path: root/layout/style/FontFace.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'layout/style/FontFace.cpp')
1 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/style/FontFace.cpp b/layout/style/FontFace.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bf89b96a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/style/FontFace.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/dom/FontFace.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "mozilla/dom/CSSFontFaceRule.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/FontFaceBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/FontFaceSet.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/TypedArray.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/UnionTypes.h"
+#include "mozilla/CycleCollectedJSContext.h"
+#include "mozilla/ServoBindings.h"
+#include "mozilla/ServoCSSParser.h"
+#include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h"
+#include "mozilla/ServoUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
+#include "nsStyleUtil.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+// -- FontFaceBufferSource ---------------------------------------------------
+ * An object that wraps a FontFace object and exposes its ArrayBuffer
+ * or ArrayBufferView data in a form the user font set can consume.
+ */
+class FontFaceBufferSource : public gfxFontFaceBufferSource {
+ public:
+ explicit FontFaceBufferSource(FontFace* aFontFace) : mFontFace(aFontFace) {}
+ virtual void TakeBuffer(uint8_t*& aBuffer, uint32_t& aLength) override;
+ private:
+ RefPtr<FontFace> mFontFace;
+void FontFaceBufferSource::TakeBuffer(uint8_t*& aBuffer, uint32_t& aLength) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mFontFace,
+ "only call TakeBuffer once on a given "
+ "FontFaceBufferSource object");
+ mFontFace->TakeBuffer(aBuffer, aLength);
+ mFontFace = nullptr;
+// -- Utility functions ------------------------------------------------------
+template <typename T>
+static void GetDataFrom(const T& aObject, uint8_t*& aBuffer,
+ uint32_t& aLength) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aBuffer);
+ aObject.ComputeState();
+ // We use malloc here rather than a FallibleTArray or fallible
+ // operator new[] since the gfxUserFontEntry will be calling free
+ // on it.
+ aBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(aObject.Length());
+ if (!aBuffer) {
+ return;
+ }
+ memcpy((void*)aBuffer, aObject.Data(), aObject.Length());
+ aLength = aObject.Length();
+// -- FontFace ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ tmp->mInFontFaceSet = false;
+ tmp->SetUserFontEntry(nullptr);
+FontFace::FontFace(nsISupports* aParent, FontFaceSet* aFontFaceSet)
+ : mParent(aParent),
+ mLoadedRejection(NS_OK),
+ mStatus(FontFaceLoadStatus::Unloaded),
+ mSourceType(SourceType(0)),
+ mSourceBuffer(nullptr),
+ mSourceBufferLength(0),
+ mFontFaceSet(aFontFaceSet),
+ mUnicodeRangeDirty(true),
+ mInFontFaceSet(false) {}
+FontFace::~FontFace() {
+ // Assert that we don't drop any FontFace objects during a Servo traversal,
+ // since PostTraversalTask objects can hold raw pointers to FontFaces.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!ServoStyleSet::IsInServoTraversal());
+ SetUserFontEntry(nullptr);
+ if (mSourceBuffer) {
+ free(mSourceBuffer);
+ }
+JSObject* FontFace::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) {
+ return FontFace_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
+static FontFaceLoadStatus LoadStateToStatus(
+ gfxUserFontEntry::UserFontLoadState aLoadState) {
+ switch (aLoadState) {
+ case gfxUserFontEntry::UserFontLoadState::STATUS_NOT_LOADED:
+ return FontFaceLoadStatus::Unloaded;
+ case gfxUserFontEntry::UserFontLoadState::STATUS_LOAD_PENDING:
+ case gfxUserFontEntry::UserFontLoadState::STATUS_LOADING:
+ return FontFaceLoadStatus::Loading;
+ case gfxUserFontEntry::UserFontLoadState::STATUS_LOADED:
+ return FontFaceLoadStatus::Loaded;
+ case gfxUserFontEntry::UserFontLoadState::STATUS_FAILED:
+ return FontFaceLoadStatus::Error;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("invalid aLoadState value");
+ return FontFaceLoadStatus::Error;
+already_AddRefed<FontFace> FontFace::CreateForRule(
+ nsISupports* aGlobal, FontFaceSet* aFontFaceSet,
+ RawServoFontFaceRule* aRule) {
+ RefPtr<FontFace> obj = new FontFace(aGlobal, aFontFaceSet);
+ obj->mRule = aRule;
+ obj->mSourceType = eSourceType_FontFaceRule;
+ obj->mInFontFaceSet = true;
