path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/')
1 files changed, 2177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/ b/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e40d2955f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/
@@ -0,0 +1,2177 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include "video/video_quality_test.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <deque>
+#include <map>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "api/optional.h"
+#include "call/call.h"
+#include "common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h"
+#include "logging/rtc_event_log/output/rtc_event_log_output_file.h"
+#include "logging/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log.h"
+#include "media/engine/internalencoderfactory.h"
+#include "media/engine/webrtcvideoengine.h"
+#include "modules/audio_mixer/audio_mixer_impl.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_header_parser.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_format.h"
+#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_utility.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/h264/include/h264.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/vp8.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp8/include/vp8_common_types.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/codecs/vp9/include/vp9.h"
+#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
+#include "rtc_base/cpu_time.h"
+#include "rtc_base/event.h"
+#include "rtc_base/flags.h"
+#include "rtc_base/format_macros.h"
+#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
+#include "rtc_base/memory_usage.h"
+#include "rtc_base/pathutils.h"
+#include "rtc_base/platform_file.h"
+#include "rtc_base/ptr_util.h"
+#include "rtc_base/timeutils.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/cpu_info.h"
+#include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
+#include "test/gtest.h"
+#include "test/layer_filtering_transport.h"
+#include "test/run_loop.h"
+#include "test/statistics.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/fileutils.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/frame_writer.h"
+#include "test/testsupport/test_artifacts.h"
+#include "test/vcm_capturer.h"
+#include "test/video_renderer.h"
+#include "voice_engine/include/voe_base.h"
+#include "test/rtp_file_writer.h"
+ false,
+ "Enable saving a frame with the lowest PSNR to a jpeg file in the "
+ "test_artifacts_dir");
+namespace {
+constexpr int kSendStatsPollingIntervalMs = 1000;
+constexpr size_t kMaxComparisons = 10;
+constexpr char kSyncGroup[] = "av_sync";
+constexpr int kOpusMinBitrateBps = 6000;
+constexpr int kOpusBitrateFbBps = 32000;
+constexpr int kFramesSentInQuickTest = 1;
+constexpr uint32_t kThumbnailSendSsrcStart = 0xE0000;
+constexpr uint32_t kThumbnailRtxSsrcStart = 0xF0000;
+constexpr int kDefaultMaxQp = cricket::WebRtcVideoChannel::kDefaultQpMax;
+struct VoiceEngineState {
+ VoiceEngineState()
+ : voice_engine(nullptr),
+ base(nullptr),
+ send_channel_id(-1),
+ receive_channel_id(-1) {}
+ webrtc::VoiceEngine* voice_engine;
+ webrtc::VoEBase* base;
+ int send_channel_id;
+ int receive_channel_id;
+void CreateVoiceEngine(
+ VoiceEngineState* voe,
+ webrtc::AudioDeviceModule* adm,
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing* apm,
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioDecoderFactory> decoder_factory) {
+ voe->voice_engine = webrtc::VoiceEngine::Create();
+ voe->base = webrtc::VoEBase::GetInterface(voe->voice_engine);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, adm->Init());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, voe->base->Init(adm, apm, decoder_factory));
+ webrtc::VoEBase::ChannelConfig config;
+ config.enable_voice_pacing = true;
+ voe->send_channel_id = voe->base->CreateChannel(config);
+ EXPECT_GE(voe->send_channel_id, 0);
+ voe->receive_channel_id = voe->base->CreateChannel();
+ EXPECT_GE(voe->receive_channel_id, 0);
+void DestroyVoiceEngine(VoiceEngineState* voe) {
+ voe->base->DeleteChannel(voe->send_channel_id);
+ voe->send_channel_id = -1;
+ voe->base->DeleteChannel(voe->receive_channel_id);
+ voe->receive_channel_id = -1;
+ voe->base->Release();
+ voe->base = nullptr;
+ webrtc::VoiceEngine::Delete(voe->voice_engine);
+ voe->voice_engine = nullptr;
+class VideoStreamFactory
+ : public webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::VideoStreamFactoryInterface {
+ public:
+ explicit VideoStreamFactory(const std::vector<webrtc::VideoStream>& streams)
+ : streams_(streams) {}
+ private:
+ std::vector<webrtc::VideoStream> CreateEncoderStreams(
+ int width,
+ int height,
+ const webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig& encoder_config) override {
+ // The highest layer must match the incoming resolution.
+ std::vector<webrtc::VideoStream> streams = streams_;
+ streams[streams_.size() - 1].height = height;
+ streams[streams_.size() - 1].width = width;
+ return streams;
+ }
+ std::vector<webrtc::VideoStream> streams_;
+bool IsFlexfec(int payload_type) {
+ return payload_type == webrtc::VideoQualityTest::kFlexfecPayloadType;
+} // namespace
+namespace webrtc {
+class VideoAnalyzer : public PacketReceiver,
+ public Transport,
+ public rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame> {
+ public:
+ VideoAnalyzer(test::LayerFilteringTransport* transport,
+ const std::string& test_label,
+ double avg_psnr_threshold,
+ double avg_ssim_threshold,
+ int duration_frames,
+ FILE* graph_data_output_file,
+ const std::string& graph_title,
+ uint32_t ssrc_to_analyze,
+ uint32_t rtx_ssrc_to_analyze,
+ size_t selected_stream,
+ int selected_sl,
+ int selected_tl,
+ bool is_quick_test_enabled,
+ Clock* clock,
+ std::string rtp_dump_name)
+ : transport_(transport),
+ receiver_(nullptr),
+ call_(nullptr),
+ send_stream_(nullptr),
+ receive_stream_(nullptr),
+ captured_frame_forwarder_(this, clock),
+ test_label_(test_label),
+ graph_data_output_file_(graph_data_output_file),
+ graph_title_(graph_title),
+ ssrc_to_analyze_(ssrc_to_analyze),
+ rtx_ssrc_to_analyze_(rtx_ssrc_to_analyze),
+ selected_stream_(selected_stream),
+ selected_sl_(selected_sl),
+ selected_tl_(selected_tl),
+ pre_encode_proxy_(this),
+ encode_timing_proxy_(this),
+ last_fec_bytes_(0),
+ frames_to_process_(duration_frames),
+ frames_recorded_(0),
+ frames_processed_(0),
+ dropped_frames_(0),
+ dropped_frames_before_first_encode_(0),
+ dropped_frames_before_rendering_(0),
+ last_render_time_(0),
+ rtp_timestamp_delta_(0),
+ total_media_bytes_(0),
+ first_sending_time_(0),
+ last_sending_time_(0),
+ cpu_time_(0),
+ wallclock_time_(0),
+ avg_psnr_threshold_(avg_psnr_threshold),
+ avg_ssim_threshold_(avg_ssim_threshold),
+ is_quick_test_enabled_(is_quick_test_enabled),
+ stats_polling_thread_(&PollStatsThread, this, "StatsPoller"),
+ comparison_available_event_(false, false),
+ done_(true, false),
+ clock_(clock),
+ start_ms_(clock->TimeInMilliseconds()) {
+ // Create thread pool for CPU-expensive PSNR/SSIM calculations.
+ // Try to use about as many threads as cores, but leave kMinCoresLeft alone,
+ // so that we don't accidentally starve "real" worker threads (codec etc).
+ // Also, don't allocate more than kMaxComparisonThreads, even if there are
+ // spare cores.
+ uint32_t num_cores = CpuInfo::DetectNumberOfCores();
+ RTC_DCHECK_GE(num_cores, 1);
+ static const uint32_t kMinCoresLeft = 4;
+ static const uint32_t kMaxComparisonThreads = 8;
+ if (num_cores <= kMinCoresLeft) {
+ num_cores = 1;
+ } else {
+ num_cores -= kMinCoresLeft;
+ num_cores = std::min(num_cores, kMaxComparisonThreads);
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_cores; ++i) {
+ rtc::PlatformThread* thread =
+ new rtc::PlatformThread(&FrameComparisonThread, this, "Analyzer");
+ thread->Start();
+ comparison_thread_pool_.push_back(thread);
+ }
+ if (!rtp_dump_name.empty()) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "Writing rtp dump to %s\n", rtp_dump_name.c_str());
+ rtp_file_writer_.reset(test::RtpFileWriter::Create(
+ test::RtpFileWriter::kRtpDump, rtp_dump_name));
+ }
+ }
+ ~VideoAnalyzer() {
+ for (rtc::PlatformThread* thread : comparison_thread_pool_) {
+ thread->Stop();
+ delete thread;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void SetReceiver(PacketReceiver* receiver) { receiver_ = receiver; }
+ void SetSource(test::VideoCapturer* video_capturer, bool respect_sink_wants) {
+ if (respect_sink_wants)
+ captured_frame_forwarder_.SetSource(video_capturer);
+ rtc::VideoSinkWants wants;
+ video_capturer->AddOrUpdateSink(InputInterface(), wants);
+ }
+ void SetCall(Call* call) {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(!call_);
+ call_ = call;
+ }
+ void SetSendStream(VideoSendStream* stream) {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(!send_stream_);
+ send_stream_ = stream;
+ }
+ void SetReceiveStream(VideoReceiveStream* stream) {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(!receive_stream_);
+ receive_stream_ = stream;
+ }
+ rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* InputInterface() {
+ return &captured_frame_forwarder_;
+ }
+ rtc::VideoSourceInterface<VideoFrame>* OutputInterface() {
+ return &captured_frame_forwarder_;
+ }
+ DeliveryStatus DeliverPacket(MediaType media_type,
+ const uint8_t* packet,
+ size_t length,
+ const PacketTime& packet_time) override {
+ // Ignore timestamps of RTCP packets. They're not synchronized with
+ // RTP packet timestamps and so they would confuse wrap_handler_.
+ if (RtpHeaderParser::IsRtcp(packet, length)) {
+ return receiver_->DeliverPacket(media_type, packet, length, packet_time);
+ }
+ if (rtp_file_writer_) {
+ test::RtpPacket p;
+ memcpy(, packet, length);
+ p.length = length;
+ p.original_length = length;
+ p.time_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds() - start_ms_;
+ rtp_file_writer_->WritePacket(&p);
+ }
+ RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser parser(packet, length);
+ RTPHeader header;
+ parser.Parse(&header);
+ if (!IsFlexfec(header.payloadType) &&
+ (header.ssrc == ssrc_to_analyze_ ||
+ header.ssrc == rtx_ssrc_to_analyze_)) {
+ // Ignore FlexFEC timestamps, to avoid collisions with media timestamps.
