path: root/security/nss/gtests/pk11_gtest/
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Diffstat (limited to 'security/nss/gtests/pk11_gtest/')
1 files changed, 223 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/gtests/pk11_gtest/ b/security/nss/gtests/pk11_gtest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c127004c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/gtests/pk11_gtest/
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+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+ * You can obtain one at */
+#include <memory>
+#include "nss.h"
+#include "pk11pub.h"
+#include "sechash.h"
+#include "cryptohi.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "nss_scoped_ptrs.h"
+#include "pk11_ecdsa_vectors.h"
+#include "pk11_signature_test.h"
+#include "testvectors/p256ecdsa-sha256-vectors.h"
+#include "testvectors/p384ecdsa-sha384-vectors.h"
+#include "testvectors/p521ecdsa-sha512-vectors.h"
+namespace nss_test {
+class Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase : public Pk11SignatureTest {
+ protected:
+ Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase(SECOidTag hash_oid)
+ : Pk11SignatureTest(CKM_ECDSA, hash_oid) {}
+struct Pkcs11EcdsaTestParams {
+ SECOidTag hash_oid_;
+ Pkcs11SignatureTestParams sig_params_;
+class Pkcs11EcdsaTest
+ : public Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase,
+ public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Pkcs11EcdsaTestParams> {
+ public:
+ Pkcs11EcdsaTest() : Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase(GetParam().hash_oid_) {}
+TEST_P(Pkcs11EcdsaTest, Verify) { Verify(GetParam().sig_params_); }
+TEST_P(Pkcs11EcdsaTest, SignAndVerify) {
+ SignAndVerify(GetParam().sig_params_);
+static const Pkcs11EcdsaTestParams kEcdsaVectors[] = {
+ {SEC_OID_SHA256,
+ {DataBuffer(kP256Pkcs8, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8)),
+ DataBuffer(kP256Spki, sizeof(kP256Spki)),
+ DataBuffer(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data)),
+ DataBuffer(kP256Signature, sizeof(kP256Signature))}},
+ {SEC_OID_SHA256,
+ {DataBuffer(kP256Pkcs8ZeroPad, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8ZeroPad)),
+ DataBuffer(kP256SpkiZeroPad, sizeof(kP256SpkiZeroPad)),
+ DataBuffer(kP256DataZeroPad, sizeof(kP256DataZeroPad)),
+ DataBuffer(kP256SignatureZeroPad, sizeof(kP256SignatureZeroPad))}},
+ {SEC_OID_SHA384,
+ {DataBuffer(kP384Pkcs8, sizeof(kP384Pkcs8)),
+ DataBuffer(kP384Spki, sizeof(kP384Spki)),
+ DataBuffer(kP384Data, sizeof(kP384Data)),
+ DataBuffer(kP384Signature, sizeof(kP384Signature))}},
+ {SEC_OID_SHA512,
+ {DataBuffer(kP521Pkcs8, sizeof(kP521Pkcs8)),
+ DataBuffer(kP521Spki, sizeof(kP521Spki)),
+ DataBuffer(kP521Data, sizeof(kP521Data)),
+ DataBuffer(kP521Signature, sizeof(kP521Signature))}}};
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(EcdsaSignVerify, Pkcs11EcdsaTest,
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(kEcdsaVectors));
+class Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test : public Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase {
+ public:
+ Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test() : Pkcs11EcdsaTestBase(SEC_OID_SHA256) {}
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when the outer AlgID
+// struct contains neither id-ecPublicKey nor a namedCurve parameter.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportNoCurveOIDOrAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8NoCurveOIDOrAlgorithmParams,
+ sizeof(kP256Pkcs8NoCurveOIDOrAlgorithmParams));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must succeed when only the outer
+// AlgID struct contains the namedCurve parameters.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportOnlyAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8OnlyAlgorithmParams,
+ sizeof(kP256Pkcs8OnlyAlgorithmParams));
+ DataBuffer data(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data));
+ DataBuffer sig;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ImportPrivateKeyAndSignHashedData(k, data, &sig));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must succeed when the outer AlgID
+// struct and the inner ECPrivateKey contain the same namedCurve parameters.
+// The inner curveOID is always ignored, so only the outer one will be used.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportMatchingCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8MatchingCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams,
+ sizeof(kP256Pkcs8MatchingCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams));
+ DataBuffer data(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data));
+ DataBuffer sig;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ImportPrivateKeyAndSignHashedData(k, data, &sig));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must succeed when the outer AlgID
+// struct and the inner ECPrivateKey contain dissimilar namedCurve parameters.
