path: root/third_party/rust/nix/src/sys/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/nix/src/sys/')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/nix/src/sys/ b/third_party/rust/nix/src/sys/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14c0462929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/nix/src/sys/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+//! Set and configure disk quotas for users, groups, or projects.
+//! # Examples
+//! Enabling and setting a quota:
+//! ```rust,no_run
+//! # use nix::sys::quota::{Dqblk, quotactl_on, quotactl_set, QuotaFmt, QuotaType, QuotaValidFlags};
+//! quotactl_on(QuotaType::USRQUOTA, "/dev/sda1", QuotaFmt::QFMT_VFS_V1, "aquota.user");
+//! let mut dqblk: Dqblk = Default::default();
+//! dqblk.set_blocks_hard_limit(10000);
+//! dqblk.set_blocks_soft_limit(8000);
+//! quotactl_set(QuotaType::USRQUOTA, "/dev/sda1", 50, &dqblk, QuotaValidFlags::QIF_BLIMITS);
+//! ```
+use std::default::Default;
+use std::{mem, ptr};
+use libc::{self, c_int, c_char};
+use {Result, NixPath};
+use errno::Errno;
+struct QuotaCmd(QuotaSubCmd, QuotaType);
+impl QuotaCmd {
+ fn as_int(&self) -> c_int {
+ unsafe { libc::QCMD(self.0 as i32, self.1 as i32) }
+ }
+// linux quota version >= 2
+ #[repr(i32)]
+ enum QuotaSubCmd {
+ }
+ /// The scope of the quota.
+ #[repr(i32)]
+ pub enum QuotaType {
+ /// Specify a user quota
+ /// Specify a group quota
+ }
+ /// The type of quota format to use.
+ #[repr(i32)]
+ pub enum QuotaFmt {
+ /// Use the original quota format.
+ /// Use the standard VFS v0 quota format.
+ ///
+ /// Handles 32-bit UIDs/GIDs and quota limits up to 2<sup>32</sup> bytes/2<sup>32</sup> inodes.
+ /// Use the VFS v1 quota format.
+ ///
+ /// Handles 32-bit UIDs/GIDs and quota limits of 2<sup>64</sup> bytes/2<sup>64</sup> inodes.
+ }
+ /// Indicates the quota fields that are valid to read from.
+ #[derive(Default)]
+ pub struct QuotaValidFlags: u32 {
+ /// The block hard & soft limit fields.
+ /// The current space field.
+ /// The inode hard & soft limit fields.
+ /// The current inodes field.
+ /// The disk use time limit field.
+ /// The file quote time limit field.
+ /// All block & inode limits.
+ /// The space & inodes usage fields.
+ /// The time limit fields.
+ /// All fields.
+ }
+/// Wrapper type for `if_dqblk`
+// FIXME: Change to repr(transparent)
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct Dqblk(libc::dqblk);
+impl Default for Dqblk {
+ fn default() -> Dqblk {
+ Dqblk(libc::dqblk {
+ dqb_bhardlimit: 0,
+ dqb_bsoftlimit: 0,
+ dqb_curspace: 0,
+ dqb_ihardlimit: 0,
+ dqb_isoftlimit: 0,
+ dqb_curinodes: 0,
+ dqb_btime: 0,
+ dqb_itime: 0,
+ dqb_valid: 0,
+ })
+ }
+impl Dqblk {
+ /// The absolute limit on disk quota blocks allocated.
+ pub fn blocks_hard_limit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_BLIMITS) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_bhardlimit)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the absolute limit on disk quota blocks allocated.
+ pub fn set_blocks_hard_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {
+ self.0.dqb_bhardlimit = limit;
+ }
+ /// Preferred limit on disk quota blocks
+ pub fn blocks_soft_limit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_BLIMITS) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_bsoftlimit)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the preferred limit on disk quota blocks allocated.
+ pub fn set_blocks_soft_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {
+ self.0.dqb_bsoftlimit = limit;
+ }
+ /// Current occupied space (bytes).
+ pub fn occupied_space(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_SPACE) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_curspace)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Maximum number of allocated inodes.
