path: root/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/video_stream_encoder.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/video_stream_encoder.h')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/video_stream_encoder.h b/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/video_stream_encoder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..421b733961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/libwebrtc/webrtc/video/video_stream_encoder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
+ * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <atomic>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "api/video/video_rotation.h"
+#include "api/video_codecs/video_encoder.h"
+#include "call/call.h"
+#include "common_types.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
+#include "common_video/include/video_bitrate_allocator.h"
+#include "media/base/videosinkinterface.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/include/video_coding_defines.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/utility/quality_scaler.h"
+#include "modules/video_coding/video_coding_impl.h"
+#include "rtc_base/criticalsection.h"
+#include "rtc_base/event.h"
+#include "rtc_base/sequenced_task_checker.h"
+#include "rtc_base/task_queue.h"
+#include "typedefs.h" // NOLINT(build/include)
+#include "video/overuse_frame_detector.h"
+#include "call/video_send_stream.h"
+namespace webrtc {
+class SendStatisticsProxy;
+class VideoBitrateAllocationObserver;
+// VideoStreamEncoder represent a video encoder that accepts raw video frames as
+// input and produces an encoded bit stream.
+// Usage:
+// Instantiate.
+// Call SetSink.
+// Call SetSource.
+// Call ConfigureEncoder with the codec settings.
+// Call Stop() when done.
+class VideoStreamEncoder : public rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>,
+ public EncodedImageCallback,
+ public AdaptationObserverInterface {
+ public:
+ // Interface for receiving encoded video frames and notifications about
+ // configuration changes.
+ class EncoderSink : public EncodedImageCallback {
+ public:
+ virtual void OnEncoderConfigurationChanged(
+ std::vector<VideoStream> streams,
+ int min_transmit_bitrate_bps) = 0;
+ };
+ // Number of resolution and framerate reductions (-1: disabled).
+ struct AdaptCounts {
+ int resolution = 0;
+ int fps = 0;
+ };
+ // Downscale resolution at most 2 times for CPU reasons.
+ static const int kMaxCpuResolutionDowngrades = 2;
+ // Downscale framerate at most 4 times.
+ static const int kMaxCpuFramerateDowngrades = 4;
+ VideoStreamEncoder(uint32_t number_of_cores,
+ SendStatisticsProxy* stats_proxy,
+ const VideoSendStream::Config::EncoderSettings& settings,
+ rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* pre_encode_callback,
+ EncodedFrameObserver* encoder_timing,
+ std::unique_ptr<OveruseFrameDetector> overuse_detector);
+ ~VideoStreamEncoder();
+ // Sets the source that will provide I420 video frames.
+ // |degradation_preference| control whether or not resolution or frame rate
+ // may be reduced.
+ void SetSource(
+ rtc::VideoSourceInterface<VideoFrame>* source,
+ const VideoSendStream::DegradationPreference& degradation_preference);
+ // Sets the |sink| that gets the encoded frames. |rotation_applied| means
+ // that the source must support rotation. Only set |rotation_applied| if the
+ // remote side does not support the rotation extension.
+ void SetSink(EncoderSink* sink, bool rotation_applied);
+ // TODO(perkj): Can we remove VideoCodec.startBitrate ?
+ void SetStartBitrate(int start_bitrate_bps);
+ void SetBitrateObserver(VideoBitrateAllocationObserver* bitrate_observer);
+ void ConfigureEncoder(VideoEncoderConfig config,
+ size_t max_data_payload_length,
+ bool nack_enabled);
+ // Permanently stop encoding. After this method has returned, it is
+ // guaranteed that no encoded frames will be delivered to the sink.
+ void Stop();
+ void SendKeyFrame();
+ // virtual to test EncoderStateFeedback with mocks.
+ virtual void OnReceivedIntraFrameRequest(size_t stream_index);
+ void OnBitrateUpdated(uint32_t bitrate_bps,
+ uint8_t fraction_lost,
+ int64_t round_trip_time_ms);
+ protected:
+ // Used for testing. For example the |ScalingObserverInterface| methods must
+ // be called on |encoder_queue_|.
+ rtc::TaskQueue* encoder_queue() { return &encoder_queue_; }
+ // AdaptationObserverInterface implementation.
+ // These methods are protected for easier testing.
+ void AdaptUp(AdaptReason reason) override;
+ void AdaptDown(AdaptReason reason) override;
+ static CpuOveruseOptions GetCpuOveruseOptions(bool full_overuse_time);
+ private:
+ class ConfigureEncoderTask;
+ class EncodeTask;
+ class VideoSourceProxy;
+ class VideoFrameInfo {
+ public:
+ VideoFrameInfo(int width,
+ int height,
+ bool is_texture)
+ : width(width),
+ height(height),
+ is_texture(is_texture) {}
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ bool is_texture;
+ int pixel_count() const { return width * height; }
+ };
+ void ConfigureEncoderOnTaskQueue(VideoEncoderConfig config,
+ size_t max_data_payload_length,
+ bool nack_enabled);
+ void ReconfigureEncoder();
+ void ConfigureQualityScaler();
+ // Implements VideoSinkInterface.
+ void OnFrame(const VideoFrame& video_frame) override;
+ void OnDiscardedFrame() override;
+ void EncodeVideoFrame(const VideoFrame& frame,
+ int64_t time_when_posted_in_ms);
+ // Implements EncodedImageCallback.
