path: root/third_party/rust/hyper/src/proto/h1/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/hyper/src/proto/h1/')
1 files changed, 1835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/hyper/src/proto/h1/ b/third_party/rust/hyper/src/proto/h1/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e99f4cf541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/hyper/src/proto/h1/
@@ -0,0 +1,1835 @@
+// `mem::uninitialized` replaced with `mem::MaybeUninit`,
+// can't upgrade yet
+use std::fmt::{self, Write};
+use std::mem;
+use bytes::BytesMut;
+use http::header::{self, Entry, HeaderName, HeaderValue};
+use http::{HeaderMap, Method, StatusCode, Version};
+use crate::error::Parse;
+use crate::headers;
+use crate::proto::h1::{
+ date, Encode, Encoder, Http1Transaction, ParseContext, ParseResult, ParsedMessage,
+use crate::proto::{BodyLength, DecodedLength, MessageHead, RequestHead, RequestLine};
+const MAX_HEADERS: usize = 100;
+const AVERAGE_HEADER_SIZE: usize = 30; // totally scientific
+macro_rules! header_name {
+ ($bytes:expr) => {{
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ match HeaderName::from_bytes($bytes) {
+ Ok(name) => name,
+ Err(_) => panic!(
+ "illegal header name from httparse: {:?}",
+ ::bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice($bytes)
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+ {
+ HeaderName::from_bytes($bytes).expect("header name validated by httparse")
+ }
+ }};
+macro_rules! header_value {
+ ($bytes:expr) => {{
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ let __hvb: ::bytes::Bytes = $bytes;
+ match HeaderValue::from_maybe_shared(__hvb.clone()) {
+ Ok(name) => name,
+ Err(_) => panic!("illegal header value from httparse: {:?}", __hvb),
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+ {
+ // Unsafe: httparse already validated header value
+ unsafe { HeaderValue::from_maybe_shared_unchecked($bytes) }
+ }
+ }};
+// There are 2 main roles, Client and Server.
+pub(crate) enum Client {}
+pub(crate) enum Server {}
+impl Http1Transaction for Server {
+ type Incoming = RequestLine;
+ type Outgoing = StatusCode;
+ const LOG: &'static str = "{role=server}";
+ fn parse(buf: &mut BytesMut, ctx: ParseContext<'_>) -> ParseResult<RequestLine> {
+ if buf.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ let mut keep_alive;
+ let is_http_11;
+ let subject;
+ let version;
+ let len;
+ let headers_len;
+ // Unsafe: both headers_indices and headers are using uninitialized memory,
+ // but we *never* read any of it until after httparse has assigned
+ // values into it. By not zeroing out the stack memory, this saves
+ // a good ~5% on pipeline benchmarks.
+ let mut headers_indices: [HeaderIndices; MAX_HEADERS] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
+ {
+ let mut headers: [httparse::Header<'_>; MAX_HEADERS] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
+ trace!(
+ "Request.parse([Header; {}], [u8; {}])",
+ headers.len(),
+ buf.len()
+ );
+ let mut req = httparse::Request::new(&mut headers);
+ let bytes = buf.as_ref();
+ match req.parse(bytes) {
+ Ok(httparse::Status::Complete(parsed_len)) => {
+ trace!("Request.parse Complete({})", parsed_len);
+ len = parsed_len;
+ subject = RequestLine(
+ Method::from_bytes(req.method.unwrap().as_bytes())?,
+ req.path.unwrap().parse()?,
+ );
+ version = if req.version.unwrap() == 1 {
+ keep_alive = true;
+ is_http_11 = true;
+ Version::HTTP_11
+ } else {
+ keep_alive = false;
+ is_http_11 = false;
+ Version::HTTP_10
+ };
+ record_header_indices(bytes, &req.headers, &mut headers_indices)?;
+ headers_len = req.headers.len();
+ }
+ Ok(httparse::Status::Partial) => return Ok(None),
+ Err(err) => {
+ return Err(match err {
+ // if invalid Token, try to determine if for method or path
+ httparse::Error::Token => {
+ if req.method.is_none() {
+ Parse::Method
+ } else {
+ debug_assert!(req.path.is_none());
+ Parse::Uri
+ }
+ }
+ other => other.into(),
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let slice = buf.split_to(len).freeze();
+ // According to
+ // 1. (irrelevant to Request)
+ // 2. (irrelevant to Request)
+ // 3. Transfer-Encoding: chunked has a chunked body.
+ // 4. If multiple differing Content-Length headers or invalid, close connection.
+ // 5. Content-Length header has a sized body.
+ // 6. Length 0.
+ // 7. (irrelevant to Request)
+ let mut decoder = DecodedLength::ZERO;
+ let mut expect_continue = false;
+ let mut con_len = None;
+ let mut is_te = false;
+ let mut is_te_chunked = false;
+ let mut wants_upgrade = subject.0 == Method::CONNECT;
+ let mut headers = ctx.cached_headers.take().unwrap_or_else(HeaderMap::new);
+ headers.reserve(headers_len);
+ for header in &headers_indices[..headers_len] {
+ let name = header_name!(&slice[]);
+ let value = header_value!(slice.slice(header.value.0..header.value.1));
+ match name {
+ header::TRANSFER_ENCODING => {
+ //
+ // If Transfer-Encoding header is present, and 'chunked' is
+ // not the final encoding, and this is a Request, then it is
+ // malformed. A server should respond with 400 Bad Request.
+ if !is_http_11 {
+ debug!("HTTP/1.0 cannot have Transfer-Encoding header");
+ return Err(Parse::Header);
+ }
+ is_te = true;
+ if headers::is_chunked_(&value) {
+ is_te_chunked = true;
+ decoder = DecodedLength::CHUNKED;
+ }
+ }
+ header::CONTENT_LENGTH => {
+ if is_te {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let len = value
+ .to_str()
+ .map_err(|_| Parse::Header)
+ .and_then(|s| s.parse().map_err(|_| Parse::Header))?;
+ if let Some(prev) = con_len {
+ if prev != len {
+ debug!(
+ "multiple Content-Length headers with different values: [{}, {}]",
+ prev, len,
+ );
+ return Err(Parse::Header);
+ }
+ // we don't need to append this secondary length
+ continue;
+ }
+ decoder = DecodedLength::checked_new(len)?;
+ con_len = Some(len);
+ }
+ header::CONNECTION => {
+ // keep_alive was previously set to default for Version
+ if keep_alive {
+ // HTTP/1.1
+ keep_alive = !headers::connection_close(&value);
+ } else {
+ // HTTP/1.0
+ keep_alive = headers::connection_keep_alive(&value);
+ }
+ }
+ header::EXPECT => {
+ expect_continue = value.as_bytes() == b"100-continue";
+ }
+ header::UPGRADE => {
+ // Upgrades are only allowed with HTTP/1.1
+ wants_upgrade = is_http_11;
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ headers.append(name, value);
+ }
+ if is_te && !is_te_chunked {
+ debug!("request with transfer-encoding header, but not chunked, bad request");
+ return Err(Parse::Header);
+ }
+ *ctx.req_method = Some(subject.0.clone());
+ Ok(Some(ParsedMessage {
+ head: MessageHead {
+ version,
+ subject,
+ headers,
+ },
+ decode: decoder,
+ expect_continue,
+ keep_alive,
+ wants_upgrade,
+ }))
+ }
+ fn encode(
+ mut msg: Encode<'_, Self::Outgoing>,
+ mut dst: &mut Vec<u8>,
+ ) -> crate::Result<Encoder> {
+ trace!(
+ "Server::encode status={:?}, body={:?}, req_method={:?}",
+ msg.head.subject,
+ msg.body,
+ msg.req_method
+ );
+ debug_assert!(
+ !msg.title_case_headers,
+ "no server config for title case headers"
+ );
+ let mut wrote_len = false;
+ // hyper currently doesn't support returning 1xx status codes as a Response
+ // This is because Service only allows returning a single Response, and
+ // so if you try to reply with a e.g. 100 Continue, you have no way of
+ // replying with the latter status code response.
+ let (ret, mut is_last) = if msg.head.subject == StatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS {
+ (Ok(()), true)
+ } else if msg.req_method == &Some(Method::CONNECT) && msg.head.subject.is_success() {
+ // Sending content-length or transfer-encoding header on 2xx response
+ // to CONNECT is forbidden in RFC 7231.
+ wrote_len = true;
+ (Ok(()), true)
+ } else if msg.head.subject.is_informational() {
+ warn!("response with 1xx status code not supported");
+ *msg.head = MessageHead::default();
+ msg.head.subject = StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
+ msg.body = None;
+ (Err(crate::Error::new_user_unsupported_status_code()), true)
+ } else {
+ (Ok(()), !msg.keep_alive)
+ };
+ // In some error cases, we don't know about the invalid message until already
+ // pushing some bytes onto the `dst`. In those cases, we don't want to send
+ // the half-pushed message, so rewind to before.
+ let orig_len = dst.len();
+ let rewind = |dst: &mut Vec<u8>| {
+ dst.truncate(orig_len);
+ };
+ let init_cap = 30 + msg.head.headers.len() * AVERAGE_HEADER_SIZE;
+ dst.reserve(init_cap);
+ if msg.head.version == Version::HTTP_11 && msg.head.subject == StatusCode::OK {
+ extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n");
+ } else {
+ match msg.head.version {
+ Version::HTTP_10 => extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.0 "),
+ Version::HTTP_11 => extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.1 "),
+ Version::HTTP_2 => {
+ warn!("response with HTTP2 version coerced to HTTP/1.1");
+ extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.1 ");
+ }
+ other => panic!("unexpected response version: {:?}", other),
+ }
+ extend(dst, msg.head.subject.as_str().as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b" ");
+ // a reason MUST be written, as many parsers will expect it.
+ extend(
+ dst,
+ msg.head
+ .subject
+ .canonical_reason()
+ .unwrap_or("<none>")
+ .as_bytes(),
+ );
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ }
+ let mut encoder = Encoder::length(0);
+ let mut wrote_date = false;
+ let mut cur_name = None;
+ let mut is_name_written = false;
+ let mut must_write_chunked = false;
+ let mut prev_con_len = None;
+ macro_rules! handle_is_name_written {
+ () => {{
+ if is_name_written {
+ // we need to clean up and write the newline
+ debug_assert_ne!(
+ &dst[dst.len() - 2..],
+ b"\r\n",
+ "previous header wrote newline but set is_name_written"
+ );
+ if must_write_chunked {
+ extend(dst, b", chunked\r\n");
+ } else {
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }};
+ }
+ 'headers: for (opt_name, value) in msg.head.headers.drain() {
+ if let Some(n) = opt_name {
+ cur_name = Some(n);
+ handle_is_name_written!();
+ is_name_written = false;
+ }
+ let name = cur_name.as_ref().expect("current header name");
+ match *name {
+ header::CONTENT_LENGTH => {
+ if wrote_len && !is_name_written {
+ warn!("unexpected content-length found, canceling");
+ rewind(dst);
+ return Err(crate::Error::new_user_header());
+ }
+ match msg.body {
+ Some(BodyLength::Known(known_len)) => {
+ // The Payload claims to know a length, and
+ // the headers are already set. For performance
+ // reasons, we are just going to trust that
+ // the values match.
+ //
+ // In debug builds, we'll assert they are the
+ // same to help developers find bugs.
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ if let Some(len) = headers::content_length_parse(&value) {
+ assert!(
+ len == known_len,
+ "payload claims content-length of {}, custom content-length header claims {}",
+ known_len,
+ len,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if !is_name_written {
+ encoder = Encoder::length(known_len);
+ extend(dst, b"content-length: ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ wrote_len = true;
+ is_name_written = true;
+ }
+ continue 'headers;
+ }
+ Some(BodyLength::Unknown) => {
+ // The Payload impl didn't know how long the
+ // body is, but a length header was included.
+ // We have to parse the value to return our
+ // Encoder...
+ if let Some(len) = headers::content_length_parse(&value) {
+ if let Some(prev) = prev_con_len {
+ if prev != len {
+ warn!(
+ "multiple Content-Length values found: [{}, {}]",
+ prev, len
+ );
+ rewind(dst);
+ return Err(crate::Error::new_user_header());
+ }
+ debug_assert!(is_name_written);
+ continue 'headers;
+ } else {
+ // we haven't written content-length yet!
+ encoder = Encoder::length(len);
+ extend(dst, b"content-length: ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ wrote_len = true;
+ is_name_written = true;
+ prev_con_len = Some(len);
+ continue 'headers;
+ }
+ } else {
+ warn!("illegal Content-Length value: {:?}", value);
+ rewind(dst);
+ return Err(crate::Error::new_user_header());
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ // We have no body to actually send,
+ // but the headers claim a content-length.
+ // There's only 2 ways this makes sense:
+ //
+ // - The header says the length is `0`.
+ // - This is a response to a `HEAD` request.
+ if msg.req_method == &Some(Method::HEAD) {
+ debug_assert_eq!(encoder, Encoder::length(0));
+ } else {
+ if value.as_bytes() != b"0" {
+ warn!(
+ "content-length value found, but empty body provided: {:?}",
+ value
+ );
+ }
+ continue 'headers;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wrote_len = true;
+ }
+ header::TRANSFER_ENCODING => {
+ if wrote_len && !is_name_written {
+ warn!("unexpected transfer-encoding found, canceling");
+ rewind(dst);
+ return Err(crate::Error::new_user_header());
+ }
+ // check that we actually can send a chunked body...
+ if msg.head.version == Version::HTTP_10
+ || !Server::can_chunked(msg.req_method, msg.head.subject)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ wrote_len = true;
+ // Must check each value, because `chunked` needs to be the
+ // last encoding, or else we add it.
+ must_write_chunked = !headers::is_chunked_(&value);
+ if !is_name_written {
+ encoder = Encoder::chunked();
+ is_name_written = true;
+ extend(dst, b"transfer-encoding: ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ } else {
+ extend(dst, b", ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ }
+ continue 'headers;
+ }
+ header::CONNECTION => {
+ if !is_last && headers::connection_close(&value) {
+ is_last = true;
+ }
+ if !is_name_written {
+ is_name_written = true;
+ extend(dst, b"connection: ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ } else {
+ extend(dst, b", ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ }
+ continue 'headers;
+ }
+ header::DATE => {
+ wrote_date = true;
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ //TODO: this should perhaps instead combine them into
+ //single lines, as RFC7230 suggests is preferable.
+ // non-special write Name and Value
+ debug_assert!(
+ !is_name_written,
+ "{:?} set is_name_written and didn't continue loop",
+ name,
+ );
+ extend(dst, name.as_str().as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b": ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ }
+ handle_is_name_written!();
+ if !wrote_len {
+ encoder = match msg.body {
+ Some(BodyLength::Unknown) => {
+ if msg.head.version == Version::HTTP_10
+ || !Server::can_chunked(msg.req_method, msg.head.subject)
+ {
+ Encoder::close_delimited()
+ } else {
+ extend(dst, b"transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n");
+ Encoder::chunked()
+ }
+ }
+ None | Some(BodyLength::Known(0)) => {
+ if msg.head.subject != StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED {
+ extend(dst, b"content-length: 0\r\n");
+ }
+ Encoder::length(0)
+ }
+ Some(BodyLength::Known(len)) => {
+ if msg.head.subject == StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED {
+ Encoder::length(0)
+ } else {
+ extend(dst, b"content-length: ");
+ let _ = ::itoa::write(&mut dst, len);
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ Encoder::length(len)
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if !Server::can_have_body(msg.req_method, msg.head.subject) {
+ trace!(
+ "server body forced to 0; method={:?}, status={:?}",
+ msg.req_method,
+ msg.head.subject
+ );
+ encoder = Encoder::length(0);
+ }
+ // cached date is much faster than formatting every request
+ if !wrote_date {
+ dst.reserve(date::DATE_VALUE_LENGTH + 8);
+ extend(dst, b"date: ");
+ date::extend(dst);
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n\r\n");
+ } else {
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ }
+|()| encoder.set_last(is_last))
+ }
+ fn on_error(err: &crate::Error) -> Option<MessageHead<Self::Outgoing>> {
+ use crate::error::Kind;
+ let status = match *err.kind() {
+ Kind::Parse(Parse::Method)
+ | Kind::Parse(Parse::Header)
+ | Kind::Parse(Parse::Uri)
+ | Kind::Parse(Parse::Version) => StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST,
+ Kind::Parse(Parse::TooLarge) => StatusCode::REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE,
+ _ => return None,
+ };
+ debug!("sending automatic response ({}) for parse error", status);
+ let mut msg = MessageHead::default();
+ msg.subject = status;
+ Some(msg)
+ }
+ fn is_server() -> bool {
+ true
+ }
+ fn update_date() {
+ date::update();
+ }
+impl Server {
+ fn can_have_body(method: &Option<Method>, status: StatusCode) -> bool {
+ Server::can_chunked(method, status)
+ }
+ fn can_chunked(method: &Option<Method>, status: StatusCode) -> bool {
+ if method == &Some(Method::HEAD) || method == &Some(Method::CONNECT) && status.is_success()
+ {
+ false
+ } else {
+ match status {
+ // TODO: support for 1xx codes needs improvement everywhere
+ // would be 100...199 => false
+ | StatusCode::NO_CONTENT
+ | StatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED => false,
+ _ => true,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl Http1Transaction for Client {
+ type Incoming = StatusCode;
+ type Outgoing = RequestLine;
+ const LOG: &'static str = "{role=client}";
+ fn parse(buf: &mut BytesMut, ctx: ParseContext<'_>) -> ParseResult<StatusCode> {
+ // Loop to skip information status code headers (100 Continue, etc).
+ loop {
+ if buf.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ // Unsafe: see comment in Server Http1Transaction, above.
+ let mut headers_indices: [HeaderIndices; MAX_HEADERS] = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
+ let (len, status, version, headers_len) = {
+ let mut headers: [httparse::Header<'_>; MAX_HEADERS] =
+ unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
+ trace!(
+ "Response.parse([Header; {}], [u8; {}])",
+ headers.len(),
+ buf.len()
+ );
+ let mut res = httparse::Response::new(&mut headers);
+ let bytes = buf.as_ref();
+ match res.parse(bytes)? {
+ httparse::Status::Complete(len) => {
+ trace!("Response.parse Complete({})", len);
+ let status = StatusCode::from_u16(res.code.unwrap())?;
+ let version = if res.version.unwrap() == 1 {
+ Version::HTTP_11
+ } else {
+ Version::HTTP_10
+ };
+ record_header_indices(bytes, &res.headers, &mut headers_indices)?;
+ let headers_len = res.headers.len();
+ (len, status, version, headers_len)
+ }
+ httparse::Status::Partial => return Ok(None),
+ }
+ };
+ let slice = buf.split_to(len).freeze();
+ let mut headers = ctx.cached_headers.take().unwrap_or_else(HeaderMap::new);
+ let mut keep_alive = version == Version::HTTP_11;
+ headers.reserve(headers_len);
+ for header in &headers_indices[..headers_len] {
+ let name = header_name!(&slice[]);
+ let value = header_value!(slice.slice(header.value.0..header.value.1));
+ if let header::CONNECTION = name {
+ // keep_alive was previously set to default for Version
+ if keep_alive {
+ // HTTP/1.1
+ keep_alive = !headers::connection_close(&value);
+ } else {
+ // HTTP/1.0
+ keep_alive = headers::connection_keep_alive(&value);
+ }
+ }
+ headers.append(name, value);
+ }
+ let head = MessageHead {
+ version,
+ subject: status,
+ headers,
+ };
+ if let Some((decode, is_upgrade)) = Client::decoder(&head, ctx.req_method)? {
+ return Ok(Some(ParsedMessage {
+ head,
+ decode,
+ expect_continue: false,
+ // a client upgrade means the connection can't be used
+ // again, as it is definitely upgrading.
+ keep_alive: keep_alive && !is_upgrade,
+ wants_upgrade: is_upgrade,
+ }));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn encode(msg: Encode<'_, Self::Outgoing>, dst: &mut Vec<u8>) -> crate::Result<Encoder> {
+ trace!(
+ "Client::encode method={:?}, body={:?}",
+ msg.head.subject.0,
+ msg.body
+ );
+ *msg.req_method = Some(msg.head.subject.0.clone());
+ let body = Client::set_length(msg.head, msg.body);
+ let init_cap = 30 + msg.head.headers.len() * AVERAGE_HEADER_SIZE;
+ dst.reserve(init_cap);
+ extend(dst, msg.head.subject.0.as_str().as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b" ");
+ //TODO: add API to http::Uri to encode without std::fmt
+ let _ = write!(FastWrite(dst), "{} ", msg.head.subject.1);
+ match msg.head.version {
+ Version::HTTP_10 => extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.0"),
+ Version::HTTP_11 => extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.1"),
+ Version::HTTP_2 => {
+ warn!("request with HTTP2 version coerced to HTTP/1.1");
+ extend(dst, b"HTTP/1.1");
+ }
+ other => panic!("unexpected request version: {:?}", other),
+ }
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ if msg.title_case_headers {
+ write_headers_title_case(&msg.head.headers, dst);
+ } else {
+ write_headers(&msg.head.headers, dst);
+ }
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ msg.head.headers.clear(); //TODO: remove when switching to drain()
+ Ok(body)
+ }
+ fn on_error(_err: &crate::Error) -> Option<MessageHead<Self::Outgoing>> {
+ // we can't tell the server about any errors it creates
+ None
+ }
+ fn is_client() -> bool {
+ true
+ }
+impl Client {
+ /// Returns Some(length, wants_upgrade) if successful.
+ ///
+ /// Returns None if this message head should be skipped (like a 100 status).
+ fn decoder(
+ inc: &MessageHead<StatusCode>,
+ method: &mut Option<Method>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<(DecodedLength, bool)>, Parse> {
+ // According to
+ // 1. HEAD responses, and Status 1xx, 204, and 304 cannot have a body.
+ // 2. Status 2xx to a CONNECT cannot have a body.
+ // 3. Transfer-Encoding: chunked has a chunked body.
+ // 4. If multiple differing Content-Length headers or invalid, close connection.
+ // 5. Content-Length header has a sized body.
+ // 6. (irrelevant to Response)
+ // 7. Read till EOF.
+ match inc.subject.as_u16() {
+ 101 => {
+ return Ok(Some((DecodedLength::ZERO, true)));
+ }
+ 100 | 102..=199 => {
+ trace!("ignoring informational response: {}", inc.subject.as_u16());
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ 204 | 304 => return Ok(Some((DecodedLength::ZERO, false))),
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ match *method {
+ Some(Method::HEAD) => {
+ return Ok(Some((DecodedLength::ZERO, false)));
+ }
+ Some(Method::CONNECT) => {
+ if let 200..=299 = inc.subject.as_u16() {
+ return Ok(Some((DecodedLength::ZERO, true)));
+ }
+ }
+ Some(_) => {}
+ None => {
+ trace!("Client::decoder is missing the Method");
+ }
+ }
+ if inc.headers.contains_key(header::TRANSFER_ENCODING) {
+ //
+ // If Transfer-Encoding header is present, and 'chunked' is
+ // not the final encoding, and this is a Request, then it is
+ // malformed. A server should respond with 400 Bad Request.
+ if inc.version == Version::HTTP_10 {
+ debug!("HTTP/1.0 cannot have Transfer-Encoding header");
+ Err(Parse::Header)
+ } else if headers::transfer_encoding_is_chunked(&inc.headers) {
+ Ok(Some((DecodedLength::CHUNKED, false)))
+ } else {
+ trace!("not chunked, read till eof");
+ Ok(Some((DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED, false)))
+ }
+ } else if let Some(len) = headers::content_length_parse_all(&inc.headers) {
+ Ok(Some((DecodedLength::checked_new(len)?, false)))
+ } else if inc.headers.contains_key(header::CONTENT_LENGTH) {
+ debug!("illegal Content-Length header");
+ Err(Parse::Header)
+ } else {
+ trace!("neither Transfer-Encoding nor Content-Length");
+ Ok(Some((DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED, false)))
+ }
+ }
+impl Client {
+ fn set_length(head: &mut RequestHead, body: Option<BodyLength>) -> Encoder {
+ let body = if let Some(body) = body {
+ body
+ } else {
+ head.headers.remove(header::TRANSFER_ENCODING);
+ return Encoder::length(0);
+ };
+ // HTTP/1.0 doesn't know about chunked
+ let can_chunked = head.version == Version::HTTP_11;
+ let headers = &mut head.headers;
+ // If the user already set specific headers, we should respect them, regardless
+ // of what the Payload knows about itself. They set them for a reason.
+ // Because of the borrow checker, we can't check the for an existing
+ // Content-Length header while holding an `Entry` for the Transfer-Encoding
+ // header, so unfortunately, we must do the check here, first.
+ let existing_con_len = headers::content_length_parse_all(headers);
+ let mut should_remove_con_len = false;
+ if !can_chunked {
+ // Chunked isn't legal, so if it is set, we need to remove it.
+ if headers.remove(header::TRANSFER_ENCODING).is_some() {
+ trace!("removing illegal transfer-encoding header");
+ }
+ return if let Some(len) = existing_con_len {
+ Encoder::length(len)
+ } else if let BodyLength::Known(len) = body {
+ set_content_length(headers, len)
+ } else {
+ // HTTP/1.0 client requests without a content-length
+ // cannot have any body at all.
+ Encoder::length(0)
+ };
+ }
+ // If the user set a transfer-encoding, respect that. Let's just
+ // make sure `chunked` is the final encoding.
+ let encoder = match headers.entry(header::TRANSFER_ENCODING) {
+ Entry::Occupied(te) => {
+ should_remove_con_len = true;
+ if headers::is_chunked(te.iter()) {
+ Some(Encoder::chunked())
+ } else {
+ warn!("user provided transfer-encoding does not end in 'chunked'");
+ // There's a Transfer-Encoding, but it doesn't end in 'chunked'!
+ // An example that could trigger this:
+ //
+ // Transfer-Encoding: gzip
+ //
+ // This can be bad, depending on if this is a request or a
+ // response.
+ //
+ // - A request is illegal if there is a `Transfer-Encoding`
+ // but it doesn't end in `chunked`.
+ // - A response that has `Transfer-Encoding` but doesn't
+ // end in `chunked` isn't illegal, it just forces this
+ // to be close-delimited.
+ //
+ // We can try to repair this, by adding `chunked` ourselves.
+ headers::add_chunked(te);
+ Some(Encoder::chunked())
+ }
+ }
+ Entry::Vacant(te) => {
+ if let Some(len) = existing_con_len {
+ Some(Encoder::length(len))
+ } else if let BodyLength::Unknown = body {
+ // GET, HEAD, and CONNECT almost never have bodies.
+ //
+ // So instead of sending a "chunked" body with a 0-chunk,
+ // assume no body here. If you *must* send a body,
+ // set the headers explicitly.
+ match head.subject.0 {
+ Method::GET | Method::HEAD | Method::CONNECT => Some(Encoder::length(0)),
+ _ => {
+ te.insert(HeaderValue::from_static("chunked"));
+ Some(Encoder::chunked())
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // This is because we need a second mutable borrow to remove
+ // content-length header.
+ if let Some(encoder) = encoder {
+ if should_remove_con_len && existing_con_len.is_some() {
+ headers.remove(header::CONTENT_LENGTH);
+ }
+ return encoder;
+ }
+ // User didn't set transfer-encoding, AND we know body length,
+ // so we can just set the Content-Length automatically.
+ let len = if let BodyLength::Known(len) = body {
+ len
+ } else {
+ unreachable!("BodyLength::Unknown would set chunked");
+ };
+ set_content_length(headers, len)
+ }
+fn set_content_length(headers: &mut HeaderMap, len: u64) -> Encoder {
+ // At this point, there should not be a valid Content-Length
+ // header. However, since we'll be indexing in anyways, we can
+ // warn the user if there was an existing illegal header.
+ //
+ // Or at least, we can in theory. It's actually a little bit slower,
+ // so perhaps only do that while the user is developing/testing.
+ if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
+ match headers.entry(header::CONTENT_LENGTH) {
+ Entry::Occupied(mut cl) => {
+ // Internal sanity check, we should have already determined
+ // that the header was illegal before calling this function.
+ debug_assert!(headers::content_length_parse_all_values(cl.iter()).is_none());
+ // Uh oh, the user set `Content-Length` headers, but set bad ones.
+ // This would be an illegal message anyways, so let's try to repair
+ // with our known good length.
+ error!("user provided content-length header was invalid");
+ cl.insert(HeaderValue::from(len));
+ Encoder::length(len)
+ }
+ Entry::Vacant(cl) => {
+ cl.insert(HeaderValue::from(len));
+ Encoder::length(len)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ headers.insert(header::CONTENT_LENGTH, HeaderValue::from(len));
+ Encoder::length(len)
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+struct HeaderIndices {
+ name: (usize, usize),
+ value: (usize, usize),
+fn record_header_indices(
+ bytes: &[u8],
+ headers: &[httparse::Header<'_>],
+ indices: &mut [HeaderIndices],
+) -> Result<(), crate::error::Parse> {
+ let bytes_ptr = bytes.as_ptr() as usize;
+ for (header, indices) in headers.iter().zip(indices.iter_mut()) {
+ if >= (1 << 16) {
+ debug!("header name larger than 64kb: {:?}",;
+ return Err(crate::error::Parse::TooLarge);
+ }
+ let name_start = as usize - bytes_ptr;
+ let name_end = name_start +;
+ = (name_start, name_end);
+ let value_start = header.value.as_ptr() as usize - bytes_ptr;
+ let value_end = value_start + header.value.len();
+ indices.value = (value_start, value_end);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+// Write header names as title case. The header name is assumed to be ASCII,
+// therefore it is trivial to convert an ASCII character from lowercase to
+// uppercase. It is as simple as XORing the lowercase character byte with
+// space.
+fn title_case(dst: &mut Vec<u8>, name: &[u8]) {
+ dst.reserve(name.len());
+ let mut iter = name.iter();
+ // Uppercase the first character
+ if let Some(c) = {
+ if *c >= b'a' && *c <= b'z' {
+ dst.push(*c ^ b' ');
+ } else {
+ dst.push(*c);
+ }
+ }
+ while let Some(c) = {
+ dst.push(*c);
+ if *c == b'-' {
+ if let Some(c) = {
+ if *c >= b'a' && *c <= b'z' {
+ dst.push(*c ^ b' ');
+ } else {
+ dst.push(*c);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn write_headers_title_case(headers: &HeaderMap, dst: &mut Vec<u8>) {
+ for (name, value) in headers {
+ title_case(dst, name.as_str().as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b": ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ }
+fn write_headers(headers: &HeaderMap, dst: &mut Vec<u8>) {
+ for (name, value) in headers {
+ extend(dst, name.as_str().as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b": ");
+ extend(dst, value.as_bytes());
+ extend(dst, b"\r\n");
+ }
+struct FastWrite<'a>(&'a mut Vec<u8>);
+impl<'a> fmt::Write for FastWrite<'a> {
+ #[inline]
+ fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
+ extend(self.0, s.as_bytes());
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt::write(self, args)
+ }
+fn extend(dst: &mut Vec<u8>, data: &[u8]) {
+ dst.extend_from_slice(data);
+mod tests {
+ use bytes::BytesMut;
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_request() {
+ let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut raw = BytesMut::from("GET /echo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n");
+ let mut method = None;
+ let msg = Server::parse(
+ &mut raw,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut method,
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(raw.len(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.subject.0, crate::Method::GET);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.subject.1, "/echo");
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.version, crate::Version::HTTP_11);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.headers.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.headers["Host"], "");
+ assert_eq!(method, Some(crate::Method::GET));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_response() {
+ let _ = pretty_env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut raw = BytesMut::from("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n");
+ let ctx = ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut Some(crate::Method::GET),
+ };
+ let msg = Client::parse(&mut raw, ctx).unwrap().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(raw.len(), 0);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.subject, crate::StatusCode::OK);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.version, crate::Version::HTTP_11);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.headers.len(), 1);
+ assert_eq!(msg.head.headers["Content-Length"], "0");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_request_errors() {
+ let mut raw = BytesMut::from("GET htt:p// HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n");
+ let ctx = ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut None,
+ };
+ Server::parse(&mut raw, ctx).unwrap_err();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_decoder_request() {
+ fn parse(s: &str) -> ParsedMessage<RequestLine> {
+ let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(s);
+ Server::parse(
+ &mut bytes,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut None,
+ },
+ )
+ .expect("parse ok")
+ .expect("parse complete")
+ }
+ fn parse_err(s: &str, comment: &str) -> crate::error::Parse {
+ let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(s);
+ Server::parse(
+ &mut bytes,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut None,
+ },
+ )
+ .expect_err(comment)
+ }
+ // no length or transfer-encoding means 0-length body
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::ZERO
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::ZERO
+ );
+ // transfer-encoding: chunked
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: gzip, chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: gzip\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ // content-length
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::new(10)
+ );
+ // transfer-encoding and content-length = chunked
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: gzip\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ // multiple content-lengths of same value are fine
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::new(10)
+ );
+ // multiple content-lengths with different values is an error
+ parse_err(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ content-length: 11\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ "multiple content-lengths",
+ );
+ // transfer-encoding that isn't chunked is an error
+ parse_err(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: gzip\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ "transfer-encoding but not chunked",
+ );
+ parse_err(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked, gzip\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ "transfer-encoding doesn't end in chunked",
+ );
+ // http/1.0
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::new(10)
+ );
+ // 1.0 doesn't understand chunked, so its an error
+ parse_err(
+ "\
+ POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ "1.0 chunked",
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_decoder_response() {
+ fn parse(s: &str) -> ParsedMessage<StatusCode> {
+ parse_with_method(s, Method::GET)
+ }
+ fn parse_ignores(s: &str) {
+ let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(s);
+ assert!(Client::parse(
+ &mut bytes,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut Some(Method::GET),
+ }
+ )
+ .expect("parse ok")
+ .is_none())
+ }
+ fn parse_with_method(s: &str, m: Method) -> ParsedMessage<StatusCode> {
+ let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(s);
+ Client::parse(
+ &mut bytes,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut Some(m),
+ },
+ )
+ .expect("parse ok")
+ .expect("parse complete")
+ }
+ fn parse_err(s: &str) -> crate::error::Parse {
+ let mut bytes = BytesMut::from(s);
+ Client::parse(
+ &mut bytes,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut Some(Method::GET),
+ },
+ )
+ .expect_err("parse should err")
+ }
+ // no content-length or transfer-encoding means close-delimited
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED
+ );
+ // 204 and 304 never have a body
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 204 No Content\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::ZERO
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::ZERO
+ );
+ // content-length
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 8\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::new(8)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 8\r\n\
+ content-length: 8\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::new(8)
+ );
+ parse_err(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 8\r\n\
+ content-length: 9\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ );
+ // transfer-encoding: chunked
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ // transfer-encoding not-chunked is close-delimited
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: yolo\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED
+ );
+ // transfer-encoding and content-length = chunked
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 10\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CHUNKED
+ );
+ // HEAD can have content-length, but not body
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_with_method(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 8\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ Method::HEAD
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::ZERO
+ );
+ // CONNECT with 200 never has body
+ {
+ let msg = parse_with_method(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ Method::CONNECT,
+ );
+ assert_eq!(msg.decode, DecodedLength::ZERO);
+ assert!(!msg.keep_alive, "should be upgrade");
+ assert!(msg.wants_upgrade, "should be upgrade");
+ }
+ // CONNECT receiving non 200 can have a body
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_with_method(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ Method::CONNECT
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED
+ );
+ // 1xx status codes
+ parse_ignores(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ );
+ parse_ignores(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 103 Early Hints\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ );
+ // 101 upgrade not supported yet
+ {
+ let msg = parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(msg.decode, DecodedLength::ZERO);
+ assert!(!msg.keep_alive, "should be last");
+ assert!(msg.wants_upgrade, "should be upgrade");
+ }
+ // http/1.0
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .decode,
+ DecodedLength::CLOSE_DELIMITED
+ );
+ // 1.0 doesn't understand chunked
+ parse_err(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\
+ transfer-encoding: chunked\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ ",
+ );
+ // keep-alive
+ assert!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 0\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .keep_alive,
+ "HTTP/1.1 keep-alive is default"
+ );
+ assert!(
+ !parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 0\r\n\
+ connection: foo, close, bar\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .keep_alive,
+ "connection close is always close"
+ );
+ assert!(
+ !parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 0\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .keep_alive,
+ "HTTP/1.0 close is default"
+ );
+ assert!(
+ parse(
+ "\
+ HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\
+ content-length: 0\r\n\
+ connection: foo, keep-alive, bar\r\n\
+ \r\n\
+ "
+ )
+ .keep_alive,
+ "connection keep-alive is always keep-alive"
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_client_request_encode_title_case() {
+ use crate::proto::BodyLength;
+ use http::header::HeaderValue;
+ let mut head = MessageHead::default();
+ head.headers
+ .insert("content-length", HeaderValue::from_static("10"));
+ head.headers
+ .insert("content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"));
+ head.headers.insert("*-*", HeaderValue::from_static("o_o"));
+ let mut vec = Vec::new();
+ Client::encode(
+ Encode {
+ head: &mut head,
+ body: Some(BodyLength::Known(10)),
+ keep_alive: true,
+ req_method: &mut None,
+ title_case_headers: true,
+ },
+ &mut vec,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(vec, b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 10\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n*-*: o_o\r\n\r\n".to_vec());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_server_encode_connect_method() {
+ let mut head = MessageHead::default();
+ let mut vec = Vec::new();
+ let encoder = Server::encode(
+ Encode {
+ head: &mut head,
+ body: None,
+ keep_alive: true,
+ req_method: &mut Some(Method::CONNECT),
+ title_case_headers: false,
+ },
+ &mut vec,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert!(encoder.is_last());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn parse_header_htabs() {
+ let mut bytes = BytesMut::from("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nserver: hello\tworld\r\n\r\n");
+ let parsed = Client::parse(
+ &mut bytes,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut None,
+ req_method: &mut Some(Method::GET),
+ },
+ )
+ .expect("parse ok")
+ .expect("parse complete");
+ assert_eq!(parsed.head.headers["server"], "hello\tworld");
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
+ use test::Bencher;
+ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
+ #[bench]
+ fn bench_parse_incoming(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ let mut raw = BytesMut::from(
+ &b"GET /super_long_uri/and_whatever?what_should_we_talk_about/\
+ I_wonder/Hard_to_write_in_an_uri_after_all/you_have_to_make\
+ _up_the_punctuation_yourself/how_fun_is_that?test=foo&test1=\
+ foo1&test2=foo2&test3=foo3&test4=foo4 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \
+\r\nAccept: a lot of things\r\nAccept-Charset: \
+ utf8\r\nAccept-Encoding: *\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-\
+ Credentials: None\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: None\r\n\
+ Access-Control-Allow-Methods: None\r\nAccess-Control-Allow-\
+ Headers: None\r\nContent-Encoding: utf8\r\nContent-Security-\
+ Policy: None\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nOrigin: hyper\
+ \r\nSec-Websocket-Extensions: It looks super important!\r\n\
+ Sec-Websocket-Origin: hyper\r\nSec-Websocket-Version: 4.3\r\
+ \nStrict-Transport-Security: None\r\nUser-Agent: hyper\r\n\
+ X-Content-Duration: None\r\nX-Content-Security-Policy: None\
+ \r\nX-DNSPrefetch-Control: None\r\nX-Frame-Options: \
+ Something important obviously\r\nX-Requested-With: Nothing\
+ \r\n\r\n"[..],
+ );
+ let len = raw.len();
+ let mut headers = Some(HeaderMap::new());
+ b.bytes = len as u64;
+ b.iter(|| {
+ let mut msg = Server::parse(
+ &mut raw,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut headers,
+ req_method: &mut None,
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ ::test::black_box(&msg);
+ msg.head.headers.clear();
+ headers = Some(msg.head.headers);
+ restart(&mut raw, len);
+ });
+ fn restart(b: &mut BytesMut, len: usize) {
+ b.reserve(1);
+ unsafe {
+ b.set_len(len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
+ #[bench]
+ fn bench_parse_short(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ let s = &b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:8080\r\n\r\n"[..];
+ let mut raw = BytesMut::from(s);
+ let len = raw.len();
+ let mut headers = Some(HeaderMap::new());
+ b.bytes = len as u64;
+ b.iter(|| {
+ let mut msg = Server::parse(
+ &mut raw,
+ ParseContext {
+ cached_headers: &mut headers,
+ req_method: &mut None,
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ ::test::black_box(&msg);
+ msg.head.headers.clear();
+ headers = Some(msg.head.headers);
+ restart(&mut raw, len);
+ });
+ fn restart(b: &mut BytesMut, len: usize) {
+ b.reserve(1);
+ unsafe {
+ b.set_len(len);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
+ #[bench]
+ fn bench_server_encode_headers_preset(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ use crate::proto::BodyLength;
+ use http::header::HeaderValue;
+ let len = 108;
+ b.bytes = len as u64;
+ let mut head = MessageHead::default();
+ let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
+ headers.insert("content-length", HeaderValue::from_static("10"));
+ headers.insert("content-type", HeaderValue::from_static("application/json"));
+ b.iter(|| {
+ let mut vec = Vec::new();
+ head.headers = headers.clone();
+ Server::encode(
+ Encode {
+ head: &mut head,
+ body: Some(BodyLength::Known(10)),
+ keep_alive: true,
+ req_method: &mut Some(Method::GET),
+ title_case_headers: false,
+ },
+ &mut vec,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(vec.len(), len);
+ ::test::black_box(vec);
+ })
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "nightly")]
+ #[bench]
+ fn bench_server_encode_no_headers(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ use crate::proto::BodyLength;
+ let len = 76;
+ b.bytes = len as u64;
+ let mut head = MessageHead::default();
+ let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(128);
+ b.iter(|| {
+ Server::encode(
+ Encode {
+ head: &mut head,
+ body: Some(BodyLength::Known(10)),
+ keep_alive: true,
+ req_method: &mut Some(Method::GET),
+ title_case_headers: false,
+ },
+ &mut vec,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(vec.len(), len);
+ ::test::black_box(&vec);
+ vec.clear();
+ })
+ }