path: root/third_party/python/taskcluster/taskcluster/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/taskcluster/taskcluster/')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/taskcluster/taskcluster/ b/third_party/python/taskcluster/taskcluster/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fac855d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/taskcluster/taskcluster/
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import re
+import json
+import datetime
+import base64
+import logging
+import os
+import requests
+import requests.exceptions
+import slugid
+import time
+import six
+import random
+from . import exceptions
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# Regular expression matching: X days Y hours Z minutes
+# todo: support hr, wk, yr
+r = re.compile(''.join([
+ '^(\s*(?P<years>\d+)\s*y(ears?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<months>\d+)\s*mo(nths?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<weeks>\d+)\s*w(eeks?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<days>\d+)\s*d(ays?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<hours>\d+)\s*h(ours?)?)?',
+ '(\s*(?P<minutes>\d+)\s*m(in(utes?)?)?)?\s*',
+ '(\s*(?P<seconds>\d+)\s*s(ec(onds?)?)?)?\s*$',
+def calculateSleepTime(attempt):
+ """ From the go client
+ """
+ if attempt <= 0:
+ return 0
+ # We subtract one to get exponents: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..
+ delay = float(2 ** (attempt - 1)) * float(DELAY_FACTOR)
+ # Apply randomization factor
+ delay = delay * (RANDOMIZATION_FACTOR * (random.random() * 2 - 1) + 1)
+ # Always limit with a maximum delay
+ return min(delay, MAX_DELAY)
+def toStr(obj, encoding='utf-8'):
+ if six.PY3 and isinstance(obj, six.binary_type):
+ obj = obj.decode(encoding)
+ else:
+ obj = str(obj)
+ return obj
+def fromNow(offset, dateObj=None):
+ """
+ Generate a `datetime.datetime` instance which is offset using a string.
+ See the for a full example, but offset could be '1 day' for
+ a datetime object one day in the future
+ """
+ # We want to handle past dates as well as future
+ future = True
+ offset = offset.lstrip()
+ if offset.startswith('-'):
+ future = False
+ offset = offset[1:].lstrip()
+ if offset.startswith('+'):
+ offset = offset[1:].lstrip()
+ # Parse offset
+ m = r.match(offset)
+ if m is None:
+ raise ValueError("offset string: '%s' does not parse" % offset)
+ # In order to calculate years and months we need to calculate how many days
+ # to offset the offset by, since timedelta only goes as high as weeks
+ days = 0
+ hours = 0
+ minutes = 0
+ seconds = 0
+ if'years'):
+ years = int('years'))
+ days += 365 * years
+ if'months'):
+ months = int('months'))
+ days += 30 * months
+ days += int('days') or 0)
+ hours += int('hours') or 0)
+ minutes += int('minutes') or 0)
+ seconds += int('seconds') or 0)
+ # Offset datetime from utc
+ delta = datetime.timedelta(
+ weeks=int('weeks') or 0),
+ days=days,
+ hours=hours,
+ minutes=minutes,
+ seconds=seconds,
+ )
+ if not dateObj:
+ dateObj = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ return dateObj + delta if future else dateObj - delta
+def fromNowJSON(offset):
+ """
+ Like fromNow() but returns in a taskcluster-json compatible way
+ """
+ return stringDate(fromNow(offset))
+def dumpJson(obj, **kwargs):
+ """ Match JS's JSON.stringify. When using the default seperators,
+ base64 encoding JSON results in \n sequences in the output. Hawk
+ barfs in your face if you have that in the text"""
+ def handleDateAndBinaryForJs(x):
+ if six.PY3 and isinstance(x, six.binary_type):
+ x = x.decode()
+ if isinstance(x, datetime.datetime) or isinstance(x,
+ return stringDate(x)
+ else:
+ return x
+ d = json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), default=handleDateAndBinaryForJs, **kwargs)
+ assert '\n' not in d
+ return d
+def stringDate(date):
+ # Convert to isoFormat
+ string = date.isoformat()
+ # If there is no timezone and no Z added, we'll add one at the end.
+ # This is just to be fully compliant with:
+ #
+ if string.endswith('+00:00'):
+ return string[:-6] + 'Z'
+ if date.utcoffset() is None and string[-1] != 'Z':
+ return string + 'Z'
+ return string
+def makeB64UrlSafe(b64str):
+ """ Make a base64 string URL Safe """
+ if isinstance(b64str, six.text_type):
+ b64str = b64str.encode()
+ # see RFC 4648, sec. 5
+ return b64str.replace(b'+', b'-').replace(b'/', b'_')
+def makeB64UrlUnsafe(b64str):
+ """ Make a base64 string URL Unsafe """
+ if isinstance(b64str, six.text_type):
+ b64str = b64str.encode()
+ # see RFC 4648, sec. 5
+ return b64str.replace(b'-', b'+').replace(b'_', b'/')
+def encodeStringForB64Header(s):
+ """ HTTP Headers can't have new lines in them, let's """
+ if isinstance(s, six.text_type):
+ s = s.encode()
+ return base64.encodestring(s).strip().replace(b'\n', b'')
+def slugId():
+ """ Generate a taskcluster slugid. This is a V4 UUID encoded into
+ URL-Safe Base64 (RFC 4648, sec 5) with '=' padding removed """
+ return slugid.nice()
+def stableSlugId():
+ """Returns a closure which can be used to generate stable slugIds.
