path: root/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h')
1 files changed, 888 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..208dd829af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/protocol/http/nsHttpChannel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set et cin ts=4 sw=2 sts=2: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef nsHttpChannel_h__
+#define nsHttpChannel_h__
+#include "DelayHttpChannelQueue.h"
+#include "HttpBaseChannel.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "nsIApplicationCache.h"
+#include "nsICachingChannel.h"
+#include "nsICacheEntry.h"
+#include "nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.h"
+#include "nsIDNSListener.h"
+#include "nsIApplicationCacheChannel.h"
+#include "nsIProtocolProxyCallback.h"
+#include "nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel.h"
+#include "nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback.h"
+#include "nsIThreadRetargetableRequest.h"
+#include "nsIThreadRetargetableStreamListener.h"
+#include "nsWeakReference.h"
+#include "TimingStruct.h"
+#include "AutoClose.h"
+#include "nsIStreamListener.h"
+#include "nsICorsPreflightCallback.h"
+#include "AlternateServices.h"
+#include "nsIRaceCacheWithNetwork.h"
+#include "mozilla/AtomicBitfields.h"
+#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
+#include "mozilla/extensions/PStreamFilterParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/net/DocumentLoadListener.h"
+#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
+class nsDNSPrefetch;
+class nsICancelable;
+class nsIDNSRecord;
+class nsIDNSHTTPSSVCRecord;
+class nsIHttpChannelAuthProvider;
+class nsInputStreamPump;
+class nsITransportSecurityInfo;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace net {
+class nsChannelClassifier;
+class HttpChannelSecurityWarningReporter;
+using DNSPromise = MozPromise<nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSRecord>, nsresult, false>;
+// nsHttpChannel
+// Use to support QI nsIChannel to nsHttpChannel
+ { \
+ 0x301bf95b, 0x7bb3, 0x4ae1, { \
+ 0xa9, 0x71, 0x40, 0xbc, 0xfa, 0x81, 0xde, 0x12 \
+ } \
+ }
+class nsHttpChannel final : public HttpBaseChannel,
+ public HttpAsyncAborter<nsHttpChannel>,
+ public nsIStreamListener,
+ public nsICachingChannel,
+ public nsICacheEntryOpenCallback,
+ public nsITransportEventSink,
+ public nsIProtocolProxyCallback,
+ public nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel,
+ public nsIApplicationCacheChannel,
+ public nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback,
+ public nsIThreadRetargetableRequest,
+ public nsIThreadRetargetableStreamListener,
+ public nsIDNSListener,
+ public nsSupportsWeakReference,
+ public nsICorsPreflightCallback,
+ public nsIRaceCacheWithNetwork,
+ public nsIRequestTailUnblockCallback,
+ public nsITimerCallback {
+ public:
+ // nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel. We can't use
+ // NS_DECL_NSIHTTPAUTHENTICABLECHANNEL because it duplicates cancel() and
+ // others.
+ NS_IMETHOD GetIsSSL(bool* aIsSSL) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetProxyMethodIsConnect(bool* aProxyMethodIsConnect) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetServerResponseHeader(
+ nsACString& aServerResponseHeader) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetProxyChallenges(nsACString& aChallenges) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetWWWChallenges(nsACString& aChallenges) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetProxyCredentials(const nsACString& aCredentials) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetWWWCredentials(const nsACString& aCredentials) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD OnAuthAvailable() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD OnAuthCancelled(bool userCancel) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD CloseStickyConnection() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD ConnectionRestartable(bool) override;
+ // Functions we implement from nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel but are
+ // declared in HttpBaseChannel must be implemented in this class. We
+ // just call the HttpBaseChannel:: impls.
+ NS_IMETHOD GetLoadFlags(nsLoadFlags* aLoadFlags) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetURI(nsIURI** aURI) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetNotificationCallbacks(
+ nsIInterfaceRequestor** aCallbacks) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetLoadGroup(nsILoadGroup** aLoadGroup) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetRequestMethod(nsACString& aMethod) override;
+ nsHttpChannel();
+ [[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult Init(
+ nsIURI* aURI, uint32_t aCaps, nsProxyInfo* aProxyInfo,
+ uint32_t aProxyResolveFlags, nsIURI* aProxyURI, uint64_t aChannelId,
+ ExtContentPolicyType aContentPolicyType) override;
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnPush(uint32_t aPushedStreamId,
+ const nsACString& aUrl,
+ const nsACString& aRequestString,
+ HttpTransactionShell* aTransaction);
+ static bool IsRedirectStatus(uint32_t status);
+ static bool WillRedirect(const nsHttpResponseHead& response);
+ // Methods HttpBaseChannel didn't implement for us or that we override.
