path: root/third_party/python/taskcluster/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/taskcluster/test/')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/taskcluster/test/ b/third_party/python/taskcluster/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31328199d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/taskcluster/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+import datetime
+import uuid
+import os
+import taskcluster.utils as subject
+import dateutil.parser
+import httmock
+import mock
+import requests
+import base
+from unittest import TestCase
+from hypothesis import given
+import hypothesis.strategies as st
+class UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
+ """UTC"""
+ def utcoffset(self, dt):
+ return datetime.timedelta(0)
+ def tzname(self, dt):
+ return 'UTC'
+ def dst(self, dt):
+ return datetime.timedelta(0)
+utc = UTC()
+class StringDateTests(base.TCTest):
+ def test_naive(self):
+ dateObj = datetime.datetime(
+ year=2000,
+ month=1,
+ day=1,
+ hour=1,
+ minute=1,
+ second=1
+ )
+ expected = '2000-01-01T01:01:01Z'
+ actual = subject.stringDate(dateObj)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_aware(self):
+ dateObj = datetime.datetime(
+ year=2000,
+ month=1,
+ day=1,
+ hour=1,
+ minute=1,
+ second=1,
+ tzinfo=utc
+ )
+ expected = '2000-01-01T01:01:01Z'
+ actual = subject.stringDate(dateObj)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+class DumpJsonTests(base.TCTest):
+ def test_has_no_spaces(self):
+ expected = [
+ '{"test":"works","doesit":"yes"}',
+ '{"doesit":"yes","test":"works"}'
+ ]
+ actual = subject.dumpJson({'test': 'works', 'doesit': 'yes'})
+ self.assertTrue(actual in expected)
+ def test_serializes_naive_date(self):
+ dateObj = datetime.datetime(
+ year=2000,
+ month=1,
+ day=1,
+ hour=1,
+ minute=1,
+ second=1
+ )
+ expected = '{"date":"2000-01-01T01:01:01Z"}'
+ actual = subject.dumpJson({'date': dateObj})
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_serializes_aware_date(self):
+ dateObj = datetime.datetime(
+ year=2000,
+ month=1,
+ day=1,
+ hour=1,
+ minute=1,
+ second=1,
+ tzinfo=utc
+ )
+ expected = '{"date":"2000-01-01T01:01:01Z"}'
+ actual = subject.dumpJson({'date': dateObj})
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+class TestBase64Utils(base.TCTest):
+ def test_encode_string_for_b64_header(self):
+ # Really long strings trigger newlines every 72 ch
+ expected = 'YWJjZGVm' * 500
+ expected = expected.encode('ascii')
+ actual = subject.encodeStringForB64Header('abcdef' * 500)
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_makeb64urlsafe(self):
+ expected = b'-_'
+ actual = subject.makeB64UrlSafe('+/')
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_makeb64urlunsafe(self):
+ expected = b'+/'
+ actual = subject.makeB64UrlUnsafe('-_')
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+class TestSlugId(base.TCTest):
+ def test_slug_id_is_always_nice(self):
+ with mock.patch('uuid.uuid4') as p:
+ # first bit of uuid set, which should get unset
+ p.return_value = uuid.UUID('bed97923-7616-4ec8-85ed-4b695f67ac2e')
+ expected = b'Ptl5I3YWTsiF7UtpX2esLg'
+ actual = subject.slugId()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+ def test_slug_id_nice_stays_nice(self):
+ with mock.patch('uuid.uuid4') as p:
+ # first bit of uuid unset, should remain unset
+ p.return_value = uuid.UUID('3ed97923-7616-4ec8-85ed-4b695f67ac2e')
+ expected = b'Ptl5I3YWTsiF7UtpX2esLg'
+ actual = subject.slugId()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+class TestMakeSingleHttpRequest(base.TCTest):
+ def test_success_no_payload(self):
+ @httmock.all_requests
+ def response_content(url, request):
+ return {'status_code': 200, 'content': {}}
+ with httmock.HTTMock(response_content):
+ d = subject.makeSingleHttpRequest('GET', '', {}, {})
+ self.assertEqual(d.json(), {})
+ self.assertEqual(d.status_code, 200)
+ d.raise_for_status()
+ def test_success_payload(self):
+ @httmock.all_requests
+ def response_content(url, request):
+ self.assertEqual(request.body, 'i=j')
+ return {'status_code': 200, 'content': {'k': 'l'}}
+ with httmock.HTTMock(response_content):
+ d = subject.makeSingleHttpRequest('GET', '', {'i': 'j'}, {})
+ self.assertEqual(d.json(), {'k': 'l'})
+ self.assertEqual(d.status_code, 200)
+ d.raise_for_status()
+ def test_failure(self):
+ @httmock.all_requests
+ def response_content(url, requet):
+ return {'status_code': 404}
+ with httmock.HTTMock(response_content):
+ d = subject.makeSingleHttpRequest('GET', '', {}, {})
+ with self.assertRaises(requests.exceptions.RequestException):
+ d.raise_for_status()
+class TestPutfile(base.TCTest):
+ def test_success_put_file(self):
+ with mock.patch.object(subject, 'makeSingleHttpRequest') as p:
+ class FakeResp:
+ status_code = 200
+ def raise_for_status(self):
+ pass
+ p.return_value = FakeResp()
+ subject.putFile('', '', 'text/plain')
+ p.assert_called_once_with('put', '', mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY)
+class TestStableSlugIdClosure(TestCase):
+ @given(st.text())
+ def test_repeat(self, text):
+ s = subject.stableSlugId()
+ self.assertEqual(s(text), s(text))
+ def test_not_equal(self):
+ s = subject.stableSlugId()
+ self.assertNotEqual(s("first"), s("second"))
+ @given(st.text())
+ def test_invalidate(self, text):
+ s1 = subject.stableSlugId()
+ s2 = subject.stableSlugId()
+ self.assertNotEqual(s1(text), s2(text))
+class TestFromNow(TestCase):
+ examples = [
