path: root/third_party/python/py/testing/path/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/py/testing/path/')
1 files changed, 492 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/py/testing/path/ b/third_party/python/py/testing/path/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d69a1c39d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/py/testing/path/
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+import py
+import sys
+import pytest
+class CommonFSTests(object):
+ def test_constructor_equality(self, path1):
+ p = path1.__class__(path1)
+ assert p == path1
+ def test_eq_nonstring(self, path1):
+ p1 = path1.join('sampledir')
+ p2 = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert p1 == p2
+ def test_new_identical(self, path1):
+ assert path1 ==
+ def test_join(self, path1):
+ p = path1.join('sampledir')
+ strp = str(p)
+ assert strp.endswith('sampledir')
+ assert strp.startswith(str(path1))
+ def test_join_normalized(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join(path1.sep+'sampledir')
+ strp = str(newpath)
+ assert strp.endswith('sampledir')
+ assert strp.startswith(str(path1))
+ newpath = path1.join((path1.sep*2) + 'sampledir')
+ strp = str(newpath)
+ assert strp.endswith('sampledir')
+ assert strp.startswith(str(path1))
+ def test_join_noargs(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join()
+ assert path1 == newpath
+ def test_add_something(self, path1):
+ p = path1.join('sample')
+ p = p + 'dir'
+ assert p.check()
+ assert p.exists()
+ assert p.isdir()
+ assert not p.isfile()
+ def test_parts(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir', 'otherfile')
+ par =[-3:]
+ assert par == [path1, path1.join('sampledir'), newpath]
+ revpar =[:3]
+ assert revpar == [newpath, path1.join('sampledir'), path1]
+ def test_common(self, path1):
+ other = path1.join('sampledir')
+ x = other.common(path1)
+ assert x == path1
+ #def test_parents_nonexisting_file(self, path1):
+ # newpath = path1 / 'dirnoexist' / 'nonexisting file'
+ # par = list(newpath.parents())
+ # assert par[:2] == [path1 / 'dirnoexist', path1]
+ def test_basename_checks(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert newpath.check(basename='sampledir')
+ assert newpath.check(notbasename='xyz')
+ assert newpath.basename == 'sampledir'
+ def test_basename(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert newpath.check(basename='sampledir')
+ assert newpath.basename, 'sampledir'
+ def test_dirname(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert newpath.dirname == str(path1)
+ def test_dirpath(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert newpath.dirpath() == path1
+ def test_dirpath_with_args(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert newpath.dirpath('x') == path1.join('x')
+ def test_newbasename(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('samplefile')
+ newbase ="samplefile2")
+ assert newbase.basename == "samplefile2"
+ assert newbase.dirpath() == newpath.dirpath()
+ def test_not_exists(self, path1):
+ assert not path1.join('does_not_exist').check()
+ assert path1.join('does_not_exist').check(exists=0)
+ def test_exists(self, path1):
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").check()
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").check(exists=1)
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").exists()
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").isfile()
+ assert not path1.join("samplefile").isdir()
+ def test_dir(self, path1):
+ #print repr(path1.join("sampledir"))
+ assert path1.join("sampledir").check(dir=1)
+ assert path1.join('samplefile').check(notdir=1)
+ assert not path1.join("samplefile").check(dir=1)
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").exists()
+ assert not path1.join("samplefile").isdir()
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").isfile()
+ def test_fnmatch_file(self, path1):
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").check(fnmatch='s*e')
+ assert path1.join("samplefile").fnmatch('s*e')
+ assert not path1.join("samplefile").fnmatch('s*x')
+ assert not path1.join("samplefile").check(fnmatch='s*x')
+ #def test_fnmatch_dir(self, path1):
+ # pattern = path1.sep.join(['s*file'])
+ # sfile = path1.join("samplefile")
+ # assert sfile.check(fnmatch=pattern)
+ def test_relto(self, path1):
+ l=path1.join("sampledir", "otherfile")
+ assert l.relto(path1) == l.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"])
+ assert l.check(relto=path1)
+ assert path1.check(notrelto=l)
+ assert not path1.check(relto=l)
+ def test_bestrelpath(self, path1):
+ curdir = path1
+ sep = curdir.sep
+ s = curdir.bestrelpath(curdir)
+ assert s == "."
+ s = curdir.bestrelpath(curdir.join("hello", "world"))
+ assert s == "hello" + sep + "world"
+ s = curdir.bestrelpath(curdir.dirpath().join("sister"))
+ assert s == ".." + sep + "sister"
+ assert curdir.bestrelpath(curdir.dirpath()) == ".."