+ return obj.forget();
+already_AddRefed<FontFace> FontFace::Constructor(
+ const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const nsACString& aFamily,
+ const UTF8StringOrArrayBufferOrArrayBufferView& aSource,
+ const FontFaceDescriptors& aDescriptors, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ nsISupports* global = aGlobal.GetAsSupports();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(global);
+ Document* doc = window->GetDoc();
+ if (!doc) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<FontFace> obj = new FontFace(global, doc->Fonts());
+ if (!obj->SetDescriptors(aFamily, aDescriptors)) {
+ return obj.forget();
+ }
+ obj->InitializeSource(aSource);
+ return obj.forget();
+void FontFace::InitializeSource(
+ const UTF8StringOrArrayBufferOrArrayBufferView& aSource) {
+ if (aSource.IsUTF8String()) {
+ IgnoredErrorResult rv;
+ SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_Src, aSource.GetAsUTF8String(), rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) {
+ SetStatus(FontFaceLoadStatus::Error);
+ return;
+ }
+ mSourceType = eSourceType_URLs;
+ return;
+ }
+ mSourceType = FontFace::eSourceType_Buffer;
+ if (aSource.IsArrayBuffer()) {
+ GetDataFrom(aSource.GetAsArrayBuffer(), mSourceBuffer, mSourceBufferLength);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aSource.IsArrayBufferView());
+ GetDataFrom(aSource.GetAsArrayBufferView(), mSourceBuffer,
+ mSourceBufferLength);
+ }
+ SetStatus(FontFaceLoadStatus::Loading);
+ DoLoad();
+void FontFace::GetFamily(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Family, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetFamily(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_Family, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetStyle(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Style, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetStyle(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_Style, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetWeight(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Weight, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetWeight(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_Weight, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetStretch(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Stretch, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetStretch(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_Stretch, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetUnicodeRange(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_UnicodeRange, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetUnicodeRange(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_UnicodeRange, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetVariant(nsACString& aResult) {
+ // XXX Just expose the font-variant descriptor as "normal" until we
+ // support it properly (bug 1055385).
+ aResult.AssignLiteral("normal");
+void FontFace::SetVariant(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ // XXX Ignore assignments to variant until we support font-variant
+ // descriptors (bug 1055385).
+void FontFace::GetFeatureSettings(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_FontFeatureSettings, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetFeatureSettings(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_FontFeatureSettings, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetVariationSettings(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_FontVariationSettings, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetVariationSettings(const nsACString& aValue,
+ ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_FontVariationSettings, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::GetDisplay(nsACString& aResult) {
+ GetDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Display, aResult);
+void FontFace::SetDisplay(const nsACString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ if (SetDescriptor(eCSSFontDesc_Display, aValue, aRv)) {
+ DescriptorUpdated();
+ }
+void FontFace::DescriptorUpdated() {
+ // If we haven't yet initialized mUserFontEntry, no need to do anything here;
+ // we'll respect the updated descriptor when the time comes to create it.
+ if (!mUserFontEntry) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Behind the scenes, this will actually update the existing entry and return
+ // it, rather than create a new one.
