path: root/netwerk/dns/nsIDNSService.idl
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Diffstat (limited to 'netwerk/dns/nsIDNSService.idl')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netwerk/dns/nsIDNSService.idl b/netwerk/dns/nsIDNSService.idl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c999385bf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/dns/nsIDNSService.idl
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "nsISupports.idl"
+#include "nsIRequest.idl"
+%{ C++
+#include "mozilla/BasePrincipal.h"
+interface nsICancelable;
+interface nsIEventTarget;
+interface nsIDNSRecord;
+interface nsIDNSListener;
+interface nsIDNSResolverInfo;
+#include "nsTArrayForwardDeclare.h"
+namespace mozilla { namespace net {
+ struct DNSCacheEntries;
+} }
+[ptr] native EntriesArray(nsTArray<mozilla::net::DNSCacheEntries>);
+[ref] native OriginAttributes(const mozilla::OriginAttributes);
+ * nsIDNSService
+ */
+[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(de5642c6-61fc-4fcf-9a47-03226b0d4e21)]
+interface nsIDNSService : nsISupports
+ /**
+ * These are the dns request types that are currently supported.
+ * RESOLVE_TYPE_DEFAULT is standard A/AAAA lookup
+ */
+ cenum ResolveType : 16 {
+ };
+ /**
+ * kicks off an asynchronous host lookup.
+ *
+ * @param aHostName
+ * the hostname or IP-address-literal to resolve.
+ * @param aType
+ * one of RESOLVE_TYPE_*.
+ * @param aFlags
+ * a bitwise OR of the RESOLVE_ prefixed constants defined below.
+ * @param aResolver
+ * a resolverInfo object that holds information about the resolver
+ * to be used such as TRR URL. If null we use the default configuration.
+ * @param aListener
+ * the listener to be notified when the result is available.
+ * @param aListenerTarget
+ * optional parameter (may be null). if non-null, this parameter
+ * specifies the nsIEventTarget of the thread on which the
+ * listener's onLookupComplete should be called. however, if this
+ * parameter is null, then onLookupComplete will be called on an
+ * unspecified thread (possibly recursively).
+ * @param aOriginAttributes
+ * the originAttribute for this resolving, the DNS cache will be
+ * separated according to this originAttributes. This attribute is
+ * optional to avoid breaking add-ons.
+ *
+ * @return An object that can be used to cancel the host lookup.
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext, optional_argc]
+ nsICancelable asyncResolve(in AUTF8String aHostName,
+ in nsIDNSService_ResolveType aType,
+ in unsigned long aFlags,
+ in nsIDNSResolverInfo aResolver,
+ in nsIDNSListener aListener,
+ in nsIEventTarget aListenerTarget,
+ [optional] in jsval aOriginAttributes);
+ [notxpcom]
+ nsresult asyncResolveNative(in AUTF8String aHostName,
+ in nsIDNSService_ResolveType aType,
+ in unsigned long aFlags,
+ in nsIDNSResolverInfo aResolver,
+ in nsIDNSListener aListener,
+ in nsIEventTarget aListenerTarget,
+ in OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes,
+ out nsICancelable aResult);
+ /**
+ * Returns a new resolverInfo object containing the URL we pass to it.
+ */
+ nsIDNSResolverInfo newTRRResolverInfo(in AUTF8String aTrrURL);
+ /**
+ * Attempts to cancel a previously requested async DNS lookup
+ *
+ * @param aHostName
+ * the hostname or IP-address-literal to resolve.
+ * @param aType
+ * one of RESOLVE_TYPE_*.
+ * @param aFlags
+ * a bitwise OR of the RESOLVE_ prefixed constants defined below.
+ * @param aResolver
+ * a resolverInfo object that holds information about the resolver
+ * to be used such as TRR URL. If null we use the default configuration.
+ * @param aListener
+ * the original listener which was to be notified about the host lookup
+ * result - used to match request information to requestor.
+ * @param aReason
+ * nsresult reason for the cancellation
+ * @param aOriginAttributes
+ * the originAttribute for this resolving. This attribute is optional
+ * to avoid breaking add-ons.
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext, optional_argc]
+ void cancelAsyncResolve(in AUTF8String aHostName,
+ in nsIDNSService_ResolveType aType,
+ in unsigned long aFlags,
+ in nsIDNSResolverInfo aResolver,
+ in nsIDNSListener aListener,
+ in nsresult aReason,
+ [optional] in jsval aOriginAttributes);
+ [notxpcom]
+ nsresult cancelAsyncResolveNative(in AUTF8String aHostName,
+ in nsIDNSService_ResolveType aType,
+ in unsigned long aFlags,
+ in nsIDNSResolverInfo aResolver,
+ in nsIDNSListener aListener,
+ in nsresult aReason,
+ in OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes);
+ /**
+ * called to synchronously resolve a hostname.
+ *
+ * Since this method may block the calling thread for a long period of
+ * time, it may not be accessed from the main thread.
+ *
+ * @param aHostName
+ * the hostname or IP-address-literal to resolve.
+ * @param aFlags
+ * a bitwise OR of the RESOLVE_ prefixed constants defined below.
+ * @param aOriginAttributes
+ * the originAttribute for this resolving, the DNS cache will be
+ * separated according to this originAttributes. This attribute is
+ * optional to avoid breaking add-ons.
+ *
+ * @return DNS record corresponding to the given hostname.
+ * @throws NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST if host could not be resolved.
+ * @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if accessed from the main thread.