+ // (FlexFEC and media are sent on different SSRCs, which have different
+ // timestamps spaces.)
+ // Also ignore packets from wrong SSRC, but include retransmits.
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ int64_t timestamp =
+ wrap_handler_.Unwrap(header.timestamp - rtp_timestamp_delta_);
+ recv_times_[timestamp] =
+ Clock::GetRealTimeClock()->CurrentNtpInMilliseconds();
+ }
+ return receiver_->DeliverPacket(media_type, packet, length, packet_time);
+ }
+ void MeasuredEncodeTiming(int64_t ntp_time_ms, int encode_time_ms) {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ samples_encode_time_ms_[ntp_time_ms] = encode_time_ms;
+ }
+ void PreEncodeOnFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ if (!first_encoded_timestamp_) {
+ while (frames_.front().timestamp() != video_frame.timestamp()) {
+ ++dropped_frames_before_first_encode_;
+ frames_.pop_front();
+ RTC_CHECK(!frames_.empty());
+ }
+ first_encoded_timestamp_ =
+ rtc::Optional<uint32_t>(video_frame.timestamp());
+ }
+ }
+ void PostEncodeFrameCallback(const EncodedFrame& encoded_frame) {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ if (!first_sent_timestamp_ &&
+ encoded_frame.stream_id_ == selected_stream_) {
+ first_sent_timestamp_ = rtc::Optional<uint32_t>(encoded_frame.timestamp_);
+ }
+ }
+ bool SendRtp(const uint8_t* packet,
+ size_t length,
+ const PacketOptions& options) override {
+ RtpUtility::RtpHeaderParser parser(packet, length);
+ RTPHeader header;
+ parser.Parse(&header);
+ int64_t current_time =
+ Clock::GetRealTimeClock()->CurrentNtpInMilliseconds();
+ bool result = transport_->SendRtp(packet, length, options);
+ {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ if (rtp_timestamp_delta_ == 0 && header.ssrc == ssrc_to_analyze_) {
+ RTC_CHECK(static_cast<bool>(first_sent_timestamp_));
+ rtp_timestamp_delta_ = header.timestamp - *first_sent_timestamp_;
+ }
+ if (!IsFlexfec(header.payloadType) && header.ssrc == ssrc_to_analyze_) {
+ // Ignore FlexFEC timestamps, to avoid collisions with media timestamps.
+ // (FlexFEC and media are sent on different SSRCs, which have different
+ // timestamps spaces.)
+ // Also ignore packets from wrong SSRC and retransmits.
+ int64_t timestamp =
+ wrap_handler_.Unwrap(header.timestamp - rtp_timestamp_delta_);
+ send_times_[timestamp] = current_time;
+ if (IsInSelectedSpatialAndTemporalLayer(packet, length, header)) {
+ encoded_frame_sizes_[timestamp] +=
+ length - (header.headerLength + header.paddingLength);
+ total_media_bytes_ +=
+ length - (header.headerLength + header.paddingLength);
+ }
+ if (first_sending_time_ == 0)
+ first_sending_time_ = current_time;
+ last_sending_time_ = current_time;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool SendRtcp(const uint8_t* packet, size_t length) override {
+ return transport_->SendRtcp(packet, length);
+ }
+ void OnFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) override {
+ int64_t render_time_ms =
+ Clock::GetRealTimeClock()->CurrentNtpInMilliseconds();
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ StartExcludingCpuThreadTime();
+ int64_t send_timestamp =
+ wrap_handler_.Unwrap(video_frame.timestamp() - rtp_timestamp_delta_);
+ while (wrap_handler_.Unwrap(frames_.front().timestamp()) < send_timestamp) {
+ if (!last_rendered_frame_) {
+ // No previous frame rendered, this one was dropped after sending but
+ // before rendering.
+ ++dropped_frames_before_rendering_;
+ } else {
+ AddFrameComparison(frames_.front(), *last_rendered_frame_, true,
+ render_time_ms);
+ }
+ frames_.pop_front();
+ RTC_DCHECK(!frames_.empty());
+ }
+ VideoFrame reference_frame = frames_.front();
+ frames_.pop_front();
+ int64_t reference_timestamp =
+ wrap_handler_.Unwrap(reference_frame.timestamp());
+ if (send_timestamp == reference_timestamp - 1) {
+ // TODO(ivica): Make this work for > 2 streams.
+ // Look at RTPSender::BuildRTPHeader.
+ ++send_timestamp;
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(reference_timestamp, send_timestamp);
+ AddFrameComparison(reference_frame, video_frame, false, render_time_ms);
+ last_rendered_frame_ = rtc::Optional<VideoFrame>(video_frame);
+ StopExcludingCpuThreadTime();
+ }
+ void Wait() {
+ // Frame comparisons can be very expensive. Wait for test to be done, but
+ // at time-out check if frames_processed is going up. If so, give it more
+ // time, otherwise fail. Hopefully this will reduce test flakiness.
+ stats_polling_thread_.Start();
+ int last_frames_processed = -1;
+ int iteration = 0;
+ while (!done_.Wait(VideoQualityTest::kDefaultTimeoutMs)) {
+ int frames_processed;
+ {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ frames_processed = frames_processed_;
+ }
+ // Print some output so test infrastructure won't think we've crashed.
+ const char* kKeepAliveMessages[3] = {
+ "Uh, I'm-I'm not quite dead, sir.",
+ "Uh, I-I think uh, I could pull through, sir.",
+ "Actually, I think I'm all right to come with you--"};
+ printf("- %s\n", kKeepAliveMessages[iteration++ % 3]);
+ if (last_frames_processed == -1) {
+ last_frames_processed = frames_processed;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (frames_processed == last_frames_processed) {
+ EXPECT_GT(frames_processed, last_frames_processed)
+ << "Analyzer stalled while waiting for test to finish.";
+ done_.Set();
+ break;
+ }
+ last_frames_processed = frames_processed;
+ }
+ if (iteration > 0)
+ printf("- Farewell, sweet Concorde!\n");
+ stats_polling_thread_.Stop();
+ }
+ rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* pre_encode_proxy() {
+ return &pre_encode_proxy_;
+ }
+ EncodedFrameObserver* encode_timing_proxy() { return &encode_timing_proxy_; }
+ void StartMeasuringCpuProcessTime() {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ cpu_time_ -= rtc::GetProcessCpuTimeNanos();
+ wallclock_time_ -= rtc::SystemTimeNanos();
+ }
+ void StopMeasuringCpuProcessTime() {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ cpu_time_ += rtc::GetProcessCpuTimeNanos();
+ wallclock_time_ += rtc::SystemTimeNanos();
+ }
+ void StartExcludingCpuThreadTime() {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ cpu_time_ += rtc::GetThreadCpuTimeNanos();
+ }
+ void StopExcludingCpuThreadTime() {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ cpu_time_ -= rtc::GetThreadCpuTimeNanos();
+ }
+ double GetCpuUsagePercent() {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ return static_cast<double>(cpu_time_) / wallclock_time_ * 100.0;
+ }
+ test::LayerFilteringTransport* const transport_;
+ PacketReceiver* receiver_;
+ private:
+ struct FrameComparison {
+ FrameComparison()
+ : dropped(false),
+ input_time_ms(0),
+ send_time_ms(0),
+ recv_time_ms(0),
+ render_time_ms(0),
+ encoded_frame_size(0) {}
+ FrameComparison(const VideoFrame& reference,
+ const VideoFrame& render,
+ bool dropped,
+ int64_t input_time_ms,
+ int64_t send_time_ms,
+ int64_t recv_time_ms,
+ int64_t render_time_ms,
+ size_t encoded_frame_size)
+ : reference(reference),
+ render(render),
+ dropped(dropped),
+ input_time_ms(input_time_ms),
+ send_time_ms(send_time_ms),
+ recv_time_ms(recv_time_ms),
+ render_time_ms(render_time_ms),
+ encoded_frame_size(encoded_frame_size) {}
+ FrameComparison(bool dropped,
+ int64_t input_time_ms,
+ int64_t send_time_ms,
+ int64_t recv_time_ms,
+ int64_t render_time_ms,
+ size_t encoded_frame_size)
+ : dropped(dropped),
+ input_time_ms(input_time_ms),
+ send_time_ms(send_time_ms),
+ recv_time_ms(recv_time_ms),
+ render_time_ms(render_time_ms),
+ encoded_frame_size(encoded_frame_size) {}
+ rtc::Optional<VideoFrame> reference;
+ rtc::Optional<VideoFrame> render;
+ bool dropped;
+ int64_t input_time_ms;
+ int64_t send_time_ms;
+ int64_t recv_time_ms;
+ int64_t render_time_ms;
+ size_t encoded_frame_size;
+ };
+ struct Sample {
+ Sample(int dropped,
+ int64_t input_time_ms,
+ int64_t send_time_ms,
+ int64_t recv_time_ms,
+ int64_t render_time_ms,
+ size_t encoded_frame_size,
+ double psnr,
+ double ssim)
+ : dropped(dropped),
+ input_time_ms(input_time_ms),
+ send_time_ms(send_time_ms),
+ recv_time_ms(recv_time_ms),
+ render_time_ms(render_time_ms),
+ encoded_frame_size(encoded_frame_size),
+ psnr(psnr),
+ ssim(ssim) {}
+ int dropped;
+ int64_t input_time_ms;
+ int64_t send_time_ms;
+ int64_t recv_time_ms;
+ int64_t render_time_ms;
+ size_t encoded_frame_size;
+ double psnr;
+ double ssim;
+ };
+ // This class receives the send-side OnEncodeTiming and is provided to not
+ // conflict with the receiver-side pre_decode_callback.