+ pub fn inodes_hard_limit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_ILIMITS) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_ihardlimit)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the maximum number of allocated inodes.
+ pub fn set_inodes_hard_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {
+ self.0.dqb_ihardlimit = limit;
+ }
+ /// Preferred inode limit
+ pub fn inodes_soft_limit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_ILIMITS) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_isoftlimit)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the preferred limit of allocated inodes.
+ pub fn set_inodes_soft_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {
+ self.0.dqb_isoftlimit = limit;
+ }
+ /// Current number of allocated inodes.
+ pub fn allocated_inodes(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_INODES) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_curinodes)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Time limit for excessive disk use.
+ pub fn block_time_limit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_BTIME) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_btime)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the time limit for excessive disk use.
+ pub fn set_block_time_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {
+ self.0.dqb_btime = limit;
+ }
+ /// Time limit for excessive files.
+ pub fn inode_time_limit(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ let valid_fields = QuotaValidFlags::from_bits_truncate(self.0.dqb_valid);
+ if valid_fields.contains(QuotaValidFlags::QIF_ITIME) {
+ Some(self.0.dqb_itime)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Set the time limit for excessive files.
+ pub fn set_inode_time_limit(&mut self, limit: u64) {
+ self.0.dqb_itime = limit;
+ }
+fn quotactl<P: ?Sized + NixPath>(cmd: QuotaCmd, special: Option<&P>, id: c_int, addr: *mut c_char) -> Result<()> {
+ unsafe {
+ Errno::clear();
+ let res = match special {
+ Some(dev) => dev.with_nix_path(|path| libc::quotactl(cmd.as_int(), path.as_ptr(), id, addr)),
+ None => Ok(libc::quotactl(cmd.as_int(), ptr::null(), id, addr)),
+ }?;
+ Errno::result(res).map(drop)
+ }
+/// Turn on disk quotas for a block device.
+pub fn quotactl_on<P: ?Sized + NixPath>(which: QuotaType, special: &P, format: QuotaFmt, quota_file: &P) -> Result<()> {
+ quota_file.with_nix_path(|path| {
+ let mut path_copy = path.to_bytes_with_nul().to_owned();
+ let p: *mut c_char = path_copy.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_char;
+ quotactl(QuotaCmd(QuotaSubCmd::Q_QUOTAON, which), Some(special), format as c_int, p)
+ })?
+/// Disable disk quotas for a block device.
+pub fn quotactl_off<P: ?Sized + NixPath>(which: QuotaType, special: &P) -> Result<()> {
+ quotactl(QuotaCmd(QuotaSubCmd::Q_QUOTAOFF, which), Some(special), 0, ptr::null_mut())
+/// Update the on-disk copy of quota usages for a filesystem.
+pub fn quotactl_sync<P: ?Sized + NixPath>(which: QuotaType, special: Option<&P>) -> Result<()> {
+ quotactl(QuotaCmd(QuotaSubCmd::Q_SYNC, which), special, 0, ptr::null_mut())
+/// Get disk quota limits and current usage for the given user/group id.
+pub fn quotactl_get<P: ?Sized + NixPath>(which: QuotaType, special: &P, id: c_int) -> Result<Dqblk> {
+ let mut dqblk = unsafe { mem::uninitialized() };
+ quotactl(QuotaCmd(QuotaSubCmd::Q_GETQUOTA, which), Some(special), id, &mut dqblk as *mut _ as *mut c_char)?;
+ dqblk
+/// Configure quota values for the specified fields for a given user/group id.
+pub fn quotactl_set<P: ?Sized + NixPath>(which: QuotaType, special: &P, id: c_int, dqblk: &Dqblk, fields: QuotaValidFlags) -> Result<()> {
+ let mut dqblk_copy = *dqblk;
+ dqblk_copy.0.dqb_valid = fields.bits();
+ quotactl(QuotaCmd(QuotaSubCmd::Q_SETQUOTA, which), Some(special), id, &mut dqblk_copy as *mut _ as *mut c_char)