+ */
+ [implicit_jscontext, optional_argc]
+ nsIDNSRecord resolve(in AUTF8String aHostName,
+ in unsigned long aFlags,
+ [optional] in jsval aOriginAttributes);
+ [notxpcom]
+ nsresult resolveNative(in AUTF8String aHostName,
+ in unsigned long aFlags,
+ in OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes,
+ out nsIDNSRecord aResult);
+ /**
+ * The method takes a pointer to an nsTArray
+ * and fills it with cache entry data
+ * Called by the networking dashboard
+ */
+ [noscript] void getDNSCacheEntries(in EntriesArray args);
+ /**
+ * Clears the DNS cache.
+ * @param aTrrToo
+ * If true we will clear TRR cached entries too. Since these
+ * are resolved remotely it's not necessary to clear them when
+ * the network status changes, but it's sometimes useful to do so
+ * for tests or other situations.
+ */
+ void clearCache(in boolean aTrrToo);
+ /**
+ * The method is used only for test purpose. We use this to recheck if
+ * parental control is enabled or not.
+ */
+ void reloadParentalControlEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Notifies the TRR service of a TRR that was automatically detected based
+ * on network preferences.
+ */
+ void setDetectedTrrURI(in AUTF8String aURI);
+ /**
+ * Notifies the DNS service that we failed to connect to this alternative
+ * endpoint.
+ * @param aOwnerName
+ * The owner name of this HTTPS RRs.
+ * @param aSVCDomainName
+ * The domain name of this alternative endpoint.
+ */
+ [noscript] void ReportFailedSVCDomainName(in ACString aOwnerName,
+ in ACString aSVCDomainName);
+ /**
+ * Check if the given domain name was failed to connect to before.
+ * @param aOwnerName
+ * The owner name of this HTTPS RRs.
+ * @param aSVCDomainName
+ * The domain name of this alternative endpoint.
+ */
+ [noscript] boolean IsSVCDomainNameFailed(in ACString aOwnerName,
+ in ACString aSVCDomainName);
+ /**
+ * Reset the exclusion list.
+ * @param aOwnerName
+ * The owner name of this HTTPS RRs.
+ */
+ [noscript] void ResetExcludedSVCDomainName(in ACString aOwnerName);
+ /**
+ * Returns a string containing the URI currently used by the TRR service.
+ */
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String currentTrrURI;
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of the TRR Service's current default mode.
+ */
+ readonly attribute unsigned long currentTrrMode;
+ /**
+ * @return the hostname of the operating system.
+ */
+ readonly attribute AUTF8String myHostName;
+ /*************************************************************************
+ * Listed below are the various flags that may be OR'd together to form
+ * the aFlags parameter passed to asyncResolve() and resolve().
+ */
+ /**
+ * if set, this flag suppresses the internal DNS lookup cache.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_BYPASS_CACHE = (1 << 0);
+ /**
+ * if set, the canonical name of the specified host will be queried.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_CANONICAL_NAME = (1 << 1);
+ /**
+ * if set, the query is given lower priority. Medium takes precedence
+ * if both are used.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM = (1 << 2);
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_PRIORITY_LOW = (1 << 3);
+ /**
+ * if set, indicates request is speculative. Speculative requests
+ * return errors if prefetching is disabled by configuration.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_SPECULATE = (1 << 4);
+ /**
+ * If set, only IPv4 addresses will be returned from resolve/asyncResolve.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_DISABLE_IPV6 = (1 << 5);
+ /**
+ * If set, only literals and cached entries will be returned from resolve/
+ * asyncResolve.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_OFFLINE = (1 << 6);
+ /**
+ * If set, only IPv6 addresses will be returned from resolve/asyncResolve.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_DISABLE_IPV4 = (1 << 7);
+ /**
+ * If set, allow name collision results ( which are normally filtered.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_ALLOW_NAME_COLLISION = (1 << 8);
+ /**
+ * If set, do not use TRR for resolving the host name.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_DISABLE_TRR = (1 << 9);
+ /**
+ * if set (together with RESOLVE_BYPASS_CACHE), invalidate the DNS
+ * existing cache entry first (if existing) then make a new resolve.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_REFRESH_CACHE = (1 << 10);
+ /**
+ * These two bits encode the TRR mode of the request.
+ * Use the static helper methods convert between the TRR mode and flags.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_TRR_MODE_MASK = (1 << 11) | (1 << 12);
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_TRR_DISABLED_MODE = (1 << 11);
+ static uint32_t GetFlagsFromTRRMode(nsIRequest::TRRMode aMode) {
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(aMode) << 11;
+ }
+ static nsIRequest::TRRMode GetTRRModeFromFlags(uint32_t aFlags) {
+ return static_cast<nsIRequest::TRRMode>((aFlags & RESOLVE_TRR_MODE_MASK) >> 11);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Force resolution even when SOCKS proxy with DNS forwarding is configured.
+ * Only to be used for the proxy host resolution.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_IGNORE_SOCKS_DNS = 1 << 13;
+ /**
+ * If set, only cached IP hint addresses will be returned from
+ * resolve/asyncResolve.
+ */
+ const unsigned long RESOLVE_IP_HINT = 1 << 14;
+ * An observer notification for this topic is sent whenever the URI that the
+ * TRR service is using has changed.
+ */
+#define NS_NETWORK_TRR_URI_CHANGED_TOPIC "network:trr-uri-changed"
+ * An observer notification for this topic is sent whenever the mode that the
+ * TRR service is using has changed.
+ */
+#define NS_NETWORK_TRR_MODE_CHANGED_TOPIC "network:trr-mode-changed"