+ class OnEncodeTimingProxy : public EncodedFrameObserver {
+ public:
+ explicit OnEncodeTimingProxy(VideoAnalyzer* parent) : parent_(parent) {}
+ void OnEncodeTiming(int64_t ntp_time_ms, int encode_time_ms) override {
+ parent_->MeasuredEncodeTiming(ntp_time_ms, encode_time_ms);
+ }
+ void EncodedFrameCallback(const EncodedFrame& frame) override {
+ parent_->PostEncodeFrameCallback(frame);
+ }
+ private:
+ VideoAnalyzer* const parent_;
+ };
+ // This class receives the send-side OnFrame callback and is provided to not
+ // conflict with the receiver-side renderer callback.
+ class PreEncodeProxy : public rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame> {
+ public:
+ explicit PreEncodeProxy(VideoAnalyzer* parent) : parent_(parent) {}
+ void OnFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) override {
+ parent_->PreEncodeOnFrame(video_frame);
+ }
+ private:
+ VideoAnalyzer* const parent_;
+ };
+ bool IsInSelectedSpatialAndTemporalLayer(const uint8_t* packet,
+ size_t length,
+ const RTPHeader& header) {
+ if (header.payloadType != test::CallTest::kPayloadTypeVP9 &&
+ header.payloadType != test::CallTest::kPayloadTypeVP8) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // Get VP8 and VP9 specific header to check layers indexes.
+ const uint8_t* payload = packet + header.headerLength;
+ const size_t payload_length = length - header.headerLength;
+ const size_t payload_data_length = payload_length - header.paddingLength;
+ const bool is_vp8 = header.payloadType == test::CallTest::kPayloadTypeVP8;
+ std::unique_ptr<RtpDepacketizer> depacketizer(
+ RtpDepacketizer::Create(is_vp8 ? kRtpVideoVp8 : kRtpVideoVp9));
+ RtpDepacketizer::ParsedPayload parsed_payload;
+ bool result =
+ depacketizer->Parse(&parsed_payload, payload, payload_data_length);
+ RTC_DCHECK(result);
+ const int temporal_idx = static_cast<int>(
+ is_vp8 ? parsed_payload.type.Video.codecHeader.VP8.temporalIdx
+ : parsed_payload.type.Video.codecHeader.VP9.temporal_idx);
+ const int spatial_idx = static_cast<int>(
+ is_vp8 ? kNoSpatialIdx
+ : parsed_payload.type.Video.codecHeader.VP9.spatial_idx);
+ return (selected_tl_ < 0 || temporal_idx == kNoTemporalIdx ||
+ temporal_idx <= selected_tl_) &&
+ (selected_sl_ < 0 || spatial_idx == kNoSpatialIdx ||
+ spatial_idx <= selected_sl_);
+ }
+ }
+ void AddFrameComparison(const VideoFrame& reference,
+ const VideoFrame& render,
+ bool dropped,
+ int64_t render_time_ms)
+ int64_t reference_timestamp = wrap_handler_.Unwrap(reference.timestamp());
+ int64_t send_time_ms = send_times_[reference_timestamp];
+ send_times_.erase(reference_timestamp);
+ int64_t recv_time_ms = recv_times_[reference_timestamp];
+ recv_times_.erase(reference_timestamp);
+ // TODO(ivica): Make this work for > 2 streams.
+ auto it = encoded_frame_sizes_.find(reference_timestamp);
+ if (it == encoded_frame_sizes_.end())
+ it = encoded_frame_sizes_.find(reference_timestamp - 1);
+ size_t encoded_size = it == encoded_frame_sizes_.end() ? 0 : it->second;
+ if (it != encoded_frame_sizes_.end())
+ encoded_frame_sizes_.erase(it);
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ if (comparisons_.size() < kMaxComparisons) {
+ comparisons_.push_back(FrameComparison(reference, render, dropped,
+ reference.ntp_time_ms(),
+ send_time_ms, recv_time_ms,
+ render_time_ms, encoded_size));
+ } else {
+ comparisons_.push_back(FrameComparison(dropped,
+ reference.ntp_time_ms(),
+ send_time_ms, recv_time_ms,
+ render_time_ms, encoded_size));
+ }
+ comparison_available_event_.Set();
+ }
+ static void PollStatsThread(void* obj) {
+ static_cast<VideoAnalyzer*>(obj)->PollStats();
+ }
+ void PollStats() {
+ while (!done_.Wait(kSendStatsPollingIntervalMs)) {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ Call::Stats call_stats = call_->GetStats();
+ send_bandwidth_bps_.AddSample(call_stats.send_bandwidth_bps);
+ VideoSendStream::Stats send_stats = send_stream_->GetStats();
+ // It's not certain that we yet have estimates for any of these stats.
+ // Check that they are positive before mixing them in.
+ if (send_stats.encode_frame_rate > 0)
+ encode_frame_rate_.AddSample(send_stats.encode_frame_rate);
+ if (send_stats.avg_encode_time_ms > 0)
+ encode_time_ms_.AddSample(send_stats.avg_encode_time_ms);
+ if (send_stats.encode_usage_percent > 0)
+ encode_usage_percent_.AddSample(send_stats.encode_usage_percent);
+ if (send_stats.media_bitrate_bps > 0)
+ media_bitrate_bps_.AddSample(send_stats.media_bitrate_bps);
+ size_t fec_bytes = 0;
+ for (auto kv : send_stats.substreams) {
+ fec_bytes += kv.second.rtp_stats.fec.payload_bytes +
+ kv.second.rtp_stats.fec.padding_bytes;
+ }
+ fec_bitrate_bps_.AddSample((fec_bytes - last_fec_bytes_) * 8);
+ last_fec_bytes_ = fec_bytes;
+ if (receive_stream_ != nullptr) {
+ VideoReceiveStream::Stats receive_stats = receive_stream_->GetStats();
+ if (receive_stats.decode_ms > 0)
+ decode_time_ms_.AddSample(receive_stats.decode_ms);
+ if (receive_stats.max_decode_ms > 0)
+ decode_time_max_ms_.AddSample(receive_stats.max_decode_ms);
+ }
+ memory_usage_.AddSample(rtc::GetProcessResidentSizeBytes());
+ }
+ }
+ static bool FrameComparisonThread(void* obj) {
+ return static_cast<VideoAnalyzer*>(obj)->CompareFrames();
+ }
+ bool CompareFrames() {
+ if (AllFramesRecorded())
+ return false;
+ FrameComparison comparison;
+ if (!PopComparison(&comparison)) {
+ // Wait until new comparison task is available, or test is done.
+ // If done, wake up remaining threads waiting.
+ comparison_available_event_.Wait(1000);
+ if (AllFramesRecorded()) {
+ comparison_available_event_.Set();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true; // Try again.
+ }
+ StartExcludingCpuThreadTime();
+ PerformFrameComparison(comparison);
+ StopExcludingCpuThreadTime();
+ if (FrameProcessed()) {
+ PrintResults();
+ if (graph_data_output_file_)
+ PrintSamplesToFile();
+ done_.Set();
+ comparison_available_event_.Set();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool PopComparison(FrameComparison* comparison) {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ // If AllFramesRecorded() is true, it means we have already popped
+ // frames_to_process_ frames from comparisons_, so there is no more work
+ // for this thread to be done. frames_processed_ might still be lower if
+ // all comparisons are not done, but those frames are currently being
+ // worked on by other threads.
+ if (comparisons_.empty() || AllFramesRecorded())
+ return false;
+ *comparison = comparisons_.front();
+ comparisons_.pop_front();
+ FrameRecorded();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Increment counter for number of frames received for comparison.
+ void FrameRecorded() {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ ++frames_recorded_;
+ }
+ // Returns true if all frames to be compared have been taken from the queue.
+ bool AllFramesRecorded() {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ assert(frames_recorded_ <= frames_to_process_);
+ return frames_recorded_ == frames_to_process_;
+ }
+ // Increase count of number of frames processed. Returns true if this was the
+ // last frame to be processed.
+ bool FrameProcessed() {
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ ++frames_processed_;
+ assert(frames_processed_ <= frames_to_process_);
+ return frames_processed_ == frames_to_process_;
+ }
+ void PrintResults() {
+ StopMeasuringCpuProcessTime();
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ PrintResult("psnr", psnr_, " dB");
+ PrintResult("ssim", ssim_, " score");
+ PrintResult("sender_time", sender_time_, " ms");
+ PrintResult("receiver_time", receiver_time_, " ms");
+ PrintResult("total_delay_incl_network", end_to_end_, " ms");
+ PrintResult("time_between_rendered_frames", rendered_delta_, " ms");
+ PrintResult("encode_frame_rate", encode_frame_rate_, " fps");
+ PrintResult("encode_time", encode_time_ms_, " ms");
+ PrintResult("media_bitrate", media_bitrate_bps_, " bps");
+ PrintResult("fec_bitrate", fec_bitrate_bps_, " bps");
+ PrintResult("send_bandwidth", send_bandwidth_bps_, " bps");
+ if (worst_frame_) {
+ printf("RESULT min_psnr: %s = %lf dB\n", test_label_.c_str(),
+ worst_frame_->psnr);
+ }
+ if (receive_stream_ != nullptr) {
+ PrintResult("decode_time", decode_time_ms_, " ms");
+ }
+ printf("RESULT dropped_frames: %s = %d frames\n", test_label_.c_str(),
+ dropped_frames_);
+ printf("RESULT cpu_usage: %s = %lf %%\n", test_label_.c_str(),
+ GetCpuUsagePercent());
+#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
+ // On Linux and Mac in Resident Set some unused pages may be counted.
+ // Therefore this metric will depend on order in which tests are run and
+ // will be flaky.
+ PrintResult("memory_usage", memory_usage_, " bytes");
+ // Saving only the worst frame for manual analysis. Intention here is to
+ // only detect video corruptions and not to track picture quality. Thus,
+ // jpeg is used here.
+ if (FLAG_save_worst_frame && worst_frame_) {
+ std::string output_dir;
+ test::GetTestArtifactsDir(&output_dir);
+ std::string output_path =
+ rtc::Pathname(output_dir, test_label_ + ".jpg").pathname();
+ RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Saving worst frame to " << output_path;
+ test::JpegFrameWriter frame_writer(output_path);
+ RTC_CHECK(frame_writer.WriteFrame(worst_frame_->frame,
+ 100 /*best quality*/));
+ }
+ // Disable quality check for quick test, as quality checks may fail
+ // because too few samples were collected.