+ //
+ // nsIRequest
+ NS_IMETHOD Cancel(nsresult status) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD Suspend() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD Resume() override;
+ // nsIChannel
+ NS_IMETHOD GetSecurityInfo(nsISupports** aSecurityInfo) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener* aListener) override;
+ // nsIHttpChannel
+ NS_IMETHOD GetEncodedBodySize(uint64_t* aEncodedBodySize) override;
+ // nsIHttpChannelInternal
+ NS_IMETHOD SetupFallbackChannel(const char* aFallbackKey) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetIsAuthChannel(bool* aIsAuthChannel) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetChannelIsForDownload(bool aChannelIsForDownload) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetNavigationStartTimeStamp(TimeStamp* aTimeStamp) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetNavigationStartTimeStamp(TimeStamp aTimeStamp) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD CancelByURLClassifier(nsresult aErrorCode) override;
+ // nsISupportsPriority
+ NS_IMETHOD SetPriority(int32_t value) override;
+ // nsIClassOfService
+ NS_IMETHOD SetClassFlags(uint32_t inFlags) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD AddClassFlags(uint32_t inFlags) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD ClearClassFlags(uint32_t inFlags) override;
+ // nsIResumableChannel
+ NS_IMETHOD ResumeAt(uint64_t startPos, const nsACString& entityID) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetNotificationCallbacks(
+ nsIInterfaceRequestor* aCallbacks) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD SetLoadGroup(nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup) override;
+ // nsITimedChannel
+ NS_IMETHOD GetDomainLookupStart(
+ mozilla::TimeStamp* aDomainLookupStart) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetDomainLookupEnd(mozilla::TimeStamp* aDomainLookupEnd) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetConnectStart(mozilla::TimeStamp* aConnectStart) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetTcpConnectEnd(mozilla::TimeStamp* aTcpConnectEnd) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetSecureConnectionStart(
+ mozilla::TimeStamp* aSecureConnectionStart) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetConnectEnd(mozilla::TimeStamp* aConnectEnd) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetRequestStart(mozilla::TimeStamp* aRequestStart) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetResponseStart(mozilla::TimeStamp* aResponseStart) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetResponseEnd(mozilla::TimeStamp* aResponseEnd) override;
+ // nsICorsPreflightCallback
+ NS_IMETHOD OnPreflightSucceeded() override;
+ NS_IMETHOD OnPreflightFailed(nsresult aError) override;
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult AddSecurityMessage(
+ const nsAString& aMessageTag, const nsAString& aMessageCategory) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD LogBlockedCORSRequest(const nsAString& aMessage,
+ const nsACString& aCategory) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD LogMimeTypeMismatch(const nsACString& aMessageName, bool aWarning,
+ const nsAString& aURL,
+ const nsAString& aContentType) override;
+ void SetWarningReporter(HttpChannelSecurityWarningReporter* aReporter);
+ HttpChannelSecurityWarningReporter* GetWarningReporter();
+ bool DataSentToChildProcess() { return LoadDataSentToChildProcess(); }
+ public: /* internal necko use only */
+ uint32_t GetRequestTime() const { return mRequestTime; }
+ nsresult AsyncOpenFinal(TimeStamp aTimeStamp);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OpenCacheEntry(bool usingSSL);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OpenCacheEntryInternal(
+ bool isHttps, nsIApplicationCache* applicationCache, bool noAppCache);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueConnect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult StartRedirectChannelToURI(nsIURI*, uint32_t);
+ // This allows cache entry to be marked as foreign even after channel itself
+ // is gone. Needed for e10s (see
+ // HttpChannelParent::RecvDocumentChannelCleanup)
+ class OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationCache> mApplicationCache;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mCacheURI;
+ public:
+ OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker(nsIApplicationCache* appCache,
+ nsIURI* aURI)
+ : mApplicationCache(appCache), mCacheURI(aURI) {}
+ nsresult MarkAsForeign();
+ };
+ OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker* GetOfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker();
+ // Helper to keep cache callbacks wait flags consistent
+ class AutoCacheWaitFlags {
+ public:
+ explicit AutoCacheWaitFlags(nsHttpChannel* channel)
+ : mChannel(channel), mKeep(0) {
+ // Flags must be set before entering any AsyncOpenCacheEntry call.
