekiso
+contextmenu.showImage=Bonisa uMfanekiso
+contextmenu.setImageAs=Seta Umfanekiso
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextmenu.addSearchEngine3): This string should be rather short. If it is
+# significantly longer than the translation for the "Paste" action then this might trigger an
+# Android bug positioning the floating text selection partially off the screen. This issue heavily
+# depends on the screen size and the specific translations. For English "Paste" / "Add search engine"
+# is working while "Paste" / "Add as search engine" triggers the bug. See bug 1262098 for more details.
+# Manual testing the scenario described in bug 1262098 is highly recommended.
+contextmenu.addSearchEngine3=Yongeza Injini yokuKhangela
+contextmenu.showControls2=Bonisa izixhobo zolawulo
+contextmenu.mute=Thulisa isandi
+contextmenu.unmute=Vuselela isandi
+contextmenu.saveVideo=Gcina ividiyo
+contextmenu.saveAudio=Gcina okunesandi
+contextmenu.addToContacts=Yongeza kubantu oqhagamshelana nabo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (contextmenu.sendToDevice):
+# The label that will be used in the contextmenu and the pageaction
+contextmenu.sendToDevice=Thumela kwidivayisi
+contextmenu.selectAll=Khetha Konke
+ umnxeba
+#Input widgets UI umhla
+inputWidgetHelper.datetime-local=Chonga umhla nexesha
+inputWidgetHelper.time=Chonga ixesha
+inputWidgetHelper.week=Chonga iveki
+inputWidgetHelper.month=Chonga inyanga
+# Web Console API
+stacktrace.outputMessage=Fumba umzila osuka %S, umsebenzi %S, umgca %S.
+timer.start=%S: umjongi-xesha uqalisile
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timer.end):
+# This string is used to display the result of the console.timeEnd() call.
+# %1$S=name of timer, %2$S=number of milliseconds
+timer.end=%1$S: %2$Sms
+clickToPlayPlugins.activate=Yenza ukusebenza kokuthile
+clickToPlayPlugins.dontActivate=Musa ukuyenza isebenze
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clickToPlayPlugins.plugins): Label that
+# will be used in site settings dialog.
+# Site settings dialog
+masterPassword.incorrect=Ipasiwedi engeyiyo
+# Debugger
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptTitle): The title displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptTitle=Unxibelelwano olungenayo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptUSB): The message displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow an incoming USB connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptUSB=Ngaba ufuna ukuvumela uqhagamshelle ukususwa kwebhagi nge USB?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptUSB): The message displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow an incoming TCP connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptTCP=Vumela ukususwa kwebhagi bucala ngokusuka %1$S:%2$S? Olu qhagamshelo lufuna ikhowudi yeQR ukuze luskenwe luze lugunyazise isatifiketi sesixhobo sabucala. Ungaphepha ukuskena kwexesha elizayo ngokukhumbula esi sixhobo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptDeny): This button will deny an
+# an incoming remote debugger connection.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptAllow): This button will allow an
+# an incoming remote debugger connection.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptScan): This button will start a QR
+# code scanner to authenticate an incoming remote debugger connection. The
+# connection will be allowed assuming the scan succeeds.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptScanAndRemember): This button will
+# start a QR code scanner to authenticate an incoming remote debugger
+# connection. The connection will be allowed assuming the scan succeeds, and
+# the other endpoint's certificate will be saved to skip future scans for this
+# client.
+remoteIncomingPromptScanAndRemember=Skena uze Ukhumbule
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteQRScanFailedPromptTitle): The title displayed in a
+# dialog when we are unable to complete the QR code scan for an incoming remote
+# debugging connection.
+remoteQRScanFailedPromptTitle=I-QR Skena Sisilele
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteQRScanFailedPromptMessage): The message displayed in
+# a dialog when we are unable to complete the QR code scan for an incoming
+# remote debugging connection.
+remoteQRScanFailedPromptMessage=Ayikwazi kuskena ikhowudi yeQR yokususa ibhagi bucala. Qinisekisa ukuba i-app yeSkena seBhakhowudi ifakiwe uze uphinde uzame ukuyixokomezela.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteQRScanFailedPromptOK): This button dismisses the
+# dialog that appears when we are unable to complete the QR code scan for an
+# incoming remote debugging connection.
+# Helper apps
+helperapps.openWithApp2=Vula nge-%S App
+helperapps.openWithList2=Vula nge-Aapp
+helperapps.pick=Gqiba ukwenza ngokusebenzisa
+helperapps.useJustOnce=Kube kanye nje
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (getUserMedia.shareCamera.message, getUserMedia.shareMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.sharingCamera.message, getUserMedia.sharingMicrophone.message, getUserMedia.sharingCameraAndMicrophone.message): %S is the website origin (e.g.