+ if (!is_quick_test_enabled_) {
+ EXPECT_GT(psnr_.Mean(), avg_psnr_threshold_);
+ EXPECT_GT(ssim_.Mean(), avg_ssim_threshold_);
+ }
+ }
+ void PerformFrameComparison(const FrameComparison& comparison) {
+ // Perform expensive psnr and ssim calculations while not holding lock.
+ double psnr = -1.0;
+ double ssim = -1.0;
+ if (comparison.reference && !comparison.dropped) {
+ psnr = I420PSNR(&*comparison.reference, &*comparison.render);
+ ssim = I420SSIM(&*comparison.reference, &*comparison.render);
+ }
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ if (psnr >= 0.0 && (!worst_frame_ || worst_frame_->psnr > psnr)) {
+ worst_frame_.emplace(FrameWithPsnr{psnr, *comparison.render});
+ }
+ if (graph_data_output_file_) {
+ samples_.push_back(Sample(
+ comparison.dropped, comparison.input_time_ms, comparison.send_time_ms,
+ comparison.recv_time_ms, comparison.render_time_ms,
+ comparison.encoded_frame_size, psnr, ssim));
+ }
+ if (psnr >= 0.0)
+ psnr_.AddSample(psnr);
+ if (ssim >= 0.0)
+ ssim_.AddSample(ssim);
+ if (comparison.dropped) {
+ ++dropped_frames_;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (last_render_time_ != 0)
+ rendered_delta_.AddSample(comparison.render_time_ms - last_render_time_);
+ last_render_time_ = comparison.render_time_ms;
+ sender_time_.AddSample(comparison.send_time_ms - comparison.input_time_ms);
+ if (comparison.recv_time_ms > 0) {
+ // If recv_time_ms == 0, this frame consisted of a packets which were all
+ // lost in the transport. Since we were able to render the frame, however,
+ // the dropped packets were recovered by FlexFEC. The FlexFEC recovery
+ // happens internally in Call, and we can therefore here not know which
+ // FEC packets that protected the lost media packets. Consequently, we
+ // were not able to record a meaningful recv_time_ms. We therefore skip
+ // this sample.
+ //
+ // The reasoning above does not hold for ULPFEC and RTX, as for those
+ // strategies the timestamp of the received packets is set to the
+ // timestamp of the protected/retransmitted media packet. I.e., then
+ // recv_time_ms != 0, even though the media packets were lost.
+ receiver_time_.AddSample(comparison.render_time_ms -
+ comparison.recv_time_ms);
+ }
+ end_to_end_.AddSample(comparison.render_time_ms - comparison.input_time_ms);
+ encoded_frame_size_.AddSample(comparison.encoded_frame_size);
+ }
+ void PrintResult(const char* result_type,
+ test::Statistics stats,
+ const char* unit) {
+ printf("RESULT %s: %s = {%f, %f}%s\n",
+ result_type,
+ test_label_.c_str(),
+ stats.Mean(),
+ stats.StandardDeviation(),
+ unit);
+ }
+ void PrintSamplesToFile(void) {
+ FILE* out = graph_data_output_file_;
+ rtc::CritScope crit(&comparison_lock_);
+ std::sort(samples_.begin(), samples_.end(),
+ [](const Sample& A, const Sample& B) -> bool {
+ return A.input_time_ms < B.input_time_ms;
+ });
+ fprintf(out, "%s\n", graph_title_.c_str());
+ fprintf(out, "%" PRIuS "\n", samples_.size());
+ fprintf(out,
+ "dropped "
+ "input_time_ms "
+ "send_time_ms "
+ "recv_time_ms "
+ "render_time_ms "
+ "encoded_frame_size "
+ "psnr "
+ "ssim "
+ "encode_time_ms\n");
+ int missing_encode_time_samples = 0;
+ for (const Sample& sample : samples_) {
+ auto it = samples_encode_time_ms_.find(sample.input_time_ms);
+ int encode_time_ms;
+ if (it != samples_encode_time_ms_.end()) {
+ encode_time_ms = it->second;
+ } else {
+ ++missing_encode_time_samples;
+ encode_time_ms = -1;
+ }
+ fprintf(out, "%d %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRIuS
+ " %lf %lf %d\n",
+ sample.dropped, sample.input_time_ms, sample.send_time_ms,
+ sample.recv_time_ms, sample.render_time_ms,
+ sample.encoded_frame_size, sample.psnr, sample.ssim,
+ encode_time_ms);
+ }
+ if (missing_encode_time_samples) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Warning: Missing encode_time_ms samples for %d frame(s).\n",
+ missing_encode_time_samples);
+ }
+ }
+ double GetAverageMediaBitrateBps() {
+ if (last_sending_time_ == first_sending_time_) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return static_cast<double>(total_media_bytes_) * 8 /
+ (last_sending_time_ - first_sending_time_) *
+ rtc::kNumMillisecsPerSec;
+ }
+ }
+ // Implements VideoSinkInterface to receive captured frames from a
+ // FrameGeneratorCapturer. Implements VideoSourceInterface to be able to act
+ // as a source to VideoSendStream.
+ // It forwards all input frames to the VideoAnalyzer for later comparison and
+ // forwards the captured frames to the VideoSendStream.
+ class CapturedFrameForwarder : public rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>,
+ public rtc::VideoSourceInterface<VideoFrame> {
+ public:
+ explicit CapturedFrameForwarder(VideoAnalyzer* analyzer, Clock* clock)
+ : analyzer_(analyzer),
+ send_stream_input_(nullptr),
+ video_capturer_(nullptr),
+ clock_(clock) {}
+ void SetSource(test::VideoCapturer* video_capturer) {
+ video_capturer_ = video_capturer;
+ }
+ private:
+ void OnFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) override {
+ VideoFrame copy = video_frame;
+ // Frames from the capturer does not have a rtp timestamp.
+ // Create one so it can be used for comparison.
+ RTC_DCHECK_EQ(0, video_frame.timestamp());
+ if (video_frame.ntp_time_ms() == 0)
+ copy.set_ntp_time_ms(clock_->CurrentNtpInMilliseconds());
+ copy.set_timestamp(copy.ntp_time_ms() * 90);
+ analyzer_->AddCapturedFrameForComparison(copy);
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ if (send_stream_input_)
+ send_stream_input_->OnFrame(copy);
+ }
+ // Called when |send_stream_.SetSource()| is called.
+ void AddOrUpdateSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* sink,
+ const rtc::VideoSinkWants& wants) override {
+ {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(!send_stream_input_ || send_stream_input_ == sink);
+ send_stream_input_ = sink;
+ }
+ if (video_capturer_) {
+ video_capturer_->AddOrUpdateSink(this, wants);
+ }
+ }
+ // Called by |send_stream_| when |send_stream_.SetSource()| is called.
+ void RemoveSink(rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* sink) override {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ RTC_DCHECK(sink == send_stream_input_);
+ send_stream_input_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ VideoAnalyzer* const analyzer_;
+ rtc::CriticalSection crit_;
+ rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* send_stream_input_
+ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ test::VideoCapturer* video_capturer_;
+ Clock* clock_;
+ };
+ void AddCapturedFrameForComparison(const VideoFrame& video_frame) {
+ rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);
+ frames_.push_back(video_frame);
+ }
+ Call* call_;
+ VideoSendStream* send_stream_;
+ VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream_;
+ CapturedFrameForwarder captured_frame_forwarder_;
+ const std::string test_label_;
+ FILE* const graph_data_output_file_;
+ const std::string graph_title_;
+ const uint32_t ssrc_to_analyze_;
+ const uint32_t rtx_ssrc_to_analyze_;
+ const size_t selected_stream_;
+ const int selected_sl_;
+ const int selected_tl_;
+ PreEncodeProxy pre_encode_proxy_;
+ OnEncodeTimingProxy encode_timing_proxy_;
+ std::vector<Sample> samples_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ std::map<int64_t, int> samples_encode_time_ms_
+ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics sender_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics receiver_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics psnr_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics ssim_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics end_to_end_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics rendered_delta_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics encoded_frame_size_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics encode_frame_rate_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics encode_time_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics encode_usage_percent_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics decode_time_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics decode_time_max_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics media_bitrate_bps_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics fec_bitrate_bps_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics send_bandwidth_bps_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ test::Statistics memory_usage_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ struct FrameWithPsnr {
+ double psnr;
+ VideoFrame frame;
+ };
+ // Rendered frame with worst PSNR is saved for further analysis.
+ rtc::Optional<FrameWithPsnr> worst_frame_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ size_t last_fec_bytes_;
+ const int frames_to_process_;
+ int frames_recorded_;
+ int frames_processed_;
+ int dropped_frames_;
+ int dropped_frames_before_first_encode_;
+ int dropped_frames_before_rendering_;
+ int64_t last_render_time_;
+ uint32_t rtp_timestamp_delta_;
+ int64_t total_media_bytes_;
+ int64_t first_sending_time_;
+ int64_t last_sending_time_;
+ int64_t cpu_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ int64_t wallclock_time_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(cpu_measurement_lock_);
+ rtc::CriticalSection cpu_measurement_lock_;
+ rtc::CriticalSection crit_;
+ std::deque<VideoFrame> frames_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ rtc::Optional<VideoFrame> last_rendered_frame_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ rtc::TimestampWrapAroundHandler wrap_handler_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ std::map<int64_t, int64_t> send_times_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ std::map<int64_t, int64_t> recv_times_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ std::map<int64_t, size_t> encoded_frame_sizes_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ rtc::Optional<uint32_t> first_encoded_timestamp_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ rtc::Optional<uint32_t> first_sent_timestamp_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
+ const double avg_psnr_threshold_;
+ const double avg_ssim_threshold_;
+ bool is_quick_test_enabled_;
+ rtc::CriticalSection comparison_lock_;
+ std::vector<rtc::PlatformThread*> comparison_thread_pool_;
+ rtc::PlatformThread stats_polling_thread_;
+ rtc::Event comparison_available_event_;
+ std::deque<FrameComparison> comparisons_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(comparison_lock_);
+ rtc::Event done_;
+ std::unique_ptr<test::RtpFileWriter> rtp_file_writer_;
+ Clock* const clock_;
+ const int64_t start_ms_;
+ : clock_(Clock::GetRealTimeClock()), receive_logs_(0), send_logs_(0) {
+ payload_type_map_ = test::CallTest::payload_type_map_;
+ RTC_DCHECK(payload_type_map_.find(kPayloadTypeH264) ==
+ payload_type_map_.end());
+ RTC_DCHECK(payload_type_map_.find(kPayloadTypeVP8) ==
+ payload_type_map_.end());
+ RTC_DCHECK(payload_type_map_.find(kPayloadTypeVP9) ==
+ payload_type_map_.end());
+ payload_type_map_[kPayloadTypeH264] = webrtc::MediaType::VIDEO;
+ payload_type_map_[kPayloadTypeVP8] = webrtc::MediaType::VIDEO;
+ payload_type_map_[kPayloadTypeVP9] = webrtc::MediaType::VIDEO;
+ : call({false, Call::Config::BitrateConfig(), 0}),
+ video({false, 640, 480, 30, 50, 800, 800, false, "VP8", 1, -1, 0, false,
+ false, ""}),
+ audio({false, false, false}),
+ screenshare({false, false, 10, 0}),
+ analyzer({"", 0.0, 0.0, 0, "", ""}),
+ pipe(),
+ ss({std::vector<VideoStream>(), 0, 0, -1, std::vector<SpatialLayer>()}),
+ logging({false, "", "", ""}) {}
+VideoQualityTest::Params::~Params() = default;
+void VideoQualityTest::TestBody() {}
+std::string VideoQualityTest::GenerateGraphTitle() const {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss <<;
+ ss << " (" << / 1000 << "kbps";
+ ss << ", " << << " FPS";
+ if (params_.screenshare.scroll_duration)
+ ss << ", " << params_.screenshare.scroll_duration << "s scroll";
+ if ( > 1)
+ ss << ", Stream #" <<;
+ if ( > 1)
+ ss << ", Layer #" <<;
+ ss << ")";
+ return ss.str();
+void VideoQualityTest::CheckParams() {
+ if (!