+ mChannel->StoreCacheEntriesToWaitFor(
+ nsHttpChannel::WAIT_FOR_CACHE_ENTRY |
+ }
+ void Keep(uint32_t flags) {
+ // Called after successful call to appropriate AsyncOpenCacheEntry call.
+ mKeep |= flags;
+ }
+ ~AutoCacheWaitFlags() {
+ // Keep only flags those are left to be wait for.
+ mChannel->StoreCacheEntriesToWaitFor(
+ mChannel->LoadCacheEntriesToWaitFor() & mKeep);
+ }
+ private:
+ nsHttpChannel* mChannel;
+ uint32_t mKeep : 2;
+ };
+ bool AwaitingCacheCallbacks();
+ void SetCouldBeSynthesized();
+ // Return true if the latest ODA is invoked by mCachePump.
+ // Should only be called on the same thread as ODA.
+ bool IsReadingFromCache() const { return mIsReadingFromCache; }
+ base::ProcessId ProcessId();
+ using ChildEndpointPromise =
+ MozPromise<ipc::Endpoint<extensions::PStreamFilterChild>, bool, true>;
+ [[nodiscard]] RefPtr<ChildEndpointPromise> AttachStreamFilter(
+ base::ProcessId aChildProcessId);
+ private: // used for alternate service validation
+ RefPtr<TransactionObserver> mTransactionObserver;
+ public:
+ void SetConnectionInfo(nsHttpConnectionInfo*); // clones the argument
+ void SetTransactionObserver(TransactionObserver* arg) {
+ mTransactionObserver = arg;
+ }
+ TransactionObserver* GetTransactionObserver() { return mTransactionObserver; }
+ CacheDisposition mCacheDisposition;
+ protected:
+ virtual ~nsHttpChannel();
+ private:
+ typedef nsresult (nsHttpChannel::*nsContinueRedirectionFunc)(nsresult result);
+ // Directly call |aFunc| if the channel is not canceled and not suspended.
+ // Otherwise, set |aFunc| to |mCallOnResume| and wait until the channel
+ // resumes.
+ nsresult CallOrWaitForResume(
+ const std::function<nsresult(nsHttpChannel*)>& aFunc);
+ bool RequestIsConditional();
+ void HandleContinueCancellingByURLClassifier(nsresult aErrorCode);
+ nsresult CancelInternal(nsresult status);
+ void ContinueCancellingByURLClassifier(nsresult aErrorCode);
+ // Connections will only be established in this function.
+ // (including DNS prefetch and speculative connection.)
+ nsresult MaybeResolveProxyAndBeginConnect();
+ nsresult MaybeStartDNSPrefetch();
+ // Tells the channel to resolve the origin of the end server we are connecting
+ // to.
+ static uint16_t const DNS_PREFETCH_ORIGIN = 1 << 0;
+ // Tells the channel to resolve the host name of the proxy.
+ static uint16_t const DNS_PREFETCH_PROXY = 1 << 1;
+ // Will be set if the current channel uses an HTTP/HTTPS proxy.
+ static uint16_t const DNS_PROXY_IS_HTTP = 1 << 2;
+ // Tells the channel to wait for the result of the origin server resolution
+ // before any connection attempts are made.
+ static uint16_t const DNS_BLOCK_ON_ORIGIN_RESOLVE = 1 << 3;
+ // Based on the proxy configuration determine the strategy for resolving the
+ // end server host name.
+ // Returns a combination of the above flags.
+ uint16_t GetProxyDNSStrategy();
+ // We might synchronously or asynchronously call BeginConnect,
+ // which includes DNS prefetch and speculative connection, according to
+ // whether an async tracker lookup is required. If the tracker lookup
+ // is required, this funciton will just return NS_OK and BeginConnect()
+ // will be called when callback. See Bug 1325054 for more information.