+ RefPtr<gfxUserFontEntry> newEntry =
+ mFontFaceSet->FindOrCreateUserFontEntryFromFontFace(this);
+ SetUserFontEntry(newEntry);
+ if (mInFontFaceSet) {
+ mFontFaceSet->MarkUserFontSetDirty();
+ }
+ for (auto& set : mOtherFontFaceSets) {
+ set->MarkUserFontSetDirty();
+ }
+FontFaceLoadStatus FontFace::Status() { return mStatus; }
+Promise* FontFace::Load(ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mFontFaceSet->FlushUserFontSet();
+ EnsurePromise();
+ if (!mLoaded) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Calling Load on a FontFace constructed with an ArrayBuffer data source,
+ // or on one that is already loading (or has finished loading), has no
+ // effect.
+ if (mSourceType == eSourceType_Buffer ||
+ mStatus != FontFaceLoadStatus::Unloaded) {
+ return mLoaded;
+ }
+ // Calling the user font entry's Load method will end up setting our
+ // status to Loading, but the spec requires us to set it to Loading
+ // here.
+ SetStatus(FontFaceLoadStatus::Loading);
+ DoLoad();
+ return mLoaded;
+gfxUserFontEntry* FontFace::CreateUserFontEntry() {
+ if (!mUserFontEntry) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!HasRule(),
+ "Rule backed FontFace objects should already have a user font "
+ "entry by the time Load() can be called on them");
+ RefPtr<gfxUserFontEntry> newEntry =
+ mFontFaceSet->FindOrCreateUserFontEntryFromFontFace(this);
+ if (newEntry) {
+ SetUserFontEntry(newEntry);
+ }
+ }
+ return mUserFontEntry;
+void FontFace::DoLoad() {
+ if (!CreateUserFontEntry()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mUserFontEntry->Load();
+Promise* FontFace::GetLoaded(ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ EnsurePromise();
+ if (!mLoaded) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return mLoaded;
+void FontFace::SetStatus(FontFaceLoadStatus aStatus) {
+ AssertIsMainThreadOrServoFontMetricsLocked();
+ if (mStatus == aStatus) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aStatus < mStatus) {
+ // We're being asked to go backwards in status! Normally, this shouldn't
+ // happen. But it can if the FontFace had a user font entry that had
+ // loaded, but then was given a new one by FontFaceSet::InsertRuleFontFace
+ // if we used a local() rule. For now, just ignore the request to
+ // go backwards in status.
+ return;
+ }
+ mStatus = aStatus;
+ if (mInFontFaceSet) {
+ mFontFaceSet->OnFontFaceStatusChanged(this);
+ }
+ for (FontFaceSet* otherSet : mOtherFontFaceSets) {
+ otherSet->OnFontFaceStatusChanged(this);
+ }
+ if (mStatus == FontFaceLoadStatus::Loaded) {
+ if (mLoaded) {
+ DoResolve();
+ }
+ } else if (mStatus == FontFaceLoadStatus::Error) {
+ if (mSourceType == eSourceType_Buffer) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+void FontFace::DoResolve() {
+ AssertIsMainThreadOrServoFontMetricsLocked();
+ if (ServoStyleSet* ss = ServoStyleSet::Current()) {
+ // See comments in Gecko_GetFontMetrics.
+ ss->AppendTask(PostTraversalTask::ResolveFontFaceLoadedPromise(this));
+ return;
+ }
+ mLoaded->MaybeResolve(this);
+void FontFace::DoReject(nsresult aResult) {
+ AssertIsMainThreadOrServoFontMetricsLocked();
+ if (ServoStyleSet* ss = ServoStyleSet::Current()) {
+ // See comments in Gecko_GetFontMetrics.