+ assert curdir.bestrelpath("hello") == "hello"
+ def test_relto_not_relative(self, path1):
+ l1=path1.join("bcde")
+ l2=path1.join("b")
+ assert not l1.relto(l2)
+ assert not l2.relto(l1)
+ @py.test.mark.xfail("sys.platform.startswith('java')")
+ def test_listdir(self, path1):
+ l = path1.listdir()
+ assert path1.join('sampledir') in l
+ assert path1.join('samplefile') in l
+ py.test.raises(py.error.ENOTDIR,
+ "path1.join('samplefile').listdir()")
+ def test_listdir_fnmatchstring(self, path1):
+ l = path1.listdir('s*dir')
+ assert len(l)
+ assert l[0], path1.join('sampledir')
+ def test_listdir_filter(self, path1):
+ l = path1.listdir(lambda x: x.check(dir=1))
+ assert path1.join('sampledir') in l
+ assert not path1.join('samplefile') in l
+ def test_listdir_sorted(self, path1):
+ l = path1.listdir(lambda x: x.check(basestarts="sample"), sort=True)
+ assert path1.join('sampledir') == l[0]
+ assert path1.join('samplefile') == l[1]
+ assert path1.join('samplepickle') == l[2]
+ def test_visit_nofilter(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit():
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ assert "sampledir" in l
+ assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in l
+ def test_visit_norecurse(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(None, lambda x: x.basename != "sampledir"):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ assert "sampledir" in l
+ assert not path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in l
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize('fil', ['*dir', u'*dir',
+ pytest.mark.skip("sys.version_info <"
+ " (3,6)")(b'*dir')])
+ def test_visit_filterfunc_is_string(self, path1, fil):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(fil):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ assert len(l), 2
+ assert "sampledir" in l
+ assert "otherdir" in l
+ @py.test.mark.xfail("sys.platform.startswith('java')")
+ def test_visit_ignore(self, path1):
+ p = path1.join('nonexisting')
+ assert list(p.visit(ignore=py.error.ENOENT)) == []
+ def test_visit_endswith(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(lambda x: x.check(endswith="file")):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in l
+ assert "samplefile" in l
+ def test_endswith(self, path1):
+ assert path1.check(notendswith='.py')
+ x = path1.join('samplefile')
+ assert x.check(endswith='file')
+ def test_cmp(self, path1):
+ path1 = path1.join('samplefile')
+ path2 = path1.join('samplefile2')
+ assert (path1 < path2) == ('samplefile' < 'samplefile2')
+ assert not (path1 < path1)
+ def test_simple_read(self, path1):
+ x = path1.join('samplefile').read('r')
+ assert x == 'samplefile\n'
+ def test_join_div_operator(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1 / '/sampledir' / '/test//'
+ newpath2 = path1.join('sampledir', 'test')
+ assert newpath == newpath2
+ def test_ext(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir.ext')
+ assert newpath.ext == '.ext'
+ newpath = path1.join('sampledir')
+ assert not newpath.ext
+ def test_purebasename(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('')
+ assert newpath.purebasename == 'samplefile'
+ def test_multiple_parts(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('')
+ dirname, purebasename, basename, ext = newpath._getbyspec(
+ 'dirname,purebasename,basename,ext')
+ assert str(path1).endswith(dirname) # be careful with win32 'drive'
+ assert purebasename == 'samplefile'
+ assert basename == ''
+ assert ext == '.py'
+ def test_dotted_name_ext(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('a.b.c')
+ ext = newpath.ext
+ assert ext == '.c'
+ assert newpath.ext == '.c'
+ def test_newext(self, path1):
+ newpath = path1.join('')
+ newext ='.txt')
+ assert newext.basename == "samplefile.txt"
+ assert newext.purebasename == "samplefile"
+ def test_readlines(self, path1):
+ fn = path1.join('samplefile')
+ contents = fn.readlines()
+ assert contents == ['samplefile\n']
+ def test_readlines_nocr(self, path1):
+ fn = path1.join('samplefile')
+ contents = fn.readlines(cr=0)
+ assert contents == ['samplefile', '']
+ def test_file(self, path1):
+ assert path1.join('samplefile').check(file=1)
+ def test_not_file(self, path1):
+ assert not path1.join("sampledir").check(file=1)
+ assert path1.join("sampledir").check(file=0)
+ def test_non_existent(self, path1):
+ assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(dir=0)
+ assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(file=0)
+ assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notfile=1)
+ assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notdir=1)
+ assert path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notexists=1)
+ assert not path1.join("sampledir.nothere").check(notfile=0)
+ # pattern = path1.sep.join(['s*file'])
+ # sfile = path1.join("samplefile")
+ # assert sfile.check(fnmatch=pattern)
+ def test_size(self, path1):
+ url = path1.join("samplefile")