+ nsresult BeginConnect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueBeginConnectWithResult();
+ void ContinueBeginConnect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult PrepareToConnect();
+ void HandleOnBeforeConnect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnBeforeConnect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnBeforeConnect(bool aShouldUpgrade,
+ nsresult aStatus);
+ nsresult MaybeUseHTTPSRRForUpgrade(bool aShouldUpgrade, nsresult aStatus);
+ void OnHTTPSRRAvailable(nsIDNSHTTPSSVCRecord* aRecord);
+ void OnBeforeConnectContinue();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult Connect();
+ void SpeculativeConnect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult SetupTransaction();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult CallOnStartRequest();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessResponse();
+ void AsyncContinueProcessResponse();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessResponse1();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessResponse2(nsresult);
+ public:
+ void UpdateCacheDisposition(bool aSuccessfulReval, bool aPartialContentUsed);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessResponse3(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessResponse4(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessNormal();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessNormal(nsresult);
+ void ProcessAltService();
+ bool ShouldBypassProcessNotModified();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessNotModified(
+ const std::function<nsresult(nsHttpChannel*, nsresult)>&
+ aContinueProcessResponseFunc);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessResponseAfterNotModified(nsresult aRv);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult AsyncProcessRedirection(uint32_t httpStatus);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessRedirection(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessRedirectionAfterFallback(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessFailedProxyConnect(uint32_t httpStatus);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessFallback(bool* waitingForRedirectCallback);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessFallback(nsresult);
+ void HandleAsyncAbort();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult EnsureAssocReq();
+ void ProcessSSLInformation();
+ bool IsHTTPS();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnStartRequest1(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnStartRequest2(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnStartRequest3(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnStartRequest4(nsresult);
+ void OnClassOfServiceUpdated();
+ // redirection specific methods
+ void HandleAsyncRedirect();
+ void HandleAsyncAPIRedirect();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect(nsresult);
+ void HandleAsyncNotModified();
+ void HandleAsyncFallback();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueHandleAsyncFallback(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult PromptTempRedirect();
+ [[nodiscard]] virtual nsresult SetupReplacementChannel(
+ nsIURI*, nsIChannel*, bool preserveMethod,
+ uint32_t redirectFlags) override;
+ // proxy specific methods
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProxyFailover();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult AsyncDoReplaceWithProxy(nsIProxyInfo*);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueDoReplaceWithProxy(nsresult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ResolveProxy();
+ // cache specific methods
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnOfflineCacheEntryAvailable(
+ nsICacheEntry* aEntry, bool aNew, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache,
+ nsresult aResult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnNormalCacheEntryAvailable(nsICacheEntry* aEntry,
+ bool aNew,
+ nsresult aResult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OpenOfflineCacheEntryForWriting();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnOfflineCacheEntryForWritingAvailable(
+ nsICacheEntry* aEntry, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache, nsresult aResult);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnCacheEntryAvailableInternal(
+ nsICacheEntry* entry, bool aNew, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache,
+ nsresult status);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult GenerateCacheKey(uint32_t postID, nsACString& key);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult UpdateExpirationTime();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult CheckPartial(nsICacheEntry* aEntry, int64_t* aSize,
+ int64_t* aContentLength);
+ bool ShouldUpdateOfflineCacheEntry();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ReadFromCache(bool alreadyMarkedValid);
+ void CloseCacheEntry(bool doomOnFailure);
+ void CloseOfflineCacheEntry();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult InitCacheEntry();
+ void UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult InitOfflineCacheEntry();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult AddCacheEntryHeaders(nsICacheEntry* entry);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult FinalizeCacheEntry();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult InstallCacheListener(int64_t offset = 0);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult InstallOfflineCacheListener(int64_t offset = 0);
+ void MaybeInvalidateCacheEntryForSubsequentGet();
+ void AsyncOnExamineCachedResponse();
+ // Handle the bogus Content-Encoding Apache sometimes sends
+ void ClearBogusContentEncodingIfNeeded();
+ // byte range request specific methods
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessPartialContent(
+ const std::function<nsresult(nsHttpChannel*, nsresult)>&
+ aContinueProcessResponseFunc);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueProcessResponseAfterPartialContent(
+ nsresult aRv);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OnDoneReadingPartialCacheEntry(bool* streamDone);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult DoAuthRetry(
+ HttpTransactionShell* aTransWithStickyConn,
+ const std::function<nsresult(nsHttpChannel*, nsresult)>&
+ aContinueOnStopRequestFunc);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueDoAuthRetry(
+ HttpTransactionShell* aTransWithStickyConn,
+ const std::function<nsresult(nsHttpChannel*, nsresult)>&
+ aContinueOnStopRequestFunc);
+ [[nodiscard]] MOZ_NEVER_INLINE nsresult
+ DoConnect(HttpTransactionShell* aTransWithStickyConn = nullptr);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult DoConnectActual(
+ HttpTransactionShell* aTransWithStickyConn);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnStopRequestAfterAuthRetry(
+ nsresult aStatus, bool aAuthRetry, bool aIsFromNet, bool aContentComplete,
+ HttpTransactionShell* aTransWithStickyConn);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueOnStopRequest(nsresult status, bool aIsFromNet,
+ bool aContentComplete);
+ void HandleAsyncRedirectChannelToHttps();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult StartRedirectChannelToHttps();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI(nsresult rv);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OpenRedirectChannel(nsresult rv);
+ HttpTrafficCategory CreateTrafficCategory();
+ /**
+ * A function that takes care of reading STS and PKP headers and enforcing
+ * STS and PKP load rules. After a secure channel is erected, STS and PKP
+ * requires the channel to be trusted or any STS or PKP header data on
+ * the channel is ignored. This is called from ProcessResponse.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessSecurityHeaders();
+ /**
+ * Taking care of the Content-Signature header and fail the channel if
+ * the signature verification fails or is required but the header is not
+ * present.