+ ss->AppendTask(
+ PostTraversalTask::RejectFontFaceLoadedPromise(this, aResult));
+ return;
+ }
+ mLoaded->MaybeReject(aResult);
+already_AddRefed<URLExtraData> FontFace::GetURLExtraData() const {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = do_QueryInterface(mParent);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = global->PrincipalOrNull();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(mParent);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> docURI = window->GetDocumentURI();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> base = window->GetDocBaseURI();
+ // We pass RP_Unset when creating ReferrerInfo object here because it's not
+ // going to result to change referer policy in a resource request.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIReferrerInfo> referrerInfo =
+ new ReferrerInfo(docURI, ReferrerPolicy::_empty);
+ RefPtr<URLExtraData> url = new URLExtraData(base, referrerInfo, principal);
+ return url.forget();
+// Boolean result indicates whether the value of the descriptor was actually
+// changed.
+bool FontFace::SetDescriptor(nsCSSFontDesc aFontDesc, const nsACString& aValue,
+ ErrorResult& aRv) {
+ // FIXME We probably don't need to distinguish between this anymore
+ // since we have common backend now.
+ NS_ASSERTION(!HasRule(), "we don't handle rule backed FontFace objects yet");
+ if (HasRule()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // FIXME(heycam): Should not allow modification of FontFaces that are
+ // CSS-connected and whose rule is read only.
+ RefPtr<URLExtraData> url = GetURLExtraData();
+ bool changed;
+ if (!Servo_FontFaceRule_SetDescriptor(GetData(), aFontDesc, &aValue, url,
+ &changed)) {
+ aRv.ThrowSyntaxError("Invalid font descriptor");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!changed) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aFontDesc == eCSSFontDesc_UnicodeRange) {
+ mUnicodeRangeDirty = true;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool FontFace::SetDescriptors(const nsACString& aFamily,
+ const FontFaceDescriptors& aDescriptors) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!HasRule());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mDescriptors);
+ mDescriptors = Servo_FontFaceRule_CreateEmpty().Consume();
+ // Helper to call SetDescriptor and return true on success, false on failure.
+ auto setDesc = [=](nsCSSFontDesc aDesc, const nsACString& aVal) -> bool {
+ IgnoredErrorResult rv;
+ SetDescriptor(aDesc, aVal, rv);
+ return !rv.Failed();
+ };
+ // Parse all of the mDescriptors in aInitializer, which are the values
+ // we got from the JS constructor.
+ if (!setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Family, aFamily) ||
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Style, aDescriptors.mStyle) ||
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Weight, aDescriptors.mWeight) ||
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Stretch, aDescriptors.mStretch) ||
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_UnicodeRange, aDescriptors.mUnicodeRange) ||
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_FontFeatureSettings,
+ aDescriptors.mFeatureSettings) ||
+ (StaticPrefs::layout_css_font_variations_enabled() &&
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_FontVariationSettings,
+ aDescriptors.mVariationSettings)) ||
+ !setDesc(eCSSFontDesc_Display, aDescriptors.mDisplay)) {
+ // XXX Handle font-variant once we support it (bug 1055385).
+ // If any of the descriptors failed to parse, none of them should be set
+ // on the FontFace.
+ mDescriptors = Servo_FontFaceRule_CreateEmpty().Consume();
+ SetStatus(FontFaceLoadStatus::Error);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void FontFace::GetDesc(nsCSSFontDesc aDescID, nsACString& aResult) const {
+ aResult.Truncate();
+ Servo_FontFaceRule_GetDescriptorCssText(GetData(), aDescID, &aResult);
+ // Fill in a default value for missing descriptors.
+ if (aResult.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (aDescID == eCSSFontDesc_UnicodeRange) {
+ aResult.AssignLiteral("U+0-10FFFF");
+ } else if (aDescID == eCSSFontDesc_Display) {
+ aResult.AssignLiteral("auto");
+ } else if (aDescID != eCSSFontDesc_Family && aDescID != eCSSFontDesc_Src) {
+ aResult.AssignLiteral("normal");
+ }
+ }
+void FontFace::SetUserFontEntry(gfxUserFontEntry* aEntry) {
+ if (mUserFontEntry) {
+ mUserFontEntry->mFontFaces.RemoveElement(this);
+ }
+ mUserFontEntry = static_cast<Entry*>(aEntry);
+ if (mUserFontEntry) {
+ mUserFontEntry->mFontFaces.AppendElement(this);
+ mUserFontEntry->GetUserFontSet() == mFontFaceSet->GetUserFontSet(),
+ "user font entry must be associated with the same user font set "
+ "as the FontFace");
+ // Our newly assigned user font entry might be in the process of or
+ // finished loading, so set our status accordingly. But only do so
+ // if we're not going "backwards" in status, which could otherwise
+ // happen in this case:
+ //
+ // new FontFace("ABC", "url(x)").load();
+ //
+ // where the SetUserFontEntry call (from the after-initialization
+ // DoLoad call) comes after the author's call to load(), which set mStatus
+ // to Loading.