+ return;
+ // Add a default stream in none specified.
+ if (
+ if ( == 0)
+ = 1;
+ if (params_.pipe.loss_percent != 0 ||
+ params_.pipe.queue_length_packets != 0) {
+ // Since LayerFilteringTransport changes the sequence numbers, we can't
+ // use that feature with pack loss, since the NACK request would end up
+ // retransmitting the wrong packets.
+ RTC_CHECK( == -1 ||
+ == - 1);
+ RTC_CHECK( == -1 ||
+ ==
+ - 1);
+ }
+ // TODO(ivica): Should max_bitrate_bps == -1 represent inf max bitrate, as it
+ // does in some parts of the code?
+ for (const VideoStream& stream : {
+ RTC_CHECK_GE(stream.min_bitrate_bps, 0);
+ RTC_CHECK_GE(stream.target_bitrate_bps, stream.min_bitrate_bps);
+ RTC_CHECK_GE(stream.max_bitrate_bps, stream.target_bitrate_bps);
+ }
+ // TODO(ivica): Should we check if the sum of all streams/layers is equal to
+ // the total bitrate? We anyway have to update them in the case bitrate
+ // estimator changes the total bitrates.
+ RTC_CHECK_GE(, 1);
+ ==
+ static_cast<size_t>(;
+ if ( == "VP8") {
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(, 1);
+ } else if ( == "VP9") {
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(, 1);
+ }
+ RTC_CHECK_GE(, 0);
+ if ( > 0) {
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(, 1);
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(, 3);
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(, 3);
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(, "VP8");
+ }
+// Static.
+std::vector<int> VideoQualityTest::ParseCSV(const std::string& str) {
+ // Parse comma separated nonnegative integers, where some elements may be
+ // empty. The empty values are replaced with -1.
+ // E.g. "10,-20,,30,40" --> {10, 20, -1, 30,40}
+ // E.g. ",,10,,20," --> {-1, -1, 10, -1, 20, -1}
+ std::vector<int> result;
+ if (str.empty())
+ return result;
+ const char* p = str.c_str();
+ int value = -1;
+ int pos;
+ while (*p) {
+ if (*p == ',') {
+ result.push_back(value);
+ value = -1;
+ ++p;
+ continue;
+ }
+ RTC_CHECK_EQ(sscanf(p, "%d%n", &value, &pos), 1)
+ << "Unexpected non-number value.";
+ p += pos;
+ }
+ result.push_back(value);
+ return result;
+// Static.
+VideoStream VideoQualityTest::DefaultVideoStream(const Params& params) {
+ VideoStream stream;
+ stream.width =;
+ stream.height =;
+ stream.max_framerate =;
+ stream.min_bitrate_bps =;
+ stream.target_bitrate_bps =;
+ stream.max_bitrate_bps =;
+ stream.max_qp = kDefaultMaxQp;
+ // TODO(sprang): Can we make this less of a hack?
+ if ( == 2) {
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.push_back(stream.target_bitrate_bps);
+ } else if ( == 3) {
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.push_back(stream.max_bitrate_bps / 4);
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.push_back(stream.target_bitrate_bps);
+ } else {
+ RTC_CHECK_LE(, kMaxTemporalStreams);
+ for (int i = 0; i < - 1; ++i) {
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.push_back(static_cast<int>(
+ stream.max_bitrate_bps * kVp8LayerRateAlloction[0][i] + 0.5));
+ }
+ }
+ return stream;
+// Static.
+VideoStream VideoQualityTest::DefaultThumbnailStream() {
+ VideoStream stream;
+ stream.width = 320;
+ stream.height = 180;
+ stream.max_framerate = 7;
+ stream.min_bitrate_bps = 7500;
+ stream.target_bitrate_bps = 37500;
+ stream.max_bitrate_bps = 50000;
+ stream.max_qp = kDefaultMaxQp;
+ return stream;
+// Static.
+void VideoQualityTest::FillScalabilitySettings(
+ Params* params,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& stream_descriptors,
+ int num_streams,
+ size_t selected_stream,
+ int num_spatial_layers,
+ int selected_sl,
+ const std::vector<std::string>& sl_descriptors) {
+ if (params->ss.streams.empty() && params->ss.infer_streams) {
+ webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config;
+ encoder_config.content_type =
+ params->screenshare.enabled
+ ? webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen
+ : webrtc::VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kRealtimeVideo;
+ encoder_config.max_bitrate_bps = params->video.max_bitrate_bps;
+ encoder_config.min_transmit_bitrate_bps = params->video.min_transmit_bps;
+ encoder_config.number_of_streams = num_streams;
+ encoder_config.spatial_layers = params->ss.spatial_layers;
+ encoder_config.video_stream_factory =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<cricket::EncoderStreamFactory>(
+ params->video.codec, kDefaultMaxQp, params->video.fps,
+ params->screenshare.enabled, true);
+ params->ss.streams =
+ encoder_config.video_stream_factory->CreateEncoderStreams(
+ static_cast<int>(params->video.width),
+ static_cast<int>(params->video.height), encoder_config);
+ } else {
+ // Read VideoStream and SpatialLayer elements from a list of comma separated
+ // lists. To use a default value for an element, use -1 or leave empty.
+ // Validity checks performed in CheckParams.
+ RTC_CHECK(params->ss.streams.empty());
+ for (auto descriptor : stream_descriptors) {
+ if (descriptor.empty())
+ continue;
+ VideoStream stream = VideoQualityTest::DefaultVideoStream(*params);
+ std::vector<int> v = VideoQualityTest::ParseCSV(descriptor);
+ if (v[0] != -1)
+ stream.width = static_cast<size_t>(v[0]);
+ if (v[1] != -1)
+ stream.height = static_cast<size_t>(v[1]);
+ if (v[2] != -1)
+ stream.max_framerate = v[2];
+ if (v[3] != -1)
+ stream.min_bitrate_bps = v[3];
+ if (v[4] != -1)
+ stream.target_bitrate_bps = v[4];
+ if (v[5] != -1)
+ stream.max_bitrate_bps = v[5];
+ if (v.size() > 6 && v[6] != -1)
+ stream.max_qp = v[6];
+ if (v.size() > 7) {
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.clear();
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.insert(
+ stream.temporal_layer_thresholds_bps.end(), v.begin() + 7, v.end());
+ } else {
+ // Automatic TL thresholds for more than two layers not supported.
+ RTC_CHECK_LE(params->video.num_temporal_layers, 2);
+ }
+ params->ss.streams.push_back(stream);
+ }
+ }
+ params->ss.num_spatial_layers = std::max(1, num_spatial_layers);
+ params->ss.selected_stream = selected_stream;
+ params->ss.selected_sl = selected_sl;
+ RTC_CHECK(params->ss.spatial_layers.empty());
+ for (auto descriptor : sl_descriptors) {
+ if (descriptor.empty())
+ continue;
+ std::vector<int> v = VideoQualityTest::ParseCSV(descriptor);
+ RTC_CHECK_GT(v[2], 0);
+ SpatialLayer layer;
+ layer.scaling_factor_num = v[0] == -1 ? 1 : v[0];
+ layer.scaling_factor_den = v[1] == -1 ? 1 : v[1];
+ layer.target_bitrate_bps = v[2];
+ params->ss.spatial_layers.push_back(layer);
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::SetupVideo(Transport* send_transport,
+ Transport* recv_transport) {
+ size_t num_video_streams =;
+ size_t num_flexfec_streams = ? 1 : 0;
+ CreateSendConfig(num_video_streams, 0, num_flexfec_streams, send_transport);
+ int payload_type;
+ if ( == "H264") {
+ video_encoder_ = H264Encoder::Create(cricket::VideoCodec("H264"));
+ payload_type = kPayloadTypeH264;
+ } else if ( == "VP8") {
+ if (params_.screenshare.enabled && > 1) {
+ // Simulcast screenshare needs a simulcast encoder adapter to work, since
+ // encoders usually can't natively do simulcast with different frame rates
+ // for the different layers.