+getUserMedia.shareCamera.message = Ungathanda ukwabelana ngekhamera yakho no%S?
+getUserMedia.shareMicrophone.message = Ungathanda ukwabelana ngemayikhrofowuni yakho no%S?
+getUserMedia.shareCameraAndMicrophone.message = Ungathanda ukwabelana ngekhamera nemayikhrofowuni yakho no%S?
+getUserMedia.denyRequest.label = Sukwabelana
+getUserMedia.shareRequest.label = Yabelana
+getUserMedia.videoSource.default = Ikhamera %S
+getUserMedia.videoSource.frontCamera = Umphambili ujonge kwikhamera
+getUserMedia.videoSource.backCamera = Umva ujonge kwikhamera
+getUserMedia.videoSource.none = Akukho Vidiyo
+getUserMedia.videoSource.tabShare = Khetha ithebhu ukuphephezelisa
+getUserMedia.videoSource.prompt = Umthombo wevidiyo
+getUserMedia.audioDevice.default = Umboko %S
+getUserMedia.audioDevice.none = Akukho Sandi
+getUserMedia.audioDevice.prompt = Umboko onokuwusebenzisa
+getUserMedia.sharingCamera.message2 = Ikhamera ivuliwe
+getUserMedia.sharingMicrophone.message2 = Umboko uvuliwe
+getUserMedia.sharingCameraAndMicrophone.message2 = Ikhamera nomboko zivuliwe
+getUserMedia.blockedCameraAccess = Ikhamera iblokiwe.
+getUserMedia.blockedMicrophoneAccess = Imayikhrofoni iblokiwe
+getUserMedia.blockedCameraAndMicrophoneAccess = Ikhamera nemayikhrofoni ziblokiwe.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (userContextPersonal.label,
+# userContextWork.label,
+# userContextShopping.label,
+# userContextBanking.label,
+# userContextNone.label):
+# These strings specify the four predefined contexts included in support of the
+# Contextual Identity / Containers project. Each context is meant to represent
+# the context that the user is in when interacting with the site. Different
+# contexts will store cookies and other information from those sites in
+# different, isolated locations. You can enable the feature by typing
+# about:config in the URL bar and changing privacy.userContext.enabled to true.
+# Once enabled, you can open a new tab in a specific context by clicking
+# File > New Container Tab > (1 of 4 contexts). Once opened, you will see these
+# strings on the right-hand side of the URL bar.
+# In android this will be only exposed by web extensions
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (readerMode.toolbarTip):
+# Tip shown to users the first time we hide the reader mode toolbar.
+readerMode.toolbarTip=Cofa isikrini ukubona ukhetho lwento yokufunda
+#Open in App
+openInApp.pageAction = Vula kwi-App
+openInApp.ok = Kulungile
+openInApp.cancel = Rhoxisa
+#Tab sharing
+tabshare.title = "Khetha ithebhu ukuphephezelisa"
+#Tabs in context menus = Ikhonkco = Umfuziselo = Ividiyo = Enesandi = Ifowuni = Imeyile
+# "Subscribe to page" prompts created in FeedHandler.js
+feedHandler.chooseFeed=Khetha ifidi
+feedHandler.subscribeWith=Rhuma nge
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (nativeWindow.deprecated):
+# This string is shown in the console when someone uses deprecated NativeWindow apis.
+# %1$S=name of the api that's deprecated, %2$S=New API to use. This may be a url to
+# a file they should import or the name of an api.
+nativeWindow.deprecated=%1$S iyaliwa. Nceda usebenzise %2$S endaweni yayo
+# Vibration API permission prompt
+vibrationRequest.message = Ungavumela le sayithi ukuba ivayibhrethe isixobo sakho?
+vibrationRequest.denyButton = Ungayivumeli
+vibrationRequest.allowButton = Vumela
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/config.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/config.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0307084a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/config.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY toolbar.searchPlaceholder "Khangela">
+<!ENTITY newPref.namePlaceholder "Igama">
+<!ENTITY newPref.valueBoolean "I-Boolean">
+<!ENTITY newPref.valueString "Umtya">
+<!ENTITY newPref.valueInteger "Inani elipheleleyo">
+<!ENTITY newPref.stringPlaceholder "Faka umtya">
+<!ENTITY newPref.numberPlaceholder "Faka inani">
+<!ENTITY newPref.toggleButton "Isixhobo esitshintshwa ngokufanayo">
+<!ENTITY newPref.cancelButton "Rhoxisa">
+<!ENTITY contextMenu.copyPrefName "Kopa Igama">
+<!ENTITY contextMenu.copyPrefValue "Kopa ixabiso">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4b584f41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+pref.toggleButton=Isixhobo esitshintshwa ngokufanayo
+pref.resetButton=Seta kwakhona
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0953bc9a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+deviceMenu.title=Izixhobo Ezikufutshane
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf7b87b7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# String will be replaced by brandShortName.