+ assert url.size() > len("samplefile")
+ def test_mtime(self, path1):
+ url = path1.join("samplefile")
+ assert url.mtime() > 0
+ def test_relto_wrong_type(self, path1):
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, "path1.relto(42)")
+ def test_load(self, path1):
+ p = path1.join('samplepickle')
+ obj = p.load()
+ assert type(obj) is dict
+ assert obj.get('answer',None) == 42
+ def test_visit_filesonly(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(lambda x: x.check(file=1)):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ assert not "sampledir" in l
+ assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in l
+ def test_visit_nodotfiles(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(lambda x: x.check(dotfile=0)):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ assert "sampledir" in l
+ assert path1.sep.join(["sampledir", "otherfile"]) in l
+ assert not ".dotfile" in l
+ def test_visit_breadthfirst(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(bf=True):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ for i, p in enumerate(l):
+ if path1.sep in p:
+ for j in range(i, len(l)):
+ assert path1.sep in l[j]
+ break
+ else:
+ def test_visit_sort(self, path1):
+ l = []
+ for i in path1.visit(bf=True, sort=True):
+ l.append(i.relto(path1))
+ for i, p in enumerate(l):
+ if path1.sep in p:
+ break
+ assert l[:i] == sorted(l[:i])
+ assert l[i:] == sorted(l[i:])
+ def test_endswith(self, path1):
+ def chk(p):
+ return p.check(endswith="pickle")
+ assert not chk(path1)
+ assert not chk(path1.join('samplefile'))
+ assert chk(path1.join('somepickle'))
+ def test_copy_file(self, path1):
+ otherdir = path1.join('otherdir')
+ initpy = otherdir.join('')
+ copied = otherdir.join('copied')
+ initpy.copy(copied)
+ try:
+ assert copied.check()
+ s1 =
+ s2 =
+ assert s1 == s2
+ finally:
+ if copied.check():
+ copied.remove()
+ def test_copy_dir(self, path1):
+ otherdir = path1.join('otherdir')
+ copied = path1.join('newdir')
+ try:
+ otherdir.copy(copied)
+ assert copied.check(dir=1)
+ assert copied.join('').check(file=1)
+ s1 = otherdir.join('').read()
+ s2 = copied.join('').read()
+ assert s1 == s2
+ finally:
+ if copied.check(dir=1):
+ copied.remove(rec=1)
+ def test_remove_file(self, path1):
+ d = path1.ensure('todeleted')
+ assert d.check()
+ d.remove()
+ assert not d.check()
+ def test_remove_dir_recursive_by_default(self, path1):
+ d = path1.ensure('to', 'be', 'deleted')
+ assert d.check()
+ p = path1.join('to')
+ p.remove()
+ assert not p.check()
+ def test_ensure_dir(self, path1):
+ b = path1.ensure_dir("001", "002")
+ assert b.basename == "002"
+ assert b.isdir()
+ def test_mkdir_and_remove(self, path1):
+ tmpdir = path1
+ py.test.raises(py.error.EEXIST, tmpdir.mkdir, 'sampledir')
+ new = tmpdir.join('mktest1')
+ new.mkdir()
+ assert new.check(dir=1)
+ new.remove()
+ new = tmpdir.mkdir('mktest')
+ assert new.check(dir=1)
+ new.remove()
+ assert tmpdir.join('mktest') == new
+ def test_move_file(self, path1):
+ p = path1.join('samplefile')
+ newp = p.dirpath('moved_samplefile')
+ p.move(newp)
+ try:
+ assert newp.check(file=1)
+ assert not p.check()
+ finally:
+ dp = newp.dirpath()
+ if hasattr(dp, 'revert'):
+ dp.revert()
+ else:
+ newp.move(p)
+ assert p.check()
+ def test_move_dir(self, path1):
+ source = path1.join('sampledir')
+ dest = path1.join('moveddir')
+ source.move(dest)
+ assert dest.check(dir=1)
+ assert dest.join('otherfile').check(file=1)
+ assert not source.join('sampledir').check()
+ def test_fspath_protocol_match_strpath(self, path1):
+ assert path1.__fspath__() == path1.strpath
+ def test_fspath_func_match_strpath(self, path1):
+ try:
+ from os import fspath
+ except ImportError:
+ from py._path.common import fspath
+ assert fspath(path1) == path1.strpath
+ @py.test.mark.skip("sys.version_info < (3,6)")
+ def test_fspath_open(self, path1):
+ f = path1.join('opentestfile')
+ open(f)
+ @py.test.mark.skip("sys.version_info < (3,6)")
+ def test_fspath_fsencode(self, path1):
+ from os import fsencode
+ assert fsencode(path1) == fsencode(path1.strpath)
+def setuptestfs(path):
+ if path.join('samplefile').check():
+ return
+ #print "setting up test fs for", repr(path)
+ samplefile = path.ensure('samplefile')
+ samplefile.write('samplefile\n')
+ execfile = path.ensure('execfile')
+ execfile.write('x=42')
+ execfilepy = path.ensure('')
+ execfilepy.write('x=42')
+ d = {1:2, 'hello': 'world', 'answer': 42}
+ path.ensure('samplepickle').dump(d)
+ sampledir = path.ensure('sampledir', dir=1)
+ sampledir.ensure('otherfile')
+ otherdir = path.ensure('otherdir', dir=1)
+ otherdir.ensure('')
+ module_a = otherdir.ensure('')
+ module_a.write('from .b import stuff as result\n')
+ module_b = otherdir.ensure('')
+ module_b.write('stuff="got it"\n')
+ module_c = otherdir.ensure('')
+ module_c.write('''import py;
+import otherdir.a
+value = otherdir.a.result
+ module_d = otherdir.ensure('')
+ module_d.write('''import py;
+from otherdir import a
+value2 = a.result