+ video_encoder_.reset(
+ new SimulcastEncoderAdapter(new InternalEncoderFactory()));
+ } else {
+ video_encoder_ = VP8Encoder::Create();
+ }
+ payload_type = kPayloadTypeVP8;
+ } else if ( == "VP9") {
+ video_encoder_ = VP9Encoder::Create();
+ payload_type = kPayloadTypeVP9;
+ } else {
+ RTC_NOTREACHED() << "Codec not supported!";
+ return;
+ }
+ video_send_config_.encoder_settings.encoder = video_encoder_.get();
+ video_send_config_.encoder_settings.payload_name =;
+ video_send_config_.encoder_settings.payload_type = payload_type;
+ video_send_config_.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackRtpHistoryMs;
+ video_send_config_.rtp.rtx.payload_type = kSendRtxPayloadType;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_video_streams; ++i)
+ video_send_config_.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.push_back(kSendRtxSsrcs[i]);
+ video_send_config_.rtp.extensions.clear();
+ if ( {
+ video_send_config_.rtp.extensions.push_back(
+ RtpExtension(RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri,
+ test::kTransportSequenceNumberExtensionId));
+ } else {
+ video_send_config_.rtp.extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
+ RtpExtension::kAbsSendTimeUri, test::kAbsSendTimeExtensionId));
+ }
+ video_send_config_.rtp.extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
+ RtpExtension::kVideoContentTypeUri, test::kVideoContentTypeExtensionId));
+ video_send_config_.rtp.extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
+ RtpExtension::kVideoTimingUri, test::kVideoTimingExtensionId));
+ video_encoder_config_.min_transmit_bitrate_bps =
+ video_send_config_.suspend_below_min_bitrate =
+ video_encoder_config_.number_of_streams =;
+ video_encoder_config_.max_bitrate_bps = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <; ++i) {
+ video_encoder_config_.max_bitrate_bps +=
+ }
+ if ( {
+ video_encoder_config_.video_stream_factory =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<cricket::EncoderStreamFactory>(
+, params_.screenshare.enabled, true);
+ } else {
+ video_encoder_config_.video_stream_factory =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<VideoStreamFactory>(;
+ }
+ video_encoder_config_.spatial_layers =;
+ CreateMatchingReceiveConfigs(recv_transport);
+ const bool decode_all_receive_streams =
+ ==;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_video_streams; ++i) {
+ video_receive_configs_[i].rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackRtpHistoryMs;
+ video_receive_configs_[i].rtp.rtx_ssrc = kSendRtxSsrcs[i];
+ video_receive_configs_[i]
+ .rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types[kSendRtxPayloadType] = payload_type;
+ video_receive_configs_[i].rtp.transport_cc =;
+ video_receive_configs_[i].rtp.remb = !;
+ // Enable RTT calculation so NTP time estimator will work.
+ video_receive_configs_[i].rtp.rtcp_xr.receiver_reference_time_report = true;
+ // Force fake decoders on non-selected simulcast streams.
+ if (!decode_all_receive_streams && i != {
+ VideoReceiveStream::Decoder decoder;
+ decoder.decoder = new test::FakeDecoder();
+ decoder.payload_type = video_send_config_.encoder_settings.payload_type;
+ decoder.payload_name = video_send_config_.encoder_settings.payload_name;
+ video_receive_configs_[i].decoders.clear();
+ allocated_decoders_.emplace_back(decoder.decoder);
+ video_receive_configs_[i].decoders.push_back(decoder);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // Override send config constructed by CreateSendConfig.
+ if (decode_all_receive_streams) {
+ for (uint32_t media_ssrc : video_send_config_.rtp.ssrcs) {
+ video_send_config_.rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.push_back(
+ media_ssrc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ video_send_config_.rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs = {
+ kVideoSendSsrcs[]};
+ }
+ // The matching receive config is _not_ created by
+ // CreateMatchingReceiveConfigs, since VideoQualityTest is not a BaseTest.
+ // Set up the receive config manually instead.
+ FlexfecReceiveStream::Config flexfec_receive_config(recv_transport);
+ flexfec_receive_config.payload_type =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.flexfec.payload_type;
+ flexfec_receive_config.remote_ssrc = video_send_config_.rtp.flexfec.ssrc;
+ flexfec_receive_config.protected_media_ssrcs =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs;
+ flexfec_receive_config.local_ssrc = kReceiverLocalVideoSsrc;
+ flexfec_receive_config.transport_cc =;
+ if ( {
+ flexfec_receive_config.rtp_header_extensions.push_back(
+ RtpExtension(RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri,
+ test::kTransportSequenceNumberExtensionId));
+ } else {
+ flexfec_receive_config.rtp_header_extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
+ RtpExtension::kAbsSendTimeUri, test::kAbsSendTimeExtensionId));
+ }
+ flexfec_receive_configs_.push_back(flexfec_receive_config);
+ if (num_video_streams > 0) {
+ video_receive_configs_[0].rtp.protected_by_flexfec = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( {
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type = kRedPayloadType;
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type = kUlpfecPayloadType;
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type = kRtxRedPayloadType;
+ if (decode_all_receive_streams) {
+ for (auto it = video_receive_configs_.begin();
+ it != video_receive_configs_.end(); ++it) {
+ it->rtp.red_payload_type =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+ it->rtp.ulpfec_payload_type =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type;
+ it->rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types[video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec
+ .red_rtx_payload_type] =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+ }
+ } else {
+ video_receive_configs_[].rtp.red_payload_type =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+ video_receive_configs_[]
+ .rtp.ulpfec_payload_type =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type;
+ video_receive_configs_[]
+ .rtp.rtx_associated_payload_types[video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec
+ .red_rtx_payload_type] =
+ video_send_config_.rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type;
+ }
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::SetupThumbnails(Transport* send_transport,
+ Transport* recv_transport) {
+ for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) {
+ thumbnail_encoders_.emplace_back(VP8Encoder::Create());
+ // Thumbnails will be send in the other way: from receiver_call to
+ // sender_call.
+ VideoSendStream::Config thumbnail_send_config(recv_transport);
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.ssrcs.push_back(kThumbnailSendSsrcStart + i);
+ thumbnail_send_config.encoder_settings.encoder =
+ thumbnail_encoders_.back().get();
+ thumbnail_send_config.encoder_settings.payload_name =;
+ thumbnail_send_config.encoder_settings.payload_type = kPayloadTypeVP8;
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackRtpHistoryMs;
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.rtx.payload_type = kSendRtxPayloadType;
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.rtx.ssrcs.push_back(kThumbnailRtxSsrcStart + i);
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.extensions.clear();
+ if ( {
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.extensions.push_back(
+ RtpExtension(RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri,
+ test::kTransportSequenceNumberExtensionId));
+ } else {
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.extensions.push_back(RtpExtension(
+ RtpExtension::kAbsSendTimeUri, test::kAbsSendTimeExtensionId));
+ }
+ VideoEncoderConfig thumbnail_encoder_config;
+ thumbnail_encoder_config.min_transmit_bitrate_bps = 7500;
+ thumbnail_send_config.suspend_below_min_bitrate =
+ thumbnail_encoder_config.number_of_streams = 1;
+ thumbnail_encoder_config.max_bitrate_bps = 50000;
+ if ( {
+ thumbnail_encoder_config.video_stream_factory =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<VideoStreamFactory>(;
+ } else {
+ thumbnail_encoder_config.video_stream_factory =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<cricket::EncoderStreamFactory>(
+, params_.screenshare.enabled, true);
+ }
+ thumbnail_encoder_config.spatial_layers =;
+ VideoReceiveStream::Config thumbnail_receive_config(send_transport);
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.remb = false;
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.transport_cc = true;
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.local_ssrc = kReceiverLocalVideoSsrc;
+ for (const RtpExtension& extension : thumbnail_send_config.rtp.extensions)
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.extensions.push_back(extension);
+ thumbnail_receive_config.renderer = &fake_renderer_;
+ VideoReceiveStream::Decoder decoder =
+ test::CreateMatchingDecoder(thumbnail_send_config.encoder_settings);
+ allocated_decoders_.push_back(
+ std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoder>(decoder.decoder));
+ thumbnail_receive_config.decoders.clear();
+ thumbnail_receive_config.decoders.push_back(decoder);
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.remote_ssrc =
+ thumbnail_send_config.rtp.ssrcs[0];
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.nack.rtp_history_ms = kNackRtpHistoryMs;
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.rtx_ssrc = kThumbnailRtxSsrcStart + i;
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp
+ .rtx_associated_payload_types[kSendRtxPayloadType] = kPayloadTypeVP8;
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.transport_cc =;
+ thumbnail_receive_config.rtp.remb = !;
+ thumbnail_encoder_configs_.push_back(thumbnail_encoder_config.Copy());
+ thumbnail_send_configs_.push_back(thumbnail_send_config.Copy());
+ thumbnail_receive_configs_.push_back(thumbnail_receive_config.Copy());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) {
+ thumbnail_send_streams_.push_back(receiver_call_->CreateVideoSendStream(
+ thumbnail_send_configs_[i].Copy(),
+ thumbnail_encoder_configs_[i].Copy()));
+ thumbnail_receive_streams_.push_back(sender_call_->CreateVideoReceiveStream(
+ thumbnail_receive_configs_[i].Copy()));
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::DestroyThumbnailStreams() {
+ for (VideoSendStream* thumbnail_send_stream : thumbnail_send_streams_)
+ receiver_call_->DestroyVideoSendStream(thumbnail_send_stream);
+ thumbnail_send_streams_.clear();
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* thumbnail_receive_stream :
+ thumbnail_receive_streams_)
+ sender_call_->DestroyVideoReceiveStream(thumbnail_receive_stream);
+ thumbnail_send_streams_.clear();
+ thumbnail_receive_streams_.clear();
+ for (std::unique_ptr<test::VideoCapturer>& video_caputurer :
+ thumbnail_capturers_) {
+ video_caputurer.reset();
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::SetupScreenshareOrSVC() {
+ if (params_.screenshare.enabled) {
+ // Fill out codec settings.
+ video_encoder_config_.content_type =
+ VideoEncoderConfig::ContentType::kScreen;
+ degradation_preference_ =
+ VideoSendStream::DegradationPreference::kMaintainResolution;
+ if ( == "VP8") {
+ VideoCodecVP8 vp8_settings = VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp8Settings();
+ vp8_settings.denoisingOn = false;
+ vp8_settings.frameDroppingOn = false;
+ vp8_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers =
+ static_cast<unsigned char>(;
+ video_encoder_config_.encoder_specific_settings =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<
+ VideoEncoderConfig::Vp8EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp8_settings);
+ } else if ( == "VP9") {
+ VideoCodecVP9 vp9_settings = VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp9Settings();
+ vp9_settings.denoisingOn = false;
+ vp9_settings.frameDroppingOn = false;
+ vp9_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers =
+ static_cast<unsigned char>(;
+ vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers =
+ static_cast<unsigned char>(;
+ video_encoder_config_.encoder_specific_settings =
+ new rtc::RefCountedObject<
+ VideoEncoderConfig::Vp9EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp9_settings);
+ }
+ // Setup frame generator.