+ {"expr": '1 hour', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T17:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '3h', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T19:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 hours', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T17:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '-1 hour', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T15:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 m', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:28:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1m', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:28:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '12 min', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:39:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '12min', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:39:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '11m', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:38:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '11 m', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:38:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 day', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-20T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '2 days', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-21T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 second', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-19T16:27:21.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 week', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-01-26T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 month', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2017-02-18T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '30 mo', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2019-07-08T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '-30 mo', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2014-08-03T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ {"expr": '1 year', "from": '2017-01-19T16:27:20.974Z', "result": '2018-01-19T16:27:20.974Z'},
+ ]
+ def test_examples(self):
+ for example in self.examples:
+ from_ = dateutil.parser.parse(example['from'])
+ res = dateutil.parser.parse(example['result'])
+ self.assertEqual(subject.fromNow(example['expr'], from_), res)
+class TestScopeMatch(TestCase):
+ def assertScopeMatch(self, assumed, requiredScopeSets, expected):
+ try:
+ result = subject.scopeMatch(assumed, requiredScopeSets)
+ self.assertEqual(result, expected)
+ except:
+ if expected != 'exception':
+ raise
+ def test_single_exact_match_string_except_1(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], "foo:bar", "exception")
+ def test_single_exact_match_string_except_2(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], ["foo:bar"], "exception")
+ def test_single_exact_match_string(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [["foo:bar"]], True)
+ def test_empty_string_in_scopesets_except_1(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], "", "exception")
+ def test_empty_string_in_scopesets_except_2(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [""], "exception")
+ def test_empty_string_in_scopesets(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [[""]], False)
+ def test_prefix(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:*"], [["foo:bar"]], True)
+ def test_star_not_at_end(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:*:bing"], [["foo:bar:bing"]], False)
+ def test_star_at_beginnging(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["*:bar"], [["foo:bar"]], False)
+ def test_prefix_with_no_star(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:"], [["foo:bar"]], False)
+ def test_star_but_not_prefix_1(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar:*"], [["bar:bing"]], False)
+ def test_star_but_not_prefix_2(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["bar:*"], [["foo:bar:bing"]], False)
+ def test_disjunction_strings_except(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["bar:*"], ["foo:x", "bar:x"], "exception")
+ def test_disjunction_strings_2(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["bar:*"], [["foo:x"], ["bar:x"]], True)
+ def test_conjunction(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["bar:*", "foo:x"], [["foo:x", "bar:y"]], True)
+ def test_empty_pattern(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch([""], [["foo:bar"]], False)
+ def test_empty_patterns(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch([], [["foo:bar"]], False)
+ def test_bare_star(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["*"], [["foo:bar", "bar:bing"]], True)
+ def test_empty_conjunction_in_scopesets(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [[]], True)
+ def test_non_string_scopesets(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], {}, "exception")
+ def test_non_string_scopeset(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [{}], "exception")
+ def test_non_string_scope(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [[{}]], "exception")
+ def test_empty_disjunction_in_scopesets(self):
+ self.assertScopeMatch(["foo:bar"], [], False)
+class TestIsExpired(TestCase):
+ def test_not_expired(self):
+ isExpired = subject.isExpired("""
+ {
+ "version":1,
+ "scopes":["*"],
+ "start":1450740520182,
+ "expiry":2451000620182,
+ "seed":"90PyTwYxS96-lBPc0f_MqQGV-hHCUsTYWpXZilv6EqDg",
+ "signature":"HocA2IiCoGzjUQZbrbLSwKMXZSYWCu/hfMPCa/ovggQ="
+ }
+ """)
+ self.assertEqual(isExpired, False)
+ def test_expired(self):
+ # Warning we have to test with expiry: 0 as magic python spy thing
+ # mess up time.time() so it won't work.