+ FontFaceLoadStatus newStatus =
+ LoadStateToStatus(mUserFontEntry->LoadState());
+ if (newStatus > mStatus) {
+ SetStatus(newStatus);
+ }
+ }
+Maybe<StyleComputedFontWeightRange> FontFace::GetFontWeight() const {
+ StyleComputedFontWeightRange range;
+ if (!Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontWeight(GetData(), &range)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ return Some(range);
+Maybe<StyleComputedFontStretchRange> FontFace::GetFontStretch() const {
+ StyleComputedFontStretchRange range;
+ if (!Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontStretch(GetData(), &range)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ return Some(range);
+Maybe<StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor> FontFace::GetFontStyle() const {
+ auto descriptor = StyleComputedFontStyleDescriptor::Normal();
+ if (!Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontStyle(GetData(), &descriptor)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ return Some(descriptor);
+Maybe<StyleFontDisplay> FontFace::GetFontDisplay() const {
+ StyleFontDisplay display;
+ if (!Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontDisplay(GetData(), &display)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ return Some(display);
+Maybe<StyleFontLanguageOverride> FontFace::GetFontLanguageOverride() const {
+ StyleFontLanguageOverride langOverride;
+ if (!Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFontLanguageOverride(GetData(), &langOverride)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ return Some(langOverride);
+bool FontFace::HasLocalSrc() const {
+ AutoTArray<StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent, 8> components;
+ GetSources(components);
+ for (auto& component : components) {
+ if (component.tag == StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent::Tag::Local) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+void FontFace::GetFontFeatureSettings(
+ nsTArray<gfxFontFeature>& aFeatures) const {
+ Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFeatureSettings(GetData(), &aFeatures);
+void FontFace::GetFontVariationSettings(
+ nsTArray<gfxFontVariation>& aVariations) const {
+ Servo_FontFaceRule_GetVariationSettings(GetData(), &aVariations);
+void FontFace::GetSources(
+ nsTArray<StyleFontFaceSourceListComponent>& aSources) const {
+ Servo_FontFaceRule_GetSources(GetData(), &aSources);
+nsAtom* FontFace::GetFamilyName() const {
+ return Servo_FontFaceRule_GetFamilyName(GetData());
+void FontFace::DisconnectFromRule() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(HasRule());
+ // Make a copy of the descriptors.