+ EncodedImageCallback::Result OnEncodedImage(
+ const EncodedImage& encoded_image,
+ const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info,
+ const RTPFragmentationHeader* fragmentation) override;
+ void OnDroppedFrame(EncodedImageCallback::DropReason reason) override;
+ bool EncoderPaused() const;
+ void TraceFrameDropStart();
+ void TraceFrameDropEnd();
+ // Class holding adaptation information.
+ class AdaptCounter final {
+ public:
+ AdaptCounter();
+ ~AdaptCounter();
+ // Get number of adaptation downscales for |reason|.
+ AdaptCounts Counts(int reason) const;
+ std::string ToString() const;
+ void IncrementFramerate(int reason);
+ void IncrementResolution(int reason);
+ void DecrementFramerate(int reason);
+ void DecrementResolution(int reason);
+ void DecrementFramerate(int reason, int cur_fps);
+ // Gets the total number of downgrades (for all adapt reasons).
+ int FramerateCount() const;
+ int ResolutionCount() const;
+ // Gets the total number of downgrades for |reason|.
+ int FramerateCount(int reason) const;
+ int ResolutionCount(int reason) const;
+ int TotalCount(int reason) const;
+ private:
+ std::string ToString(const std::vector<int>& counters) const;
+ int Count(const std::vector<int>& counters) const;
+ void MoveCount(std::vector<int>* counters, int from_reason);
+ // Degradation counters holding number of framerate/resolution reductions
+ // per adapt reason.
+ std::vector<int> fps_counters_;
+ std::vector<int> resolution_counters_;
+ };
+ AdaptCounter& GetAdaptCounter() RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ const AdaptCounter& GetConstAdaptCounter() RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ void UpdateAdaptationStats(AdaptReason reason) RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ AdaptCounts GetActiveCounts(AdaptReason reason) RTC_RUN_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ rtc::Event shutdown_event_;
+ const uint32_t number_of_cores_;
+ // Counts how many frames we've dropped in the initial rampup phase.
+ int initial_rampup_;
+ const std::unique_ptr<VideoSourceProxy> source_proxy_;
+ EncoderSink* sink_;
+ const VideoSendStream::Config::EncoderSettings settings_;
+ const VideoCodecType codec_type_;
+ vcm::VideoSender video_sender_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ std::unique_ptr<OveruseFrameDetector> overuse_detector_
+ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ std::unique_ptr<QualityScaler> quality_scaler_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ SendStatisticsProxy* const stats_proxy_;
+ rtc::VideoSinkInterface<VideoFrame>* const pre_encode_callback_;
+ // |thread_checker_| checks that public methods that are related to lifetime
+ // of VideoStreamEncoder are called on the same thread.
+ rtc::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
+ VideoEncoderConfig encoder_config_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ std::unique_ptr<VideoBitrateAllocator> rate_allocator_
+ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ // The maximum frame rate of the current codec configuration, as determined
+ // at the last ReconfigureEncoder() call.
+ int max_framerate_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ // Set when ConfigureEncoder has been called in order to lazy reconfigure the
+ // encoder on the next frame.
+ bool pending_encoder_reconfiguration_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ rtc::Optional<VideoFrameInfo> last_frame_info_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ int crop_width_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ int crop_height_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ uint32_t encoder_start_bitrate_bps_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ size_t max_data_payload_length_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ bool nack_enabled_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ uint32_t last_observed_bitrate_bps_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ bool encoder_paused_and_dropped_frame_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ Clock* const clock_;
+ // Counters used for deciding if the video resolution or framerate is
+ // currently restricted, and if so, why, on a per degradation preference
+ // basis.
+ // TODO(sprang): Replace this with a state holding a relative overuse measure
+ // instead, that can be translated into suitable down-scale or fps limit.
+ std::map<const VideoSendStream::DegradationPreference, AdaptCounter>
+ adapt_counters_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ // Set depending on degradation preferences.
+ VideoSendStream::DegradationPreference degradation_preference_
+ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ struct AdaptationRequest {
+ // The pixel count produced by the source at the time of the adaptation.
+ int input_pixel_count_;
+ // Framerate received from the source at the time of the adaptation.
+ int framerate_fps_;
+ // Indicates if request was to adapt up or down.
+ enum class Mode { kAdaptUp, kAdaptDown } mode_;
+ };
+ // Stores a snapshot of the last adaptation request triggered by an AdaptUp
+ // or AdaptDown signal.
+ rtc::Optional<AdaptationRequest> last_adaptation_request_
+ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ rtc::RaceChecker incoming_frame_race_checker_
+ RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
+ std::atomic<int> posted_frames_waiting_for_encode_;
+ // Used to make sure incoming time stamp is increasing for every frame.
+ int64_t last_captured_timestamp_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
+ // Delta used for translating between NTP and internal timestamps.
+ const int64_t delta_ntp_internal_ms_
+ RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
+ int64_t last_frame_log_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(incoming_frame_race_checker_);
+ int captured_frame_count_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ int dropped_frame_count_ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ VideoBitrateAllocationObserver* bitrate_observer_
+ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ rtc::Optional<int64_t> last_parameters_update_ms_
+ RTC_ACCESS_ON(&encoder_queue_);
+ // All public methods are proxied to |encoder_queue_|. It must must be
+ // destroyed first to make sure no tasks are run that use other members.
+ rtc::TaskQueue encoder_queue_;
+} // namespace webrtc