+// The inner curveOID is always ignored, so only the outer one will be used.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportDissimilarCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8DissimilarCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams,
+ sizeof(kP256Pkcs8DissimilarCurveOIDAndAlgorithmParams));
+ DataBuffer data(kP256Data, sizeof(kP256Data));
+ DataBuffer sig;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ImportPrivateKeyAndSignHashedData(k, data, &sig));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when the outer ASN.1
+// AlgorithmID struct contains only id-ecPublicKey but no namedCurve parameter.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportNoAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8NoAlgorithmParams,
+ sizeof(kP256Pkcs8NoAlgorithmParams));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when id-ecPublicKey is
+// given (so we know it's an EC key) but the namedCurve parameter is unknown.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportInvalidAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8InvalidAlgorithmParams,
+ sizeof(kP256Pkcs8InvalidAlgorithmParams));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format with a point not on the curve will
+// succeed. Using the contained public key however will fail when trying to
+// import it before using it for any operation.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportPointNotOnCurve) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8PointNotOnCurve, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8PointNotOnCurve));
+ ScopedSECKEYPrivateKey privKey(ImportPrivateKey(k));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(privKey);
+ ScopedSECKEYPublicKey pubKey(SECKEY_ConvertToPublicKey(privKey.get()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pubKey);
+ ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalSlot());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(slot);
+ auto handle = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot.get(), pubKey.get(), false);
+ EXPECT_EQ(handle, static_cast<decltype(handle)>(CK_INVALID_HANDLE));
+// Importing a private key in PKCS#8 format must fail when no point is given.
+// PK11 currently offers no APIs to derive raw public keys from private values.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportNoPublicKey) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256Pkcs8NoPublicKey, sizeof(kP256Pkcs8NoPublicKey));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPrivateKey(k));
+// Importing a public key in SPKI format must fail when id-ecPublicKey is
+// given (so we know it's an EC key) but the namedCurve parameter is missing.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportSpkiNoAlgorithmParams) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256SpkiNoAlgorithmParams, sizeof(kP256SpkiNoAlgorithmParams));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(ImportPublicKey(k));
+// Importing a public key in SPKI format with a point not on the curve will
+// succeed. Using the public key however will fail when trying to import
+// it before using it for any operation.
+TEST_F(Pkcs11EcdsaSha256Test, ImportSpkiPointNotOnCurve) {
+ DataBuffer k(kP256SpkiPointNotOnCurve, sizeof(kP256SpkiPointNotOnCurve));
+ ScopedSECKEYPublicKey pubKey(ImportPublicKey(k));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pubKey);
+ ScopedPK11SlotInfo slot(PK11_GetInternalSlot());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(slot);
+ auto handle = PK11_ImportPublicKey(slot.get(), pubKey.get(), false);
+ EXPECT_EQ(handle, static_cast<decltype(handle)>(CK_INVALID_HANDLE));
+class Pkcs11EcdsaWycheproofTest
+ : public ::testing::TestWithParam<EcdsaTestVector> {
+ protected:
+ void Derive(const EcdsaTestVector vec) {
+ SECItem spki_item = {siBuffer, toUcharPtr(,
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(vec.public_key.size())};
+ SECItem sig_item = {siBuffer, toUcharPtr(,
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(vec.sig.size())};
+ DataBuffer hash;
+ hash.Allocate(static_cast<size_t>(HASH_ResultLenByOidTag(vec.hash_oid)));
+ SECStatus rv = PK11_HashBuf(vec.hash_oid, toUcharPtr(,
+ toUcharPtr(, vec.msg.size());
+ ASSERT_EQ(rv, SECSuccess);
+ SECItem hash_item = {siBuffer, toUcharPtr(,
+ static_cast<unsigned int>(hash.len())};
+ ScopedCERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo cert_spki(
+ SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(&spki_item));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(cert_spki);
+ ScopedSECKEYPublicKey pub_key(SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(cert_spki.get()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pub_key);
+ rv = VFY_VerifyDigestDirect(&hash_item, pub_key.get(), &sig_item,
+ SEC_OID_ANSIX962_EC_PUBLIC_KEY, vec.hash_oid,
+ nullptr);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rv, vec.valid ? SECSuccess : SECFailure);
+ };
+TEST_P(Pkcs11EcdsaWycheproofTest, Verify) { Derive(GetParam()); }
+ Pkcs11EcdsaWycheproofTest,
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(kP256EcdsaSha256Vectors));
+ Pkcs11EcdsaWycheproofTest,
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(kP384EcdsaSha384Vectors));
+ Pkcs11EcdsaWycheproofTest,
+ ::testing::ValuesIn(kP521EcdsaSha512Vectors));
+} // namespace nss_test