+ * This sets mListener to ContentVerifier, which buffers the entire response
+ * before verifying the Content-Signature header. If the verification is
+ * successful, the load proceeds as usual. If the verification fails, a
+ * NS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE is thrown and a fallback loaded in nsDocShell
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessContentSignatureHeader(
+ nsHttpResponseHead* aResponseHead);
+ /**
+ * A function to process a single security header (STS or PKP), assumes
+ * some basic sanity checks have been applied to the channel. Called
+ * from ProcessSecurityHeaders.
+ */
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult ProcessSingleSecurityHeader(
+ uint32_t aType, nsITransportSecurityInfo* aSecInfo, uint32_t aFlags);
+ void InvalidateCacheEntryForLocation(const char* location);
+ void AssembleCacheKey(const char* spec, uint32_t postID, nsACString& key);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult CreateNewURI(const char* loc, nsIURI** newURI);
+ void DoInvalidateCacheEntry(nsIURI* aURI);
+ // Ref RFC2616 13.10: "invalidation... MUST only be performed if
+ // the host part is the same as in the Request-URI"
+ inline bool HostPartIsTheSame(nsIURI* uri) {
+ nsAutoCString tmpHost1, tmpHost2;
+ return (NS_SUCCEEDED(mURI->GetAsciiHost(tmpHost1)) &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(uri->GetAsciiHost(tmpHost2)) &&
+ (tmpHost1 == tmpHost2));
+ }
+ inline static bool DoNotRender3xxBody(nsresult rv) {
+ }
+ // Report net vs cache time telemetry
+ void ReportNetVSCacheTelemetry();
+ int64_t ComputeTelemetryBucketNumber(int64_t difftime_ms);
+ // Report telemetry and stats to about:networking
+ void ReportRcwnStats(bool isFromNet);
+ // Create a aggregate set of the current notification callbacks
+ // and ensure the transaction is updated to use it.
+ void UpdateAggregateCallbacks();
+ static bool HasQueryString(nsHttpRequestHead::ParsedMethodType method,
+ nsIURI* uri);
+ bool ResponseWouldVary(nsICacheEntry* entry);
+ bool IsResumable(int64_t partialLen, int64_t contentLength,
+ bool ignoreMissingPartialLen = false) const;
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult MaybeSetupByteRangeRequest(
+ int64_t partialLen, int64_t contentLength,
+ bool ignoreMissingPartialLen = false);
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult SetupByteRangeRequest(int64_t partialLen);
+ void UntieByteRangeRequest();
+ void UntieValidationRequest();
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult OpenCacheInputStream(nsICacheEntry* cacheEntry,
+ bool startBuffering,
+ bool checkingAppCacheEntry);
+ void SetPushedStreamTransactionAndId(
+ HttpTransactionShell* aTransWithPushedStream, uint32_t aPushedStreamId);
+ void MaybeWarnAboutAppCache();
+ void SetOriginHeader();
+ void SetDoNotTrack();
+ bool IsIsolated();
+ const nsCString& GetTopWindowOrigin();
+ already_AddRefed<nsChannelClassifier> GetOrCreateChannelClassifier();
+ // Start an internal redirect to a new InterceptedHttpChannel which will
+ // resolve in firing a ServiceWorker FetchEvent.
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult RedirectToInterceptedChannel();
+ // Determines and sets content type in the cache entry. It's called when
+ // writing a new entry. The content type is used in cache internally only.
+ void SetCachedContentType();
+ private:
+ // this section is for main-thread-only object
+ // all the references need to be proxy released on main thread.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationCache> mApplicationCacheForWrite;
+ // auth specific data
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelAuthProvider> mAuthProvider;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mRedirectURI;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mRedirectChannel;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mPreflightChannel;
+ // nsChannelClassifier checks this channel's URI against
+ // the URI classifier service.
+ // nsChannelClassifier will be invoked twice in InitLocalBlockList() and
+ // BeginConnect(), so save the nsChannelClassifier here to keep the
+ // state of whether tracking protection is enabled or not.
+ RefPtr<nsChannelClassifier> mChannelClassifier;
+ // Proxy release all members above on main thread.
+ void ReleaseMainThreadOnlyReferences();
+ // Called after the channel is made aware of its tracking status in order
+ // to readjust the referrer if needed according to the referrer default
+ // policy preferences.
+ void ReEvaluateReferrerAfterTrackingStatusIsKnown();
+ // Create a dummy channel for the same principal, out of the load group
+ // just to revalidate the cache entry. We don't care if this fails.
+ // This method can be called on any thread, and creates an idle task
+ // to perform the revalidation with delay.
+ void PerformBackgroundCacheRevalidation();
+ // This method can only be called on the main thread.
+ void PerformBackgroundCacheRevalidationNow();
+ private:
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICancelable> mProxyRequest;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest> mTransactionPump;
+ RefPtr<HttpTransactionShell> mTransaction;
+ uint64_t mLogicalOffset;
+ // cache specific data
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> mCacheEntry;
+ // This will be set during OnStopRequest() before calling CloseCacheEntry(),
+ // but only if the listener wants to use alt-data (signaled by
+ // HttpBaseChannel::mPreferredCachedAltDataType being not empty)
+ // Needed because calling openAlternativeOutputStream needs a reference
+ // to the cache entry.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> mAltDataCacheEntry;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mCacheEntryURI;
+ nsCString mCacheIdExtension;
+ // We must close mCacheInputStream explicitly to avoid leaks.
+ AutoClose<nsIInputStream> mCacheInputStream;
+ RefPtr<nsInputStreamPump> mCachePump;
+ UniquePtr<nsHttpResponseHead> mCachedResponseHead;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mCachedSecurityInfo;
+ uint32_t mPostID;
+ uint32_t mRequestTime;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> mOfflineCacheEntry;
+ uint32_t mOfflineCacheLastModifiedTime;
+ nsTArray<StreamFilterRequest> mStreamFilterRequests;
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mOnStartRequestTimestamp;
+ // Timestamp of the time the channel was suspended.
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mSuspendTimestamp;
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mOnCacheEntryCheckTimestamp;
+ // For the profiler markers
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mLastStatusReported;
+ // Total time the channel spent suspended. This value is reported to
+ // telemetry in nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest().
+ uint32_t mSuspendTotalTime;
+ // If the channel is associated with a cache, and the URI matched
+ // a fallback namespace, this will hold the key for the fallback
+ // cache entry.
+ nsCString mFallbackKey;
+ friend class AutoRedirectVetoNotifier;
+ friend class HttpAsyncAborter<nsHttpChannel>;
+ uint32_t mRedirectType;
+ static const uint32_t WAIT_FOR_CACHE_ENTRY = 1;
+ static const uint32_t WAIT_FOR_OFFLINE_CACHE_ENTRY = 2;
+ bool mCacheOpenWithPriority;
+ uint32_t mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen;
+ Atomic<bool, Relaxed> mCachedContentIsValid;
+ Atomic<bool> mIsAuthChannel;
+ Atomic<bool> mAuthRetryPending;
+ // clang-format off
+ // state flags
+ MOZ_ATOMIC_BITFIELDS(mAtomicBitfields5, 32, (
+ (uint32_t, CachedContentIsPartial, 1),
+ (uint32_t, CacheOnlyMetadata, 1),
+ (uint32_t, TransactionReplaced, 1),
+ (uint32_t, ProxyAuthPending, 1),
+ // Set if before the first authentication attempt a custom authorization
+ // header has been set on the channel. This will make that custom header
+ // go to the server instead of any cached credentials.
+ (uint32_t, CustomAuthHeader, 1),
+ (uint32_t, Resuming, 1),
+ (uint32_t, InitedCacheEntry, 1),
+ // True if we are loading a fallback cache entry from the
+ // application cache.
+ (uint32_t, FallbackChannel, 1),
+ // True if consumer added its own If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since
+ // headers. In such a case we must not override them in the cache code
+ // and also we want to pass possible 304 code response through.
+ (uint32_t, CustomConditionalRequest, 1),
+ (uint32_t, FallingBack, 1),
+ (uint32_t, WaitingForRedirectCallback, 1),
+ // True if mRequestTime has been set. In such a case it is safe to update
+ // the cache entry's expiration time. Otherwise, it is not(see bug 567360).