+saveLogin=Ungathanda i-%S ikhumbule oku kungena ekhompyutheni?
+# String is the login's hostname
+updatePassword=Ufuna ukuhlaziya iphasiwedi egciniweyo ye-%S?
+updatePasswordNoUser=Ufuna ukugcina iphasiwedi egciniweyo yoku kungena?
+dontUpdateButton=Musa ukuyihlaziya
+userSelectText2=Khetha ukuba yeyiphi ilogini oza kuyihlaziya:
+passwordChangeTitle=Qinisekisa Ukuguqulwa Kwegama Kwephasiwedi
+username=Igama lomsebenzisi
+password=Igama lokugqithisa
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/phishing.dtd b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/phishing.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69a9bd7b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/phishing.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.accept.label "Ndikhuphe apha!">
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.decline.label "Sukusihoya esi silumkiso">
+<!ENTITY safeb.palm.reportPage.label "Kwakutheni ukuze liblokwe eli phepha?">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.palm.advisory.desc) - Please don't translate <a id="advisory_provider"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with advisory link-->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.title "Iphepha lohlaselo elichaziweyo!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.malware.shortDesc) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="malware_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc "Eli khasi lewebhu kwi-<span id='malware_sitename'/> lichazwe njengekhasi lohlaselo kwaye lithintelwe ngokweepriferensi zakho zokhuseleko.">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.malwarePage.longDesc "<p>Amakhasi ohlaselo azama ukufaka iiprogram eziba inkcazelo yangasese, zisebenzise ikhompyutha yakho ukuhlasela ezinye okanye ukonakalisa ikhompyutha yakho.</p><p>Amanye amakhasi ohlaselo asasaza ngenjongo isoftwe enobungozi, kodwa amaninzi ayadlelelelwa ngaphandle kolwazi okanye imvume yabaniniwo</p>">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.title3 "Isayithi Yenkohliso!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc3) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="phishing_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc3 "Eli khasi lewebhu kwi-<span id='phishing_sitename'/> lichazwe njengekhasi lenkohliso kwaye lithintelwe ngokweepriferensi zakho zokhuseleko.">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.phishingPage.longDesc3 "<p>Iisayithi zenkohliso zenzelwe ukukuqhathela ekwenzeni into eyingozi, njengokufaka isoftwe, okanye ukutyhila inkcazelo yakho yobuqu, njengeepaswedi, iinombolo zefowuni okanye iikhredith khadi.</p><p>Ukufaka nayiphi na inkcazelo kweli phepha lewebhu kunokuphumela ekubiweni kobunini okanye obunye ubuqhophololo</p>">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.title "Isayithi ye-Software Engafunekiyo eChaziweyo!">
+<!-- Localization note (safeb.blocked.unwanted.shortDesc) - Please don't translate the contents of the <span id="unwanted_sitename"/> tag. It will be replaced at runtime with a domain name (e.g. -->
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc "Eli phepha lewebhu kwi-<span id='unwanted_sitename'/> lichazwe ukuba liqulethe i-software engafunekiyo kwaye lithintelwe ngokusekelwe kwiipriferensi zakho zokhuseleko.">
+<!ENTITY safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.longDesc "Amaphepha e-software angafuneki azama ukufakela i-software enganako ukuqhatha kwaye achaphazele isistim yakho ngeendlela ezingalindelekanga.">
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b773074e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These strings are stolen from security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pippki/pippki.dtd
+downloadCert.title=Kukhutshelwa Isatifikethi
+downloadCert.message1=Ucelwe ukuba uthembe Ugunyaziwe Wesatifikethi omtsha (CA).
+downloadCert.trustSSL=Thembela ukwalatha iiwebhusayithi.
+downloadCert.trustEmail=Themba ukwalatha abasebenzisi beimeyile.
+pkcs12.getpassword.title=Ingxoxo Yongeniso Lwegama Lokugqithisa
+pkcs12.getpassword.message=Nceda ufake ipasiwedi eyasetyenziswa ukukhusela olu gcino lwesiqinisekiso.