+ mDescriptors = Servo_FontFaceRule_Clone(mRule).Consume();
+ mRule = nullptr;
+ mInFontFaceSet = false;
+bool FontFace::HasFontData() const {
+ return mSourceType == eSourceType_Buffer && mSourceBuffer;
+void FontFace::TakeBuffer(uint8_t*& aBuffer, uint32_t& aLength) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(HasFontData());
+ aBuffer = mSourceBuffer;
+ aLength = mSourceBufferLength;
+ mSourceBuffer = nullptr;
+ mSourceBufferLength = 0;
+already_AddRefed<gfxFontFaceBufferSource> FontFace::CreateBufferSource() {
+ RefPtr<FontFaceBufferSource> bufferSource = new FontFaceBufferSource(this);
+ return bufferSource.forget();
+bool FontFace::IsInFontFaceSet(FontFaceSet* aFontFaceSet) const {
+ if (mFontFaceSet == aFontFaceSet) {
+ return mInFontFaceSet;
+ }
+ return mOtherFontFaceSets.Contains(aFontFaceSet);
+void FontFace::AddFontFaceSet(FontFaceSet* aFontFaceSet) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!IsInFontFaceSet(aFontFaceSet));
+ if (mFontFaceSet == aFontFaceSet) {
+ mInFontFaceSet = true;
+ } else {
+ mOtherFontFaceSets.AppendElement(aFontFaceSet);
+ }
+void FontFace::RemoveFontFaceSet(FontFaceSet* aFontFaceSet) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsInFontFaceSet(aFontFaceSet));
+ if (mFontFaceSet == aFontFaceSet) {
+ mInFontFaceSet = false;
+ } else {
+ mOtherFontFaceSets.RemoveElement(aFontFaceSet);
+ }
+void FontFace::Reject(nsresult aResult) {
+ AssertIsMainThreadOrServoFontMetricsLocked();
+ if (mLoaded) {
+ DoReject(aResult);
+ } else if (mLoadedRejection == NS_OK) {
+ mLoadedRejection = aResult;
+ }
+void FontFace::EnsurePromise() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ if (mLoaded) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = do_QueryInterface(mParent);
+ // If the pref is not set, don't create the Promise (which the page wouldn't
+ // be able to get to anyway) as it causes the window.FontFace constructor
+ // to be created.
+ if (global && FontFaceSet::PrefEnabled()) {
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ mLoaded = Promise::Create(global, rv);
+ if (mStatus == FontFaceLoadStatus::Loaded) {
+ mLoaded->MaybeResolve(this);
+ } else if (mLoadedRejection != NS_OK) {
+ mLoaded->MaybeReject(mLoadedRejection);
+ }
+ }
+gfxCharacterMap* FontFace::GetUnicodeRangeAsCharacterMap() {
+ if (!mUnicodeRangeDirty) {
+ return mUnicodeRange;
+ }
+ size_t len;
+ const StyleUnicodeRange* rangesPtr =
+ Servo_FontFaceRule_GetUnicodeRanges(GetData(), &len);
+ Span<const StyleUnicodeRange> ranges(rangesPtr, len);
+ if (!ranges.IsEmpty()) {
+ RefPtr<gfxCharacterMap> charMap = new gfxCharacterMap();
+ for (auto& range : ranges) {
+ charMap->SetRange(range.start, range.end);
+ }
+ charMap->Compact();
+ // As it's common for multiple font resources to have the same
+ // unicode-range list, look for an existing copy of this map to share,
+ // or add this one to the sharing cache if not already present.
+ mUnicodeRange =
+ gfxPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList()->FindCharMap(charMap);
+ } else {
+ mUnicodeRange = nullptr;
+ }
+ mUnicodeRangeDirty = false;
+ return mUnicodeRange;
+// -- FontFace::Entry --------------------------------------------------------
+/* virtual */
+void FontFace::Entry::SetLoadState(UserFontLoadState aLoadState) {
+ gfxUserFontEntry::SetLoadState(aLoadState);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mFontFaces.Length(); i++) {
+ mFontFaces[i]->SetStatus(LoadStateToStatus(aLoadState));
+ }
+/* virtual */
+void FontFace::Entry::GetUserFontSets(nsTArray<gfxUserFontSet*>& aResult) {
+ aResult.Clear();
+ for (FontFace* f : mFontFaces) {
+ if (f->mInFontFaceSet) {
+ aResult.AppendElement(f->mFontFaceSet->GetUserFontSet());
+ }
+ for (FontFaceSet* s : f->mOtherFontFaceSets) {
+ aResult.AppendElement(s->GetUserFontSet());
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove duplicates.
+ aResult.Sort();
+ auto it = std::unique(aResult.begin(), aResult.end());
+ aResult.TruncateLength(it - aResult.begin());
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla