path: root/third_party/rust/derive_more/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/derive_more/src/')
1 files changed, 932 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/derive_more/src/ b/third_party/rust/derive_more/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7f65b1a18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/derive_more/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,932 @@
+use std::{
+ collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
+ fmt::Display,
+ iter::FromIterator as _,
+ ops::Deref as _,
+ str::FromStr as _,
+use crate::utils::add_extra_where_clauses;
+use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
+use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
+use syn::{
+ parse::{Error, Parser as _, Result},
+ punctuated::Punctuated,
+ spanned::Spanned as _,
+/// Provides the hook to expand `#[derive(Display)]` into an implementation of `Display`
+pub fn expand(input: &syn::DeriveInput, trait_name: &str) -> Result<TokenStream> {
+ let trait_name = trait_name.trim_end_matches("Custom");
+ let trait_ident = syn::Ident::new(trait_name, Span::call_site());
+ let trait_path = &quote!(::core::fmt::#trait_ident);
+ let trait_attr = trait_name_to_attribute_name(trait_name);
+ let type_params = input
+ .generics
+ .type_params()
+ .map(|t| t.ident.clone())
+ .collect();
+ let ParseResult {
+ arms,
+ bounds,
+ requires_helper,
+ } = State {
+ trait_path,
+ trait_attr,
+ input,
+ type_params,
+ }
+ .get_match_arms_and_extra_bounds()?;
+ let generics = if !bounds.is_empty() {
+ let bounds: Vec<_> = bounds
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(ty, trait_names)| {
+ let bounds: Vec<_> = trait_names
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|bound| quote!(#bound))
+ .collect();
+ quote!(#ty: #(#bounds)+*)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let where_clause = quote_spanned!(input.span()=> where #(#bounds),*);
+ add_extra_where_clauses(&input.generics, where_clause)
+ } else {
+ input.generics.clone()
+ };
+ let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
+ let name = &input.ident;
+ let helper_struct = if requires_helper {
+ display_as_helper_struct()
+ } else {
+ TokenStream::new()
+ };
+ Ok(quote! {
+ impl #impl_generics #trait_path for #name #ty_generics #where_clause
+ {
+ #[allow(unused_variables)]
+ #[inline]
+ fn fmt(&self, _derive_more_display_formatter: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ #helper_struct
+ match self {
+ #arms
+ _ => Ok(()) // This is needed for empty enums
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+fn trait_name_to_attribute_name(trait_name: &str) -> &'static str {
+ match trait_name {
+ "Display" => "display",
+ "Binary" => "binary",
+ "Octal" => "octal",
+ "LowerHex" => "lower_hex",
+ "UpperHex" => "upper_hex",
+ "LowerExp" => "lower_exp",
+ "UpperExp" => "upper_exp",
+ "Pointer" => "pointer",
+ "Debug" => "debug",
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+fn attribute_name_to_trait_name(attribute_name: &str) -> &'static str {
+ match attribute_name {
+ "display" => "Display",
+ "binary" => "Binary",
+ "octal" => "Octal",
+ "lower_hex" => "LowerHex",
+ "upper_hex" => "UpperHex",
+ "lower_exp" => "LowerExp",
+ "upper_exp" => "UpperExp",
+ "pointer" => "Pointer",
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ }
+fn trait_name_to_trait_bound(trait_name: &str) -> syn::TraitBound {
+ let path_segments_iterator = vec!["core", "fmt", trait_name]
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|segment| syn::PathSegment::from(Ident::new(segment, Span::call_site())));
+ syn::TraitBound {
+ lifetimes: None,
+ modifier: syn::TraitBoundModifier::None,
+ paren_token: None,
+ path: syn::Path {
+ leading_colon: Some(syn::Token![::](Span::call_site())),
+ segments: syn::punctuated::Punctuated::from_iter(path_segments_iterator),
+ },
+ }
+/// Create a helper struct that is required by some `Display` impls.