+ const size_t kWidth = 1850;
+ const size_t kHeight = 1110;
+ if (params_.screenshare.generate_slides) {
+ frame_generator_ = test::FrameGenerator::CreateSlideGenerator(
+ kWidth, kHeight,
+ params_.screenshare.slide_change_interval *;
+ } else {
+ std::vector<std::string> slides = params_.screenshare.slides;
+ if (slides.size() == 0) {
+ slides.push_back(test::ResourcePath("web_screenshot_1850_1110", "yuv"));
+ slides.push_back(test::ResourcePath("presentation_1850_1110", "yuv"));
+ slides.push_back(test::ResourcePath("photo_1850_1110", "yuv"));
+ slides.push_back(
+ test::ResourcePath("difficult_photo_1850_1110", "yuv"));
+ }
+ if (params_.screenshare.scroll_duration == 0) {
+ // Cycle image every slide_change_interval seconds.
+ frame_generator_ = test::FrameGenerator::CreateFromYuvFile(
+ slides, kWidth, kHeight,
+ params_.screenshare.slide_change_interval *;
+ } else {
+ RTC_CHECK_LE(, kWidth);
+ RTC_CHECK_LE(, kHeight);
+ RTC_CHECK_GT(params_.screenshare.slide_change_interval, 0);
+ const int kPauseDurationMs =
+ (params_.screenshare.slide_change_interval -
+ params_.screenshare.scroll_duration) *
+ 1000;
+ RTC_CHECK_LE(params_.screenshare.scroll_duration,
+ params_.screenshare.slide_change_interval);
+ frame_generator_ =
+ test::FrameGenerator::CreateScrollingInputFromYuvFiles(
+ clock_, slides, kWidth, kHeight,,
+ params_.screenshare.scroll_duration * 1000, kPauseDurationMs);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( > 1) { // For non-screenshare case.
+ RTC_CHECK( == "VP9");
+ VideoCodecVP9 vp9_settings = VideoEncoder::GetDefaultVp9Settings();
+ vp9_settings.numberOfTemporalLayers =
+ static_cast<unsigned char>(;
+ vp9_settings.numberOfSpatialLayers =
+ static_cast<unsigned char>(;
+ video_encoder_config_.encoder_specific_settings = new rtc::RefCountedObject<
+ VideoEncoderConfig::Vp9EncoderSpecificSettings>(vp9_settings);
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::SetupThumbnailCapturers(size_t num_thumbnail_streams) {
+ VideoStream thumbnail = DefaultThumbnailStream();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_thumbnail_streams; ++i) {
+ thumbnail_capturers_.emplace_back(test::FrameGeneratorCapturer::Create(
+ static_cast<int>(thumbnail.width), static_cast<int>(thumbnail.height),
+ thumbnail.max_framerate, clock_));
+ RTC_DCHECK(thumbnail_capturers_.back());
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::CreateCapturer() {
+ if (params_.screenshare.enabled) {
+ test::FrameGeneratorCapturer* frame_generator_capturer =
+ new test::FrameGeneratorCapturer(clock_, std::move(frame_generator_),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(frame_generator_capturer->Init());
+ video_capturer_.reset(frame_generator_capturer);
+ } else {
+ if ( == "Generator") {
+ video_capturer_.reset(test::FrameGeneratorCapturer::Create(
+ static_cast<int>(,
+ static_cast<int>(,, clock_));
+ } else if ( {
+ video_capturer_.reset(test::VcmCapturer::Create(
+ if (!video_capturer_) {
+ // Failed to get actual camera, use chroma generator as backup.
+ video_capturer_.reset(test::FrameGeneratorCapturer::Create(
+ static_cast<int>(,
+ static_cast<int>(,, clock_));
+ }
+ } else {
+ video_capturer_.reset(test::FrameGeneratorCapturer::CreateFromYuvFile(
+ test::ResourcePath(, "yuv"),
+ clock_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(video_capturer_) << "Could not create capturer for "
+ <<
+ << ".yuv. Is this resource file present?";
+ }
+ }
+ RTC_DCHECK(video_capturer_.get());
+VideoQualityTest::CreateSendTransport() {
+ return rtc::MakeUnique<test::LayerFilteringTransport>(
+ &task_queue_, params_.pipe, sender_call_.get(), kPayloadTypeVP8,
+ kPayloadTypeVP9,,,
+ payload_type_map_);
+VideoQualityTest::CreateReceiveTransport() {
+ return rtc::MakeUnique<test::DirectTransport>(
+ &task_queue_, params_.pipe, receiver_call_.get(), payload_type_map_);
+void VideoQualityTest::RunWithAnalyzer(const Params& params) {
+ std::unique_ptr<test::LayerFilteringTransport> send_transport;
+ std::unique_ptr<test::DirectTransport> recv_transport;
+ FILE* graph_data_output_file = nullptr;
+ std::unique_ptr<VideoAnalyzer> analyzer;
+ params_ = params;
+ // TODO(ivica): Merge with RunWithRenderer and use a flag / argument to
+ // differentiate between the analyzer and the renderer case.
+ CheckParams();
+ if (!params_.analyzer.graph_data_output_filename.empty()) {
+ graph_data_output_file =
+ fopen(params_.analyzer.graph_data_output_filename.c_str(), "w");
+ RTC_CHECK(graph_data_output_file)
+ << "Can't open the file " << params_.analyzer.graph_data_output_filename
+ << "!";
+ }
+ if (!params.logging.rtc_event_log_name.empty()) {
+ event_log_ = RtcEventLog::Create(clock_, RtcEventLog::EncodingType::Legacy);
+ std::unique_ptr<RtcEventLogOutputFile> output(
+ rtc::MakeUnique<RtcEventLogOutputFile>(
+ params.logging.rtc_event_log_name, RtcEventLog::kUnlimitedOutput));
+ bool event_log_started = event_log_->StartLogging(
+ std::move(output), RtcEventLog::kImmediateOutput);
+ RTC_DCHECK(event_log_started);
+ }
+ Call::Config call_config(event_log_.get());
+ call_config.bitrate_config =;
+ task_queue_.SendTask(
+ [this, &call_config, &send_transport, &recv_transport]() {
+ CreateCalls(call_config, call_config);
+ send_transport = CreateSendTransport();
+ recv_transport = CreateReceiveTransport();
+ });
+ std::string graph_title = params_.analyzer.graph_title;
+ if (graph_title.empty())
+ graph_title = VideoQualityTest::GenerateGraphTitle();
+ bool is_quick_test_enabled = field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-QuickPerfTest");
+ analyzer = rtc::MakeUnique<VideoAnalyzer>(
+ send_transport.get(), params_.analyzer.test_label,
+ params_.analyzer.avg_psnr_threshold, params_.analyzer.avg_ssim_threshold,
+ is_quick_test_enabled
+ ? kFramesSentInQuickTest
+ : params_.analyzer.test_durations_secs *,
+ graph_data_output_file, graph_title,
+ kVideoSendSsrcs[],
+ kSendRtxSsrcs[],
+ static_cast<size_t>(,,
+, is_quick_test_enabled, clock_,
+ params_.logging.rtp_dump_name);
+ task_queue_.SendTask([&]() {
+ analyzer->SetCall(sender_call_.get());
+ analyzer->SetReceiver(receiver_call_->Receiver());
+ send_transport->SetReceiver(analyzer.get());
+ recv_transport->SetReceiver(sender_call_->Receiver());
+ SetupVideo(analyzer.get(), recv_transport.get());
+ SetupThumbnails(analyzer.get(), recv_transport.get());
+ video_receive_configs_[].renderer =
+ analyzer.get();
+ video_send_config_.pre_encode_callback = analyzer->pre_encode_proxy();
+ RTC_DCHECK(!video_send_config_.post_encode_callback);
+ video_send_config_.post_encode_callback = analyzer->encode_timing_proxy();
+ SetupScreenshareOrSVC();
+ CreateFlexfecStreams();
+ CreateVideoStreams();
+ analyzer->SetSendStream(video_send_stream_);
+ if (video_receive_streams_.size() == 1)
+ analyzer->SetReceiveStream(video_receive_streams_[0]);
+ video_send_stream_->SetSource(analyzer->OutputInterface(),
+ degradation_preference_);
+ SetupThumbnailCapturers(;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < thumbnail_send_streams_.size(); ++i) {
+ thumbnail_send_streams_[i]->SetSource(thumbnail_capturers_[i].get(),
+ degradation_preference_);
+ }
+ CreateCapturer();
+ analyzer->SetSource(video_capturer_.get(),;
+ StartEncodedFrameLogs(video_send_stream_);
+ StartEncodedFrameLogs(video_receive_streams_[]);
+ video_send_stream_->Start();
+ for (VideoSendStream* thumbnail_send_stream : thumbnail_send_streams_)
+ thumbnail_send_stream->Start();
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream : video_receive_streams_)
+ receive_stream->Start();
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* thumbnail_receive_stream :
+ thumbnail_receive_streams_)
+ thumbnail_receive_stream->Start();
+ analyzer->StartMeasuringCpuProcessTime();
+ video_capturer_->Start();
+ for (std::unique_ptr<test::VideoCapturer>& video_caputurer :
+ thumbnail_capturers_) {
+ video_caputurer->Start();
+ }
+ });
+ analyzer->Wait();
+ event_log_->StopLogging();
+ task_queue_.SendTask([&]() {
+ for (std::unique_ptr<test::VideoCapturer>& video_caputurer :
+ thumbnail_capturers_)
+ video_caputurer->Stop();
+ video_capturer_->Stop();
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* thumbnail_receive_stream :
+ thumbnail_receive_streams_)
+ thumbnail_receive_stream->Stop();
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream : video_receive_streams_)
+ receive_stream->Stop();
+ for (VideoSendStream* thumbnail_send_stream : thumbnail_send_streams_)
+ thumbnail_send_stream->Stop();
+ video_send_stream_->Stop();
+ DestroyStreams();
+ DestroyThumbnailStreams();
+ if (graph_data_output_file)
+ fclose(graph_data_output_file);
+ video_capturer_.reset();
+ send_transport.reset();
+ recv_transport.reset();
+ DestroyCalls();
+ });
+void VideoQualityTest::SetupAudio(int send_channel_id,
+ int receive_channel_id,
+ Transport* transport,
+ AudioReceiveStream** audio_receive_stream) {
+ audio_send_config_ = AudioSendStream::Config(transport);
+ audio_send_config_.voe_channel_id = send_channel_id;
+ audio_send_config_.rtp.ssrc = kAudioSendSsrc;
+ // Add extension to enable audio send side BWE, and allow audio bit rate
+ // adaptation.
