path: root/servo/components/style/
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Diffstat (limited to 'servo/components/style/')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/servo/components/style/ b/servo/components/style/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..944f4a1e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/servo/components/style/
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+//! Calculate [specified][specified] and [computed values][computed] from a
+//! tree of DOM nodes and a set of stylesheets.
+//! [computed]:
+//! [specified]:
+//! In particular, this crate contains the definitions of supported properties,
+//! the code to parse them into specified values and calculate the computed
+//! values based on the specified values, as well as the code to serialize both
+//! specified and computed values.
+//! The main entry point is [`recalc_style_at`][recalc_style_at].
+//! [recalc_style_at]: traversal/fn.recalc_style_at.html
+//! Major dependencies are the [cssparser][cssparser] and [selectors][selectors]
+//! crates.
+//! [cssparser]: ../cssparser/index.html
+//! [selectors]: ../selectors/index.html
+extern crate bitflags;
+extern crate cssparser;
+extern crate debug_unreachable;
+extern crate derive_more;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub mod gecko_string_cache;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+extern crate html5ever;
+extern crate lazy_static;
+extern crate log;
+extern crate malloc_size_of;
+extern crate malloc_size_of_derive;
+extern crate matches;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub use nsstring;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+extern crate num_cpus;
+extern crate num_derive;
+extern crate serde;
+pub use servo_arc;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+extern crate servo_atoms;
+extern crate style_derive;
+extern crate to_shmem_derive;
+mod macros;
+pub mod animation;
+pub mod applicable_declarations;
+#[allow(missing_docs)] // TODO.
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+pub mod attr;
+pub mod author_styles;
+pub mod bezier;
+pub mod bloom;
+#[path = "properties/"]
+pub mod computed_value_flags;
+pub mod context;
+pub mod counter_style;
+pub mod custom_properties;
+pub mod data;
+pub mod dom;
+pub mod dom_apis;
+pub mod driver;
+pub mod element_state;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+mod encoding_support;
+pub mod error_reporting;
+pub mod font_face;
+pub mod font_metrics;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub mod gecko_bindings;
+pub mod global_style_data;
+pub mod hash;
+pub mod invalidation;
+#[allow(missing_docs)] // TODO.
+pub mod logical_geometry;
+pub mod matching;
+pub mod media_queries;
+pub mod parallel;
+pub mod parser;
+pub mod rule_cache;
+pub mod rule_collector;
+pub mod rule_tree;
+pub mod scoped_tls;
+pub mod selector_map;
+pub mod selector_parser;
+pub mod shared_lock;
+pub mod sharing;
+pub mod str;
+pub mod style_adjuster;
+pub mod style_resolver;
+pub mod stylesheet_set;
+pub mod stylesheets;
+pub mod stylist;
+pub mod thread_state;
+pub mod traversal;
+pub mod traversal_flags;
+pub mod use_counters;
+pub mod values;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub use crate::gecko_string_cache as string_cache;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub use crate::gecko_string_cache::Atom;
+/// The namespace prefix type for Gecko, which is just an atom.
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub type Prefix = crate::values::AtomIdent;
+/// The local name of an element for Gecko, which is just an atom.
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub type LocalName = crate::values::AtomIdent;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub use crate::gecko_string_cache::Namespace;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+pub use html5ever::LocalName;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+pub use html5ever::Namespace;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+pub use html5ever::Prefix;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+pub use servo_atoms::Atom;
+pub use style_traits::arc_slice::ArcSlice;
+pub use style_traits::owned_slice::OwnedSlice;
+pub use style_traits::owned_str::OwnedStr;
+/// The CSS properties supported by the style system.
+/// Generated from the template by
+pub mod properties {
+ include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+pub mod gecko;
+// uses a macro from properties
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+pub mod servo;
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+#[allow(unsafe_code, missing_docs)]
+pub mod gecko_properties {
+ include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
+macro_rules! reexport_computed_values {
+ ( $( { $name: ident, $boxed: expr } )+ ) => {
+ /// Types for [computed values][computed].
+ ///
+ /// [computed]:
+ pub mod computed_values {
+ $(
+ pub use crate::properties::longhands::$name::computed_value as $name;
+ )+
+ // Don't use a side-specific name needlessly:
+ pub use crate::properties::longhands::border_top_style::computed_value as border_style;
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "gecko")]
+use crate::gecko_string_cache::WeakAtom;
+#[cfg(feature = "servo")]
+use servo_atoms::Atom as WeakAtom;
+/// Extension methods for selectors::attr::CaseSensitivity
+pub trait CaseSensitivityExt {
+ /// Return whether two atoms compare equal according to this case sensitivity.
+ fn eq_atom(self, a: &WeakAtom, b: &WeakAtom) -> bool;
+impl CaseSensitivityExt for selectors::attr::CaseSensitivity {
+ fn eq_atom(self, a: &WeakAtom, b: &WeakAtom) -> bool {
+ match self {
+ selectors::attr::CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive => a == b,
+ selectors::attr::CaseSensitivity::AsciiCaseInsensitive => a.eq_ignore_ascii_case(b),
+ }
+ }
+/// A trait pretty much similar to num_traits::Zero, but without the need of
+/// implementing `Add`.
+pub trait Zero {
+ /// Returns the zero value.
+ fn zero() -> Self;
+ /// Returns whether this value is zero.
+ fn is_zero(&self) -> bool;
+impl<T> Zero for T
+ T: num_traits::Zero,
+ fn zero() -> Self {
+ <Self as num_traits::Zero>::zero()
+ }
+ fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
+ <Self as num_traits::Zero>::is_zero(self)
+ }
+/// A trait pretty much similar to num_traits::One, but without the need of
+/// implementing `Mul`.
+pub trait One {
+ /// Reutrns the one value.
+ fn one() -> Self;
+ /// Returns whether this value is one.
+ fn is_one(&self) -> bool;
+impl<T> One for T
+ T: num_traits::One + PartialEq,
+ fn one() -> Self {
+ <Self as num_traits::One>::one()
+ }
+ fn is_one(&self) -> bool {
+ *self == One::one()
+ }