+ (uint32_t, RequestTimeInitialized, 1),
+ (uint32_t, CacheEntryIsReadOnly, 1),
+ (uint32_t, CacheEntryIsWriteOnly, 1),
+ // see WAIT_FOR_* constants above
+ (uint32_t, CacheEntriesToWaitFor, 2),
+ // whether cache entry data write was in progress during cache entry check
+ // when true, after we finish read from cache we must check all data
+ // had been loaded from cache. If not, then an error has to be propagated
+ // to the consumer.
+ (uint32_t, ConcurrentCacheAccess, 1),
+ // whether the request is setup be byte-range
+ (uint32_t, IsPartialRequest, 1),
+ // true iff there is AutoRedirectVetoNotifier on the stack
+ (uint32_t, HasAutoRedirectVetoNotifier, 1),
+ // consumers set this to true to use cache pinning, this has effect
+ // only when the channel is in an app context
+ (uint32_t, PinCacheContent, 1),
+ // True if CORS preflight has been performed
+ (uint32_t, IsCorsPreflightDone, 1),
+ // if the http transaction was performed (i.e. not cached) and
+ // the result in OnStopRequest was known to be correctly delimited
+ // by chunking, content-length, or h2 end-stream framing
+ (uint32_t, StronglyFramed, 1),
+ // true if an HTTP transaction is created for the socket thread
+ (uint32_t, UsedNetwork, 1),
+ // the next authentication request can be sent on a whole new connection
+ (uint32_t, AuthConnectionRestartable, 1),
+ // True if the channel classifier has marked the channel to be cancelled due
+ // to the safe-browsing classifier rules, but the asynchronous cancellation
+ // process hasn't finished yet.
+ (uint32_t, ChannelClassifierCancellationPending, 1),
+ // True only when we are between Resume and async fire of mCallOnResume.
+ // Used to suspend any newly created pumps in mCallOnResume handler.
+ (uint32_t, AsyncResumePending, 1),
+ // True only when we have checked whether this channel has been isolated for
+ // anti-tracking purposes.
+ (uint32_t, HasBeenIsolatedChecked, 1),
+ // True only when we have determined this channel should be isolated for
+ // anti-tracking purposes. Can never ben true unless HasBeenIsolatedChecked
+ // is true.
+ (uint32_t, IsIsolated, 1),
+ // True only when we have computed the value of the top window origin.
+ (uint32_t, TopWindowOriginComputed, 1),
+ // True if the data will be sent from the socket process to the
+ // content process directly.
+ (uint32_t, DataSentToChildProcess, 1),
+ (uint32_t, UseHTTPSSVC, 1),
+ (uint32_t, WaitHTTPSSVCRecord, 1)
+ ))
+ // Broken up into two bitfields to avoid alignment requirements of uint64_t.
+ // (Too many bits used for one uint32_t.)
+ MOZ_ATOMIC_BITFIELDS(mAtomicBitfields6, 32, (
+ // Only set to true when we receive an HTTPSSVC record before the
+ // transaction is created.
+ (uint32_t, HTTPSSVCTelemetryReported, 1),
+ (uint32_t, EchConfigUsed, 1)
+ ))
+ // clang-format on
+ // The origin of the top window, only valid when TopWindowOriginComputed is
+ // true.
+ nsCString mTopWindowOrigin;
+ nsTArray<nsContinueRedirectionFunc> mRedirectFuncStack;
+ // Needed for accurate DNS timing
+ RefPtr<nsDNSPrefetch> mDNSPrefetch;
+ uint32_t mPushedStreamId;
+ RefPtr<HttpTransactionShell> mTransWithPushedStream;
+ // True if the channel's principal was found on a phishing, malware, or
+ // tracking (if tracking protection is enabled) blocklist
+ bool mLocalBlocklist;
+ [[nodiscard]] nsresult WaitForRedirectCallback();
+ void PushRedirectAsyncFunc(nsContinueRedirectionFunc func);
+ void PopRedirectAsyncFunc(nsContinueRedirectionFunc func);
+ // If this resource is eligible for tailing based on class-of-service flags
+ // and load flags. We don't tail Leaders/Unblocked/UrgentStart and top-level
+ // loads.
+ bool EligibleForTailing();
+ // Called exclusively only from AsyncOpen or after all classification
+ // callbacks. If this channel is 1) Tail, 2) assigned a request context, 3)
+ // the context is still in the tail-blocked phase, then the method will queue
+ // this channel. OnTailUnblock will be called after the context is
+ // tail-unblocked or canceled.