+ Stable slugIds can be used in a graph to specify task IDs in multiple
+ places without regenerating them, e.g. taskId, requires, etc.
+ """
+ _cache = {}
+ def closure(name):
+ if name not in _cache:
+ _cache[name] = slugId()
+ return _cache[name]
+ return closure
+def scopeMatch(assumedScopes, requiredScopeSets):
+ """
+ Take a list of a assumed scopes, and a list of required scope sets on
+ disjunctive normal form, and check if any of the required scope sets are
+ satisfied.
+ Example:
+ requiredScopeSets = [
+ ["scopeA", "scopeB"],
+ ["scopeC"]
+ ]
+ In this case assumed_scopes must contain, either:
+ "scopeA" AND "scopeB", OR just "scopeC".
+ """
+ for scopeSet in requiredScopeSets:
+ for requiredScope in scopeSet:
+ for scope in assumedScopes:
+ if scope == requiredScope:
+ # requiredScope satisifed, no need to check more scopes
+ break
+ if scope.endswith("*") and requiredScope.startswith(scope[:-1]):
+ # requiredScope satisifed, no need to check more scopes
+ break
+ else:
+ # requiredScope not satisfied, stop checking scopeSet
+ break
+ else:
+ # scopeSet satisfied, so we're happy
+ return True
+ # none of the requiredScopeSets were satisfied
+ return False
+def scope_match(assumed_scopes, required_scope_sets):
+ """ This is a deprecated form of def scopeMatch(assumedScopes, requiredScopeSets).
+ That form should be used.
+ """
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn('NOTE: scope_match is deprecated. Use scopeMatch')
+ return scopeMatch(assumed_scopes, required_scope_sets)
+def makeHttpRequest(method, url, payload, headers, retries=MAX_RETRIES, session=None):
+ """ Make an HTTP request and retry it until success, return request """
+ retry = -1
+ response = None
+ while retry < retries:
+ retry += 1
+ # if this isn't the first retry then we sleep
+ if retry > 0:
+ snooze = float(retry * retry) / 10.0
+'Sleeping %0.2f seconds for exponential backoff', snooze)
+ time.sleep(snooze)
+ # Seek payload to start, if it is a file
+ if hasattr(payload, 'seek'):
+ log.debug('Making attempt %d', retry)
+ try:
+ response = makeSingleHttpRequest(method, url, payload, headers, session)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as rerr:
+ if retry < retries:
+ log.warn('Retrying because of: %s' % rerr)
+ continue
+ # raise a connection exception
+ raise rerr
+ # Handle non 2xx status code and retry if possible
+ try:
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as rerr:
+ pass
+ status = response.status_code
+ if 500 <= status and status < 600 and retry < retries:
+ if retry < retries:
+ log.warn('Retrying because of: %d status' % status)
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.TaskclusterRestFailure("Unknown Server Error", superExc=None)
+ return response
+ # This code-path should be unreachable
+ assert False, "Error from last retry should have been raised!"
+def makeSingleHttpRequest(method, url, payload, headers, session=None):
+ method = method.upper()
+ log.debug('Making a %s request to %s', method, url)
+ log.debug('HTTP Headers: %s' % str(headers))
+ log.debug('HTTP Payload: %s (limit 100 char)' % str(payload)[:100])
+ obj = session if session else requests
+ response = obj.request(method.upper(), url, data=payload, headers=headers)
+ log.debug('Received HTTP Status: %s' % response.status_code)
+ log.debug('Received HTTP Headers: %s' % str(response.headers))
+ return response
+def putFile(filename, url, contentType):
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ contentLength = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
+ return makeHttpRequest('put', url, f, headers={
+ 'Content-Length': str(contentLength),
+ 'Content-Type': contentType,
+ })
+def encryptEnvVar(taskId, startTime, endTime, name, value, keyFile):
+ raise Exception("Encrypted environment variables are no longer supported")
+def decryptMessage(message, privateKey):
+ raise Exception("Decryption is no longer supported")
+def isExpired(certificate):
+ """ Check if certificate is expired """
+ if isinstance(certificate, six.string_types):
+ certificate = json.loads(certificate)
+ expiry = certificate.get('expiry', 0)
+ return expiry < int(time.time() * 1000) + 20 * 60
+def optionsFromEnvironment(defaults=None):
+ """Fetch root URL and credentials from the standard TASKCLUSTER_…
+ environment variables and return them in a format suitable for passing to a
+ client constructor."""
+ options = defaults or {}
+ credentials = options.get('credentials', {})
+ rootUrl = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL')
+ if rootUrl:
+ options['rootUrl'] = rootUrl
+ clientId = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID')
+ if clientId:
+ credentials['clientId'] = clientId
+ accessToken = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN')
+ if accessToken:
+ credentials['accessToken'] = accessToken
+ certificate = os.environ.get('TASKCLUSTER_CERTIFICATE')
+ if certificate:
+ credentials['certificate'] = certificate
+ if credentials:
+ options['credentials'] = credentials
+ return options