+ isExpired = subject.isExpired("""
+ {
+ "version":1,
+ "scopes":["*"],
+ "start":1450740520182,
+ "expiry":0,
+ "seed":"90PyTwYxS96-lBPc0f_MqQGV-hHCUsTYWpXZilv6EqDg",
+ "signature":"HocA2IiCoGzjUQZbrbLSwKMXZSYWCu/hfMPCa/ovggQ="
+ }
+ """)
+ self.assertEqual(isExpired, True)
+class TestFromEnv(TestCase):
+ def clear_env(self):
+ v = 'TASKCLUSTER_' + v
+ if v in os.environ:
+ del os.environ[v]
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_empty(self):
+ self.clear_env()
+ self.assertEqual(subject.optionsFromEnvironment(), {})
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_all(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL'] = ''
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID'] = 'me'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = 'shave-and-a-haircut'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CERTIFICATE'] = '{"bits":2}'
+ self.assertEqual(subject.optionsFromEnvironment(), {
+ 'rootUrl': '',
+ 'credentials': {
+ 'clientId': 'me',
+ 'accessToken': 'shave-and-a-haircut',
+ 'certificate': '{"bits":2}',
+ },
+ })
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_cred_only(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = 'shave-and-a-haircut'
+ self.assertEqual(subject.optionsFromEnvironment(), {
+ 'credentials': {
+ 'accessToken': 'shave-and-a-haircut',
+ },
+ })
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_rooturl_only(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL'] = ''
+ self.assertEqual(subject.optionsFromEnvironment(), {
+ 'rootUrl': '',
+ })
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_default_rooturl(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID'] = 'me'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = 'shave-and-a-haircut'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CERTIFICATE'] = '{"bits":2}'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ subject.optionsFromEnvironment({'rootUrl': ''}), {
+ 'rootUrl': '',
+ 'credentials': {
+ 'clientId': 'me',
+ 'accessToken': 'shave-and-a-haircut',
+ 'certificate': '{"bits":2}',
+ },
+ })
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_default_rooturl_overridden(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL'] = ''
+ self.assertEqual(
+ subject.optionsFromEnvironment({'rootUrl': ''}),
+ {'rootUrl': ''})
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_default_creds(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL'] = ''
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = 'shave-and-a-haircut'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CERTIFICATE'] = '{"bits":2}'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ subject.optionsFromEnvironment({'credentials': {'clientId': 'them'}}), {
+ 'rootUrl': '',
+ 'credentials': {
+ 'clientId': 'them',
+ 'accessToken': 'shave-and-a-haircut',
+ 'certificate': '{"bits":2}',
+ },
+ })
+ @mock.patch.dict(os.environ)
+ def test_default_creds_overridden(self):
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ROOT_URL'] = ''
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT_ID'] = 'me'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_ACCESS_TOKEN'] = 'shave-and-a-haircut'
+ os.environ['TASKCLUSTER_CERTIFICATE'] = '{"bits":2}'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ subject.optionsFromEnvironment({'credentials': {'clientId': 'them'}}), {
+ 'rootUrl': '',
+ 'credentials': {
+ 'clientId': 'me',
+ 'accessToken': 'shave-and-a-haircut',
+ 'certificate': '{"bits":2}',
+ },
+ })