+clientAuthAsk.title=Isicelo Sokuchongeka Somsebenzisi
+clientAuthAsk.message1=Esi siza sicele ukuba uzichonge ngesatifikethi:
+clientAuthAsk.message2=Khetha isatifikethi osinikela nengendlela yokuchongeka:
+clientAuthAsk.message3=Iinkcukacha zesatifikethi esikhethiweyo:
+clientAuthAsk.remember.label=Khumbula esi sigqibo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.nickAndSerial): Represents a single cert when
+# the user is choosing from a list of certificates.
+# %1$S is the nickname of the cert.
+# %2$S is the serial number of the cert in AA:BB:CC hex format.
+clientAuthAsk.nickAndSerial=%1$S [%2$S]
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.hostnameAndPort):
+# %1$S is the hostname of the server.
+# %2$S is the port of the server.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.organization): %S is the Organization of the
+# server cert.
+clientAuthAsk.organization=Umbutho: "%S"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.issuer): %S is the Organization of the
+# issuer cert of the server cert.
+clientAuthAsk.issuer=Ikhutshwe phantsi: "%S"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.issuedTo): %1$S is the Distinguished Name of
+# the currently selected client cert, such as "CN=John Doe,OU=Example" (without
+# quotes).
+clientAuthAsk.issuedTo=Inikwe : %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.serial): %1$S is the serial number of the
+# selected cert in AA:BB:CC hex format.
+clientAuthAsk.serial=Inombolo yesiriyali: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.validityPeriod):
+# %1$S is the already localized notBefore date of the selected cert.
+# %2$S is the already localized notAfter date of the selected cert.
+clientAuthAsk.validityPeriod=Isebenza ukususela %1$S ukusa %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.keyUsages): %1$S is a comma separated list of
+# already localized key usages the selected cert is valid for.
+clientAuthAsk.keyUsages=Ukusetyenziswa Okuyintloko: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.emailAddresses): %1$S is a comma separated
+# list of e-mail addresses the selected cert is valid for.
+clientAuthAsk.emailAddresses=Iidilesi ze-imeyile: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.issuedBy): %1$S is the Distinguished Name of
+# the cert which issued the selected cert.
+clientAuthAsk.issuedBy=Ikhutshwe ngu: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(clientAuthAsk.storedOn): %1$S is the name of the PKCS #11
+# token the selected cert is stored on.
+clientAuthAsk.storedOn=Igcinwe ku: %1$S
+certmgr.title=IiNkcukacha zeSatifiketi
+# These strings are stolen from security/manager/locales/en-US/chrome/pippki/certManager.dtd
+certmgr.subjectinfo.label=Zinikelwa Ku
+certmgr.issuerinfo.label=Zinikelwa Ngu
+certmgr.periodofvalidity.label=Ithuba lokusebenza
+certmgr.fingerprints.label=Izishicilelo zeminwe Eliqhelekileyo (CN): %1$S
+certdetail.o=Intlangano (O): %1$S
+certdetail.ou=Icandelo Lombutho (OU): %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(certdetail.serialnumber): %1$S is the serial number of the
+# cert being viewed in AA:BB:CC hex format.
+certdetail.serialnumber=Inombolo yeSiriyali: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(certdetail.sha256fingerprint): %1$S is the SHA-256
+# Fingerprint of the cert being viewed in AA:BB:CC hex format.
+certdetail.sha256fingerprint=Ushicilelo lweminwe lwe-SHA-256: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(certdetail.sha1fingerprint): %1$S is the SHA-1 Fingerprint
+# of the cert being viewed in AA:BB:CC hex format.
+certdetail.sha1fingerprint=Ushicilelo lweminwe SHA1: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(certdetail.notBefore): %1$S is the already localized
+# notBefore date of the cert being viewed.
+certdetail.notBefore=Luqala ngo: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(certdetail.notAfter): %1$S is the already localized notAfter
+# date of the cert being viewed.
+certdetail.notAfter=Luphelelwa Ngo: %1$S
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9255d2959b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Mobile Sync
+# %S is the date and time at which the last sync successfully completed
+lastSync2.label=Ungqamaniso lokugqibela: %S
+# %S is the username logged in
+account.label=Iakhawunti: %S
diff --git a/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a23969c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-xh/mobile/android/chrome/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A "site issue" is a bug, display,
+# or functionality problem with a webpage in the browser. imeko yesayithi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webcompat.reportDesktopMode.message): A " site issue" is a
+# bug, display, or functionality problem with a webpage in the browser.
+webcompat.reportDesktopMode.message=Uxela imeko yesayithi?