+/// The struct is necessary in cases where `Display` is derived for an enum
+/// with an outer `#[display(fmt = "...")]` attribute and if that outer
+/// format-string contains a single placeholder. In that case, we have to
+/// format twice:
+/// - we need to format each variant according to its own, optional
+/// format-string,
+/// - we then need to insert this formatted variant into the outer
+/// format-string.
+/// This helper struct solves this as follows:
+/// - formatting the whole object inserts the helper struct into the outer
+/// format string,
+/// - upon being formatted, the helper struct calls an inner closure to produce
+/// its formatted result,
+/// - the closure in turn uses the inner, optional format-string to produce its
+/// result. If there is no inner format-string, it falls back to plain
+/// `$trait::fmt()`.
+fn display_as_helper_struct() -> TokenStream {
+ quote! {
+ struct _derive_more_DisplayAs<F>(F)
+ where
+ F: ::core::ops::Fn(&mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result;
+ const _derive_more_DisplayAs_impl: () = {
+ impl<F> ::core::fmt::Display for _derive_more_DisplayAs<F>
+ where
+ F: ::core::ops::Fn(&mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result
+ {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter) -> ::core::fmt::Result {
+ (self.0)(f)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+/// Result type of `State::get_match_arms_and_extra_bounds()`.
+struct ParseResult {
+ /// The match arms destructuring `self`.
+ arms: TokenStream,
+ /// Any trait bounds that may be required.
+ bounds: HashMap<syn::Type, HashSet<syn::TraitBound>>,
+ /// `true` if the Display impl requires the `DisplayAs` helper struct.
+ requires_helper: bool,
+struct State<'a, 'b> {
+ trait_path: &'b TokenStream,
+ trait_attr: &'static str,
+ input: &'a syn::DeriveInput,
+ type_params: HashSet<Ident>,
+impl<'a, 'b> State<'a, 'b> {
+ fn get_proper_fmt_syntax(&self) -> impl Display {
+ format!(
+ r#"Proper syntax: #[{}(fmt = "My format", "arg1", "arg2")]"#,
+ self.trait_attr
+ )
+ }
+ fn get_proper_bound_syntax(&self) -> impl Display {
+ format!(
+ "Proper syntax: #[{}(bound = \"T, U: Trait1 + Trait2, V: Trait3\")]",
+ self.trait_attr
+ )
+ }
+ fn get_matcher(&self, fields: &syn::Fields) -> TokenStream {
+ match fields {
+ syn::Fields::Unit => TokenStream::new(),
+ syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => {
+ let fields: TokenStream = (0..fields.unnamed.len())
+ .map(|n| {
+ let i = Ident::new(&format!("_{}", n), Span::call_site());
+ quote!(#i,)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ quote!((#fields))
+ }
+ syn::Fields::Named(fields) => {
+ let fields: TokenStream = fields
+ .named
+ .iter()
+ .map(|f| {
+ let i = f.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
+ quote!(#i,)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ quote!({#fields})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn find_meta(
+ &self,
+ attrs: &[syn::Attribute],
+ meta_key: &str,
+ ) -> Result<Option<syn::Meta>> {
+ let mut iterator = attrs
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|attr| attr.parse_meta().ok())
+ .filter(|meta| {
+ let meta = match meta {
+ syn::Meta::List(meta) => meta,
+ _ => return false,
+ };
+ if !meta.path.is_ident(self.trait_attr) || meta.nested.is_empty() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let meta = match &meta.nested[0] {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(meta) => meta,
+ _ => return false,
+ };
+ let meta = match meta {
+ syn::Meta::NameValue(meta) => meta,
+ _ => return false,
+ };
+ meta.path.is_ident(meta_key)
+ });
+ let meta =;
+ if {
+ Ok(meta)
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::new(meta.span(), "Too many attributes specified"))
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_meta_bounds(
+ &self,
+ bounds: &syn::LitStr,
+ ) -> Result<HashMap<syn::Type, HashSet<syn::TraitBound>>> {
+ let span = bounds.span();
+ let input = bounds.value();
+ let tokens = TokenStream::from_str(&input)?;
+ let parser = Punctuated::<syn::GenericParam, syn::Token![,]>::parse_terminated;
+ let generic_params = parser
+ .parse2(tokens)
+ .map_err(|error| Error::new(span, error.to_string()))?;
+ if generic_params.is_empty() {
+ return Err(Error::new(span, "No bounds specified"));
+ }
+ let mut bounds = HashMap::new();
+ for generic_param in generic_params {
+ let type_param = match generic_param {
+ syn::GenericParam::Type(type_param) => type_param,
+ _ => return Err(Error::new(span, "Only trait bounds allowed")),
+ };
+ if !self.type_params.contains(&type_param.ident) {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ span,
+ "Unknown generic type argument specified",
+ ));
+ } else if !type_param.attrs.is_empty() {
+ return Err(Error::new(span, "Attributes aren't allowed"));
+ } else if type_param.eq_token.is_some() || type_param.default.is_some() {
+ return Err(Error::new(span, "Default type parameters aren't allowed"));
+ }
+ let ident = type_param.ident.to_string();
+ let ty = syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath {
+ qself: None,
+ path: type_param.ident.into(),
+ });
+ let bounds = bounds.entry(ty).or_insert_with(HashSet::new);
+ for bound in type_param.bounds {
+ let bound = match bound {
+ syn::TypeParamBound::Trait(bound) => bound,
+ _ => return Err(Error::new(span, "Only trait bounds allowed")),
+ };
+ if bound.lifetimes.is_some() {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ span,
+ "Higher-rank trait bounds aren't allowed",
+ ));
+ }
+ bounds.insert(bound);
+ }
+ if bounds.is_empty() {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ span,
+ format!("No bounds specified for type parameter {}", ident),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(bounds)
+ }
+ fn parse_meta_fmt(
+ &self,
+ meta: &syn::Meta,
+ outer_enum: bool,
+ ) -> Result<(TokenStream, bool)> {
+ let list = match meta {
+ syn::Meta::List(list) => list,
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::new(meta.span(), self.get_proper_fmt_syntax()));
+ }
+ };
+ match &list.nested[0] {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue {
+ path,
+ lit: syn::Lit::Str(fmt),
+ ..
+ })) => match path {
+ op if op.segments.first().expect("path shouldn't be empty").ident
+ == "fmt" =>
+ {
+ if outer_enum {
+ if list.nested.iter().skip(1).count() != 0 {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ list.nested[1].span(),
+ "`fmt` formatting requires a single `fmt` argument",
+ ));
+ }
+ // TODO: Check for a single `Display` group?
+ let fmt_string = match &list.nested[0] {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(
+ syn::MetaNameValue {
+ path,
+ lit: syn::Lit::Str(s),
+ ..
+ },
+ )) if path
+ .segments
+ .first()
+ .expect("path shouldn't be empty")
+ .ident
+ == "fmt" =>
+ {
+ s.value()
+ }
+ // This one has been checked already in get_meta_fmt() method.
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let num_placeholders =
+ Placeholder::parse_fmt_string(&fmt_string).len();
+ if num_placeholders > 1 {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ list.nested[1].span(),
+ "fmt string for enum should have at at most 1 placeholder",
+ ));
+ }
+ if num_placeholders == 1 {
+ return Ok((quote_spanned!(fmt.span()=> #fmt), true));
+ }
+ }
+ let args = list
+ .nested
+ .iter()
+ .skip(1) // skip fmt = "..."
+ .try_fold(TokenStream::new(), |args, arg| {
+ let arg = match arg {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(s)) => s,
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::Path(i)) => {
+ return Ok(quote_spanned!(list.span()=> #args #i,));
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ arg.span(),
+ self.get_proper_fmt_syntax(),
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ let arg: TokenStream =
+ arg.parse().map_err(|e| Error::new(arg.span(), e))?;
+ Ok(quote_spanned!(list.span()=> #args #arg,))
+ })?;
+ Ok((
+ quote_spanned!(meta.span()=> write!(_derive_more_display_formatter, #fmt, #args)),
+ false,
+ ))
+ }
+ _ => Err(Error::new(
+ list.nested[0].span(),
+ self.get_proper_fmt_syntax(),
+ )),
+ },
+ _ => Err(Error::new(
+ list.nested[0].span(),
+ self.get_proper_fmt_syntax(),
+ )),
+ }
+ }
+ fn infer_fmt(&self, fields: &syn::Fields, name: &Ident) -> Result<TokenStream> {
+ let fields = match fields {
+ syn::Fields::Unit => {
+ return Ok(quote!(
+ _derive_more_display_formatter.write_str(stringify!(#name))
+ ))
+ }
+ syn::Fields::Named(fields) => &fields.named,
+ syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields) => &fields.unnamed,
+ };
+ if fields.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(quote!(
+ _derive_more_display_formatter.write_str(stringify!(#name))
+ ));
+ } else if fields.len() > 1 {
+ return Err(Error::new(
+ fields.span(),
+ "Can not automatically infer format for types with more than 1 field",
+ ));
+ }
+ let trait_path = self.trait_path;
+ if let Some(ident) = &fields.iter().next().as_ref().unwrap().ident {
+ Ok(quote!(#trait_path::fmt(#ident, _derive_more_display_formatter)))
+ } else {
+ Ok(quote!(#trait_path::fmt(_0, _derive_more_display_formatter)))
+ }
+ }
+ fn get_match_arms_and_extra_bounds(&self) -> Result<ParseResult> {
+ let result: Result<_> = match & {
+ syn::Data::Enum(e) => {
+ match self
+ .find_meta(&self.input.attrs, "fmt")
+ .and_then(|m||m| self.parse_meta_fmt(&m, true)).transpose())?
+ {
+ // #[display(fmt = "no placeholder")] on whole enum.
+ Some((fmt, false)) => {
+ e.variants.iter().try_for_each(|v| {
+ if let Some(meta) = self.find_meta(&v.attrs, "fmt")? {
+ Err(Error::new(
+ meta.span(),
+ "`fmt` cannot be used on variant when the whole enum has a format string without a placeholder, maybe you want to add a placeholder?",
+ ))
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ })?;
+ Ok(ParseResult {
+ arms: quote_spanned!(self.input.span()=> _ => #fmt,),
+ bounds: HashMap::new(),
+ requires_helper: false,
+ })
+ }
+ // #[display(fmt = "one placeholder: {}")] on whole enum.
+ Some((outer_fmt, true)) => {
+ let fmt: Result<TokenStream> = e.variants.iter().try_fold(TokenStream::new(), |arms, v| {
+ let matcher = self.get_matcher(&v.fields);
+ let fmt = if let Some(meta) = self.find_meta(&v.attrs, "fmt")? {
+ self.parse_meta_fmt(&meta, false)?.0
+ } else {
+ self.infer_fmt(&v.fields, &v.ident)?
+ };
+ let name = &self.input.ident;
+ let v_name = &v.ident;
+ Ok(quote_spanned!(fmt.span()=> #arms #name::#v_name #matcher => write!(
+ _derive_more_display_formatter,
+ #outer_fmt,
+ _derive_more_DisplayAs(|_derive_more_display_formatter| #fmt)
+ ),))
+ });
+ let fmt = fmt?;
+ Ok(ParseResult {
+ arms: quote_spanned!(self.input.span()=> #fmt),
+ bounds: HashMap::new(),
+ requires_helper: true,
+ })
+ }
+ // No format attribute on whole enum.
+ None => e.variants.iter().try_fold(ParseResult::default(), |result, v| {
+ let ParseResult{ arms, mut bounds, requires_helper } = result;
+ let matcher = self.get_matcher(&v.fields);
+ let name = &self.input.ident;
+ let v_name = &v.ident;
+ let fmt: TokenStream;
+ let these_bounds: HashMap<_, _>;
+ if let Some(meta) = self.find_meta(&v.attrs, "fmt")? {
+ fmt = self.parse_meta_fmt(&meta, false)?.0;
+ these_bounds = self.get_used_type_params_bounds(&v.fields, &meta);
+ } else {
+ fmt = self.infer_fmt(&v.fields, v_name)?;
+ these_bounds = self.infer_type_params_bounds(&v.fields);
+ };
+ these_bounds.into_iter().for_each(|(ty, trait_names)| {
+ bounds.entry(ty).or_default().extend(trait_names)
+ });
+ let arms = quote_spanned!(self.input.span()=> #arms #name::#v_name #matcher => #fmt,);
+ Ok(ParseResult{ arms, bounds, requires_helper })
+ }),
+ }
+ }
+ syn::Data::Struct(s) => {
+ let matcher = self.get_matcher(&s.fields);
+ let name = &self.input.ident;
+ let fmt: TokenStream;
+ let bounds: HashMap<_, _>;
+ if let Some(meta) = self.find_meta(&self.input.attrs, "fmt")? {
+ fmt = self.parse_meta_fmt(&meta, false)?.0;
+ bounds = self.get_used_type_params_bounds(&s.fields, &meta);
+ } else {
+ fmt = self.infer_fmt(&s.fields, name)?;
+ bounds = self.infer_type_params_bounds(&s.fields);
+ }
+ Ok(ParseResult {
+ arms: quote_spanned!(self.input.span()=> #name #matcher => #fmt,),
+ bounds,
+ requires_helper: false,
+ })
+ }
+ syn::Data::Union(_) => {
+ let meta =
+ self.find_meta(&self.input.attrs, "fmt")?.ok_or_else(|| {
+ Error::new(
+ self.input.span(),
+ "Can not automatically infer format for unions",
+ )
+ })?;
+ let fmt = self.parse_meta_fmt(&meta, false)?.0;
+ Ok(ParseResult {
+ arms: quote_spanned!(self.input.span()=> _ => #fmt,),
+ bounds: HashMap::new(),
+ requires_helper: false,
+ })
+ }
+ };
+ let mut result = result?;
+ let meta = match self.find_meta(&self.input.attrs, "bound")? {
+ Some(meta) => meta,
+ _ => return Ok(result),
+ };
+ let span = meta.span();
+ let meta = match meta {
+ syn::Meta::List(meta) => meta.nested,
+ _ => return Err(Error::new(span, self.get_proper_bound_syntax())),
+ };
+ if meta.len() != 1 {
+ return Err(Error::new(span, self.get_proper_bound_syntax()));
+ }
+ let meta = match &meta[0] {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(meta)) => meta,
+ _ => return Err(Error::new(span, self.get_proper_bound_syntax())),
+ };
+ let extra_bounds = match &meta.lit {
+ syn::Lit::Str(extra_bounds) => extra_bounds,
+ _ => return Err(Error::new(span, self.get_proper_bound_syntax())),
+ };
+ let extra_bounds = self.parse_meta_bounds(extra_bounds)?;
+ extra_bounds.into_iter().for_each(|(ty, trait_names)| {
+ result.bounds.entry(ty).or_default().extend(trait_names)
+ });
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ fn get_used_type_params_bounds(
+ &self,
+ fields: &syn::Fields,
+ meta: &syn::Meta,
+ ) -> HashMap<syn::Type, HashSet<syn::TraitBound>> {
+ if self.type_params.is_empty() {
+ return HashMap::new();
+ }
+ let fields_type_params: HashMap<syn::Path, _> = fields
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter_map(|(i, field)| {
+ self.get_type_param(&field.ty).map(|ty| {
+ (
+ field
+ .ident
+ .clone()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ Ident::new(&format!("_{}", i), Span::call_site())
+ })
+ .into(),
+ ty,
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if fields_type_params.is_empty() {
+ return HashMap::new();
+ }
+ let list = match meta {
+ syn::Meta::List(list) => list,
+ // This one has been checked already in get_meta_fmt() method.
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let fmt_args: HashMap<_, _> = list
+ .nested
+ .iter()
+ .skip(1) // skip fmt = "..."
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter_map(|(i, arg)| match arg {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Lit(syn::Lit::Str(ref s)) => {
+ syn::parse_str(&s.value()).ok().map(|id| (i, id))
+ }
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::Path(ref id)) => Some((i, id.clone())),
+ // This one has been checked already in get_meta_fmt() method.
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if fmt_args.is_empty() {
+ return HashMap::new();
+ }
+ let fmt_string = match &list.nested[0] {
+ syn::NestedMeta::Meta(syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue {
+ path,
+ lit: syn::Lit::Str(s),
+ ..
+ })) if path
+ .segments
+ .first()
+ .expect("path shouldn't be empty")
+ .ident
+ == "fmt" =>
+ {
+ s.value()
+ }
+ // This one has been checked already in get_meta_fmt() method.
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ Placeholder::parse_fmt_string(&fmt_string).into_iter().fold(
+ HashMap::new(),
+ |mut bounds, pl| {
+ if let Some(arg) = fmt_args.get(&pl.position) {
+ if fields_type_params.contains_key(arg) {
+ bounds
+ .entry(fields_type_params[arg].clone())
+ .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
+ .insert(trait_name_to_trait_bound(pl.trait_name));
+ }
+ }
+ bounds
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ fn infer_type_params_bounds(
+ &self,
+ fields: &syn::Fields,
+ ) -> HashMap<syn::Type, HashSet<syn::TraitBound>> {
+ if self.type_params.is_empty() {
+ return HashMap::new();
+ }
+ if let syn::Fields::Unit = fields {
+ return HashMap::new();
+ }
+ // infer_fmt() uses only first field.
+ fields
+ .iter()
+ .take(1)
+ .filter_map(|field| {
+ self.get_type_param(&field.ty).map(|ty| {
+ (
+ ty,
+ [trait_name_to_trait_bound(attribute_name_to_trait_name(
+ self.trait_attr,
+ ))]
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .collect(),
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+ fn get_type_param(&self, ty: &syn::Type) -> Option<syn::Type> {
+ if self.has_type_param_in(ty) {
+ match ty {
+ syn::Type::Reference(syn::TypeReference { elem: ty, .. }) => {
+ Some(ty.deref().clone())
+ }
+ ty => Some(ty.clone()),
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn has_type_param_in(&self, ty: &syn::Type) -> bool {
+ match ty {
+ syn::Type::Path(ty) => {
+ if let Some(qself) = &ty.qself {
+ if self.has_type_param_in(&qself.ty) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(segment) = ty.path.segments.first() {
+ if self.type_params.contains(&segment.ident) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ ty.path.segments.iter().any(|segment| {
+ if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(arguments) =
+ &segment.arguments
+ {
+ arguments.args.iter().any(|argument| match argument {
+ syn::GenericArgument::Type(ty) => {
+ self.has_type_param_in(ty)
+ }
+ syn::GenericArgument::Constraint(constraint) => {
+ self.type_params.contains(&constraint.ident)
+ }
+ _ => false,
+ })
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ syn::Type::Reference(ty) => self.has_type_param_in(&ty.elem),
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+/// Representation of formatting placeholder.
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+struct Placeholder {
+ /// Position of formatting argument to be used for this placeholder.
+ position: usize,
+ /// Name of [`std::fmt`] trait to be used for rendering this placeholder.
+ trait_name: &'static str,
+impl Placeholder {
+ /// Parses [`Placeholder`]s from a given formatting string.
+ fn parse_fmt_string(s: &str) -> Vec<Placeholder> {
+ let mut n = 0;
+ crate::parsing::all_placeholders(s)
+ .into_iter()
+ .flatten()
+ .map(|m| {
+ let (maybe_arg, maybe_typ) = crate::parsing::format(m).unwrap();
+ let position = maybe_arg.unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ // Assign "the next argument".
+ //
+ n += 1;
+ n - 1
+ });
+ let typ = maybe_typ.unwrap_or_default();
+ let trait_name = match typ {
+ "" => "Display",
+ "?" | "x?" | "X?" => "Debug",
+ "o" => "Octal",
+ "x" => "LowerHex",
+ "X" => "UpperHex",
+ "p" => "Pointer",
+ "b" => "Binary",
+ "e" => "LowerExp",
+ "E" => "UpperExp",
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ Placeholder {
+ position,
+ trait_name,
+ }
+ })
+ .collect()
+ }
+mod regex_maybe_placeholder_spec {
+ #[test]
+ fn parses_placeholders_and_omits_escaped() {
+ let fmt_string = "{}, {:?}, {{}}, {{{1:0$}}}";
+ let placeholders: Vec<_> = crate::parsing::all_placeholders(&fmt_string)
+ .into_iter()
+ .flat_map(|x| x)
+ .collect();
+ assert_eq!(placeholders, vec!["{}", "{:?}", "{1:0$}"]);
+ }
+mod regex_placeholder_format_spec {
+ #[test]
+ fn detects_type() {
+ for (p, expected) in vec![
+ ("{}", ""),
+ ("{:?}", "?"),
+ ("{:x?}", "x?"),
+ ("{:X?}", "X?"),
+ ("{:o}", "o"),
+ ("{:x}", "x"),
+ ("{:X}", "X"),
+ ("{:p}", "p"),
+ ("{:b}", "b"),
+ ("{:e}", "e"),
+ ("{:E}", "E"),
+ ("{:.*}", ""),
+ ("{8}", ""),
+ ("{:04}", ""),
+ ("{1:0$}", ""),
+ ("{:width$}", ""),
+ ("{9:>8.*}", ""),
+ ("{2:.1$x}", "x"),
+ ] {
+ let typ = crate::parsing::format(p).unwrap().1.unwrap_or_default();
+ assert_eq!(typ, expected);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn detects_arg() {
+ for (p, expected) in vec![
+ ("{}", ""),
+ ("{0:?}", "0"),
+ ("{12:x?}", "12"),
+ ("{3:X?}", "3"),
+ ("{5:o}", "5"),
+ ("{6:x}", "6"),
+ ("{:X}", ""),
+ ("{8}", "8"),
+ ("{:04}", ""),
+ ("{1:0$}", "1"),
+ ("{:width$}", ""),
+ ("{9:>8.*}", "9"),
+ ("{2:.1$x}", "2"),
+ ] {
+ let arg = crate::parsing::format(p)
+ .unwrap()
+ .0
+ .map(|s| s.to_string())
+ .unwrap_or_default();
+ assert_eq!(arg, String::from(expected));
+ }
+ }
+mod placeholder_parse_fmt_string_spec {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn indicates_position_and_trait_name_for_each_fmt_placeholder() {
+ let fmt_string = "{},{:?},{{}},{{{1:0$}}}-{2:.1$x}{0:#?}{:width$}";
+ assert_eq!(
+ Placeholder::parse_fmt_string(&fmt_string),
+ vec![
+ Placeholder {
+ position: 0,
+ trait_name: "Display",
+ },
+ Placeholder {
+ position: 1,
+ trait_name: "Debug",
+ },
+ Placeholder {
+ position: 1,
+ trait_name: "Display",
+ },
+ Placeholder {
+ position: 2,
+ trait_name: "LowerHex",
+ },
+ Placeholder {
+ position: 0,
+ trait_name: "Debug",
+ },
+ Placeholder {
+ position: 2,
+ trait_name: "Display",
+ },
+ ],
+ )
+ }