+ audio_send_config_.rtp.extensions.clear();
+ if ( {
+ audio_send_config_.rtp.extensions.push_back(
+ webrtc::RtpExtension(webrtc::RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri,
+ test::kTransportSequenceNumberExtensionId));
+ audio_send_config_.min_bitrate_bps = kOpusMinBitrateBps;
+ audio_send_config_.max_bitrate_bps = kOpusBitrateFbBps;
+ }
+ audio_send_config_.send_codec_spec =
+ rtc::Optional<AudioSendStream::Config::SendCodecSpec>(
+ {kAudioSendPayloadType,
+ {"OPUS", 48000, 2,
+ {{"usedtx", ( ? "1" : "0")},
+ {"stereo", "1"}}}});
+ audio_send_config_.encoder_factory = encoder_factory_;
+ audio_send_stream_ = sender_call_->CreateAudioSendStream(audio_send_config_);
+ AudioReceiveStream::Config audio_config;
+ audio_config.rtp.local_ssrc = kReceiverLocalAudioSsrc;
+ audio_config.rtcp_send_transport = transport;
+ audio_config.voe_channel_id = receive_channel_id;
+ audio_config.rtp.remote_ssrc = audio_send_config_.rtp.ssrc;
+ audio_config.rtp.transport_cc =;
+ audio_config.rtp.extensions = audio_send_config_.rtp.extensions;
+ audio_config.decoder_factory = decoder_factory_;
+ audio_config.decoder_map = {{kAudioSendPayloadType, {"OPUS", 48000, 2}}};
+ if ( &&
+ audio_config.sync_group = kSyncGroup;
+ *audio_receive_stream =
+ receiver_call_->CreateAudioReceiveStream(audio_config);
+void VideoQualityTest::RunWithRenderers(const Params& params) {
+ std::unique_ptr<test::LayerFilteringTransport> send_transport;
+ std::unique_ptr<test::DirectTransport> recv_transport;
+ std::unique_ptr<test::FakeAudioDevice> fake_audio_device;
+ ::VoiceEngineState voe;
+ std::unique_ptr<test::VideoRenderer> local_preview;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<test::VideoRenderer>> loopback_renderers;
+ AudioReceiveStream* audio_receive_stream = nullptr;
+ task_queue_.SendTask([&]() {
+ params_ = params;
+ CheckParams();
+ // TODO(ivica): Remove bitrate_config and use the default Call::Config(), to
+ // match the full stack tests.
+ Call::Config call_config(event_log_.get());
+ call_config.bitrate_config =;
+ fake_audio_device.reset(new test::FakeAudioDevice(
+ test::FakeAudioDevice::CreatePulsedNoiseCapturer(32000, 48000),
+ test::FakeAudioDevice::CreateDiscardRenderer(48000),
+ 1.f));
+ rtc::scoped_refptr<webrtc::AudioProcessing> audio_processing(
+ webrtc::AudioProcessing::Create());
+ if ( {
+ CreateVoiceEngine(&voe, fake_audio_device.get(), audio_processing.get(),
+ decoder_factory_);
+ AudioState::Config audio_state_config;
+ audio_state_config.voice_engine = voe.voice_engine;
+ audio_state_config.audio_mixer = AudioMixerImpl::Create();
+ audio_state_config.audio_processing = audio_processing;
+ call_config.audio_state = AudioState::Create(audio_state_config);
+ fake_audio_device->RegisterAudioCallback(
+ call_config.audio_state->audio_transport());
+ }
+ CreateCalls(call_config, call_config);
+ // TODO(minyue): consider if this is a good transport even for audio only
+ // calls.
+ send_transport = rtc::MakeUnique<test::LayerFilteringTransport>(
+ &task_queue_, params.pipe, sender_call_.get(), kPayloadTypeVP8,
+ kPayloadTypeVP9,,,
+ payload_type_map_);
+ recv_transport = rtc::MakeUnique<test::DirectTransport>(
+ &task_queue_, params_.pipe, receiver_call_.get(), payload_type_map_);
+ // TODO(ivica): Use two calls to be able to merge with RunWithAnalyzer or at
+ // least share as much code as possible. That way this test would also match
+ // the full stack tests better.
+ send_transport->SetReceiver(receiver_call_->Receiver());
+ recv_transport->SetReceiver(sender_call_->Receiver());
+ if ( {
+ // Create video renderers.
+ local_preview.reset(test::VideoRenderer::Create(
+ "Local Preview",,;
+ const size_t selected_stream_id =;
+ const size_t num_streams =;
+ if (selected_stream_id == num_streams) {
+ for (size_t stream_id = 0; stream_id < num_streams; ++stream_id) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Loopback Video - Stream #" << static_cast<int>(stream_id);
+ loopback_renderers.emplace_back(test::VideoRenderer::Create(
+ oss.str().c_str(),[stream_id].width,
+ }
+ } else {
+ loopback_renderers.emplace_back(test::VideoRenderer::Create(
+ "Loopback Video",[selected_stream_id].width,
+ }
+ SetupVideo(send_transport.get(), recv_transport.get());
+ video_send_config_.pre_encode_callback = local_preview.get();
+ if (selected_stream_id == num_streams) {
+ for (size_t stream_id = 0; stream_id < num_streams; ++stream_id) {
+ video_receive_configs_[stream_id].renderer =
+ loopback_renderers[stream_id].get();
+ if ( &&
+ video_receive_configs_[stream_id].sync_group = kSyncGroup;
+ }
+ } else {
+ video_receive_configs_[selected_stream_id].renderer =
+ loopback_renderers.back().get();
+ if ( &&
+ video_receive_configs_[selected_stream_id].sync_group = kSyncGroup;
+ }
+ SetupScreenshareOrSVC();
+ CreateFlexfecStreams();
+ CreateVideoStreams();
+ CreateCapturer();
+ video_send_stream_->SetSource(video_capturer_.get(),
+ degradation_preference_);
+ }
+ if ( {
+ SetupAudio(voe.send_channel_id, voe.receive_channel_id,
+ send_transport.get(), &audio_receive_stream);
+ }
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream : video_receive_streams_)
+ StartEncodedFrameLogs(receive_stream);
+ StartEncodedFrameLogs(video_send_stream_);
+ // Start sending and receiving video.
+ if ( {
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* video_receive_stream : video_receive_streams_)
+ video_receive_stream->Start();
+ video_send_stream_->Start();
+ video_capturer_->Start();
+ }
+ if ( {
+ // Start receiving audio.
+ audio_receive_stream->Start();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, voe.base->StartPlayout(voe.receive_channel_id));
+ // Start sending audio.
+ audio_send_stream_->Start();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, voe.base->StartSend(voe.send_channel_id));
+ }
+ });
+ test::PressEnterToContinue();
+ task_queue_.SendTask([&]() {
+ if ( {
+ // Stop sending audio.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, voe.base->StopSend(voe.send_channel_id));
+ audio_send_stream_->Stop();
+ // Stop receiving audio.
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, voe.base->StopPlayout(voe.receive_channel_id));
+ audio_receive_stream->Stop();
+ sender_call_->DestroyAudioSendStream(audio_send_stream_);
+ receiver_call_->DestroyAudioReceiveStream(audio_receive_stream);
+ }
+ // Stop receiving and sending video.
+ if ( {
+ video_capturer_->Stop();
+ video_send_stream_->Stop();
+ for (FlexfecReceiveStream* flexfec_receive_stream :
+ flexfec_receive_streams_) {
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* video_receive_stream :
+ video_receive_streams_) {
+ video_receive_stream->RemoveSecondarySink(flexfec_receive_stream);
+ }
+ receiver_call_->DestroyFlexfecReceiveStream(flexfec_receive_stream);
+ }
+ for (VideoReceiveStream* receive_stream : video_receive_streams_) {
+ receive_stream->Stop();
+ receiver_call_->DestroyVideoReceiveStream(receive_stream);
+ }
+ sender_call_->DestroyVideoSendStream(video_send_stream_);
+ }
+ video_capturer_.reset();
+ send_transport.reset();
+ recv_transport.reset();
+ if (
+ DestroyVoiceEngine(&voe);
+ local_preview.reset();
+ loopback_renderers.clear();
+ DestroyCalls();
+ });
+void VideoQualityTest::StartEncodedFrameLogs(VideoSendStream* stream) {
+ if (!params_.logging.encoded_frame_base_path.empty()) {
+ std::ostringstream str;
+ str << send_logs_++;
+ std::string prefix =
+ params_.logging.encoded_frame_base_path + "." + str.str() + ".send.";
+ stream->EnableEncodedFrameRecording(
+ std::vector<rtc::PlatformFile>(
+ {rtc::CreatePlatformFile(prefix + "1.ivf"),
+ rtc::CreatePlatformFile(prefix + "2.ivf"),
+ rtc::CreatePlatformFile(prefix + "3.ivf")}),
+ 100000000);
+ }
+void VideoQualityTest::StartEncodedFrameLogs(VideoReceiveStream* stream) {
+ if (!params_.logging.encoded_frame_base_path.empty()) {
+ std::ostringstream str;
+ str << receive_logs_++;
+ std::string path =
+ params_.logging.encoded_frame_base_path + "." + str.str() + ".recv.ivf";
+ stream->EnableEncodedFrameRecording(rtc::CreatePlatformFile(path),
+ 100000000);
+ }
+} // namespace webrtc