+ bool WaitingForTailUnblock();
+ // A function we trigger when untail callback is triggered by our request
+ // context in case this channel was tail-blocked.
+ nsresult (nsHttpChannel::*mOnTailUnblock)();
+ // Called on untail when tailed during AsyncOpen execution.
+ nsresult AsyncOpenOnTailUnblock();
+ // Called on untail when tailed because of being a tracking resource.
+ nsresult ConnectOnTailUnblock();
+ nsCString mUsername;
+ // If non-null, warnings should be reported to this object.
+ RefPtr<HttpChannelSecurityWarningReporter> mWarningReporter;
+ // True if the channel is reading from cache.
+ Atomic<bool> mIsReadingFromCache;
+ // These next members are only used in unit tests to delay the call to
+ // cache->AsyncOpenURI in order to race the cache with the network.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mCacheOpenTimer;
+ std::function<void(nsHttpChannel*)> mCacheOpenFunc;
+ uint32_t mCacheOpenDelay = 0;
+ // We need to remember which is the source of the response we are using.
+ enum ResponseSource {
+ RESPONSE_PENDING = 0, // response is pending
+ RESPONSE_FROM_CACHE = 1, // response coming from cache. no network.
+ RESPONSE_FROM_NETWORK = 2 // response coming from the network
+ };
+ Atomic<ResponseSource, Relaxed> mFirstResponseSource;
+ // Determines if it's possible and advisable to race the network request
+ // with the cache fetch, and proceeds to do so.
+ nsresult MaybeRaceCacheWithNetwork();
+ // Creates a new cache entry when network wins the race to ensure we have
+ // the latest version of the resource in the cache. Otherwise we might return
+ // an old content when navigating back in history.
+ void MaybeCreateCacheEntryWhenRCWN();
+ nsresult TriggerNetworkWithDelay(uint32_t aDelay);
+ nsresult TriggerNetwork();
+ void CancelNetworkRequest(nsresult aStatus);
+ void SetHTTPSSVCRecord(already_AddRefed<nsIDNSHTTPSSVCRecord>&& aRecord);
+ // Timer used to delay the network request, or to trigger the network
+ // request if retrieving the cache entry takes too long.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mNetworkTriggerTimer;
+ // Is true if the network request has been triggered.
+ bool mNetworkTriggered = false;
+ bool mWaitingForProxy = false;
+ bool mStaleRevalidation = false;
+ // Will be true if the onCacheEntryAvailable callback is not called by the
+ // time we send the network request
+ Atomic<bool> mRaceCacheWithNetwork;
+ uint32_t mRaceDelay;
+ // If true then OnCacheEntryAvailable should ignore the entry, because
+ // SetupTransaction removed conditional headers and decisions made in
+ // OnCacheEntryCheck are no longer valid.
+ bool mIgnoreCacheEntry;
+ // Lock preventing SetupTransaction/MaybeCreateCacheEntryWhenRCWN and
+ // OnCacheEntryCheck being called at the same time.
+ mozilla::Mutex mRCWNLock;
+ TimeStamp mNavigationStartTimeStamp;
+ // Promise that blocks connection creation when we want to resolve the origin
+ // host name to be able to give the configured proxy only the resolved IP
+ // to not leak names.
+ MozPromiseHolder<DNSPromise> mDNSBlockingPromise;
+ // When we hit DoConnect before the resolution is done, Then() will be set
+ // here to resume DoConnect.
+ RefPtr<DNSPromise> mDNSBlockingThenable;
+ // We update the value of mProxyConnectResponseCode when OnStartRequest is
+ // called and reset the value when we switch to another failover proxy.
+ int32_t mProxyConnectResponseCode;
+ // If mHTTPSSVCRecord has value, it means OnHTTPSRRAvailable() is called and
+ // we got the result of HTTPS RR query. Otherwise, it means we are still
+ // waiting for the result or the query is not performed.
+ Maybe<nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSHTTPSSVCRecord>> mHTTPSSVCRecord;
+ protected:
+ virtual void DoNotifyListenerCleanup() override;
+ // Override ReleaseListeners() because mChannelClassifier only exists
+ // in nsHttpChannel and it will be released in ReleaseListeners().
+ virtual void ReleaseListeners() override;
+ virtual void DoAsyncAbort(nsresult aStatus) override;
+ private: // cache telemetry
+ bool mDidReval;
+} // namespace net
+} // namespace mozilla
+inline nsISupports* ToSupports(mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel* aChannel) {
+ return static_cast<nsIHttpChannel*>(aChannel);
+#endif // nsHttpChannel_h__